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本月初西班牙的「歐盟最高住宅大樓漏建升降機」的消息全球熱傳,迷你倉價錢但經新華社和外國媒體記者近日親身查證後,證實報道不實,該住宅大廈共有6 部載客升降機連接各樓層,有記者更乘升降機到達45樓。新華社微博:疑促銷手段「西班牙摩天大樓忘裝升降機」的消息於8 月9 日開始在國外網站熱傳,包括德國《明鏡周刊》和美國合眾通訊社等傳媒也紛紛轉載,成為網絡熱話。當時該消息稱,這座名為InTempo 的大樓位於西班牙貝尼多姆市(Benidorm),最初設計為20層高,後來決定加建至47 層,但在竣工前夕, 「承包商突然發現他們忘了給後來加蓋的27 層樓裝升降機」。新華社歐洲總分社上周五(16 日)在官方微博「@新華歐洲」,發表題為「西班牙47層摩天大樓無電梯係假新聞」的文章,內容提到新華社記者上周四親身在現場所見,「這幢約200 米高的摩天住宅樓有電梯,只是可能存在一些資金等方面的問題,目前停工」。據@新華歐洲介紹,這是一座雙體式建築,由兩座獨立塔樓構成,在大廈頂端有一個類似「天橋」的圓形建築連接兩座塔樓。迷你倉庫入大廈,記者很容易找到了樓梯。在大廈的每一座塔樓中,分別有一大兩小3 部升降機。由於大樓未完工,又處於停工狀態,「記者沿樓梯登上塔樓,發現電梯從地面直通到45 層」。美報:傳媒翻譯出錯該微博還稱,大樓忘裝電梯的說法只是個玩笑,並推測這是該大樓的促銷手段。美國《拉丁時報》(Latin Times)上周四亦報道,有記者日前走進大樓,乘升降機到45 樓,並拍照為證。報道指出,傳媒當初誤報大廈沒有升降機時,可能在以下環節出現誤會——大廈在興建到23 樓時仍沒有為工人安排工作升降機,到後來才加裝。《拉丁時報》的報道不點名指出,有一間傳媒在翻譯時出錯,誤指該大樓沒升降機。後來甚至有報道稱該大樓沒有升降機到達高樓層,是因原本升降機摩打只夠力把?升到20 樓,但大樓加建部分又沒預留空間安裝較大摩打云云,令事件看似更合理。承建商多次否認報道《拉丁時報》稱,大廈的公關公司一直沒有沉默,包括用英文和西班牙文在有份誤報的傳媒Twitter 上作出澄清,又斥傳媒不認真報道, 「十分離譜」。(@新華歐洲/拉丁時報)儲存

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工商時報與目前在台灣成功經營數百個人氣粉絲團包含特賣會情報粉絲團及女人幫粉絲團並擁有450萬粉絲,迷你倉在台灣社群行銷最具專業的數位行銷公司炘世紀數位,9月26日(周四)於中國時報總社聯合舉辦「2013年行動行銷新五力」講座課程,本課程希望快速培養網路社群行銷觀念,透過相關社群行銷專家實務的案例分享讓您快速掌握社群成功五力行銷,名額有限,只限80名,請盡早報名。洽詢專線:炘世紀數位資訊(股)公司林宛宣(02)2397-7923*605網址:HTTP;//,SOLOMO.TW/SEMINAR/03/。本次講座特別邀請五位社群專家,包含關鍵數位行銷股份有限公司顧問總監織田紀香主講:「手機社群互動的迷人之處」、知世安索帕股份有限公司副總吳慶彬POLO主講:「一窺行動通訊軟體與實體店家文件倉動的O2O力量」、台灣大電訊副處長黃文華主講:「如何讓行動載具的廣告變得有趣好玩精準有效」、九易購物產品長李崑謀主講:「行動商務如何創造驚人的購買力」及第一個將台灣本土手機創新服務推廣全球並成功推出全台最大電子會員卡發卡平台「GOLOOK」,創造台灣O2O(ONLINE TO OFFLINE)行銷典範的炘世紀數位執行長VINCENT前來與學員們分享第三方支付應用整合新啟發,會員卡、電子錢包、手機訂位、紅利積點,智慧型手機的整合力。本次講師陣容為全台最夢幻王牌組合,從社群行動力、互動力、廣告力、整合力與行動商務力五個面向來分別探討,讓社群經營者更了解新型態的社群經營法門,不再盲目追求粉絲數、而忘記社群真正的新五力。日後能應用現有的網路社群平台,完美掌握成功社群行銷的關鍵因素。存倉

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著名旅遊景區安徽黃山(圖)發生罕見意外,迷你倉價錢遊客在黃山峰頂被雷擊,導致一人死亡,三人受傷。黃山管委會證實,事發昨日下午四時四十分左右,管委會接到報警,黃山蓮花峰峰頂處幾位來不及疏散的遊客被雷電擊中。  截至下午五時許,三名被雷電不同程度擊傷的遊客已運送下山,轉到黃山市有關醫院救治。另有一名被雷擊遊客在被搜救發現之後已經死亡。  據稱,黃山風景區突降雷雨,景區的雷電預警系統迅速發出警報,曾勸阻遊客攀登。

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Black travel warning issued for country as protesters gather outside Egyptian consulateA demonstration was held outside Egypt’s consulate by the League of Social Democrats and Socialist Action yesterday, as the government urged residents to avoid all travel to the country.新蒲崗迷你倉More than 40 protesters gathered at the consulate on Gloucester Road in Causeway Bay. Protesters shouted slogans and waved posters that read: “Stop the violent oppression of the Egyptian people” and “Shame on the Egyptian police”.A spokesman for the Egyptian consulate said it had no problem with the protest.“They are within their rights to protest here and we accept that,” the spokesman said. “It’s perfectly fine. We have no issue with that at all.”A government spokesman advised all Hongkongers thinking of travelling to Egypt to change their travel plans. “Residents are urged to avoid all travel to the country,” said the spokesman.“Those already there should attend to their personal safety and avoid protests and large gatherings of people.”With the situation in Egypt continuing to demini storageeriorate, the government raised the outbound travel alert for the country to black on Thursday – the highest level in its three-tier alert system. Egypt had been on a red travel alert since March 2011.The order to change the alert to black was issued after supporters of the deposed Islamist president Mohammed Mursi torched two local government buildings amid a crackdown that has killed at least 600 people.The Security Bureau said it would continue to monitor the situation in Egypt. Any update would be issued through the bureau’s outbound travel alert webpage, at sb.gov.hk/eng/ota.Hong Kong residents in Egypt who need assistance can call the 24-hour Assistance to Hong Kong Residents hotline at +852 1868 or contact the Chinese embassy in Egypt on the 24-hour duty phone: +20 227380466 or +20 227363556.The only other countries on black alert are war-torn Syria and the Philippines. Syria has been on a black travel alert since April 2011, and the Philippines since seven Hong Kong tourists and their guide were shot dead by a hijacker in August 2010 in Manila.self storage

