目前分類:未分類文章 (3248)
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 09:37
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 09:25
JPMorgan close to US$6b agreement with investors
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 09:20
奧園·外灘全新2期望江獨棟商業即將發售你還在追趕北京、上海、西安的大牌音樂節嗎?你還在馬路邊的酒吧喝著啤酒,mini storage看著無味的駐場表演?你還在面對那幾家一成不變的酒吧,做著艱難選擇嗎?10月26日,來奧園·外灘,在西江邊吹著涼爽的江風,一起和樂隊、國際模特,High到底!奧園·外灘營造音樂風尚據悉,本周六,奧園·外灘為您搭台,秉承英倫SOHO區華麗、典雅的貴族特質,沿襲紐約SOHO區個性、前衛、藝術的風格。美食美酒搖動夜晚,美女美音撩動夜色——燒烤美食取之不盡,獨特音樂盡顯異域風情,更有純正啤酒暢飲、鋼管舞火辣演繹。屆時、型子DJ演繹時尚電音、夜蒲模特大秀魔鬼身材。徹底釋放你心底那顆自由、迷你倉性、藝術、前衛的靈魂。這股音樂風尚,將隨著城市發展一路向北,勢不可擋。2期望江獨棟商業即將發售奧園·外灘1期圓滿售罄,全新2期望江獨棟商業,即將公開發售。據悉,2期除了聚合1期人氣、商業業態、奧園品牌等核心優勢,並獨創“錯位經營”商業理念。重金打造了8000㎡地下商場,2期商舖可直通地下商場,吸引西江邊過往的巨大人流,為商家打開財富之門。在規劃方面,全新2期建築與開平碉樓建築風格相呼應,傾力打造五邑特產、玉器精品、婚紗攝影等業態,打造僑鄉的旅遊購物天堂,形成江門最有特色的旅遊名片,吸引遊客和本地客源。西江邊上最具潛力的萬能獨棟商業,聚合商業經營、投資、辦公、自住等多重價值,一席難求。文件倉
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 09:08
Only higher rates will ease property prices
Hong Kong’s home prices should drop by more than 10 per cent from their current level this year and by more than 20 per cent next year, according to investment bank Jefferies.迷利倉SCMP Property, October 23How strange a thing, a New York bank that did not look at the world from the perspective of New York. Rarely have I seen the like.And yet Jefferies would have done better on this occasion to have taken that narrow view. It would then have noticed that there is little talk in New York at present of a “tapering” of “quantitative easing” (translation: slightly less negligent monetary policies). The latest economic data has been poor. Interest rates will stay ultra-low.I cannot see how a banker would miss the implications. Low interest rates in the US have pushed up financial asset prices around the world, in no sector more than in real estate and in no place more than an economy with a currency formally linked to the US dollar.How is it possible then to accept that US interest rates will stay low and yet declare that Hong Kong property prices will fall 10 per cent over the remainder of this year alone and a further 20 per cent next year? Is Jefferies telling us that the talk in New York is wrong?I know there is talk in Hong Kong too of a slowdown in the property market. A good number of people are now singing the government line that punitive stamp duties have restrained prices.I am not so sure, and neither is the data. Certainly the government’s own official residential property price index indicates no sign of correction, as the chart shows. The latest data only goes up to August but the stamp duties should have bitten into prices long before then.Further analysis suggests that the focal point o迷你倉 the property market has moved from Hong Kong Island to the New Territories and from larger flats to smaller ones. The talk of weakening prices may therefore reflect only the personal circumstances of prominent talkers who live in big Hong Kong Island flats.And if this is indeed the trend, then the impact of the new stamp duties has been a perverse one. They may have trimmed prices, but in the wrong sector of the market. They have taken the pricing pressure off the rich and added it to those already overburdened poor who want to buy a first home. The very people who were expected to benefit have been hit the hardest.I think it was inevitable