■“巧用公積金 貸款築好家”系列六編者按:為了讓更多市民瞭解住房公積金,迷你倉出租解決市民對住房公積金的疑問,《南方日報·清遠觀察》特派記者連線清遠市住房公積金管理中心(下稱“中心”),為市民和中心搭建一個交流平台。如果你對住房公積金有任何疑問,或想進一步瞭解住房公積金,歡迎將你的問題發送到nfqygc@126.com(注明“連線公積金”),或新浪微博@南方日報清遠觀察,你來提問,我們跑腿,幫你解答,為你提供公積金最新資訊。我2010年在新城購買了商品房,申請了商業貸款,並提取了一次公積金。請問以後每年我還能不能提取公積金?◆網友江濱:中心回應:可以提取。職工使用個人公積金住房貸款或商業性住房貸款的,每年或每隔幾年可提取一次住房公積金個人賬戶內的存儲餘額用于償還住房貸款本息,每次提取額不得超過應償還的貸款本息額。職工提取住房公積金用于提前償還住房貸款的,可在償還後一年內辦理提取,提前還部分本金的,可提取償還部分,提前還清貸款的,提取限額應是累計償還的本息,同時累計提取金額不得超過房屋總額。辦理提取時需帶上住房公積金提取登記卡、公積金存折、還款存折以及提前還款憑證原件和複印件。提前還款後1年內主借款人及其配偶可辦理提取,各提取人只能提取一次該次提前還款額,提取的總金額不能超過提前償還款。提前還款提取的時間與前次提取的間隔參照個人提取公積金還購房貸款登記卡的時間,滿12個月或以上方可辦理提取。如果使用購房貸款非首次提取的職工,提供公積金支取卡、公積金存折和還款存折原件及複印件。請問裝修能不能提取公積金?◆清城黃小姐:中心回應:裝修自住住房不能提取公積金。這是由住房公積金的專用性質決定的。即住房公積金只能用于儲存倉條例》規定職工購買、建造、翻建和大修自住住房的支出上。這主要是考慮到我國經濟發展水平較低,居民居住水平不高,而且有相當一部分居民沒有住房或住房面積較小等因素,從住房公積金制度的互助性和保障性的特點出發,為加快解決城鎮職工的基本住房問題,《條例》強調住房公積金的使用主要用于解決購買住房、建造住房等住房基本消費方面的支出,而裝修、裝飾作為享受性支出則不在此列。公司經營不是很好,可能面臨要與其他公司合併,甚至破產,我想瞭解一下假如發生這類情形時,我們的公積金怎麼辦?◆李先生:中心回應:住房公積金視同職工工資,為職工按時足額繳存公積金是每一個單位的法定義務。單位發生合併、分立、撤銷、破產、解散或者改製等情形的,應當為職工補繳以前欠繳(包括未繳和少繳)的住房公積金。單位合併、分立和改製時無力補繳住房公積金的,應當明確住房公積金繳存責任主體,才能辦理合併、分立和改製等有關事項。《條例》規定,單位發生合併、分立、撤銷、解散或者破產的,應當自發生上述情況之日起30日內,由原單位或者清算組織到住房公積金管理中心辦理變更登記或者注銷登記,並自辦妥變更登記或者注銷登記之日起20日內持住房公積金管理中心的審核文件,到受委托銀行為本單位職工辦理住房公積金賬戶轉移或者封存手續。合併、分立、撤銷、解散或者破產的單位變更或者注銷,不僅原單位可以在規定時間內辦理公積金變更、注銷登記,而且清算組織也可在規定時間內代為辦理上述手續。這一規定明確了原單位和清算組織都是辦理職工住房公積金賬戶轉移或者封存的行為責任人。因此,當以上行為發生時,責任人應按本條規定認真履行職責,確保職工住房公積金資金的安全。南方日報記者 戚瑩瑩 通訊員 余薇薇迷你倉沙田
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- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:52
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:44
《城市輪壇》騰訊業績遜預期,留意購26429╱沽26346 (09:17
《城市輪壇》港股昨日因強颱風尤特導致8號烈風或暴風信號而休市。美股道指挫逾100點,文件倉歐洲方面,歐盟統計局昨日公布第二季歐元區17國GDP按季增0﹒3%,歐股錄得五連升。 中移動(00941)、聯想(00992)和港交所(00388)將於今天公布中期業績。 騰訊(00700)公布中期業績,於今年第二季,因加強微信在國際市場的推廣,第二季純利36﹒8億元,按年增18﹒7%,按季跌9%,遜於市場預期。 微信海外用戶已增至1億戶,管存倉層表示將繼續加強微信在國際市場的推廣。 騰訊的ADR昨收報46美元,折實約等於365﹒5港元,較在港周二收市價跌約4%。如投資者持續看好,可留意花旗騰訊認購證26429,行使價393元,6%價外,2014年2月到期,實際槓桿6﹒1倍;如看淡,可留意花旗騰訊認沽證26346,行使價330元,10%價外,2014年2月到期,實際槓桿5﹒3倍。《花旗環球金融亞洲提供》 * 請瀏覽花旗認股證網頁https:╱╱hk﹒citifirst﹒com自存倉
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:32
公司名稱(股票代號) 成交量 最新價 漲跌 漲跌幅(%)------------------------------------------------...民生銀行(01988-HK) 52.36 M 8.85 0.33 3.87大同集團(00544-HK) 39.00 M 0.132 0.0 0.0工商銀行(01398-HK) 18.86 M 5.28 0.0 0.0建設銀行(00939-HK) 18.79 M 5.99 0.01 0.17中國銀行(03988-HK) 13.16 M 3.34 0.0 0.0中國電力(02380-HK) 9.93 M 3.03 0.03 1.0中國電信(00728-HK) 10.07 M 3.98 0.02 0.51中國石化(00386-HK) 7.89 M 5.91 0.03 0.51保利置業集團(00119-HK) 7.61 M 5.02 0.04 0.8碧桂園(02007-HK) 6.43 M 5.0 0.05 1.01中國人民保險集團(01339-HK) 5.85 M 3.64 -0.04 -1.09中海油(00883-HK) 5.32 M 14.5 -0.06 -0.41華潤水泥控股(01313-HK) 4.03 M 4.85 -0.05 -1.02中國國航(00753-HK) 4.08 M 5.27 0.02 0.38利豐(00494-HK) 5.40 M 11.3 0.76 7.21昆侖能源(00135-HK) 3.46 M 12.5 -0.06 -0.48農業銀行(01288-HK) 4.30 M 3.4 -0.02 -0.58友邦保險(01299-HK) 3.59 M 36.35 0.2 0.55中國東方航空股份(00670-HK) 3.47 M 2.51 0.0 0.0越秀地產(00123-HK) 3.24 M 2.23 0.0 0.0.***以上信息與實際發放時間延遲十五分鐘,文件倉並供用戶參考。
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:27
Indicators signal stabilization after sluggish H1
Editor's Note: Cautiously optimistic, that can be the description of the economists' general feedback on the latest data about China's economic performance, at least according to the views that China Daily has collected here.新蒲崗迷你倉Many fears that investors had in earlier weeks are gone, particularly after the industry's stronger growth from June. Apparently, the mini-stimulus program designed by Premier Li Keqiang has been working. For the remainder of the year, the stabilization of the industrial sector may be followed by more investment in fixed assets, such as the much talked-about Central and West China high-speed rail system. And more investment may be followed by more consumer spending.At the same time, the economists' remaining concerns stand out more clearly than ever - about how China will free itself from the entanglement of an opaque financial system, a legacy from the lack of financial and fiscal reform in the previous decade, and the mounting debt that local governments have collected. This is exactly where China's next reform effort will have to focus.Q1: Of the economic data for July, which one do you think is most significant? Why?Q2: Do you think growth can keep July's momentum for the rest of the year?Q3: What do you think is the most important sign of the economy's transition of its growth model?Q4: What is the economy's biggest remaining challenge?Alaistair Chan, economist at Moody's Analytics A1 The most important indicator right now is industrial production. Out of the official monthly data, industrial production is the best gauge of economic activity in China.The rebound in July suggests that the economy was recovering from the financial stress seen in June. As such, our GDP-tracking model indicates that third-quarter growth could rebound to around 7.8 percent to 8.3 percent.A2 No, the July surge was due to a rebound from a weak June. Data for August and September are likely to be in line with our expectations for mildly below-trend growth. That said, the government's 7.5 percent GDP growth target for this year looks attainable, and the risk of a hard landing as a result of problems in financial markets has receded.The government's "mini-stimulus" program announced in late July - comprising a cut in the small-business tax, a pledge to boost railway construction, and easier financing for exporters - may have a small impact later this year, but the effect was negligible in July, as fixed investment was flat. The best-case scenario seems to be a further flat trend in investment, as continued restrictions on the housing market and bans on erecting new government buildings will cap construction.A3 The most important sign of transition will be a clear government commitment to reform. Top officials from Premier Li and President Xi down have signaled a strong preference for reform rather than short-term stimulus to boost growth. But apart from some financial liberalization there has not been anything fundamentally transformational announced so far. Hopefully some meaningful reforms will be announced at a high-level policymaking conference in October, and hopefully there will be a clear commitment toward their implementation.A4 The government has a clear capacity to boost short-term growth if necessary via fiscal and monetary policy. Longer-term growth is the bigger question.The biggest challenge is aligning the interests of everyone in government toward further reform and market liberalization. There are many problems ahead, such as the aging population and shrinking workforce and the buildup of debt from the 2009-10 stimulus and so on, which will be much easier to deal with if economic growth is faster.Economic reforms kick-started China's economic development, and further reforms will enable it to continue growing and avoid the middle-income trap, which is a situation where economic growth in developing economies stagnates and per capita income stops converging with developed countries.Of course, this is easier said than done, which is why it is the economy's biggest challenge.Chris Leung, executive director and senior economist for Greater China at DBS Bank A1 Retail sales is really the only major indicator that's been showing a clear uptrend since March. It has risen consistently on a year-to-date