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URL:.chinanews.com.cn/sh/2013/10-04/5345062.shtml  今天上午,self storage記者從市公園管理中心瞭解到,昨天11家市屬公園接待遊客量達74萬人次,創下曆年國慶游園單日客流最高紀錄。今天,客流量還將維持在70萬人次以上,而國慶長假前四天的游園客流總數將突破200萬人次。  據市公園管理中心初步統計:截至昨天下午3時,市屬11家公園全天遊客接待量達74萬人次,已打破了曆年來市屬公園國慶黃金周期間單日客流量最高紀錄。其中,遊客接待量排名前三位的分別是:動物園13.5萬次、天壇公園12.9萬人次、頤和園12.8萬人次。  步行到公園遊覽的遊人量較往常有明顯提升,北海公園、景山公園、中山公園還形成了聯動。其中,北海公園吸引遊客7.5萬人次,中山公園遊客接待量達5.1萬人次,景山公園接待遊客4.5萬人次。此外,陶然亭公園、紫竹院公園、玉淵潭公園等開展了豐富多彩的游園活動,遊客接待量同比均有較高增長。  長假前三天,最吸引人的還是大黃鴨,總計帶動了30.6萬人走進頤和園;緊隨其後的是天壇公園和北京動物園,遊客量分別達到28.3萬人次和27.1萬人次。 J029  故宮遊客多得看不到地面  前天,17.5萬人次;昨天,15.41萬人次……盡管節前故宮博物院就曾連發預警,提醒遊客錯峰參觀,但是連日來故宮遊客人數依然居高不下。昨天上午,記者來到故宮體驗採訪,放眼看去,售票窗口排著蜿蜒的長隊,三大殿所在的故宮中軸線上游客多得看不到地面,廣播里則不mini storage斷地播放著尋人�事……  在端門廣場,除了平日開放的30個售票窗口之外,故宮還增開了兩個臨時窗口;在客流高峰出現後,又添加了4個臨時窗口。與廣場改造之前的16個窗口相比,增加了一倍多。盡管如此,每個售票窗口前還是擠滿了遊客,記者站到隊尾,耗費整整半個小時後,才到達售票窗口。  與排隊買票的漫長等待不同,移至午門外廣場的20個檢票通道,使得買到票的觀�可以在兩分鐘之內快速入場。安檢人員訓練有素,安檢過程不到5秒,並有專門工作人員引導帶包遊客和未帶包遊客穿過不同通道。故宮還為預約遊客和團體遊客特設了專門通道。不過記者發現,預約通道的安檢人數寥寥無幾,遠遠少于其他安檢通道。  多數遊客鐘愛的“中軸線”區域,遊客與遊客之間密不透風,前進時只能小步跟進。記者夾在遊客當中,幾乎不需自己移步,一直被後面遊客推著艱難前進。短短的幾百米路程,行進約半個小時。在台階處,有工作人員不停地提醒拍照遊客“請勿停留”、“跟隨人流向前行進”。在熾烈的陽光下,不少遊客感嘆:“我們不是來逛故宮的,而是來看人的。”而在人氣同樣旺盛的御花園,涼亭里、台階上,甚至花壇四圍細細的欄杆上,都坐滿了休息的遊客。御花園區域的女廁前也排起了長隊,不少幼小的女童因實在憋不住,被父親帶入男廁救急。記者體驗後發現,排隊如廁時間超過20分鐘。  近日新開放的端門處故宮商店,也是人氣暴漲。來自各地的遊客把6個不同主題的房間擠得水泄不通,收銀處的長隊一直不見縮短,不少遊客甚至還被堵在了門口。  (記者龍露) 實習記者 牛偉坤迷你倉