that this would happen. The stamp duties assume that the property fever stems only from an excess of glinty-eyed greasy speculators. Sting them and they will go away. Prices will then come down.It is a false notion and events are proving it so. The culprit is interest rates and they act like the floodgate of a dam to water behind that dam. Open the floodgate too much, as is done with money when interest rates are pushed too low, and you will get that flood downstream.Imposing higher stamp duties then is like trying to erect sandbag barriers in the way of the flood. You may keep a few cherished spots dry but just as much water will flow downhill as with no sandbags. All you do with sandbags is redirect the flood a little. This helps some people but makes things worse for others.The only real solution is to close the floodgate. Unfortunately, because of the peg, we cannot. Therefore we reach for ineffectual sandbags instead.I don’t expect our bureaucrats to understand this but I am surprised that a New York bank can’t figure it out.jake.vanderkamp@scmp.com自存倉
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 08:58
人民銀行周二再暫停這個逆回購「放水」工具,self storage上海銀行同業拆放利率(Shibor)急升,A股倒跌1.2%。�指最終失守23000點,跌破10天及20天�,收報22999點,跌316點,成交增至719億元;下一支持位是在50天�22730點附近,未必可守得住。 中移動(941)績差再挫2.4%,消息指內銀股壞帳大增,股價向下,重農行(3618)跌3.2%。四川擬推地方版4萬億元人民幣項目,四川成渝(107)漲4.8%,福建省亦表示有類似項目總投資約3.95萬億元人民幣,不知錢從何來? 中國建築(3311)主要在香港及內地經營建築工程業務及基建項目投資。住建部公布,未來增加對城鎮保障房及配套基礎設施建設力度。同時,未來兩年亦將受惠港澳基建。 今年上半年錄純利11.73億元,按年增長32.2%,每股盈利30.17仙。期內營業額108億元,按年增長21.6%。毛利增長36.7%至13.74億元;毛利率亦由11.2%迷你倉至12.6%。剛公布截至9月底止首九月累計新簽合約額406億元,按年增長20%,2013年全年新合約額目標為不低於430億港元。9月底止,公司在手總合約額約為1263億元,其中未完合約額約為790億元,足夠公司未來三年建造。港澳工程啟動利好 受惠於港澳政府工程的推動,隨�香港十大基建進一步展開,不斷有大型、特大型的土木項目及房屋工程推出。澳門建築市場隨大型酒店及政府工程陸續上馬,迎來新一輪高峰期。內地業務方面,中國經濟增長雖然放緩,但國家宏觀調控政策更加注重增長質量及效益,但對保障房投資建設市場熱度不減,以保障房、城市交通、科教文衛、環保等為代表的市政基礎設施投資將成為本輪城鎮化建設的主流。而海外方面,北美幕牆業務總體趨向平穩。 摩通予中國建築目標價19元,評級「增持」。股價維持反覆上升之勢未改,中國及香港市場均有增長動,股價又創歷史新高,現價預測巿盈率約16倍,仍不貴,高追則不必,可候稍回至12元附近才吸納。mini storage
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 08:44
身邊很多朋友喜歡跑馬拉松,儲存他們還會到外國跑兼順道旅遊。我不擅長跑,卻常有機會感受各地馬拉松盛事。春天韓國慶州櫻花馬拉松可說景色最美;夏天澳洲昆士蘭黃金海岸馬拉松則如嘉年華般熱鬧好玩;這個秋季,我隨朋友到曼谷,感受Amari Watergate Bangkok酒店主辦的午夜慈善競跑。 今年賽事已是第十六屆,是泰國唯一半夜舉行的競跑賽。嚴格來說,這項只有六公里和十二公里的賽事說不上是馬拉松,僅屬慈善玩票,平時跑步健身,沒太多鍛煉的都能應付。賽事收益全作慈善用途,包括泰國助學計劃、幫助愛滋病患者遺孤及受愛滋病感染的病童等。晚上十時,酒店舞台播上強勁音樂,逾千人在戶外跟�拍子拉筋抬腿,場面搞迷你倉好玩。踏正零時,數千名參賽者魚貫出發,六公里參賽者最快約二十五分鐘便回來,其他參賽者也陸續在一小時多內完成。 我碰上許多專誠由歐美、澳洲等地來跑步的旅客,順道遊泰國。在華欣當酒店公關的朋友告訴我她的小故事,也打動了我。原來自她母親過世,激發她想為社會弱勢社群出點力,參加午夜競跑是其一。第一年,她力有不逮,邊跑邊哭邊想放棄,這時,她身旁的外地參賽者放慢腳步一路伴她跑到終點,並跟她說:「摯親過世最痛苦的難關妳已熬過,這幾公里不算甚麼,好女孩!」衝線一刻,她突然釋懷了,明白要幫人先要幫自己。確然,人生漫漫如馬拉松,坦然地跑,路自然把你帶到真正目的地。 .joannecheuk.com逢周四見報儲存倉
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 08:32
本來是鬧劇的美國債務上限和預算赤字爭論,儲存倉因為可以推遲3 個月才解決,反而變成金融市場樂觀情緒的藉口。無獨有偶,早前美國政府局部關閉時,連當地就業報告也無法如期公布,延至本周二才發布,失業率由7.3%改善至7.2% , 但9 月非農業新增職位只增加14.8 萬份,較市場估計的18 萬份為少,壞消息也可當作好消息解讀,疲弱的數據被視為支持聯儲局延遲退市的藉口。我們好像回到去年的境況,每當經濟發生危機或經濟數據疲弱時,大家總希望政府會多做一點事,以控制情況不變壞,最容易做的是中央銀行繼續釋放更多流動性到市場,金融資產價格便會水漲船高。美國下任聯儲局主席耶倫將於明年1月上任,時間上也配合市場對退市時間表的想法,最少於明年第一季之前,聯儲局不會貿然推行退市措施,投資者仍然有時間作最後衝刺。在這樣的背景下,美元�價進一步下滑是可以理解的,儘管幅度不是太大,但已足夠令一眾非美元貨幣和商品價格攀升。歐羅升破1.37 是明顯的例子,一些資金已迷你倉最平署了多月,把焦點放在落後大市的歐洲,在估值便宜的角度看,除了美國股市有見頂�象外,亞洲和新興市場的前景依然有所保留,歐洲提供了一個追落後的機會,這情況讓歐羅有機會在高位橫行一段時間,但炒賣歐羅的獲利空間不大。澳元和紐元也是目前情況下的受惠者,澳元已升至0.97 水平,收復不少失地;更可取的是紐元,已升至0.85。年初以來,不少投資者都被套牢在澳元的長倉,大部分投資者買入澳元的成本價約在1.02 至1,在最惡劣的時候,澳元兌美元曾下跌至0.89,這是3個月前的事情。紐元有加息空間以筆者理解,很少投資者在低位止蝕,一般都是「再坐一會」;也不會有投資者把澳元換成其他資產如黃金等,因為害怕換來更波動的資產價格。不過,有投資者把澳元兌換為紐元,原因是紐元利率有向上空間,而澳元的利率行情看跌,這個策略以現今的情況推斷還是可以的。作者為�生銀行私人銀行及信託服務主管,曾任職多家國際銀行;他逢周四為《信報》及信網撰文,分享中港理財心得。陸庭龍迷你倉
