TORONTO, Sept.迷你倉 19, 2013 /CNW/ -Daily Bread Food Bank is launching its annual Thanksgiving WHAT: Drive with a new report on hunger in the GTA. Daily Bread is looking to raise $300,000 and 200,000 pounds of food by October 19.Daily Bread's executive director, Gail Nyberg, will talk about why it's so important to donate after a difficult summer where donations fell.Richard Matern will be sharing more results from the Who's Hungry: A Tale of Three Cities report about what the face of hunger looks like today, where hunger is moving in the GTA, and how families are managing with limi迷你倉ed incomes and empty fridges.An embargoed copy of the report is available to news media. To request a copy of this report, please email Tuesday, September 24, 201310 A.M.WHERE: Daily Bread's kitchen191 New Toronto Street (Islington and Lakeshore)WHO: Gail Nyberg, Executive Director, Daily Bread Food BankRichard Matern, Senior Manager, Public AffairsDaily Bread cook instructors and kitchen traineesDaily Bread Food Bank is fighting to end hunger in our communities.Daily Bread Food BankCONTACT: Sarah AndersonSenior Manager, CommunicationsT: 416-203-0050 ext. 238C: 416-450-2196E: sarah@dailybread.ca儲存倉
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- Sep 20 Fri 2013 13:50
MEDIA ADVISORY - Thanksgiving Drive to launch with release of new report on hunger
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 13:46
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 13:45
IT'S a golden age for the iPhone in Singapore, as two new lines of the popular handset go on sale here today.存倉Queues for the new 5C and 5S models formed as early as 7.45am at shops yesterday - even though they do not go on sale until 8am today.The 5S model will be available in black, silver and gold - with the latter by far the most popular colour according to the three telcos, though they declined to reveal figures.The gold version is reported to be sold out in China and Hong Kong - where the colour represents wealth and luxury - since online pre-orders began on Tuesday.Rumours of it selling out here prompted student Melva Yip, 23, to turn up at 7.45am at telco M1's Paragon store."I heard that all the iPhone 5S gold models were snapped up within five minutes of SingTel迷你倉starting to take orders online on Wednesday," he said. "Gold looks good."The 5S boasts a new fingerprint-recognition feature and a faster processor.Its 16GB version is priced at $988 without a telco subsidy.The 5C - available in green, blue, yellow, pink and white - is going for $848 for a basic 16GB model without telco subsidy.When bundled with SingTel's cheapest two-year plan costing $27.90 a month, the 5S starts from $698 for a 16GB model. The 5C starts from $318 for a 16G model on the same plan.M1 customers who pre-ordered can pick up their phones at its 15 outlets. StarHub is selling the new iPhones at its 10 outlets.SingTel's launch event is at Marina Bay Sands, where it has set up 55 sales counters. It hopes to get customers in and out within 15 minutes.IRENE THAM自存倉
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 13:33
到觀音橋買衣服 最低3折起
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 13:17
(吉隆坡19日訊)美國聯儲局維持購債力道的正面消息,迷你倉加上此前的不穩定因素快速消去,促使分析員上修我國銀行領域至“增持”評級。安聯研究分析員表示,隨著聯儲局為市場帶來“維持目前購債計劃”的驚訝消息,相信將為區域股市誘入外資,進而觸發反彈走高之勢。“擁有高投資性和流通性的我國銀行領域,有望帶動我國股市掀起反彈走高之勢。”此外,分析員也相信聯儲局不採取削減購債的舉措,意味著該舉措應以更慎重有序的步伐進行,加上中國和日本穩固的經濟情況,將使外資在區域股市大拋售的現象在近月退潮。在國內,國家銀行(BankNegara)總裁丹斯里潔蒂近日釋出監管單位無需進一步推介抑制家庭債務措施訊息,將有助移除國內銀行領域的政策風險疑慮。自存倉盡管國行看來或在明年上調隔夜政策利率(OPR)有25至50個基點的幅度,但我們相信如此的緊縮政策將會漸進有序地進行,而銀行領域也可良好地吸收該衝擊。短期而言,我們看不到有任何明顯的政策風險。”該分析員也觀看待該領域盈利將在來季回升,受益于經濟轉型執行方案(ETP) 相關貸款的增長潛能。”由於在8月初調降銀行領域評級至“中和”的不穩定因素,如:1.次季業績平平無奇。2.外資高持股帶來的拋售風險。3.潛在新緊縮政策或將打擊今明兩年的貸款表現,都一一消逝而去。加上富時金融指數在銀行領域評級被調降後,至周三已下跌了1.7%,相較于富時隆綜指在同時期的0.8%滑落表現。“隨著近期種種調整,我們開始看到投資價值在銀行業崛起。”迷你倉
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 13:01
In 'The Mountaintop,' an imagining of MLK's last night