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近年意大利菜在香港遍地開花,self storage意菜餐廳愈開愈多,而且星光熠熠,不少國際間甚具名氣的意大利名廚來港開店。早前羅馬米芝蓮二星餐廳行政總廚AnthonyGenovese 應邀來港,與年初加盟Tosca的星級主廚Pino Lavarra 等名廚,一同出席麗思卡爾頓酒店的美食節,星級名廚聚首一堂,絕對是偷師的最佳機會。文:張艾渟圖:黃志東簡單食材愛吃原味Anthony 生於法國,加上在當地接受烹飪訓練,對原籍意大利南部的他來說,是個很大的衝擊, 「雖然我在法國出生,從小到大吃的卻是意大利食物,剛上烹飪課的時候,真是嚇了一跳」。那是廿多年前的事。法國菜流行的還是龍蝦、鵝肝、生蠔之類昂貴食材,而且運用大量牛油與忌廉,與Anthony 家鄉菜截然不同。「意大利菜都是用便宜的材料,簡單,吃的是食材原本的鮮味。」或者可以番茄作例子,簡單說明他對食物的追求, 「番茄簡直是最容易運用的食材,切幾片,加少許橄欖油、羅勒香油,頓時鮮味無窮。茄肉飽滿,茄汁豐盛,賣相又好看, 紅黃綠色都有, 多好」。Anthony 驕傲的說。時光倒流20 年,當時法國菜是fine dining 的代表,意大利菜被認為沾不上邊,時至近年飲食潮流大翻新,意菜終於進身fine dining 之列,難怪Anthony 如此自豪。海水泡沫創作驚喜Pino 雄心壯志,加盟Tosca 不久便把餐牌改頭換面,座位亦由120 個大減至80個,銳意革新。來自意國南部Puglia 的他更說,希望創作令人驚喜的南意菜。這從他的菜式可見,招牌前菜Sea tiramisu 尤其充滿南部特色:地中海紅蝦、鮮帶子、魚子醬、番茄、羅勒,他甚至加入小量海水和海鮮湯底打成泡沫,把海洋的味道都濃縮到碟上。Tosca地址:九龍柯士甸迷你倉西1 號麗思卡爾頓酒店102 樓查詢:2263 2270Anthony Genovese生於法國,原籍意大利,家鄉位於南部西西里附近。年少時在法國接受烹飪訓練。曾於多間米芝蓮餐廳工作,包括法國馬賽Le Petit Nice、意大利佛羅倫斯EnotecaPinchiorri、日本東京Enoteca Pinchiorri Ginza-Tokyo。現時為羅馬米芝蓮二星餐廳Il Pagliaccio 行政總廚。Pino Lavarra生於意大利南部Puglia,任學校廚師的母親開啟了他的烹飪之門。曾被美國優質服務協會選為「全球最佳廚師之一」,來港前十多年一直出任意大利Ravello Rossellinis 行政總廚,在其帶領下,餐廳2004 年獲得米芝蓮二星。今年4 月來港出任麗思卡爾頓酒店意大利餐廳Tosca 主廚。焗鴿胸配豆腐醬汁與鴿肉醬汁▲ Anthony 習法國菜出身, 對醬汁製作甚嚴謹。這道焗鴿胸便配上兩款醬汁,分別是輕怡的豆腐醬汁與鴿肉醬汁。後者以熬煮6 小時的鴿骨湯底,連鴿肝、肉桂、薑、香茅等調成。名廚碰頭?Pino 跟Anthony 甚有淵源,二人同樣來自意大利南部, Pino 曾隨Anthony 開設酒店,二人曾在Rossellinis 共事數年,今次因酒店活動難得在港碰頭。低溫水煮意大利雞蛋記者請Pino 示範一道蛋的菜式,他簡單以63度低溫水煮意大利雞蛋,拌以三文魚子、魚子醬、黑橄欖油、西洋菜忌廉,看似簡單的配搭,其實都是經驗累積而成。招呼未來女婿每款意大利麵背後總有小故事。Anthony 指這長通粉狀意麵叫zitte,傳統上當女兒帶男朋友回家,母親就會做這道意麵。他加入煎鱈魚、慢煮鵪鶉蛋、檸檬皮、椰菜花忌廉,是家常又簡單的美味。文件倉

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本報記者 李盛丹歌張廣柱與王鐘津,迷你倉沙田這對生活在北京的普通老夫婦,從2008年開始自助游了歐洲、北美等50多個國家,“花甲背包客”成了旅遊界的一段傳奇。“不亂丟垃圾、不亂塗亂刻、排隊、不大聲喧嘩是文明,但文明其實不止于此。行走在不同文明之間,唯一的規則就是尊重——我們尊重不同的文化,就是文明。”對於文明旅遊,兩位老人說,這是他們一路悟出的道理。王鐘津說,在伊朗的一個巴扎里,有個小女孩喜歡照相,願意讓她拍,但不一會兒女孩兒的媽媽回來了,非常不高興。“她沒對我不友好,但訓斥了那個孩子,我覺得特別過意不去,就當著她媽媽的面把孩子的照片刪了。以後我就知道,你不僅要問孩子的意見,更要尊重他們父母的意見,之後在伊斯蘭國家我就不輕易給女性拍照了。不同國家迷你倉價錢不同的風俗禁忌,例如,在希臘、俄羅斯,豎大拇指並不代表友好;在印度,不能找異性問路;在泰國,不可以摸小孩的頭……”針對最近出境游中發生的一些不文明現象,張廣柱說,“我們看到一些壯美的奇觀時,激動的心情可以理解,但為什麼一定要爬到文物上照相、刻字呢?那是人類共同的遺產,破壞了是不可逆的。如果真的要留念,可以去買它們精美的畫冊,為它們的原貌留一張影,把它們留在心裡。”王鐘津建議,旅行社也要對遊客做評價,以相互制約。“一般旅行社會讓遊客給導遊一個評價,我想旅行社是否也可以對遊客有評價,彼此可以互相制約。出境前,告訴遊客如果遵守規則並且做個記錄存個檔案,積攢幾次可以獎勵免費旅遊一次。這樣做,也許能鼓勵更多的人注重自己的言行舉止,成為文明旅行者。”迷你倉庫

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  中新網紹興8月16日電(見習記者 胡豐盛)俗話說“情人眼裡出西施”,迷你倉出租這句話,用在西施故里——諸暨身上就更有意思了。16日,浙江諸暨、遂昌,這兩座相距200多公里的城市正上演一場跨越山水重隔的聯姻。  “遂昌、諸暨,夏商周時就同屬於越國;一個七山一水二分田,一個九山半水半分田……交往日益密切”。當天下午的山海協作招商推介會上,諸暨市委書記錢三雄推薦,當地企業將遂昌作為擴張的首選目的地。2012年,諸暨與遂昌簽訂山海協作,共建了一個產業園,總規劃15平方公里,首期開發5平方公里,可為諸暨優秀企業解決用地緊張問題。  共建共管共享 攜手打造山海協作產業園  “山也清,水也清,人在山陰道上行,春雲處處生”,400年前湯顯祖筆下的詩句正是遂昌的生動寫照。這個位於浙西南,錢塘江、甌江上游的山城,是長三角重要生態屏障區,也是國家級生態示範區。  “大家到了這裡,既可以辦企業掙錢,還能養生靜氣。”遂昌縣長何衛寧在推介會上表示,遂昌其實離諸暨並不遠,上高速只要2小時,杭州、溫州機場2.5個小時,寧波、上海4個小時。今年年底,衢寧鐵路項目計劃開工後,更是將成為長三角和海西區的重要樞紐。  2012年11月23日,遂昌與諸暨山海協作共建生態產業園。根據協議,兩地將投資2.5億元,以共建、共管、共享的機制,攜手打造一個主打生態牌,以高端化、綠色化、集約化為導向,集金屬製品、電子、生態農產品加工、節能環保產業生產研發于一體的產業園。  其中,龍板山區塊一期開發建設面積為6650畝,規劃總投資15億元,預計項目建成後,可吸引製造業投資40億元,新增就業崗位近萬人,實現產值150億元。  政策窪地與服務高地  近幾年,遂昌的鄉村儲存倉態休閒旅遊搞的紅紅火火,全力打造“最佳旅遊服務縣”。對此,遂昌縣委書記杜興林表態,將把旅遊服務的熱情,也用到服務企業身上,全力打造“政策窪地”和“服務高地”。採取一家企業,一支服務隊伍;重大經濟項目,“一事一議”的做法。  他說,遂昌是浙江省欠發達縣,享有浙江的各類扶持政策。同時,為推進縣域經濟的發展,他們自身又制定了優惠的招商政策,形成了政策窪地,具體為:  1.土地價格:工業用地招拍掛價格按省定園區最低價執行(高新技術企業及投資億元以上企業可一事一議),項目投產後,每畝年納稅達到5萬元以上的,給予一次性1-4萬元/畝獎勵。  2.新辦企業:政策鼓勵的新辦工業企業所得稅留縣部分三年內全額獎勵,企業上繳的增值稅留縣部分三年內60%給予獎勵。  3.成長型企業:在企業成長過程中,所作的技改投入、技術創新、品牌建設、企業上市及產品出口等都有相關政策扶持。  4.稅收獎勵:企業通過招拍掛取得工業出讓用地並按承諾投產的,項目自投產後第四年起,三年內企業年上繳兩稅占銷售收入2%以上,連續兩年每畝年上繳兩稅8-20萬元的,按新取得工業用地每畝一次性獎勵1-3萬元;20萬元以上的,每超十萬元再增加獎勵1萬元(三年內按最高檔次獎勵)。  5.入園收費:對企業入園收費能免則免,不免的則按下限最低價格優惠執行。  作為國內建築五金產業基地,遂昌縣的金屬製品占到了當地工業比重的70%。杜興林說,此次協作,遂昌將有效對接諸暨市銅製品和機電裝備製造兩大主導產業,依托其山區資源豐富、投資成本低廉、政策相對傾斜等特點,與諸暨的資金、先進技術、高級人才、管理理念等有機結合,實現優勢互補,共同發展。(完)標簽:遂昌 諸暨 海協 窪地 產業園迷你倉沙田

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  布袋澳位置偏遠,存倉以食海鮮最聞名,故一向吸引不少遊客前來品嚐美食。其實該區設有不少村屋,居住環境清幽外,且大多數單位擁有不同程度的海景,目前全幢叫價由$2,000萬起。  布袋澳屬清水灣優質村屋小區之一,自成一國,需靠駕車出入,但勝在依山傍海而建,大部分單位享不同程度的海景。布袋澳由數個小區組成,包括布袋澳村、大王公、以及管理式村屋翡翠別墅等。值得一提的是,碼頭一帶設多間售賣海鮮的店舖及食肆,可盡情享受地道美食。  宏億置業章先生表示,布袋澳比鄰清水灣鄉自存倉俱樂部高爾夫球場,加上大部分村屋享海景。惟因盤源寥寥可數,令成交疏落,對上之成交於11年4月促成,為翡翠別墅雙號屋,建築面積2,100呎,成交價$3,200萬,呎價$15,238。  世紀21奇豐區域營業董事廖振雄稱,現時布袋澳小區內的村屋合共不足10個放盤,一律屬全幢村屋,最平叫價$2,000萬起,為布袋澳村單號屋,建築面積2,100呎,呎價$9,524。至於大王公入場村屋為樓齡較新的曉岸雙號屋,建築面積2,100呎,叫價$3,000萬,呎價$14,286。迷你倉新蒲崗

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瑪爾大修女在會議上介紹宗教傳統中遠離城市與繁囂的隱修修道形式,儲存並表示選擇在澳門興建熙篤會修道院,主要是為澳門帶來一份禮物,是一間有自然生態及和諧的隱修院,認為會將荒野之地轉變為優美的地方。申請批地團體在會上指出,修道院將依山坡地形興建,最高建築物只有兩層,整座建築物座地面積約二千四百多平方米,總建築面積三千四百多平方米,整個批地區域劃分五個功能區,包括一個公�區域、訪客用房及神父室、修女生活隱居區等,區域內並設有園藝以及供生產與生活所需空間。隱修院可容納二十多人長期過著隱修生活。土地發展諮詢小組成員分別在會上向申請者提出問題,他們認同有關宗教活動的意義,但關注工程對山體的影響,以及日後的消防設計新蒲崗迷你倉認為有關方面應提供更詳細的環評報告,以至工程期間保護山體的方案及日後的維護等。與會者並指出,有關批地申請面積較大,但只容納二十多人隱修,認為是否有需要如此大的山體面積,同時應公佈居民可以使用的空間等。申請團體指出,由於項目建於山坡上,形容工程較為複雜,施工期間無可能使用較大型建築設備,故會以微型樁建造地基。由於最高建築物不超過兩層,認為設計與結構影響山體不會太大。申請人並指出,日後除了隱修區域外,教堂及部分綠地會向公�開放,可以讓公�入內祈禱,亦會管理好區域內的綠化空間,認為植物會較現時生長得更好。修道院只居住二十至三十名隱修士,空間的確較大,但認為修道院可以為澳門服務,讓願意過著隱修生活者得益。mini storage