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 08:21
蘋果新款IPAD不但被賦予全新名稱:IPAD AIR、IPAD MINI WITHRETINA DISPLAY(視網膜螢幕版),自存倉前者機身變得更輕薄,後者視覺、效能更精進。兩個一大一小的明星商品差異度首次拉近,粉絲認為,這下更難選擇了。蘋果達人吳永誠表示,這次IPAD MINI WITH RETINA DISPLAY不只螢幕等級已與IPAD AIR相同,升級為視網膜螢幕,處理器也一口氣配置到64位元A7晶片及M7動作感應協同處理器,與過去蘋果刻意區分規格的作法不同。但IPAD AIR採窄邊框設計,讓機身寬度縮小,厚度亦比前代少20%,只有7.5MM,且WIFI版重量減少到469G,成功塑身。反觀IPAD MINI WITH RETINA DISPLAY因配備高效能處理器、高解析度螢幕,必須迷你倉大電池,重量反而比前代至少增加23G。昨日蘋果釋出的另一亮點是,最新版的MAC系統OS X MAVERICKS,蘋果大方提供舊機用戶免費更新。吳永誠說,過去每代更新都要花錢,雖然有逐年降低趨勢,但這次免費,讓老用戶覺得窩心。吳永誠說,蘋果發表會一結束,官網大概在凌晨3點左右即開放下載,他大約花1小時即完成電腦系統更新。不過,OS X MAVERICKS並不是大規模改版,像是在更細緻的強化,例如檔案視窗可做成標籤分頁,就是很方便的設計。OS X MAVERICKS支援的硬體包括2007年IMAC與MACBOOK PRO、2008年MACBOOK AIR、MACBOOK、MAC PRO與2009的MAC MINI,下載檔案大約4至5G。蘋果宣稱,裝了MAVERICKS後,電力更長,電腦跑得更快。mini storage
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 08:11
凌空一指開電視 這個真的有
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 08:01
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/西博會快訊成都商報訊(記者 顧愛剛)昨日,mini storage樂山市舉辦“知名品牌酒店入駐樂山暨優勢產業投資懇談會”,11家高星級酒店選擇落戶樂山,簽約金額達68.35億元。包括投資13.8億元的峨眉山悅榕莊度假酒店、投資5億元的溫德姆豪生國際大酒店、投資8億元的洲際酒店和投資5億元的鉑爾曼酒店項目等。本屆西博會上,樂山共簽約合同項目52個,總投資523億。此外,萬達集團計劃投資70億在樂山建萬達廣場,預計2014年上半年開工建設;保利集團將投資100億元在樂山環綠心周邊區域建設城市綠心度假區項目;中信國安將投資60億元在峨眉山市建設國際旅遊度假示範基地。甲骨文將投資3億在樂山建設實訓基地暨軟件產業園。“檸迷你倉之鄉”將建汽車主題公園成都商報訊(記者 姚永忠)本屆西博會上,“檸檬之鄉”安岳簽約的項目有上海中塑集團(安岳)慕尼黑國際汽車城、廣西皇氏乳業(安岳)檸檬產品及乳飲料基地等一批與檸檬、旅遊相關的項目,預計簽約總投資額超過190億元。其中,慕尼黑國際汽車城總投資60億元,是一個占地9平方公里的汽車文化主題公園;皇氏乳業是繼安德利之後引進的又一家檸檬產業龍頭企業,將助推安岳加快建設中國檸檬產研銷中心。宜賓-彝良高速公路年內開工成都商報訊(記者 羅敏)本屆西博會上,宜賓市同國內外客商共簽訂投資項目117個,簽約總金額864.7億元。其中總投資165億元的宜賓-彝良高速公路是最大的投資項目。該高速全長130公里,雙向四車道,設計時速80公里,將在年內開工,建設周期為5年。文件倉
- Oct 23 Wed 2013 13:22
就算你滴酒不沾,迷你倉最平只要是個電影電視精,都一定聽過:「幫我開晒全部82年Lafite。」 Lafite作為五大酒莊之一,名氣當然非同凡響,但其實躋身列級酒莊Grand Crus Classe1855的酒莊也非常有份量,旅發局主席林建岳今次便告訴你,不是貴酒才好喝。記者:歐陽曉思 攝影:楊錦文(法國)、林�鈞 Blue Blood1855 愛喝酒的你絕不會對波爾多酒感到陌生,旅發局於十月尾舉行的美酒佳餚巡禮,將移師中環新海濱舉行,除設六大主題區外,今年將新增「1855年法國列級酒莊主題區」,屆時波爾多紅酒專家1855發言人Sylvain Boivert會主持兩場品酒班。「1855年這分級,感覺上有點像Blue Blood(貴族),它是一個永遠的名銜、歷史的見證。」法國波爾多Grand Crus Classe1855董事會主席Philippe Casteja邊喝�自己酒莊的酒邊說。 最初,法國葡萄酒並沒有一個分級制度,直至1855年,巴黎舉辦世界博覽會,拿破崙三世為了讓遊客多點認識法國葡萄酒文化,要求波爾多商業協會提供波爾多酒莊分級名單,列出全國最佳葡萄酒,但由於當時並無任何評酒準則,最後協會以酒價來整理出一份梅多克區(Medoc)酒莊跟蘇玳(Sauternes)的分級名單,前者主打紅酒,將61個酒莊分為五級,一級酒莊有5個、二級及三級各有14個、四級酒莊有10個、五級酒莊則有18個;和紅葡萄酒的五級相比,代表甜白酒的蘇玳只有三個等級,在這名單上的酒莊都統稱列級酒莊(Grand Crus Classe)。「有些地區可能覺得這列表並不公平,但當時這兩個地區的氣候、土壤無疑較有優勢。不要以為我們有此名銜就會很輕鬆,相反,我們都背負一個歷史重擔,要不斷釀製有質素的酒,以保留口碑,最重要是希望大家懂得欣賞第一級酒莊的酒外,也試試其他等級,她們會給你有意外驚喜!」 林建岳飲酒睇心情 「我喜歡喝酒,但一向以心情來選擇當天該喝甚麼酒。」第一次聽到有人如此感性地回答,這答案更出自旅發局主席林建岳的口中。「波爾多的酒無疑是我的首選,那�有很多不同的酒類,最重要是每種酒都有其獨特性質,各有各性格,無論當天是喜、怒、哀或樂,都能找到適合心情的酒。而列級酒莊1855中包含了不同類型的酒,我覺得香港很多人只認識那些很貴、很出名的酒,其實除Chateau Lafite Rothschild外,有很多價錢實惠的酒都很好,例如2009 Chateau Beychevelle,這款紅酒最好的年份是1982,其次2003也很不錯,這支2迷你倉09年的也非常不錯;另一支是2009年的Chateau Pontet-Canet,此酒莊是唯一一間酒莊於2009年及2010年得到酒評家Robert Parker給予的100分滿分,Parker是近年最有影響力的酒評家,這支酒做到一個很好的平衡,今次品酒班付出$980便能喝到100分的酒,我覺得很化算。」 創立於十八世紀的Chateau Pontet-Canet,位於法國波爾多的中北部,與Mouton Rothschild酒莊相鄰,老闆Alfred Tesseron說:「自從得到Robert Parker賞識後,越來越多人認識我們酒莊,其實最初我們並不是那麼一帆風順。