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中國大陸的《旅遊法》隨著十月一日長假上路,mini storage規定旅行業者不得指定購物點並收取佣金,違者得賠三倍團費。這項新法的實施有兩個層面值得注意:一、從市場面看,這將大大影響台灣方面接團的數量;二、從文明面看,大陸展現提升旅遊品質的決心,並選擇以法制化手段落實。 之所以說「驚見」,是因為旅遊業者安排購物抽佣的陋習由來已久,猶如旅遊業和商家共同剝削旅客的「潛規則」;台灣數十年來屢倡改革,卻未見多少進展。未料,中國大陸竟快馬加鞭,搶先跨出一大步。更受矚目的是,北京當局並不是透過一向慣用的行政命令或道德喊話來約束業者,而是制訂出一部《旅遊法》,用完整的法制來規範相關各方的權利義務關係,讓人耳目一新。 這部《旅遊法》,內容共分十章一一二條,涵蓋了旅遊業的經營發展、旅遊安全及監督管理、旅遊糾紛的處理和法律責任等種種面向。從民主國家的角度看,將旅遊產業的發展、消費者的權益、乃至政府機關對景點和商家的監督職責等全放在同一部法令中,這樣的旅遊法實屬罕見。但從中國大陸的特殊性看,近年大陸民眾不僅熱中國內旅遊,湧向世界各國觀光的數量也極驚人,除了團費及旅遊品質糾紛多端,也往往因旅遊文明的問題引發國際側目;在這種情況下,針對旅遊制訂一部綜合式的法律,應該也算一種具有「中國特色」的法制管理。 此法最顯而易見的影響是,旅行業者和各地景點都被要求必須提供更透明而穩定的服務安排,包括景點門票的定價及進場人數的控管,皆有助於旅遊品質的提升;而其代價,則是旅客必須支付更高的費用,短期內遊客人數必然下降,旅遊業者和商家的營運必然受到衝擊。但長期而言,當行程的安排更臻透明,遊客被敲詐剝削的機率降低,旅遊的品質和樂趣自然提升;屆時,優質業者其實不愁沒有生意可做。 簡單地說,如同中國大陸正在推動的各種產業轉型,北京迷你倉圖透過《旅遊法》來加速其旅遊業的「擇優汰劣」,促成旅遊產業的升級。此法雖非針對台灣而訂,但對於近年高度仰賴大陸觀光客的本地業者而言,必然受到影響。從這幾天傳出的訊息,十一假期大陸來台「團客」減少了三至五成,金門貢糖業者還稱這樣下去「金門會倒」;可見,新法的衝擊確實不小。 但換一個角度看,這何嘗不是國內業者自我轉型與提升的機會。旅遊業者和商家以購物行程來包裝抽佣,本來就是一種短視近利的作法,對團客的旅遊目的缺乏尊重,不啻是對本土觀光的殺雞取卵。尤其,當人們都在積極營造一個「人文台灣」的觀光環境,大陸團客卻屢屢被帶進寶石、珊瑚等賣場去消費,他們的旅遊趣味何在?我們的觀光亮點不也因此黯然? 無論這部《旅遊法》要實施多久才見成效,北京能大膽立法規範旅遊業的種種亂象,從產業的長期發展、消費者權益的保障、乃至對地方政府責任的課賦,都具有積極的推促作用,也將有助於提升大陸的旅遊文明。其中,甚至考慮到老年人、兒童和殘疾者的旅遊安全,讓人驚豔。 值得警惕的是,台灣動輒以自己的民主法治自豪,但檢視一下近些年的法制步伐,我們究竟通過了幾項具有進步意義的立法?數得出來的法案寥寥無幾,連攸關國人健康的食品安全都停在古早的罰則。不僅朝野陷於對峙內耗,立法部門也是長期處於怠速運轉中,人們看到的問題不可謂少,卻往往因無法擠出任何公共討論的空間,只能頹然而廢。就算以旅遊這樣中性的議題而論,試問,台灣哪個政黨敢提議要整頓亂象、消除剝削?哪個政黨敢說把業者的近利放在一旁,要用公平、透明的制度化競爭來維護旅客權益和觀光資源? 大陸《旅遊法》的實施,其實也同時宣告了傳統「榨取式」的團客旅遊業時代已經結束。台灣業者站在接受衝擊的第二線,其實還有充裕的時間和機會調整經營模式,以迎接陸客「自由行」時代的到來。 文件倉

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香港文匯報訊(記者 郭兆東)有旅遊網站研究指出,儲存內地旅客外遊人數持續上升,消費金額冠絕全球,帶動亞洲區內旅遊需求。研究又發現,內地外遊人數增長與內地放寬出境旅遊限制,及高收入中產階層持續增長有關,不過因內地經濟發展放緩,區內酒店不惜降低價格吸客,故儘管內地旅客佔訪港旅客最多的一群,平均每晚只支付1,293港元酒店費,全球排名第二十七位。 旅遊網站Hotels.com昨日公布最新酒店價格指數,顯示今年上半年內地旅客外遊人數持續上升,消費金額冠絕全球,原因是內地放寬出境旅遊限制,及內地高收入中儲存倉階層的持續增長,加上越來越多的內地遊客有意到國外探索,並享受與別不同的旅遊體驗。同時,由於近年廉價航空公司崛起及新航線積極拓展,帶動亞洲區內旅遊需求,繼續影響整個亞洲區的酒店房價,其中25個酒店房價最低的城市之中,亞洲區佔20個。首爾浮羅交怡房租跌兩成 同時,今年上半年歐元區酒店房價,均錄得輕微增長,反而亞洲區酒店房價卻錄得跌幅。其中在港人外遊支付的全球酒店價格之中,馬來西亞浮羅交怡跌幅最大,平均房價下跌22%至每晚1,119港元,至於熱門旅遊熱點首爾,酒店房價則下跌19%至每晚957港元。迷你倉最平

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Source: AME Info, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesOct.儲存倉 03--ALWALEED'S ALARAB TV CHANNEL AWARDS QVEST MEDIA INFRA DEAL: Alarab news channel, owned by Prince Alwaleed has awarded Qvest Media the contract to design and build the complete production and broadcasting infrastructure in Bahrain. Under the deal, Qvest is to provide end-to-end file-based workflows, a high level of automation for all production processes, a centralised media asset management system across 迷你倉最平ll areas of production, as well as HDTV distribution for satellite and multi-platform live streaming and VOD. The agreement to set up the Alarab channel headquarters in Manama was signed in 2012. The 24-hour channel will target Arabic-speaking viewers across the Arab world and beyond.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Visit AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) at .ameinfo.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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�地(00012)主席李兆基向�地出售一籃子上市公司股份,文件倉套現30億元。儘管�地發言人表示今次交易與「分家」無關,但美銀美林仍然認為,是為順利接班鋪路。美銀美林稱,�地目前尚未交代繼承問題,更談不上有過渡時間表。對於李兆基套現所得,美銀美林相信,李兆基日後會待�地股份回落至低位時,入市增持股份。�地昨日股價先升後回吐,下跌0.3%,報48.45元; 中華煤氣(00003) 跌0.3% , 報18.66 元。�發(00097)表現最勁,投資者炒作私有化憧憬,�發昨日大漲2存倉.4%,報0.68元。小輪(00050)靠穩,升0.9%,報7.79元;美麗華(00071)升2.5%,報10.2元。美銀美林估算,�地每股資產淨值約90.1元,淨負債比率於收購後會由6月底的15%微升至16.4%,維持�地「中性」評級,目標價49元不變。瑞信預料,交易或許是重組計劃之一,而李兆基或將交易所得作兩方面用途,包括增持�地權益,其次是向�地收購農地,捐地予政府建屋。瑞信調整每股資產淨值估算,由90.1元下調至88.81元;目標價由67.58元下調至66.61元。儲存

