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- Jan 13 Mon 2014 08:50
- Jan 13 Mon 2014 08:44
反對派今勢「封鎖曼谷」 素貼:人命寶貴 變內戰將棄抗爭
泰國局勢一觸即發!該國選委會主席頌猜日前圖以推遲大選緩和反對派不滿,迷你倉惟最終協調失敗,對方今日勢「封鎖曼谷」。反對派領袖素貼昨預言行動將取得成功,但若演變成內戰,他將放棄抗爭。 為迫使看守總理英祿下台,反對派今年初宣布,將於今日發起「封鎖曼谷」行動,佔領曼谷七個主要路口,以圖癱瘓交通。由於擔心行動會演變成暴力衝突,頌猜前日再次呼籲看守政府考慮將下月初舉行的大選,推遲至五月四日,冀能令反對派改變主意,取消行動。雙方拒讓步 協調失敗 不過政府堅持沒有合法途徑阻止大選,又指摘選委會沒有做足本份,確保參選人可順利報名參選;而反對派則斥押後大選的提議無意義,因為他們的唯一目標是令英祿及其政府辭職下台,為政治改革讓路。 「封鎖曼谷」行動如箭在弦,反對派領袖素貼昨日接受泰國《民族報》訪問時表示,相信行動終會取得勝利,只是不知道會用何種方式取勝。對於有人擔心行動會演變成內戰,他說:「如果演變成內戰,我將放棄抗爭,因為人民的性命十分寶貴。」35%泰人 料行動可改變政局 當地一項民意調查亦顯示,約35%人認為今次行動會為泰國政局帶來改變。調查機構上周訪問了一千三百四十四名居於曼谷及鄰近地區的市民,自存倉四成人期望集會盡快結束,只有不足一成人擔心會觸發衝突。 反對派示威者昨日起陸續前往曼谷,有民眾期望可成立人民議會,亦有人希望行動可以帶來改變,取締貪污。陸軍總司令巴育則呼籲各黨派克制,避免發生暴力事件;預料當局將派超過一萬四千名軍警,在市內維持秩序。 另外,逾千名支持政府的紅衫軍昨率先在曼谷附近發起遊行,表明反對「封鎖曼谷」行動。紅衫軍領袖提達稱,今日會在全國五十個府發動集會,抗衡反對派;但在曼谷的紅衫軍會脫下紅衫,避免與反對派人士正面衝突。泰國台商生意淡 旅遊業重災 泰國局勢持續不穩定,連續了兩個多月的示威,令不少當地台商的生意大受影響,首當其衝的是旅遊業。 泰國台灣商會聯合總會總會長張冠昌直言,原以為示威活動很快會結束,沒想到一拖再拖。而拖長的示威嚴重影響經濟,不少台商均抱怨生意受到影響,尤以旅遊業受到的衝擊最大。 泰而喜旅遊集團董事長陳玉姮,已在泰國發展27年,早已看慣大大小小的示威。她坦言,由於時值農曆春節旺季,今次損失尤其慘重,旅行社的定單至少被取消了三分之二,「這次旅遊業不知道要關幾多家(公司)。」泰國每隔一段時間就有示威,為了分散風險,她近年開始在澳門投資餐廳生意。迷你倉出租
- Jan 13 Mon 2014 08:38
也是台灣現存的五所龍山寺之一,據說,是先有了寺廟才漸漸形成了周邊的市集,如今已隱身在菜市場當中。寺院里香火繚繞,清幽淡雅,與寺外忙碌熱鬧的生活氣息與食物氣味,形成強烈的對比。從龍山寺後面的小巷走出去,沿著窄窄的斜坡拾級而上,來到另一古跡清水祖師廟。我對寺廟不是很感興趣,不過尋訪古廟往往可以找到老街的發源。祖師廟後面的清水街舊稱“米市仔街”,以前設有許多米店,商業繁榮,是淡水第一條專業商街。旁邊的重建街當時有九家店鋪,舊稱“九嵌街”,連接碼頭與山間聚落,更是淡水最早形成的一條交通要道。昔日的老街區沿著山勢延伸,起伏不平的山坡路上,已看不到老街痕跡,不遠處的河岸風光與對岸山色,如今也只能在高低錯落的樓宇間偶爾瞥見。一眼看盡的台灣歷史在淡水如果還能再住一天,到真理街一帶走走,又是另一番風情。淡水最著名的紅毛城與英國領事館,實在不須多加介紹。台灣一級古跡,1626年由西班牙人建造,歷經荷蘭佔領、清軍駐紮、英國政府租用,一眼看盡台灣歷史,初次到訪的遊客不容錯過。看過了古跡別急著離開,沿著斜坡往街道深處慢慢走上去,同一條街上的真理大學與淡江中學雖然沒有正式對外開放,參觀者其實也可以免費進入,稱得上是淡水隱藏得最好的秘密,或者——不能說的秘密。是的,台灣歌星周傑倫主演的《不能說的秘密》,主要場景都在這一帶拍攝。真理大學里的牛津學堂、姑娘樓、牧師樓都是西洋風味的歷史古跡,隔壁的淡江中學就是周傑倫的母校,電影中的很多場景都可在此找到。1871年,加拿大傳教士馬偕到台灣傳教,1880年創建了台灣北部第一所西醫院,1882年又創立了神學院“理學堂大書院”,也就是後來的牛津學堂,真理大學的前身。馬偕于1901年逝世,淡江中學是在1914年由長子偕叡廉創辦。真理街與馬偕儲存倉很深的淵源,淡水規劃了一條旅遊路線“馬偕之路”,引導遊客沿著馬偕的上岸地點一路尋訪相關的歷史古跡與建築。不過,對於一般遊客來說,周傑倫的名氣也許更加響亮,也更具吸引力。回到淡江中學,古意盎然的校園里原本就散發著濃濃的學院氣氛,再加上有了電影的加持,造型獨特的八角樓、男女主角多次相遇的拱廊、球場,連同現實生活中青春煥發的莘莘學子,處處吸引著遊人停下腳步、照相留念,仿佛一不小心也要穿越時空,掉入電影場景,回到多年以前。>如何出游?——到淡水深度旅遊,半天肯定不夠。建議可以當作台北以外的一個小旅行,到淡水過個三天兩夜,才能夠充分走遍淡水的人文古跡與特色店家,甚至還可以多住幾天,由此為基地遊覽對岸的八里,或搭乘從淡水捷運站出發的“台灣好行”,遊覽北海岸的朱銘美術館、金山、野柳等等。——酒店住宿推薦:1. 淡水亞太飯店:地點很好,就在捷運站旁邊運動公園對面,步行5分鐘左右,交通方便卻又不至於太過嘈雜。酒店經常推出不同的住宿配套,如附送淡水至八里船票、三小時腳車租用、淡水魚酥、超值套餐等等。網站:.aphotel.com.tw2. 承憶文旅淡水吹風:剛在去年底開張,設計時尚新穎而充滿趣味感。地點較偏遠,但勝在環境清幽舒適。酒店設計採用淡水主題,客房里展示淡水攝影作品,並以“馬偕博士的時光記旅”主題貫穿每一樓層。最有趣的是,酒店門口有一個夢獸郵筒,住客離開前可以寫下自己此時此刻的旅遊心情投入郵筒,酒店會在一年後把明信片寄回給你。網站:.hotelday.com.tw——“淡水方便玩”(FUN at Tamsui)旅遊導覽應用程序,提供好玩又實用的資訊,包括推薦景點、美食、特色店家、住宿情報、交通資訊等,搭配地圖定位,也提供部分離線功能,讓你輕鬆游淡水。有中英文版本,可在google play或蘋果商店免費下載。迷你倉最平