basis, showing that the underlying momentum of the economy is not too weak.This indicator is quite important due to its more stable nature relative to trade. During an economic slowdown, it is easy to get carried away by wildly swinging trade numbers, making it difficult to assess the actual health of the economy.A2 China is now undergoing a structural reform phase. Given its long-term nature, the concern shouldn't be on the next few months' economic data. The key concern is whether China can get through this transition smoothly.Because we are at the beginning of such transition, hiccups are inevitable, and economic growth is set to slow further from present levels. However, we think a full-year growth rate above 7 percent can be tolerated.A3 China is clearly steering away from the old model of excess credit-fueled investment. The leadership is now more reticent about initiating massive, across-the-board economic stimulus programs and is holding back from monetary stimulus despite the economic slowdown.The leadership has also quickly moved ahead with interest rate liberalization, which ultimately helps to rationalize the lending behavior of banks. This is in line with broader efforts to streamline investments in the future.To complement the rationalization of investment behavior, the government is encouraging investments in certain industries, such as environmental management and intra-city transportation. Economic transition is not a simple case of increasing consumption as a share of GDP. From the way reforms are developing, investment will remain a very important pillar of GDP growth.A4 The biggest challenge is untangling the complicated webs of wealth management products and off-balance sheet debt. Not long before the listing of China's State-owned banks, the non-performing loan problem was quite serious. Back then, the shadow-banking system was almost non-existent. Right now, it is difficult to comprehend the scale of the problem.It's a dilemma because if the shadow-banking system is allowed to expand uncontrollably, it will be increasingly difficult to track where the money goes. But tough regulation can restrain shadow banking to a degree that further restrains economic growth.Zhu Haibin, chief economist in China at JPMorgan Chase & Co A1 Taken together, the July activity indicators suggest that the Chinese economy, having encountered some sluggishness during the first half, seems to be stabilizing and showing some decent pickup in activity going into the third quarter. This is most notable in the solid expansion in the July industrial output figure.From the demand side, exports showed some moderate recovery in July, and the steady slowdown in fixed investment growth since early in the year also appears to be stabilizing.Besides, the solid gain in July imports, especially the pickup in commodity imports (including iron ore and copper), also sheds some positive light on domestic demand conditions.A2 The July data will remove some of the near-term downside risk to growth. But it remains to be seen how sustainable the pickup in July activity will be in the next few months. Regarding our GDP forecast for the second half, we exmini storageect the headline year-on-year real GDP growth rate to be 7.4 percent in the third quarter and 7.0 percent in the fourth. Our full-year 2013 GDP growth forecast stands at 7.4 percent with 7.2 percent in 2014.Policy uncertainty has been a major driver of market sentiment and economic activity in China, especially in recent months.In July, the State Council and the Politburo mid-year conferences attempted to restore market confidence via clarifications of economic policies. Premier Li Keqiang reiterated this year's growth target of 7.5 percent and clarified the growth floor at 7 percent. In addition, mini-reform measures were announced to combine the targets of stable growth and economic restructuring.A3 The nation's economy is transitioning toward a more consumption-oriented growth model instead of an investment-oriented one. However, in July, retail sales growth was softer than expected, probably reflecting the constraint of slower income growth. Urban household disposable per capita income increased at a modest pace of 6.5 percent in the first half, undershooting real GDP growth.To rebalance the pattern of economic growth, in the short and middle term, the government should solve the main problems, including industrial over-capacity and inefficient investment.Yuan appreciation has also negatively affected exports since the second quarter.We suggest the currency should be allowed some depreciation.Also, policy fine-tuning has started. On the fiscal side, the government is pushing for a compositional shift in fiscal expenditure by cutting administrative public expenditure and increasing spending on social welfare, infrastructure and the service sector.On the monetary side, policymakers are trying to restore the effectiveness of credit policies by cracking down on speculative activity in the financial sector and guiding banks to lend more prudently and effectively.In addition, mini-reform measures have been introduced to support domestic demand, such as investments in railways and infrastructure, expansion of VAT reform in the service sector, a tax waiver for small businesses, simplification of investment approval procedures and support measures for exports.We expect more fine-tuning measures in the coming months. The scale and pace of policy fine-tuning will be important to gauge the growth outlook in the second half, and it will also be indicative of the reform agenda expected to be announced during the third plenary session of the Central Committee later this year.A4 The biggest remaining challenge for China's economy may be the systemic risks in the financial industry.In recent years, risks have built up in China's financial sector, amid a boom in non-bank financing. We estimate that total social debt rose to 194 percent of GDP in 2012, compared with 145 percent in 2008. Corporate debt reached 124 percent of GDP in 2012.Major sources of risk come from corporate debt, local government debt and the spillover from shadow banking.The financial outlook in China depends on the pace of economic reform going forward.The dilemma faced by policymakers in China is essentially a trade-off between short-term and long-term financial stability. Active de-leveraging is helpful to contain financial risks in the long term, but overly aggressive de-leveraging could cause a hard landing and trigger an abrupt crisis.But bank insolvency is not an immediate risk, and China should pursue structural reform to avoid a repeat of Japan's experience. It means that the delay in structural reform may delay a financial crisis for an extended period, but this comes at the cost of "zombie banks" and "zombie companies", declines in competitiveness and a continuous slowdown in economic growth.Ren Xianfang, senior economist at IHS Global Insight A1 I mainly look at fixed-asset investment because it is the main driver of China's growth. Investment growth is flat, even though production has ramped up a lot. Total fixed-asset investment (excluding rural households) increased 20.1 percent year-on-year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics in a statement on Friday. With investment growing at 20 percent, the economy remains quite