Source: The Herald-Sun, Durham, N.儲存C.Sept. 19--DURHAM -- In "The Mountaintop," Katori Hall's play about the last night of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s life, just two actors are on stage for the 90-minute production. It's quick and long at the same time, said Cedric Mays, the actor portraying King in the production by PlayMakers Repertory Company in Chapel Hill, opening Saturday night. Without an intermission, it just "goes, goes, goes" without even a water break, he said.Joining Mays on stage as King is a fictional character, a maid named Camae, at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis that night of April 3, 1968. She is portrayed by New York actress Lakisha May. Mays lives in Chicago, and this is their first time working together. They are directed by Raelle Myrick-Hodges, who last directed "Raisin in the Sun" during PlayMakers' last season. "The Mountaintop" is co-produced by Triad Stage in Greensboro, and after its run ends Oct. 6 in Chapel Hill, it will take a week off before returning to the stage, this time in Greensboro.Mays, May and Myrick-Hodges joined Jeff Meanza, PlayMakers' associate artistic director, at the Durham County Library this week for a discussion about the upcoming production.Meanza said "The Mountaintop" is an imagining of Martin Luther King's last night on earth that is a deceptively challenging play. What begins as two people in a room becomes something quite different, he said. The play is billed as a visitation from a mysterious woman that leads King "to confront his innermost thoughts and fears on the stormy evening before his assassination." It debuted on Broadway in 2011, with Samuel Jackson and Angela Bassett.May said that to prepare for the role, she had been listening to music of the era by James Brown, Etta James and Aretha Franklin. Camae is a woman opposi迷你倉e of King, she said, with a checkered past and definitely not of his class."My character is someone who lives on the margins but is very smart," May said. While Mays is portraying someone who already exists -- King -- Camae will just say and do anything, she said.Myrick-Hodges said the play is not about Martin Luther King the icon. Rather, part of it is about how you get people to leave the play wanting to be better people, she said. There's also an element of what you do with your down time when you travel all the time."That loneliness is something interesting about the play," Myrick-Hodges said. You get bored, she said, and it's about how you connect to people you don't know at all.Myrick-Hodges said that playwright Hill didn't write anything disrespectful of King, and the play is charming, funny, poignant and sincere.At the discussion, an audience member asked about playgoers coming in with a preconceived idea about King. Everyone does, said Myrick-Hodges, who was born two years after his assassination.We look at famous people and want them to be this one thing, she said, when they are not just one thing."But he started a movement that allowed the three of us to be in the room with most of you," she said, gesturing at herself, Mays and May, who are African-American, and the library audience that was mostly white.Mays said the play allows people to see King outside the iconic pictures of him always wearing a suit, even at home."Outside all that -- who is he?" Mays said.WANT TO GO?WHAT: "The Mountaintop"WHEN: Sept. 18-Oct. 6WHERE: Paul Green TheatreUNC Center for Dramatic Art, Chapel HillTICKETS: .playmakersrep.org919-962-PLAY (7529)Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Herald-Sun (Durham, N.C.) Visit The Herald-Sun (Durham, N.C.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 12:48
聯準會(Fed)意外宣布按兵不動,self storage新興市場投資人頓時鬆了口氣,在夏季慘淡度日的新興貨幣應聲大漲。世界銀行(WB)執行董事穆里安妮說,這為新興國決策官員提供寶貴的機會,嘗試利用自身的力量來補強經濟。Lazard資產管理公司經理人賽門說:「Fed的決定讓每個人都獲得一些喘息時間。這絕對消除了部分脆弱國家面臨的立即壓力。新興市場將因此持續向上修正。」迷你倉克萊資本指出,經常赤字龐大的亞洲國家─特別是印度和印尼─短期內貨幣、債券和股市都將受惠。從印尼到土耳其到巴西,過去幾個月因QE即將退場傳聞面臨資本大量撤離;彭博追蹤20種交易最熱絡的新興市場貨幣,從5月到8月共貶值7.4%。不過,馬元19日盤中最多漲2.7%至3.1463馬元兌1美元,創1998年金融風暴來最大漲幅;印尼盾、披索、盧比也都同步勁揚。文件倉
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 12:45