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雖然澳門9月份博彩收入按月跌5.7%,儲存至289.63億(澳門元,下同),但今年首9個月累計博彩收入仍按年升16.7%,至2606億元。受惠數據造好,刺激濠賭股昨日繼續炒上,金沙中國(1928)更升破50元,與銀娛(027)及永利澳門(1128)齊創上市新高。  對於內地於十月一日實施《旅遊法》,限制零團費和強逼購物的旅行團,澳博(880)董事局主席蘇樹輝表示,內地實施新的旅遊法,雖然令到訪澳門的旅行團客減少,但內地自由行旅客比去年國慶期間仍增約16%,他認為對今個國慶假期的整體市道沒有太大影響。 蘇樹輝又稱,澳門今年首3季博彩表現不錯,預期整個市場均會有增長。上月收入按年升21%  澳門博彩監察協調局昨公布,澳門9月份博彩收入按月跌5.7%,至289.63億澳門元,不過按年則升21.4%。雖然9月份博彩收入紀錄,不及8月份創歷來第二高的307.37億元,但今年首9個月累計博彩收入仍按年升16.7mini storage,至2606億元。另外,黃金周長假期訪澳旅客急增,雖然假期首天整體入境旅客數字按年下跌6.04%,至約12.4萬人,但當中的內地旅客則按年上升16.13%,至10.2萬人。以黃金周首兩天計算,訪澳的內地旅客約有21.8萬人,按年升14.02%。由於9月最後一個周末,與黃金周假期展開僅相差一日,不少旅客已提前於黃金周訪澳,於9月27日至30日期間,已有逾52萬旅客到訪澳門,按年增近30%。訪澳旅客急增,酒店房價亦水漲船高,有部分中低階酒店房價增幅非常驚人,有三星級酒店房價更直逼五星級價錢。其中有三星級的酒店,10月份平日標準雙人客房價每晚約1050元,但在黃金周期間則大幅調高至3700元。受惠於博彩收入造好及訪澳旅客增加,濠賭股昨日普遍造好,金沙中國更突破50元,升3.9%,收報50.6元,創上市新高;銀娛和永利澳門股價亦創上市新高,銀娛飆升5.1%,收報58.7元;永利則升2.2%,收報28.4元。self storage

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中國人民銀行原副行長、中歐陸家嘴國際金融研究院院長吳曉靈在論壇上指出,儲存互聯網金融能有許多創新,服務改善和產品創新也能促進金融監管當局的改善。她建議給阿里小貸和支付寶發放銀行牌照,讓銀行間更充分競爭。 吳曉靈認為,目前互聯網金融主要有四種形式,包括小額貸款機構、第三方支付平台、標準化金融產品銷售,以及借貸雙方信息平台。但這四種互聯網金融形式都是單向的。促成特色銀行 出台規範原則 吳曉靈指出,這些單向的業務,不可能對現有的銀行造成顛覆性的影響,因為銀行本身也在不斷地用互聯網和信息技術改造自己的業務流程,並完成具mini storage特色的存放匯三者結合的業務。因此以上四種單向的互聯網金融業務,無法顛覆現有的傳統銀行。 吳曉靈表示,現在鼓勵民營資本創辦民營銀行,只有給阿里小貸、支付寶等發放銀行牌照,令其既能辦理結算,又能吸收存款,發放貸款,細分客戶市場,這才是可行的,才能辦成互聯網時代的特色銀行。 她指出,要釐清政府與市場的邊界,促進小額信貸健康發展。政府可用購買服務的方式,扶持小額信貸徵信網絡發展,以及第三方支付賬戶監管的建立。政府還應盡快出台規範網絡借貸的指導原則,給市場樹立行為準則。在化解市場風險時,要堅守風險自擔原則,嚴肅財經紀律。self storage

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中國有�十三億人口、九百六十萬平方公里的土地,文件倉一個省就相當於歐洲一個國家的幅員面積和人口,分布�大大小小六百多個城市,並且被劃分為多個等級。中國手機移動市場有多複雜?聯想電腦把中國的市場分成由一級到八級,每個城市的消費者又可以再分成一到六級,六八四十八個小方陣,僅僅屬於靜態的描述;動態的看法中還要考慮流動人口、城鄉結構、人口結構,例如八九十後年齡層佔比。每間企業都在與時間及空間賽跑,起落無序,不同城市有不同的App文化,你了解多少?一線城市可以領略都市魅力,二線城市可以開拓視野,三線城市有些小城文化,四五六七線城市有些別樣風情。一般人是不會走遍這幾類城市的,如果你有幸走過,你就會發現中國城市並非千城一面,市井處隱藏的是中國城市的多元化。以城市為本,城市的多元化可以通過手機App的使用習慣來辨識。通過收集不同城市青年在手機App方面的使用和消費,可以檢視當代中國人的生活面貌,並嘗試梳理出存倉些各個層面的未來趨勢。北上廣深人的手機�必備一款GPS 導航,而小城人則只將智能手機當成一款遊戲機,一二線城市的人喜歡沒事發發微信微博,三四線城市的人則不喜歡將時間浪費在移動設備上,認為這遠不如一個電話約出來聚餐來得暢快;手機的商業用途在大城市更廣泛地使用,而在小城市卻被主要用於聽歌視頻等娛樂方面。一線城市人口對於App 的熱情遠高於二三四線城市,中國的一線城市也是世界著名的「堵」城。生活在一線城市的人說,北京是首堵,上海是上路就堵,廣州是廣泛的堵,深圳是深深的堵。兩個小時的交通工具上,主要的娛樂時間是音樂、看新聞、微博微信聯繫好友,碎片時間漸漸被手機填滿。在傳統的觀點�,三四線城市是相對保守、不太開放的,但其實,在三四線城市同樣擁有一個城市的配套,比如廣場、電影院、超市,同樣的手機App。無論我們身處哪�,我們也許在不同的城市,但是我們擁有同一個手機移動互聯網。蘭詩若靜陳嘉銘老占松花芥子儲存

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本報蘭州訊(記者 秦 娜)《中華人民共和國旅遊法》于10月1日起實施。為了營造實施《旅遊法》的良好氛圍,mini storage省旅遊局于近日正式�動全省旅遊市場大檢查暨2013年第二次旅遊市場檢查周活動。此次活動將持續到10月7日,主要針對不合理的低價組織旅遊活動、強迫購物、景區超過最大承載量接待旅遊者等進行重點檢查,並按照《旅遊法》相關規定,對違法行為進行重罰。此次旅遊市場大檢查,將重點檢查無許可經營旅行社業務,或出租、出借旅行社業務經營許可證的行為;以不合理的低價組織旅遊活動,誘騙旅遊者,並通過儲存排購物或另行付費旅遊項目獲取回扣等不正當利益的行為;導遊、領隊私自承攬導遊和領隊業務,擅自變更旅遊行程或中止服務活動,向旅遊者索取小費,誘導、欺騙、強迫或變相強迫旅遊者購物參加另行付費旅遊項目的行為;未依法公告景區最大承載量,超過最大承載量接待旅遊者以及擅自提高門票價格及另行收費項目價格的行為。此外,對於檢查中發現的下列行為也將進行嚴肅處罰:旅行社未與聘用的導遊簽訂勞動合同,旅行社和導遊、領隊未向旅遊者告知和解釋旅遊文明行為規範,未勸阻旅遊者違反社會公德的舉動,旅遊經營者虛假宣傳等。儲存倉