weak. Fixed-asset investment is a key gauge of government spending on infrastructure. Looking forward, we will not see much upside with investment, given huge overcapacity and over-leveraging, which need to be worked off gradually.A2 We have seen some momentum in production in July with factory production output up 9.7 percent from a year earlier. Some think the acceleration will help the country avoid an economic slowdown, but that could be a false dawn. There could be some short-term or temporary upswings with production in the future. However, we are not certain whether a trend of recovery will be firmly built. Most likely we will see the economy stuck in a low-growth path for a period longer than we thought before.A3 We haven't seen many signs of a change-of-growth model as of yet. But there are indeed signs of greater policy resolve to change the growth model. One of the signs of change is that the government has been refraining from rolling out an all-out stimulus program and instead has been focusing more on structural adjustments lately.A4 The biggest remaining challenge is to strike a balance between growth stability and structural adjustment and between policy continuity and reform. Without such a balance, there is a high risk of the economy slipping into a severe slowdown, either now or in the future.Yang Weixiao, senior analyst at Lianxun Securities Co Ltd A1 Of the July data, we saw a surprising upbeat mood in foreign trade growth, which bounced back from the negative growth recorded in the previous month.This reflects an improving external environment amid the better-than-expected recovery of developed economies, which will continue to support the foreign trade growth for China for the rest of the year.Therefore, we are optimistic about economic growth for the first quarter next year.A2 I don't think such momentum can last long.Investment growth in July was partially down to a lower level last year. Investment in the manufacturing sector is stabilizing and infrastructure and housing projects are picking up.Growth in the coming months depends on whether government-led projects could accelerate and offset the negative effect of a weakening investment in manufacturing.But the basis for such investment is frail. Local government investment is still very much constrained by fund shortage because of the debt audit.This year's investment will mainly focus on projects under construction rather than new ones.A3 The performance of traditional sectors remains weak, and the overall economic growth still lacks impetus. Manufacturers were very much forced into technical upgrading.This trend is reflected in exports, where high-end manufacturers are playing an increasingly important role.However, the economic transition is still handicapped by the cyclic swing of the economy. The transition should be implemented during a recovery, but the repeated swings are impairing its effectiveness.A4 The biggest challenge is that the current economic downturn is adding more pressure to the employment market.In previous years, unemployment pressure would only happen at one end of the job market. Despite job losses for office workers, people in the service sector are still in demand.But now we are seeing millions of college students struggling to find a job.self storage
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:22
TD Contributes Thousands of New Books to Kids in Need through First Book
Over $140,000 donated to provide more than 25,000 new books to children from low-income familiesCHERRY HILL, N.迷你倉出租J. and WASHINGTON, Aug. 14, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Children in need across the country are receiving brand-new books of their own, thanks to the support of TD Bank and the TD Charitable Foundation, the charitable giving arm of the bank.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20101214/DC17316LOGO-b)TD provided funding for the books through First Book, a nonprofit social enterprise that provides new books and educational resources to children from low-income families.Through the TD Charitable Foundation's support of First Book's Banking on Books program, 50 local schools and community programs received $1,000 donations to choose books from the First Book Marketplace, which provides thousands of titles at deep discounts to eligible programs."Books make a huge difference in the lives of kids," said Kyle Zimmer, president and CEO of First Book. "TD Bank and the TD Charitable Foundation are helping us put thousands of books into the hands of kids in need and creating new possibilities for kids, educators and communities."In addition to the donations, First Book and TD Bank held reading parties at seven schools in Connecticut, Florida, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina. Each participating school received a $2,000 donation to obtain new books for school and classroom libraries. Local TD Bank volunteers also visited each school to read with children and hand out bags full of stickers, bookmarks and brand-new books to take home and keep."Access to books at a young age makes a tremendous impact on a child's reading skills and overall education," said Elizabeth K. Warn, President of the TD Charitable Foundation and Senior Vice President of Community Relations for TD Bank. "TD's continued partnership with First Book not only provides much needed books to children, it also gives our employees an opportunity to connect with their local communities and help those in need through volunteering."A number of the parties featured authors and illustrators, including Brian Floca (Moonshot), Lee Harper (Woolbur), Susan Verde (The Museum) and Toni Buzzeo (One Cool Friend).First Book grant recipients include:-- Connecticut: Beardsley School*, Willowbrook School East Hartford Head Start -- Delaware: Wilmington Institute Library -- District of Columbia: HIPPY Perry Center -- Florida: Banyan Elementary, Boys and Girls Club West Sanford Branch, Boys and Girls Clubs of Northeast Florida, East Coast Migrant Head Start Project, Liberty Park Elementary School*, Project APPLES Reading Literacy Program -- Maine: Aroostook County Action Program, Riverton Elementary School*, York County Community Action WIC Program -- Maryland: Meade Village Head Start Center -- Massachusetts: Berkshire Children and Families, Community Action Inc Head Start and Early Head Start, Community Teamwork Inc. Head Start Program, Garfield Elementary School, Mil Milagros, United Way of Franklin County Inc. -- New Hampshire: Keene Housing Authority, Strafford County Early Head Start -- New Jersey: Acelero Learning Head Start, B.E.O.F. Community Action Partnership, Bridgescape Learning Center, CFS Head Start, HOPES CAP Inc, Nurse Family Partnership VNAHG of Central Jersey, University City High School -- New York: Cottage Kids Read, Evergreen Charter School*, HELP USA HELP Suffolk, Project Hope Charities, P儲存倉oject R.A.R.E., PRONTO of Long Island Inc, P.S. 149 Sojourner Truth School*, RECAP, Inc./Western Orange County Head Start - Port Jervis, Saratoga County EOC Head Start Region 1, Trinity Alliance, Visiting Nurse Service of New York Early Head Start -- North Carolina: Columbus Children's Center, Mountain Projects Inc Head Start -- Pennsylvania: Family Service Association of Bucks County, Keystone Opportunity Center Inc, Mabel Morris Family Home Visit