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- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:37
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:31
市場消息透露,迷你倉出租聯博資產管理公司上周五獲人民銀行批准,可透過QFI(I 合格境外機構投資者)額度投資內地銀行間債券市場。消息人士表示,該行是繼麥格理之後,第二間國際級的資產管理公司取得投資內地銀行間債市的資格。去年3月人行正式公布,允許QFII 投資者申請進入內地銀行間債券市場的資格。據中國外�交易中心主辦的中國貨幣網公布,截至目前為止,友邦保險(國際)、麥格理、中銀國際英國保誠、台灣人壽、工銀瑞信資產管理(國際)、永豐證券投資信託、南山人壽等近20間海外公司,已獲批投資內地銀行間債券;聯博獲批的消迷你倉暫未獲官方公布。來自聯博的消息表示,與麥格理以自有資金投資內地銀行間債市不同,聯博將把機構客戶的資金投入這一市場。被聯博內部稱為「亞洲債之王(King of Asian Bond)」的亞太固定收益主管H a y d e nBriscoe,是該行申請內地銀行間債市投資資格的關鍵人物,未來亦將負責相關投資。他曾預言,當內地債市完全開放,內地債券在全球基準指數中的權重將最高達15%。截至去年12 月25 日止,聯博共計獲批1.5 億美元QFII 額度,國家外�管理局累計批出QFII額度為497.01億美元。mini storage
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:25
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:17
Minsheng uses aircraft business to expand overseas
Bank hopes its leasing subsidiary can help to internationalise its brand and operationsWhile many of the big names in mainland banking have expanded overseas by opening branches or acquiring foreign assets, China Minsheng Bank has adopted a different approach and is building its brand through aircraft leasing.mini storageIts Minsheng Financial Leasing unit, one of the first five mainland financial leasing companies with a banking background to be approved by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, has recently expanded its private jet leasing to commercial aircraft after setting up Minsheng Commercial Aviation in Hong Kong.Mainland banks’ aviation units are gaining a foothold in the global aircraft leasing market on the back of abundant liquidity and strategic retreats by Western counterparts hit by the global economic downturn.BOC Aviation, backed by Bank of China, was the sixth-largest lessor in terms of fleet value in 2012, according to a report by accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. BOC Aviation and the leasing unit of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China were rumoured to have been eyeing the acquisition of American International Group subsidiary International Lease Finance Company between late 2008 and early 2009.“We [Minsheng Bank] are quite new to the market with less than 20 years,” said Johnny Lau Ho-yin, managing director of Minsheng Financial Leasing’s aircraft leasing division and chief executive of the newly-established commercial aviation arm.“Expanding to the commercial aviation business can helself storage pave our way to internationalisation,” he said, while adding that the bank was also looking to open branches in other countries.Minsheng Commercial Aviation is seeking to build relationships with the big names in aviation by buying aircraft in the secondary market or directly from aircraft manufacturers and then leasing the planes to airlines.Zhang Lin, deputy general manager at China Merchants Bank’s subsidiary CMB Financial Leasing, said mainland leasing firms were buying more aircraft because they wanted to build up the scale of the aviation business.They could enter new markets more easily and quickly through binding aircraft leasing deals with overseas airlines, she said.Minsheng Financial Leasing is the top player in the industry in terms of assets. Zhang Bo, vice-president of the firm, aims to lift the contribution of the aviation business to a third of total assets, up from the current 10 per cent.Lau, a seasoned banker in the aviation business, is a former chief financial officer of mainland budget airline Spring Airlines and former head of aviation at ICBC Leasing.“Our parent’s banking background helps us to get funding at lower costs,” he said. “And clients often view us as more stable.”Its private jet business often targeted mainland entrepreneurs, he said, while its commercial aviation business would let more international companies and individuals know about the firm and probably Minsheng Bank, its parent.“Going international will help our operation and capital rasing in the future,” Lau said.迷你倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:05
本報開羅電 記者胡英華報道: 日前,mini storage 中國駐埃及大使宋愛國在接受駐埃中國媒體聯合採訪時表示, 2013年中埃關係經受住了時局考驗, 保持健康平穩的發展勢頭, 中埃經貿合作成績斐然。宋愛國指出, 近年來, 中東北非地區面臨複雜多變的政治局勢, 埃及政局持續動蕩, 經濟發展遭遇嚴重衝擊。盡管時局艱難, 中埃經貿合作仍然保持了持續健康快速的發展勢頭。2011年, 中埃經貿合作逆勢而上, 雙邊貿易總額達到88億美元, 同比增長26.5%。2012 年, 中埃雙邊貿易額突破95億美元。2013年1月至11月, 中埃雙邊貿易額達92.6億美元, 同比增長10%, 其中埃及對華出口額17.7億美元, 同比增長76%。2013年兩國還�動了多個大型項目。中石化以31億美元成功收購美國阿帕奇石油公司在埃資產, 使中國對埃投資規模實現飛躍。中埃蘇伊士經貿合作區6平方公里擴展區正式簽約, 標誌著合作區二期進儲存實質性開發階段。新希望集團埃及飼料廠和巨石公司玻璃纖維項目也先後投入試運行。這些合作項目為中埃友好合作、 互利共贏注入了更多的動力和活力。在旅遊業方面, 受埃及國內政局動蕩的影響, 2013年中國赴埃遊客僅為5.1萬人次, 但隨著中國取消要求公民暫勿前往埃及部分地區的旅遊提醒, 中國旅遊機構近期已經開始重�赴埃業務, 中國赴埃遊客數量有望出現回升。宋愛國大使表示, 中國尊重和支持埃及人民的選擇, 堅信埃及政府和人民有智慧、 有能力化解危機和挑戰, 找到適合自身國情的發展道路, 實現國家的團結、 穩定和發展。中方重視埃及作為地區大國的地位和作用, 始終將埃及視為重要的戰略伙伴, 也將繼續支持埃及發展經濟、 改善民生的努力。中國人民的民族復興之夢和埃及人民的穩定、 團結和發展之夢有許多相通之處, 中國的改革開放和全面發展也必將惠及埃及和埃及人民, 兩國戰略合作關係的發展前景將更廣闊, 更美好。迷你倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 08:58