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URL:.chinanews.com.cn/sh/2013/10-04/5344812.shtml  一人沖入死胡同,mini storage一人體力不支,還有兩人腿上有傷,結果全部被抓獲  民警帶嫌疑人指認現場。 渝中區公安分局 供圖  清晨時分,小偷和同伙在大街上接頭銷贓,豈料這一幕被巡邏的民警撞見了。一場追捕之後,4名嫌疑人均束手就擒。  嫌疑人接頭時被發現  9月28日清晨,渝中區南紀門藥材市場附近的公交車站人影寥寥,一個中年男子左顧右盼地在人行道邊走來走去,似乎在等什麼人。  恰在此時,渝中區公安分局民警彭旭東和同事一起駕警車巡邏路過此處,一眼就認出了在人行道上徘徊的男子。“他不是李勇(化名)嗎?以前這人因為收贓被處理過,這次他又在等什麼人?”  民警們故意放慢車速,將警車停在了不遠處。  過了幾分鐘,遠處走來4名年輕男子,和李勇說了幾句話後,其中一名20歲左右的男子從背後拿出一部蘋果電腦。民警們意識到,這些人肯定有問題,於是立即下車,上前準備查問。  可民警剛一露面,這些人就感覺不對,除李勇外,其餘4人拔腿就跑。  不到5分鐘,4人全落網  和彭旭東一起的還有民警小陳和三名協勤隊員。4名嫌疑人分成三路,從藥材市場車站往三個不同方向跑去。  年齡最小、體力最好的一個嫌疑人沖過馬路,沿著對面的人行道一路狂奔。民警緊隨其後,步步緊逼。  可能是嫌疑人不認識路,也可能是他當時已慌不擇路。民警追了100多米後,嫌疑人進入了一個死胡同,最後只能束手就擒。  其中一名30多歲的嫌疑人,是他們4人中年紀最大的,則向著厚慈街方向、人員密集的小路上跑去。民警發現,這名嫌疑人雖然30歲出頭,但體力不行,剛儲存人群里跑出不到50米遠,就已經開始減速了。  民警加快了步伐,而周圍群�一見民警在追趕,也立即讓出了路。在距離車站不到100米遠的地方,民警從後面一把揪住了男子。“不跑了,我又沒做什麼壞事!”男子操著一口外地口音向民警求饒。  至於最後兩名嫌疑人,協勤隊員追上他們更沒有費多大力氣。兩人腿部似乎都有傷,剛沖出去兩三步,就開始一瘸一拐地走了起來。  只用了不到五分鐘,4名嫌疑人就被民警全部抓獲了。在現場,他們承認了偷竊筆記本電腦的事情。而最年輕、體力最好的那名嫌疑人正是實施盜竊的小偷,其餘三人都是其同伙。  失主當天傍晚才來報警  據這4名嫌疑人交代,他們從外地剛來重慶不久,在南紀門附近租房居住。  由於不熟悉重慶爬坡上坎的地形,4人於是天天打出租車在主城各區轉悠。一邊走,一邊物色目標,專找容易實施盜竊的老居民區。  據實施盜竊的嫌疑人交代,他們在9月27日深夜打車外出,在一處不認識的地方下了車,隨後便到路邊的居民樓實施盜竊。當時居民樓底樓一間屋子的窗戶沒關,窗戶旁的桌子上放著一台蘋果電腦。於是,嫌疑人就將手伸進屋內,將電腦偷走。  因為嫌疑人也不知道是在哪裡實施的盜竊,於是石油路派出所的民警開著警車載著嫌疑人,在主城區範圍內四處尋找作案地點。  找了四五個似曾相識的老居民區後,嫌疑人都稱不是前一晚實施盜竊的現場。直到當天傍晚,終於有人來到大陽溝派出所,稱自己屋內物品被盜。經過核實,失主丟失的蘋果電腦正是當天清晨民警繳獲的贓物。  失主稱,他是在解放碑附近的一個倉庫上班,宿舍就是倉庫旁的老居民樓。前一天晚上由於太困,忘記關窗戶,以致電腦被人偷走,而他在第二天下午才發現電腦被盜。儲存倉

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【本報綜合報道】據新華社、中新社四日消息:中央氣象台今天傍晚發佈颱風橙色預警,self storage預計今年第二十三號颱風“菲特”將於明天下午到夜間進入東海東南部海面,以後逐漸向浙閩沿海靠近,並將於六日晚上到七日上午在上述沿海登陸,氣象局已啟動重大氣象災害(颱風)三級應急響應。撲向浙閩沿海中央氣象台監測顯示,“菲特”已於今天下午加強為強颱風,下午五時其中心位於中國台灣省台北市東偏南方大約八百五十公里的西北太平洋洋面上,中心附近最大風力有十四級。預計“菲特”將以每小時十五公里左右的速度向北偏西轉西北方向移動,逐漸向琉球群島以南海域靠近,強度還將有所加強,最強可達強颱風(十四至十五級、四十五至五十米╱秒)。“菲特”將於明天下午到夜間進入東海東南部海面,以後逐漸向浙閩沿海靠近,並將於六日晚上到七日上午在上述沿海登陸,預計登陸強度為颱風到強颱風(十二至十四級),登陸後強度迅速減弱。受“菲特”和冷空mini storage的共同影響,今晚八時至明晚八時,台灣以東洋面、東海大部海域、中國釣魚島附近海域、台灣海峽、南海東北部、巴士海峽、台灣沿海、福建沿海、浙江沿海及杭州灣將有七至九級大風,其中台灣以東洋面和東海東南部的部分海域風力有十至十二級,“菲特”中心經過的附近海域的風力有十三至十五級;台灣北部將有大到暴雨。氣象專家指出,從明天起,浙江、福建等華東沿海地區的風力將會明顯加大,六日開始將會同時伴隨強降雨侵襲。注意旅遊安全中國氣象局副局長于新文指出,“菲特”可能影響到的地區正是中國“十一”黃金周的旅遊熱點區域和交通樞紐地帶,需提前應對,確保出行安全。氣象專家分析,“菲特”帶來的風雨不容小覷。遊客們要提早安排歸程,尤其是海島旅遊者明天傍晚前需撤離;海上作業漁船需迅速回港避風。由於此颱風目前移速較慢,雲系範圍較大,周邊環流形勢複雜,“菲特”未來路徑還存在不確定性,遊客需要密切關注當地氣象台的預報。迷你倉

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  • Oct 05 Sat 2013 13:48
  • 臺灣

在仁寶(2324)集團宣布收購華寶(8078)後,存倉台股掀起整併題材,市場點名廣達(2382)正計劃把旗下光碟機廠廣明(6188)合併;對於合併案傳言,法人相當看好。法人分析,廣明目前帳上約當現金約60億元,每股淨值在29.5元,本周股價收盤31.7元,與淨值差異不大,若加計市場溢價行情,總價不到百億元就可完成。廣達旗下廣明光電的薄型光碟Combo機種全球排名為第三,屬同業中的獲利王,去年每股稅後純益達1.61元,目前四大客戶包含新力、惠普、精英、廣達。廣明傳出拿下新帝(SanDisk)首次釋出的大單,未來將可吃下九成的蘋果Macbook市場,6月起開始量產出貨,第3季起大幅發酵,全年代工訂單規模高達1,000萬套儲存上。另一樁市場矚目的是台壽保(2833)的出售案,這一出售案9月30日如市場預期的只有中信金控和國票金控兩家投標。據了解,台壽初步傾向由中信金取得優先議約權,最快在下周一(7日)將通知中信金;台壽保表示,一切還在討論中,不便透露太多。權證造市券商指出,當市場合併案出現,由於併購價格與市場總是有相當程度差距,投資人若是看好後市股價表現,可伺機布局認購權證。以廣明為例,昨日認購權證成交量在500張以上的有十檔,顯示已有投資人先行進場操作,可留意永豐UC與凱基TF ,成交量能都在千張以上;台壽保權證方面,目前所聯結的認購權證都在價內,投資人可留意兆豐GH與LN永豐,這二檔權證價內程度約10%、剩餘天數90天,適合波段操作。self storage