香港文匯報訊 據《南方都市報》報道,迷你倉「五網合一」後的中央紀委監察部網站已正式上線18天。該網站是中央政治局常委、中央紀委書記王岐山力主建成的,整合了原有的監察部網站、國家預防腐敗局網站、國務院糾正行業不正之風辦公室網站、工程建設領域專項治理工作網站和12388舉報網。 王岐山對網絡在反腐中的作用早有認知。《財經》雜誌副主編羅昌平接受採訪時表示,接近中紀委的人士告訴他,王岐山本人並沒有時間用微博,但他有一個班子,專門搜集網絡反腐的信息,「這些信息不光給他,同時也給其他領導」。 中央紀委常委、秘書長崔少鵬表示,「中央紀委監察部和各級紀檢監察機關查辦的案件,特別是中央紀委監察部查辦的重大案件都將在中央紀委監察部網站第一時間發佈。」據悉,網站設置的10個板塊和36個欄目中,「信息公開」、「案件查處」、「曝光台」、「我要舉報」、「互動交流」等多項內容位置顯著,而把「領導活動」迷你倉「政策發佈」等其它官網一般在主頁呈現的內容「藏」到了二級頁面。截至前日上午,已通報查處案件超過16條,平均每天1條。中紀委未來將開通微博 崔少鵬說,每位通過網站進行舉報的舉報人,都能得到一個唯一的查詢碼,拿著這個查詢碼可以及時查詢舉報受理情況,而這個查詢碼是唯一的,只有你自己能看。 他表示,希望舉報人對舉報問題的真實性負責,紀檢監察機關提倡署名舉報,對於認定為實名舉報的將優先辦理和回覆。對於許多人關注的舉報之後個人的安全問題,崔少鵬說,中央紀委監察部態度明確,凡是在中央紀委監察部網站舉報的,都會依紀依法保護,凡是打擊報復者都會被依紀依法嚴肅處理。 網友除了能通過網站舉報,還能進行留言或者提問,互動性增強是這個網站的突出特點。另外,為了適應新媒體時代移動性強的特點,崔少鵬說,中央紀委將「適時」推出移動客戶端等其他服務,在條件成熟的時候還準備開通官方微博、微信等新媒體的應用。儲存倉
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 13:17
本報澳門電 (記者/董文鋒)9月18日,迷你倉自治區主席陳武在澳門會見中央人民政府駐澳門聯絡辦公室主任白志健。陳武首先轉達了彭清華書記的親切問候,感謝澳門中聯辦長期以來對廣西的關心支持。他說,廣西與澳門人緣相親、語言相通、習俗相近,具有廣泛的合作基礎,澳門是廣西擴大對外經貿合作交流的重要橋樑和紐帶。多年來,澳門中聯辦為促進廣西與澳門的友好交流發揮了積極作用,極大促進了兩地在經貿、旅遊、教育等領域的務實合作。當前,儲存西正著力打造西南、中南地區開放發展新的戰略支點,希望澳門中聯辦一如既往關心支持廣西改革發展事業,對深化桂澳合作繼續給予指導和幫助,推動雙方合作向更深層次、更高水平發展。白志健說,廣西擁有獨特的區位和資源優勢,與澳門互補性強,雙方合作前景廣闊。桂澳同飲一江水,澳門中聯辦將繼續做好聯絡服務工作,更好致力于促進兩地人民進一步增進瞭解、加強溝通、擴大交往,推動更多澳門企業到廣西投資發展。自治區政府秘書長莫恭明參加會見。迷你倉
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 13:10
Live and let live for domestics
Many people have this experience - whenever the subject of domestic helpers is raised, the conversation heats up.self storage Having a stranger living under the same roof is a major decision for many families. A great deal of adjustments must be made to the way of life that a family is accustomed to. If there wasn't a genuine need, a family's last wish would be to bring into the household someone they have met only once on video. The same goes for the helpers, who come a long way from home to earn a living here. It's a gamble for both sides. Yesterday, a judge jailed a couple - dubbed "Mr and Mrs Evil" by protesters outside the district court - for their relentless attacks on their Indonesian helper over a two-year period. The case was widely discussed during the trial, with accusations that included the 30-year-old maid, Kartika Puspitasari, being scalded with an iron, beaten with a bicycle chain, left without food and water, tied to a chair, and even forced to wear a diaper with no underwear. It was the most bizarre case in recent memory. The judge sentenced the 41-year-old wife to 5 years in jail, and her 42-year-old husband to three years and three months. The sentences were heavy, reflecting the severity of the case. It's clear the judge was adamant that justice be served. However, this case shouldn't be taken as evidence that abuse of this degree is common. Most incidents involving helpers and employers are petty. It isn't uncommon to he迷你倉r of the elderly pinching a maid. I'm not sure whether this stems from the elderly still being influenced by the old master- servant tradition. There are also complaints of face-slapping. Right now, what a helper can do is complain to the recruitment agents or to police. The possible outcome is the complaint is either ducked by the agent, or dealt with heavily by police. There is currently no middle ground to handle the complaints. It's simply not right - there is no excuse for the government to say that little can be done. Why can't a middle-of- the-road mechanism be created to smooth the process? Voluntary groups assisting the helper have been exploiting the case and its public attention to demand policy changes - such as scrapping the live-in requirement that effectively forces maids to work 24 hours a day, as well as the rule that helpers must leave the SAR two weeks after their contracts end. It's understandable. Perhaps, it's also the wish of some employers that the helpers don't need to live with them. But would this be feasible? Who's going to pay for alternative accommodation? Rents are very expensive. Even a studio flat with the basic necessities would run a few thousand dollars a month. Can an ordinary family afford this on top of the helper's salary and other benefits? I doubt it. The employer-helper relationship is far too complicated to be handled with simplicity. In the end, it requires compromises on both sides. 文件倉
