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記者程瑞華中國銀行業協會日前發佈的《2012年中國資產托管行業發展報告》(以下簡稱 《報告》)顯示,迷你倉沙田截至2012年末,國內18家托管銀行托管資產規模突破22萬億元,達到22.39萬億元,較上年增長58.25%,無論增量還是增幅,均創下近3年來新高。資產托管業務作為商業銀行的一項戰略性業務,具有不佔用經濟資本、收入穩定、低成本、資金沉澱穩定、業務協同效應顯著等優勢,使得資產托管業務成為銀行業戰略轉型必由之選。隨著中國金融市場的蓬勃發展,資產托管業務日漸興起,逐步進入普通大�的視野。從以前主要面向金融客戶、機構客戶群體擴大至包含機構和個人、金融企業和實業公司等對象的廣泛服務群體,資產托管業務已經成為一個創新力強、極為活躍的商業銀行中間業務,被越來越多的商業銀行所看重。特別是隨著資本監管趨嚴 和利率市場化的來臨,各家銀行無一例外都將資產托管業務視為戰略重點。《報告》稱,2012年,中國證券市場整體低位徘徊,但隨著資產托管多元化發展,尤其是銀行理財托管、信托財產保管、各類創新型托管業務迅速發展,托管資產規模總體持續增長。統計顯示,2012年內地托管資產規模占金融機構存款總量的比例穩步上升,季度存托比從2011年末的17.12%升至2012年末的23.75%,全年提升6.63個百分點,升勢十分明顯。截至2012年末,中國18家托管銀行托管資產規模達22.39萬億元,較上年增長58.25%,2013年二季度末,規模突破27.6萬億元,同比大增61.4%。招商銀行副行長、托管業務專業委員會主任唐志宏表示,資產托管業務已成為托管機構立足于市場價值創造和制度創新的獨立、專業性基礎業務,成為各家金融機構實現經營轉型的戰略重點。在托管市場,國有大行則占據了絕對統治地位。在各家銀行中,工行成為我國銀行托管業務的“老大”。截至去年,工行托管各類資產規模淨值近4萬億元,連續15年保持市場份額第一。該行目前托管產品涵蓋所有資產管理領域,在證券投資基金、企業年金基金和保險資產等主要托管領域擁有最大市場份額。此外,中行、農行、建行的托管資產規模均在2.9萬億迷你倉價錢以上。四大行的托管資產規模在18家托管銀行托管資產規模中占比達到58.25%。但從2009年開始,平安銀行、郵儲行、廣發銀行、北京銀行等多家銀行獲得托管人資格,市場競爭日趨激烈,托管市場正呈現分散化的趨勢。監管新政下各類資管業務的創新和發展,將進一步拓寬金融托管市場的發展空間,促使資產托管由資本市場直接相關的餘額類資產托管,逐漸向交易類托管、民事商事托管領域發展。業內人士認為,內地金融改革促使銀行積極拓展非息收入,資產托管將是新增長點之一。有專家表示,商業銀行托管資產規模快速增加的大背景是社會直接融資總量占比逐年提高,2008年僅為20%多,到2012年已經占據半壁江山。有業內人士預計,隨著社會總體融資結構的調整,托管規模肯定會持續增長,今年將還有20% 到30%的增長空間。從發展趨勢看,國內季度存托比呈現穩步上升勢頭,從2011年末的17.12%上升至2012年末的23.75%,全年提升6.63個百分點。國際上通用存托比反映托管市場的地位,目前發達國家的存托比通常大於100%,而中國目前只有23.75%,這也說明中國托管業仍有巨大成長空間。國際經驗表明,資產托管業務有著廣闊的增長空間,建立托管制度可以實現資 金投資決策、交易執行、資金清算、會計核算、風險監督等職能的相互獨立與隔離,防範資金運用過程中的管理風險和道德風險,從根本上提升投資機構的公信力和競爭力。在金融全球化的背景下,國外銀行利用其發達的業務經營網絡以及在資源、信息方面的優勢,能夠為國內外投資者的境內外投資提供各種托管服務,進而實現各個金融市場業務的有效整合,形成龐大的業務規模從而取得較高的托管收入。《報告》顯示,2012年所有中小銀行托管資產增速均超過行業平均增速。一些基數較低的中小銀行增速竟達3倍以上。有業內人士稱,未來趨勢肯定是金融脫媒日益深化,銀行的息差空間正隨著利率市場化改革的推進而逐步縮小,銀行與其抗拒、掙扎,不如主動融入其中,資產托管業務就是主動融入這一趨勢的重要抓手。可以預見,資產托管業務作為商業銀行一項戰略性業務,必將成為銀行業戰略轉型必由之選。迷你倉庫

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□本報記者 高改芳據好買基金統計,新蒲崗迷你倉2013年7月,45家信托公司共成立221只固定收益信托產品,納入統計的104只產品總規模為99.82億元,平均每只產品規模為0.96億元,成立總規模較6月減少65.44%,且同比大幅減少78.25%。其中,房地產平均募集金額環比下降五成。平均募集規模最大的是基礎建設信托,平均募集金額1.68億元,高出平均募集規模75%。據信托界人士介紹,基礎建設類信托產品大多數都是地方融資平台類項目。7月信政合作類信托經歷了一波突擊發行。而房企再融資的放開勢必對房地產信托造成衝擊。房地產信托降溫據好買基金統計,今年7月有80款房地產信托產品成立,占比36.20%;發行數量相比于6月85款房地產產品,減少了5.88%,平均募集規模從6月的2.81億元跌至1.34億元,但仍高出平均募集規模的39.6%。業內人士分析,這恐怕是房企再融資放開後對房地產信托的第一波衝擊。8月6日晚間,繼新湖中寶之後,停牌一個月之久的宋都股份發佈了非公開發行預案,擬募集15億元資金投向商品房,再度印證了此前關於房地產企業再融資開閘的傳言。截至目前,按照申萬行業分類,已經有16家房地產上市公司公佈了半年報,數據顯示,上述房企今年上半年共計實現淨利潤82.18億元,同比增長了37%。中原地產研究部總監張大偉認為,房地產再融資事實上已經逐漸放開。自2010年以來,房地產企業上市、再融資和重大資產重組等事項已連續三年受阻。雖然證監會聲稱目前房企融資仍維持原有口徑,但預計未來涉及棚戶區改造項目、城鎮化概念、參與保障房建設等房企有望優先獲得政策mini storage斜性支持。此前上市房企的信托融資成本大約為12%至24%。收益超過20%的房地產信托產品也不少見。信托界人士表示,他們最近在向投資者強調,今後大家可能要接受房地產信托產品收益率下降的事實。從目前行業的最新動態看,包括中小型房企的綜合融資成本也開始從此前的17%至20%,下降至15%的水平。基礎建設信托仍紅火與房地產信托發行規模驟降形成鮮明對比的是,基礎設施類信托的“紅火”。據好買基金統計,今年7月投向基礎設施的信托該月占比為18.10%,此類產品平均募集規模高于平均募集規模0.72億元。這就是通常所說的政信合作信托,是指募集資金主要投資于城市基礎設施建設、保障房建設,以及舊城改造和新城區開發等項目。通常由地方政府平台公司發起,還款以地方財政作為擔保的信托。由於投資方向常為基礎建設,因此也被稱為基礎建設信托。該類產品有幾種模式。第一種是地方融資平台或相關企業通過信托公司設立單一資金信托計劃,再由銀行理財產品購買該信托計劃的受益權;第二種是銀行理財資金通過信托公司為地方政府融資平台發放信托貸款。據中國信托業協會的統計數據,截至今年一季度,信政合作項目餘額6548.14萬億,占比7.5%。好買基金統計,今年7月,房地產、其他、基礎建設類信托的發行數量領先,全月分別有80只、54只、40只信托產品成立。平均募集規模最大的是基礎建設信托,平均募集金額1.68億元,高出總體平均募集規模75%。“這可能和融資平台類信托的突擊發行有關。”上海某信托公司人士認為。今年7月已有傳聞稱,銀監會即將叫停政信合作類信托的發行,配合全國政府性債務審計工作。self storage

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「以史為 鑑」,self storage待消息沉寂後,港資銀行股價又會被打回原形。回看08年永隆銀行被招商銀行(3968)收購一事,相關股份的炒作,至招行在港交所正式發出收購通告後2日才結束。 08年5月30日,招行和永隆簽訂收購協議,但有相關股份在5月27日便炒起,至30日,永亨的累計升幅已經超過一成,高見118.4元才見頂回落。其餘股份的升勢則到6月4日才停止,是招行在港交迷你倉發出收購通告兩日後。 另外,越秀集團出手收購多少令市場意外,惟觀乎該集團近期動作,可窺一斑。越秀集團旗下有越秀金融,業務範圍包括證券、小額貸款和擔保業務等8大業務,若成功收購創興銀行將產生很大的協同效應,包括在證券和銀行業務方面,廣州證券和越秀證券尚未有上市平台,將來不排除與創興整合後,在港實現上市夢;銀行業務則是一塊全新的業務,補足越秀金融的缺口。 張威紅文件倉

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一如其他銀行CEO,迷你倉新蒲崗訪問當日龐華毅穿著一身黑沉沉的西裝出現,但他臉上常掛笑容,說話風趣,三言兩語間已令人感覺親切。龐華毅的家鄉在「香蕉之國」厄瓜多爾,南美洲人獨有的那種陽光性格,在他身上處處散發。曾駐南美中東非洲來港之前,龐華毅幾乎跑遍全世界,過去25 年的銀行家生涯中,南美、亞洲、中東、歐洲甚至非洲沙漠地區他都駐守過,與其說是當「賓架」,感覺更像冒險家。每到一個新地方,他總可迅速融入當地生活,並學曉當地語言。他能操西班牙語、英語、法語及德語,因為曾在印尼工作5 年( 這是他為工作逗留最久的地方),連印尼話也會說。龐華毅在花旗集團任職近20 年,之後過檔到印尼P.T. Bank Danamon 擔任董事長,在短短5 年間,令該行的貸款業務增迷你倉出租超過一倍,客戶群由200 萬增至520 萬人,收入更增加近2.5 倍。香港「做好自己」仍是東方之珠2010 年星展集團推行業務改革,邀龐華毅出任港區行政總裁兼開拓中國業務,龐於是再踏上一段新旅途。來港後,他再次「點石成金」,翻看半年報,星展香港上半年盈利較2010 年半年增加逾九成,期內利潤增長更屢創新高。這名來自地球另一面的CEO,居於亞洲的日子不算長,管理亞洲市場卻是如魚得水。對於香港,他認為最大的市場機遇在神州大地。雖然近年來自香港本土的問題和外來環境的競爭不斷增加,但龐華毅堅定地說︰ 「隨�中國持續國際化及對外開放,香港只會愈來愈好,對這我是十分樂觀的」。他指出,香港只要專注做好自身,而非把周遭地區視為競爭對手,未來仍可繼續「閃耀」。儲存倉

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  內銀股中期業績,文件倉將於8月16日由招商銀行(3968)掀開序幕,市場重點將集中於8月下旬的四大行成績表,不過證券商普遍預期,內銀整體盈利增長將放緩,淨息差持續收窄,不良貸款問題或進一步令資產質素惡化。  美銀美林估計,內銀業績難有驚喜,預測四大行中期盈利增幅介乎10至15%,中小內銀(不計中信銀行(998))則介乎14至18%,但該行認為,內銀股價應已反映中國經濟硬�陸風險,其中民生存倉行(1988)及農業銀行(1288)的中期盈利,或有較強勁增長,可帶動股價追落後。工行抗逆力較強  瑞銀則看好建行(939)及工行(1398),認為兩行存款業務表現較佳。大摩亦於上周五出報告,重新將工行納入研究範圍,指工行於零售及企業銀行市場,可維持領導地位,資金成本具優勢,加上在貸款質素下降的情況下抗逆力較強,因此給予「增持」評級,目標價5.9元,相當於2013年預測市帳率的1.26倍。自存倉

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陳洪米曉華黃龍縣地處黃土高原丘陵溝壑區,迷你倉價錢位於陝西省中北部,延安市東南。轄區礦產 資源匱乏,是以農為主的農業經濟縣。從以糧食種植為主,到發展特色農產品,走以核桃產業為主的農業產業化發展道路,黃龍人在選擇中走出了一條適宜自己發展的道路。農業產業化推進情況上世紀九十年代初,根據地域特點,從調整優化產業結構、發展地方經濟的角度出發,黃龍縣開始推進核桃產業發展,走農業產業化發展的道路。為此,黃龍縣政府出台了核桃栽種優惠政策,引導農戶栽種核桃。實行財政補貼、進行技術培訓、提供咨詢服務、對支持核桃產業的銀行業機構發放的小額貸款給予減免利息稅。核桃產業為黃龍縣注入了新的活力。黃龍核桃每年以萬畝的發展速度遞增,基地建設初具模,已成為陝西省最大的優質核桃商品基地。經過二十多年的發展,黃龍核桃栽種遍佈全縣各鄉鎮,發展為該縣的主導產業,與玉米、蘋果等成為縣域支柱產業。截至2012年末,黃龍縣核桃栽種面積25萬畝,掛果面積12萬畝,年產量達到60 00噸,實現產值1.8億元。特色農業產業化發展的�示黃龍縣核桃產業的快速發展與糧食種植的穩定發展態勢形成明顯對比,有四點值得借鑒。(一)堅持因地制宜。黃龍縣屬於渭北黃土高原丘陵溝壑區,轄區地貌特徵為�、梁(嶺)、�組成的溝間地和溝壑系統,大面積的丘陵、山區適宜核桃、蘋果等經濟樹木生長,而�面則適宜發展糧食生產。(二)堅持面向市場。核桃有較高的經濟價值,核桃栽種具有投資小、見效快、銷路好、效益高、易管理等特點。隨著人民生活水平的提高,對核桃的需求量日益增大。(三)尊重農民的意願。在推進核桃產業發展中,地方政府充分尊重農民的意願,讓群�幹自己喜歡幹的事情,以效益推動作為發展產業的前提,使農民切實得到實惠。(四)堅持農民受惠原則。從調查數據來看,農戶種植玉米的成本價每畝在650 元左右,玉米的平均畝產值1440元,扣除成本,種植玉米每畝收入在790元左右;而農戶栽種核桃,每畝投資大約1000元左右,核桃平均畝產值12500元左右,扣除投資和其他成本,栽種核桃每畝收入在11500元左右。顯而易見,農戶種植核桃與種植玉米,經濟收入懸殊,效益大不相同。農業產業化發展存在的問題 (一)資金供求矛盾突出。據調查,黃龍縣栽種核桃投資每畝在1000元左右,全縣25萬畝核桃,每年投資最少需2.5億元,玉米投資最少需0.85億元,蘋果投資最少需1億元,僅此三項需投資4.35億元,剔除農民自籌和政府補貼,資金缺口在2.4 9億元左右。截至2012年9月末,黃龍縣銀行業金融機構貸款餘額2.42億元,剔除公司類貸款、消費貸款、個體工商戶貸款等,實際投入到農戶的貸款大約在1.8億元,僅農業支柱產業資金缺口約1.37億元。(二)縣域金融服務弱化。一是機構數量少。截至2012年9月末,在黃龍縣設置機構的銀行業金融機構有農業銀行、郵儲銀行以及農村信用聯社三家共20個營業網點,其中,農行迷你倉庫個網點,郵儲銀行有5個網點,兩家機構的網點大多分佈在城區,業務範圍和服務對象勢必受到影響。二是資金來源有限。從服務職能和服務方向看,三家銀行業金融機構都具有服務“三農”經濟的特徵,但由於黃龍縣人口稀少,資源貧乏,工業發展落後,縣域經濟主要以核桃等農業產業為主,經濟基礎薄弱,銀行業金融機構的可用資金有限。三是貸款投放對象有限。黃龍縣農村信用聯社的貸款占全縣貸款餘額的80%以上,農業銀行以及郵儲銀行的貸款投放對象以個體工商戶為主,對核桃及蘋果產業的貸款投放有限。而作為補充的民間借貸不僅資金有限,且利率很高,加大貸戶負擔,資金鏈容易斷裂。(三)貸款風險較大。農業是弱質產業,受自然災害、市場價格以及經營管理等因素影響較大,一旦遭遇自然災害或經營管理不善,農戶收入必將受到直接影響,貸款就會形成不良,而農戶一旦產生不良記錄,按照規定,銀行就不能再給予信貸支持,農戶融資就會更困難,形成惡性循環。(四)貸款額度有限。黃龍縣農村信用聯社的貸款占全縣貸款餘額的80%以上,由於農業生產的不確定性和高風險性,黃龍縣信用聯社給基層信用社的最高授信額度為5萬元,超過貸款限額,需要上報聯社審批,超過一定額度還需要提供抵押物,或具有一定經濟實力的人出具擔保,還要經業務部門審查、審貸會研究以及領導 簽批等環節,大部分農戶或因手續繁雜或因貸款時間長或因人員生疏不願去聯社辦理較大額度的貸款。發展農業產業化的建議(一)完善農村金融服務體系。地方政府要出台扶持獎勵政策,鼓勵和引導金融機構尤其是大型銀行在縣域設立機構,在鄉鎮增設網點機構,把服務觸角向基層延伸,向村鎮延長,完善商業金融、政策性金融互為補充、有序充分競爭的農村金融服務體系。(二)加大信貸投放力度,著力支持“三農”經濟發展。現有銀行業金融機構要立足縣域經濟發展特點,著眼地方主導產業發展的實際,堅持服務“三農”的宗旨,培養優良客戶,加大貸款投放力度,積極扶持農戶發展支柱產業,推進農業產業化發展,壯大地方經濟。(三)建立農業風險補償機制。地方政府部門要出台優惠政策,嘗試引導保險機構參與農業保險的承保工作,因地制宜創新保險產品,為糧食種植戶承擔部分損失,調動糧食種植戶尤其是種植大戶的積極性。(四)適度放寬貸款條件。農村信用聯社應根據地方經濟發展特點,在風險可控的條件下,適度放寬對農戶的貸款額度,特事特辦,急事急辦,縮短貸款辦理周期,及時解決農戶尤其是種植大戶的資金需求。(五)加大政策扶持力度。地方政府要因地制宜,積極研究制定、出台財政獎勵 、稅費減免等優惠政策,完善風險補償、擔保機制,對支農突出的銀行給予資金和政策傾斜,對銀行業機構在支持農業產業化發展中形成的不良貸款予以協助清收或資金補貼,以解決銀行業機構的後顧之憂,持續加大農村金融投入。同時,通過農業技術指導、農田管理、市場行情咨詢等方式,為農戶提供病蟲害防治、自然災害防範和銷售等服務,調動農戶的積極性。儲存