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「不知怎的,self storage心裡就是惦記著千里之外的學童!」311日本大地震,日本年輕企業家大川原從聯合新聞網看到屏東恆春鎮龍泉國小學童捐出早餐錢賑災的報導,昨天第3次跨海到龍泉,以「誰來午餐」的神秘嘉賓和學童重逢。為營造趣味、溫馨的用餐氣氛,龍泉國小校長鄭志隆每月會安排1名社會各領域的傑出人士到校,擔任「誰來午餐」的神秘嘉賓,與偏鄉學童分享生命奮鬥和心情故事;50多名龍泉學童昨天以好奇的眼神等待神秘嘉賓的現身,當大川原揮手出現時,現場一陣歡呼聲。在分享心情故事時,大川原透過台籍友人陳懿如翻譯,講述今年3月他觀賞世界棒球經典賽台日大戰的心情,他說,日本媒體一面倒不看好台灣棒球隊,評論兩隊實力有段差距,沒想到,日本隊打到第9局、2人出局還處於落後,竟奇蹟似扳平,最後才在延長賽驚險獲勝。「那場讓人坐立難安的比賽,日本人全看傻了,心迷利倉久久難以平復!」他告訴學童,台灣發展棒隊運動比日本晚了許多,但實力慢慢在提升,台灣隊今年的實力很強,讓日本人嚇出一身冷汗;身處偏鄉、經濟弱勢的孩子,反而要不斷學習成長,建立自信心,總有一天會出人頭地。「我不是資優生,念的不是名校,從小學到大學,課業成績也普通,就是憑著一股自信心和衝勁,開創屬於自己的事業,我可以,你們也可以!」39歲的大川原,原在微軟日本分公司任電腦程式設計師,10前年自行創業,在東京開設電腦安全服務公司,「從草創的1人公司,現在成長到10人,自信心是關鍵」。「台灣小朋友省下早餐錢獻愛心,雖然事隔3年,已在日本傳開了,這段中日情誼,讓我無時無刻惦不記著龍泉孩子!」大川原說,他連續2年到龍泉國小向學童致謝意、參加運動會,回日本時常透過網路了解學童的生活點滴,這陣子剛好有空,買了機票就飛來台灣陪孩子。自存倉