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 08:50
Study finds few Americans understand fracking
Source: Odessa American, TexasJan.24小時迷你倉 05--Hydraulic fracturing is the well completion technique behind the national oil and gas boom. It is controversial. But few Americans understand what it is, and even still, that understanding is poorly informed by what life is actually like in a boomtown, according to a recent survey by researchers at Oregon State, George Mason and Yale universities.The study surveyed 1,061 people throughout the country, and more than half reported knowing "little or nothing" about "the issue," while those that did were split almost evenly about whether to support it."First of all, most Americans don't associate the term "fracking" with anything in particular -- They don't know," said Hilary Boudet, a public policy expert at Oregon State University and lead author on the study, on Friday. "Those that do so with oil and gas do so generically. "That population still reflects confusion, perhaps a result of conflicted interests about oil and gas development putting forward conflicting information.Boudet in a statement accompanying the study's release said that suggests an opportunity to educate Americans "in a non-partisan way about this important issue. The question is who will lead that discussion?"Fracking is the colloquial term for when operators pump millions of gallons of pressurized water mixed with sand and chemicals into underground rock through a perforated wellbore, splitting the rock apart and unleashing oil and/or natural gas.That, at least, summarizes the technical part.But public perception is chiefly shaped by environmental or economic impacts, according to the report, published in late December in the academic journal Energy Policy. Even lesser attention is given nationally "to social impacts: physical and psychological changes communities face throughout the various stages of development-related boom and bust."Put differently: the fracking controversy is not about West Texas, or the other places where communities see the broader impacts of the national oil renaissance. Those impacts, the study reports, include not just macroeconomic triumph or environmental risk but issues such as like higher crime, tighter housing, upward mobility and the small businesses that are performing well during the boom.Further research into perception of people in communities near energy production could better inform "policy makers seeking to balance the needs of local communities grappling with unconventional oil/gas development with those of broader regional populations.""In some wa迷你倉旺角s you get a sense of how far the shadow of development goes: so who actually feels personally affected by a particular development," Boudet said, adding that understanding can help with planning and communication efforts.The study did not assess how perceptions might vary geographically or how people living close to energy production might feel. Boudet said she plans to research that.Supporters of fracking generally argue that the technique spurs economic growth, advances domestic energy supplies for greater security and provides a bridge away from coal-based power, which is more carbon-intensive, according to the study.About 22 percent of respondents in the study said they supported fracking. Generally, they were better educated, politically conservative and older. They tended to watch TV as their primary news source.About 20 percent of respondents said they opposed fracking. This group included women, those with egalitarian world views and people who said they were more familiar with the process. Opponents were also likely to associate fracking with environmental harm. They tended to get their news from newspapers."People that are actually familiar with hydraulic fracturing and what it does, have got to be way below 1 percent of the people in this country," said Kirk Edwards, president of Las Colinas Energy Partners and past president of the Permian Basin Petroleum Association, adding that fracking is often unfairly tied to other problems that might actually exist, confusing people. "There has been a tremendous amount of human error in relation to production of oil and gas but it has nothing to do with hydraulic fracturing."PBPA leaders have encouraged members to better explain what they do to the public, describing a need to dispel misconceptions. That is why Jimmy Davis, the oilfield operations manager for Midland-based Fasken Oil and Ranch, said he has brought a host of national media on tours of the company's leases.Boudet, for her part in the fracking perception study, wrote "it is high time to pursue a wide ranging and inclusive public dialog about its potential risks and benefits.""People are busy, so it's hard for them to stay up to speed on some of these issues," Boudet said. "It's been in many ways invisible when we go to the gas tank."Contact Corey Paul on Twitter @OAcrime on Facebook at OA Corey Paul or call 432-333-7768.