Program, Maple Shade Elementary School*, Upper Chichester Library, Wright Head Start -- Rhode Island: Central Falls Junior Senior High School, South Providence Neighborhood Ministries, Women's Leadership Council of United Way of Rhode Island -- South Carolina: GLEAMNS HUMAN RESOURCE COMMISSION INC., South Carolina Direct Service Camp Care Center, Socastee Elementary School*, Spartanburg Housing Authority -- Vermont: School's Out Children's Center -- Virginia: Northern Virginia Family Service* denotes a Reading Party recipientAbout First Book First Book is a nonprofit social enterprise that has distributed more than 100 million books and educational resources to programs and schools serving children from low-income families throughout the United States and Canada. By making new, high-quality books available on an ongoing basis, First Book is transforming the lives of children in need and elevating the quality of education. For more information, please visit us online or follow our latest news on Facebook and Twitter.About the TD Charitable Foundation The TD Charitable Foundation is the charitable giving arm of TD Bank N.A., which operates as TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank((R)), and is one of the 10 largest commercial banking organizations in the United States. The Foundation's mission is to serve the individuals, families and businesses in all the communities where TD Bank operates, having made $105.4 million in charitable donations since its inception in 2002. The Foundation's areas of focus are affordable housing, financial literacy and education, and the environment. More information on the TD Charitable Foundation, including an online grant application, is available at .TDBank.com.About TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank((R) )TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank, is one of the 10 largest banks in the U.S., providing nearly 8 million customers with a full range of retail, small business and commercial banking products and services at more than 1,300 convenient locations throughout the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Metro D.C., the Carolinas and Florida. In addition, TD Bank and its subsidiaries offer customized private banking and wealth management services through TD Wealth((R)), and vehicle financing and dealer commercial services through TD Auto Finance. TD Bank is headquartered in Cherry Hill, N.J. To learn more, visit .tdbank.com. Find TD Bank on Facebook at .facebook.com/TDBank and on Twitter at .twitter.com/TDBank_US.TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank, is a member of TD Bank Group and a subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada, a top 10 financial services company in North America. The Toronto-Dominion Bank trades on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges under the ticker symbol "TD." To learn more, visit .td.com.CONTACT:Brian Minterbminter@firstbook.org202-639-0115Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20101214/DC17316LOGO-bPRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comFirst BookWeb site: .firstbook.org/迷你倉沙田
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 12:43
Strong navy for regional stability
By Yang Yi ( China Daily) Aircraft carriers have become the topic of the season.mini storage On Aug 6, Japan unveiled Izumo, a helicopter-equipped destroyer which is more like an aircraft carrier, prompting international media outlets, including those in the United States, to comment that Tokyo's ambition to build giant warships could lead to a naval arms race in East Asia. And now India has launched its first home-built aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant, drawing international attention.The new developments make it all the important for China to strengthen its strategic policies, develop aircraft carriers and modernize its navy according to its national conditions. As a large country with a vast land area and a long coastline, China cannot do without a strong navy.The key report to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in November called for increased efforts to build China into a maritime power to safeguard its maritime rights and interests. China will pay special attention to maritime, outer space and cyberspace security, and work out the appropriate use of its military strength in peacetime. But one thing is for sure, the Chinese navy should be developed to a level that matches its rising status in the international community and be capable of safeguarding its national security and increasing development interests.Given its fast growing power and influence, China's naval buildup has caused widespread concern across the world and invited a lot of criticism, some out of ignorance and some out of narrow geopolitical considerations.After the commissioning of Liaoning, China's first aircraft carrier, in 2012 and the successful landing test carried out by J-15 fighter jets on it, the international community has realized how determined China is to develop aircraft carriers. Perhaps the world is now trying to figure out how many aircraft carriers China plans to have and how it will use its increasingly powerful navy.But since China is committed to pursuing a defensive defense policy and military strategy, there is no need to build too many aircraft carriers. Besides, constructing and maintaining an aircraft carrier formation is exceedingly costly, which could compromise the rational allocation of the country's limited military resources and harm the balanced development of the military as a whole.China hasself storagenot yet finalized how many aircraft carriers it will have. In fact, the Liaoning, engaged in the important task of training and research, will provide significant decision-making references for the blueprint of China's future aircraft carrier fleet.But irrespective of the number of aircraft carriers it decides to build, China should follow the principles of "top-level scientific design", "high-end technology", "progressive implementation" and "comprehensive benefit".Top-level scientific design means China should determine the scale and performance of its aircraft carrier formations based on the needs of its future national interests. So it should take into account not only the need to routinely patrol the seas to safeguard its national security and maritime rights and interests, but also the exigency of beating back invaders from the seas in case a limited war targeting China breaks out.Aiming for high-end technology means that, instead of trying to keep pace with the US in quantitative terms, China should use the most advanced level technologies to develop its aircraft carriers. This will help China narrow its technological gap with the US and make the carriers competent enough to take on any daunting task.Progressive implementation means China should proceed with its aircraft carrier-developing mission cautiously and gradually. In accordance with scientific planning, China should work steadily to build an aircraft carrier fleet that is moderate in scale but advanced in terms of technology.Reaping comprehensive benefits means pushing forward the entire process of naval modernization, including building aircraft carriers, and promoting the coordinated development of the military.It is important, however, that China is not distracted by the pace of other countries' naval buildup. Moreover, China should remember to timely publicize relevant information on its navy's modernization plan to give the lie to the "China threat" theory, reassure benign powers of its friendly intentions and warn troublemakers against trying any tricks.A peaceful, rising China will treat all friendly nations well, but will not allow "rogue forces" to run amuck in its region and threaten its national security.The author is former director of the Institute for Strategic Studies at the People's Liberation Army National Defense University.迷你倉