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 13:02
鴻海私有雲 成功商業化 公有雲服務也有業者洽談中,將建立全新商業模式。
鴻海(2317)跨足八屏一網一雲有成,mini storage不僅「雲起」私有雲解決方案已成功商業化,此外,高軟網路數據中心(IDC)提供的公有雲服務,也有業者在洽談中,即將建立全新的商業模式。鴻海集團積極布局「八屏一網一雲」,深耕雲端運算產業,為時已2年,在內部先行試用有成後,近日已傳出商業化的消息,包括私有雲以及公有雲的規畫都已近成熟,其中私有雲解決方案,因應鴻海八屏一網一雲的佈局,取名為「雲起」,鴻海表示,相較於必須建置昂貴、複雜、僵化的傳統機房,借助別人的雲端服務更省事,省錢,更有效率,正因為如此,今年才剛商業化的「雲起」私有雲解決方案,在兩岸已擁有客戶,不過,不便透露客戶所屬業別及採用家數。據悉為了充分了解客戶需求,鴻海集團今年也在各廠區採用自行研發出來的雲端服務。鴻海強調,鴻海建構八屏一網一雲已2年,現市場對於網路和雲端已有初步了解,反倒是八屏部分,有些眾說紛紜。所謂的八屏,係鴻海董事長郭台銘針對未來流行趨勢,從近到遠,從小到self storage,依序列出八項科技新品,包括智慧型手機、平板電腦、NB、AIO、TV、MOBILE TV、電子白板、電視牆等,其中智慧型手機、平板電腦、NB、AIO,在各家業者競相角逐下,業界標準已初步建立,反倒是後四屏如何運用,以及市場要如何開發,大家都還在觀望,包括蘋果、三星都虎視眈眈,希望從中找出下一世代的應用。鴻海指出,對後四屏的應用,鴻海還在摸索中,不過已將這八屏定調為提供生活一體化的應用服務,從而引出八大生活構面,從工作、教育、娛樂、社交、家庭、安全、健康與生活到電子商務,一應俱全。未來鴻海也將就這八屏,進行協調整合,希望可以透過不同的操作方式,讓八屏可以更親近人類的生活。為了建立起八屏一網一雲的架構,據悉鴻海除在高雄軟體園區設立網路數據中心(IDC)外,另也在台灣各地設有10多個CDC(CONTAINER DATA CENTER)貨櫃機房,此外,被視為鴻海雲端軟體重鎮的高軟雲端資料中心,已於今年8月上樑,預定今年底完工。迷你倉
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 12:56
Getting back to his roots
Source: Albuquerque Journal, storageM.Sept. 18--Professionally, it's not exactly where he'd like to be. Personally, however, Kent Jones is right at home.Literally.Thus, when the PGA Tour veteran tees it up in today's opening round of the 60th annual New Mexico Open at Santa Ana Golf Club, he will not only be one of the favorites to win, but will be one of the crowd favorites, as well."I haven't played at home since 2000, so I'm really looking forward to this," says Jones, who tees off at 9 a.m. today. "It should be a lot of fun."Jones is a Portales native, raised in Carlsbad, graduated from Carlsbad High and the University of New Mexico, and has lived in Albuquerque since 2000.But after more than two decades as a professional, he is competing for a share of the New Mexico Open purse for the first time.Jones played in the Open before, but never as a pro. He says his last appearance was sometime in the late 1980s or early '90s as an amateur when he played for the Lobos.This week, he'll have a shot at part of the $92,000 purse in the 54-hole event. Top prize is $14,500.Those figures, of course, are dwarfed by some of the paydays Jones has had. He has played in at least one PGA Tour event in 17 of the past 18 years and has made the cut 180 times. He has 11 top-10 finishes and has made more than $5 million on the circuit.He's also had big-time success on the Tour (formerly Nike, Nationwide and, winning two tournaments in 2000 -- the only year he didn't play a PGA Tour event.That was also the last year he played in a pro tournament back home, finishing tied for 19th at the now defunct New Mexico Classic on the Nationwide Tour at Santa Ana.That was far from his highlight that week in early October."I walked the course on Thursday and Friday with him," Joanna, Jones' wife of nearly 22 years, says of the first two rounds. "On Saturday, I had contractions and had to go to the hospital. I was praying he would finish the tournament before I had the baby. They sent me home, and Sunday night I went back with more contractions. They sent me home again."Jones finished the event that day. Two days later, on Oct. 11, he watched Joanna give birth to the couple's first child, Lauren."We really never got too nervous about it," Joanna says. "Maybe it was because it was the first time for both of us and we didn't know better."The second time came nearly two years to the day. Son Samuel was born Oct. 8, 2002.'A grinder'At 5-foot-8 and 135 pounds -- the latter likely with a couple of clubs in hand -- Jones wasn't an imposing force in college. But his swing, smarts and savvy helped him win the Western Athletic Conference individual title and league player of the year honors in 1989.He