- Jan 13 Mon 2014 08:30
楊凱生表示 互聯網金融需要良好的監管文化和創新文化
□本報記者 任曉中國工商銀行前行長楊凱生在第十八屆中國資本市場論壇上表示,迷你倉互聯網金融要實現可持續發展,就必須有良好的監管文化和創新文化,形成真正恪守“法規至上”原則的市場環境。美國互聯網金融沒有“野蠻生長”楊凱生表示,隨著雲計算、大數據、物聯網、搜索引擎、定位功能等科技手段的不斷進步,憑借社交網絡、電商平台等積累的用戶基礎及其交易數據,互聯網企業可以較高效地瞭解用戶在金融服務方面的需求和偏好,從而有可能滿足消費者和客戶獲得更加便利的金融服務願望。因此,互聯網金融如果能健康發展,相信它可以帶給客戶更加豐富的產品和更好的客戶體驗,但並不意味著互聯網金融就真的要徹底顛覆現有的金融體系。楊凱生說,全球第一家純網絡銀行——安全第一網絡銀行SFNB (Security First Network Bank),曾創造過沒有實體網點、無櫃台、全天候交易的歷史。但它早在這一輪金融危機之前,就因巨額虧損被加拿大皇家銀行金融集團收購;美國以網絡經營為主的券商E-trade,業務規模最近幾年一直在收縮,雖然已經經營20多年,但市場份額始終難以與老牌券商匹敵;美國頗有影響力的第三方支付先行者Paypal,早在1999年就已通過網絡平台銷售貨幣基金。它的業務模式與我國現在的許多“寶”十分類似。在經營12年後,Paypal最終決定將基金清盤,大量類似的貨幣基金也逐漸在美國市場上消失;美國有一家互聯網保險公司叫INSWEB,成立初期曾取得過較快發展,但也一直形不成規模優勢,兩年多前也被收購。楊凱生表示,美國現在還有一些涉足金融業的互聯網企業,它們既沒有消失,也沒有“野蠻生長”。美國一些互聯網企業通過與傳統金融機構的合作,幫助、潤滑金融機構為消費者更好地提供服務。他表示,之所以出現這種格局,是因為美國的金融競爭已比較self storage分,金融已經成熟地滲透到各個細分的市場領域,並沒有留太多的金融產品研發機會給新的非金融機構。加之互聯網金融的弱點是在提供高附加值和大金額金融服務方面實踐性較差。此外,成熟的市場、充分的競爭、清晰的規則,在發育比較充分的金融市場上要想頃刻間實現暴富獲取暴利已經十分困難,在沒有探索到好的盈利模式前提下,非金融機構一般並不會貿然從事。支持創新不應放任違規行為楊凱生稱,目前我國互聯網金融不僅勢頭火爆,而且不少人似乎更願意把互聯網金融與傳統金融對立起來,以為現有的銀行和其它金融機構就是落後保守的代表,而互聯網企業則是“金融創新”的代表,有人甚至相信或者希望它能顛覆現有的金融體系。但楊凱生認為,我國互聯網金融要實現健康發展,還需要解決不少問題。楊凱生表示,互聯網的平台優勢確實十分巨大,銀行和金融機構需要認真研究。但需要注意的是,互聯網金融的本質仍然是金融,而金融業的核心則是風險管理,有效的監管是互聯網金融健康發展的重要基礎。我國互聯網金融前一階段的飛速發展,在很大程度上“得益于”在監管方面的“法外治權”,這可能是效率的一種體現,但更是風險的隱患。創新不意味著可以不守法規、不守契約,支持創新不等於可以放任縱容違規行為。楊凱生認為,應該引入負面清單原則,將互聯網金融不能從事的活動明確列示。這樣既有利於形成“法無禁止便可行”的創新環境,也能明確哪裡是不能觸碰的禁區。法規不合理就應該通過法定程序和規則進行修改或宣佈廢止,但對於有效法規,任何人和機構都不應該違反,要形成一種合規文化。他指出,目前的問題是,一些所謂的互聯網金融的做法明明不符合法規要求,但卻沒有得到制止,更沒有受到處罰。長此以往,難免會產生“破窗效應”,誘使乃至倒逼合法合規者仿效,進而破壞整個法制環境,最終妨礙到市場在資源配置中發揮決定性作用。迷利倉
- Jan 13 Mon 2014 08:24
百度手機衛士清理壞軟件 幫用戶省流量
你是否遇到過手機夜間偷跑流量,mini storage損失慘重的經歷?在智能手機帶來便利的同時,一些手機病毒也帶來了安全隱患,如何查殺吸費軟件,保護用戶財產安全成為最受關注的問題。昨日記者獲悉,百度手機衛士發佈最新4.1版本,推出4種“獨門武器”,讓手機中偷跑流量的“壞軟件”無處容身。四大“獨門武器”保障用戶資金安全據悉,此次百度手機衛士新版本集成了每日流量播報、夜間防偷跑、惡意流量監控、偷跑應用排行四大“獨門武器”,幫用戶全方位解決軟件流量偷跑問題,做到“防吸費省流量”。據介紹,要做到及時發現流量偷跑應用,需要隨時掌握應用的流量情況。對此,百度手機衛士新增了每日流量播報功能,用戶可以自主選擇開�,並設置每天、每月的流量限額,實時瞭解手機流量消耗情況。而針對手機鎖屏狀態下、夜晚時段軟件偷跑流量,後台惡意偷跑流量等情況,百度手機衛士的夜間防偷功能和惡意流量監控功能可以雙管齊下,及時發現並智能控制儲存量消耗。而一旦惡意軟件偷跑流量過大,百度上手機衛士可以智能斷網。用戶還可自主設置夜間防流量監測時段和流量管控的限額,對於可信賴的手機軟件,也可以設置信任名單,取消該軟件的監測。用戶也可根據習慣,自主設置流量提示頻率。此外,百度手機衛士的偷跑應用排行榜,更直觀地曝光偷跑流量應用,讓用戶明明白白消費。進入4G時代百度衛士為用戶護航百度移動安全總經理張磊指出,隨著移動互聯網進入4G時代,移動應用軟件將依然呈現爆炸性增長態勢,吸費應用、偷跑流量應用等“壞軟件”也進入高峰,已經成為用戶手機安全的一大威脅。而在百度手機衛士的保護下,偷跑流量這類壞軟件將無所遁形。據瞭解,目前百度手機衛士每日清理的“壞軟件”超過了120萬,而多種省流量舉措更是幫助用戶節省流量達30%以上。張磊表示,百度手機衛士在2014年的目標是平均每天卸載1000萬個“壞軟件”,讓手機用戶用得更快更安心。本報記者 王鑫迷你倉