Chateau Pontet-Canet是由Jean Francois Pontet創立,1855年被分級成為五級酒莊,後來酒莊逐漸衰落,直到1975年,我爸爸Guy Tesseron因喜歡這�的酒便買下酒莊,之後就由我來接管,但當初葡萄園或酒窖都已經很舊,我便聘請知名釀酒師,建立了新的酒窖,並且提高了新橡木桶的比例,到1994年,我們開始生產有質素的葡萄酒,而且近幾年更引入生物動力學來培養葡萄,停止了機械採摘,令我們的葡萄酒味道更佳。」 名人六公升珍藏 除了「1855年法國列級酒莊主題區」不可忽視,「名人名酒薈」亦是另一重頭戲,旅發局主席林建岳、前政務司司長唐英年及立法會議員田北俊分別捐出私人珍藏的6公升裝大酒瓶裝,供購買了尊尚品酒證的人士品嚐。愛酒之人都知道6公升裝買少見少,味道比1.5公升更濃。首120位於網上購買「尊尚品酒證」及100位預訂「美酒佳餚饗宴」美酒午餐的人士可於現場品嚐。 $980嘆滿分紅酒 品酒班參加者可以一次過品嚐九款波爾多1855法國列級酒莊靚紅酒。1855發言人Sylvain Boivert會由培植葡萄年份的氣候、生長季節、收割、釀造、調配以至佳釀收成等幾方面教大家品酒,機會非常難得。(每位$980,每日名額100人) *11月3日當天還可品嚐Chateau Ferriere, Margaux2009、 Chateau Beychevelle, Saint-Julien2009及 Chateau Pontet-Canet, Pauillac2009。 美國運通香港美酒佳餚巡禮 日期及時間:10月31日8:30pm-11:30pm、11月1日及2日12nn-12mn、11月3日12nn-10:30pm 地點:中環新海濱 入場費:$30,另須購買品酒證或品酒券 購票方法:.cityline.com儲存
- Oct 23 Wed 2013 13:07
Developer wanted on fraud charges is jailed
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉M.Oct. 22--Former luxury real estate developer William "Kal" Kalinowski is back in Santa Fe -- and this time his accommodations are in the county jail.Kalinowski was indicted on fraud charges last month, more than five years after homebuyers, builders and investors say he took them for as much as $11million.A judge issued a warrant for his arrest on Oct. 7 after he failed to show up for his arraignment in a Santa Fe courtroom. State District Court Judge Stephen Pfeffer rejected a waiver of arraignment that Kalinowski, who has been living in Massachusetts, had filed "pro se," serving as his own lawyer.Kalinowski was arrested on the warrant a few days later at his home in Duxbury, Mass.New Mexico court records show that on Sunday, he was transported from a Plymouth, Mass., jail to New Mexico. He was officially booked into the Santa Fe County jail at 10:10 p.m. Sunday night.He is now scheduled to appear in court for arraignment before District Judge T. Glenn Ellington on Wednesday. Ellington took over the case after Pfeffer retired earlier this month. Kalinowski is being held under a $20,000 cash bond, the jail's website says.In September, a state grand jury indself storagected Kalinowski, 68, on 10 felony counts of fraud and embezzlement.The investigation of Kalinowski was sparked in 2008 after homebuyers, investors and subcontractors reported that high-end home construction projects in the Las Campanas development just outside Santa Fe that they paid him to complete were never finished.The recent indictments came nearly four months after media inquires into the case prompted the state Regulation and Licensing Department to reopen an investigation it had suspended in early 2011.The RLD had said the case was suspended by a holdover administrator from Gov. Bill Richardson's term because the department lacked the necessary resources to prosecute.The Attorney General's Office and the 1st Judicial District Attorney's Office in Santa Fe said RLD dropped the case without following through on their offers to provide assistance.An RLD spokesman, S.U. Mahesh, said in September that new evidence was found after the case was reopened in May, leading to the agency filing criminal charges.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉
- Oct 23 Wed 2013 12:56
- Oct 23 Wed 2013 11:37
Jack Ma tells staff to promote chat app or lose their bonus