was a two-time All-WAC performer and two-time Academic All-American at UNM.Still, Jones wasn't close to being a lock for future PGA Tour status, and even he wasn't sure that was the direction he wanted.After getting his degree (management with a concentration on accounting) from UNM in the spring of 1990, Jones remained in school to work on his master's. He became a graduate assistant coach for Lobo golf under John Fields.He finished his MBA in December 1991 -- and was champing at the bit to play competitively again."By the time I was finished with school, I had gone 6 1/2 years straight," Jones says. "I was ready to turn pro."A month later, Kent and Joanna -- who had been dating long-distance the previous four years while she attended New Mexico State -- got married in Las Cruces.Then Kent hit the road, playing on a number of minitours and the Canadian Tour."During my first year as a pro, Joanna worked and stayed in Albuquerque," Jones says. "I traveled, but it wasn't working out. My dad saw a story about a golfer who bought a fifth-wheel RV, and thought that was a good idea."So did Kent and Joanna. They bought their own RV and traveled through Canada the next three years while he cut his professional golf teeth.But Joanna, like Kent a 1985 Carlsbad High graduate, was more than just a wife on the road."I caddied for him in Canada," she says. "It really was a lot of fun. It was just the two of us and a dog traveling across Canada for three summers."During the winters, the couple lived in Florida, and Jones played in various state opens until he qualified for the Nike Tour in 1996."We got rid of the RV," he says.In the fall of 1997, Jones made it through PGA Tour Qualifying School to golf's greatest stage. He and Joanna moved to an apartment in Las Cruces, and Jones flew to events out of El Paso. He made 24 cuts over the 1998 and 1999 seasons, but didn't finish high enough on the money list and lost his PGA Tour status for 2000.Kent and Joanna moved to Albuquerque that year and Jones had a great season on the Tour (formerly Nike), finishing seventh on the year's money list. The top 15 got PGA Tour status, so Jones was back with the big boys in 2001.While he has had an extremely successful career, Jones has self storagead to play in Q-School "about a dozen times" to try to get on or hang on the PGA Tour."He's just a grinder," says Ladera Golf Course head pro Wright Zimmerly, a close friend for more than 20 years who has worked as Jones' caddie in numerous PGA events. Zimmerly will caddie for Jones this week."His degree in accounting is perfect for him," Zimmerly says. "He is very analytical on the golf course. He hits a lot of fairways and a lot of greens. His longevity shows how good he is. He's really the ultimate grinder."In golf, a grinder is a guy who isn't dominating, but who just won't quit battling. Fitting?"I don't know, I guess it's probably accurate," Jones says after pausing. "It's just sort of the way it's been. I've played quite a bit, and I grind it out. I work hard. I've never had the (PGA Tour) win or been super comfortable with my (tour status). But I just keep going."Honed at homeJones had a solid season in 2011, making the cut in 15 of the 25 PGA Tour events he played, finishing as high as 11th. But he missed the tour's top 125 money winners, which meant he missed getting his tour card. It was back to Q-School, where Jones finished 30th and missed making the PGA Tour by one shot.Because of having "veteran's status" (having made more than 150 career cuts), Jones still gets into a number of PGA Tour events. He played in seven in 2012 and one in 2013's shortened season.But the PGA Tour changed its qualifying this year, and players can get back on it only by finishing in the top 25 of the Tour. The 2014 season begins in October."I'm a little in flux right now, because I don't know how many events I'll be able to get in on either tour," Jones says. "No one is really sure how it's going to go with the changes."To get back on tour, you