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AnhuiTrue love, keys includedA groom broke down in tears and promised to love his wife for the rest of his life after her parents gave him a Bentley car at their wedding in Maanshan on Tuesday, the Jinling Evening News reports.self storage The car, which is worth more than four million yuan (HK$5 million), was deemed to the most expensive wedding gift in the city’s history. The bride’s parents work in the mineral business.Driver gets cockyA driver was fined 2,100 yuan on Thursday for driving an unlicensed truck and failing to wear his seatbelt, Ahwang.cn, a news portal under Xinan Evening News, reports. The driver came to the attention of traffic police last Saturday when he was captured flashing the “V” sign to a surveillance camera. Police records showed the truck had been cited in nine traffic violations over the past 10 days. Police suspended the driver’s licence.GuangdongElectric bicycle ban reviewThe Guangzhou government is planning to set up a special commission to reconsider the city’s ban on electric bicycles, the Southern Metropolis News reports. A professor from Sun Yat-sen University proposed allowing limited use of the vehicles, as a way to ease traffic congestion and improve air quality. Guangzhou banned electric bicycles on roads in late 2006 over safety concerns as users were not required to have a driving permit.Call for officials to fastAn official from the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University has proposed that officials fast on October 16, which is World Food Day, the Southern Metropolis Daily reports. Qin Jian said consuming a high-calorie, high-fat diet could lead to cancer, while wealthy people ate more that they needed, which pushed up food prices in less-developed regions. According to a survey last year, 37 per cent of men and 27 per cent of women in Guangdong were overweight.GuangxiDad goes on rampageTragedy struck a family in Guiping on Wednesday afternoon when a drunk 42-year-old man hacked his 11-year-old son to death and severely injured his 13-year-old daughter, the Nanguo Morning Post reports. The father took his second son, age 14, hostage, and went to the roof, where the man later fell to his death. The elder son told police the father had a drinking problem, and started to become paranoid, ordering the three children to sit up for whole night. He then picked up the knife, started screaming and went on a rampage.Seafood dinner illnessMembers of a tour group began to vomit and suffer from diarrhoea after eating a large seafood dinner in Beihai on Wednesday night, Chinanews.com.cn reports. A local official said the tourists, all from Chengdu , Sichuan province, required medical treatment in a local hospital, but doctors could not determine whether they had suffered food poisoning.HubeiMusic-lover causes scareA young man’s curiosity about music that he heard while walking home after a night out with friends almost got him arrested, the Chutian Metropolis Daily reports. The 27-year-old man liked the songs he heard coming from the mobile phone of a person walking near him and started to follow the person, who quickly grew alarmed and called a security guard. The young man said alcohol had made him tipsy and impaired his judgment.Farmer builds race carA farmer from Gongan county spent eight months and 60,000 yuan building 迷利倉is own racing car, the Chutian Metropolis Daily reports. The car, which is about 5 metres long and seats two, has a tablet PC on its steering wheel and is painted yellow. The farmer, 47, said he was inspired by a Mercedes-Benz concept car and wanted to exchange ideas with university engineers in Wuhan .HunanMonths to move houseConstruction engineers are working to move a 150-tonne, two-storey house from Hunan University campus to a nearby one, Rednet.cn reports. University authorities said they planned to erect a new building on the site, and decided rather than demolishing the structure to move it. Engineers can move it only three metres a day as each metre requires two hours of preparation. The project began on Thursday and will take more than two months to complete.Ancient town protectionFenghuang’s government is taking steps to alter its tourism strategy for Fenghuang’s old city, introducing a series of measures to better promote and preserve its heritage, Xinhuanet.com reports. Officials this month said businesses that survived on tourist traffic would enjoy a rent subsidy of between 2,000 yuan and 3,000 yuan a month if they moved out of the ancient town.JiangsuBirth surprises mumA woman weighing 135kg gave birth to a 3.6kg baby boy on Monday, only one month after she learned she was pregnant, the Jinling Evening News reports. Doctor said the woman’s obesity may have caused her to miss earlier signs she was pregnant.Tent erected in study hallA time-pressed graduate student at Soochow University slept in a tent she set up in a study lounge, Anhui Television reports. The student put a blanket and a pillow inside the one-person tent, and would use it to take short breaks around noon every day instead of walking back to her dormitory. But the impromptu crash pad was removed after a picture of it circulated online and stirred up discussion.ShaanxiTasteless photo draws irePeople have reacted with anger to a photo circulating online that shows two young men smiling and posing beside a dead body at the scene of a traffic accident in Xian on Monday night, Hsw.cn reports. The victim, who was covered by a plastic tarp, died after being hit by a car. The two young men, reportedly from the city, were giving the “V” sign in the photo.Turtle exhibit now a shrineVisitors to the Qinling zoo were startled to learn a small hole had been cut in the glass panel of an exhibit featuring tortoises, which are a Chinese symbol of long life, Hsw.cn reports. Critics asked whether the zoo, a place that should be devoted to teaching children about the natural world, was turning into a temple.ShanghaiPark shut over flood fearsThe Xisha National Wetland Park will be temporarily closed beginning today in preparation for a possible upcoming flood amid surging tides, Xinmin.cn reports. The decision was made after authorities found there was a possibility that pavements in the park would be inundated by a flood. The park is scheduled to reopen on Monday.More teachers for elderlyShanghai is planning to train more teachers to meet a demand for community colleges catering to elderly people, the Xinmin Evening News reports. As part of an effort to manage the city’s greying population, Shanghai has decided to build 72 community colleges specifically for older people by the end of the year.自存倉

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全國電子陪民眾一連七天狂省荷包,儲存倉今(5)日起至10月11日,全國電子將全家人共享天倫樂的幸福配備:電視、冰箱、洗衣機、生活小家電,超潮手機、單眼相機,祭出超省價格。此外,手機門號開國雙十大賞,買手機搭配門號享十重好禮。全國電子手機門號開國雙十大賞活動,推出買手機搭配門號,享十重大禮,包括行動安全防護軟體、台股即時停看聽一年版、USB傳輸線、高級雙用觸控筆、清潔組、Mega King MK101藍牙耳機、彩紅磨菇無線藍牙揚聲器、貓咪造型耳機防塵塞、KINYO車用迷你倉最平SB 2孔充電器、導航王一次帶回家。買指定手機也可享24期0利率優惠,加碼再送藍牙耳機、高級雙用觸控筆、防護安全軟體。10月11日前,到全國電子購買指定電視、冰箱、洗衣機、冷氣、小家電、除濕機、空氣清淨機、DVD光碟機/藍光播放機、電話、傳真機,九折讓民眾一次省,買電腦享強力升級五大招,買平板七重好康一次送,買相機不僅享五重好康,指定機種加碼再送記憶卡。此外,全館購物不限金額再享6期0利率。活動詳情請洽全國電子全省門市,或撥0800-021-921免費專線洽詢。儲存

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 【本報記者楊淑芬高雄報導】2013年馬來西亞國際旅遊展昨日在馬來西亞吉隆坡開幕,迷你倉最平高雄市政府觀光局局配合「黃色小鴨在高雄展出」活動,主打「訪河遊港看小鴨幸福遊程」,邀請馬來西亞民眾到高雄旅遊,獲得熱烈迴響。 市府觀光局此行結合屏東縣政府觀光傳播處、高雄市觀光協會及業者組成代表團到馬來西亞參加旅展,並拜會亞洲航空及中華航空交流直航議題。 觀光局主任秘書陳瓊華表示,亞洲航空及中華航空現在皆僅有吉隆坡至台北的直飛班機,希望促成兩航空開拓包機或直航班機儲存推廣南進南出或南進北出的行程,有助於發展高雄及南台灣深度旅遊,並停留更長時間創造更多消費。 代表團也在旅展現場和馬來西亞旅遊局副局長會晤,行銷高雄觀光旅遊,並期望能改善高雄穆斯林的接待環境。 為推廣當地旅遊市場,觀光局也祭出3000套印有高雄代言人五月天圖樣的「一卡在手•歡樂無限」暢遊包,內容包括旅遊筆記本、「高雄低碳一日遊」捷運卡及「太陽能船票」,一日內可免費搭乘捷運、公車、旗津鼓山渡輪並體驗暢遊愛河,期望透過此項優惠吸引更多當地遊客到高雄旅遊。mini storage

