昨天上午,24小時迷你倉中國社科院發佈的《旅遊綠皮書》建議,為應對旅遊擁擠,應繼續推動法定節假日放假安排的優化,包括增加2-6天法定假日,以期恢複“五一”黃金周,加長“春節”放假時間等。建議恢複“五一”黃金周近年來,折騰的“中國式休假”頻繁引發民�不滿,而“十一”黃金周也因擁擠不堪而飽受詬病,希望增加法定節假日總量以為黃金周分流的聲音也一直存在。對於2014年“十一”黃金周,《旅遊綠皮書》指出,預計今年擁擠現象非但難以緩解,或許還將有更加擁擠的趨勢。為了未雨綢繆,應對旅遊擁擠,綠皮書建議,國家決策部門應繼續推動法定節假日放假安排的優化(包括增加2-6天法定假日,以期恢複“五一”黃金周,加長“春節”放假時間等),以讓老百姓能夠有更多一些的共同長假日,便於安排與家庭和親友共享旅遊。綠皮書分析,在未來的幾年,隨著決策部門對民�呼聲的響應,中國的假日制度將有可能得到進一步的優化。進一步落實帶薪年休假綠皮書還建議,政府和社會應共同努力,積極推動帶薪年休假的進一步落實。除了加大政策落實力度外,省市地方迷你倉旺角府最好能夠會同多個部門對基層用人單位落實帶薪年休假的具體困難進行深入細緻的調查,並及時研究推動解決的措施與辦法,樹立典型,為更多地方提供推動帶薪年休假落實的參照與借鑒,以讓職工個性化的假日需求(包括旅遊需求)能夠得到較好的釋放。應積極提倡和推動居民假日休閒的多樣化(包括旅遊主管部門與相關部委和地方合作,推動文化娛樂休閒、體育健身休閒、養身養心休閒等的多樣供給——公共服務供給與市場供給的進一步改善,推動大�傳媒對休閒多樣化的關注與引導等),以舒緩節假日期間居民選擇旅遊過於集中的態勢。綠皮書認為,旅遊主管部門和其他相關部門要協同努力,推動全國有條件的著名景區研究並制定出自己的擴容建設辦法,推動有關方面的公共投入,出台政策和辦法引導民間資本的投入,幫助有條件的著名景區——尤其是地域廣闊的景區——在充分保護生態、保護資源的前提下做出適度的擴容安排,包括改善交通、增加區內景點,延長游路,增添設施和旅遊服務項目,以及改善信息溝通、加強調度管理等,以儘量滿足旅遊者對著名景區的嚮往。據法制晚報mini storage
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- Jan 09 Thu 2014 11:23
- Jan 09 Thu 2014 11:14
- Jan 09 Thu 2014 11:07
全國版) - (發掘村居資源打造旅遊線路
- Jan 09 Thu 2014 10:59
湖南崀山獲評名牌產品 旅遊從業受好評
- Jan 09 Thu 2014 10:51
“大三亞旅遊圈” 與 “瓊北旅遊圈” 融合發展—— 海南旅遊不再 “南熱北冷”
本報記者 何 偉隨著我國北方進入寒冬,迷你倉出租來海南旅遊“取暖”又漸漸火熱起來。毫無疑問,去海南旅遊,三亞是首選之地,三亞也一度成為海南旅遊的“全部”。一度形成海南旅遊“南熱北冷”格局,以海口為中心的瓊北旅遊,則被尷尬地認為是環島游的“通道”。2012 年 5 月 28 日 , 海 口 、 文昌、瓊海、儋州、定安、澄邁、臨高、屯昌8市縣聯合發表《瓊北“7+ 1”旅遊合作與發展宣言》,推出瓊北旅遊產品,整合各市縣優勢資源,齊心協力謀求共同發展,經過努力,如今瓊北旅遊已出現轉機。“以往廣西人都知道海南獨一無二的陽光、大海、沙灘、椰風海韻,但一直對瓊北旅遊資源瞭解甚少。”廣西青年旅行社黨委書記陳志林說,瓊北不僅具有海南所有旅遊元素,而且還具有獨特的民俗風情、歷史文化、特色美食,但這需要瓊北各地務實合作、加大營銷力度、提升瓊北旅遊的形象。《海南國際旅遊島建設發展規劃綱要》 在空間布局上提出北部、南部、中部、東部、西部、海洋組團等六大功能組團,齊頭並進,形成精品化、國際化、多元化的各具特色旅遊產品和發展格局。除了以海口為首的北部組團合力營銷外,以三亞為首的南部組團,也加大整合力度,抱團闖市場,以擴大海南區域旅遊的整合力度。在“瓊北旅遊圈”初具規模時,2013年12月30日,瓊南七市縣簽訂 “大三亞旅遊圈”旅遊合作協議,以三亞旅遊為龍頭的瓊南旅遊內容更加豐富,保亭溫泉浴、五指山熱帶雨林迷你倉險、陵水猴島、�家漁排等旅遊項目與三亞形成山海互動,藍綠交融之勢,依托彼此獨特的山地資源、濱海資源和少數民族風情,瓊南7市縣的合作在不知不覺中成形。“大三亞旅遊圈”迅速形成了以三亞為核心的“山海互動”、“藍綠互動”的品牌影響力。“雖然三亞旅遊近幾年取得長足的發展,但也需要進一步豐富產品,延長線路,增加遊客的體驗度和停留天數,提高遊客的旅遊舒適度。周邊市縣旅遊發展需要依托三亞的知名度、充足的客源、較成熟的管理經驗、較完備的營銷體系,提高競爭力,共同做大,共分蛋糕。”三亞市副市長許振凌說。“區域經濟一體化是現代經濟發展的必然趨勢,聯盟旅遊經濟的形成是海南島旅遊產業規模化的戰略構想之一,旅遊圈的形成是旅遊資源共享、利益共享、協同營銷、多方共贏的經濟合作新模式,它是臨近地緣優勢、資源優化營銷的理想模式,將會創造更大的經濟效益和社會效益,進一步促進整個海南市縣經濟的發展。”海南省旅遊協會秘書長王健生說。海南“南北旅遊組團”的出現是海南旅遊資源整合的必然要求,標誌著海南旅遊新格局的形成,同時也是海南區域旅遊管理體制機制創新突破。“‘大三亞旅遊圈’與‘瓊北旅遊圈’兩大旅遊圈的發展與融合將形成南北互動機制,可激活整個海南旅遊市場。”海南省旅遊委副主任朱洪武表示,這是促進海南區域旅遊管理體制機制創新的突破。未來,遊客無論從南到北還是從北到南,都將全方位體驗海南獨特的自然風光和人文風情。mini storage
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 10:36
South Florida braces for cold weather, while snow forces massive shutdowns around the country
Source: The Miami HeraldJan.mini storage 07--While South Florida braces for a little taste of winter, bad weather continued to wreak havoc across the country Monday, delaying flights, shutting down businesses and keeping many people indoors.And moves by some airlines made it clear that travel frustrations would drag out into Tuesday.JetBlue Airways said it planned to suspend flights at New York and Boston airports late Monday, with plans to resume them gradually on Tuesday. The airline, which has a large presence in Fort Lauderdale, said halting its flights into New York area and Boston would allow time to melt ice from its planes, position flight crews and take other steps to recover from recent storms.Temperatures below zero in the U.S. Midwest were making it difficult for airlines to fuel planes and posing exposure hazards for ramp employees. Chicago O'Hare was hit especially hard, with 1,600 canceled flights.Harsh winter conditions left travelers stranded at both Miami International Airport and Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.As of about 4:30 p.m., 28 cancellations were reported at MIA -- 16 arrivals and 12 departures.Passengers stranded at the airport filled the restaurants, stores and chairs, many hoping for