have to commit to the Tour for a year to play your way back on. I'm just trying to figure out how much to play before the Champions Tour (ages 50 and over), which is 3 1/2 years away."In the meantime, Jones hones his game at the same place he did in college -- the UNM Championship Golf Course."It's awesome that he practices out here," Lobo men's golf coach Glen Millican says. "He is one of the best supporters of our team as a fan, an alum and donor. It's great for our program to share our home facility with him and have him involved in program like he is."Hands-on dadWhile Jones has spent much of his professional career on the road, home is never far from his heart."It's really, really nice when he's at home," Joanna says, sitting on a couch in their 4,000-square-foot Northwest Albuquerque house with two of the family's four pooches jumping on her lap."He is such a hands-on dad. He comes in and picks right up in the routine. I get very spoiled when he's home. He takes Samuel to whatever he needs to do -- Little League baseball, golf, everything. We all get spoiled when he's around."Jones not only makes as many of his kids' events as possible -- daughter Lauren is a cross-country runner and cheerleader -- but can be found keeping the official score book at Samuel's fall Little League games and raking the field prior to contests."I enjoy it a lot," he says of being a family man. "Through all the ups and downs of golf, the thing I like best is that every time I come home, these guys are here."He and Joanna have spent more than a quarter-century together, and have known each other even longer. They were high school sweethearts after all, right?"No," Joanna says with a smile."No, no," Kent quickly adds."We were friends, but I didn't date golfers in high school," Joanna -- a cheerleader and Carlsbad's homecoming queen -- says with a laugh. "We didn't start dating until a couple of years out of high school."Kent, valedictorian of his class, adds: "We weren't in the same social circles. I wasn't nearly cool enough in high school."While Jones is still the soft-spoken gentleman he's been since high school, there are a lot of folks out there who think he's plenty cool."He's just a great role model," Millican says.Samuel and Lauren agree. But having a famous father doesn't phase them."My friends at school, they know that my dad's a professional golfer," Lauren, a seventh-grader at Annunciation, says. "But really, they are more impressed that my mom is a cheerleader."Samuel, a fifth-grader at Annunciation, says his friends, too, know about his dad's craft, and "I watch him on TV from time to time."But Samuel says the topic doesn't come up much at school.Or at home, for that matter."My friends know he's famous, but we don't talk about it a lot," Samuel says. "And to me, he's just Dad." TodayNew Mexico Open , first round, Santa Ana Golf Club. Tee times, 7:30-9:40 a.m. and 12:30-2:20 p.m. off both No. 1 and No. 10. Jones, David Muttitt and Wil Collins go off at 9 a.m.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 12:49
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 12:47
中新網9月19日電 題:海外華人中秋“百態” :愛吃過期月餅跌破眼球 作者 南若然 中秋佳節是海外華人思鄉情最為濃厚的時刻之一,迷你倉月圓人團圓更是所有中華兒女的美好期望。對於身在異鄉的人而言,這種濃濃的思緒在這特殊的時刻被放大被升華,華僑華人節前的喜怒哀樂,展現了一幅幅海外遊子的“人生百態圖”。 喜:各地唐人街喜迎中秋活動豐富 在新加坡,兩萬個高掛在牛車水大街小巷的彩色燈籠瞬間亮起,大家眼前一片七彩繽紛。唐城坊對面的一個由580個燈籠堆砌而成的巨型燈籠,吸引�人的目光。無論是特地到場或是剛好路過的公�,都忍不住舉起相機或手機,將璀璨一刻攝下。兩個燈籠項目分別創下本地最大型街頭燈飾和最大型燈籠結構的紀錄,超過300名表演者呈獻由歌舞、戲劇、武術、LED燈舞龍等連串起來的《點亮世界共慶中秋》大型匯演,為中秋盛會拉開序幕。 在馬來西亞,由吉隆坡中華大會堂及大馬旅遊部聯辦的“一個大馬全民慶中秋”晚會在中央藝術坊引爆,吸引約萬人赴會,洋溢著中秋節氣氛,場面壯大。主辦方希望通過官方及民間華團合作主辦各種活動,讓政府相關單位在聯辦活動之餘,能瞭解、進而接受甚至共享中華傳統文化的精髓。 在倫敦,倫敦唐人街將于9月15日至20日中秋期間節首次在晚間推出慶祝活動。屆時會有一連串慶祝活動。日間將以傳統的文化活動,包括功夫表演,中國傳統歌舞表演等為主,晚上將會推出“東西文化節”大型的流行音樂會。華埠商會今年將會繼續鼓勵新一代參與的精神,由兩位新晉的華人影星莊國雄及溫翠珊來擔任舞台節目的主持人。標簽:月餅 阿文 小黃 新加坡 中國 奇:“翹臀”月餅引人遐思 12生肖與憤怒鳥鬧中秋 新加坡商家日前推出4款引人遐思的“翹臀”造型月餅,在坊間引起話題。農曆八月十五,中秋節明月是全年最渾圓,也讓“八月十五”成了華人對臀部的幽默隱喻。 4種不同造型的月餅皆為單黃白蓮蓉口味。造型包括穿著網襪的兔女郎屁股“一筒”、一隻手掌遮住股溝的“遮住”、穿著丁字褲的屁股“單吊”和猶如褲儲存破了一個洞的“卡窿”。 新加坡消費者大多認為,屁股形狀的月餅太“奇特”不敢恭維。蘇順秦(23歲,學生)說,屁股形狀的月餅太過奇特,自己不會嘗試,更不會送人。