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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.mini storageM.Aug. 11--"Do I have a scam for you!" That was one of the phone messages waiting for me when I arrived for work one morning last month, the day after we published my Sunday column announcing the introduction of our new weekly feature, "Scam of the Week" (July 28: "Under siege by scammers? Tell us about it").Sure, I thought to myself, ever the skeptical journalist. That's what they are all going to say.As it turns out, the caller wasn't exaggerating. Not only that, but she was one of two people to contact us that day about this blatant telephone scam aimed at older folks on Medicare -- one that not so coincidentally has prompted renewed warnings of late from regional Better Business Bureaus across the country.Several weeks ago, Johannah Miller of Albuquerque received a telephone call from a man who claimed to be responsible for sending out new Medicare cards.According to Miller, the conversation went something like this:Caller : Is this Johannah Miller?Miller : Yes.Caller : I'm calling from Washington, D.C., and we are going to be issuing a new Medicare card. Do you live at ...Miller : Yes.Caller : What's the name of your bank?Miller : Why don't you tell me?Caller : I'm here to verify information from you; you're not to verify information from me.Miller : You know, this sounds like a scam.Caller : (Click).End of story? Not so fast.The next day, she says, her husband, Lewis, received a similar call, asking such personal questions as the name of his bank -- he had some fun with the caller by saying it was the Predators and Defaulters National Bank -- and whether the routing number on his bank account starts with a "0-1" or "1-0."When her husband asked, "Where are you calling from," the caller hung up.Unfortunately, not all of these phishing expeditions for personal financial information have such a happy ending.The second person to contact us about this scam -- this one by email -- told the sad tale about his 74-year-old sister, who had been persuaded to disclose personal information to the caller, including details about her checking account.Apparently, they aren't the only ones to have been tself storagergeted in the Albuquerque region of late.Connie Quillen, executive assistant of the Albuquerquebased Better Business Bureau Serving New Mexico and Southwest Colorado, says her office is receiving several calls a week related to two variations of this Medicare scam.Essentially, she says, Medicare recipients are being told their new card is ready, but there is a $50 fee to get it. They also are being asked to reveal their Social Security and bank routing numbers.Quillen says there are no circumstances under which Medicare would call someone and ask those type of personal questions."Medicare already knows your information," she says. "They know your Medicare number. They know your Social (Security number). They know everything."When her office takes a call from someone who admits to releasing bank account information, callers immediately are advised to contact their bank and freeze their account.If they disclose their Social Security number, they are advised to put a fraud alert on their number by contacting one of the three major credit-reporting companies: Equifax (1-800-525-6285), Experian (1-888-397-3742) or TransUnion (1-800-680-7289).Quillen says another option is to go online to AnnualCreditReport. com and request a fraud alert be placed on your file. You also should request a free credit report to make sure there hasn't been any suspicious activity on your accounts.The Federal Trade Commission also recommends that you file a report with your local police department and with the FTC either online or by calling 1-877-438-4338.Better yet, you can make like the Millers and avoid having to go through this process altogether.Nick Pappas is assistant business editor at the Albuquerque Journal. Contact him at npappas@abqjournal.com, 505-823-3847 or on Twitter at @nickpapp if you are aware of what sounds like a scam in the area. To report a scam to law enforcement, contact the New Mexico Consumer Protection Division toll-free at 1-800-678-1508.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteAug.新蒲崗迷你倉 11--JAMESTOWN, N.Y. -- The ride from the Buffalo-Niagara International Airport to Jamestown takes about 90 minutes on a two-lane highway flanked by old farm houses and barns. As you near the place once known as "The Furniture Capitol of the World," cows graze near the road in deep green pastures.This is the route that Taiwanese-born Jin-De Jhang and the rest of the Jamestown Jammers, a Pirates short-season Class A team, traveled in early June after being in Florida for extended spring training. He and the 12 other international players from nine countries are learning about America in a town that feels like it peaked in the 1950s and in a stadium, Russell Diethrick Park, that was built during World War II (1941).Jhang, a catcher, got a $250,000 signing bonus from the Pirates in 2011 after scouts became enamored with his tight, compact swing. He speaks limited English and Spanish, can't read either language at all, and has teammates from Lithuania, Australia, Colombia and everywhere in between. Jhang and Jamestown are part of a scouting revolution for an organization considered one of the worst in baseball at signing international talent a few years ago.These players are learning about America through a town where you can go either left or right on the main road. It's not big enough to have other directions.At a local Mexican restaurant, a waitress asks out-of-towners where they're from because, if she doesn't know them, they aren't from around here. She's a local, calling herself a loser for not leaving years ago. Wrinkling her nose at visitors, she'll pass out a menu and say, "Why in the world are you visiting Jamestown?"--Before general manager Neal Huntington took over in 2007, the Pirates were considered by many to be one of the worst teams in the league at signing international players. It wasn't that they were swinging and missing -- the organization didn't seem to care about getting in the international batter's box.But right before Huntington started with the Pirates, owner Robert Nutting committed $5 million to build an academy in the Dominican Republic, while Pirate City -- the organization's spring training ballpark and minor league complex in Bradenton, Fla. -- underwent a $20 million renovation in 2008. It also helped that after Huntington arrived, he estimated that the organization's international scouting budget doubled if not tripled.Over the past few years, the Pirates have signed Major League Baseball's first-ever players from Belarus, Lithuania and India. There are players in the system from the Netherlands, South Africa and Honduras. If a country is playing baseball, chances are it is represented in the organization.Part of this international expansion is to find the most talent from the most places, but there's also the added benefit of having a foot in the door for future players. Even if one signing doesn't work out, if that player is treated right and says good things about the organization, the next big player out of that country might be more willing to sign with the Pirates.Case in point: The Pirates have a strong footing in Australia thanks to Tony Harris, a roaming scout who lives and coaches in that country. They've signed several Aussies -- including Jamestown pitcher Jackson Lodge -- the past couple years. Some have panned out, some haven't. Lodge is 3-2 with a 4.50 ERA this