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近年內地智能手機市場迅速崛起,儲存成為全球銷量一哥,為減低成本,繼惠普(HP)宣布將新手機交予比亞迪電子(00285)代工後,市傳蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)擬借助內地生產力,直接向內地市場出貨,減少進口稅項,同時拓展內地龐大手機市場。據台灣《電子時報》引述,有上游供應鏈廠商表示,蘋果公司及其產品主要代工廠商鴻海集團已跟內地海關當局達成協議,自九月開始已將少量蘋果產品直接輸往內地市場銷售。self storage來鴻海將協助蘋果公司,把內地鄭州工廠組裝好的iPhone手機及其他蘋果產品,直接銷往內地市場,預料鴻海更會在內地提供物流和售後維修服務。減免稅項助降售價過往蘋果產品於內地完成組裝後,須先運往香港或深圳完成出口程序,方可進口回內地上架銷售。如蘋果可實現內製內銷經營模式,將可降低產品進口稅,更有可能降低蘋果產品在內地的銷售價格。有指鴻海還試圖將這種直接出貨的業務模式應用至其他國家,如印尼和巴西等。迷利倉

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美國暫緩退市,儲存低息環境持續,令投資者暫時鬆一口氣。可是,退市陰霾未完全消弭,加上港府辣招打擊,樓市交投繼續一沉不起。從事資產配置工作多年的美聯金融集團總監黃濬表示,加息對本地樓市並非洪水猛獸, 「影響不是沒有,而是好後期先會有」。他又建議投資者減持手上物業,或趁息口低盡量向銀行借貸,但不必即時還清,相反應將資金儲起投資,建立「第二個水塘」。明報記者何建邦攝影尹錦恩早前長江實業(0001)主席李嘉誠向傳媒表示,現時無法估計樓價走勢,主要因為地產市道受掣於政府政策,投資者難以睇通。黃濬某程度上認同有關說法,他指現時未必是入市房地產物業的好時機, 「除非你要住就沒有辦法,這是一些實際需求,但如果從投資角度而言就不應該。」黃濬指出,在香港土地是非常珍貴的資源,以往都是以「價高者得」的形式獲得,但現時卻有太多變數,土地使用權受到干預, 「港人港地限制外地人買樓,下次會否規定九龍樓連新界居民都不可以買?」小市民難以睇通政府的下一步,樓市被行政措施左右的情�下, 「隨時整副身家不保」。樓市被行政左右現不應買樓投資利淡消息充斥市場,不少資深投資者都選擇減磅沽貨離場,黃濬直稱套現是明智之舉, 「我去年都沽出了美孚新�一個物業,當然如果沽遲一點可能更好」。他又認為,儘管市場對息口抽升的憂慮隨�暫緩退市而有所紓緩,但加息陰霾卻未有完全消除,窒礙買家入市。黃濬表示,加息對香港房地產的影響其實不如想像中大(圖),即使有都不會是影響樓市的主因,因為銀行設計壓力測試時已經把第一mini storage加息的額外負擔計算在內,即使加息都不會即時對本港房地產的產業鏈造成重大衝擊,心理影響大於實際, 「影響不是沒有,而是好後期先會有,加息對金融市場的影響最快,房地產是第三步,甚至是第四步」。他續稱,加息周期一開始,就不會只加一兩次, 「可能是10 次或20 次,直至去到正常軌�或另一個鐘擺盡頭才會停止」。本港樓市「泡沫指數」冠絕全球《經濟學人》最新研究指出,本港樓市「泡沫指數」冠絕全球,黃稱港樓是貴得不合理,基本上失去投資價值,因為租金是反映房地產需求,全世界的租金收益通常都有3 厘至10 厘,但香港卻特別低,基本上「冇咩肉食」, 「樓價太高,租金長期都追不上,買樓收租有3 厘回報已經好叻,但其實一點都不吸引,你隨意買一隻政府債券都已經有5 厘或以上」。他續稱: 「整個樓市其實只靠資本升值來賺錢,買樓收租回報太低,並不划算。」低息向銀行借貸投資買樓收租冇肉食美國量寬造成的低息環境短期內持續,黃濬指很多小投資者「1000 萬入面有900 萬都押在房產身上」,他建議該類投資者應考慮減低風險, 趁低息環境盡量向銀行借貸,但不用急�還, 「借貸成本很低,在風險管理角度而言,最聰明的做法是儲起該筆資金,在市面上找一些回報率較穩定的產品,例如基金做投資,建立另一個儲備。直至時機成熟的時候,情�有突變,利息上升才去還清。」黃濬建議,有多幢物業的投資者亦應減持手上物業,將資金轉投其他投資產品,兩條路「兼住去做」,例如買股票或債券,但由於同樣有機會輸,因此投資者要小心。self storage

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 上海市在大陸「十一」假期湧進800萬外地遊客,self storage不少景點出現「中國式過馬路」,紅燈也照走,連武警都管不住。(中央社) 【本報綜合報導】陸媒報導,中國大陸「旅遊法」1日實施,十一長假期間旅行團費普遍上漲。但旅遊人潮似乎未如業者預期般減少,部份業者並宣稱成長20%,一些景區的客房出租率則逾90%。 中新社報導,禁止購物行程的大陸旅遊法1日實施後,東南亞團及台灣團的團費漲幅最高,部份業者的漲幅甚至超過100%;至於歐、美團平均漲幅約在20%至30%之間;大陸國內旅遊的海南團、雲南團漲幅也在20%上下。 報導引述浙江省中青旅副總經理朱曉軍說法指出,大陸旅行業者先前普遍認為,今年十一長假出國旅遊人數會因此下滑,但從浙江中青旅的情況看來,mini storage務量較去年成長約20%,十一長假期間消費者「出遊的熱情並未降低」。 根據大陸「全國假日旅遊部際協調會議辦公室」(假日辦)1日公佈的資料,長沙、廣安、瑞金、嵩山少林寺、曲阜孔府等地的客房出租率,達到90%以上;南京、青島、西安、張家界、黃龍、雲台山等地的客房出租率,也達70%以上。 報導指出,除監控團費及旅遊人潮變化外,大陸國家旅遊局長邵琪偉1日親自帶隊,前往正在展出黃色小鴨的北京頤和園,以及北京凱撒國際旅行社門市部檢查民眾接待及相關業務,其中包括景區容量管制、旅行團合約簽訂、調整旅遊產品結構等事項。 報導提到,大陸第1張違反旅遊法罰單1日在蘇州開出,執法單位是蘇州市旅遊執法支隊。但違規事實並非安排購物行程,而是無照執行導遊業務。迷你倉

