Source: Tulsa World, Okla.self storageNov. 01--Oklahoma food stamp users -- 17 percent of the state's population -- will have less money to fill their plates starting Friday.The decrease is from the expiration of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, known as the federal stimulus package.For a family of four with no income, this means a loss of $36 a month, or 5.4 percent, in Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program benefits.That breaks down to about 21 meals, according to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services."That's a lot of money for some folks, especially when they are already stretching their food budget as far as it can go," DHS spokesman Mark Beutler said. "We have known for some time the increased benefits that were put into place back in 2009 were set to expire."But it still comes at a time when many Oklahomans are struggling to put food on the table."The various stimulus package pieces were meant to spur economic growth and help people in need during the recession.The SNAP decreases are expected to cause about $66 million in lost revenue at local grocers, according to DHS.Oklahomans qualifying for food stamps jumped 48 percent between fiscal year 2008 and 2013, according to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.The past two months have set all-time highs, with 637,434 Oklahomans eating with food stamps in September, up by 8,476 people from August.Of those, 45 percent are children, 7 percent elderly and 10 percent disabled adults, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. About 44 percent live in working households.Eligibility standards have not significantly changed, which indicates economic improvements are not keeping pace with basic needs.A family of four with a monthly income of less than $2,422 would qualify."In spite of the economic recovery, Oklahoma is still seeing record numbers of people receiving SNAP benefits," Beutler said. "More than 40 percent of all recipients who receive SNAP are working but are apparently not earning a high enough wage to put food on the table."Another significant portion of the population we serve through SNAP is children and the elderly. It is especially difficult for those who have worked all their lives and are now on a fixed income to figure out a way to stretch their food budget even more."Food stamps are meant as a supplement, so recipients without a way to earn more income usually go to charities for help.Since 2008, food distributed by the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma has skyrocketed 120 percent, from 7.8 million pounds of food to 17.2 million pounds.The food bank has 450 partner agencies in 24 counties that provide food through pantries, soup kitchens or other programs."I can assure you it is not fully meeting the n迷你倉ed, which is continuing to rise," Executive Director Eileen Bradshaw said."We know that for many families receiving SNAP benefits, they are already struggling. Now, it'll mean they may have to come to our partner agencies or come more often in order to eat."But, charities are barely keeping up with demand."So many of our partners are already pretty stressed, with increases of 40 percent one year and then 60 percent the next," Bradshaw said. "It's not leveling off or plateauing."Each partner agency has its own rules for handing out food, such as limiting visits per month or year.Some agencies are considering ways to increase services but may not be able."Most are marshalling all the resources available and doing all they can to meet the need," Bradshaw said.Congress is considering food stamp cuts ranging from $2.5 billion in a Senate proposal to $39 billion in a House proposal over 10 years.Food stamp enrollment has grown from 17 million and about $15 billion in 2001 to about 47.8 million and $75 billion this year.Bradshaw said the charitable community cannot be substituted for these reductions.For comparison, Feeding America -- the largest food charity in the country and a network that includes the Community Food Bank as a member -- delivers about $5 billion in food and funding annually."We can't replace what the federal government is doing," Bradshaw said. "We're not able to do that resources-wise."Ginnie Graham 918-581-8376ginnie.graham@tulsaworld.comMonthly food stamp changesThese are amounts for families with no income. Benefits are reduced based on income.Household Size Oct. 1 Nov. 1 Difference1 $200 $189 -$112 $367 $347 -$203 $526 $497 -$294 $668 $632 -$365 $793 $750 -$436 $952 $900 -$527 $1,052 $995 -$578 $1,202 $1,137 -$65Source: Oklahoma Department of Human ServicesBy the numbers637,434: Oklahomans on food stamps in September, an all-time high44: Percentage in working families45: Percentage who are children7: Percentage who are elderly10: Percentage who are disabled adults26: Percentage of adults living with children11: Percentage of non-disabled, non-elderly adults not living with children88: Percentage living below the federal poverty line ($22,000 annual income for a family of four)43: Percentage considered in "deep poverty," meaning 50 percent below the poverty line$1.40: Amount allotted per meal, per day, per person in food stamps$1.79: Amount generated in the local economy for every food stamp dollar spent$66 million: Lost revenue to Oklahoma grocers from the stimulus expirationSource: DHS, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and USDACopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) 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- Nov 02 Sat 2013 11:06
Oklahoma SNAP benefits decrease as stimulus program expires