Alibaba boss seemingly desperate to boost popularity of firm’s WeChat-like programAlibaba chairman Jack Ma Yun has stepped up the e-commerce giant’s battle against internet powerhouse Tencent by telling employees to add at least 100 external contacts to Laiwang, its little-known smartphone messaging application, the mainland’s Caijing Magazine reported.迷你倉Ma (pictured) made the order on Sunday in an internal memo, calling on employees to raise the profile of Laiwang in its competition with Tencent’s popular WeChat app. He implied that those who did not hit the goal would lose their bonus.“I consider those who fail to reach the 100 mark as automatically giving up their bonus,” Ma wrote, saying employees had until the end of November.Laiwang, available since the end of last year, features text and voice chat functions, similar to WeChat. Users log in using their Taobao account. The reaction to Laiwang has been disappointing since it was launch, drawing only one million users, The Wall Street Journal reported.WeChat says it has more than 400 million users, according to a People’s Daily report published in August.Ma said 80 per cent of his own communication was done via Laiwang. Some of his high-profile Laiwang contacts included action film star Jet Li and tycoon Liu Chuanzhi,mini storagehe added.Ma even went so far as to say the success of the app was tied to the group’s upcoming initial public offering.“If we achieve nothing in mobile networking, we should not consider going public,” he wrote.Ma’s strategy seems to have worked, at least for now.Alibaba employees quickly went online to find external chat buddies.“Please friend me if you are on Laiwang, and install the app if you are not using it yet, because I am counting on you for my bonus,” read one Weibo post.“I am blocking all my WeChat messages from now on to support my company’s product,” read another.Mainland internet users chimed in with their analyses of Laiwang’s prospects.“Alibaba is worried about Tencent taking away its users, and its killer platform, Taobao, doesn’t satisfy users’ communication needs,” one blogger said. “Even though Ma’s late to the game, it might still be worth a shot.”Meanwhile, while Alibaba eyes a greater share of the mainland’s mobile internet business, China’s largest search engine, Baidu, has made public its intention to enter the wealth management business with an online platform.Baidu said last week that its new finance platform, scheduled to launch on Monday, would offer a product that aimed to produce an annual yield of 8 per cent for investors, Reuters reported.迷你倉
- Oct 23 Wed 2013 11:23
- Oct 23 Wed 2013 11:09
- Oct 23 Wed 2013 10:58
- Oct 23 Wed 2013 10:42
UPMC says it does not have employees
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteOct.迷你倉 22--Depending on whom you ask, medical giant UPMC either employs more than 50,000 people -- or no one at all.On Monday, in one of the first hearings of the city of Pittsburgh's lawsuit to strip UPMC of its tax-exempt charity status, Common Pleas Judge R. Stanton Wettick Jr. opened a hearing on the city's lawsuit against UPMC with that very question."Does UPMC have any employees?" he asked. "I've been told in discovery they don't."William Pietragallo, one of the attorneys representing UPMC at the hearing, answered."They do not," he said.For purposes of the city's wage taxes, Mr. Pietragallo explained, UPMC's subsidiaries -- like UPMC Shadyside and Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic -- file separate forms. Employees work for those legal subsidiaries. But UPMC itself?"We don't have employees," Mr. Pietragallo said.The question is central to the city's suit to strip UPMC of its status as a purely public charity, which exempts it from property and payroll preparation taxes, more commonly known as wage taxes. UPMC argues the city can't challenge its exemption from wage taxes because it technically has no employees. It's a case where the legal reality may differ significantly from the one that UPMC, which on its website claims to have 55,000 employees, markets on a regular basis."You can't pay employment taxes unless you have employees," Mr. Pietragallo said.Judge Wettick ended the hearing saying that he could not continue until the issue of whether UPMC has employees is addressed. He asked the city's attorneys to amend their complaint, which they agreed to do within the week."As of now, I'm going to need an amended complaint," he said, "because if UPMC has no employees, there's nothing more I can do."UPMC spokesman Paul C. Wood, who technically works for a subsidiary, said "the lawsuit is misplaced" and that if the city wants to challenge the medical conglomerate's tax-exempt status, it needs to do so on a subsidiary-by-subsidiary basis. UPMC has 37 subsidiaries, although Mr. Wood could not say how many are within the city. Some of those subsidiaries do pay wage taxes to the city; Mr. Wood did not know how many.The issue now holding up the case was first raised in a one-line parenthetical statement contained in one of hundreds of pages of legal filings in July, when the case was still in federal court. UPMC claimed -- and continues to claim -- that the city cannot sue the hospital giant in court because it has to first exhaust an administrative process outlined in the Local Taxpayers' Bill of Rights and the Pittsburgh Taxpayers' Bill of Rights. The city contests that the process doesn't exist."The City also contends that LTBRA and PTBR only apply where the taxpayer has filed a tax return, which has not happened here (because UPMC, the parent corporation, has no employees)," UPMC attorneys wrote in a motion supporting the dismissal of the case.It wasn't the first time UPMC attempted to claim it had no employees. Earlier this year, when UPMC faced 80 complaints of unfair labor practices, it argued that it was only a holding company and did not technically employ those in the complaints. The complaints alleged, among othmini storager things, that UPMC employees were being punished for attempting to unionize. UPMC ultimately settled.In an interview following the hearing, attorney Ronald Barber, representing the city, said UPMC's own public relations campaign may work against it."We're going to amend the complaint to address the judge's concern and we're confident that we can do that based on UPMC's own pronouncements that they have tens of thousands of employees," he said.Indeed, UPMC touts it large workforce. Its 2012 annual report, for example: "The economic impact of UPMC is more substantial than most people realize. The organization is the largest nongovernmental employer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and more than $6.2 billion in total labor income can be attributed directly or indirectly to UPMC."UPMC's website and media