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一直以來,mini storageNMW車迷都會問一個問題︰點解獨缺4系?終於,這個問題近日揭盅,全新BMW 4系Coup�(轎跑車)正式在本港推售,它融合BMW激情動感及房跑車獨特美學。Coup�意即前置引擎,雙門三廂式房跑車,同時亦是優美汽車的代名詞。事實上,歷史上被譽為最優雅的汽車,都是以Coup�形式出現。完美的外形來自修長的引擎艙,長長的輪距和更短的懸吊設計,看起來就是高貴與動感的混合體。流麗車身 跑車操作BMW 4系Coup�近日將BMW聞名於世的房跑車精髓再昇華,全車注入低重心、長輪距、闊跨距、50:50完美重量分布等傳統跑車因子,配合最新渦輪增壓引擎技術,轉檔感直接非常的八前速傳動系統,加上極具時代感的流麗外形,為雙門房跑車重新定位。流麗車身設計,令人聯想到同廠的6系和8系,同為雙門房跑車系列,再加入嶄新技術和時代感外形,為BMW歷史寫下重要一頁。全車長4,638mm、闊1,825mm、高1,377mm,巧妙地運用長車頭、短車尾及低重心車身等傳統跑車的特徵,配合Air Curtain 及AirBreather大流量入風設計高科技空氣力學、加上寬闊的車頭氣霸延伸至全車的硬朗線條,勾畫出BMW 4系Coup� 的動感線條,亦令BMW 4系Coup�能擁有低至0.28的風阻系數。BMW 4系Coup�擁有所有汽車夢寐以求的50:50前後重量完美分布,加上比3系(E93)闊的前(+45mm)、後跨距(+80mm),以及比現款M3更低的車體重心,令操控更得心應手,更有傳統FR(前置引擎,後輪驅動)跑車的操作風味。低耗油高動力雙贏BMW 428iA Coup� 的2公升直列4汽缸TwinPower Turbo 引擎輸出達245hp@5000-6500rpm, 而扭力輸出則達350Nm@1250-4800rpm,配合8前速+/-半自動波箱,0-100起步僅為5.8秒,表現為同級車款之冠。而BMW435iA Coup�更配上3公升直列6汽缸TwinPowerTurbo引擎,有效輸出306hp@5800-6000rpm及400Nm@ 1200-5000rpm,絕對能夠滿足跑車用家的要求及本港道路駕駛需要。另外一如其他BMW 作品,BMW 4系Coup� 亦相當注重環保,在行車模式選擇加入了ECO PRO模式,在50至160km/h的車速之間提供最慳油的行車表現,事實上,428iA Coup�的平均耗油量僅為6.4L/100km/h,是一個低耗迷你倉和高動力的雙贏選擇。M Sport提升懸掛配置BMW車廂精雕細琢,設計師精心雕琢車身內外每個細節,全新設計Adaptive LED頭燈光源經實時分析後會自動調整,以匹配速度及轉向角度,燈光顏色作適度優化配合現場環境,提供更優質道路照明,並有助於夜間行車時消除疲勞。BMW Lines 亦應用到4系Coup� 的內觀設計,車廂用上不同色調的Dakota上乘皮革,加上配合不同個性買家的個人化設定:素色沉實大方的Modern Line, 襯上優雅桃木板飾的LuxuryLine,以及凸顯速度運動感紅黑板面配飾的SportLine,確保每部4系 Coup�都有自己的獨特個性。BMW M Sport Edition 注入濃烈賽車激情,充滿M系賽車基因,包括M系擾流配件,令車身更盈剛烈動感;M系運動型制動及懸掛系統,比Sport版更為進取,避震行程縮短10mm,更硬朗之懸掛配置,提升駕駛樂趣之餘,亦令車身更為精準扎實。M系車門鋁踏板、M系真皮多功能�環、M系Dakota跑車皮座、六角蜂巢暗花鋁質板飾及M系腳踏,令閣下座駕更添濃烈賽車色彩。首展期內優惠多BMW 428iA Coup� Sport/Modern/Luxury將以HK$620,000發售,而428iACoup� M SportEdition則以HK$650,000公開發售。首展期內並加送總值HK$32,000之Comfort Access及後泊影像輔助系統。BMW 435iA Coup� Sport/Modern/Luxury 將以HK$822,000發售, 而435iA Coup� M Sport Edition 則以HK$868,000公開發售。首展期內並加送分別總值HK$70,000(Sport/Modern/ Luxury) 及HK$74,576(M Sport Edition) 之Comfort及Adaptive LED頭燈。BMW 428iA兩門轎跑車規格表長X闊X高 4638mmX1825mmX1377mm軸距 2810mm淨重 1525kg引擎型式 直列式四汽缸16氣閥雙渦輪增壓汽缸容積 1997c.c.最大馬力 245hp/5000~6000rpm最大扭力 35.7kgm/1250~4800rpm0~100KM 5.8秒傳動系統 八前速+/-自動變速耗油量(l/km) 6.4輪胎 225/45R18售價 HK$620000.00代理商 BMW(HK)查詢 3129 9000文件倉