season.In 2012, the Pirates signed Sam Kennelly, a 16-year-old, and their most high-profile Australian prospect commanded a $225,000 signing bonus."You're talking about 16-, 17-year-old young men that are trying to make a decision as to where to go," Huntington said. "International guys are coming to a whole new country and environment and culture. To have the Pirate City dorm and the controlled structure and discipline and assistance programs we have in place -- we believe those are an asset for us and we believe will help us not only develop but also recruit players."Still, it's impossible to be perfect no matter how diligent the scouting system is. In 2008, the Pirates signed shortstop Yhonathan Barrios out of Colombia for $250,000. He hit .196 in the New York-Penn League in 2012 and .143 for Jamestown this season before being sent back to the Gulf Coast League to be converted into a relief pitcher.Also in 2008, the Pirates made a splash by becoming the first team to sign Indian baseball players after Rinku Singh and Dinesh Patel won a reality show called "The Million Dollar Arm." Even though Singh has never made it above Class A and is in Bradenton rehabilitating an injury and Patel was released in 2010, a movie about their lives is in the works.For a small- to mid-market team, the international acquisition process is incredibly valuable, but that doesn't mean it's easy."In my mind, it's the most challenging elements that we have in our sport, the projection of what a young player is going to look like and all the variables that go into the development of that player," Huntington said.This is how the Jammers wound up with a player from Lithuania living with a player from Venezuela and a Taiwanese catcher discussing strategy on the mound with a pitcher from Australia.The coaching staff in Jamestown seems set up perfectly to help international talent adjust. Jhang goes to English classes with 10 other teammates run by the team's video coordinator, Braden Laruffa, who spoke English, Spanish and Portuguese growing up. Dave Turgeon, Jhang's manager, played internationally, including a long stint in Taiwan. Jhang is shown around by Dave Valesente, who is familiar with Taiwanese culture because his dad played in Taiwan."I know how hard it is," Turgeon said. "I feel all of their hearts. That goes right to my staff, and my staff is sensitive to all that, too. We understand how hard it is. The game is hard itself, then throw everything else into the mix? That's really hard."--There's a cubbyhole full of cell phones inside the Jammers' locker room, guarded like a safe by the coaches and coordinators. Turgeon implemented a rule at the beginning of the year: No cell phones once you get to the ballpark. Players can't stick to what makes them comfortable, which in Jhang's case, is reading or messaging people that actually speak his language, Mandarin Chinese.In lieu of the phones are a ping-pong table, card games and a makeshift barbershop in a corner next to the lockers. Turgeon insists he would have implemented the rule even if he didn't have nine countries represented on his team, but for a non-English speaker, the phone is a lifeline to his family and girlfriend, to his country. Trying to talk and interact with a group of people that don't speak your language isn't the easiest option."When I was playing, we didn't have all of that stuff," Turgeon said. "We had each other, so we were always more tight-knit. I'm trying to create more of an old-school atmosphere where guys are more invested in each other than they are their phones ... I'm trying to get communication amongst the players instead of through the outside world."Jamestown has international prospects from traditional baseball hotbeds -- the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia -- but also prospects from Lithuania, Australia, Taiwan and Cuba. Turgeon could trot out a lineup of nine players from different countries if he wanted.Onmini storagethe field, communication isn't that difficult. Baseball has its own language, and international players pick up the lingo pretty quickly. Jhang may not know what "throw" means, but he knows that when he says it, a ball is coming toward him.Jhang's translator has been stuck in Taiwan for months, work visa troubles leaving Jhang (called Johnny by his teammates) without a person around who speaks his native language. His de facto tutor is his roommate, Valesente, 25, a veteran by New York-Penn standards and the team's backup catcher."What's that language program? Rosetta Stone? It's like Rosetta Stone every day in the clubhouse," Valesente said. "It's all about learning."The players live within a long toss of the left-field fence, four or five in each suite-style apartment in dorms that house Jamestown Community College students during the school year. One sample apartment includes representatives of Taiwan (Jhang), Venezuela, Ithaca, N.Y. (Valesente), Las Vegas and Texas.The group ordered Chinese food the other week, and Valesente made Jhang go downstairs and pick up the food. Any bit of interaction helps. Restaurants are difficult for Jhang -- he can't read the menu and nobody is there to translate, so pictures are helpful. Dinner usually winds up being chicken or a burger, unless he's on the road. There, Jhang and Lithuanian pitcher Dovydas Neverauskas have a ritual: They eat sushi.--At a local restaurant in Jamestown, out-of-towners who get lunch two days in a row will have their drink order remembered. The city feels old because it is; one of those American towns that's stuck as a remnant of a different period. Downtown takes no more than a couple of minutes to drive through, past the museum and gigantic murals of Lucille Ball -- Jamestown's most famous former resident.The town around Diethrick Park has changed even if the building itself hasn't had a major renovation since 1941. Most of the big, brick factories are either abandoned or have been turned into storage. The "Furniture Capitol of the World" had its glory days years ago. The industrial town isn't known for anything anymore, but the town's primary businesses make truck engines and truck-engine parts at companies such as Cummins Engines and Truck-Lite.According to the Census Bureau, Jamestown's per capita income is slightly less than $19,000 a year, which is above the poverty line but not by much. Fewer than 20 percent of Jamestown's citizens have graduated from college, and people who are born in Jamestown tend to stay in Jamestown.One constant has been the Jammers, who remain in a small city even though so many other teams in their league did not."I love the town," Turgeon said. "The place is exactly the same since I was in the league in 1987. It's about the work, not about the thrills. All the talent hotbeds in the world come from Spartan conditions, and there's a reason for that -- it's all about the work and not about anything else extracurricular."Little baseball towns such as this used to exist all across the country and especially all over the New York-Penn League. Geneva, N.Y., population 13,000, had a team. So did Oneonta, N.Y., population 14,000, and Watertown, N.Y., population 27,000.Those teams still exist in some places -- Batavia, Auburn, Hudson Valley -- but the majority of the league has moved on to play in new, state-of-the-art stadiums. The Brooklyn Cyclones built a $55 million stadium in 2001, while the Staten Island Yankees built their own in 2000 for almost $30 million.In Aberdeen, Md., the Orioles play in an $18 million stadium that looks like a major league outfit from the press box and club levels, as long as you turn your head away from the field.In Jamestown, getting to the press box requires climbing up a ladder and through a hatch in the ceiling to get on the roof of the grandstand, which supports a press box that is fashioned like a motor home -- long, skinny and outfitted with the bare necessities.Yet, the Jammers are still at Diethrick, the second-oldest stadium in the league. The clubhouse feels cramped, and whatever amenities that pro athletes have don't exist. Tall trees poke up from beyond the outfield fence, and the grass has been known to retain large amounts of water.It's simple, with no frills. Like Jamestown.