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 12:35
Standard-Examiner, Ogden, Utah, Jim Burton column
Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahAug.迷你倉新蒲崗 14--By show of hands, who here thinks they can take down a charging running back?Not many, I see.And, again, by show of hands, who thinks they can cover a tight end running a little seam route?Almost no one.OK, now, raise your hand if you think you could punt a football if you absolutely had to. We're talking at least 35 yards, probably closer to 40 or 45.That many, huh?Yeah well, just because Weber State's Tony Epperson can do all three doesn't mean we all can. The truth of it is, Epperson, a senior, makes it look easy ... or rather, he MADE it look easy.The 6-foot-4, 220-pounder from Park City came to WSU to play both safety and punter. Before an injury ended his junior season, Epperson recorded 42 tackles, plus had an interception, a forced fumble and a fumble recovery -- all in just six games.He also had 32 punts totaling over 1,500 yards. In a game against BYU, he boomed a 74-yarder, the sixth-longest punt in WSU history.Obviously, the guy had a pretty strong leg to go along with quick feet, good hands and a heavy shoulder. Nagging injuries have limited him, however, and earlier this year the Wildcats' coaching staff decided it would be better to have Epperson focus exclusively on punting."I can catch snaps and punt and do all that," he said. "If I had to hit someone I definitely would -- definitely would. (But) right now I'm just strictly punter, that's my position."Logically, that's a good decision.Sure, Epperson could help in the defensive backfield, if completely healthy. But why risk it? Especially when he's a potential All-American.Plus, he's got a shot at playing professionally as a punter. That almost certainly wouldn't be the case as a safety.Epperson recently spent some time in Arizona with former NFL punter Tom Rouen, who gave gave him pointers without trying to change any of his technique. For now, that's a good thing partly because Epperson doesn't really 迷你倉出租eed a new technique and partly because he still doesn't see himself as a full-time punter.Of course that's not to say he isn't completely committed to the job -- he is -- or that he isn't looking forward to booting the ball all over the field -- he's excited for it -- it's just that, well, he's a safety at heart.No longer is he a defensive player who also can punt a little. In fact, at this point he's not even a punter who can play a little defense.Epperson said he's still going through the mental rearranging that comes with his new job description, and who can blame him?"It's weird, I miss (playing defense) already," he said. "I missed it all summer. It's just weird."What's really weird is the fact Epperson really looks nothing like a punter. He's 6-4 and still in pretty good shape, although not the kind of shape needed to play in the defensive backfield.Ever seen a punter? With those guys it sometimes looks like someone dropped a bag of laundry on the field. Not to stereotype or anything, but they're often a bit lumpy, maybe even slightly dumpy. And it's not like they're running wind sprints in practice with the wide receivers.But Epperson's not like that, nor does it seem he ever really will be.As the 2013 season draws closer, there's little doubt he'll find his groove as a punter. He is, after all, among the best in the country. Still, it wouldn't be a shock to see him roaming the sidelines while the 'Cats are on defense, chomping at the bit to get in there and pop someone.And now that we all know him a little better, by show of hands, who thinks Tony Epperson could still do exactly that?Yeah, me too.Jim Burton is the Standard-Examiner's sports columnist. He can be reached at 801-625-4265 or at jburton@standard.net. He tweets at twitter.com/jmb247Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at .standard.net Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 12:28
Report: Metal shards found in Herbalife products in 2011
Source: Winston-Salem Journal, N.迷你倉新蒲崗C.Aug. 14--The Herbalife Ltd. public-relations saga took another twist Tuesday when the New York Times reported on a product safety issue the company had at its California plant in early 2011.The newspaper reported there were at least two examples of fine shards of metal showing up in its Formula 1 nutrition shakes when they came off a production line. The line is similar to what Herbalife plans to operate at its Winston-Salem plant, which is expected to open in mid-2014.The company told the newspaper for the article, and reaffirmed Tuesday in a media statement, there is no evidence that any contaminated product was shipped from the factory and reached consumers."The California state food and drug authorities have visited the plant, conducted a regular audit and provided a report to the FDA stating no serious violations," Herbalife said.However, The New York Times said that "still, after the factory was back up and running, questions lingered about compliance with overall regulations and industry standards at the plant.""The FDA told the Times that a company would not need to contact the agency if the company was confident it had quarantined its contaminated products," Herbalife said. "There have been no consumer complaints relating to these incidents."Herbalife linked the source of the article to "a disgruntled former Herbalife employee whose efforts, as the newspaper noted, are being funded by hedge-fund activist Bill Ackman." The employee, whom The New York Times didn't identify, obtained the documents before leaving Herbalife in 2011. The employee has requested whistle-blower status from the Securities and Exchange Commission."We believe this story is yet another example of Mr. Ackman's desperation," the company said. The New York Times reported Ackman already may have lost at least $400 million of his $1 billion gamble on shorting Herbalife 迷你倉出租tock.Analysts interviewed by CNBC on Tuesday they were not concerned by the newspaper article."I'd put this in the interesting but who cares category," Stephen Weiss of Short Hills Capital said."We see this with consumer goods. Every day you see recalls with cars. It just doesn't matter unless they show there's a continued pattern of abuse and safety issues."Herbalife's financials and its share price have been challenged since December by Ackman, who accuses the company of operating as a Pyramid scheme. Ackman operates Pershing Square Capital Management LP. Company officials say they believe Ackman's accusations are "inaccurate and misleading."Shortly after Ackman made his initial accusations Dec. 19, Herbalife's share price fell to a 52-week low of $24.24. The stock has rebounded primarily because of the stock-buying support from other hedge-fund activists, primarily Carl Icahn, who holds a 16.5 percent ownership stake, according to Bloomberg News.The share price closed Tuesday down 94 cents to $65.33.Ackman has fired several salvos at Herbalife since, some appearing to be carrying less weight with investors after Herbalife's strong quarterly financial showings.For example, Ackman has been holding meetings with the New York Attorney General's office and the Securities and Exchange Commission in hopes of persuading them to pursue an action against the company.Herbalife is spending $130 million to buy and renovate the former Dell Inc. plant in Winston-Salem. Company spokesman Julian Cacchioli said Tuesday that Herbalife remains on pace to hire 250 full-time employees by year's end and have a workforce of 500 by the time the plant reaches full production in July.rcraver@wsjournal.com(336) 727-7376Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Winston-Salem Journal (Winston Salem, N.C.) Visit Winston-Salem Journal (Winston Salem, N.C.) at 2.journalnow.