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Source: The Baltimore SunOct.迷利倉 02--A nationally televised college football game between Navy and Air Force at a sold-out stadium in Annapolis could become one of the more visible casualties of the U.S. government shutdown.While Navy athletic director Chet Gladchuk said Tuesday that a final decision would not be reached until noon Thursday, Air Force officials issued a statement that said the game was being called off "for now" along with all other intercollegiate sports events.Gladchuk said there was a "significant possibility" that the game would be canceled, adding that "it's going to be a setback of the highest order if this game doesn't happen." But Gladchuk is holding out hope that the U.S. Department of Defense will allow the game to be played.Gladchuk said the department, which oversees all three national service academies, had informed officials at Navy, Air Force and Army that there would be no intercollegiate athletics played until the shutdown is resolved."It's not a decision being made on the academy grounds or within the athletic department," Gladchuk said. "It's all being driven by the Pentagon. ... We're going to delay any decision on our end on Air Force until Thursday at noon."Gladchuk said Naval Academy Superintendent Vice Adm. Michael Miller is "trying to justify the rationale for reconsideration" in his discussions with the Department of Defense. Miller couldn't be reached for comment. Air Force AD Hans Mueh was unavailable, saying on his voicemail greeting that he had been furloughed.Asked what rationale might be given for playing the game, considering that millions of government employees have been furloughed and other government institutions have been closed by the shutdown, Gladchuk pointed to the fact that the Naval Academy Athletic Association operates on private funds."There would be no cost to the government, there are zero appropriated funds in terms of conducting this contest at the Naval Academy," Gladchuk said. "It has no affect on the budget of the government one way or the other. What it does is that it eliminates the opportunity for the academy to generate critical revenue to support 33 varsity sports."A military source told the Colorado Springs Gazette that there is a "50-50 chance" that the game will be played with Air Force using conference fees, conference TV money and ticket revenue making up for a lack of government funding.Air Force is a member of the Mountain West Conference. Mountain West commissioner Craig Thompson told the Gazette that institutions typically have $2.5 million to $3 million in conference distributions at their disposal to use as they wish.Gladchuk said the possible cancellation has "tremendous ripple effects in regard to the community and the local economy."Navy was expecting a stadium record sellout of around 40,000.Asked to gauge how much not hosting the game could cost the Naval Academy financially, Gladchuk said, "It's impossible to calculate, but it's in the millions.""When you look at the ticket revenue that would be returned, if you take a look at the corporate sponsorships, the hotel accommodations, the catering concessions, the parking, the restaurants in自存倉downtown Annapolis, all of our major donors were coming in, it's reunion weekend for the 1963 Cotton Bowl team and 300 reunion groups, it's clearly one of the most significant Saturdays that we could possibly orchestrate at the academy," he said."It's a weekend when there's national TV that gives the academies incredible exposure and branding. ... This is something that has been planned in some cases for years with the reunions. We have over 200 recruits that we have scheduled to fly in from all over the country. It's a major league event."The shutdown already has impacted other Navy sports. According to Gladchuk, three coaches (swimming, gymnastics and women's cross country) have been furloughed because they are government employees, but that the teams would continue to practice under the supervision of assistants who are nongovernment employees. A men's soccer game against Howard scheduled for Tuesday was canceled."Everyone's practicing -- the only thing is that we can't compete collegiately," Gladchuk said.Trying to rebound from its first loss of the season last week at Western Kentucky, the Navy football team (2-1) practiced Tuesday in preparation for Saturday's game against Air Force (1-4).But Navy coach Ken Niumatalolo recognized the possibility that the game might not be played until later in the season, if at all. Both teams have an open date Dec. 7, a week before the Army-Navy game."The only thing under our control is that we've got to prepare to get ready for a game [this] Saturday," Niumatalolo said. "At this point they said it's not going to happen, but we've got to prepare as if it's going to happen."Niumatalolo was an assistant coach when the government shut down in 1995 and into 1996, but Navy and the other service academy teams played."I don't remember it affecting us," Niumatalolo said.Sophomore quarterback Keenan Reynolds, who is expected to play Saturday after getting knocked out of last week's game with a head injury, said "it's definitely crossed my mind, the what if [they don't play]. I definitely would be upset at this point. This is a game we've circled. A lot of fans coming out to the game. I'm trying not to think of the negative, but I'm definitely aware that it's there."Maryland AD Kevin Anderson, who spent six years in the same position at Army, was stunned by the news that the Navy-Air Force game might be canceled ."I still have a strong affinity for the service academies. ... Athletics and competition is a key pillar to what the academies are all about," Anderson said Tuesday in College Park. "I think it would send shock waves through the West Point community and also through the country. If there's three teams that I believe this country embraces through thick and thin, it's the Air Force, Navy and Army. For them not to be able to compete this weekend is very disappointing."Asked about the possibility of the Army-Navy game not being played if the shutdown continued into mid-December, Anderson was blunt."That would be un-American," he said.don.markus@baltsun.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Baltimore Sun Visit The Baltimore Sun at .baltimoresun.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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PORTLAND, Ore.mini storage, Oct. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Rentrak , the leader in precisely measuring movies and TV everywhere, today announced the top ten digital movie purchases and rentals based on consumer transaction rate. The report includes Internet Video on Demand (iVOD) and Electronic Sell-Through (EST), for both Standard-Definition and Digital HD movie purchases and rentals.According to the company's Digital Download Essentials((R)) Industry Service, the top ten purchased and rented movies, per data collected from Sept. 9-15, 2013, include:Rentrak Top Ten Digital Movie Purchases and Rentals*:RANK TITLE STUDIO ---- ----- ------1 Star Trek: Into Darkness Paramount --- ------------------------ ------------------------------2 World War Z Paramount --- ----------- ------------------------------3 Now You See Me Lionsgate --- -------------- --------------------4 The Great Gatsby Warner --- ---------------- -----------------5 Iron Man 3 Disney --- ---------- -----------------6 Pain & Gain Paramount --- ----------- ------------------------------7 Olympus Has Fallen Sony --- ------------------ ---------------8 Epic Fox --- ---- ----------------9 Mud Lionsgate --- --- --------------------10 Insidious Sony --- --------- ---------------Source: Rentrak Digital Download Essentials((R) )Industry Service*Excludes NBC Universal and Independent Studio Content at this time.(C) Rentrak Corporation 2013 - Content in this chart is produced and/or compiled by Rentrak Corporation and its OnDemand Essentials data collection and analytical service, and is covered by provisions of the Copyright Act. The material presented herein is intende迷你倉 to be available for public use. You may reproduce the content of the chart in any format or medium without first obtaining permission, subject to the following requirements: (1) the material must be reproduced accurately; and (2) any publication or issuance of any part of the material to others must acknowledge Rentrak Corporation as the source of the material.About Digital Download Essentials((R))Rentrak's Digital Download Essentials processes daily, census-level iVOD and EST content in more than 160 countries on behalf of many major studios and television networks and is the industry's only reporting and auditing service providing content performance intelligence on purchased and rented movie and television content downloaded via the Internet. Rentrak's Digital Download Essentials Industry service also provides title-level industry intelligence regarding the Internet Video on Demand (iVOD) and Electronic Sell-Through (EST) business, for both Standard-Definition and Digital HD movie purchases and rentals. For more information, visit: https://digitaldownload.rentrak.com/About RentrakRentrak is the entertainment and marketing industries' premier provider of worldwide consumer viewership information, precisely measuring actual viewing behavior of movies and TV everywhere. Using our proprietary intelligence and technology, combined with advanced demographics, only Rentrak is the census currency for VOD and Movies. Rentrak provides the stable and robust audience measurement services that movie, television and advertising professionals across the globe have come to rely on to better deliver their business goals and more precisely target advertising across numerous platforms including box office, multiscreen television and home video. For more information on Rentrak, please visit .rentrak.com.Contact:Antoine Ibrahim(646) 722-1561aibrahim@rentrak.com(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130114/LA42144LOGO)Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130114/LA42144LOGORentrakWeb site: .rentrak.com/文件倉