- Jan 13 Mon 2014 08:17
收電召費不加價是主因 普通軟件現金獎勵培育市場北京首批冠名96106的4款“官方”打車軟件正式上線剛4個多月,mini storage就基本“夭折”——由於不能加價召車,導致司機全部轉投“快的”和“嘀嘀”的懷抱,因為這兩家打車軟件背後有互聯網“巨頭”撐腰,投入巨資獎勵司機搶單,而且從最初的獎勵電話費和油費,到現在直接將錢轉入銀行卡。電召費不敵加價獎勵2013年8月20日,北京市交通委發佈了首批4款“官方”手機打車軟件,分別是“冠名”了96106之後的易達打車、移步叫車、搖搖招車和嘀嘀打車。然而近日北京晨報記者發現一個奇怪的現象,通過“冠名”96106的嘀嘀軟件叫車數次,基本無人應答,而轉用普通版的嘀嘀,卻很快打上了車。為了解開心中疑惑,記者專門去採訪了一些司機。“我們現在都沒人接96106的活兒。”新月出租車公司張師傅說,“官方”軟件不允許加價是導致司機“變節”的主要原因,司機們現在只用兩款軟件搶活,分別是“快的”和“嘀嘀”,這兩款打車軟件背後有阿里巴巴和騰訊的巨資注入,用來專門獎勵司機“搶單”。據張師傅介紹,最早交通委在推出“官方”打車軟件時,要求軟件經營公司取消“加價”行為,而是按照規定收取乘客定額的電召費,也就是即時召車5元,提前4小時召車6元。但在拉活兒時,系統卻不允許司機收取乘客車費之外的任何費用。“車價多少錢乘客就給多少。”而“快的”和“嘀嘀”系統上的活兒,如果發兩遍沒有司機應答,就開始“加價”獎勵了,“最低5元,最高100元。”最主要的是,這筆“加價”的錢不用乘客出,因此規避了交通委要求不能“加價”的規定。司機為搶活升級手機北京晨報記者在採訪中發現,現在司機車內的“標配”,都是一個支架將手機架在車窗前方便搶活,手機連著點煙器一直充著電。首汽司機王師傅介紹,現在他車上的96106客戶端一天出不了幾個活,這是因為96106現在還在用著“原始”的人工錄入,即電話叫車預約由人工調派,“如果叫活兒的量上來了,人力不能所及。”而“快的”和“嘀self storage”都是乘客語音輸入,生成定單後自動進入系統,所以這兩個軟件首先贏在了定單量上。另一個原因就是喊兩遍無人應答系統開始獎勵搶單。為了搶單方便,司機都紛紛換了三四千元的智能手機。“俗話說,彈弓幹不過三八大蓋,我也準備將手機換了。”王師傅說,有一次他做了一個試驗,讓他車上的乘客用三星手機預約叫車,結果客人的定單都有司機應答了,他的低端手機上才顯示有活兒來了。“我準備換成蘋果。”另外,系統的獎勵方式也“步步升級”,王師傅說,最早獎勵的錢只能充電話費,他曾經一個月攢了近三千元電話費都用不完,後來獎勵又可以充油卡,現在獎勵直接是可以導入銀行卡或是支付寶的現金,“我現在餘額寶上都充了600塊錢了。”開車搶單成安全隱患“嘀嘀”和“快的”兩款軟件背後有互聯網巨頭撐腰,投入數以億計,“燒錢”培育市場。除了獎勵司機搶單外,對乘客也有“打車返錢”的活動。此前,“快的”打車剛剛宣佈在北京投資一億元補貼乘客,乘客打車用支付寶也有獎勵;剛剛從騰訊等處融資了一億美元的“嘀嘀”也開展了針對乘客的打車抽獎活動,乘客使用“嘀嘀”打一次車就可獲得一次抽獎機會,禮品包括充電寶、彩票甚至豪華游輪雙人游。從1月10日開始,“嘀嘀”還向每一筆用微信支付車費的訂單發放補貼——給司機補貼10元、給乘客返還10元。“有意思的是,高德地圖和百度地圖也加入進來了,現在這個行業越來越熱鬧了。”首汽司機王師傅說。據瞭解,高德地圖推出“越打越有錢”活動,凡是首次通過高德地圖打車的乘客,一律返話費15元,打車3次以上送30元話費,打車7次再送70元,合計送100元,接入的是“嘀嘀”和“快的”的打車服務。新版的百度地圖也增加了在線打車服務,接入的是“嘀嘀”的在線打車應用。不過,王師傅也表示,這種獎勵讓很多司機“不分場合”都在搶單,“比如正在開車的途中。”有一次王師傅就親眼看到一個司機在機場高速途中撞進了中間的隔離帶。“事後瞭解,這個司機當時就是為了搶單,結果讓車子失去了控制。”晨報記者 陳琳迷你倉
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 19:20
Fire engines stymied by narrow streets as ancient town razed