--Things are different at PNC Park this year. The Pirates have a shot at finishing above .500 and making the playoffs for the first time in 20 years while buoyed by young, homegrown talent surrounded by key veteran free agents.Seven Jammers recently were named New York-Penn All-Stars, including Jhang and two other foreign-born players. Maybe a few will get the chance to play in Pittsburgh, but not many and certainly not all. In 2012, 243 major league players (more than 28 percent) were born outside of the United States, mostly from the Dominican Republic or Venezuela. Two were from Taiwan. The odds aren't high, but it can be done.Still, most of these players won't have an effect at the big-league level. What they will have is an effect on the Pirates system and culture and on the way the organization operates in the international market. Changing a culture isn't just about changing the immediate product on the field -- it's about changing the entire system, from top to bottom, from Pittsburgh to Jamestown to Bradenton.Two weeks ago, Jhang stood on the diamond while children ran around him. He and the rest of the Jammers were helping to run a kids camp, one of the many community-service events that the Pirates require their prospects to participate in. Kids met Jhang and stopped in their tracks, amazed. They asked Valesente questions about Jhang, because they've never met somebody who speaks a foreign language. Fewer than 2 percent of all Jamestown citizens were foreign-born."It's a nice, small, typical American city," Jammers general manager Matt Drayer said. "We can show these young kids in Jamestown that there is a grander scale from where we get our ballplayers from, and, sometimes, even show their parents."So maybe it's not just Jamestown helping almost half the Jammers' roster adjust to America.Maybe it's the Jammers helping Jamestown see the world.About the Jammers--Team: Jamestown Jammers.--Location: Jamestown, N.Y.--League: New York-Penn League, a short-season Class A minor league.--Affiliation: First season with the Pirates after a decade with the Miami Marlins. The Pirates' Class A short-season team previously was in State College.--This season: 31-18 entering play Friday and in first place in the Pinckney Division. It should be noted that the franchise has never won a championship of any kind since its inception in 1989.--2013 leaders: Shortstop Adam Frazier is second in the league in batting (.344) and left fielder Harold Ramirez is second in RBIs (35). ... As a team, the Jammers lead the league with a .275 batting average and 5.14 runs a game.--Of note: Peters Township's Jimmy Rider, taken in the 26th round of the 2012 draft by the Pirates, plays for Jamestown. He is hitting .275 with 11 RBIs.--History: The New York-Penn League dates to 1939. Jamestown originally had a team in it -- the Jaguars.Everett Cook: ecook@post-gazette.com and Twitter @everettcook.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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Sharing patient records between public and private institutions will streamline carePatients lugging unwieldy CT scans and X-rays to their doctor’s office could soon be history.存倉In an eHealth Forum held earlier this month, IT and medical professionals shared the progress of their drive to set up a platform for sharing of electronic medical data between the private and public health sectors.“In 2005, medical records in the public sector were accessible to the private sector for the first time, but it was only one-way, with the private sector being able to see records in the public sector,” says Dr Cheung Ngai-tseung, chief medical information officer with the Hospital Authority.“At the end of 2014, it will be mutual sharing. For a patient seeking medical consultation at a private clinic, upon his consent, the clinic can see his medical records [in public hospitals]. He just needs to present his ID card.”Cheung says progress has been attained in the establishment of the mutual platform since the 1990s when the authority developed an electronic system for hospitals.He says the government is in the process of enacting legislation for the mutual sharing of electronic records.With the public sector providing the bulk of medical services in Hong Kong – accounting for 77 per cent of all in-patient services – Choy Khai-meng, the authority’s chief manager in service transformation and a consultant in public-private partnership with the Food and Health Bureau, says the mutual s haring of data can help lessen the burden on the public medical sector.One area in which this has had a positive impact in the private-public collaboration is in the treatment of cataracts.Choy explains: “The waiting list for cataracts suffe自存倉ers at public hospitals is around five years. We give patients subsidies and they can choose to get their surgeries done outside. Patients’ records are sent out electronically. Most of the more than 100 eye surgeons in Hong Kong have joined the programme.”In 2012, the authority received HK$65 million from the government to launch the Pilot Project on Enhancing Radiological Investigation Services through Collaboration with the Private Sector.Under the programme, cancer patients can ask for diagnoses on the stage of their disease. If they’ve joined the electronic medical data sharing system, the results of their magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography scans are returned to the public hospitals through the electronic platform for subsequent treatment.Electronic records that spell out family illness history, use of medicine, and inoculation history, provide doctors with a clearer picture of their patents’ medical condition.Electronic records can also help the government better handle medical contingencies, Cheung says. For example, in 2009, a drug for treating gout was found to have a problem. Using the database, the affected patients could be found instantly.Stephen Lieber, chief executive of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, a US-based non-profit group and organiser of the eHealth forum, says the initiative can improve medical practices.“Many things can come out of the aggregation and analysis of data. Doctors will be able to recognise how community diseases spread from one place to another and identify hot spots of diseases.”He adds that the Hong Kong government should make sure their self-developed system can keep up with the cutting-edge technologies around the world.迷你倉新蒲崗