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COSTA MESA, Calif.儲存, Oct. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hyundai Tucson, known for its combination of style and function, adds even more value in 2014 with advanced 2.0-liter Nu and 2.4-liter Theta II Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines, enhancing torque and engine responsiveness. With GDI standard on Tucson, like its big-brother Santa Fe, every Hyundai CUV now features this performance-enhancing technology. Tucson is the first Hyundai to receive the 2.0-liter Nu GDI engine in the United States. It will be applied to other models later in the 2014 model year.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131002/LA90771-a)(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131002/LA90771LOGO-b)Tucson's new GDI engines are complemented with all-new standard SACHS Amplitude Selective Damping (ASD) for optimum ride, handling and driving comfort. 2014 Tucson also adds a host of available new refinements, including Hyundai's Blue Link safety, service and infotainment telematics system, two-stage reclining rear seats and third-generation navigation with a larger seven-inch touchscreen display and HD Radio technology. The 2014 Tucson will be available at Hyundai dealerships in fall of 2013.NEW FOR 2014:Performance Enhancements-- New 2.0-liter Nu and 2.4-liter Theta II GDI inline four-cylinder engines replace Multi Port Injection (MPI) engines -- Standard SACHS amplitude selective dampers for better ride quality -- Entry-level Tucson GLS with 2.0-liter Nu engine now available with AWDSafety and Technology Enhancements-- Standard Blue Link and Hyundai Assurance Connected Care on Tucson Limited -- Third generation navigation with larger seven-inch touchscreen and HD Radio technology -- Standard Bluetooth hands-free phone system -- 4.3-inch color LCD touchscreen audio with rearview cameraInterior Enhancements-- Two-stage reclining 60/40 split rear seats -- Standard tilt and telescopic steering wheel -- Floor console mounted rear vents -- Standard-steering-wheel mounted audio and cruise controls -- Cupholder illumination -- New interior colors, beige and brownExterior Enhancements-- New projector headlights with LED accents -- LED taillights -- Shark-fin antenna on Limited trim -- Roof side rails with panoramic sunroof -- New 17-inch (standard) and 18-inch (optional) alloy wheel designs2.0-LITER NU GASOLINE DIRECT INJECTION ENGINEIn a segment where GDI engines are not normally found, the addition of the 2.0-liter Nu GDI engine to the Tucson GLS will be popular with consumers. The new 2.0-liter Nu GDI engine produces an estimated 164 horsepower at 6,200 rpm and 151 lb.-ft. of torque at 4,000 rpm. Performance gains were achieved by equipping the engine with an efficient, responsive GDI fuel delivery system. In the Tucson, the engine delivers higher peak torque at lower rpm for enhanced everyday driving dynamics when compared with a similar multi-port fuel injected engine. Equipping the Nu four-cylinder engine with GDI ensures a good balance between performance and fuel economy. The entry-level 2014 Tucson GLS with the 2.0-liter Nu engine will also offer AWD for the first time. AWD was not available on the entry-level 2013 Tucson GL. The Tucson with the 2.0-liter GDI engine achieves an EPA estimated 23 mpg city fuel economy figure with a ULEV emissions rating.Engine Torque EPA Estimated Fuel Economy (mpg) ------ ------ ------------------(lb-ft) City Highway Combined ------ ---- ------- --------2013MY Theta II 2.0-liter I4 MPI vs. 146 - 151 22 - 23 29 - 29 25 - 252014MY Nu 2.0-liter I4 GDI -------------------2.4-LITER THETA II GASOLINE DIRECT INJECTION ENGINETucson buyers looking for more horsepower and torque can choose the 2.4-liter Theta II GDI engine, which has been well tested in the Sonata and Santa Fe Sport. This engine has the ability to tow up to 2,000 pounds. With 182 horsepower and 177 lb-ft. of torque, Tucson SE and Limited deliver strong EPA estimated fuel economy of 24 mpg combined, along with outstanding real-world performance feel.Engine Horsepower Torque ------ ---------- ------(lb-ft) ------2013MY Theta II 2.4-liter I4 MPI vs. 176 - 182 168 - 1772014MY Theta II 2.4-liter I4 Direct Injection --------------------POWERTRAIN COMPARISONVehicle 2014 2014 2013 Rogue 2013 2014 Escape 2014 2014 Tucson CR-V RAV4 CX-5 Forester X --- ------ ---- ---- ---- ----------Displacement 2.4L 2.4L 2.5L 2.5L 2.5L 2.0L 2.5L ------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----GDI Yes No No No No Yes No --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Horsepower 182@6,000 185@7,000 170@6,000 176@6,000 168@6,000 155@6,000 170@5,800 ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Torque (lb.-ft.) 177@4,000 163@4,400 175@4,400 172@4,100 170@4,500 150@4,000 174@4,500 ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------A/T 6-speed 5-speed CVT 6-speed 6-speed 6-speed CVT --- ------- ------- --- ------- ------- ------- ---EPA fuel economy FWD A/T 21/28/24 23/31/26 23/28/25 24/31/26 22/31/25 25/32/27 24/32/27(AWD) --- ----Emissions PZEV/ULEV ULEV PZEV/LEV ULEV LEV ULEV PZEV/LEV --------- --------- ---- -------- ---- --- ---- --------TRANSMISSIONAll Tucson models utilize a six-speed automatic transmission with SHIFTRONIC((R)) manual control. For 2014, the gated gear shifter has been upgraded to a straight-type with boot for ease of use. Tucson models feature Hyundai's Active ECO System. Active ECO modifies engine and transmission control to smooth out throttle response. By turning on Active ECO, drivers can realize up to a 5-7 percent increase in real-world fuel economy.REFRESHED EXTERIOR DESIGNNew projector headlights with LED accents and available wraparound LED taillights stand out from Tucson's flowing lines, full surfaces and muscular presence. This athletic design language is highlighted by bold, dynamic, graphic elements such as the Hyundai family hexagonal front grille, aggressive lower air intake, sculptured hood creases and sleek greenhouse. Chrome grille accents and door handles lend sophistication to the top-of-the-line Tucson Limited. The profile of Tucson features a sports car-like theme with a double-zigzag treatment for the wheel arches that wrap around the standard 17-inch alloy wheels or the new 18-inch alloy wheel design. Roof rack rails are now available with optional panoramic sunroof and standard shark-fin antenna on Tucson Limited.THOUGHTFUL INTERIOR DESIGN, NOW WITH TWO-STAGE RECLINING REAR SEATSThe Tucson has always had outstanding rear legroom and now second row passengers can recline their seats for even more comfort. The 2014 Tucson continues to have more passenger volume than Rogue and Escape at 101.9 cubic feet. The spacious cabin on Tucson Limited is further enhanced for all passengers by the available panoramic sunroof. New beige and brown interior colors add a more premium look and an upgraded instrument panel and upper door trim materials add a more premium feel on SE and Limited models.The high-tech cockpit comes standard with Hyundai's signature blue lighting, tilt and telescopic steering wheel, steering wheel mounted audio and cruise controls, power windows, power door locks, fold-away mirrors and remote keyless entry with alarm and panic button. Now even the front cupholders are illuminated with blue light for nighttime drives. Another premium feature in the Tucson Limited is dual front automatic temperature control with CleanAir Ionizer that helps to kill germs within the system when the heater or air conditioner is running. Other available features include leather seating surfaces, heated front seats, power driver seat with lumbar support, automatic headlights, front wiper de-icer and new floor console-mounted rear vents.FUN-TO-DRIVEThe 2014 Tucson's athletic shape is complemented with agile handling. Tucson uses MacPherson strut front and multi-link rear suspension systems for more precise wheel control and a smoother ride. All four wheels are controlled by coil springs and SACHS Amplitude Selective Damping (ASD), allowing tuning flexibility at smaller damper displacements. The ASD suspension provides:-- Improved ride comfort with more body/wheel control -- Increased driving comfort without compromised handling -- Optimized road surface contactThe front suspension has a 24.5 mm hollow stabilizer bar to save weight, while the rear suspension has a 15 mm (AWD) & 17 mm (FWD) solid stabilizer bar. Larger stabilizer bars help to keep the vehicle flat during cornering and help provide quick turn-in response.Due to the suspension geometry and wider track width that enables greater turn angles, Tucson's turning circle is 34.7 feet - an advantage Tucson drivers will appreciate in their daily driving and parking. In fact, Tucson's turning diameter bests Honda CR-V and Ford Escape.Vehicle Turning diameter ------- ----------------2014 Hyundai Tucson 34.7 ------------------- ----2013 Honda CR-V 37.0 --------------- ----2013 Nissmini storagen Rogue 37.4 ----------------- ----2013Toyota RAV4 34.7 --------------- ----2014 Ford Escape 38.8 ---------------- ----2014 Subaru Forester 34.8 -------------------- ----2014 Mazda CX-5 36.7 --------------- ----(Source: AutoPlanner)THIRD-GENERATION NAVIGATION AND AUDIO TECHNOLOGYThe Tucson Limited offers an optional multifunction seven-inch touch-screen display with navigation. This third-generation display features a simpler user interface, enhanced voice recognition commands and improved navigation screens. The system is more intuitive for commonly used tasks. Simple pop-up messages now appear to help pair a cell phone and the voice recognition software understands street addresses and cities all in one sentence. The route screens display speed limits and details the next three maneuvers. One or two button pushes now complete most functions.Tucson GLS and SE trims have a 160-watt AM/FM/SiriusXM/CD/MP3 audio system with six speakers. This system includes SiriusXM Satellite Radio((R)) and iPod((R))/USB auxiliary inputs. The SE and Limited trims come equipped with a 4.3-inch color touchscreen audio with standard rearview camera. An available premium audio system with navigation pumps out 360-watts of sound and includes an external amplifier and subwoofer. It also plays compact discs, accesses digital music files employing Bluetooth streaming audio and allows driver and passenger to access their personal listening devices through the iPod/USB/auxiliary inputs. Bluetooth audio wirelessly streams music from a phone to the audio system.Available HD Radio technology is also equipped with the Navigation system. An HD Radio icon on the display appears next to the channel frequency to notify the user when a station is broadcasting in HD. Customers can also access additional programming content provided by HD Radio Technology.HYUNDAI ASSURANCE CONNECTED CARE POWERED BY BLUE LINK(R)Hyundai's industry-leading telematics services program, Assurance Connected Care, is standard on all 2014 Tucsons equipped with Blue Link, for three years. This innovative ownership program provides Hyundai owners with proactive safety and Car Care services via the Hyundai Blue Link telematics system. These services include Automatic Collision Notification, Enhanced Roadside Assistance, Automatic Diagnostic Trouble Code Notification, Monthly Vehicle Health Report and in-vehicle Car Care maintenance scheduling.Hyundai also recently introduced an all-new mobile app for the Blue Link telematics platform. The mobile app allows subscribers to remotely access various optional Blue Link features and services through compatible mobile devices. Completely redesigned from the ground up, the app has been significantly enhanced from the previous version and boasts a new user experience, faster navigation and innovative new features. Google Android and Apple iOS users can download the app today from Google Play or Apple iTunes, respectively.Blue Link is an innovative telematics solution that brings seamless connectivity for safety, service and infotainment capabilities and is offered in three packages: Assurance, Essentials and Guidance.BLUE LINK(R) PACKAGESBlue Link Assurance package:Safety:-- Automatic Collision Notification (ACN) and Assistance -- SOS Emergency Assistance -- Enhanced Roadside AssistanceCar Care:-- Maintenance Alert -- Automated Diagnostic Trouble Code Notification -- Recall Advisor -- Monthly Vehicle Health Report and Web Vehicle Diagnostics -- Service LinkBlue Link Essentials package:Remote Access:-- Remote Door Lock/Unlock -- Remote Horn and Lights -- Remote Vehicle Start -- Car FinderVehicle Safeguard:-- Stolen Vehicle Recovery -- Stolen Vehicle Slowdown -- Vehicle Immobilization -- Alarm Notification -- Panic Notification -- Valet Alert -- Geo-Fence -- Speed Alert -- Curfew AlertBlue Link Guidance package:-- TBT (Turn-by-turn) Navigation Service -- POI Search by advanced voice recognition system and by Web and download -- Daily Route Guidance with Traffic Condition -- Traffic -- Gas Station Locations and Gas Prices -- Eco-Coach -- Restaurant Ratings -- WeatherMore details on Hyundai Blue Link are available at .HyundaiBlueLink.com.ARCHITECTUREWorld-class weight efficiency was one of the program targets for the 2014 Tucson engineering team. Hyundai engineers also targeted an outstanding weight-to-power ratio. Having these targets paid dividends in both performance and fuel economy.FWD Auto Trans model Curb Weight Horsepower Weight-to- (lbs.) Power Ratio -------------------- ----------- ---------- -----------Hyundai Tucson SE 3,294 182 18.1 ----------------- ----- --- ----Honda CR-V LX 3,305 185 17.9 ------------- ----- --- ----Nissan Rogue 3,276 170 19.3 ------------ ----- --- ----ToyotaRAV4 3,435 176 19.5 ---------- ----- --- ----Ford Escape S 3,515 168 20.9 ------------- ----- --- ----Subaru Forester 2.5X (AWD) 3,346 170 19.7 -------------------- ----- --- ----Mazda CX-5 Sport 3,263 155 21.1 ---------------- ----- --- ----(Source: AutoPlanner)Tucson's widespread use of high-strength steel provides increased strength at a lower body weight. High-strength steel allows the four-wheel independent suspension to work optimally. At 3,232 pounds, the automatic transmission equipped Tucson GLS is lighter than its competitors while offering more interior room than Escape. This weight efficient unibody architecture allows for Tucson to achieve an EPA estimated 29 mpg estimated EPA highway rating.ALL-WEATHER PERFORMANCETo make Tucson even more versatile, Hyundai engineers added an advanced electronic AWD system. The AWD system will automatically activate under any driving condition when needed, distributing the power equally and optimizing driving performance. Under normal driving, the system only distributes power to the front wheels, thereby reducing fuel consumption. The system includes a driver-selectable AWD lock allowing for a 50/50 torque split between the front and rear wheels for off-road and very slippery conditions. The entry-level 2014 Tucson GLS with the 2.0-liter Nu engine will also offer AWD for the first time. AWD was not available on the entry-level 2013 Tucson GL.For even more driver control, the 2014 Tucson features Hyundai's Hillstart Assist Control (HAC) and Downhill Brake Control (DBC). HAC is designed to minimize rolling backwards on steep ascents. By selecting the DBC switch, the Hydro-Electronic Control unit manages the wheel speed sensors, steering angle sensor and acceleration sensor to maintain control and speed on steep declines without having to use the brake. DBC is not available on any other vehicles in the segment and is typically found on luxury SUVs with much higher price tags.STORAGE GALOREThe 2014 Tucson features a total of 19 different storage places and drink holders:-- Console storage tray -- Glove box -- Overhead sunglass storage -- Armrest storage compartment with tray -- Two front seat drink holders -- Two rear center armrest drink holders -- Four bottle holders - one in each door -- Four map pockets - one in each door -- Two seatback pockets -- Cargo area storage compartmentADVANCED STANDARD SAFETY TECHNOLOGIES: PART OF HYUNDAI'S ASSURANCE COMMITMENT-- Electronic Stability Control (ESC) with traction control -- Active front head restraints -- Four-wheel disc brakes -- Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) with Brake Assist -- Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD) -- Steel unibody with integrated crumple zones -- High-tensile front sub-frame -- Internal guard beams on all four doors -- Center pillars serve as the anchors of a ring structure -- Body shell made stiffer and lighter due to extensive use of ultra-high tensile strength steel, which comprises 68.9 percent of the shell -- Tailor Welded Blanks (TWB) on key structural members -- Three-point belts are provided at all five seating positions -- Front seatbelt pretensioners and load limiters -- Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (LATCH) child-seat anchors -- Dual advanced frontal airbags -- Front seat-mounted side-impact airbags -- Roof-mounted side-curtain airbags with rollover sensors that cover both the front and rear seat rows -- Standard Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)HYUNDAI MOTOR AMERICAHyundai Motor America, headquartered in Costa Mesa, Calif., is a subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Co. of Korea. Hyundai vehicles are distributed throughout the United States by Hyundai Motor America and are sold and serviced through more than 820 dealerships nationwide. All Hyundai vehicles sold in the U.S. are covered by the Hyundai Assurance program, which includes the 5-year/60,000-mile fully transferable new vehicle limited warranty, Hyundai's 10-year/100,000-mile powertrain limited warranty, and five years of complimentary Roadside Assistance. Hyundai Assurance includes Assurance Connected Care that provides owners of Hyundai models equipped with the Hyundai Blue Link telematics system with proactive safety and car care services, complimentary for three years. These services include Automatic Collision Notification, Enhanced Roadside Assistance, Vehicle Diagnostic Alert, Monthly Vehicle Health Report and in-vehicle service scheduling.For more details on Hyundai Assurance, please visit .HyundaiAssurance.comPlease visit our media website at .hyundainews.com and our blog at .hyundailikesunday.comHyundai Motor America on Twitter | YouTube | FacebookPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131002/LA90771-aphotos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131002/LA90771LOGO-bAP PhotoExpress Network: PRN9PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comHyundai Motor AmericaCONTACT: Miles Johnson, 734-337-2227, 714-366-1048 (cell),milesjohnson@hmausa.com, or Jim Trainor, 714-594-1629, 714-316-6421 (cell),jtrainor@hmausa.comWeb site: .hyundainews.com/self storage