better luck on their rescheduled flights.Student Andre Concepcion, 25, was stuck at MIA after his 3 p.m. flight to Chicago, the first hop of a many-legged trip, was canceled. He was heading to Michigan from the Dominican Republic."I got mad, but what are you going to do," said Concepcion, who rescheduled his flight to Tuesday morning.For Maggie McCallie, 31, a canceled flight to St. Louis meant "a few extra days of warm weather.""It's an extended vacation," said McCallie, who was in South Florida on a cruise. She wasn't able to get a new flight booked before Thursday.Fort Lauderdale airport officials reported 48 cancellations by the end of the day and 103 delays.Due to air complications, some cruise lines also spent the weekend helping guests who couldn't get to their ships.Miami-based Royal Caribbean Cruises had to help more than 350 guests scheduled to sail on Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises this weekend. If they missed the boat at the original port, guests had to get to the next stop on the itinerary to catch up with the sailing.Agents always advise travelers to arrive a day or two early for a cruise and to buy travel insurance, especially in winter, said Michelle Fee, CEO of home-based travel agent network Cruise Planners-American Express Travel."There's no doubt there have been travelers that obviously had difficulty getting to their embarkation port," she said.Meanwhile, around South Florida people spent Monday biking, laying out on the beach and enjoying the sun before the sweaters started coming out after dusk."We have had such a mild winter so far, it is going to feel really cold out there," said Meteorologist Steven Ippoliti of the National Weather Service in Miami.Miami-Dade 儲存ould see temperatures as low as the mid-40s Monday night. Some areas out to the west could see temperatures dip to the low 40s, and the wind chill could make it feel like it was in the high 30s, Ippoliti said.Stephane Camire sat a beach chair in Hollywood relaxing in a bathing suit. At home in Montreal, he said he'd be wearing a coat and boots."This is perfect," said Camire, who is on vacation through Jan. 9. "It's freezing at home."Pet owners were advised to take animals inside to protect them from the cold.Because of the predictions, homeless shelters prepared to open in Miami-Dade and Broward Monday night to provide hot meals and shelter."Whoever needs a place to stay can come on in," said Sally Gress, development director for the Salvation Army of Broward County, though the agency could only accept up to 100 people. Mats and blankets could be placed in community rooms and hallways, she said.At the Miami Rescue Mission's three campuses, workers prepared Monday to provide food, blankets and warm clothes.Operations manager James Whitworth, who oversees the Hollywood Outreach Center, urged people to seek shelter."Don't risk it," he said. "It will get really cold out there, especially if you are not dressed for it."Farmers kept a close eye on the forecast Monday afternoon but remained confident that the cold front would have minimal effect on their crops."This is not one of those terrible apocalyptic events coming to South Dade agriculture," said John Alger, president of Alger Farms. "Right now, we are not looking at any trouble."A forecast of high winds was a good thing, Alger said."Wind is your friend. Wind is the enemy of frost."A freeze warning was issued for the northern half of the state and extended as far south as Hernando, Lake, Sumter and Volusia counties. Forecasters predicted that some records might be broken in northern Florida.Lucky for South Florida, the blast of cold air isn't expected to last long. By Tuesday night, temperatures are expected to be back up to the mid- to upper-50s.The rest of