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在世界各地,存倉有許多名不見經傳的小人物以嶄新的方法,默默地為解決社會問題而作出各種嘗試。他們未必獲得公認的獎項,但他們勇於身先士卒,敢於為弱勢社群而努力的創革心態與能量是令人鼓舞的。清邁是泰國北部的古老名城,每年吸引不少訪客前來旅遊。在舊城區旁有一座為犯人辦職業培訓班的清邁女子監獄。從2000 年起,男囚犯都遷往別處,這所監獄便收押大批從泰北各地送來的女囚犯,人數從數百驟增至二千三百多名,成為泰北唯一的女子監獄,亦令監獄面對前所未有的管理問題。新來的獄長鄧娜拉(Naowarat Thanasrisutharat)有三十多年的懲教經驗,為人開朗,盡忠職守。她和70 多名獄吏以積極開放的思維,為這所古舊的監獄進行改革。泰國的監獄惡名昭彰,女囚犯人數也高踞全球第二位。政府祇為監獄提供基本的需要,例如保安、食物、藥品、床鋪、衛生設備等,約佔整體支出的一半,其他的便由監獄各自張羅。無怪乎獄�的狀況令人卻步。娜拉甫上任便面對這燙手山芋;每天還要解決犯人的各項訴求:要求減刑、為家�的孩子尋求託管、情緒問題、刑滿後的出路問題等。企業模式管理監獄娜拉活像一間企業的行政總裁,�重精簡的制度,有效率的工作。整個監獄都整齊有序,還設有育嬰室,讓女犯人照顧她們的小寶寶,直至孩子5 歲或有所依歸為止。為解決資源短缺問題,她呼籲市民捐贈各類泰文和英文書籍、電腦、縫紉機等給囚犯使用。娜拉深信懲治犯人的最終目標是讓她們懂得自重,瞭解自己的長處和積極拓展未來的生活。那�的犯人大多是為生活所迫鋌而走險,有的是因為不堪丈夫虐待而犯下傷人罪行,有的則是因為貧窮而販毒。娜拉便給即將刑滿或表現良好的犯人一個機會,授予一技之長。她邀請大學和專業學校到監獄開辦不同的課程,由大學講師和老師擔任義務導師,持有教育學位的獄吏也負責授課,讓從山區來的女犯自存倉可以讀書識字,或從低班讀至大學。有一次,一位巿集商人經過,看見圍牆上燦爛的美人蕉花,便和娜拉洽商,讓監獄定期為他的店舖供應不同的鮮花和樹苗。娜拉又聯絡工業區的廠商, 取得訂單,每月供應數千件由犯人縫制的衣服。她還動員囚犯建造了一間監獄商店,售賣由犯人生產的物品,如毛巾、工藝品、家居擺設等。在面向大街一邊則經營了一家小餐館,女服務員都是正在服刑的囚犯。所有收入在扣除開支後,35%歸囚犯,其餘的便撥作監獄的營運金。首創「女子監獄按摩院」娜拉一直在摸索如何能幫助釋囚迅速融入社區。清邁的按摩業發展蓬勃,佔旅遊業幾近一半收入。娜拉遂和技能發展所合作,提供180 小時職業按摩培訓給符合條件的犯人,通過公共健康局的考核後便可成為按摩技師。娜拉在監獄商店內設置兩個房間,打正旗號做起「女子監獄按摩院」的生意,對外提供泰式按摩。由於水準不錯,收費相宜,連Lonely Planet也介紹給旅遊人士。技師的收入則暫時由監獄保管,出獄時再發還她們作生活費。在出監前六個月,所有犯人都要參與適應社會的準備。她們會被調派到附近的店舖、花圃、或政府部門工作,讓她們熟習外面的環境,增加信心。監獄還會安排工廠負責人到來,揀選適合的假釋犯為員工。娜拉深知犯人在出獄後能否重新融入社會的關鍵因素是社區的接納。然而,現實畢竟是殘酷的,不少犯人獲釋後,仍遭受僱主歧視,就業上困難重重。娜拉遂在2008 年退休後,創辦了麗拉按摩院(Lila Thai Massage),專門聘用接受過按摩培訓的釋囚,減低她們重蹈覆轍的機會。她不停呼籲社會人士用積極的態度看待這些技師,助她們重獲尊嚴,自力更生,重建新生活。按摩院現已發展為五間分店,僱用90多名技師。作者為仁人學社創辦人和副主席蔡美碧Rebecca.yung@education-for-good.com迷你倉新蒲崗

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Egypt’s military stole the country’s democracy when it overthrew democratically elected president Mohammed Mursi in a coup last month.儲存 The government it installed was supposed to steer the nation towards reconciliation and unity, but its ordering of security forces to wage a killing spree against the ousted leader’s Muslim Brotherhood supporters has crushed any prospect of that. Hundreds of deaths, a state of emergency and a curfew have erased any doubts about whether military rule would return. Hope of a quick end to the repression seems slim, but if there is to be a possibility, it most immediately lies in international pressure.The international community has lamentably lacked the will to head off the power grab. Washington, in particular, has favoured rhetoric over action; if it wanted democracy restored, it could start by cutting the US$1.3 billion aid it gives annually to the military. Condemning the crackdown and calling for restraint are well and good, but do not help the Egyptian people at a time of dire need. The consequence is apparent: civil war is possible and the democratic transition that the West portrayed as a model for other Arab nations to follow lies in tatters.It is the worst possible message for countries involved in新蒲崗迷你倉the Arab spring of popular uprisings. For most, euphoria has been replaced by disappointment, instability and uncertainty. The movements that toppled autocratic leaders have largely foundered, as in Egypt, exacerbating societal rifts along ideological, cultural and religious lines. Change was supposed to bring jobs, food security, human dignity and freedoms, but those who clamoured for democracy find themselves worse off.Syria is engulfed in civil war, with more than 100,000 having been killed. Armed militias strike fear throughout Libya two years after a revolution removed dictator Muammar Gaddafi. In Tunisia, where the uprisings began in late 2010, opposition politicians have been assassinated and moderate Islamist leaders are struggling to find consensus for a new constitution. Disillusionment is rife among many who fought and suffered. But as disheartened as they may feel, they should not give up. An important weapon, freedom of expression, has been gained.Democracy has no set rules and may take decades or generations. Patience, commitment and ensuring inclusion of major interest groups are the building blocks of political change. United and strong pressure and attention from the West should also help, particularly in the case of Egypt.mini storage