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經過一天的國慶假期,儲存倉港股大致消化了美國政府癱瘓的消息,昨日�指在長和系及騰訊(0700)帶動下,最多曾升279 點,但尾市後勁不繼,中資股不濟,匯控(0005)及中人壽(2628)等收市亦倒跌,以致23,000 點得而復失。資源股繼續表現疲弱,以致國指升幅亦大幅收窄至僅17 點,國指期貨更由升逾百點倒跌4 點,收市報10331 點。黃金周帶動濠賭股受惠受惠有意出售屈臣氏消息,長實(0001)及和黃(0013)均升逾3%。憧憬十一黃金周假期帶動生意,濠賭股繼續一枝獨秀,永利澳門(1128)升5.1%,上季「股王」銀娛(0027)繼續發力升2.67%。Union Gaming 執行合伙人簡嘉臣指出,不排除今年10 月份的博彩收入有機會再創新高,雖然團體客訪澳數目減少,但遊客質素卻比過往提升,這從賭場將最低注碼提升反映出來,一般平均落注1500 至3000 元。澳博(0880)執行董事兼行迷你倉最平總裁蘇樹輝亦指出,內地落實《旅遊法》較影響購物團,但是未見太影響到博彩生意。不過,除長和系及濠賭股外,昨日大多股份都後繼無力,中移動(0941)、建行(0939)等重磅股都高開低收,而昨日歐洲股市開市下跌,亦令投資者重新憂慮美國狀�,令匯控收市倒跌0.24%。憂慮中國經濟復蘇力度不強,煤炭等資源股普遍下挫, 使國指升幅受限。�指沽空率昨日升至9.8%,盈富基金(2800)沽空率達60%。東驥基金管理董事總經理龐寶林,資源股表現較差,代表市場仍需調節對中國經濟復蘇的預期,但中資股並非沒有表現,昨日醫藥及汽車股表現「標青」,表示中資股「炒股不炒市」。東驥:中資股「炒股不炒市」渣打東北亞財富管理部投資策略主管梁振輝認為,港股第四季將先苦後甜,包括美國債務上限談判和中國三中全會等因素將影響投資氣氛,但這些不明朗因素將於今季後期逐漸消除,中國經濟第二季已見底,料�指年底有機會見24,000 點。儲存