the country also is in for a break from the back-to-back blows of snow, freezing rain and frigid temperatures."We've had to deal with plenty of snow, plenty of cold and plenty of storms," said Bernie Rayno, expert senior meteorologist for Accuweather.com. "So I think we're going to have a relaxation of the pattern a little bit."Still, Rayno warned that airports will likely continue to see delays for the next 24 hours, especially due to gusty winds across the Northeast."I think with all the flights that were canceled in the last 24 hours, it's going to take a little time for the airports to get back on track," he said. "The fact you're going to have wind, it'll slow that recovery period down a little bit."This report was supplemented with information from Reuters and the Associated Press.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Miami Herald Visit The Miami Herald at .miamiherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 10:30
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 10:16
陳明金提出可否考慮由文化局統管 博物館等似未發揮功能
【特訊】立法議員陳明金於一月六日向立法會提出書面質詢如下: 「澳門要打造名副其實的世界旅遊休閒中心,迷你倉豐富旅遊資源是其中一個重要環節。但一直以來,當局的相關作為似乎有限,例如,本澳目前雖有二十多間各種類型的博物館、紀念館,然由於這些場館長期處於一種各自管理的狀態,加之當局缺乏統籌協調及未有充分包裝宣傳,大部份場館漸漸顯得人流稀少、門可羅雀,有時常常甚至場館的保安人員比遊覽的人員多,難以充分發揮其在旅遊方面應有的功能和作用。同時,這些場館每年均要投入不菲的公帑進行運營、維護等,如果未能合理有效利用,可能亦會產生資源浪費的問題。 博物館等類型的場館,雖不以追求營利為目的,但因其大部份的設立和運作涉及公帑的開支,相關場館的建設應有科學評估和合理利用。在本澳著力建設世界旅遊休閒中心的情況下,如果能加強相關的宣傳,充分發揮其在旅遊方面的積極作用,相信有利於促進旅遊業的發展。 為此,提出質詢如下: 一、據相關資料顯示,澳門回歸以來,回歸賀禮展示館、典當業展示館、茶文化館、通信博mini storage館、路�歷史館等紛紛設立。對於這些場館的設立,當局事前有無評估其必要性和意義?對建成後的利用成效,又有何評價?能否列舉過去三年,用於本澳二十一間博物館、紀念館等類型場館運作的總體開支?政府早前提出對海事博物館進行擴建。其擴建的原因為何?預計將投入多少公帑?目前進展具體怎樣? 二、不少市民及遊客反映,當局對於本澳博物館及紀念館等性質的場館宣傳十分有限,似乎只是在一些網頁上載有部分博物館的圖片和簡單文字介紹外,鮮有從其他渠道向公眾及外界推介,以致不少本澳居民對這些博物館都不甚了了,更別說要吸引外來遊客遊覽。博物館及紀念館等性質的場館作為本澳重要的旅遊資源之一,當局在宣傳上現有何具體舉措?相關宣傳是否足夠?成效如何? 三、目前,本澳二十一間博物館或紀念館性質的場館分別屬於港務局、旅遊局、文化局、保安部隊事務局、民政總署、郵政局及一些社團組織等擁有和管理。在這種不同部門分散管理的情況下,會否造成未能集約地進行宣傳及相關資源的使用?可否考慮協調由文化局統籌管理、規劃、利用?」◇儲存
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 09:33
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 09:24
2013/14學生讀書隨筆比賽入圍作品 用心旅行─讀《旅行的溫度》
初中組書本介紹:作者帶�一台相機和一本筆記本,儲存走遍了台灣七個小鎮。全書分為七篇,每一篇都印證了:旅行,不一定要去熱門的地方。作者熱愛小鎮人民的真摯互動,當她走入當地特色文化的地區,除了以相機紀錄最美的風景,還特別記下人文風情。而旅行中遇見的那些人、那些事與發自內心的感動,就是額外的禮物。每一個小鎮都讓你感受到溫暖;每一個故事都可能勾起你心中最深處的情感。看完整本書,你會重新定義什麼是旅行。感想:《旅行的溫度》這是一本充滿愛和人情味的書籍。一般人旅行都為欣賞風景,最後留下的就只有對美好風景的眷戀。但是對於作者來說,最美好的回憶是人與人之間真摯的互動,熟絡共鳴的人情味。而且打破旅遊概念:旅遊不只限於異地旅遊,還有本地旅遊。只要是用心感受,即使在熟悉的地方,也可品味到美好的風情。作者是一個攝影愛好者,所以書中附有很多不同地方、不同部落的照片。一邊閱讀文章,一邊欣賞照片,令人彷彿置身其中,享受�旅遊的種種樂趣。這本書的內容可分為三輯。我最喜歡的是第一輯〈人情、旅、暖〉。雖然三輯所寫的故事都非常感人,迷你倉只有第一輯能令我產生共鳴,例如「冰店的紅布條」一篇,雖然我不是在台灣長大,也很少吃冰,但故事卻能讓我想起小時候和小吃店裡的阿姨聊天的情景。看完這本書,我知道旅行不一定要去聞名世界的熱鬧景點,不一定要去山清水秀的地方。就像去台灣不一定要去夜店,去桂林不一定要去灕江。就算是樸實無華的鄉間小鎮也可以別有一番風味,甚至能讓你了解到這個地方的「真面目」。這本書讓我知道了,去哪裡旅行都沒有關係,問題在於你是否用心旅行。作者又說到「旅行時溫柔的叛逆」:作者認為旅行讓他擁有一件隱形披風,可以不用在意別人眼光,隨心而行。或許這未算叛逆,但這樣卻能讓作者看到不同的內心風景,再回來時,便充滿力量和熱情,與原本的自己不再一樣了。看完整本書,我才認識到什麼是真正的旅行。評語:能選取適當的�墨點,以「愛」、人情味和平凡的旅遊地點為焦點,從不同角度分析了旅行的意義,並強調用心旅行的重要,獨具慧眼。──大專講師梁勇《旅行的溫度》作者╱編者╱譯者:段慧琳出版社:凱特文化出版年份:2013年08月08日林大輝中學JS2D 吳嘉明儲存倉
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 09:13
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 09:04
Sinclair accuser ordered to appear at Fort Bragg hearing
Source: The Fayetteville Observer, N.self storageC.Jan. 06--The Army captain who accuses Brig. Gen. Jeff Sinclair of sexually assaulting her during their adulterous affair has been ordered to appear in court today and may testify.The contents of at least one of her smartphones is expected to dominate the conversation during a pretrial hearing scheduled for today and Wednesday at Fort Bragg.The accuser produced the iPhone last month, according to a court order issued by the judge, Col. James Pohl. It may have voicemails and text messages stored on it that are pertinent to the case, his order