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) Visit the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) at .oaoa.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 08:43
Greeley frac job tour for UNC students changes some minds
Source: Greeley Tribune, Colo.mini storageJan. 05--Amid the continued controversial topic of fracking, a University of Northern Colorado professor decided this fall that if her students were going to be for or against something, they should know what they're talking about.It was time, in the energy unit of her Human Behavior and the Environment class, to learn a little more about the oil and gas industry sitting in her students' backyards."I think I am a skeptical environmental enthusiast, which also gets to the reality of world we live in, and we need energy," Pepper Mueller said of her own personal beliefs. "I think that to really be for or against something, you want to get the whole picture. You want to know what it looks like."So she contacted the Richardsons at Mineral Resources Inc., a Greeley-based, family owned oil and gas exploration company, and secured an invitation for a tour of an actual frac job being conducted by Halliburton at the company's Bestway drilling site at 35th Avenue and 4th Street in northwest Greeley.On a cold November day, the students walked through the site, saw the equipment, heard the noise, smelled the air, and all but one even touched the frac fluid, as they learned about a practice that had been debated so much in recent years.Onsite, it was a bit of organized chaos. A first impression for many in the tour was the incredible sound. During the actual frack- ing, there are a minimum of 12 semi trucks all rumbling their engines to provide the horsepower and the mixing of the frac fluids to pump down the well bore.Earplugs are a must to hear any conversation, and employees all have extras in their pockets."I will admit, that was my first impression, that it was hard to hear what they were saying," Mueller said. "I felt like they were trying hard to be transparent on how things worked and what the machines were for."Mueller said she and students were impressed with the ways the company worked to keep the site as environmentally sound as they could. The area was lined for potential spills; it even had a company onsite performing dust control.In final "reflection papers," one student wrote he was glad to see the entire site was lined, so if one of those semi trucks leaked oil, it would not seep into the ground.Mueller said she was surprised at the lack of dust and fumes on the site; she was happy to learn Halliburton used a closed-loop system, ensuring nothing pumped in or flowing out of the well would hit the ground.The tour even allowed the students to touch frac fluid, which reminded Mueller of the slime that she bought for her kids at the toy store when they were 儲存ounger. Students, she said, responded differently to the fluid and were surprised to learn the same chemicals could be found in chewing gum."I had one girl who totally reached out and touched it, and one girl just wouldn't because she was concerned it was dangerous and toxic," Mueller said. "I touched it. My fingers are still intact."The tour didn't completely change everyone's minds about their concerns of environmental dangers, Mueller said. At least, she said, they all said they learned something."One said I had a misperception that the oil and gas industry was nothing but mean, money hungry individuals out to exploit the environment, but everyone I came in contact with was polite, friendly and eager to educate," Mueller said of one student's reaction.Another student, Synovia Duncan, in an email response to questions, responded:"I was surprised by everything, and actually a little fascinated as well. I left the site feeling better about the people who frac, but not better about the practice. I still think it is an awful process, with lots of potential for harm to humans and the