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The six people swept up and killed by hot lava from an erupting volcano in eastern Indonesia had refused to leave the area for safer ground when the mountain began rumbling last year, an official said yesterday, one day after the eruption.迷你倉庫Officials continued searching yesterday for the bodies of two children buried by the hot lava as rumbling could still be heard from Mount Rokatenda on the small island of Palue in East Nusa Tenggara province.Nearly 3,000 people have been evacuated from the area since the volcano erupted early Saturday morning, according to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency. The volcano had been active since last October.Tini Thadeus, head of the local disaster agency, said the six victims, who died while sleeping in a beachside village, were among those who had refused to leave last year when evacuations were carried out to establish a safety zone around the volcano.“On their belief, if all the old villagers abandoned the red (danger) zone, then lava will destroy the residential 儲存rea,” Thadeus said from Kupang, the provincial capital. Among the dead was a 58-year-old woman, the grandmother of the two children who also died.“But unfortunately, not like in the past, lava from Saturday’s eruption flowed northward and hit them,” Thadeus said, adding that during earlier eruptions since the 1930s, lava had always flowed southward.On nearby Flores island, Mutiara Mauboi, an official at the command post helping evacuees, said 138 had arrived yesterday in Maumere town. Eleven people, including two pregnant women and two disabled people, were taken to a hospital due to injuries sustained during the eruption.The people who died included three adults and the two children. The age of the sixth person is not clear.Thadeus said he was not optimistic about recovering the children’s bodies since they were buried under hot volcanic material. He said small explosions could still be heard coming from the peak, which was still spewing smoke up to 600 meters into the sky. 新蒲崗迷你倉

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Police arrest 8 suspects from firm with clenbuterol-laced productsBy Zhou Wenting in Shanghaizhouwenting@chinadaily.迷你倉庫com.cnChina’s Ministry of Public Security China found the banned substance clenbuterol in veterinary drugs, the ministry said on its website on Sunday.Jiangxi Hailian, a private enterprise in Haiyan county, Jiangxi province, that specializes in the production of veterinary drugs, sold clenbuterol-laced drugs in 21 provinces and municipalities.Eight main suspects, including the company manager, who was identified only by his surname of Xiong, were arrested, and police seized more than 4,000 boxes with 20 kinds of counterfeit drugs. Six kinds of the counterfeit drugs contained clenbuterol.The enterprise added the substance to the drugs to improve effectiveness and reap economic benefits, according to police.The company, which claims on its website to sell veterinary drugs to farms all over the country, was unable to be reached on Sunday for comment.China forbids the production, sale and use of clenbuterol, which makes pigs leaner, because residue of the chemical in livestock will cause health problems in humans, such as dizziness, headaches, hand tremors and palpitations, food safety experts said.“Clenbuterol causes symptoms within several hours, and the greatest risks are to people with heart trouble,” said Fan Zhihong, associate professor of nutrition and food safety at the China Agricultural University, who said a small amount of the substance would not be obvious but would be dangerous.The case emerged when pigs from several farmers in Haiyan were found to contain the chemical in spot checks by the local agricultural economy bureau in February.The technical director of the company, who the police only i儲存entified by his surname, Zhou, told police he found on the Internet that clenbuterol relieves asthma in pigs.“We acquired the license number to produce veterinary drugs with qualified recipes and used it to produce substandard medicines,” Zhou said, according to police.The business got a certificate of Good Manufacturing Practices in 2005, which is required by drug manufacturers to produce veterinary drugs, and repassed the test last year, according to information from the Ministry of Agriculture.The company used a warehouse behind a wall to hide the clenbuterol-laced drugs during inspections from authorities, Zou Yunfeng, a policeman who dealt with the case, was quoted by the Beijing News as saying.“The managers of the business closed the door on a wall behind which the illegal drugs were stacked whenever drug inspectors arrived,” he said. “They would mistakenly believe the warehouse behind the wall was outside the factory and didn’t look into it.”Police have carried out campaigns against clenbuterol since it stirred widespread concern about pork safety when the Shuanghui Group, the country’s largest meat processor, apologized in April 2011 for selling pork products that contained the additive.In June 2011, police said 2.5 tons of clenbuterol had been seized in a nationwide crackdown in the previous six months and nearly 1,000 people were arrested on suspicion of manufacturing and selling the hazardous chemical.4,000boxesof drugs were seized. They had 20 kinds of counterfeit drugs, six of which contained clenbuterol.Clenbuterol causes symptoms within several hours, and the greatest risks are to people with heart trouble.”fan zhihongassociate professor of nutrition and food safety at the China agricultural university新蒲崗迷你倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.文件倉Aug. 11--Whirlpool to add 150 jobs to Tulsa facilityWhirlpool Corp. announced Thursday it will add approximately 150 jobs at its Tulsa factory.Additionally, the manufacturer said it will spend $18.8 million for capital improvements at the facility, located near U.S. 75 and 76th Street North in the Cherokee Industrial Park.Whirlpool currently employs 850 people in Tulsa, down from a high of 1,200 five years ago.The plant chiefly manufactures cooking ranges, and the growth in employment was attributed to a new cooking product line that will be made in Tulsa.The new jobs will mostly be in manufacturing and skilled labor, with a few salaried positions in support, Whirlpool said in a news release. The company did not disclose the salary range or what the capital improvements will entail.Gov. Mary Fallin said she is excited that the company is expanding and creating jobs in Tulsa."Whirlpool's investment in Oklahoma is a great vote of confidence in the state's pro-business climate and its long-term economic outlook," she said in a statement. "My thanks go out to Whirlpool and its employees for continuing to be an important part of our Oklahoma community."- ROBERT EVATT, World Business WriterAA-US Airways merger passes regulatory hurdleThe European Commission has approved the proposed merger between US Airways and AMR Corp., the parent of American Airlines, removing another obstacle to the deal.As a condition of its approval, the EC is requiring the new combined carrier to give up one daily take-off and landing slot between London's Heathrow Airport and Philadelphia. Currently, Tempe, Ariz.