says.In prior proceedings, text messages between Sinclair and his accuser were entered into evidence.The accuser's production of the smartphone forced Sinclair's court-martial to be postponed until March 4 to give the defense team time to review and evaluate its data. The trial had been scheduled to start today.Sinclair, who is married and has two children, is being court-martialed on charges of sexual assault, adultery, inappropriate relationship with other women and other alleged violations of military law.His former mistress served with Sinclair during an Iraq deployment, where the affair began in 2009, and was one of his aides during an Afghanistan deployment in 2012, when she repo迷利倉ted the affair and assault allegations.Adultery is a crime in the military.Despite the consensual nature of their affair, the captain alleges there were occasions in which Sinclair forced her to give him oral sex.Sinclair, through his lawyers, denies the assault allegations. His lawyers have said the accuser made them up to mitigate any punishment she might receive for adultery.According to Pohl's order, the captain produced the iPhone in December. She said she had put it in the box with four other phones in 2011 in her home at Fort Bragg before she deployed to Afghanistan.After she found it again, the captain charged it and connected it to a computer, the court order says. Her actions may have altered or deleted evidence stored on the phone, the order says.Pohl ordered the captain to come to court and bring the iPhone, the other four cellphones and the computer that she connected to the iPhone.The smartphone contents and any other outstanding matters are to be discussed at the hearing.Staff writer Paul Woolverton can be reached at woolvertonp@fayobserver.com or 486-3512.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, N.C.) Visit The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, N.C.) at .fayobserver.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 08:55
Susan Elderkin of Hamden co-authors 'The Novel Cure' for what ails us
Source: New Haven Register, Conn.迷你倉Jan. 07--Everybody knows that novels bring us slices of entertainment and escape. They take us out of ourselves and allow us to forget our own lives for a short time.But Susan Elderkin of Hamden says they have the power to do a lot more than that. "A novel that comes to you at the right time can actually transform your life," she says. "It has the power to change your perspective."And, she says, it has the power to heal what ails you.Elderkin and her friend Ella Berthoud, who lives in Sussex, England, are the co-authors of an inventive, fascinating new book, "The Novel Cure," $26.95, Penguin, 2013, which prescribes some 751 books to heal a variety of ailments, from the mental to the physical.Do you suffer from carelessness? You may need to leave immediately to go get a copy of "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery to see how someone cares for a planet with 44 sunsets per day.Or maybe it's pessimism that's got you down, right here at the dawning of a new year. If that's the case, perhaps you just need a little dose of "Robinson Crusoe," which may just be the first novel to show that optimism can turn a life around.Then there's the misery of a breakup. Our sympathies if you're going through that. Try "High Fidelity," by Nick Hornby and allow Rob to hold your hand through your pain and recovery, and maybe help you navigate your way back to love.Elderkin, herself a novelist, says that she and Berthoud first discovered the healing power of fiction when they were college freshmen at Cambridge."We met and bonded immediately over books," she says. "We started the idea of giving books to help each other through whatever we were going through, usually