natural world. But these guys seemed committed to going the extra mile to ensure that their process didn't harm anyone or anything. It was very educational and interesting."Mueller said the tour was informative, and changed her's, and a lot of students' preconceived notions about fracking but, like Duncan, more about the people doing it."What I was most impressed with, is the industry themselves are trying to find better ways of doing things," Mueller said. "My perspective of what Mineral Resource and Halliburton on that tour presented, they too want to preserve the air and water, and they're trying to create systems and safe checks and put in place procedures and policies that would prevent environmental damage. That was surprising to me. I may have thought it was all about money, and that's how a lot of my students felt."She added, "In terms of Mineral Resources, those guys live here, this is their neighborhood. I developed a better respect that they also care about the same things we do. I got at least a better respect that I may not have had before the tour.""I think I am a skeptical environmental enthusiast, which also gets to the reality of world we live in, and we need energy. I think that to really be for or against something, you want to get the whole picture. You want to know what it looks like.-- Pepper Mueller, UNC professorCopyright: ___ (c)2014 the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) Visit the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) at .greeleytribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 08:35
Business reading Unconventional Book Club sparks ideas and conversation
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷利倉M.Jan. 05--Imagine a book club where no reading is required and practical concepts from books are distilled for almost immediate application. You just dreamed up the The Totally Unconventional Business Book Club at Convivium Coworking, which meets about once a month, where one person presents highlights of a book and the group discusses whatever interesting ideas are generated.Deborah Reese, catalyst and founder at Convivium Coworking, got participants thinking as she described the concepts in Malcolm Gladwell's "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference," recently over a lunch break at the coworking offices on Anaheim NE."Change happens at a dramatic tipping point," she says of the book's theme. "There's no orderly geometric progression."Like a health epidemic, successful ideas spread through people who connect us and promote our ideas until they become widespread, a tipping point, she explains.From there she encouraged the group of about 30, some who are professionally acquainted, while others are strangers, to think of people who embody Gladwell's "Law of the Few," an economic idea, sometimes known as the 80/20 principle, that in most situations 20 percent of the participants do 80 percent of the work.Some of those effective few connect people, while others inform and still others persuade.Many identified a business associate who connected them all with others, kind of like an Albuquerque six-degrees of separation, a theory that everyone is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world.Relating the book to their personal experience sparked more conversation, the goal of the structured networking event.The book club always sheds light on some aspect of his business or life, says attendee Don Hanna, head of Bladewerx in Rio Rancho: "It exposes me to books I might not know about, concepts I might not know about. It's like someone recommending books to you, but better. I run a small business, so I'm always looking for ways to do that better."Going deeperReese chose the Gladwell book because reading it caused her to think in new ways: "I looked at things in a new light."At ease and relaxed in front of the crowd, Reese has presented several other books and says the experience is eye-opening: "I've found a huge value being a presenter. I go back and reread the book and I'm stunned at the new level of depth and understanding I find."The book club was an obvious offshoot of the coworking environment, she says. "We get to share in the joy of learning, for the sake of learning."Conventional book clubs have a problem. Although everyone is expected to have read the book that's up for discussion, sometimes people don't, she says."Th迷你倉t seems like a waste of time. If one of us presents a book we love, people can walk away with a snapshot, knowing whether they want to read it or not. This way everyone is equal. We can all discuss the juiciest parts of the book," Reese says.For