A FIRE that raged for nearly 10 hours yesterday razed an ancient town in southwest China's Yunnan Province that's popular with tourists, burning down hundreds of buildings as fire engines were unable to get onto the narrow streets.儲存There were no immediate reports of casualties, and the cause was unclear. Xinhua news agency said the blaze started in a guesthouse and was ruled accidental.The fire broke out at 1:37am in the Tibetan quarter of Dukezong, which dates back 1,300 years and is known for its cobbled streets, ancient structures and Tibetan culture. Dukezong means a "town of the moon" in Tibetan.It is part of scenic Shangri-La County in Deqen prefecture. Once called Gyaitang Zong, the county in 2001 renamed itself Shangri-La, hoping to attract tourists through the association with the mythical Himalayan land of James Hilton's 1933 novel.Shangri-La renovated its old neighborhood, Dukezong, turning it into a tourist迷你倉attraction. But photographs and video footage from yesterday showed Dukezong engulfed in flames turning the night sky red.The fire destroyed about 240 houses and shops and many historic artifacts, forcing some 2,600 people to flee their homes, Xinhua reported.Resident He Yu said she awoke to loud, explosion-like sounds to find the old town on fire."The fire was huge," she said. "The wind was blowing hard, and the air was dry. Firefighters were there, but there was little they could do because they could not get their fire engines into the old town's narrow streets."Locals used buckets of water to fight the flames, the Deqen prefecture government said.Most of the buildings were made of wood and the fire spread easily because of dry weather, China Central Television said.More than 2,000 firefighters, soldiers, police, local officials and volunteers brought the blaze under control around 11am, the county government said.儲存倉
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 19:07
Red Lake ice fishing: On the move for walleye
Source: Pioneer Press, St.自存倉 Paul, Minn.Jan. 11--ON UPPER RED LAKE -- We're four miles from shore, past the last cluster of ice houses, at the end of the ice road, approaching a pressure ridge.But it's not the end of the line for Brad Hawthorne, who's piloting his "Otter Train." The freight cars are three portable ice shelters, and the locomotive is his Polaris 4-wheeler that has tracks instead of wheels."Just out there, there should be some dirty water from this pressure ridge," he says over the drone of the motor, not yet squinting into the approaching sunrise. "And we'll be away from all the activity."The machine surmounts the snowdrifts with ease, and soon we're there: on the edge of a pressure ridge, 100 yards or so away from the nearest sign of human