另一名公�郭小姐(35歲,文員)也認為,這類月餅不是大部份人所能夠接受,覺得不體面。” 新加坡美食家林益民說,月餅雖新穎,但不尊重傳統。“如今越來越多年輕人,或不知道月餅的由來,倘若連月餅的基本形狀都改變,還做成屁股造型,簡直抹殺了傳統文化的精神。”林益民也認為,改變了傳統原貌,就不應該稱為“月餅”,這只是借佳節來宣傳的商品。站在商業角度,創新點子或能增進促銷,但無法促進傳統文化的發展。“我認為若在餡料方面創新,將月餅改良成適合現代人的口味更好。” 另一名美食家司徒國輝說,這樣的月餅已失去傳統月餅的感覺,或許對喜歡創新的消費者來說,能引起他們的購買欲。 而在鄰國的馬來西亞,為助招徠顧客,商家們都爭先恐後推出形形色色的特色月餅,其中,位於美羅的大�餅坊更配合于近期內上映的“神偷奶爸2”電影,推出電影中的小黃人造型月餅,創意十足。與此同時,基於憤怒鳥掀起的熱潮遲遲未退,該店也同步推出憤怒鳥造型的月餅,希望吸引憤怒鳥迷上門光顧。 大�餅坊的小黃人月餅的外型不僅和電影中的小黃人相仿,且其小黃人月餅也擁有不同的搞怪表情,制餅師傅甚至還特別製作女裝版本的小黃人月餅,令人不得不佩服他的創意和構思。為了做出小黃人的神髓,制餅師傅事先還事先觀看《神偷奶爸2》,以便在製作小黃人月餅的過程中得心應手。 除了推出維妙維肖的小黃人月餅,大�餅坊也有售賣各式各樣的動物公仔餅,其中有穿山甲、大象、鱷魚、犀牛、烏龜及十二生肖等造型的公仔餅。不僅如此,該店也早在3年前即首開先河推出憤怒鳥造型的月餅和公仔餅,且成功吸引不少客源。 大�餅坊老闆陳文祥說,小黃人月餅的製作過程比憤怒鳥月餅的更為困難和複雜,除了需事先調制顏色,還得以全人手方式拼湊出其四肢、衣著和表情等,十分考驗師傅的功夫和耐力。標簽:月餅 阿文 小黃 新加坡 中國迷你倉
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 12:47
崔世安:把握機遇 增強澳門綜合實力
來源 : 新聞局行政長官崔世安今(18)日表示,自存倉特區政府正穩步推動發展多個綜合旅遊項目,帶動相關產業升級,培育新的產業成長,扶持中小企業轉型,高度重視培養多元人才,致力引導經濟走向適度多元的發展。崔世安早上出席「世界旅遊經濟論壇•澳門2013」開幕儀式。他致辭時表示,目前,國際形勢複雜多變,但是,全球旅遊業仍然持續增長,這表明旅遊已成為世界經濟發展趨勢的一部分,而旅遊業有著很大發展潛力,能為旅遊目的地帶來經濟增長。他續說,「世界旅遊休閒中心的發展定位完全符合澳門經濟適度多元和可持續發展的需要,當中充滿機遇及挑戰。我們必須把握難得機迷你倉,努力增強澳門的綜合實力,與時俱進,充分發揮自身優勢,加快經濟適度多元步伐,努力構建世界旅遊休閒中心,為澳門整體經濟發展創設更佳條件。」崔世安重申,特區政府鞏固現有客源,積極發展有潛質的市場,繼續推動「一程多站」旅遊路線和旅遊產品的多元化。同時豐富文化旅遊的內涵,進一步發掘及推廣更多具本地特色的旅遊元素,並致力構建休閒設施。最後,他相信世界旅遊經濟論壇匯聚旅遊業界英才,其成果,對澳門構建世界旅遊休閒中心以至旅遊業的發展帶來積極的推動作用。另外,全國政協副主席蘇榮在開幕式上致賀辭;全國政協副主席、世界旅遊經濟論壇大會主席何厚鏵致歡迎辭。迷你倉
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 12:46
打工不學好他專學老闆行騙 景德鎮一男子從事電信詐騙獲利數萬元
本報景德鎮訊劉鎮國、記者余文斌報道:非法買來他人或單位的私密信息,迷你倉按照通信地址給對方寄去毫無價值的書籍,然後假扮書商向對方索要書款,當對方不上當時,則搖身變成社會討債人員,用言語威脅的方式迫使對方交錢。9月18日上午,景德鎮市昌江公安分局披露,當地一男子採用上述手法進行電信詐騙21 起,非法獲利數萬元。目前,嫌疑人彭某已經被刑事拘留。據彭某交代,他前些年在浙江寧波打工時,就曾從事電信詐騙,只不過當時是替人打工,眼見老闆的“生意”很好做,掌握了老闆行騙全流程的彭某便萌生了回家“自主創業”的念頭。今年4月份,彭某從浙江買來大量的他人私密信息,如工作迷你倉最平位、通信、家庭住址等信息,按照通信地址給對方寄去沒有可讀價值、價格卻十分昂貴的書籍,之後彭某便通過電話向對方索要書款。彭某說,在他行騙的對象中,有的人非常好騙,不明就里的就按照他提供的賬號匯出書款,但也有十分警惕的人,“碰上這樣難纏的,我就會假冒成社會上的閑散人員,自稱是討債公司的,在電話說出‘如果不付款,我們就會採取行動’的話,這樣一來,有些人也會嚇得匯出書款,而對於騙又騙不到,嚇又嚇不住的人,我也就只能作罷。”彭某告訴警方。最終,警方查實彭某從今年4月份開始,已經實施詐騙21起獲利數萬元。目前,犯罪嫌疑人彭某已被刑事拘留,此案仍在進一步審理中。迷你倉
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 12:45
發聲明澄清某媒體標題報道與事實不符 港府:現無意擴大自由行
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 12:45
全國版) - (機團消費銳減 月餅銷售跌三成
今天就是中秋節了,迷你倉月餅銷售進入最後的衝刺。記者昨天從廣州部分賣場和品牌月餅生產企業獲悉,今年月餅銷售形勢基本已定,與去年相比整體銷售額下跌二至三成,僅有部分品牌企業略有增長。不過,讓不少企業和賣場驚喜的是,經過努力挖掘零售消費市場,商家們發現個人零售消費潛力大,有企業表示,今年個人零售增長達六七成。●南方日報記者 歐志葵有月餅企業提前停產“以前我們月餅生產線,要忙到農曆十三、十四才停工。但今年,本周起已陸續停工,上周還時開工、時停工,有訂單才開工。”日前,香港一家知名品牌企業東莞工廠廠長告訴記者,今年月餅銷售有一定下降。“今年在限制三公消費和奢侈浪費等不正之風背景下,月餅行業過度依賴的團購業務大受衝擊。工廠位於江門的一家知名品牌月餅有關負責人在接受採訪時稱,從該公司的情況來看,機團單位團購業績隨著今年形勢而大跌,“政府採購一單都沒有,今年的團購主要是來自工廠、民營公司等。”據其透露,該公司往年公務採購占總銷售的10%—15%。“今年廣州酒家的月餅票銷售跌了10%左右,”廣州酒家總經理助理趙利平坦承,機團採購減少了。商超機團採購量下跌四成來自商超的信息也表明,今年機團採購量大幅削減。昨天,廣州東山百貨公司有關負責人表示,截至17日,該公司預計總體月餅銷售下跌二至三成,其中主要受機團單位團購大幅下挫所致,“團購月餅量僅有去年的六成。”其它品牌月餅也遇到同樣情況,哈根達斯今年廣州月餅銷售下降約三成。廣州一家高星級酒店的月餅銷售下跌幅度達五成。據中投顧問食品行業研究員簡愛華稱,根據其所在機構的監測,今年7月到現在,價位在300元—500元以及500元以上的月餅,銷售額下滑了40%—50%。“今年行業整體下滑估計會在15%左右。”中國烘焙食品工業協會執行副會長劉科元向媒體表示,下滑主要是集團採購大降所帶來的。廣州酒家集團趙利平則預估,今年行業整體估計跌幅會有30%左右。“一方面高端月餅銷量劇降,另一方面雜牌月餅市場空間被擠壓。”企業多方開拓個人消費與團購相比,零售市場的今年消費潛力令不少商家驚訝,部分月餅企業挖掘、激發個人消費潛力。“截儲存目前,我們月餅零售銷售今年大幅上升,增幅有六七成。”東山百貨有關負責人表示,今年該公司做了很多活動、重新調整產品結構和品牌結構,“市民買一盒月餅的生意我們也要搶來做。”據上述人士介紹,今年該公司針對個人零售消費市場,引入了很多質量優、但知名度略低的品牌開拓市場。廣東的“十月初五”品牌月餅,今年一邊大力開拓工廠、民營企業,一邊努力挖掘個人剛需市場。據該公司稱,今年該公司的月餅大幅削減包裝上成本,推出環保型、簡易裝月餅,“以前包裝成本占我們月餅成本的1/3,將包裝成本降下來,同時價格也降下來了。”今年該公司針對工廠、私營企業的團購業績增長30%。在個人零售市場,該公司也推出多種團購價,“今年很多消費者拼單來我們公司或門店團購。”廣州酒家、皇上皇、趣香、十月初五、香港榮華等品牌月餅還加大網購渠道的推廣,部分品牌還專門針對網購市場開發相應的產品。其中,廣州酒家今年在網購市場月餅銷售達1700多萬元。擺脫機團依賴 市場仍有潛力可挖■記者觀察國內月餅消費市場是否真的機會不再?好像並非如此。記者昨天從廣東檢驗檢疫局獲得了一份今年月餅進口信息,據統計,今年中秋前,從該局轄區進口的月餅,僅從來自香港的就有20批次,總量為73噸月餅,同比去年分別增長400%、460%。若國內消費市場不好,這些主要以零售市場為主的香港品牌月餅,為何仍大批輸往內地?再如,星巴克、哈根達斯、迪斯尼等在華銷售為何增長?事實上,消費巨大潛力一直未得到內地企業的充分認識和挖掘。往年國內很多大企業對機關團體的依賴度過高,從而導致它們沒有花費精力去研究這塊市場的消費需求,這反而給了外資品牌機會。筆者走訪市場發現,從產品來看,上述香港品牌、洋品牌月餅均不屬於傳統月餅,但從市場反應來看,他們的產品又最受年輕消費者青睞。而內地月餅企業對這一市場處於開發盲點。有業內人士指出,國內月餅生產企業對國內消費市場的研究欠缺,現時隨著消費者對健康食品的追崇,以及經濟、消費力的增加,零售消費市場需要更多樣化的月餅產品,國內企業有必要調整產品結構、細分人群開發相適的產品,同時結合各細分市場開拓相應渠道。迷你倉