the past year about 30 or so people have gathered every month for the book club, announced on Meetup, a social networking website for offline meetings, and on the Convivium Coworking website.One of the organizers, Susana Rinderle, who has her own consulting business for diversity training and shares space at Convivium, says the book club provides a great opportunity to learn something new from a book that might not have appealed to her: "It's super efficient. You get the benefit of the book, without having to read it."Besides, she enjoys the company of her colleagues: "They're bright, funny and into a lot of cool stuff."Although books on business and careers are the topic, any book that supports those is fair game for the club, she says.For example, this month, she's presenting Daniel H. Pink's "A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future," because it offers ways of incorporating creative thought with more traditional linear thinking styles, she says."I'm a big fan of his. He's ahead of the curve," she says. " He's hilarious."Another organizer, Renee Giraudo Holmes, a mechanical engineer who also works at Bladewerx in Rio Rancho, says the book club always stimulates some new thought: "It really helps me in my professional life. Every time I go, there are aha moments for me. I'm 29. I appreciate the experienced business professionals there. I learn a lot from them."Clifton Chadwick, chief executive officer of KeepItQuerque, an alliance of local businesses, says he's presented a few of his favorite books to the club.He likes the book club because "it's an opportunity to walk the talk and to engage with like-minded people in a different way of doing things."But that doesn't mean the discussions get boring: "We are like-minded to certain degrees and different in others." Go UnconventionalThe next meeting of The Totally Unconventional Business Book Club is at Convivium Coworking, 5924 Anaheim NE, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Jan. 22.Susana Rinderle, a diversity training consultant and Convivium member, who has also been a TEDxABQ speaker, will present "A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future," by Daniel H. Pink.The event is free, but registration is suggested. Everyone is welcome and can bring a lunch, if they choose. Visit conviviumcoworking.com/ events for information.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 16:11
(吉隆坡3日訊)為迎接2014農曆新年及宣傳“好事齊聚慶豐年”促銷活動,迷你倉旺角健力士英格(GAB)即日起在全馬舉辦26場慶節活動,安排多項娛興節目及送出豐富獎金與獎品。慶節活動分別在霹靂、雪隆區、檳城、柔佛、馬六甲、森州芙蓉及彭亨文德甲指定美食中心舉辦,首場慶節活動已在今日,於吉隆坡甲洞衛星市快樂城美食中心舉行。凡在慶節活動購買三支大瓶裝的Tiger、Anchor、海尼根啤酒及Guinness黑啤,即可參與現場GAB寶箱特別大抽獎,以贏取888令吉與88令吉現金獎、GAB佳釀及精美禮品,讓大家一起共慶豐年。此外,健力mini storage英格也會在現場安排財神爺與仙女繞場拜年、醒獅賀新歲、中華武術與變臉表演等娛興節目,好讓大眾提前感受新春的氣氛。收集瓶蓋襯墊機會贏寶馬健力士英格所展開的“好事齊聚慶豐年”促銷活動,旨在回饋品味獨到的飲家,讓消費者有更多理由與親朋好友舉杯“飲勝”迎新春。促銷期間,舉凡購買大瓶裝Tiger、Anchor、海尼根啤酒、Guinness黑啤及全新推介的Tiger拉德樂酒精飲料(Radler),需立刻檢視啤酒瓶蓋襯墊,因為您將有機會贏取一輛價值24萬令吉的寶馬3系列豪華轎車,共有8輛待贏取。其他獎品包括300部三星智能手機。;迷你倉
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:47
特工「契仔」孔濤助斂財被捕 周永康落馬殃及國安部
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:38
盧恩符文預測2014年香港運勢 旅遊業興旺 藝術文化發展�升
2013年過去,儲存2014年剛到,代表新一年的開始。經過前幾天的倒數歡呼,大家最熱切想知道的,相信是今年的運勢如何﹖香港的社會、經濟、民生、健康、風氣等又如何﹖我們應該如何處理、面對﹖今期,我們請來著名西洋玄學家、Merlin西洋魔法學院魔法院長Benny為大家解開疑團,他在筆者前使用現時在北歐流行的魔法符號--盧恩符文(Runes)作占卜,就香港整體運勢作預測,尤其是針對香港經濟及樓市,同時亦為大家預測了今年十二星座的整體運程,或可作為日後做事的參考。文、攝︰吳綺雯究竟什麼是盧恩符文﹖其實,盧恩符文是北歐文字,但在北歐地區會以它來作為一種魔法占卜。其由來源於一個古代傳說。根據傳說,盧恩是奧丁大神傳遞下來的魔法符文。有一年,北歐冰天雪地,農作物失收,當時奧丁大神是當時的領袖,祂犧牲自我,將自己倒吊在世界之樹Yggdrasil上,用劍割傷自己,飽受飢渴之苦,倒吊了九天九夜,尋找神聖智慧與知識。懸吊之時,樹隨風搖曳,祂從樹枝間瞥見了25個符號,這便是盧恩符文,可算是北歐的魔法符號,祂從此獲得了盧恩符文以及預言和占卜的天賦,並將之授與世人。Benny說,盧恩符文可算是北歐的魔法符號,在歐洲的建築物經常可看到,有保護和祝福之意,如有些符號是兵器、武器,代表了戰事成功等。 它跟塔羅牌一樣,什麼東西都可以占卜得到,但比塔羅更加抽象,擁有多種占卜方法,有些還等待後世的人解讀。今次,Benny就使用這25個符文,來為大家預測,並使用拋及抽的方法來占卜。旅遊藝術文化大旺首先,從整體上,Benny選擇使用拋的方法來預測香港今年的社會、經濟、民生與運氣,拋完後,就抽走面朝下的符號。從這25個當中的15個盧恩符文裡,Benny發現︰「新的一年,香港經濟發展比往年有明顯進步,尤其是在旅遊業、外交、名聲及藝術文化發展方面,明顯多了外來遊客以這些原因來港,形成了藝術文化之都,而不再是金融、房地產等方面,反而娛樂演藝事業強勁了。在藝術、旅遊層面,娛樂成分如演藝、音樂、畫劇、舞台劇等,像是剛崛起的感覺,很多旅客來港作交流、探訪及旅遊。社會經濟氣氛和緩至於在經濟方面,不會有太太動盪,雖然樓市有調整,但不會有大幅升或跌,表現得較為和緩,不會有炒賣得熱,可揀到心頭好。從符文上來看,在上半年,大約1至5月樓市相對較和緩不會有急升或跌,至6月後,或許會有微升,這可能是有外來投資湧入香港,所以Benny建議大家不妨可選擇上半年入市。幼兒教育尤其重視同時,Benny也看到,今年小朋友的教育會加強,尤其是幼兒工作相當興旺,如Playgroup、幼兒補習班、先修班等,父母肯投資在這方面,或許今年會出現幼兒補習天王或天后,而不再是文憑試天王天后了。總之,在2014年,每樣東西都會有微調。Benny還特地從中提示,有四粒符號特別值得留意,就是這四符文的代表性意義,而得出今次的占卜結果。2014年十二星座總運程Benny以抽的形式來預測今年十二星座的總體運程,看看每個星座在工作、愛情、健康或整體上的發展如何,並為每個星座給予運程星。白羊︰這符號代表適合有準備的人會很順暢,發展不錯,有再生情況,如已在2013年鋪排了,2014年便是收成期,適宜婚姻,亦代表了未婚懷孕的機會很大。 (★★★★☆)金牛︰新的一年,新發展,新目標,運氣不錯,來得順其自然,不會有任何阻力,但要學識不要緊張,多人關注,人緣、愛情及人際關係不錯,適合做Sale、公關及市場部等對客的工作。 (★★★★☆)雙子︰今年運氣依然迷惘,做事總是事倍功半,有灰心及失望的感覺,但也應屢敗屢戰,雖然難關重重,但建議「以靜制動」,總有成功的一天。