activity.And, as we'll soon confirm, we're sitting above a pile of walleye.The lack of features atop this frozen expanse is matched only by the lack of features below the ice.Upper Red Lake's bottom is primarily a basin, where depth changes of a single foot are noteworthy elements of "structure."Topside, the only landmarks are groups of ice fishing houses, cul-de-sacs planted off the ice roads that, if not kept plowed amid this year's snow, would surely leave even 4x4 owners marooned. The more you look, the more you see. Perhaps 1,000 houses on this weekend.And so it is below the ice, where the real landmarks are clusters -- enormous schools sometimes -- of walleye.The only question is whether the fish will be beneath the houses.The fish, of course, are highly mobile; the houses, much less so.And therein lies the dilemma of fishing Upper Red Lake, which today stands second-to-none among Minnesota's premier walleye factories.Anglers who are wise, determined and able thus move when the fish aren't beneath them."Stay away from people," Jerome Smischney, who runs Alpine Fish House Sleeper Rentals out of JR's resort, had advised me the evening before. A few days before, he had moved all his houses in advance of the weekend crowds.Along with his wife, Diane, Smischney owns Royal Shooks Motel and its affiliated bait shop and garage, the only businesses in the town of Shooks, Minn. Such nobility decades ago earned him the moniker "The Baron of Shooks" from columnist Jim Klobuchar, who, like me and countless other Twin Citians, have laid our heads in the motel and bent the ear of its proprietor.You have to figure that Smischney, 64 and a lifelong resident, knows a thing or two about the lake."I still don't know any of its secrets," he said. "The only thing I do know is stay away from people. If you keep pounding the same area over and over, your chance of being successful is probably a lot less. You gotta be within 6 inches of the bottom, too."On Upper Red, "success" isn't defined as a 10-fish day. Double that and you're in the neighborhood, yet some will shrug at such numbers. A foursome on the lake for a long weekend might scowl at anything shy of 50 fish, or more. So success is in the eye of the beholder.One thing that's not in dispute is that the fish are healthy: yellow and thick. It's easy to find eaters -- all fish 20 to 26 inches must be released -- and it's common to have