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I am concerned about the heavy workload faced by teenagers nowadays.迷你倉新蒲崗All parents hope their children will enjoy a bright future and they have high expectations for them.But this can lead to youngsters being put under a lot pressure and can prove to be counterproductive, especially if in their exams they fall short of these expectations.Parents may compare their children’s poor performance unfavourably with peers who have excelled academically.These parents need to imagine how their sons and daughters feel.They must appreciate that if they exert too much pressure then they coul迷你倉出租 exacerbate problems that already exist.Adolescents can also help themselves by trying to adopt a positive attitude to the problems that they face. Their health is far more important than exam results.Their friends should also look out for signs of psychological stress and be there to offer help and advice.The most important thing is that they have tried their best.It is essential for parents and their children to keep the lines of communication open.Youngsters should take the initiative to chat more with their parents and parents should encourage this.Natasha Szeto, Yau Ma Tei儲存倉

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Source: Odessa American, TexasAug.新蒲崗迷你倉 16--The red light cameras that could be at an intersection near you in due time are being described as non-invasive and far less controversial than the red light cameras of yesteryears."This is going to help out tremendously. It's effective and efficient," Odessa Police Department spokesman Cpl. Steve LeSueur said.At the city council's pre-meeting briefing on Tuesday, the council and city staff heard from David Jackson, senior business development director at American Traffic Solutions, which is pitching the idea to Odessa's leaders.A decision by the city council could come this fall. The council is currently working on its next agenda for the Aug. 27 meeting and likely council members will return with more questions at another briefing and then open it up to a public hearing, Odessa Mayor David Turner said.During the about half-hour spent listening to Jackson's presentation, council members were educated on the potential of red light traffic cameras to lessen the number of accidents in Odessa and in turn save lives. The purpose of the cameras is to change drivers' behavior, Jackson said.In 2013, there have been 14 fatal car wrecks and 2,469 crashes in the city, according to figures from the OPD. Those figures are higher than 2011 when 2,245 reported vehicle wrecks and 11 fatal accidents. In 2010, OPD reported there were only 1,875 wrecks."With how short-handed the police department is right now" LeSueur said, it would help supplement those needs. Each incident would have to be reviewed by a police officer from a computer (each violation is captured in a 12-second video and with still photos) and approved or declined based on the facts of the case.Since it's not considered a criminal offense and isn't added to a person's driving record, LeSueur said, it's a "definite positive."ATS would pay the upfront cost to install the cameras, but the city would pay them back with revenue generated by the cameras with a monthly fee of $4,750 for each camera installed for five years, Odessa Traffic Coordinator Hal Feldman said. Thereafter, a portion of the funds go into state coffers as required by state law while the rest go back into traffic safety, either through education or the police department.Tickets are limited to $75 as determined by Texas law. A violation is considered a civil offense and a person couldn't be criminally prosecuted for the violation. Drivers would be penalized only if they are crossing the white line after a stop light turns red, not if it's yellow or turns red as the vehicle is passing through, Jackson said."We're not in this for the money. We're in this for safety. We hope the citizens realize that and the council realizes that," LeSueur said.On Tuesday, council members mostly listened to Jackson's presentation with a few questions reserved for whether the cameras would show the driver or passenger and what migmini storaget happen if the person billed for the violation wasn't driving at the time.Councilman the Rev. Roger McNeil asked about the devices out there that are used to confuse the red light cameras to get out of a ticket, to which Jackson said that ATS has it taken care of. It's been shown in other cities with red light cameras, and mentioned by Jackson Tuesday night, that rear-end collisions do increase at stop lights but the fender-benders are far less dangerous than higher speed right angle collisions.As Jackson was questioned by Councilman Dean