releases say the hospital giant employs in the range of 55,000 people. And when UPMC made the top rankings of U.S. News & World Report's Best Hospitals, it did so as a conglomeration of several facilities attorneys are now arguing are separate subsidiaries.Mr. Wood said he sees no contradiction when UPMC claims it employs 55,000 people in marketing and business materials -- and no one in court. He did not know which subsidiary employed him nor UPMC CEO Jeffrey Romoff, whose multimillion-dollar salary has become part of the city's claim that UPMC is not a public charity."We're talking a marketing tool ... on our website and what is actually filed" for tax purposes, he said."I think it's pretty easy, you know. UPMC is made up of UPMC Mercy, UPMC Presbyterian ...," he said. "A marketing number is just a marketing number."But Mr. Barber argued that even for tax purposes, UPMC has documented having employees. In a Form 990 filed for the "UPMC Group," the hospital network said it employed around 52,000 people.Mr. Wood countered that the "UPMC Group" was just an amalgamation of the subsidiaries, which file separate 990s.Mr. Barber also said state and local tax laws dictate that UPMC should actually be filing tax forms on behalf of those subsidiaries that are not considered purely public charities. UPMC claims it filed no wage tax returns and may be out of compliance with those laws. Mr. Wood said he believes Mr. Barber is misreading the statute.The city will file an amended complaint in a week, and UPMC will be given a week to respond after that. Future court dates have not been determined.Also on Monday, a federal judge said she would put a hold on a separate but related civil rights case filed by UPMC in which it claimed its due process rights were violated when the city announced and filed the lawsuit heard Monday in Judge Wettick's courtroom.Judge Joy Flowers Conti presided over a hearing on whether to dismiss or stay the lawsuit in which the region's largest health system claimed that the city violated its due process rights. She said she would decide "fairly promptly" how to proceed with the case.Moriah Balingit: mbalingit@post-gazette.com, 412-263-2533 or on Twitter @MoriahBee. Rich Lord contributed.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Oct 23 Wed 2013 10:28
多家公司密集公告 虛擬運營商迎來兌現時刻
□本報記者 傅嘉前期被市場爆炒的虛擬運營商概念股近期迎來密集兌現期。從最終情況來看,文件倉雖然仍有公司相關資質尚未最終確定,但總體情況符合業內的預期。21日晚間,天音控股率先披露虛擬運營商事項。公司稱,當天下午公司控股子公司天音通信與中國聯通已經簽署附生效條件的《移動通信轉售業務試點合作協議》,中國聯通為天音通信提供基於3G網絡的移動通信業務批發,天音通信可在雙方商定範圍向用戶提供移動通信轉售業務。22日午間,蘇寧雲商和愛施德也相繼發佈公告證實之前有關虛擬運營商的傳聞。蘇寧表示,公司與聯通已經簽署協議,聯通為公司提供基於3G網絡的移動通信業務批發,公司可在雙方商定範圍向用戶提供移動通信轉售業務。同時,公司與中國電信已達成移動通信轉售業務合作,並于近日將完成正式協議的簽署。愛施德也披存倉,公司已經和中國聯通簽訂了相關協議。也有多家公司表示,雖然公司獲得虛擬運營商資質幾乎沒有懸念,但目前尚未簽署相關協議。北緯通信22日午間公告,公司就移動通信轉售業務事宜與中國電信集團公司進行多次商務洽談,目前尚未簽訂任何合作協議。二六三22日晚間公告,公司就移動通信轉售業務事宜與基礎運營商進行多次商務洽談,但協議尚未簽訂。另外,朗瑪信息前期也對中國證券報記者證實,已經通過運營商的答辯,正在等待最終結果。根據市場的預計,除了以上幾家公司之外,迪信通、阿里巴巴、國美、京東等公司也有望獲得虛擬運營商資格。值得注意的是,消息的最終落地也意味著前期的利好已經出盡。由於虛擬運營商的經營模式、未來對業績的拉動仍有多重不確定性,前期股價大漲的相關個股目前走勢開始顯現頹態,22日均出現劇烈回調。儲存
- Oct 23 Wed 2013 10:17
UN films highlight rise in HIV cases among women