(★☆☆☆☆)巨蟹︰這符號比喻勤力的「牛」,偏向文靜,反而顯示最勤力的一個星座,秋冬季運氣較強,即是9月至12月是收成期,而上半年多是默默耕耘。(★★★☆☆)獅子︰這符號代表五穀豐登,橫財運極好,在2014年是皇者,得到榮耀,但要積穀防飢,因為多時間放在炫耀,故要留意儲蓄,是相對「肥仔」、「肥女」的一年。 (★★★★★)處女︰屬於思想交戰的起伏年,在2014年是學習的年份,或許在工作上會與上司及同事多爭拗,但要學懂沉默忍耐,虛心學習,減少爭拗發生,在健康上或許會有失眠情況,要留意。 (★☆☆迷你倉☆)天秤︰這符號代表幼苗茁壯成長,帶出一個新的東西,在2014年適合播種,開啟新路,如讀書、轉工、創業上會有不錯發展,愛情方面,認識新對象可發展,在皮膚問題上亦有所改善。(★★★☆☆)天蠍︰很有鬥心,接近第一位,有新發展方向,可想多些發展的目標,有穩定對象,就不要見異思遷,健康上因有衝勁,容易招致損傷,同時亦容易遺失東西。 (★★★★☆)人馬︰代表突破及轉變,不一定是好與壞,如去年未做到的今年繼續,要看事前有準備與否,捉緊機會及發展空間,健康上要留意視力問題,尤其是散光及近視。(★★★★☆)山羊︰跟天蠍座拍得上,心頭高,人有目標,想改變現有生活質素,修養及學識高了,有脫胎換骨狀態,立定決心投放資源。定下目標,及早發展,財務不過不失,可集中長線投資,不宜短炒。不過,由於脾氣急躁,留意伴侶或會受氣,多聽伴侶心底話。 (★★★☆☆)水瓶︰屬於自己的符號,不在於運氣及別人的問題,2014年是好好反思的一年,是自己思維、思想學習的一年,在感情上如要作出決定,要選擇清楚,不宜拖字訣。 (★★☆☆☆)雙魚︰這符號代表網狀荊棘,即如阻滯多了,在短時間內會有少少阻力,嘗試校慢自己的節奏,要注意Timing,以免快過潮流。在感情上如有糾纏關係,依然繼續有�還會比以往更曖昧,而財運不過不失,最多都是疊住了。 (★★★☆☆)2014年運程DIYBenny獨創了數字占卜,名為BT「9」型格,只要出生的新曆年月日,不需要時辰,配合獨有化的9方格擺位,就可以知道你的人生、性格如何,如愛情運、事業運等。今年,他以一個最簡單的方法,只要以出生的月日就已可初步測出自己今年的運程,以這個占卜來說,每人的運程是以個人生日當天計起,就以筆者的生日(6月20日)為例,新的一年運程應是由2014年6月20日至2015年6月19日,那麼如何推測呢﹖先寫下2014年6月20日,然後將數目字拆開為︰2+0+1+4+6+2+0 = 15 = 1+5 = 6筆者得出的數字是「6」數字占卜結果︰1. 新一年投資營商的朋友們可有不錯的斬獲,因為眼光銳利、懂把握時機,令你事半功倍!多了不同的發展機會,亦得男上司長輩的提攜!2. 要小心留意家中長輩身體腸胃健康問題, 及閒時多與家人長輩相處及溝通,從中學習到不少人生哲理!3. 愛神邱比特已對你發放了愛的弓箭,令你在苦悶的道路上覓得意中人,打開了一直封閉的枷鎖,享受愛情的來臨吧!4. 多了不少發展機會,充沛的魄力令你在職場上戰無不勝,但亦競爭頗大讓你心情顯得煩躁,心情難免有點兒不滿,但仍要謙誠以待方能更得人心!5. 整體運程平坦,工作未有新的動向,計劃未來能令事情更順利!同時要多加注意溝通不足而引致的爭拗問題!6. 努力學習的一年,能從學習中從而得到更多的新啟發,既得反思裨益,對工作發展更有莫大的幫助亦多了不少發展機會!7. 注意天氣轉換而引致的腸胃、皮膚問題,7月份宜多走動或外出旅行對心情及運氣皆有不錯的療效,宜多舒展筋骨�身健體!8. 能從學習中認識到更多的新朋友仔,同時要多加注意溝通不足而引致的爭拗問題!多了不同的發展機會,亦有學習等進升機會為多,若能好好抓緊機會,成功不難!9. 新一年多加留意禍從口出,特別是6月份女性是非小人多,亦要小心因貪吃而壞肚子,最後還是苦了自己添加增磅危機!名家檔案香港著名西洋玄學家-藍魔眼鑌治(Benny Wong)專訪及撰寫星座、塔羅、生肖等專欄見於香港各大傳媒、雜誌、報章、電視、電台等,更被傳媒朋友稱譽為「西九龍神算」、「摩登靈媒」、「愛情魔法師」等美譽,更是香港富豪們的御用靈媒,更是全港首間的Merlin西洋魔法學院院長,這個魔法學院的創立是Benny的理想,因為香港有很多有能力的占卜家、治療師不能容許他們做這個行業,故希望開設一個中央平台,令這些人士發揮所長及推廣文化。這地方有不同主題的房間︰西式占卜房、中式算命房、治療室及教室,設計來自西洋風水的設計,招攬不同占卜師、師傅等,如同Harry Potter似的,可算是中西匯萃的魔法學院。地點︰太子長沙灣道50號太子軒2/F查詢 : 3597 0100 / 9660 9146.merlin-date.com.facebook.com/merlindate儲存倉
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:31
Charter cable to require set-top boxes
Source: St.迷利倉 Louis Post-DispatchJan. 04--The days of sticking the cable directly into the back of the old TV will soon come to an end for Charter Communications' customers in the St. Louis area.The company is converting to an all-digital system and eliminating "analog" cable TV service. People who don't already have a set-top digital cable box, or a cable card system, for each TV will have to get one to continue getting Charter pay TV.In exchange, the company says picture quality should improve and people with high definition TV service will be offered 79 more channels. The boxes also provide video-on-demand service, not available on analog. Broadband Internet service should also speed up, Charter says.The company, by far the region's largest pay-TV provider, says it plans to roll out the new system location-by-location between now and mid-summer in St. Louis.The move could be cost-free, for now, depending on the number of TVs in the home. According to Charter:-- Customers currently on the "digital" service tier may receive one additional free box for one year.-- Those on Charter's "limited basic" service are eligible to receive two free boxes for two years.-- "Limited Basic" customers who qualify for Medicaid may receive two free boxes for up to five years.-- Customers with "expanded basic" service are eligible to receive two free boxes for one year.-- Charter charges $6.99 per month to rent boxes over those limits. The company says 90 percent of its subscribers already have a box on at least one TV.People who plug the cable directly into their TV are probably getting an analog signal. Those who use a box, be it a Charter-issued box or a Tivo-like system with a cable card, are using a digital system. People with newer digital cable-ready TVs, with a cable card, are also getting a digital signal.Switching to digital lets Charter move more information through the same cable. The capacity taken by one analog channel equals 14 digital channels or three to four HD channels."It's real迷你倉y a better service," said Ian Olgeirson, media analyst at SNL Kagan, a securities and industry analytical firm. Switching does speed up broadband Internet service, which travels on the same cable, while giving TV viewers more options, he said.The additional HD channels allow Charter to catch up with satellite TV systems and AT&T's U-verse system, Olgeirson said. Charter's Internet service is already superior to U-verse, and the switch should move Charter farther ahead, he said.U-verse offers 190 HD channels, compared with 179 for Charter after