Combs about how many lawsuits ATS was currently involved in, Jackson couldn't give a specific number but rather that there were always pending lawsuits. Combs pressed him on the types of lawsuits even still. Jackson said mostly "the right to face an accuser" (a clause within the Sixth Amendment). Combs continued questioning about how many Texas cities have installed red light cameras to then pull out of the contract. As they were speaking, Jackson came up with two cities, then three cities and finally four, citing that the cities didn't find the cameras effective.Nationwide in the past few years, Los Angeles and Houston turned off their red light cameras (administered by ATS) after public uproar in Houston convinced the city council to cut the contract, while in Los Angeles the city was losing money because not enough tickets were handed out to support them.Contracts for cameras were up to 689 last year, from 155 in 2005, according to data compiled by ATS. The City of Odessa looked at adding red light cameras in 2007 but quickly dismissed the idea and never acted on it, according to a past OA story.LeSueur did say that OPD supports whatever decision the council makes.Sticking points presented by ATS:--No photos are taken of the driver or passengers. Photos are taken "back-only" of the rear license plate and 24/7 video for police to review.--The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety determined in 2011 that fatalities dropped by 24 percent at intersections where they are used.--The Texas Transportation Institute found in a 2008 study that they lowered right angle collisions by 43 percent. Follow up study showed a decrease of 24 percent.--Excess revenue must be directed only toward traffic safety after being split with the state, according to state law.--The program is violator-funded, no cost to taxpayers.--A transfer-of-liability waiver is available if the person who received the violation was not the driver.--If an offender doesn't pay, they could be turned over to a municipal collection agency, a hold may be placed on their license tag until they pay the fine.--Contact Lindsay Weaver on twitter at @OAschools, on Facebook at OA Lindsay Weaver or call 432-333-7781.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) Visit the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) at .oaoa.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteAug.儲存 16--WASHINGTON -- The federal government Thursday released $67 million in federal grants -- 25 percent more than expected -- for state-based groups to spread the word about President Barack Obama's signature domestic health policy achievement and help people enroll in policies through health insurance exchanges.Several Pennsylvania organizations, including one in Westmoreland County, will get a share of $2.7 million in federal grants to walk consumers through the Affordable Care Act's new health insurance exchanges, which begin enrollment Oct. 1, just six weeks away.That includes $380,000 earmarked for a consortium of the Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumers Association, the Mental Health Association in Pennsylvania, and Mental Health America of Westmoreland County.That grant will be used to help southwestern Pennsylvanians who need behavioral health coverage in their insurance plans, particularly those with serious mental illness or substance abuse problems.Mental Health America also received a separate $503,000 "navigator" grant to provide similar assistance in the Philadelphia region.The grant program is the latest effort to publicize the Affordable Care Act's provisions for the uninsured. Polls show that high percentages of Americans, particularly the uninsured, are unaware of the new exchanges, or don't realize they could be eligible for subsidized individual health plans via the exchanges.Grant recipients now must hire so-called "navigators" to offer guidance on the law and provide them 20 hours of training before Oct. 1. Coverage begins Jan. 1."We're operating on a really tight timeline. We have to hire very quickly," said Laurie Barnett Levine, executive director of Mental Health America of Westmoreland County. Her organization's focus will be on helping people in southwestern Pennsylvania who have mental illnesses and substance abuse problems, but she said no one will be turned away."We want to be an asset to the community, to educate people about what is available and help them understand what their options are," Ms. Barnett Levine said. "The navigators will not be endorsing any particular type of coverage, but will -- in a very objective way -- explain what coverage options are available."Ms. Barnett Levine said her organization is well-suited to manage a navigator outreach program, because it has a 50-year history in Westmoreland County. "We have a long, rich experience of providing education and advocacy services to the community, and we see this as a really good match for our mission and vision," she said.Other recipients in Pennsylvania include these:--Philadelphia-based Resources for Human Development received $953,000.--Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers, whose members include small health clinics across the state, as well as many in the Pittsburgh area, received $694,380.--Cardon Health Network, $178,500.Besides providing guidance on choosing appropriate coverage through insurance exchanges, navigators will offer information about other health programs, including Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, Department of Health and Human Services officials said Thursday. They will promote enrollment in the exchanges, meet in-person with health care consumers, answer questions, distribute fact sheets and help determine whether enrollees qualify 新蒲崗迷你倉or tax credits to offset premiums."People are hungry for information on finding the security and peace of mind that comes with affordable health coverage," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a conference call. "These navigators will help consumers apply for coverage, answer questions about coverage options and help them make informed decisions about which option is best for them."Pennsylvania Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Upper St. Clair, a fierce Affordable Care Act critic, is concerned that navigators are being trained before the health insurance exchanges are finalized. "They're supposed to provide factual information regarding the plans, but the plans aren't ready. We don't know what they are," he said in an interview Thursday. "A lot of things are not ready, so the question is: Train the navigators on what?"Other Affordable Care Act critics have expressed concern about navigators' access to consumers' personal data. "Your agency has no realistic plan to prevent identity theft or provide recourse to consumers when it inevitably occurs," a coalition of 13 state attorneys general said Wednesday in a letter to Ms. Sebelius. "It is not enough to adopt vague policies against fraud."Mr. Murphy, who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, shares that concern. "I'm going to be watching how they gather the information, how they store it and how they submit it," he said. "They're gathering personally identifiable information, so people should be wary." He said he wants to ensure that the information isn't used for any purpose other than enrollment in exchanges.The attorneys general and other critics also complained that training falls short of the 30 hours the administration initially pledged. Health and Human Services officials said they had promised only "up to 30" hours' training.They declined to say how many organizations applied for grants except that the response was "robust." In all, 105 grants were awarded to organizations including universities, health centers, food banks and community groups. Thirty-four states -- those opting to participate in federal exchanges rather than create their own -- got grants, apportioned based on numbers of uninsured residents. Pennsylvania has more than 1.2 million uninsured under age 65.In Iowa, New Hampshire and Montana, grants went to Planned Parenthood affiliates. That is likely to draw the ire of Republicans who have sought to block the organization's funding because it provides abortions.The administration initially budgeted $54 million for the navigator program, but increased funding by transferring money from the Affordable Care Act's Prevention and Public Health fund, said Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, deputy director of policy and regulation at the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight. The fund is meant to provide sustained investment in disease prevention and help restrain growth in health care costs. But Republicans already see that money pot as a slush fund Ms. Sebelius can use for liberal initiatives unlikely to pass the GOP-controlled House.Washington Bureau Chief Tracie Mauriello: tmauriello@post-gazette.com, 703-996-9292 or on Twitter @pgPoliTweets.