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 12:21
Some 4,000 observers expected to monitor municipal polls
Source: Jordan Times, AmmanAug.自存倉 14--AMMAN -- Some 4,000 observers from 14 local and international institutions are expected to monitor the August 27 municipal elections, an official said on Tuesday."The [Municipal Affairs Ministry] will take all measure to ensure that the observers... proceed with their mission without facing any hindrances, and we will address any obstacles that might arise while they are in the field," the elections spokesperson, Ahed Ziadat, said.A total of 10 international entities and four local institutions have applied to monitor the upcoming polls, and the ministry has approved their requests."We are still waiting for those entities to provide us with the names of their representatives who will be taking part in the monitoring process," said Saleh Jaradat, the ministry's director of planning and development, adding that badges will be issued to the representatives to facilitate their access to the polling centres."The badge holders will be able to enter polling centres and attend the vote-counting process," Jaradat added.Ziadat said the ministry will soon launch a three-day training course for 40 of its staff on the various phases of the electoral process, while members of electoral committees, expected to be more than 4,000, will be trained at a later stage.S迷你倉新蒲崗me 3.7 million citizens are eligible to cast their votes in the polls, compared with around 2.4 million citizens in the previous elections in 2007, according to the Civil Status and Passports Department.Of the total number, 1,345,720 voters reside in areas under the jurisdiction of the Greater Amman Municipality.The ministry has assigned a total of 101 individuals to head the electoral committees, which are responsible for the implementation of the polls, according to Ziadat.More than 40,000 employees are directly or indirectly involved in the preparations for the elections, he said.The Jordan News Agency, Petra, quoted Ziadat as saying on Tuesday that 26 candidates withdrew from the municipal race, making the total number of candidates 3,004.The spokesperson added that the ministry has received 300 applications from journalists wishing to cover the polls. The deadline for media applications is Thursday, Petra reported.The Kingdom's telecommunications companies -- Zain, Orange and Umniah -- have started offering an electronic service to the public where they can inquire about the addresses of their polling stations via SMS.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) Visit the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) at .jordantimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 12:13
The 15th West Lake International Expo to be Held In October
HANGZHOU, China, Aug.mini storage 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Hangzhou, the capital city of China's eastern province Zhejiang, is scheduled to host the 15th West Lake International Expo in October, during which a series of exhibitions, forums and leisure activities are expected to attract 10 million visitors and to create business opportunities for approximately 50,000 business executives and businessmen.According to the West Lake International Expo Organizing Committee, the event, co-organized by Hangzhou's municipal government, the General Administration of Sport of China, the China National Tourism Administration and the Zhejiang Provincial Government, aims to achieve trade turnover amounting to 10 billion yuan (approx. US$1.6 billion), and attract US$1 billion in foreign direct investment.Hangzhou is well-known for West Lake, a charmingly beautiful lake and lakeside area which was added to the UNESCO's World Heritage Site list in 2011. The main venue for the event is located in the heart of the city -- a city known for both its amazing natural landscapes and rich cultural attractions -- while contemporaneous smaller events will take place at 15 smaller venues located at popular sightseeing stops throughout the Yangtze River Delta region.The expoself storage which has the promotion of economic and technological development as its core mission, will focus on the innovations going on in and around Hangzhou as well as on the leisure and tourism, technology and information, trade and investment, cultural and creative, e-commerce, real estate and automotive sectors. The expo's program will provide local opportunities for business executives and businessmen from around the world, in a move to facilitate the social and economic development of the region.Visitors and exhibitors will have the opportunity to enjoy delicious food, listen to beautiful music, see the enactment of plays focusing on local folkloric customs along with the chance to see and experience other interesting performances and exhibitions at the event.The West Lake International Expo debuted in 1929 and has become an annual event since it was re-launched in 2000.From 2000 to 2012, the expo achieved an aggregate trade turnover of 155 billion yuan (approx US$25.4 billion), attracted US$11.4 billion in foreign direct investment and was host to 188 million visitors.The expo is estimated to contribute approximately 0.5% to Hangzhou's annual GDP.For more information, please visit: .xh-expo.comHangzhou West Lake Expo Organizing Committee迷你倉
- Aug 14 Wed 2013 17:26