the digital switch. Charter says it plans to increase the count to 200 later. AT&T says it plans to more than double its U-verse Internet speed by the end of 2015.Installing the set-top boxes requires some work from customers, who must follow Charter-issued directions on hookups -- or summon a Charter technician for $29.99. Charter will send the boxes to houses, or customers can pick them up from Charter offices, which will have expanded hours during the switch.Charter says it will notify customers of their switch date by mail, through messages with their bills, messages on their TV and through phone calls. "It is important for customers to take action within one month of their scheduled upgrade," the company said in a news release.Charter, like other cable companies, has been suffering from "cord-cutting," people canceling cable TV and substituting cheaper Internet video services such as Netflix and Hulu. Companies initially feared that the hassle of digital conversions would drive away customers. But that doesn't seem to be happening, Olgeirson said.Charter, the nation's fourth-largest cable system, has completed digital conversions in parts of Texas, California, South Carolina, Michigan and Massachusetts. It plans to complete the conversion in its 29-state system by the end of this year.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Visit the St. Louis Post-Dispatch at .stltoday.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:21
Art at Peace Hotel
Swatch's creative director, Carlo Giordanetti, recently welcomed visitors to the Swatch Art Peace Hotel to experience painting in the Prosperity Suite by artists in residence, including Jian Fengma, Bradley Gray from the United Kingdom and Vasken Mardikian from Belgium, while guitar player Ye Fan performed his music. Giordanetti said they are proud of the creative energy that this project is able to generate, and they admire the exchange between artists of different backgrounds and disciplines. Visitors were also invited to visit the Peace Suite, whose interiors evoke both the city's past and its futuristic present.self storage
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:12
Transition teams aid Kriseman decisions
Source: Tampa Tribune, Fla.mini storageJan. 04--ST. PETERSBURG -- One day after the pomp of his swearing-in ceremony, Mayor Rick Kriseman's era began in earnest Friday with his immediate priorities expected to be choosing a new pier, resolving the city's dispute with the Tampa Bay Rays and boosting economic development.The framework for how Kriseman moves forward on those issues and others is likely to come from the reports produced by his transition teams, whose recommendations include forming a new pier committee and a new express bus route linking north and south Pinellas County.Composed of city and civic leaders handpicked by Kriseman, the teams also have recommended the city continue to poll residents on what amenities they want in a new pier and have laid out a timetable that would see a new pier open in 2017, well behind the 2015 deadline Kriseman set during his election campaign.Still, getting broad agreement on a new pier may represent the best opportunity for Kriseman's fledgling administration to score an early success.If Kriseman adheres to the transition team's proposed timetable, the city council would be asked to approve a final list of pier amenities in August, after which the city would ask interested architectural firms to submit their qualifications. Shortlisted firms would submit designs by March 2015, one of would be chosen by a selection committee of residents and design professionals.Leaders of Concerned Citizens of St. Petersburg, the group that forced the referendum on the Lens pier design, said they had not reviewed the proposed new process, but were encouraged by Kriseman's decision to reopen the pier head for pedestrians and anglers."That is a good first start," said Bill Ballard, a group leader. "I believe that Mr. Kriseman is going to find a good path to follow and that it will be done in a way the people of St. Petersburg, for the most part, will be behind the result."The city's stalemate with the Tampa Bay Rays over the team's wish to leave Tropicana Field likely will be a thornier issue for the new mayor.The transition team that looked at the issue declared itself a fact-finding task-force and declined to make any recommendself storagetions, a reflection of the city's legal position that the Rays must honor their use agreement that does not expire until 2027.Its report outlines that the city and Pinellas County have spent almost $300 million paying down