boy troubles. Sometimes we needed a kick in the backside to help us sort things out. We shared the idea that books held the answer."And not just any books. As Elderkin puts it, "So many people only read the books that are on the main table in the chain bookstores. Sometimes those books are good, but what about the books that have stood the test of time, the books that have fallen into obscurity, but still have a lot to tell us about life? Those are the ones I want people to know about."Take the book "Tristram Shandy," she says. "Such a wonderful book! It's the absolute cure for being too anal-retentive. It's so freeing, it's about having a laugh, having fun, digressing all over the place. It could cure you."Let's say you're feeling a tendency toward cowardice. Elderkin says there's no better book for you than "To Kill a Mockingbird.""I've read the nonfiction self-help books, books like 'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway,' but there's nothing more powerful than reading the dramatized example of Atticus Finch being brave when he feels frightened," she says. "You see him struggling with the need to stand by what he knows to be right even though it puts him on the other side of his whole community, even though it possibly puts his children in danger. It was a much more effective cure for my cowardice than a self-help book."In 2008, Elderkin and Berthoud got the idea of being "bibliotherapists." They took the idea to an alternative education establishment in London called The School of Life, and set up a practice, talking with clients and prescribing novels for them.It was a great success."The people we meet with seem to be either people who are big readers already and want to talk to somebody else who's well-read about their reading journ迷你倉將軍澳y, or they are people who are going through crises and who need a new perspective," says Elderkin.After that, they knew they needed to do a book. When Elderkin was living in Somerset with her husband, Ash, and their little boy, Kirin, Berthoud came to visit with her three daughters. The two women sat up late with a bottle of wine and started listing all the maladies that books could help with.Then they set to work listing the novels that had been transformative to them in some way. Together, they've trawled some 2,000 years of literature to find novels that effectively promote happiness, health and sanity.And then they set to work, mostly long-distance through Skype.Their book is arranged alphabetically so that you can look up your ailment and then find the prescription of the novels that will help you. The ailments are both whimsical ("Stiff Upper Lip, Having A") and serious ("Cancer, Caring for Someone With"), and while some of the cures will bring you immediate relief, others may just offer solace through letting you know that you're not alone. There are cures for wardrobe crises, hiccups, nameless dread, inability to find a good cup of coffee, boredom and broken dreams.The whole experience has been fantastic, Elderkin says. The two have different reading tastes -- Elderkin likes the cures that come on the level of the rhythm: a book in which characters experience what it is to be alive, who notice the things around them, take in the poetry and lyricism of life."Ella's more of a story girl," Elderkin says. "She likes those big, thick books when the story transports you to another place."Besides addressing ailments, the book also has plenty of lists. There are the Ten Best Novels to Cheer You Up, The Ten Best Novels to Read in a Hammock, the Ten Best Novels to Turn Your Partner On to Fiction (either male of female), and even The Ten Best Novels to Drown Out Snoring, among many others.For those who suffer from "reading ailments" (such as "Book