-based US Airways operates one daily flight between London and Philadelphia, and American's Oneworld alliance partner, British Airways, operates two daily flights between the cities."The commitments include a corresponding slot at London Heathrow as well as far-reaching feeder arrangements to induce entry by a new competitor on the route," EC official Joaquin Almunia said in a statement. "We are therefore satisfied that the competitive dynamics will be maintained so as to ensure choice and quality of air services for passengers on this route."With clearance from the EC, the merger is awaiting approval from the U.S. Department of Justice as well as confirmation of AMR's restructuring plan in bankruptcy court. The bankruptcy court is scheduled to take up the matter Thursday. And both airlines expect to close the merger by September, when American will exit bankruptcy.- ANDREA HALES, Fort Worth Star-TelegramMidtown may get another grocery storeCould midtown Tulsa be getting another big-name grocery store?According to a recent city Board of Adjustment case report, an applicant plans to tear down and rebuild the former Homeland building near 31st Street and Harvard Avenue for a new grocery store.Chatter on Facebook and elsewhere is that a Walmart Neighborhood Market may locate at the site in Ranch Acres Shopping Center.Officials at Wal-Mart Stores Inc. were asked by phone Tuesday about the possibility of locating a grocery store at the site."We're always looking for opportunities to serve our Tulsa customers, but we存倉have nothing to announce," said an emailed response by Erica Jones, senior manager of communications for the Bentonville, Ark.-based retail giant.A Walmart Neighborhood Market operates on the southwest corner of 21st Street and Yale Avenue, less than two miles away.The applicant received approval for the plan at the July 9 Board of Adjustment meeting.Lynne Tucker, who sits on the board of trustees for the Ranch Acres Homeowners Association, voiced support for a new store."We're all very much thrilled and in favor of it," she said.- LAURIE WINSLOW, World Business WriterPlanned community in the works in west TulsaThe site around a pick-your-own blueberry farm in west Tulsa could become a 23-acre planned community with residential and commercial components.The development, currently known as The Land, was unveiled Wednesday by Richard Presley, owner of retail optical shops in Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas, during the regular meeting of the Tulsa Rotary Club downtown.Presley said he's in the planning phases of the project and hopes to present a site plan for permitting approval by the end of the year.For the design, Presley has hired Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co., a Miami, Fla.-based architectural firm that has planned a number of communities built around smart growth, sustainable development and community planning over the past three decades.Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, a founding principal of the firm, spoke during the luncheon about design strategies to tackle the interconnected problems of urban disinvestment and suburban sprawl.The principles the company tends to follow in its mixed-use developments include having everything within a five-minute walking radius; focal civic places such as post offices, activity centers and churches; and a road layout that focuses on interconnectedness.She said The Land will have a similar feel with a cluster of commercial and community space, featuring a mix of offices, restaurants and a market, as well as a variety of residential options.- ROBERT EVATT, World Business WriterThe week in numbers48Drop, in percentage, in second-quarter net income for HollyFrontier Corp. after the company reported $257 million in earnings, down from $493.5 million a year earlier. The drop is due to many refineries being down for maintenance, CEO Mike Jennings said.5.8Increase, in percentage, of car rentals at Tulsa International Airport in June over the same month last year after being up 11.4 percent in May. The Global Business Travel Association is predicting a 5.4 percent increase in business travel this year.17Number of high school graduates in the state, out of 100, who earn a college degree in Oklahoma, according to Marilyn Feaver of the Southwest Oklahoma Impact Coalition. Groups at a Monday conference gathered to address the need for skilled labor in the state.Quotable"In a few years, I think vinyl and downloads will be the only formats for music."- Jim Paddack, co-owner of Oklahoma retailer Size Records, on the comeback in popularity of vinyl recordsCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

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Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahAug.自存倉 11--SALT LAKE CITY -- In response to an emergency request for assistance from the Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands, Gov. Gary Herbert has authorized deployment of Utah National Guard resources as part of the air assault to combat the State and Millville fires in northern Utah.The State Fire is near the town of Portage in Box Elder County, close to the Utah-Idaho border, and has burned more than 11.000 acres. The Millville Fire is in Cache County, just south of Logan.Due to new fires in other parts of the state, air resources are scarce and the assistance of National Guard Blackhawk helicopters is warranted to tac迷你倉新蒲崗le flames in a steep canyon west of Portage and in Millville, according to State Forestry officials. According to current reports, six ground crews are on scene at the State Fire and five more are en route. The erratic fire keeps jumping fire lines and making significant runs due to high winds.The National Guard has initiated mobilization efforts, in coordination with the Division of Emergency Management and Utah Department of Public Safety. Two Blackhawk helicopters are expected to deploy any minute.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at .standard.net Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租

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Source: The Tribune-Democrat, Johnstown, Pa.mini storageAug. 10--VINTONDALE -- A Vintondale man was jailed after authorities said he twice intentionally rammed his car into another vehicle.The other car was carrying three people, including a 22-month-old child.Chad Michael Adamsky, 26, of the 200 block of Rager Road, was charged Thursday with six counts each of aggravated assault, simple assault and reckless endangerment by state police in Ebensburg.He also was charged with two counts each of criminal mischief and disorderly conduct, along with multiple traffic violations.In a criminal complaint, troopers said a man, woman and child were riding in a Honda Civic on Route 3047 (Plank Road) in Jackson Township around 2 p.m. Wednesday.As they approached a black Chevrolet Cavalier from behind, the driver began throwing soda bottles out a window aself storage the Honda.The driver of the Cavalier rammed the Honda as its driver attempted to pass, troopers said.The Cavalier driver also ran a stop sign while heading north on Route 271, troopers said.The Honda's driver told troopers that he drove around the Cavalier when it stopped on Expedite Road, but the Cavalier's driver again rammed the Honda from behind.Damage to the Honda was estimated at $1,800. No injuries were reported.The woman in the car said she recognized Adamsky as being a friend's boyfriend.Adamsky arraigned by District Judge John Barron of Upper Yoder Township and sent to the Cambria County Prison after failing to post 10 percent of $20,000 bond.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) Visit The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) at .tribune-democrat.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: The Roanoke Times, Va.存倉Aug. 