principal and interest on construction bonds with $57 million more still to be paid through 2026. The county's contribution, roughly $6 million a year from bed taxes, will end in 2015.Attendances at Rays games fell from 1.8 million in 2010 to 1.5 million last year, the lowest in Major League Baseball, the report states. Rays officials say they need a new stadium to draw more fans.Kriseman said he expects to begin talks with team owners soon after taking office. No talks have yet been scheduled, Communications Director Ben Kirby said."The Rays are a top, top issue," Kirby said. "Please stay tuned."Kriseman has identified the development of mass transportation as a key to driving economic development in St. Petersburg.The transition team looking at transportation recommended the city actively back the Greenlight Pinellas plan to raise the sales tax rate to pay for a major expansion of the bus network and a new 16-mile light-rail network.Other proposals include a north-south express bus route if there is potential ridership, encouraging businesses to offer workers incentives if they ride the bus, and unlimited free ridership for city workers covered by an annual payment to Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority by the city.The group also proposed moving operation of the city's controversial red-light camera program to the city's police department.Other transition teams have yet to finalize recommendations, Kirby said. Kriseman is likely to use the reports in his decision-making process, but will not necessarily adopt every recommendation."They're producing quality information that guides the mayor's first days, months, and even years in office," Kirby said. "That's why we're giving them time to finish these reports."codonnell@tampatrib.com(727) 215-7654Twitter: @codonnellTBOCopyright: ___ (c)2014 the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) Visit the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) at .tampatrib.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:00
和美 花海好美遊客…心花朵朵 線東路農地沿線
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 14:49
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 13:51
□ 許淥洋 李思潔可移動、可定制、可點播、可互動,迷你倉將軍澳藝術與互聯網擦出了燦爛火花——一個世紀前,如果你想聽到這個世界上最好的管弦樂團所發出的聲音,惟一的辦法就是奔赴遙遠的歐洲音樂大都會。但在過去10年間,世界頂尖劇院、交響樂團卻紛紛以互聯網為手段傳播最鮮活的古典音樂演出。近年來,許多中國的藝術機構也加入到這一行列。從劇院到網絡再到移動設備,古典音樂正進入3D時代。“劇院”伴你走天下每周六,只要你打開電腦,進入柏林愛樂樂團官方網站上的“數字音樂廳”,就可以欣賞樂團在當晚演奏的每一個音符。8架可遙控攝像機捕捉著舞台上的每一個細節,可提供像素在1080P以上高清畫面,同時高保真環繞立體聲讓直播效果不亞于任何一張CD唱片的質量。當然,這檔高質量音樂晚餐不是免費的。柏林愛樂樂團這一從2008年起推出的互聯網付費在線直播平台到目前已運行將近4年,在全世界範圍擁有40萬訂戶。數字音樂廳的直播周期以樂團的音樂季為單位,單場音樂會的直播票價為9.9歐元,差不多相當于一張正版唱片的價格。如果選擇包月,價格是27.99歐元,而年費則為227歐元,權益包括在一年365天中隨時可以回看資料庫中以往數年的音樂會錄影。互聯網上充足的內容,以及手機操作平台的不斷完善,都給APP的應運而生創造了條件,手機、平板電腦也成為了古典音樂彰顯魅力的新陣地。幾乎世界所有知名院團都為手機用戶提供了應用客戶端的下載業務,以滿足客戶對資訊共享、售票服務、視聽欣賞等多方面的需求。打開蘋果APP應用商店,在搜索欄里輸入“古典音樂”,“古典音樂大師作品精選”、“聆聽大師”、“莫扎特交響曲”等各種應用軟件映入眼簾。你可以選擇付費,或者免費下載一些試用版。APP降低了古典音樂領域的進入“門檻”。有人認為互聯網讓古典唱片的生意走向衰亡,但在音樂傳播上,互聯網恰恰帶來了古典音樂的復興。蘋果公司在2003年創辦iTunes音樂商店時,古典音樂的銷量因此而暴漲。在亞馬遜和古典音樂唱片銷售網站ArkivMusic上,漲勢也同樣明顯。人們納悶:為什麼唱片店里積滿灰塵的唱片,一旦放在互聯網上,變成了一個個數百兆大小的數字文件,卻有了完全不同的命運?iTunes主管全球唱片和音樂營銷的克里斯·貝爾碰巧是一位接受過古典音樂訓練的小提琴家,他說,“我發現了一個很有趣的事情,當你從分享和交流的角度來看待不同類型的音樂時,你的涉獵會超乎預料地廣。我們賣給古典音樂愛好者的hip-hop饒舌音樂和爵士樂一樣多”倉如今,人們只需擁有一台個人電腦、手機,以及足夠的帶寬,海量古典音樂內容就可以出現在你的眼前。從收聽收看音樂會演出,到購買古典音樂音像產品;從在互動平台與世界各地的志趣相投者交流,到查閱塵封的歷史資料,互聯網為古典音樂搭建了一座取之不盡的寶庫,惟一考驗的就是人們的時間。摸著石頭談版權有了足夠的線上資源,是否就可以隨心所慾地加以傳播了?不,因為你首先遇到的就是版權問題。海量資源如何購買版權?如何更好地避免版權糾紛?也許國家大劇院古典音樂頻道的做法能給你一些�示。對於該網站的所有工作人員來說,版權是他們面臨的第一大考驗,需要一步步摸著石頭學談版權。古典音樂頻道內容主編高屹表示,他們接觸的版權主要分為兩大類,一類是從國際頂級音樂影視集團購買最為經典的錄音、最為頂尖的音樂會節目;另一類是錄製大師名團在國家大劇院的現場演出、台前幕後的故事。為了保證獲取優質資源,尋找最適合的內容供應商是關鍵。音頻相對來說比較容易,國際四大唱片公司有3家涉及古典音樂,國家大劇院最後直接鎖定了百代。但是對於演出視頻,卻不知道國內外有哪些與古典音樂相關的版權方。於是國家大劇院藝術資料中心部長馬榮國帶領著工作人員各方打聽、網絡搜索,甚至從DVD上找線索找出版公司,幾經甄選,確定主要從Unitel和EuroArts兩家公司購買版權。更艱巨的任務還在後面,怎麼在短時間內用一種最經濟的方式拿下版權?“免不了要經歷艱苦的談判過程,光版權方在中國的代理商我們就上門拜訪了好多回,更別提其中針對各種細節反複跟版權方磋商的拉鋸戰。”此外,錄製在國家大劇院演出的節目也需要版權。“網站建設之初我們沒經驗,沒有把版權的商定提前到談合同的階段,只能等到藝術團體和藝術家來到大劇院後再商量錄製的事情,時間非常緊張,往往會遇到一些阻力。”節目製作部工作人員王萌說,“曾經很囧的經歷是,節目製作部十幾個人的錄製團隊,就在歌劇院和音樂廳演員上場口等著裡面談判的結果,一旦演出方答應錄製,節目製作部的人員立刻開始進場布線。如果沒有得到認可,只能撤下。”經過不斷摸索,如今大劇院在談商業演出時就把錄製需求談好,在合同中加入古典音樂頻道拍攝及播放許可條款。由於國外版權意識強烈,演出方不一定會同意,同意了也會有諸多要求。大劇院演出部統籌組的陳雪寅說,“我們只有儘量地提供最清晰的拍攝計劃,哪怕演出方提出更多嚴苛的要求,我們都會全力配合,只要演出方同意我們錄製和在古典音樂頻道上播放,其他問題我們都可以去克服”。24小時迷你倉
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 13:41
湖北日報訊 (記者饒揚燦)“手機報上說,迷你倉十堰旅遊一卡通元旦後能在南陽香岩寺景區打6折買門票,今天一刷卡,果然如此。”1日,自駕游到河南的十堰李先生告訴記者。據省旅遊局透露,這是我省旅遊卡首次與外省景區並網互惠。十堰旅遊一卡通從市內10多家優質景區綑綁打包入手,不斷吸引新的A級景區加入,現擁有20萬會員,到各聯網旅遊景區刷卡30多自存倉次,市民直接受惠7000萬元。該市突破地域觀念,先後與神農架、宜昌、襄陽等省內景區合作。去年12月,又與河南坐禪穀景區、香岩寺景區兩個外省景區簽約。目前,十堰旅遊一卡通可“刷開”周邊省市協作景區10個,還有數十個景區或游樂場所正在洽談並網。隨著旅遊一卡通的不斷普及,該市銀行、超市、公交等方面主動對接,服務功能升級,大大惠及市民旅遊。迷你倉出租