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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Source: The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionAug.迷你倉庫 16--Clayton County Sheriff Victor Hill beat all 27 charges against him, including accusations of racketeering, theft by taking, making a false statement, influencing a witness and violating his oath as a public officer. During the nine-day trial, the prosecution called 15 witnesses to the stand and the defense called two. Hill did not testify.Among the key factors of the trial:What the prosecution tried to prove: Hill was a corrupt lawman who used his office to court women, travel and gamble on the taxpayers' dime.What the defense argued: Hill was prosecuted for political retribution -- because he announced to run for the seat he lost in 2008 to Kem Kimbrough. Hill's lawyers also said a sheriff is entitled to take a car out of town because he's subject to be called to duty at any time.Why the prosecution may have lost the case: It failed to make a strong enough argument that Hill used his office to enrich himself. Prosecutors indicted Hill on a series of theft charges based on allegations he used county vehicles and county gas to go on vacation. Public corruption cases, which are typically tough to prove, are most successful when prosecutors can show a sustained pattern of clear theft and larger dollar amounts than the estimated $1,000 in gas and other county benefits Hill is accused of taking.The prosecution's strongest case: Special Assistant District Attorn儲存y Layla Zon used bank records to show the travels that Hill and his traveling companions took so she could counter the defense's attacks on the credibility of witnesses. She used a power point presentation during her closing argument that tied it all together, chronologically. She repeatedly told jurors that while the case may have been politically motivated and the witnesses were of questionable character, that didn't change the answer to the question: Did he do it?Why the defense may have won the case: Hill's lawyers repeatedly attacked the credibility of key prosecution witnesses and successfully framed the case as petty politics. During closing arguments, an animated and emotional Drew Findling, one of Hill's lawyers, strode around the courtroom mocking prosecution witnesses and called them liars.A key decision by the defense: Hill's lawyers did not ask for the trial be moved to another county, even though the case had received widespread publicity. Hill's legal team wanted their client to be judged by the Clayton residents who elected him with 76 percent of the vote against a write-in candidate in the 2012 general election, after Hill defeated Kimbrough in the Democratic primary runoff, taking 54 percent of the vote.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) Visit The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) at .ajc.com Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉

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By GAO CHANGXIN in Hong Konggaochangxin@chinadaily.迷你倉新蒲崗com.cnChina Mobile Ltd saw its data traffic more than double in the first half of the year, as the world’s biggest phone company by number of users shifts focus from voice and message services to data services.Wireless data traffic jumped 129 percent in the first six months to 891.4 billion megabytes, up from 389.2 billion megabytes in the same period last year. The figure follows an increase of 187 percent in 2012.Wireless data traffic revenue grew 62.2 percent to 47.4 billion yuan ($7.68 billion) in the first half, up from 29.2 billion yuan in the same period last year.Revenue from data services accounted for 33.5 percent of the State-owned company’s telecommunications services revenue in the first half, up from 28.5 percent last year.