a few drag-peelers in the slot test your tackle.Recall that 48,000 acres of the eastern portion of Upper Red Lake is open to nontribal members. The remaining 60 percent of Upper Red -- 72,000 acres -- is within the jurisdiction of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians. As is the entirety of Lower Red Lake, which is connected. The combined waters, aka Red Lake, cover 273,280 acres roughly between Bemidji and Baudette. It's often listed as the 16th-largest lake in the United States.Recall that in the 1990s, despite all that acreage and all those walleye, the fish population collapsed from overfishing and poaching.Recall that a massive recovery effort succeeded, and in 2006 the lake was reopened.Recall that it's become no secret that from first safe ice in December through New Year's Day, the fish are generally close to shore, and the bite is outstanding.As always happens when I write about Upper Red this time of year, many out there will recall the accepted "fact" that the bite slows tremendously once January arrives. You're a month late, they'll say. Perhaps.Such declarations had already begun by the first weekend of January. "Last week's cold weather 迷你倉出租lowed it down a lot," grumbled one member of a foursome heading into Rogers Campground and RV Park. They caught their limits, they said, but fell short of the 50-plus days from earlier in the year.Did they move? "Moved the wheelhouse once," the guy said.Another group echoed what appears to be the widely accepted book on the Red bite this year: It's been good, but not as good as last year.One threesome -- Kyle Sacia of Onalaska, Wis., and Zach Warweg and his grown son Dave of Palisade, Minn., estimated they landed 100 fish between Tuesday, Dec. 31, and Saturday, Jan. 4. Last year, they beat that catch rate. Did they move? Several times."I never fish the same spot twice," said Zach Warweg, the senior member of the troupe. "I fish around the spots. I fish areas. That's Red Lake."For Hawthorne, that's the style of fishing he enjoys. From what I saw on our morning together, moving his trio of Otter Trains for clients of PortAvilla ice house rentals, I wouldn't go so far as to call it true "running and gunning." But if you're not on fish, you move. And you stay away from people."We fish zones here, not spots," said Hawthorne, a Mille Lacs guide who relocates to a trailer from December through February to