Buyer, Being a Compulsive" or "Read Instead of Live, Tendency to") will be glad for the down-to-earth advice.Elderkin wants to caution, though, that the novels are not to be seen as "message books," with the goal of curing people's ailments as their primary point. "They are not self-help books," she says. "Fiction works on several levels. We read for so many different reasons -- to escape, to explore the craft of story, to travel, to read beautiful language. But books also have the power to change our perspective, by letting us live lives that are other than our own, by engaging with a mind that may be from a completely other culture or time.""The Novel Cure" has only been out since September, both in the United Kingdom and the U.S., and it's already been picked up by publishers in some 15 other countries. Right now, Elderkin and Berthoud are busy collaborating and setting guidelines for foreign editions, which will include some additional books that are native to those cultures.They're also still providing bibliotherapy -- speaking with clients and discovering the issue that needs perhaps a new perspective, and then prescribing a list of novels that could help. Go to .thenovelcure.com. And if you have an ailment that could use a solution, go to .thenovelcure.com/surgery and fill out the form.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the New Haven Register (New Haven, Conn.) Visit the New Haven Register (New Haven, Conn.) at .nhregister.com Distributed by MCT Information Services倉
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 08:46
全國版) - (新春假期 私人訂制
近期上映的《私人訂制》,迷利倉無疑是2014年最吸引人的賀歲片。作為有口皆碑的賀歲片導演,馮小剛不僅向觀�們奉上一場“養眼悅目”的賀歲旅行,更是將“私人訂制”的概念“投映”到每一位觀�的心中。雖然電影中的“私人訂制夢想”目前難尋蹤跡,但現實中的“私人訂制旅行”風潮已經蔚然成風。通過私人訂制,遊客可以隨心所慾地安排出行時間,選擇喜愛的酒店和交通工具,想去哪就去哪,想吃啥就吃啥,滿足了不同遊客的不同需求。喜歡刺激、愛好探險的遊客,體驗一趟與眾不同的熱氣球之旅,感受神奇的土耳其美景;在溫暖如春的沙巴進行探索之旅,會帶來意想不到的驚喜;帶上家人感受寶島台灣濃郁的年味兒,全家過一個熱鬧、低碳的春節……隨著2014年春節的日益臨近,人們計劃出游的想法早已蠢蠢欲動,如果你不想在寶貴的七天假期中,困在人山人海中的話,不妨參考以下幾款為不同人群量身訂制的旅遊計劃,享受一個屬於你自己的私人春假。土耳其特色:熱氣球之旅 新春至逍遙土耳其,一個神奇的國度,遊客的天堂。處於亞歐交界的獨特地理位置,已保證了她的豐富多彩:遺落地球的峽谷美景——卡帕多奇亞石窟群、兩洲之城伊斯坦布爾、白色秘境……這個冬季到訪,原本獨孤一味的泥黃色地貌,竟披上了點點白雪,坐熱氣球俯瞰,大地猶如灑上糖霜的甜點一般。卡帕多奇亞並不是土耳其的一個城市,而是一個區域。一根根沖天而起的石筍在這裡屢見不鮮,可以說是非常不適宜人類居住的,可是古代聰明的本地人就利用這些天然柱石建築了房屋。巧奪天工的山洞石屋、凄涼壯麗的喀斯特地貌、精彩刺激的熱氣球之旅漸漸成為了卡帕多奇亞最吸引人的三件事。在日出前的片刻,熱氣球開始徐徐起飛,上升到大約300米的高空時,可以欣賞到壯麗的日出及卡帕多奇亞的石窟美景。當熱氣球下降時則會漂浮過山谷之間,令遊客盡情欣賞童話般的煙囪和洞穴,並從絕佳的角度進行攝影或錄像。完滿地結束了熱氣球之旅後,不妨來到土耳其西南部的棉花堡,體驗至美溫泉。棉花堡由整個山坡構成,一層又覆一層,形狀像城堡。這裡溫泉資源很豐富,泉水自洞頂流下,將山坡沖刷成階梯狀,在平坦低窪的地方蓄而成池,人們可以坐在裡面泡溫泉,既解乏,又健康。泉水中的礦物質沉澱下來,把整個山坡染成白色,像露天熔岩。從上往下看,一方方溫泉平台像一面面鏡子,映照著藍天白雲;從下往上看,像剛爆發完的火山,白色的岩漿覆蓋了這個山坡,頗為壯觀。小貼士購物:100美金可換30多萬的土其里拉,購物用美金是最方便的選擇。另外,土耳其里拉面值太大,一千萬與一百萬的顏色有點相近,使用時須看清楚。注意:土耳其人有宗教禁忌,如清真寺神聖不可侵犯,穆斯林禁豬肉和酒,基督教徒忌諱“13”等。廣之旅推薦線路:土耳其藍色浪漫經典8天沙巴特色:觀螢火之旅 新春至浪漫對於廣州越發寒冷的天氣,要開展活力四射的娛樂活動相對比較困難,而位於熱帶地區的馬來西亞沙巴,卻依然是20幾度的溫暖氣候,正是可以玩得多姿多彩的好時節。遊玩沙巴的方法可以很多彩,海灘上的水上運動不用多說,還可探秘原始的熱帶雨林,帶給你意想不到的驚喜:螢火蟲如點點星光在沿岸的林間飄動,如夢如幻,別有一番情趣。即使是在寒冬季節,處於熱帶地區的沙巴依然是陽光普照,氣溫通常介於20℃-30℃之間,無礙于人們盡情享受沙巴優良的海島資源。馬奴幹島、沙比島、西巴旦島都是沙巴非常受歡迎的島嶼,無論哪個海灘,都恍若仙境。你可以陽光鋪灑的金色沙灘上打排球,也可以在碧藍的大海上駕駛水上摩托車、乘坐香蕉船或拖曳傘,甚至參加“海底漫步”潛入美麗的大海,欣賞由五彩斑斕的珊瑚交織而成的奇妙海底世界。如果你喜歡探險刺激,記得要進入沙巴那茂密的原始熱帶雨林,尤其是那“凱爾斯長鼻猿生態螢河之旅保護區”。前往保護區途中,可以在快艇上跟著當地的船長體驗網捕“紅尋魚”的樂趣,而進入了保護區的熱帶雨林之後,可以在河流與樹林之間盡情跋涉,一路感受這盤根錯節的環境中另一種有序的自然生態。這片雨林里生活著世界上獨一無二的長鼻猿,而乘坐獨特的長尾船,暢游于紅樹雨林間,是尋覓它們身影的最佳方法。到了晚上,雨林里的世界更加精彩,可以跟著當地的導遊一起去探尋螢火蟲洞,到時候成千上萬的螢火蟲會在身旁的樹林中明明滅滅,與夜空星光交相輝映,燃亮出一幕最讓人畢生難忘的夜晚。小貼士簽証:沙巴所屬國為馬來西亞,辦理簽証的時間為3個工作日,手續費為每人130元,加急簽証費則為400元。美食迷你倉沙巴的風味小吃�多,其中椰漿飯非常值得品嘗。椰漿飯是用椰漿蒸煮成的,佐以咖喱雞、牛肉或者魷魚,還有黃瓜和辣椒醬放在清香撲鼻的香蕉葉片里,香辣可口。另外沙爹、爪哇面、牛尾湯、肉骨茶等也是不容錯過的當地美食。廣之旅推薦線路:精華純玩——春節沙巴文萊5天海島假期台灣特色:日月潭騎遇 新春至低碳台灣一年中最熱鬧的時候要屬春節,若想體會到當地最真實、正宗的民風民俗,當然要選擇在此期間旅遊,安排一下自己的假期,全家一起來到台灣,感受寶島濃郁的年味兒,體驗日月潭的騎行樂趣,過一個獨特的新年。新年全家一起來到台灣,地道濃郁的年味兒、別樣純樸的風情,獨特的寶島美景盡在眼前。在農曆新年鐘聲響起之前,搭乘台北101大樓的電梯到觀光平台,可以360度觀賞台北萬家燈火的燦爛景觀、滿天絢爛的新年煙花。除了煙花,花燈會也是台灣春節的重頭戲,並以農曆正月十五元宵節當晚最為熱鬧。