By Wang Qingyun wangqingyun@chinadaily.文件倉com.cn The number of women living with HIV is on the rise both globally and in China, suggesting the need to improve women’s rights, UN Women urged during a documentary film screening for medical experts, government officials and NGO activists on Tuesday. The UN group dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women showed three documentary films in Beijing to improve HIV awareness and education. Two of the films were profiles of Chinese women living with HIV, and the third was about how female sex workers protect themselves from the virus. Guo Ruixiang, program coordinator for the organization, said UN Women hopes the films will prompt people to think about gender inequality and how it facilitates the transmission of HIV. A survey by the National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention conducted in Yunnan, Sichuan, Henan, Guangxi and Chongqing in 2012 showed an increase in the number of cases of transmission between sex partners, most of which were from husband to wife. An earlier survey conducted by the center showed more than 30 percent of women living with HIV got the virus from their husband, while only 9 percent of HIV-positive men said they got it from their wife. Physiologically, women are more likely to catch the virus during sex with a man than the other way round. However, inequality is another reason why more women get infected this way, said Guo. The center’s study also showed that 31.6 percent of women whose male spouses are HIV-positive said they were forced by their partners into having sex in the past year, and it is usually the male partner who has a say in whether to use a condom. “For example, there are men who seek sex services while working as migrant workers outsi存倉e their hometown, contract the virus and pass it on to their wives, as the latter don’t ask them to use a condom,” she said. Guo added that the risk to women is further increased by that fact that some Chinese women don’t ask their husbands to use a condom. “Also, many men who have sex with men have married women because they are pressured by tradition to carry on their family’s name. This again heightens the possibility of women getting infected,” she added. On the other hand, low-income female sex workers should get special attention in the fight against HIV among women, according to Lan Lan, a leader of Tianjin Xin’ai Female Sex Workers’ Home, an NGO focusing on health education and intervention for low-income female sex workers. Lan said her group cooperates with a local center for disease control and prevention to provide blood tests for female sex workers and trains them on how to protect themselves during their work, including how to avoid violence and how to persuade their customers to use protection. “But if a sex worker refuses a client who does not want to use protection, she may lose the income to pay for her rent or raise her family. Also, a condom in their room can be evidence to the police (that they are selling sex),” she said, suggesting that many don’t follow what they’re taught in the training courses. “They usually live where migrant workers cluster. They are hidden and scattered, thus are hard to find or help,” she added. “Some of them also think the disease is ‘foreign’ and not relevant to them.” Guo, from UN Women, said: “Though the Chinese government has done a lot in training sex workers to protect themselves, more than 60 percent of them say they are not able to use a condom every time they offer sex services.” 儲存