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 12:24
美老兵以合法身份進司令部行凶 亞歷克西斯盡管“背景不良”,但5年前便獲得軍方“安全許可”;美海軍將全面自查安全
17日,迷你倉華盛頓,美國聯邦調查局及華盛頓警察局召開新聞發佈會,介紹海軍司令部槍擊案最新調查進展。位於華盛頓的美國海軍海洋系統司令部總部大樓16日遭遇槍擊後,促成事件的諸多漏洞也成為各方問責的主要議題。一些議員17日說,這起事件暴露出軍方在發放安全許可資格和審核承包商方面存在嚴重漏洞。曾因偏執接受治療安全許可資格是美國軍方在調查相關人員背景後發放的一種可免于安全檢查、進入不同級別軍事機構的一種資質。亞歷克西斯曾服役于得州,後供職于惠普的一家下級承包商。他16日得以攜帶軍械、繞過安檢、順利進入海軍海洋系統司令部正是借助他先前獲得的“安全許可資格”和承包商員工身份。經軍方核實,亞歷克西斯5年前就獲得了“安全許可資格”,而後,他憑借這一“出入自由”的優勢,在惠普的一家下級承包商謀得差事。根據目前已公佈的信息,亞歷克西斯2007年至2011年在海軍預備役部隊服役,但因違反紀律被部隊除名。離開軍隊後,他先後兩次因涉槍指控被捕。其家人與退伍軍人事務部提供的信息顯示,他還患有創傷後應激綜合徵,並因偏執與睡眠障礙接受過治療。華盛頓市長格雷質疑說,擁有如此不良背景的亞歷克西斯如何獲得安全許可、身份證件進入全美守備最森嚴的軍事基地之一,讓他感到難以理解。美軍機構嚴查安檢美國國防部長哈格爾17日承諾全面審視所有國防機構的人身安全檢查和通行系統。海軍部長馬伯斯則下令海軍和海軍陸戰隊展開安全自查。他要求國內所有海軍和陸戰隊基地自查安全狀況,確保安全措施可靠,同時必須在10月1日前上交自查報告。同日,奧巴馬下令白宮行政管理和預算局對聯邦僱員及其承包商的相關標準開展審核。白宮發言人說,奧巴馬認為,在槍擊案發生之後,這一問題值得深究。行政管理和預算局的審核內容將包括聯邦僱員與承包商的“監督、安全與適合性等標準”。引控槍新一輪辯論槍擊事件同樣迷你倉最平起國會對槍支管理問題的又一輪激烈辯論。總統奧巴馬17日敦促國會強化槍支管理相關法律,稱“絕大多數美國人”與他意見一致,同意收緊槍支管控。“這類令人驚悚的嚴重槍擊事件幾乎成為每三四個月就發生一次的傳統,”奧巴馬當天在接受美國世界電視台採訪時說,“每個人都在表達恐懼,每個人都在擁抱(遇害者)家屬,但是我們卻不願採取一些基本的行動。” 新華社專稿/專電■ 懸疑案發現場手槍從哪來?聯邦調查局17日公佈的信息顯示,亞歷克西斯16日持發放給承包商員工的合法通行證、攜帶一把自己在弗吉尼亞州合法購買的散彈槍混入司令部第197號大樓,而後可能在樓內又憑借某種“資格”獲得一把手槍。據新華社電又訊 但是,美國媒體獲得的其他消息,卻讓這起案件中有關槍的真相愈加迷離。美媒體報道稱,警方在槍案現場發現了3支槍,一把是亞歷克西斯帶進大樓的,另兩支是手槍。該媒體援引消息人士的話稱,這兩把手槍可能是大樓警衛人員所有,但它們是被亞歷克西斯奪走,還是警衛遺失,目前並不清楚。《華盛頓郵報》則援引一名警方人員的話稱,亞歷克西斯在行凶過程中的確殺害了一名警衛,從後者手里奪走了一把手槍。(百千)槍手如何能持槍過安檢?盡管幾把手槍的來源目前仍撲朔迷離,但可以肯定的是,造成最大傷亡的仍是亞歷克西斯自己帶來的那把散彈槍。調查顯示,12名遇難者中大多數都是在一樓吃早餐時中彈身亡,那時亞歷克西斯正手持散彈槍,從四樓向一層的餐廳瘋狂掃射。美國媒體質疑,如此一把很容易就能暴露的散彈槍,到底如何能帶進重要的司令部建築?美媒體報道稱,亞歷克西斯雖然持有合法身份證明,能進入海軍司令部。但一名海軍軍官說,要進入亞歷克西斯行凶的司令部大樓,必須要經過武器安全檢查。但實際情況是,他安全把槍帶了進去。美國會一名參議員懷疑,大樓管理方面可能為了節省成本,減少了武器安檢環節。(百千)迷你倉
- Sep 19 Thu 2013 12:08
Only 6% of labour force works in tourism -- Katamine
Source: Jordan Times, AmmanSept.迷你倉 18--AMMAN -- Despite the large number of tourist attractions in Jordan, only 6 per cent of the workforce is employed in the tourism industry, compared with the global average of 13 per cent, Labour Minister and Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Nidal Katamine said on Tuesday.This is due to "the poor efforts" exerted in promoting the Kingdom on the world's tourism map, the minister said, adding that the Labour Ministry is drawing up plans to boost employment in tourism in cooperation with the private sector.Also on Tuesday, at a meeting held with UK Ambassador Peter Millett, Katamine discussed the role of the ministry in resolving labour disputes between employers and employees.He said the ministry takes into consideration the interests of all parties while seeking common ground between them to reach satisfactory deals, according to a statement issued by the ministry.For his part, Millett highlighted the British experience in addressing labour disputes, explaining that this is the responsibility of the private sector without any interference from the government, stressing that in such cases, it is important that media儲存ion is undertaken by an independent party to ensure neutrality.Katamine briefed the British diplomat on the ministry's efforts to create jobs for the unemployed and address the challenges facing the recruitment of Jordanians, adding that the ministry is coordinating with all stakeholders to match the needs of the local market with the skills available.Meanwhile, a report issued Tuesday by the Department of Statistics (DoS) showed that out of the 50,000 job opportunities available in 2012, around 35,000 were filled by male job seekers, while 14,000 were taken by females.Around 33,000 jobs were in the private sector, while 32 per cent of the total number of vacancies were in the public sector.Around half of the job opportunities went to people without a secondary education degree, while higher education graduates occupied 35 per cent of the available vacancies, according to DoS.Some 43,000 vacancies (87 per cent) were filled by Jordanians, while some 7,000 of the jobs were taken by foreigners.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) Visit the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