guide here full time. (Yes, he says, the bite continues all winter.) "This lake, the ways these fish are, it suits my style of fishing perfectly." There are a few notable pieces of traditional structure on the lake -- Center Bar always draws a village -- but Hawthorne said he eschews such thinking -- at least if there's much activity there. "We're fishing shallow waters -- often 10 feet or less -- the fish scatter from all that activity if the roads are seeing a lot of activity."You can see the idea catching on. I witnessed several wheelhouse owners hoofing it on foot away from their confines, a short hike into the wind-crusted snow, to set up portables.There is, of course, an opposing philosophy on Upper Red: The fish will move, but they'll move in and they'll move out. And back in. Thus, this logic follows, you might as well be in the cozy comforts of a hard-sided house than bouncing around in portable shelters.To retort that is Chris Freudenberg, owner of PortAvilla. He was sold on frequent moving back when he first fished here from 2002 to 2004. Those were the years when the walleye were gone but monster crappies propped up the fishery, and moving was key. Since PortAvilla set up here in 2005 in advance of the walleye reopening, he's kept track of fishing success for his houses.A clear relationship has developed, he said, between the hard houses and Hawthorne's explorations: Hawthorne fishes low-activity areas, moving his wet-ups until he feels he's got a bead on their locations. (Hawthorne describes "triangulating" "big pods" of walleyes.) A few days later, they move the houses to those spots.Moving the houses always improves the bite, he said, but never -- never -- as good as before the plow trucks cleared the way."People in Brad's shelters consistently catch 50 percent more fish than the hard houses," said Freudenberg, who lives in Forest Lake during the rest of the year.Obviously, this is coming from a guy with a vested interest in this system.All I can say is on a recent morning in January, as the sun peeked above a thin ribbon of conifers on a distant shore, I dropped a spoon tipped with a fathead down one of Hawthorne's holes, and quickly lost count of how many walleye I hooked. It was enough action that when a hook broke on my treble, I figured I'd stick with it. One hook held the bait, so one more hook remained exposed.It should surprise no one that, yes, my percentage of fish hooked-vs.