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湖北日報訊 (記者楊富春、通訊員翟存波、王錦霞)“綠水青山,迷利倉醉美京山。”3日,飽覽綠林山景區風光後,河南泌陽人保車友俱樂部的陳一帆領隊表示,還要組織更多車友來欣賞京山美景。1至3日,該俱樂部和南陽0377車友會發起“美麗中國夢·多彩綠林行”活動,組織河南南陽、方城、油田、鎮平134個家庭300多人127輛車參與。綠林山景區地接導遊杜娟說,這是景區今年最大規模的自駕游團隊。當天,自存倉余輛車牌開頭為“豫”的小汽車,結隊行駛在京山縣綠林山景區盤山公路上,成為綠林山景區一道靚麗風景。綠林山風景區是國家4A級景區,被評定為“外國人最嚮往的旅遊目的地”和“建國60周年最佳生態旅遊風景區”,綠林山風景區現有綠林寨、美人穀、鴛鴦溪漂流、空山洞四大遊覽景區。據介紹,國慶節頭三天,京山共接待遊客4.01萬人次,實現旅遊總收入2087萬元,其中綠林山景區接待自駕游遊客已近萬人次。mini storage

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Source: Erie Times-News, Pa.文件倉Oct. 04--If he did not have the law to consider, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Thomas P. Agresti said, his decision would be swift.He said he would reverse the unusual Chapter 7 bankruptcy case of Warren resident Marla Snavley, whose lawyer's fees were larger than her debts."It is an easy one if I was only governed by my heart," Agresti said at a hearing at the federal courthouse in Erie on Thursday. "But I have to be careful with precedent."Snavley suffered "terrible treatment" in her bankruptcy, Agresti said. He said he must find how far the law will let him go to fix her situation."I'll roll up my sleeves and look at it," he said.Agresti reserved a ruling on whether to reverse Snavley's filing by revoking the discharge of her debts in Bankruptcy Court on June 14. The revocation would recognize that Snavley's lawyer, Jason J. Mazzei, should have never advised her to file for bankruptcy, and the reversal would remove the stigma of bankruptcy from Snavley, the trustee overseeing the case, Erie lawyer John Melaragno, told Agresti.Agresti said he had "no problem whatsoever" with approving a settlement in which Mazzei would refund $8,200 in fees to Snavley. Melaragno proposed the settlement and the reversal of the filing.But Agresti said he had to study the law to determine whether he could also take the rare step of revoking the discharge of Snavley's debts.Agresti s存倉id such revocations typically are allowed to penalize a debtor for bad behavior. By revoking a discharge, a judge removes the debtor from bankruptcy protection and allows creditors to seek payment of debts.In the Snavley case, she did nothing wrong but decided to file for Chapter 7 only because Mazzei wrongly told her to do so out of "a desire for a large fee," Melaragno wrote in court records.As trustee, Melaragno objected to Mazzei charging Snavley $8,200 to file a bankruptcy to discharge debts of $6,371. Mazzei as part of the proposed settlement also agreed to refund the fee and to pay an additional $14,582 to cover the debts and other costs.Melaragno on Thursday acknowledged to Agresti that the law "is against" a revocation of a discharge in the case, but it would be a just result.Mazzei wasn't in court but hasn't objected to the settlement or revocation of Snavley's discharge. Based in Pittsburgh, he has offices throughout the state, including in Erie and Warren.Agresti has called Mazzei's handling of the Snavley case "unconscionable" and it's one reason he is monitoring Mazzei's representation in other bankruptcy cases.ED PALATTELLA can be reached at 870-1813 or by e-mail. Follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/ETNpalattella.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) Visit the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) at .GoErie.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Calif.self storageOct. 04--Not enjoying the benefits of a campus football stadium can trigger some rather unusual behavior on the part of the few head coaches who board a bus for each game on their schedules.At Redlands East Valley High School, coach Kurt Bruich doesn't look forward to the upcoming time change in November. The Wildcats don't have a home field and don't practice under the lights."On my way home, I'll see the lights on at Redlands and Citrus Valley, so they're still practicing," Bruich said, referring to the other district schools. "In fact, when the time changes, we have to re-adjust our practice schedule."We'll work on our passing game while there's still decent daylight. When it gets darker, we'll work on the running game. You just have to adjust."That's one of the issues schools without stadiums contend with. Other factors include scheduling, transportation (not only the football teams but also the band), supporting game personnel, officials and attendance.With the current trend to construct campus facilities, the number of schools without campus venues is at an all-time low. The list includes Alta Loma, Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario and Etiwanda in the Chaffey Joint Union High School District; Summit in the Fontana district; REV in Redlands; Granite Hills in the Apple Valley district and Indian Springs in San Bernardino.With the additions of new stadiums -- Silverado, Diamond Ranch and Garey this year -- scheduling has been a bit easier and there are fewer Thursday night games than in recent memory. But maybe that's not altogether good."Our original schedule had us playing six Thursday games," Alta Loma head coach Joe Szczpanski said. "We were able to work on it through our district and worked it down to four."But I've been thinking about that ever since. We would have a tremendous advantage by playing on Thursday because we would be used to it, The other teams would have to adjust to it, not us."The biggest change is in game preparation. With a game on Friday, schools get in four practices, including a light session Thursday. Playing on Thursday eliminates one usually intense