入夜後,數十萬箭蜂炮齊發,十分璀璨奪目,炮聲震耳欲聾。看花燈、觀民俗之後,來台灣過春節的遊客還可以享受湖畔踩騎單車的樂趣。日月潭不僅是台灣最有感覺的自行車道,更享有全球十大最美自行車道美譽,很適合老少一起優游踩踏。冬季的日月潭,涼風吹送中常伴有冷雨,中部地區卻是溫暖少雨,是最舒爽的單車旅遊季。環日月潭辟設的自行車道全長約29公里,大概需要騎行3個小時,雖有部分路段利用現有環潭公路,卻也不乏風景優美的湖上路段,而且全線大多平坦,自行車道沿線並辟有賞景休憩區和湖畔公園,讓遊客得以享受緩行慢游樂趣。趁著天光微曦,沿著環潭公路,開始乘風暢游。湖濱的環潭線。初次騎行的遊客,可以選擇“月潭自行車道”,只有4公里,比較輕鬆。以向山遊客中心作為起點,到環潭一號隧道口,沿途生態、林木豐富且景致變化大,特別是可遠眺頭社盆地,以居高臨下的姿態,將如棋盤般羅列的田疇屋舍一覽無遺。小貼士美食:來台灣一定不能不逛夜市了:士林夜市、饒河街夜市、華西街夜市、臨江觀光夜市……數之不盡,裝滿了形形色色的美食小吃:天婦羅、蚵仔煎、清蒸油炸肉丸、珍珠奶茶……只有你想不到,沒有你吃不到。住宿:台灣的旅館分別為國際觀光旅館、觀光旅館及一般旅館,經合法登記的旅館,均會張貼合法旅館專用標章,遊客最好選擇此類旅館住宿,會較有保障。廣之旅推薦線路:侯侗貓村-阿里山-賞燈-日月潭騎遇6天澳洲特色:享天堂農場 新春至濃情在澳大利亞的東部沿海,有一處綿延42公里、由數十個美麗沙灘組成的度假勝地,這就是著名的昆士蘭黃金海岸。這裡除了景色宜人之外,還分佈著著�多富有趣味的親子主題樂園,比較有名的有華納電影世界、海洋世界及夢幻世界等。此外,一家人還可以到天堂農莊去體驗澳洲最原始的生活方式,欣賞當地人剪羊毛的表演。每逢冬季,很多遊客都會嚮往昆蘭士的黃金海岸,那陽光充裕的地方,海水不斷拍打著金色的沙灘,迷人的景致渾然天成。除了豐富的水上運動,黃金海岸周邊還有很多旅遊景點,遊客可在旅遊勝地的海洋世界內,觀賞海洋動物的新鮮經歷,也可玩味各種各樣刺激的游樂項目。而建于1991年的華納兄弟電影世界也是個獨到之處。該電影世界內有製作劇場,可放映名片供遊客觀賞。這裡是卡通電影迷必到之處,可以與受人喜愛的兔巴哥等卡通明星們拍照留念,還可以觀看特技表演以及電影主題的巡車游。另外,在離華納電影世界不遠的天堂農莊,父母還可以帶孩子們認識一些新鮮的動物朋友:袋鼠、考拉、豬、小馬、雜交羊、雞、鴨、鵝等。走入農莊,儼然融入進一幅田園農家嬉鬧圖中,騎馬牧牛表演、牧羊犬放羊表演和剪羊毛表演也競相上演,讓人大飽眼福。這裡的小綿羊性格溫馴,樣子可愛,極討人歡心,自然成為農莊的主角。當遊客指揮著牧羊犬,將羊群由山腳趕上山時,小綿羊不時露出一副驚慌失措的模樣,惹來驚呼陣陣,笑聲連場。趕羊後,遊客還可到農舍替羊媽媽給小羔羊喂奶,又或往剪羊毛表演場,經驗豐富的牧場工人會一邊表演一邊手把手地教遊人剪羊毛,發揮無限創意。小貼士美食:澳大利亞是啤酒消費大國,其中最暢銷的是維多利亞苦啤酒、佛斯特淡啤酒和卡而通金啤。三文魚、鮑魚、生蠔等各色海鮮自不必說,只有在澳大利亞才能吃到的袋鼠肉更是令人垂涎。住宿:澳大利亞居住一晚價格在50-200澳元之間,在悉尼也有類似于青年旅社的落腳地,價格較為便宜,約在30-60澳元之間。廣之旅推薦線路:澳洲“農”情體驗奇趣8天南方日報記者 蔡華鋒通訊員 鄺欣�圖/廣之旅供圖圖片說明:;;自存倉
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 08:37
【本報消息】澳洲國際酒店學院總裁傑拉爾德 · 里普曼教授日前訪問澳門城大國際旅遊與管理學院。受到副校長兼國際旅遊與管理學院院長梁文慧教授的熱烈歡迎。雙方就學生境外學習╱實習、教師交換,儲存在教學、研究、發展和顧問服務等方面的合作展開廣泛而深入的探討和交流。里普曼教授對國際旅遊與管理學院在過去短短兩年取得的成績表示印象深刻和表達熱烈的祝賀,並許諾將通過是次合作協議的簽署迷你倉致力推動澳洲國際酒店學院和學院的合作,城大國際旅遊與管理學院為澳洲國際酒店學院在澳門高校的唯一合作伙伴。瑞士酒店協會成立於一八八二年,它為世界各地的酒店管理教育確立了標準。一九九二年,瑞士酒店協會積極與澳洲政府合作,為創辦澳洲國際酒店學院作出了重要貢獻。而今,澳洲國際酒店學院不僅是歐洲以外的唯一一所瑞士酒店協會學校,而且是唯一一所頒發瑞士酒店協會認可的學士學位的學校。儲存倉
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 08:30
三星全球首發第一款105英寸曲面UHD電視。參觀者體驗聯想集團的產品。LG推出首款智能手環,迷你倉配備OLED顯示屏。晨報訊(記者 焦立坤)2014國際消費電子展(CES)昨日拉開帷幕,科技大腕們開始亮出最前沿的科技產品,其中智能穿戴設備扎堆出現。在各廠商展示的新玩意兒中,有大量可佩戴在手腕上的產品,尤其是手錶,甚至在展區中專門辟出“手腕變革區”。外設廠商Razer推出智能手環,功能一半是類似FitiBit的運動記錄,一半是智能手錶,FitiBit是去年火爆的運動計步器。Pebble公司推出升級的全金屬版智能手錶,Pebble號稱2013年最成功的智能手錶之一,但一直被吐槽做工太廉價。愛普生的智能手環也亮相了,特色是可以檢測脈搏跳動頻率。而老牌芯片巨頭英特爾也參戰,首次對外展示了系列可穿戴產品,包括帶有地理圍欄功能的智能手錶、具備生物識別和健身功能的智能耳塞等,還有智能無線充電碗,據說把所有需要充電的設備丟在碗里就能充電。另外索尼也有最新款的智能手環助陣。中興也展出旗下首款智能手錶BlueWatch。而華為則表示將於今年一季度推出可穿戴式設備。記者還注意到,本屆CES的另一個關鍵詞是大尺寸。三星電視全球首發第一款曲面UHD電視,105英寸超大尺寸。同時三星連發四款平板電腦,12.2英寸寬屏。不只是電視和平板電腦,手機也高唱大屏主旋律。華為帶來6.1self storage寸的4G版Ascend Mate2,中興發佈了5.5寸的Grand S II,支持聲紋解鎖,就是說用戶可用自己固定的一句話進行手機解鎖。■新聞鏈接智能穿戴概念股全線上漲晨報訊(記者 劉映花)1月7日至10日在美國舉行的消費電子展上,專門為智能穿戴產品辟出了“手腕變革區”。這股熱潮也燒到了A股市場。昨日,智能穿戴概念股全線大漲,其中,共達電聲(002655)漲停,九安醫療(002432)上漲5.89%。繼智能手機之後,可穿戴設備已經被不少科技公司視為具有巨大市場潛力的下一代科技產品。2012年4月,美國google公司發佈“google眼鏡”,這款產品集合打電話、發短信、拍照片等功能于一身。很快蘋果、索尼、微軟、三星、百度、盛大、映趣、小米、華為、聯想等企業,也都紛紛涉足這一市場。國內數字視頻技術公司雅圖近日宣佈今年上半年將推出自主研發的“google眼鏡”, 激發了資本市場的想象空間。全球知名金融機構瑞士信貸不久前發佈報告稱,未來兩到三年,穿戴設備的全球市場規模,將從現今的30余億美元迅速增長至500億美元。除了硬件設備的銷售,由於信息技術的引入,借助雲計算、移動互聯網與大數據相關應用,智能穿戴還將為服務商提供市場機會,如在運動健身領域提供對運動數據的分析,並針對性的給出健身鍛煉計劃;在醫療保健領域根據慢性病監測的數據給出診斷結果與用藥建議等。迷利倉
- Jan 08 Wed 2014 08:18
明月山 獲國家旅遊營銷創新大獎
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 10:14
中原部落賞梅步道 3月初步完工
仁愛鄉互助村中原部落梅園美景逐漸打出名號,迷你倉吸引眾多遊客前來賞梅,但賞梅路線周邊設施不足,引來不少抱怨。仁愛鄉公所回應,已向交通部觀光局申請「復興賞梅步道」工程經費,3月採梅季節部分設施將會完工。仁愛鄉互助村中原部落西伯地區、互助國小後山種植約2千多棵梅樹,梅花如雪飄落,上周假日吸引上萬遊客前來賞梅。但梅園多位於半山腰,進出依賴狹窄的產業道路,梅園附近又無規mini storage停車場,車潮瞬間爆發,許多車輛卡在半路上。王姓遊客指出,上周假日互助村舉辦大腳丫馬拉松賽,單日湧進1萬多人,但遊客卻找不到廁所、停車場,現場吵雜混亂,讓人失去賞梅的興致。仁愛鄉觀光產業課長洪鳳嬌說,梅園多為私有地,蓋廁所須地主同意,並申請雜項執照,程序趕不上今年賞梅;但鄉公所已向觀光局申請復興賞梅步道相關經費,工程已發包,預計產梅季節,環境將能得到顯著的改善。self storage
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 10:08
康泰增深度遊 濃縮10天行程