10--Even the most dedicated faithful can find themselves entrenched in an almost mechanical Sunday routine: Go to a worship service, go home, repeat next week.It's common in churches across the spectrum, but not ideal, according to Chuck Frost, a St. Andrew's Catholic Church pastoral associate.Over the past two years, the St. Andrew's staff kicked around an idea that could break people out of the mundane cycle. A festival formed in the minds of church leaders. It featured music, a speaker, and an opportunity to unite a group of parishioners that is usually split over four separate services.It would be called the Festival of Faith.Still, Frost said, organizing such a large event was a risk because of the costs involved. And in October 2011, the idea was about to be set aside. That's when then-Pope Benedict XVI sent a letter to Catholics worldwide announcing that the church would observe a "year of faith" from October 2012 through November 2013, a letter that spurred St. Andrew's to go forward with its suddenly aptly named festival."The bigger church is asking us to do this, to inspire people and renew their faith," Frost said.The Roanoke church is hoping to energize legions of local Catholics with the event, which kicked off this evening and will run through Tuesday.After 15 months of planning, Muriel Kelley said the weekend's events will be the first of their kind for St. Andrew's. Kelley, the chairwoman for the steering committee that planned Festival of Faith, said one of the church's goals is to bring all of its parishioners together for a unique experience.The church expects about 1,500 people to be on hand Sunday morning for a special combined Mass and boxed lunch, Kelley said. The Mass, along with events on Monday and Tuesday, will feature keynote speaker Mike Patin, who is known nationally for using humor and energetic talks to encourage further engagement with the faith.But to start the festival, the church called on the internationally touring band Ceili Rain, a group infused with Celtic sounds and a Christian message. Bill Bleistine, the drummer, said the group is composed of Catholics, but tries to make music that can lift the spirits of anyone."We wan自存倉 them to feel better leaving than when they came," he said.He said much of that is accomplished in the songwriting of lead singer Bob Halligan Jr., who spent years penning pop songs for bands such as Judas Priest and Joan Jett."He finds a great story or a great character or a great lesson and finds a way to tell it without being preachy or making people uncomfortable," Bleistine said.The band includes St. Andrew's parishioner Burt Mitchell on bagpipes and whistles, and he led the band to the stage by marching through a tent that held 1,500 chairs the church has set up for the weekend's events.After introducing the night's entertainment, Frost watched as the festival kicked off in the big tent, but he had his eyes on a smaller tent, a blue one standing closer to the church. He said over the next few days, that tent will be offering parishioners the chance to become more involved, more engaged.He called the festival a spark plug, hoping it will boost enthusiasm and dovetail with the Catholic New Evangelization movement, which seeks to spread the faith by energizing existing members."It's renewing the church internally so it bleeds over," Frost said. "We will draw people in by our lives. We hope that if their faith is energized, the world will see it and want to know more about it."Even planning the festival, Frost said, has made waves within St. Andrew's members who worked to set the event in motion."It's renewed their faith," he said. "There's a certain excitement among the many who pitched in."Sunday's lineup features the combined Mass at 10 a.m. with Patin, then lunch and music at 11:30 a.m.Monday will bring vendors to the church at 5 p.m. to serve dinner as the church celebrates Mary and listens to another talk from Patin. And on Tuesday, vendors will return as Patin's final keynote closes the festival.Those attending the festivities can park near the church or at locations serviced by a shuttle. Sunday, the shuttle will be running from the Roanoke Civic Center. On Monday and Tuesday, the shuttle will run from the Elmwood parking garage.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Roanoke Times (Roanoke, Va.) Visit The Roanoke Times (Roanoke, Va.) at .roanoke.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗

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  雖然還只是霧里看花,文件倉還處於籌備期之中的民生電子商務有限責任公司(以下簡稱“民生電商”)已經讓業界引發多重猜想。有知情人士向《中國經營報》記者透露,銀監會創新監管部副主任尹龍有望出任該公司總經理。  然而,對於此前媒體所說的“由民生銀行牽頭”的說法,民生銀行卻矢口否認。  “民生電商尚未註冊,與民生銀行沒有股權關係。”8月7日,民生銀行相關人士向記者表示。  但是,由於冠以“民生”二字,又在招聘�事中明確提出“利用民生銀行龐大的中小微客戶規模和牢固的客戶關係基礎”“發揮在信息流、資金流、物流與民生銀行的互補與協同作用”等說法依然給了外界很大的想象空間。  去年民生銀行董事長董文標曾稱,未來5年要打造一個5000人的團隊來推動電子商務銀行的加速發展。那麼此次孕育而生的民生電商是否只是董文標設想的“電子商務銀行”大框架中的一步棋?  “現在很多銀行系電商都存在打擦邊球的風險,很多業務都是市場先行而倒逼監管的,” 東方證券銀行分析師金麟分析,目前的銀行系電商規模壯大之後或許存在合規性隱患,與之相比,“民生銀行則是選擇了迂回路徑,不僅淡化了銀行在其中的角色,而且,如果銀監會官員也能參與的話,則可徹底解決合規的問題。”民生銀行迂迴觸“電”?  在互聯網金融概念炒得火熱的當下,銀行和電商的結合,注定會碰撞出火花。  這也就難怪,7月8日出現在民生銀行官網上的一則招聘�事會引發外界如此廣泛的關注。  據悉,民生電商即將在深圳前海註冊,公司發起人為民生銀行的七家主要非國有股東單位和民生加銀資產管理有限公司,認繳資本金30億元人民幣。  資料顯示,公司發起人為中國民生銀行的七家主要非國有股東單位和民生加銀資產管理有限公司。這七家公司的負責人是董文標、劉永好、郭廣昌、史玉柱、盧志強、張宏偉等。  但對比坊間的熱議,當事方卻三緘其口,而且民生銀行的態度也“似是而非”,不僅多次表示與民生電商除了股東關聯之外毫無關係,而且對此事也不願置評。  “當初是借助民生銀行的客戶資源來提高一下招聘�事的關注度,所以才掛在官網上。”對此,民生銀行內部人士如是解釋。  業內人士分析,民生銀行似是而非的態度背後,或許映射出銀行對電子商務“霧里看花”的心理:一方面對電子商務心嚮往之,卻沒有合適的模式切入,同時也出于對《商業銀行法》的忌憚心理,恐踩紅線。《商業銀行法》明確規定,銀行不得向非金融機構和企業投資。  雖然目前很難證實民生銀行是否存在上述顧慮,但靈活而多變的民生銀行對電子商務的憧憬和盤算早已有之。早在去年7月份,董文標在《哈佛商業評論》中文新刊慶典上就表示,未來5~7年,電子商務銀行市場將非常強大,而電子商務銀行對中國銀行業是一個很大缺失,所以必須在這方面下大決心提升解決。董文標特別強調,如果沒有這樣一個遠見,5~7年以後,小型銀行生存將面臨很大挑戰。  之後,民生銀行也積極展開與電子商務公司的合作。去年10月份,民生銀行與慧聰網合作發行了民生-慧聰新e代聯名信用卡,針對小微企業在B2B平台積累的網絡信用為基礎推出無抵押、免擔保、靈活計費的小額信貸產品。  今年7月30日,民生銀行又在移動電商領域布下一子,民生廣州分行與移動電商廣州閃購�動戰略合作,推出“民生購”。據瞭解,“民生購”平台將借助于移動電商技術延伸企業的銷售渠道,同時,閃媒所實現的隨時隨地品牌傳播功能,讓所有商品都成為廣告傳播平台,成為企業無處不在的資訊平台;另外,平台也為消費者提供24小時在線移動商城、線上購買線下體驗的O2O模式和服務,以及快捷、方便的金融產品在線服務。  同期,民生銀行北京管理部還在內部搭建了“小微同城”,通過在該平台發佈優質小微商戶的服務及商品信息、促銷活動等,吸引行內員工參與交易,實現品牌宣傳、行內交易撮合,為民生銀行小微客戶提供高附加值的非金融服務。民生銀行的這一做法與建行的電子商務平台有些相仿。善融商務在正式推出之初,也同樣在內部試運行一年,借助于內部員工的參與來測試系統的安全性和成熟度。  “銀行與銀行電商之間未來的業務協同是一定的,但是要看哪方面的業務,是消費金融,還是供應鏈金融,不同的定位效果也不盡相同,這取決于銀行的整體戰略。”金麟表示。三種模式PK:自建、接入、獨立電商  “在銀行脫媒和泛金融化的大背景下,跨界電商也是各家銀行轉型的一個必然選擇。”某國有銀行電子銀行部相關負責人付育(化名)認為,這個方向是確定的,但是目前還沒有固定的模式和路徑可循。  多位接受記者採訪的電子銀行業內人士則表示,銀行跨界電商的熱情有餘,但是經驗不足。每一家銀行都在摸著石頭過河。  目前來看,先行試水的銀行主要是採用兩種模式,一種為自建電子商務平台,比如交通銀行的交博匯,以及建設銀行的“善融商務”,都由銀行的電子銀行部門主導搭建交易平台,引入B2B和B2C商戶入駐,同時提供融資、支付結算為一體的綜合化金融服務。  與此同時,以華夏銀行為代表的銀行則與各大電子商務平台合作,並且與後者的交易系統實現對接,借此獲得交易雙方真實而有效的數據,在此基礎上為企業實現在線融資、現金管理、跨行支付、資金結算、資金監管五大功能。  作為銀行的新興金融服務手段,上述兩種模式在短期內存倉獲得了較大的發展。截至6月末,對外推出一年的“善融商務”註冊會員數已突破150萬,交易額接近百億元,融資規模達到數十億元;而華夏銀行中小企業信貸部總經理盧小群則向記者透露,今年1~7月份,平台金融累計發放貸款過萬筆,戶均21萬元。  相形之下,後一種模式有明顯的短板。“自建與非自建,主要區別就是在渠道的控制力上。”某股份制銀行相關業務負責人對記者表示。  在自建商城的模式之下,銀行對平台上的交易數據有絕對的掌控能力,而且,在大數據時代,更多的數據也意味著更多業務延展的可能性;但與之相對,更大的話語權則需要更大的投入。  建行副行長龐秀生此前在接受記者採訪時就曾指出,所有創新的業務都需要這樣一個周期:研發階段、試點推廣階段,然後才能成長到高成長階段,最後再到成熟階段。往往到後兩個階段的時候,才會真正賺錢。客戶基於善融商務平台而生髮出大量的金融服務,還需要一個過程,初期肯定要有人力和物力上的投入。  首先是資金的投入,“電商平台本身就是燒錢的,尤其是銀行作為後發者,投入的成本更是倍增。”付育表示。  其次是時間上的投入,連入一家大企業需要雙方財務信息、交易信息等多方面的信息共享和系統對接,“需要長時間的溝通,技術配合上也耗時很久。”建行電子銀行的一名業務人員表示。  此外,在銀行自建電商平台的模式之下,會面臨一系列的售後和物流的問題,而這些對銀行而言都是新課題。  “自建電商需要銀行深度介入電子商務環節,這樣做的確收效更慢,但是效果會更好,因為互聯網金融的生態中,客戶的商務行為和融資模式都會發生變化,銀行跨界電商之後,首先的效果會體現在融資上,未來更大的業務機會還在於數據挖掘等。”建行某分行電子銀行負責人認為,並且舉例表示,此前有一個客戶財務信息都沒有問題,但銀行從其電費繳納數據中發現異樣,由此排除了銀行的潛在風險。  與之相比,在“合作”模式下,銀行可以實現與現有平台的高效快速對接,“短、平、快”地實現銀行的電商化,但是對平台缺乏足夠控制力和話語權,因此,有銀行業人士也指出,不排除要收購一些電商企業——但這又觸犯了當前的監管法規。  