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台灣科技品牌Gunitech,存倉推出以智能電話App及藍牙來操控的燈泡系列,包括Hot Air Balloon 9.5W和Sky Lanterns 7W。兩款燈泡均支援藍牙4.0技術,手機下載並安裝了GuniLamp應用程式後,再以藍牙跟燈炮配對,便能無線調校燈光、情境模式和轉色。燈泡更使用MCG(Multiple Color Gather)晶片技術,可組合出1,600萬種色彩,實行以燈光來為家居營造不同的情調。 售價:Hot Air Balloon $449/ Sky Lanterns $399查詢: Thinking Group 2955 1000 Nokia 208 08手機二號 Nokia新出的平價手機208,仍採用傳統的糖果棒設計及鍵盤,用家可以視它為後備手機,最適合旅行或工幹時使用。而且它擁有特長的電池續航力,待機時間長達20日。Nokia還為它加入Easy Swap切換技術,讓用戶無須關機便可轉換SIM卡。現有紅、黑兩色選擇,父母不懂用智能手機的話,送此機給他們也是不錯選擇。 售儲存:$698查詢:Nokia 2926 3566 Philips SHE9007WT 09金屬耳塞 Philips的入耳式耳機SHE9007WT,採用Angled Acoustic Pipe設計及將發聲管道調成內傾15度,給予用家最舒適的配戴感之餘,更能夠隔音,亦令低音有不俗效果。機體的金屬髮絲壓紋顯出了時尚型格,金屬耳機殼還能減少殼身振動,以保音色純淨。耳機下方的出氣孔,也有助輸出更靚的音色。除了隨機附送的3款大小矽膠耳塞外,更多送一對Comply耳棉。 售價:$399查詢:永利達2407 1118 Acer Liquid S1 10 四核雙卡 Acer 推出5.7吋高清屏幕智能手機Liquid S1,不僅採用四核心1.5GHz處理器,還提供Smartphone少見的雙卡雙待功能,穿梭中港的人最�使。其主鏡頭雖只有800萬像素,但能夠拍攝1080p影片,並且提供16張快速連拍功能。S1還支援同步作業,可讓用家同時操作不同功能,適合心急人士。 售價:$3,499查詢:衛訊 8202 8699self storage

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Source: Greeley Tribune, Colo.迷利倉Oct. 02--Near Christmas time in 2007, Greeley resident Beverly Peratino was on a boat to Catalina Island off the coast of California with her husband, who surprised her with the trip. On the way there, his heart suddenly failed, and though Peratino and another passenger did CPR and doctors at the closest hospital did everything they could, her husband died.Shocked, Peratino set out to do something to honor his death. She offered to provide AED (automated external defibrillator) machines, but the hospital declined her offer, preferring to deal with equipment purchases internally.This year, Peratino got the chance to make the donation she offered back in 2007, but in Greeley."I can do it for my own city now, and do it in memory of my husband," Peratino said Tuesday afternoon.She was among a group of residents gathered at North Colorado Medical Center for a presentation celebrating Greeley's recent designation as a Heart Safe Community. Greeley is only the second city in Colorado to achieve this status, after Telluride.Heart Safe Communities have met guidelines set by the American Heart Association, which are aimed at saving the lives of people who experience sudden cardiac arrest, when the heartbeat suddenly stops. The guidelines are: early access to emergency care, that bystanders know to call 911; early CPR, the more people who know CPR the more likely it is that a sudden cardiac arrest victim will live; early defibrillation with AED, to restore the heart's rhythm with electric shock; and early advanced life support, more expert care delivered by EMT-paramedics and EMT-intermediates.Greeley's effort, which began last year, was a large-scale project自存倉involving the fire department, city council, NCMC paramedic services, the NCMC foundation, Greeley-Evans School District 6, Hensel Phelps and numerous donors, among others. The effort continues, though Greeley has already achieved Heart Safe status. The paramedics, for instance, will keep up the machines; and the NCMC Foundation Board is talking to more business owners who want to install an AED.Some of the community donations were outright AED donations, like the three devices Peratino gave. Other individuals and companies made monetary donations, which totaled more than $100,000. The Greeley area has 132 AEDs, 39 of which are in schools. Every school has one.In addition to the new prevalence of AEDs, the city has made efforts to increase CPR training. People who know CPR are more likely to step in to help save someone. Twenty-one free CPR classes brought out 323 people."I think it will have a huge impact," said Dawn Olson, director of business development for the CardioVascular Institute at NCMC. "The more AEDs out there in our community and the more people know what's happening, the more lives we save."Greeley Mayor Tom Norton, one of the city officials who attended Tuesday's presentation, said he was glad to see the city meet the goal it had set, especially considering the number of varied groups responsible for working together to achieve Heart Safe status."I think what it means is to show that Greeley is progressing, and able to bring diverse groups together for the health of the city," Norton said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) Visit the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) at .greeleytribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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