康泰高端深度客量近3年增5成,儲存公司今年乘勢推出多個長�旅行團,團費由1萬至4萬多元,上班族假期珍貴,行程遂濃縮至10天,請來旅遊達人項明生帶團。 本港今年旅遊印花稅收益勁升,反映港人喜歡外遊。旅遊產品各適其適,康泰董事總經理黃進達指,最近3年高端深度旅客量上升50%,去年更為顯著,更有年輕化趨勢,由2010年平均54歲降至去年46歲,當中不乏30餘歲參加者。項明生帶團 設計行程 黃續指,以往長�如拉丁美洲、非洲團,動輒長達20多日,故參加者多為退休人士。有見深度遊的市場需求日增,今年加強推出多款一至兩個國家的長�團,包括埃塞俄比亞及墨西哥、古巴及巴西等,並請來有「迷你倉遊達人」之稱的項明生帶團及設計行程,行程濃縮至10天左右,團費由1萬至4萬多元。 頭炮為埃塞俄比亞8/13日之旅,7月底出發,團費2萬多元,名額30至60個。項明生表示長�團多為20多天,「很多人發夢都想不到可以10天內旅遊拉丁美洲」。這類10天深度遊主攻白領,香港上班族達300多萬人,行程更易配合打工仔假期安排,商機大。 此外,黃進達預期今年旅遊趨勢繼續由「四大天王」日、韓、台、泰主導,新春團生意預期增長10%至15%。泰國雖遇政局不穩,但農曆年假期仍然開團,每日數個芭堤雅、華欣團,但不會到曼谷市區,1月陸續收到報名,團費按年跌兩成,料泰國�生意較去年同期下跌2至3成。儲存倉
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 09:59
Alipay apologizes for leak of personal info
By HE WEI in Shanghaihewei@chinadaily.存倉com.cnThe leak of information via the country’s largest third-party payment platform has sparked a public outcry over transaction security at a time when the Internet is soaring as a major shopping avenue.“The leaked data revealed only transaction information before 2010. They excluded sensitive information such as usernames or passwords, which were ciphered through a sophisticated method that is not available to anyone,” according to a statement by Alipay on Sunday.Alipay apologized for the leak, saying it has notified Chinese regulators and will keep the public informed about the investigation in a timely manner.Alipay accounts for 61 percent of the country’s third-party payment market, according to IT consultancy iResearch. Currently, about 200 banks and 400,000 e-commerce vendors or online units of brick-and-mortar stores accept Alipay as an online payment channel, according to company statistics.Earlier media reports said police have held a former employee of Alipay, who told police he downloaded 20 gigabytes of personal information in 2010 — including users’ names, cellphone numbers, e-mail addresses, home addresses and purchase records — and his accomplices sold the information to others. Industry insiders said the information was useful for some e-commerce websites who need to locate their potential customers.“I’m worried at the thought of a possible leak of my correspondence address, not to mention they might leak my transaction passwords,” said Wang Hongji, a 29-year-old insurance firm clerk who normally has mo儲存e than 10,000 yuan ($1,650) in his Alipay account.To engage in online transactions, customers are often required to provide personal information, making customers vulnerable to threats to privacy and information security, said Li Zhi, principal analyst at Beijing-based consultancy Analysis International.“The situation can even be exacerbated when a transaction involves multiple services where the payment is conducted between a customer and a primary service provider that outsource services to others,” she said.Organizations and individuals may file an accusation of unlawful or criminal acts of stealing personal electronic data and selling such data to others, said Ling Xiao, a law professor at a university in Sichuan province.“But whether the former Alipay employee will be given criminal sanctions depends on whether Alipay is interpreted as a financial institution, which the Criminal Law requires as a prerequisite to determine his crime,” said Ling.If so, Alipay will have to receive penalties for overlooking such a loophole, he added.The incident contrasted with a previous effort in June, initiated by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd with other Internet firms, to create a joint resource pool to prevent leaking of personal information and to stamp out other online exploitation. Alipay is the payment unit of Alibaba.In 2011, a massive data breach was reported on the China Software Developer Network, the country’s largest programming network hub.The incident caused the disclosure of 6 million usernames and passwords, raising widespread concerns about Internet security.迷你倉