民生電商的成立無疑也引發了人們對銀行電商第三種模式的展望。在付育看來,這好比間接成立一個商務公司,做商務和做銀行互不干涉,但在共同的股東背景下又能更好地實現協同效應。  “不過問題在於兩者之間的配合是否能夠實現銀行主營業務的利益最優,因為電商公司也是有利潤訴求的。”付育表示。銀行跨界是整體戰略延伸  “互聯網金融的競爭中,互聯網企業的金融化並不會給銀行帶來太大的業務壓力,但是其對交付渠道和交易模式所形成的顛覆對銀行來說才是最大的挑戰,因此各家銀行也都在搭建自己的平台,先行把握渠道主動權。” 中國社科院金融研究所銀行研究室主任曾剛表示。  因此,模式選擇上的猶疑並沒有阻止各家銀行在此方面的投入,不管是大型銀行,還是中小型銀行都對電子商務趨之若鶩。中信銀行去年成立了網絡銀行,主要針對電子商務、移動支付和網絡貸款等會重點突破;在剛剛結束的2013年年中工作會議上,工行董事長姜建清表示,工行將加快構建網上購物、投資理財、網絡融資、消費信貸于一體,“支付+融資”的綜合電子商務平台;中行也曾表示,電子商務雲服務、O2O服務模式(線下業務線上推廣)、移動電子商務解決方案、電商社區化平台以及在線融資平台服務將是中銀電商未來的發力重點。  “現在銀行做電商化的方向是一致的,但是起點不同,所選取的路徑不同,最後的效果也會不盡相同。”付育表示。但重要的一點則在於,銀行做電子商務跨界的幅度很大,因此需要量力而行。“短期來看,非自建平台的模式門檻比較低,在模式尚不清晰的情況下,中小銀行選擇間接進入,是一個比較明智的選擇。”  金麟也表示:“對於小銀行來說,自建平台不僅投入太大,而且受限于自身的資源稟賦,平台流量和規模都不會很理想。”同時,金麟也認為,一些具有集團背景的銀行,則可以參考民生電商的模式,比如中信集團,光大集團下面設立電子商務公司,集團內部證券、信托等多個金融機構可以與之對接。  曾剛強調,在互聯網金融越來越熱的氛圍下,銀行的電商衝動則更需要冷處理,而不要盲目跟風。  “一個是高富帥,一個是競爭很激烈的電商行業,互聯網企業和銀行的本質完全不同,其風控管理也不一樣,在這種情況下,銀行在跨界中也要有不同的定位,大而全未必是好的。”曾剛表示,各家銀行應該判斷電商化跟自身的能力和資源是否匹配,並且以現有業務優勢為突破口,首先進行內部資源的整合。  以民生電商為例,金麟判斷,未來民生銀行如果與其進行消費金融方面的探索則很難突破,而在民生銀行一直保持領先的小微金融和產業鏈金融上就能夠發揮更大的協同作用。“因為前者的零售客戶群並不占優勢,因此民生電商開展‘類淘寶’的平台優勢不大。”  這也是銀行在電商化的過程中要特別注意的。招行信用卡中心總經理劉加隆此前指出,招行不會做淘寶式的電商,招行只做標準化的電商產品,只做與主營業務高度相關的電商。比如,招商銀行主推的“出行易”則是類攜程的平台,其中所涉及的差旅出行服務與招行的商務卡具有很高的黏合度。  “銀行做跨界並不是簡單的多元化,而應該是整體戰略的一個延伸。”金麟表示。自存倉

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Source: The Buffalo News, N.迷你倉新蒲崗Y.Aug. 10--Tyler Manley is one of three members on the five-member Massachusetts Avenue Project staff who majored or minored in philosophy.How did his University at Buffalo degree prepare him for his job?"How did it not?" he says. "Not only are we creating a local food system, growing food right in the city, we're changing how people think about food."Manley, 25, grew up on a sheep farm in Ossian, outside Dansville, and cooked at Flour City Restaurant, once owned by his father, Jerry, in Rochester. He started as an AmeriCorps worker in 2010 at MAP, an urban farm that is helping to redefine nutrition on Buffalo's West Side, and became the Mobile Market director for the nonprofit last year.MAP shares a headquarters with PUSH Buffalo in the Grant Street Community Center, but most of its work takes place at its "barn" at 389 Massachusetts Ave., where an agricultural program for teens, called "Growing Green," flourishes.The farm -- the equivalent of 11 1/2 city lots -- sits across the street from a park, alongside a vacant house, and is home to a rain catching system and 41 hens. More than 75 varieties of fruits and vegetables are grown on the grounds and in a pair of greenhouse sheds, one of which is aquaponic and contains 25,000 tilapia."We sell the fish to the community, alive and whole," Manley says.What is your job?To plan all of the sales of our food from the farm. We go to four different sites around the city every week: ELIM Christian Fellowship, 70 Chalmers Ave., from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays; Albany and Herkimer streets from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fridays; Neighborhood Health Center, 155 Lawn Ave., 3 to 5 p.m. Fridays; and outside the Growing Green barn from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays.Because we can't sell on public property, we sell on private property and make partnerships with these sites. I'm in charge of having contact people for every site and telling them each week what we're going to have, doing the marketing for each location. I do the marketing here at our stand. So I price the food, I do all of the record-keeping. I do market education. I teach salesmanship to teenagers. We teach target markets, entrepreneurship, starting your own business, one-on-one sales, how to greet customers. We also do cooking classes with the kids and I do education.I make it known that I know how to cook everything that we sell five different ways. People think they don't like vegetables, they just might not like how it was cooked.How many different languages do you hear spoken?A lot, definitely. We have kids from Africa.迷你倉出租We have Burmese, Somalia, Sudan, Zambia, a lot of Spanish, too. It can be crazy. For instance, one of our mobile sites is across from a refugee English-as-a-second-language school. The teachers, for projects, will ask their kids to come to me and ask how much certain things are. I'm always so surprised at how much you can get through with hand motions, pointing, counting the currency.What are the popular sellers?Things that people recognize. They know what tomatoes are, they know what green beans are, they know what apples are, lettuce. In certain neighborhoods, we'll sell more chili peppers and jalapeno peppers. Harder sells would be kohlrabi, celeriac, radicchio, things that people aren't really used to, but I always give away recipes and free samples.Do you get grant money for this?We have grants and foundations. We also do fundraising. Every year, we have a big event called the Tour de Farms, which is about a 30-mile bike ride from the city to the country -- Oles Family Farm (in Alden). So we have four urban farms in the city, four farms in the country, then there's a big harvest festival at the Oles Farm. There's music and local beer, food. (This year it's Sept. 14; for more info, visit tourdefarmsbuffalo.org.)So you're not making a profit on what you sell?No. In fact, everything we sell is super cheap. The most expensive thing we sell is probably blueberries, any fruit. The most expensive vegetables we sell are about $2. Our tomatoes are four for $1; our peppers are two for $1. We accept food stamps and FMNP checks, which is a farmers' market program.A lot of people ask us to come to farmers' markets, but we purposely don't come to farmers' markets because our food's so cheap. Because we're a nonprofit, we're about access, we're about education. We don't want to undercut farmers who are trying to make a profit. ... It's really hard to make money being a farmer these days.We purposely don't give our food away free. I teach our kids that, too. If things are free, people tend to take more than they really need. But also, we want to make people know that food has value. It isn't something that just gets handed to you. I really do think that going into a low-income neighborhood and giving away things for free has its place, but we should be empowering people to support their family.Find out more about MAP and its diverse customer base at The Refresh Buffalo Blog at BuffaloNews.com.email: refresh@buffnews.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Buffalo News (Buffalo, N.Y.) Visit The Buffalo News (Buffalo, N.Y.) at .buffalonews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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澳門有線完成調整廣星傳訊及其連帶公天的訊號後,新蒲崗迷你倉昨日向其他公天接駁訊號,覆蓋範圍包括北區近關閘一帶、新馬路區、新橋區、下環區、�仔亞威羅街及廣東大馬路一帶。電信管理局長陶永強表示,公天網絡規模龐大,部分接入點或需要再調試,政府希望能在八月十八日前完成所有接駁工程。另外,有線向公天提供的電視“訊號源”,透過公天網絡傳送訊號給居民收看,工程已於八月八日起展開,當局已要求有線必須保證訊號質素良好、穩定。電信管理局昨日上午十時半邀請本地傳媒,前往�仔廣東大馬路鴻業大廈德華公天的訊號接入點,實地考察接駁工程進度。有線電視營運總監譚望平表示,目前澳門有卅四個公天網絡接入點,同樣需要接駁。日前有線已開始鋪線準備,並與大廈管理公司協調,昨日為部分地區最後接駁,其餘將於短期內完成。譚望平介mini storage,電視訊號是經過位於路環有線發射站的衛星接收器接收,再由系統處理,利用光纖網絡傳送給公天。由於接駁時間緊迫,短期內將再調整訊號,甚至更新接入點的部分設備,希望能將訊號變得更好。德華公天負責人林�表示,訊號接駁工程較為簡單,前期設備已安裝完成,當有線向公天提供訊號接駁,電視訊號僅中斷約一、兩分鐘,整個過程需時五分鐘左右,影響時間較短。雖然工程計劃至八月十八日,但相信八月十五日已能全部完成。對於澳廣視的“澳視體育”及“澳視高清”兩頻道不納入合作模式的“頻道表”內,林�指出,居民希望能收看該兩個頻道,但基於存在法律爭議,公天未能轉播,並已向澳廣視瞭解,他們亦正研究處理辦法。電視訊號接駁工程今日繼續,覆蓋範圍將包括新馬路區、新橋區、下環區、高士德區、北區及新口岸區。本報記者 報道self storage

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