practice day. As a result of its schedule, the Braves will have eliminated a week of practice during the season.Thursday games also have a financial impact at the gate. Crowds aren't as big on a school night and it hurt student finances as admission revenue is earmarked for the student body.Summit and Etiwanda have found solutions. By staying on each other's schedule, and in agreement, they split the gates in games played at Miller High School, which serves as Summit's home but also occasionally is used by Etiwanda."Our season opener was at Miller with Etiwanda, but their homecoming, so we used the visiting side. Miller and (athletic director John) Romagnoli have been very supportive," Summit athletic director Steve Hickey said. "We were able to work it out so that our big (Sunkist League) game against Kaiser will be on a Friday night."With more games on Friday, it's doubtful any school -- outside of those that play in major stadiums -- will come close to the reported $125,000 Fontana collected at the gate in its 1987 CIF-SS championship run."There's no sense of community when you havemini storageto travel for every game," Alta Loma athletic director Brett Proctor said.It was slightly different when the Braves played at Chaffey College, but the increasing stadium rental fee forced the school to move its home games to Chaffey High School in Ontario.At one point, Chaffey College was busy as many as three nights a week along with fellow community colleges Mt. San Antonio and Citrus. Ted Runner Stadium on the University of Redlands campus was also used.However, the cost to rent those stadiums escalated and paved the way for alternative solutions. In addition to paying as much as $2,500 for rent, the schools did not share in concession income.Szczpanski noted for last week's "home" game at Chaffey High School in Ontario against Grand Terrace it required a caravan of six district buses to transport the team, marching band, cheerleaders and students.The Chaffey and Fontana districts absorb the cost of transportation for schools to their designated sites. The charge includes mileage and hourly rates, and the total starts around $250 per bus. In constrast, Summit will pay for its buses this week to Temecula Great Oak out of its own budget. The cost could be as high as $500 per vehicle."We use two buses to Miller," Hickey said, "and it's close enough that they shuttle back and forth for the band and others. But, we have to pay out of our budget for away games."Getting on the bus is just half the battle."I tell the bus driver the route I want to take," he said. "In the past, we got stuck at the I-10 underpass on Fourth Street for about 20 minutes on a Friday afternoon. So we've become adventurous and taken new and faster routes to Chaffey."The quicker for the Braves to walk into another team's locker room, with its mascot painted on the walls."That's a big disadvantage as you try to prepare," Szczpanski said.Several year ago, Rancho Cucamonga was the "home" team in its Baseline League game with rival Los Osos, on whose campus the stadium was located. The Grizzlies wore their white road uniforms in pregame but trotted out for the game in home blues.That didn't go down right with the Cougars, their fans or head coach Nick Baiz. It further fueled the bitter inter district rivalry."I just didn't care for that," Baiz said. "Let's leave it at that."Until this year, Diamond Ranch coach Roddy Layton fought a constant battle with nagging injuries such as sprained ankles and sore knees. By practicing on artificial turf in the new stadium, there have been fewer injuries."We had lots of uneven practice fields, long and short grass," Layton said, perhaps a direct result of budget cuts that diminished the maintenance staff. "It resulted in injuries that we don't see as much with the new field."But it doesn't end there. There's a new attitude on campus with a new home."It's a win-win for the district, the school and our community," Layton said. "We've found out the crowd noise is so loud we can't hear the snap count. We love that."The students are showing their school pride and it's created a whole new school spirit."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) Visit the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) at .dailybulletin.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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(吉打 亞羅士打2日訊)不法集團冒用國家會計局身份,mini storage發電郵給多間各源流學校要求更新教職員資料給“當局”,包括教師的薪水銀行戶頭號碼,一旦有學校中計,不法集團就可趁虛而入盜取教師的血汗錢。雖然外傳有教師薪水戶頭被盜提,但吉州教育局否認有老師受害。據瞭解,不法集團是於9月30日以“aminmoe.gov@gmail.com”的電郵發出郵件給部份學校,並要求校方將教職員資料和匯入薪水的銀行戶頭號碼,全須以電郵方式回覆給“當局”。據悉,有些學校的書記信以為真,就將教師的資料全部“更新”後以電郵回復給有關“當局”。直到有些學校接獲教育局發信通知提醒是詐騙行為後,教師才去更新銀行戶頭,以免薪水被盜走。吉州教育局主任曼梳勒週三接受《光明日報》記者訪問時證實此事,並透露該局至今接獲州內13間學校投報被相中成為此事件的“詐騙案”目標。“我們已指示有關學校及教師前往警局報案,並關閉銀行戶頭,所幸我們至今仍未接獲有教師戶頭被盜提的投報。”他強調,中招的學校分別為本同有7間學校、哥打士打縣及巴東得腊縣各有3間,而吉州則有724間學校,所以整體而言,只是小部份學校被牽涉。他披露,他早在一兩天前便接獲此消息,並馬上採取適當行動,至於有多少教師被牽涉,當局暫未正式統計。“如今的罪犯愈來愈猖獗,招數層出不窮,幸好我們都來得及避開。不過,我們(教育局儲存已將此事向教育部匯報了。”應向教局求證免受騙吉州教育局在接獲電郵詐騙投訴後,便於9月30日發出通知信給學校,再轉發給所有教師,以提醒教師提高警惕,以免不慎跌入詐騙者的圈套。當局信件內容說,若教師接獲來自aminmoe.gov@gmail.com或不明人士的信件,要求教師提供薪水單帳號、銀行資料及電話號碼,作為國家會計局資料更新用途的話,應事先向教育局求證。當局也吁請所有教師若有疑問,可致電向吉州教育局會計師慕絲達仄羅斯或高級執行官羅哈妮查詢,電話:04-7404016或04-7404015。校長吁更換戶頭吉北巴東得臘高華小學校長郭惠珍說,該校確曾接到詐騙電郵,書記也有提供教職員資料給對方,但校方獲知是詐騙行為後,已呼吁教職員馬上更換戶頭號碼和提出銀行戶頭的款項。她披露,學校書記是在9月30日下午接到有關要求更新教職員個人資料的電郵,並立刻作出更新。她說,她在本月1日早上8時出席縣教育局會議時,接獲同行來電告知電郵是詐騙行為,她立刻致電給書記,詢問是否有收到有關不法分子的電郵。“當書記告知已依照指示更新資料後,我立刻將消息通知學校全體教職員。”她指出,全體教職員立刻提出銀行款項和更改戶頭號碼。她聲稱,由於該校沒有教務員成受害者,所以未到警局報案。另外,據她瞭解,巴東得臘縣也有數間學校接獲電郵,至於有沒有上當,她則不清楚。;儲存倉