在我國,存倉居民生活中丟失身份證後,即使做補辦(掛失)處理,但由於目前沒有任何注銷措施,導致原身份證仍可正常使用。 據新華社報道,大量遺失、被盜身份證正通過網絡進行非法交易,並被廣泛用于開辦銀行卡、信用卡,掩護詐騙、洗錢活動;更令人憂慮的是,由於我國現行二代身份證缺乏必要的密碼等基本防偽功能,若不法分子掌握與自己外貌相近的他人真實身份證,則可“分身兩人”,加大公安機關打擊犯罪的難度。 昨日,公安部就此進行了回應,公安部治安管理局有關負責人表示,一切買賣、冒用他人身份證的行為都要受到法律追究。公安機關將繼續加大打擊買賣、冒用他人身份證違法犯罪活動的力度,並加快推進年初開始�動的居民身份證登記指紋信息工作,目前正在推動建立全國居民身份證掛失申報系統,有效解決身份證掛失申報問題。 回應 16000個派出所�動指紋登記工作 二代身份證具較強防偽性 公安部方面稱,身份證是公民重要的法定身份證件,其主要功能是公民從事有關活動時證明本人身份。根據國務院統一部署,從2004年開始,公安部組織各地公安機關開展換發第二代居民身份證工作。二代證採用非接觸式IC卡技術,具備視讀和機讀兩種功能,專用芯片採用數字防偽措施,具有較強的防偽性能。經過10餘年的努力,全國累計制發二代證逾12億張。目前二代證已在社會各領域得到廣泛應用。 萬余派出所�動指紋登記 新修訂的《居民身份證法》規定了公民申領、換領、補領居民身份證應當登記指紋信息。居民身份證登記指紋信息,能進一步增強證件防偽性能,同時社會用證單位能夠快速、準確地進行人、證一致性認定,可以有效防止冒用他人身份證等違法犯罪行為的發生。目前,全國已有16000余個派出所�動居民身份證登記指紋信息工作,到今年年底將在全國全面鋪開。廣大群�有自願提前換領身份證的,可到本人戶口所在地派出所換領登記指紋信息的身份證。 用證單位不核信息將擔責 公安部治安管理局有關負責人表示,公民在使用居民身份證證明身份時,用證單位負有核對人、證一致性的責任,確認無誤後方可為持證人辦理相關業務。用證單位不履行人、證一致性核對責任導致公民合法權益受到侵害的,應當承擔相應法律責任。公安機關將進一步加強宣傳引導,督促相關用證單位切實落實身份證核驗責任。對於買賣、冒用他人身份證違法犯罪活動,公安機關將發現一起,依法查處一起,切實保護公民合法權益不受侵害。 聲音 “身份證應增加防盜功能” 專家認為,對策之一是加大涉身份證犯罪的打擊力度。相關法律規定,冒用他人居民身份證或者使用騙領居民身份證的,由公安機關處二百元以上一千元以下罰款,或者處十日以下拘留,有違法所得的,沒收違法所得。天津萬華律師事務所律師李琳認為,這個懲處相對於違法帶來的利益來講仍然太輕,很難起到應有的威懾力,應加大懲罰力度。 此外,身份證技術升級更是迫在眉睫。儒法律師事務所律師孫沫認為,通過技術升級讓我國公民的身份證具有更強的防偽、防盜功能,比如使丟失後的身份證失去磁卡功能,或在讀取舊身份證信息時可以通過系統顯示已注銷,給相關部門以提醒,才能從根本上截斷身份證買賣市場的利益鏈條。據新華社電 (記者 邢世偉) 危害 辦銀行卡洗錢 長期從事銀行卡交易的徐某告訴記者,自己從黑自存倉購買了大量被盜身份證,他拿著本人身份證和被盜身份證可以方便地“代開”銀行卡,然後將被盜身份證、銀行卡一起賣給需要的人。工行、農行、建行帶網銀、身份證的銀行卡,一套500元,只帶身份證的銀行卡一套300元。 據瞭解,相當一部分“被代辦”的銀行卡被用于詐騙活動,部分代辦的銀行卡甚至可能被用于官員“洗錢”。資料顯示,沈陽市皇姑區警方曾破獲一起銀行卡犯罪案,詐騙團伙以每張80元的價格購進110張身份證,在兩周之內,用這些身份證辦理了288張銀行卡,至案發時已賣出130張。 辦信用卡詐騙 部分被盜身份證被不法分子用以代開信用卡,從事金融詐騙。 天津市日前即審理一起利用他人身份證騙領銀行卡進行出售的案件。2012年5月下旬,犯罪嫌疑人李江偉使用非法獲取的多張他人身份證,多次到天津市的多家銀行騙領銀行信用卡,後以4800元的價格向犯罪嫌疑人王下山等出售上述信用卡共計29張。其後,王下山等人複制該信用卡並加價出售,被警方破獲。 雙身份掩護犯罪 據瞭解,通過“身份證交易黑市”,確實可以買到與自己體貌特徵相近的“真身份證”。如持有該身份證,就可以“分身”成形式上完全合法的兩個人,如此在酒店登記住宿,乘坐長途客車、火車,網吧上網時均不會被發現。現有偵破的案件中,一人持有多個身份證借以逃避抓捕的現象非常常見,如陝西房姐“龔愛愛”即持有多個身份證。據新華社電 探訪 網售身份證400一張 通過百度搜索,記者聯繫到一位自稱金老闆的人,他在自己的QQ空間貼出了156張女性身份證照片和112張男性身份證照片,以中青年人為主。金老闆表示,他的身份證都是真的,每張400元,價格可以商量,但最低不會低於280元一張。若不相信身份證的真實性,可待拿到身份證後到網吧“驗明正身”,確認後再交錢。 另一名身份證販子同樣手握大量“貨源”。記者告知對方需要年齡30歲左右一男一女兩張身份證,對方立即通過QQ傳來男女各數十張符合條件的照片供記者挑選。身份證販子稱,身份證的照片本來就和真人有差距,只要不相差太多一般看不出來。這些身份證都是偷來的,確保是真的,即使丟身份證的人到派出所做掛失,這些身份證仍然可以用。 記者調查瞭解到,之所以掛失身份證成為不法分子的牟利工具,是因為我國現行二代身份證存在“先天缺陷”。 據新華社電 提醒 身份證遺失儘快備案補辦 具有唯一的編碼和信息,不能像銀行卡一樣注銷 北京一位戶籍民警告訴記者,身份證跟隨人一生,有唯一的編碼和信息儲存。不能像掛失銀行卡那樣,“銀行卡掛失再去補辦後,換來的新卡的卡號等信息都是新的。” 但身份證丟失後確實會引起一些麻煩,尤其是前些年信用卡剛進入人們生活的時候,用別人丟失的身份證就能申領到信用卡,造成當事人的損失。這就是銀行系統沒有盡到證件審核的職責。“不過現在利用遺失身份證做不法勾當的情況越來越少了,身份審核系統越來越發達,再不濟,你也得看看用證件的人跟身份證照片上是不是一個人吧。” 他提示,如果身份證遺失,要儘快報警或者到派出所做個備案。如果發生糾紛,備案信息將作為證據。此外,個人要儘快補辦身份證,新補辦的身份證核發日期在公安戶籍系統里會有記錄,也可以作為證據。記者 郭超標簽:身份證 銀行卡 掛失 犯罪嫌疑人 冒用迷你倉新蒲崗
- Aug 14 Wed 2013 17:22
發行商廣場:看好騰訊 留意26546
阿里巴巴集團上市估值及地點仍未有定案,文件倉一眾影子科網股股價依然波動。騰訊(00700)的微信新版本將引入支付功能,用戶能進行線上支付,購買遊戲及表情貼紙,為微信商業化起步;集團宣布與廣東聯通合作,後者將推出微信電話卡,券商認為騰訊能與電訊商關係破冰,鞏固日後合作機會。騰訊上周創新高約380元後與14日RSI呈頂背馳,股價回落至350元則現支持。港元定期及人民幣活期存款利率 (厘)資金流方面,騰訊股價升穿350元之後投資者反更積極部署好倉,八月五日至十二日期間,共有3,000萬元資金流入相關認購證,同期則只有910萬元流入認沽證。騰訊場外期權引伸波幅升至逾一年半高位存倉留意公布業績後若未有太大驚喜,引伸波幅或受壓,以較長期產品作部署有助減低影響。如看好騰訊可留意騰訊購26546,行使價425元,明年二月上旬到期,實際槓桿約6.4倍。相反如看淡可留意騰訊沽26343,行使價350元,明年四月上旬到期,實際槓桿約4.1倍。無抵押結構性產品。本資料所述產品並無抵押品。如發行人及擔保人無力償債或違約,投資者可能無法收回部分或全部應收款項。本資料由摩根大通證券(亞太)有限公司(「摩根大通」)編製,僅供參考用途,並不構成任何要約、建議、提呈出售或招攬購買任何上述產品,亦並不構成摩根大通進行任何上述交易之承諾。摩通香港認股證牛熊證銷售及市場部自存倉
- Aug 14 Wed 2013 17:17
早報記者忻尚倫中國人民銀行(央行)昨日公告,儲存取消包商銀行債券結算資格,為時兩年。債券業人士表示,商業銀行被取消債券結算資格,尚屬首次。所謂債券結算代理,是指有資格的債券結算代理人接受市場其他參與者的委托,在中央結算公司以參與者自己的名義開立債券一級托管賬戶,並代其辦理債券托管和結算的行為。銀行交易員稱,取消結算資格,即不能為丙類戶做代理交易和代理結算,但不會影響包商銀行自己參與銀行間債券交易。“從處罰通知發出的時間點看,我們期望會是此次債市核查的首尾信息。”此次債市核查始自去年年底,核查風暴涉及銀行、券商、基金等各類金融機構。今年4月以來,已有萬家基金固定收益總監鄒昱、中信證券固定收益部執行總經理楊輝以、齊魯銀行資金市場部徐大祝、西南證券固定收益部副總經理薛晨、易方達基金固定收益部副總馬喜德以及江海證券固定收益部副總經理張守剛等數人,先後傳出遭調查消息,包商銀行亦被曝捲入調查風暴。包商銀行成立于199G年12月,是自治區最早成立的股份制商業銀行,前身為包頭市商業銀行,2007年9月經中國銀監會批准更名為包商銀行。包商銀行是2004年G月經中國人民銀行批准,獲准從事債券結算代理業務的。同期獲批的還有哈爾濱市商業銀行、寧波市商業銀行和常熟市農村商業銀行。截至2012年末,包商銀行資產總額2021億元,負債總額1G47億元,利潤總額27億元,不良貸款率0.93%,撥備覆蓋率232.27%。“重杖輕落”據悉,取消包商銀行債券結算資格的通知文件由央行辦公廳于G月7日發佈,中國債券信息網在G月13日向社會進行了公示。文件內容顯示,央行稱包商銀行需要改善風控。央行通知要求包商銀行不得發生新的債券結算代理業務,存量業務逐步自然退出。根據《全國銀行間債券市場債券交易管理辦法》(中國人民銀行令〔20001第2號發佈)有關規定,以及包商銀行有關情況,暫停包商銀行的銀行間債券市場債券結算代理業務資格2年。暫停期滿後,央行將對根據對包商銀行專項現場檢查評估結果,決定是否恢複銀行間債券市場債券結算代理業務資格。中債登針對債券市場設置了甲、乙、丙三種債券一級托管賬戶。只有具備資格辦理債券結算代理業務的結算代理人或辦理債券櫃台交易業務的商業銀行法人機構方可開立甲類賬戶;只能辦理自營結算相關業務的為乙類賬戶,大部分為信用社、保險、券商和基金等;而自營結算及相關業務需委托甲類成員辦理的為丙類賬戶,多由非金融機構投資者開設。丙類戶與甲、乙類賬戶的區別在於不能通過中央債券綜合業務系統聯網交易,必須通過結算代理人進行交易。根據中國銀行間市場交易商協會今年發佈的銀行間債券市場結算代理人名單,目前共有45家銀行擔任市場結算代理人。上述固定收益從新蒲崗迷你倉人士表示,從處罰條例本身看,取消結算代理資格是屬於比較重的處罰,“但當下的情況已經不同”。從去年底開始,由審計署牽頭的銀行間債券市場核查全面展開。切入點便是丙類賬戶的利益輸送通道。在此次核查過程中,丙類戶受到了嚴厲打擊。此前據銀行債券交易員表示,“丙類新開戶已完全暫停,丙類戶交易也基本處於停滯狀態。”更進一步,市場交易員普遍認為,通過此次整頓核查,丙類戶雖然不會完全退出市場,但門檻將會提高、約束政策也會更多。“此前甲類戶(即商業銀行)代理丙類戶結算的,很多都是銀行理財產品。而現在盛傳的是,銀行理財產品未來可能升格至乙類。如此一來,結算代理的重要性就更低了。”一銀行交易員說道。今年,監管層已對銀行間債券市場丙類戶、債券代持等進行了整頓。央行金融市場司已全面梳理銀行間債市的十幾個環節,從丙類戶資格、發行、異常交易監測、信息披露、網上交易、DVP(券款對付)結算制度,到從業人員資格等,幾乎等於全面再造債市交易規則。或因“國債招標舞弊案”央行並未在公告中明確說明取消包商銀行債券結算資格的原因。不過,有多名債券從業者都認為,央行對包商銀行的處罰或多或少應與“國債招標舞弊案”有關。財新網2011年曾報道,原財政部國庫司國庫支付中心副主任張銳涉及的“國債招標舞弊案”案發于一家內蒙古的城商行在多次國債發行的投標中,中標價均落在最低價。在同業向有關部門舉報後,審計部門據此順藤摸瓜,最終查出了財政部國庫司為之通風報信的張銳。據財新網記者查證,內蒙古參與國債招標的城商行只有一家,即包商銀行。內蒙古城市商業銀行目前有四家:包商銀行、內蒙古銀行、鄂爾多斯市商業銀行、烏海市商業銀行。2003年至2011年的國債承銷團名單顯示,只有包商銀行為乙類國債承銷團成員,並成功躋身前25名國債承銷的排行。“在信貸創新、風險管理方面表現頗為積極進取的中小金融機構。”有業內人士這樣評價包商銀行,並表示和大型商業銀行相比,城商行、農商行以及農信社的投資行為往往更為激進,因此由一家城商行引起張銳案發並不奇怪。另據財新網今年4月報道,多位接近財政部的知情人士透露,張銳已于2012年下半年因所獲非法收入4000多萬元被判決為無期徒刑,此案沒有公開審理。他表示,自央行7月9日發佈“進一步完善銀行間債券市場交易結算管理有關事宜”後,此輪聲勢浩大的債市核查便沒有了下文,“是否收官也未可知。”“此次發佈對包商銀行的處罰,希望是收官的信號之一。”今年4月25日,中國債券登記結算公司突然宣佈,信托產品、券商資管、基金專戶開立銀行間賬戶悉數被暫停,至今尚未開閘。而由於對丙類賬戶的核查,以及禁止銀行同行自營戶和理財戶之間的對手交易,債市現券交易量僅剩下去年同期的兩成。mini storage
- Aug 14 Wed 2013 16:36
- Aug 14 Wed 2013 16:27
籃協主任PK:李元偉推CBA改革 信蘭成側重國家隊
中國男籃兵敗馬尼拉亞錦賽震驚國人,存倉球迷媒體輪番炮轟,矛頭直指現中國籃協掌門人信蘭成。 在審視為何慘敗總在信蘭成任期到來的同時,信蘭成的前任李元偉也在微博頻頻發言,探討中國籃球發展思路。 信蘭成推崇的舉國體制和李元偉高舉的職業化旗幟代表了兩種截然不同的思路,誰更適合中國籃球,外界仍�說紛紜。 李元偉 曾在擔任籃管中心主任的5年期間(2004-2008年),高舉職業化的旗幟,對CBA聯賽進行了大刀闊斧的改革,力推北極星計劃、擴大聯賽規模、增加比賽場次、取消升降級,推動聯賽快速發展、人氣急升。那段時間,中國男籃也在姚明的率領下基本保持著亞洲老大、世界前八的水準。 信蘭成 2009年回歸之後,在很大程度上否定了前任的發展思路,試圖用限制聯賽規模、延長國家隊集訓時間的方式為中國男籃“提速”。然而,從最近幾年中國男籃的戰績看卻顯然事與願違。天津亞錦賽慘敗、武漢亞錦賽“走鋼絲”、倫敦奧運會一敗塗地,直至這次在馬尼拉,中國男籃被扯下了最後一塊遮羞布。 哪條路更適合 田徑出身VS籃球科班 圈內人比較兩位主任 這是中國體育界難得一見的場面:主任要退休了,惋惜聲一陣陣,更年輕的“老主任”再次接任,批評聲又是一陣陣。而這正是前籃管中心主任李元偉退休和信蘭成“殺回馬槍”再度接手掌門時出現的令人驚詫的一幕。彼時,李元偉一手倡導的2008-2009賽季CBA職業聯賽開打不久,外界驚呼:“信主任回來,天啊,難道‘外行’又要回到傷心地?”對比信蘭成和李元偉,圈內人更喜歡先從兩人的出身談起。 李元偉是籃球科班出身,1976年他從北京體育學院籃球專業畢業,隨後任學校籃球教研室老師,直到1995年升任北京體育大學副校長,1997年他入主籃管中心任副主任,2004年升為主任。李元偉幾乎一輩子和籃球打交道,卸任時還出了本關於籃球的書———《李元偉———籃球風雲路》。而昨天他在成都與老友暢談中國籃球時,贈予朋友此書,可以說,這本書凝聚了他籃球歲月的精華。 信蘭成也是體育人出身,他曾是北體大田徑專業學生,畢業後進入總局工作,1997年並不熟悉籃球的他成為籃管中心首任主任。2003年至2008年,他調任北京奧運會組委會體育部部長,2009年1月,他再度回到籃管中心,至今都擔任中國籃球掌門人。 論籃球資歷,信蘭成比李元偉差一截,但也有圈內人表示,資歷出身並不能決定一個人最終的業績,而且信蘭成在崗位上一直保持著固有的謙虛謹慎。2009年再度入主籃管中心,他仍稱自己是“半個門外漢,領導安排幹啥就幹啥”。 “信八條”VS“北極星” 哪條路更適合 兩人籃球資歷不同,對待聯賽的態度差別甚大。李元偉更加注重學習NBA等國外職業聯賽的先進模式,上任後大膽提出“北極星計劃”並推動聯賽改革,對CBA聯賽進行南北分區,擴軍至18支,提高聯賽觀賞性和影響力,此後聯賽情況好轉,球迷增多,吸引贊助,球員待遇得到改善。但當信蘭成2009年重返籃管中心後,他提出了“信八條”,這被看做是對李元偉聯賽策略的否定。“信八條”側重國家隊成績,其中壓縮聯賽賽程和減少外援上場時間等,目的就是為國家隊集訓讓路。 “信八條”出爐後,曾任中國男籃主教練的外教尤納斯表示:“CBA縮短賽程等於倒退20年!”尤納斯認為,職業聯賽是國家隊的立隊之本,籃球水平高的國度都有高水平聯賽。李元偉也堅持聯賽帶動國家隊,這雖然不會產生立竿見影的效果,但他認為長久的積累必會促生質變。 兩位“掌門”的傾向不同,自然導致不一樣的結果。信蘭成任期內男籃的三次慘敗讓他很難拿出舉國體制優勢的說服力,而李元偉時期的國家隊則表現不俗,兩屆奧運會男籃打進前八,女籃殺入決賽。 對於這兩位掌門的不同思路,圈自存倉人也有自己的看法,“最好的方式仍是將國外的先進模式與中國實際相結合,NBA等聯賽確實辦得很好,但我們完全照搬NBA也不現實,比如NBA每個球隊有自己的場館,但中國各省市經濟水平有差距,有時候球隊的發展建設仍需要政府力量的扶持。” 政績VS鍛煉新人 有只“看不見的手” 對於中國男籃的這次慘敗,為何必須要將兩任掌門人的思路對照?正如新華社指出,李元偉的職業化改革未能全部完成,信蘭成想重回計劃體制、長期集訓的老路,中國籃球的“身軀”在短短十年裡連續兩次“變向”,男籃國家隊這“膝蓋”怎麼能承受得了? 中國男籃此次征戰亞錦賽前,12人參賽名單一度“難產”,賽前那份12人名單的不同版本,以及揚納基斯賽後說“受到壓力”,這些都很容易讓人遐想,揚納基斯有多大自主權?籃管中心是否“垂簾聽政”?前中國男籃主帥、釜山亞運會男籃負于韓國後黯然下課的王非在微博上的話意味深長:“作為一名有一定成就的教練(指揚納基斯)在執教這支球隊的過程當中,肯定是有想法的,他不會也不希望自己執教的球隊輸球和走彎路。旁邊指指點點的人多了,有些是善意的,有些是在下面做手腳想看笑話的……我不能說揚納基斯在這三個多月裡有多少舉棋不定,這些只有在他身邊的人才‘清楚’。” 揚納基斯帶去亞錦賽的隊伍是並未完成新老交替的隊伍,揚納基斯一直說希望鍛煉新人,但有說法稱為了保證自己的政績,讓中國隊在賽場上不出現意外,信蘭成不敢起用新人,一直堅持沿用他熟悉的球員。亞錦賽結束後,央視曾問揚納基斯,這12人名單是否他的意願,對此揚納基斯迴避了問題。也許,來中國不久的揚納基斯開始在適應中國的籃球環境。 新華熱評 信蘭成有點背? 現任國家體育總局籃管中心主任信蘭成堪稱“悲情人物”。在他兩度掌管中國籃球期間噩訊頻傳。2002年,中國男籃在亞運會決賽中慘遭韓國隊逆轉,兵敗釜山,不久後信蘭成黯然離任。北京奧運會後,信蘭成回歸接替退休的李元偉,2009年亞錦賽決賽中國男籃慘敗伊朗折戟天津。在剛剛結束的亞錦賽四分之一決賽中,中國男籃爆冷負于中華台北隊,最後跌出亞洲四強。 慘痛的失利為何總在信蘭成在任期間到來?是他運氣太背?還是他的思路不對? 信蘭成和他的前任李元偉代表了對於中國籃球發展的兩種截然不同的認識和風格。在擔任籃管中心主任期間,籃球出身、學者型的李元偉高舉職業化的旗幟,對CBA聯賽進行了大刀闊斧的改革,力推北極星計劃、擴大聯賽規模、增加比賽場次、取消升降級,推動聯賽快速發展。恰恰在那段時間,男籃也在姚明的率領下基本保持著亞洲老大、世界前八的水準。 信蘭成回歸之後,在很大程度上否定了前任的發展思路,試圖用限制聯賽規模、延長國家隊集訓時間的方式為中國男籃“提速”。然而,從最近幾年中國男籃的戰績看卻顯然事與願違。天津亞錦賽慘敗、倫敦奧運會一敗塗地,直至這次在馬尼拉被扯下了最後一塊遮羞布。 為什麼中國男籃的節節敗退在北京奧運會之後出現?籃球評論員徐濟成認為,中國正在由體育大國向體育強國邁進,發展方式在改變,但是籃球的很多東西沒有變。 CBA聯賽發展到今天,投資人和業界人士對於深化改革、擴大規模、聯賽實體化的呼聲很高,信蘭成的“無為”頗受爭議。 不過,也有人認為,戰績不佳的厄運與信蘭成屢屢結緣是因為他總是趕上新老交替、人才斷檔的壞時候。 信蘭成的悲情究竟是偶然還是必然?中國男籃的慘敗應該由誰買單?中國籃球的發展應以CBA聯賽為本、夯實基礎還是應重回計劃經濟條件下的長期集訓體制?不同的人對於這些問題可能會有不同的答案。但是,當突如其來的慘敗讓人聯想起中國男足的1比5,中國籃球界的確到了好好思考、深刻總結的時候啦。據新華社 (蓋源源)標簽:蘭成 李元偉 中國 揚納基斯 男籃迷你倉新蒲崗