“The rapid of growth of data services highlights the company’s transformation from a traditional phone carrier to a comprehensive data service provider,” said Li Yue, the company’s chief executive officer.Li added that the bulk of the data traffic was generated by online video services. Smartphones are the main device to access data services, but laptops and tablets also played a part.The Beijing-based China Mobile is one of the many mobile carriers around the world that are transforming their businesses in the wake of competition from social and messaging services such as Tencent Holdings Ltd’s WeChat, which allow users to send text messages, images and voice clips th迷你倉出租ough mobile networks.An increasing number of smartphone users are choosing to use the apps to the detriment of the carriers’ short message and voice services to communicate with friends and family members, as such services are much cheaper.It costs at least 100 yuan to send 1,000 text messages through the carriers’ services, but only 3 to 5 yuan to send the same number of messages using the apps.China Mobile said revenue from voice services, mostly phone calls, dropped 1.2 percent in the first half to 175 billion yuan, following a 1.1 percent rise in 2012. Revenue from short message and multimedia message services dropped 5.5 percent, after a 4.8 percent decrease last year.To boost its data services, China Netcom Group Corp (Hong Kong) Ltd — the nation’s second-biggest wireless carrier after China Mobile — earlier this month joined hands with Tencent and launched a SIM card that provides WeChat users online with top-up services, more traffic volume and faster Internet access.China Mobile’s data services are expected to get a further boost after Beijing recently pledged to start licensing fourth-generation, or 4G, networks before the end of the year.Beijing has indicated that it favors TD-LTE 4G networks, or Time-Division Long-Term Evolution, backed by China Mobile, because the network’s core technology was developed by domestic companies. The technology was developed specifically for China and is expected to serve a quarter of the global market by 2016.儲存倉

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteAug.迷你倉新蒲崗 15--Allegheny County Airport is one of 19 aviation facilities across the state that will share $2.1 million in state grants designed to improve safety and operations. The county airport in West Mifflin will receive $397,500 to buy maintenance equipment and to rehabilitate the terminal building.The state funds will pay for most of the costs for the $579,000 project. The rest of the money will come from the county airport authority's capital budget, spokeswoman JoAnn Jenny said. The funds will be used to modernize heating and ventilation systems in the terminal and replace several large pieces of equipment. They include a mower, crack sealer and dump truck with spreader and plow.Other grants are going to the Butler County Airport, the Butler Farm Show Airport, Washington County's Finleyville Airport and Westmoreland County's Rostraver Airport.The money comes from PennDOT's aviation development program, which is funded from the state's tax on jet fuel.The grants were approved by the State Transportation Commission. The 15-member commission includes Secretary of Transportation Barry Schoch, 10 people appointed by Gov. Tom Corbett and the majority and minority chairs of the state Senate and House transportation committees.The state grants will be partially matched by $647,100 in local funds.Butler County Airport, in Penn Township, will receive $150,000 to construct an above-ground fuel-dispensing facility. The county airport will provide $50,000 toward th迷你倉出租 project, airport manager Ivan Longdon said.Operators of the Butler Farm Show Airport in Connoquenessing Township will get $45,000 to remove obstructions within a runway approach area.Finleyville Airport in Union will get $165,000 to prepare a site for new hangars and to buy land to remove obstructions to its runway approach area. As is the case with the other projects, Finleyville Airport will put up a 25 percent match for its projects. Elements include construction of up to three, two-plane hangars, extension of a taxiway and acquisition of additional land at the end of the airport runway.Finleyville is a privately owned, public-use general aviation airport. "It would be awful hard to do these projects without state help," airport manager James Kirk said.Rostraver Airport will get $30,000 to purchase airfield maintenance equipment."Airports contribute to our communities' economies and create thousands of jobs for Pennsylvanians," Mr. Corbett said in a statement. "This state support will help the airports continue operating safely and ensure that they can continue to meet business demands."Authorized by the General Assembly, the grants are administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Bureau of Aviation. The state has 133 public-use airports and heliports.Len Barcousky: lbarcousky@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1159.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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