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購物是出國旅遊其中一大樂趣。因此,mini storage航空公司都會在各個班航售賣各式各樣的免稅品。這些商品因獲減免關稅(Tariff/Custom Duty)或銷售稅(Sales Tax),因此,在飛機上購物往往較地面的商店便宜,吸引不少朋友在機上購物。免稅品的英文是Duty-free products。在英文文法中,如在一個名詞加上「-free」,這成為形容詞,表示免除了其事物。例如︰Care-free表示無憂無慮、Duty-free解作免稅。為了吸引乘客購買商品,航空公司會定期製作購物指南(Catalogue)以介紹最新產品。免稅品種類繁多。最常見的商品包括化妝品(Cosmetics/Make-up)、香水(Fragrances)、護膚品(Skincare)、手表珠寶(Watches and Jewellery)及酒(Wine)。為提高整體視覺效果及刺激顧客購買欲,指南內會有專業模特兒(Model)、優美風景及商品的合照。智能電話普及,商品清單當然少不了電子產品(Electronics andGadgets)及配件(Electronic Accessories)。以普羅大眾為對象的航空公司,當然不會放過搜羅最新款及最受歡迎的商品, 曾有航空公司加入家庭電器(Household Appliances)及高爾夫球球桿袋(儲存olf Case)。有亞洲區航空公司甚至在其日本航線的商品清單中加入長腳蟹。對飛機模型愛好者,限量版(Limited Edition)及彩繪機(Special Livery)都是勢必購買的玩物。由於貨品價值高,而飛機上的空間又相當有限,因此,每班機只會放置少量香水、化妝品、護膚品及其他體積較小的商品,航空公司也鼓勵乘客預先在網上訂購商品,而公司也安排送貨服務(Home Delivery Services)。為鼓勵乘客多在網上預訂免稅品,有關方面會以飛行里數(Mileage)刺激消費。免稅品價值高, 且涉及稅務等原因, 各國海關(Customs)都有監管免稅品的銷售及儲存。航空公司需設立保稅倉(Bonded Store),由該公司作嚴密監管,海關也會定期派員檢查。航空公司亦需要詳細記錄每款商品出入保稅倉的時間及數量。文章內容節錄自香港電台「Teen Power」英語節目《型英營》(TE-EN-GERS)。節目逢星期六下午6時至6時15分於香港電台「Teen Power」播出。撰文:李慧慈(Ada)香港專業進修學校(港專)語言傳意學部學部主任、李慧文(Shida)香港專業進修學校(港專)語言傳意學部副主任。Ada & Shida同時身兼香港電台Teen Power《型英營》(TE-EN-GERS)節目主持。儲存倉