- Aug 14 Wed 2013 16:24
(柔佛 昔加末12日訊)“以前我是瘦子,儲存倉現在變肥了,你們還記得我嗎?”一名曾在8年前在家被搶8萬令吉的油站東主,日前收工返回住家時再度被搶。劫匪逃離時丟話自揭身份,承認他就是8年前的刀匪,如今再度光臨持鎗幹案。這宗案件於週一凌晨約3時,在麻坡路一間住家發生。匪徒打搶時還開一鎗警告東主太太停止喊叫求救,過後搶走她手袋內的3000令吉現款,逃跑時駕走事主的四驅車。鳴鎗警告女屋主勿叫喊事主的四驅車事後被發現丟棄在離案發地點5公里外的效區。事主奧瑪﹙67歲﹚是銀旺路國油油站的東主,案發時他和太太甫從油站回到家,就被一名鵠候已久的鎗匪挾持搶劫。奧瑪說,他把車子泊在庭院後,下車關鐵門。這時一名頭戴滑雪帽的匪徒突然現身,向他展示一把短鎗,揚言打搶。他指出,他的太太當時正下車走到五腳基,結果在看到庭園出現陌生人時,察覺不對勁馬上高呼求救,而鎗匪則示意他叫太太住嘴。“我的太太繼續呼喊求救,鎗匪朝外開一鎗示警,要我太太馬上閉嘴。”他說,鎗匪在鐵門處挾持他走到五腳基,瞬間出手搶走太太的手提袋,袋裡約有3000令吉,接著再喝令他和太太入屋,要他們交出屋裡的現款。當時屋裡除了事主夫妻倆,另外還有9名兒女媳婿孫輩。他說,兒女媳婿聽聞求救聲和鎗聲,立刻偷偷撥電聯絡警方和其他家人。相信鎗匪知道不宜久留,因此很快就勒令事主交出車匙,駕走事主的一輛三菱四驅車逃去。匪臨走問“還記得我嗎”油站東主8年裡兩度遇劫,而劫案都在佳節長假期間發生,加上兩宗的幹案手法類似,因此東主相信很大可能是同一人所為。事主奧瑪披露,鎗匪搶車離去時冒出一句︰“以前我是瘦子,現在變肥了,你們還記得我嗎?”此外,鎗匪還說事主屋前的花樹迷你倉沙田如今已經長大茂盛了,暗示他以前曾經到過這間住家。他指出,2005年適逢衛塞節、勞動節和週假,銀行一連4天休業,他因此把4天的收入約8萬令吉藏在睡床底下,不料被一名匪徒持刀闖入,挾持他和太太搶走現款。他說,8年前的刀匪身材高瘦,8年後的鎗匪身材高壯,而且所講的馬來話都帶有很濃的印度腔,因此他懷疑很可能同一人。他提到,他曾執教鞭十多年,熟悉各族學生的馬來話腔音,因此可以猜測鎗匪是印匪。他聲稱,自從8年前被搶走8萬令吉後,他再也不把油站收入放在家,而是每天通過存款錢,把錢存入銀行戶頭。他說,當鎗匪搶走太太手提袋裡的三千多令吉後,還聲稱他們的錢財不可能這麼少,並認為屋裡還有更多現款,要事主乖乖把錢交出來。他和太太多次向鎗匪解釋,除了手頭上的3000令吉,他們再也沒有其他現款。他提到,當鎗匪挾持他和太太進屋時,直接示意他們走入睡房,顯然十分熟悉他的住家環境,因此懷疑兩宗案的嫌犯可能是同一人。走小路避警車棄郊區鎗匪喝令事主交出車匙,啟動汽車引擎後撞倒鐵門逃走,再沿著甘榜小路和鐵路駛去,過後將汽車棄在5公里外的郊區。鎗匪搶走事主的三菱四驅車後,猜測事主家人將在第一時間報警,因此不敢取道大路以免碰上警方,於是取用甘榜小路和鐵路,造成汽車車首頂端出現磨損痕跡。事主奧瑪指出,他是在週一早上獲悉,他被搶走的四驅車遭匪徒棄置在達漢麗茂郊區。他說,從他的住家到棄車地點的小路非常狹窄,而且還要橫越一道鐵軌。他相信鎗匪是為了躲避警方,而駕車硬闖小路逃脫。週一下午2時許,警方到棄車地點駕事主的四驅車回警局,而事主在警局察看車子時,發現汽車防撞杆痕跡是撞倒鐵門而致,而車頂的刮痕可能是小路的樹枝所造成。;迷你倉價錢
- Aug 14 Wed 2013 16:12
- Aug 14 Wed 2013 16:00
- Aug 14 Wed 2013 15:04
SBS Transit posts 30.6% profit fall in second quarter
SBS Transit's ride continues to be bumpy, with its net profit dropping 30.儲存倉6 per cent year-on-year, from $4.55 million to $3.16 million, for the second quarter ended June 30, 2013. Revenue for the quarter, however, rose 6.7 per cent to $209.34 million, thanks to higher bus and rail ridership. Earnings per share for Q2 2013 stood at 1.02 cents, down from 1.47 cents a year before. The group declared an interim dividend of 0.9 cent per share, down from 1.35 cents a year ago. For the half-year ended June 30, 2013, SBS Transit - a subsidiary of land transport giant ComfortDelGro - saw its half- year net profit fall 36.3 per cent to $5.98 million, while revenue grew 6.9 per cent to $414.1 million. Going forward, Singapore迷你倉沙田s biggest bus operator - which also runs a smaller rail network - expects both bus and rail ridership to increase, albeit at slower rates. The group expects its staff costs to grow as well, because of a higher headcount, salary adjustments, and increases in foreign worker levies. "With the renewal and expansion of the bus fleet, depreciation and financing costs are expected to increase. The bus segment is expected to be impacted more significantly by these cost increases and its outlook remains challenging," said SBS Transit. "With the gearing up for operations of Stage 1 of the Downtown Line, more costs are correspondingly being incurred." SBS Transit fell half a cent to close trading at $1.355 per share yesterday.迷你倉價錢
- Aug 14 Wed 2013 14:54
Marriage attitudes slowly change
By Xu Junqian in Shanghai ( China Daily) After taking the plunge with a mass wedding at a Shenzhen theme park on Tuesday, the newlyweds celebrate on a roller coaster.迷你倉出租 According to a matchmaking website, there are about 180 million single people in China of marrying age. Chen Wen / for China Daily Personality most important in future spouse, followed by looks and income While the nation celebrates the Qixi Festival, the Chinese Valentine's Day that falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, matchmaking agencies and relationship experts see less rosy prospects for marriage in the country.A month-long survey conducted by Touchmedia, a major taxi in-vehicle advertising screen owner, found more than 70 percent of the passengers polled would be willing to help pay off a mortgage with their spouse after getting married.About 60 percent expect to get married, and ideally have a child, before the age of 29.The survey kicked off one month before the festival to gauge people's attitudes toward love as the number of "leftover women", and men as well, keeps increasing.The term "leftover women" was coined to refer to professional women who have not married by their late 20s.The poll received 1.59 million responses from taxi passengers in five major cities including Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.It was one of the most answered surveys by the Shanghai-based advertising company, which had 50,000 screens across the country by the end of 2012.When asked about "naked marriage", a recently coined term for getting married without owning a house, car or much other property, 45 percent of those polled said they are not against the idea, but less than 30 percent would "practice a naked marriage" themselves."The percentage came as quite a surprise to us," said Han Tingyu, the marketing director of Touchmedia. "It turned out young people today are not less traditional than the elder generations, as we ha儲存倉 thought." Only 10 percent of the respondents said they don't plan to get married or have a child, and less than one-fifth did not consider an apartment a necessity in a marriage."The only difference might be women today are more independent so that they can take up more financial responsibilities in the marriage," Han said.However, 26-year-old Shanghai office worker Shi Lu thinks media and the public are "demonizing big cities' single marriage-aged women"."Why make such a fuss about women sharing a mortgage in the marriage?" she asked. Shi and her fiance have just bought a 2-million-yuan apartment in Shanghai as their "future new home".She said her commitment to pay half the mortgage drew a number of reproaches from her family and friends.Shanghai's well-known relationship counselor and psychologist Wu Di, on the other hand, believes the rise of urban women's financial independence in China will result in a decrease in marriages."The criteria for choosing the other half has barely changed, with men eyeing looks and women wealth. Yet as women are becoming increasingly more powerful financially, it will be more difficult for them to find someone more powerful than them," she said.The survey supported Wu's theory, as it showed that, after personalities, looks and income are the next top priority for men and women, respectively, when seeking a marriage partner.According to Baihe.com, one of the country's largest online matchmaking websites, which claims to have 60 million registered members, there are about 180 million single people in China of marrying age.Wu estimates that more than one-fifth of the post-1980s generation, even when 40 years old, will be single or divorced and living alone while having "friends with benefits".She found "nothing wrong with it", as long as "single ladies, if not single men as well", can ignore traditional pressure and social judgment.xujunqian@chinadaily.com.cn迷你倉沙田