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Source: Appeal-Democrat, Marysville, Calif.迷你倉Oct. 03--Three Yuba City men were arrested in a Linda neighborhood on Tuesday morning after a passer-by reported seeing them carrying marijuana plants west of Yuba College, authorities said.The suspects walked by before 8 a.m. with a couple of plants each in their hands, said Yuba County Undersheriff Jerry Read.At least two medical marijuana growers in the area reported plants were stolen from their property, he said.Deputies arrested Johnathan Raymond Murray, 18, Jamie Ericksen, 19, and Christopher Ryan Woll, 20, on suspicion of felony grand theft, criminal conspiracy and misdemeanor possession of marijuana, according to booking reports.Bail was set at $20,000 for each at Yuba County Jail.Yuba CountyWoman arrested after threatsA 51-year-old Marysville woman suspe文件倉ted of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol was arrested Tuesday afternoon when she had a handgun and threatened a man, said Yuba City Undersheriff Jerry Read.Deputies responded at about 2 p.m. to a residence in the 8700 block of Highway 70 when reports came in that someone was inside threatening people. Four people were at the home.At the scene, Audrey Fern Kattan, 51, was arrested on suspicion of threatening to commit a crime and a misdemeanor charge of being under the influence after she allegedly told a man she would kill him if he didn't leave, Read said.Kattan was booked into Yuba County Jail on $150,000 bail.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, Calif.) Visit the Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, Calif.) at .appeal-democrat.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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讀書時在一上市機構的市場部做了兩年暑期工文員,self storage該公司有光顧剪報公司,蒐羅全港報章有提到集團消息的新聞,美麗女波士另外委派我每早讀報,以防漏網之魚,那時早養成閱報習慣,更覺是好差事,我特別留意花邊新聞,如什麼職場人事調動、八卦內容,然後剪剪貼貼,影印十多份,走遍幾層樓派給各部門。由於是搞公共關係,上司原來也特別留意這些花絮,有一天,一個飲食專欄把公司旗下酒店的自助餐彈得體無完膚,即日便見波士走入副總裁透明玻璃房間,拿�雜誌與他嘰哩咕嚕談了十幾分鐘。才十多年前的事,今天說來好像咸豐年,實物剪報公司恐怕絕�了,但有電子剪報。又,那天整理電腦檔案,看到mini storage個很舊的簡報,是某個報業會議的演講內容,講者來自一份日本大報,分享未來人類如何用一部手機一站式購物,包括買戲票、訂位等等。那時仍是諾基亞摩托羅拉稱雄年代吧,記得回來向同事簡報也擔心,會否有點天馬行空?不旋踵,這已變成尋常不過的老套。於是昨天看到報紙一大頁模仿舊式排版的商業特刊,便看得津津有味。特刊輯錄了多段上世紀六七十年代新聞,最過癮是內容,且看披頭四訪港千計男女瘋狂歡迎一段: 「頗多飛女,奇裝異服……以能盡量暴露玉體為無上光榮。該等飛仔飛女之家長,不知有何感想。」都是今時今日不能「見報」的行文用字,巴不得立即飛往公共圖書館借閱舊報紙。星期五見報迷你倉

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太古可口可樂香港的360 名運送飲品工人,迷你倉主要靠底薪加佣金計薪,多名工人認為公司刻薄,過去多年曾出現同工不同薪酬情�,如運送同一箱飲料,不同年份入職者的佣金可差一毫,部分送水工更工作6 至7 年仍無法由散工轉長工。工人表示,過去數年經爭取,薪金方見改善,現約九成員工為長工。在運送工人中佔多數的車隊及分銷部運輸工(又稱三合一)有過百人,新入職者底薪約4000 至5000元,年資逾10 年者受惠於舊制,可獲較高底薪。車隊及分銷部並以箱計佣,以往新入職者每箱佣金3 毫多,資深者4 毫多,今年1 月後所有車隊及分銷部跟車工人劃一為文件倉 毫多,車長5 毫多。以工人每日至少運送兩車貨,每一車700 箱計算,每人每日佣金至少有560 元。有工作30 多年的資深運輸工透露,底薪連佣金月入可過2 萬, 資淺者則有1.7 萬元。多年爭取九成送水工轉長工至於送水工人有數十人,3 年前大都是散工,以日計薪,每日420元;現逾九成已轉長工,改為底薪加佣金,司機底薪1.5 萬,跟車1.3萬,另按量計佣,每日上限為220元,每月不遲到、不告病假者再加1000 元勤工獎。運送糖漿的跟車工人每月連佣金約有1.7 萬元;運送飲品至自動販賣機的工人,資深者月薪可達2萬,司機則有3 萬。存倉

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大陸十一黃金假期展開,自存倉陸客來台激增,看準陸客消費潛力,藥妝店摩拳擦掌搶商機,紛紛針對陸客喜愛的MIT面膜、絲瓜水、醫美保養品牌等提升備貨量,更有業者指出今年魚油保健食品、眼藥水等護眼商品成為陸客添購的新選項。康是美表示,每年十一黃金周都帶動許多門市來客量與銷售高峰,去年重點門市的單店業績較前年同期成長2成,今年更可望創下3成成長。康是美針對台北西門町、高雄六合夜市、花蓮市區等高陸客流量的觀光商圈周邊門市,提升3倍MIT面膜、1倍漢方貼布數備貨量,同時增加藥油、腸胃散、暈車藥、日用品等重點商品。屈臣氏除了針對陸客喜愛的熱銷商品增加進貨量,在台北西門、統領、崇光與高雄旗津、屏東墾丁、宜蘭羅東、花蓮等港澳、陸客經常造訪的景點門市,設立伴手禮專區,並推出48片天天美麗環遊世界面膜組等大容量組合包與各大醫美品牌超值特惠組。根據觀察,陸客平均單筆消費大約都在2∼3千元以上mini storage台灣在地品牌面膜是必買首選,跟團陸客偏好以「打箱」方式購買,每箱數量以30盒起跳,自由行陸客一次購買量也在10∼20盒左右。我的美麗日記、天天美麗等平價台灣品牌最受歡迎,其次是寵愛之名、DR.WU、Dr.Satin等醫美品牌,陸客所到之地幾乎都會被一掃而空。另外像是廣源良菜瓜水、漢方貼布、舒緩痠痛類商品、本土藥廠腸胃藥等,也都是陸客搶購目標。康是美觀察到今年陸客購物清單新增護眼商品,如中高年齡層偏好魚油類保健食品,年輕族群則愛搶購各種功能的眼藥水。我的美麗日記面膜還推出阿里山櫻花、日月潭紅茶、澎湖絲瓜、古坑柑桔、屏東珊瑚等5款嚴選台灣在地成分的10周年限定版面膜,成為陸客掃貨的焦點,同時也宣布進軍大陸購物網,上個月在大陸聚美優品及天貓品牌旗艦店正式上市,其中在聚美優品試賣2天就吸引破10萬人次上網搶購,創下銷售超過1,800萬人民幣(約台幣8,635萬元)佳績。儲存

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