-landed plummeted to around 50 percent. As the sun rose and passed its azimuth, the action slowed, but never stopped. I figure I hooked around two dozen walleye, many on the upper limits of the keeper slot, as well as a pair of hefty yellow perch, one of which was the size of my foot.I left, ahead of the arctic deep freeze, with a bucket of fillets and an unanswered question of when I might see such action again.I call that success.Dave Orrick can be reached at 651-228-5512. Follow him at twitter.com/OutdoorsNow.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) Visit the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) at .twincities.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 18:58
2014年新春旅遊,儲存彰化縣長卓伯源說,擁有豐富人文古蹟和自然美景的彰化縣是不容錯過的旅遊地點,縣府新春也安排多樣的活動,歡迎各地鄉親到彰化「走春」,欣賞美景又能品嘗小吃美食。大年初一 大佛前祈福贈福袋彰化最具代表性的地標八卦山大佛,因為居高臨下,可以鳥瞰整個彰化市,附近有銀橋飛瀑、文學步道、不老泉、1895八卦山抗日保台史蹟館及孔廟等古蹟,彰化火車站的扇形車庫,有令人懷舊的蒸汽火車。彰化縣政府大年初一於大佛前廣場舉辦「新春齋天叩鐘儀式暨叩鐘祈福活動」,透過敲擊108響的祈福鐘、點燈祈福法會贈送限量福袋,在新的一年祈佑國家風調雨順、民眾能夠事業順利。文化古鎮 走訪三星級景點「一府、二鹿、三艋舺」,道盡鹿港往日繁華,也留下豐富的文化及古蹟和民俗技藝。其中新春行香祈福求福袋,透露當地民俗風情淳樸與新年新希望之風俗。文化古鎮有米其林「台灣旅遊綠色指南」三星級之景點、精湛的傳統工藝,特色風味小吃,多元化的伴手禮,文創產業博物館及觀光工廠,很值得一日遊。騎協力車 漫遊田尾公路花園田尾鄉是國內最重要的花卉產地之一,整個田尾鄉就像是色彩繽紛的大迷你倉園,騎上協力車漫遊花海,是親子共遊的最佳方式。新春期間,可以看到花團錦簇、五彩斑斕的花藝盆栽,夜間電照菊的燈海奇觀,絕對會讓人神清氣爽。田尾公路花園為全台花卉樹木盆栽最大集散地,在這裡不只可以賞花、買花,還提供遊客體玩花卉DIY,店家則是結合花卉推出花草餐、飲料、簡餐到甜點應有盡有,深受大人小孩喜愛。新春期間,彰化縣政府在溪州公園、田尾公路花園、北斗鎮中山路美食區舉辦「2014花在彰化系列活動」,除保有傳統的賞花樂,還結合地方產業,誠摰邀請您新春期間到彰化來一趟知性之旅,覽盡明媚風光,大啖美食,保證讓您玩得開心。▇ 2014花在彰化系列活動時間:103年1月31日(初一)至103年2月9日(初十)。地點:溪州公園、田尾公路花園、中興穀堡、萬景藝苑、北斗中山路美食區。內容:花毯地景、花海景觀、花藝達人、農業文化展、花車遊行。▇ 2014新春齋天叩鐘儀式暨叩鐘祈福活動時間:103年1月31日(初一)。地點:八卦山大佛風景區。內容:新春祈福點燈活動。▇ 彰化縣食宿遊購優惠店家請上彰化縣旅遊資訊網查詢tourism.chcg.gov.tw儲存倉
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 18:49
今年必遊52地台第11 《紐時》精選力薦 蘭嶼潛水天堂
【尤金妮、李姿慧╱綜合外導】繼日前英國《衛報》將台灣列為2014年推薦的旅遊地點後,self storage美國《紐約時報》昨也將我列入今年52個必去地點之一,排名第11。《紐時》稱如果想要都市行程與戶外活動一次一網打盡,緊湊程度還在合理範圍內,可考慮到台灣一遊。 台北設計之都 報導描述台北的公共運輸網便捷,且榮獲2016年世界設計之都,有誠品書店可逛;東方文華酒店預定4月開幕,將加入現有的寒舍艾美酒店和W Hotel等高檔酒店陣容。台北河岸的17條單車道,讓人輕鬆飽覽台北風光,報導還推薦美味的街頭小吃。 《紐時》指搭乘高鐵及巴士只要4小時,就能從台北到達墾丁。墾丁國家公園擁有濕地、白色沙灘和漁村等美景,從今年起還能乘渡輪前往海釣與潛水天堂蘭嶼。另也推薦基隆八斗子新開幕的國立海洋科技博物館,附近6條步道可探索八斗子半島的陡岩峭壁。迷利倉灣觀光協會會長賴瑟珍昨說,以前歐美人士不知台灣在哪,近10年來,我努力重塑觀光形象,在美國鎖定高收入族群行銷,打進主流社會。觀光局統計去年1至11月美洲來台旅客約45萬人次、歐洲約20萬人次。賴瑟珍分析,第11名固然開心,但還有努力空間。 美食打入國際 觀光局副局長劉喜臨說,旅美時裝設計師吳季剛、棒球選手王建民和籃球選手林書豪,也增加台灣曝光率,另鼎泰豐、珍珠奶茶等美食打入歐美,都讓台灣成為觀光選項。 《紐約時報》2014必遊部分排名 1.南非 開普敦 2.紐西蘭 基督城 3.美國 加州北海岸 11.台灣 蘭嶼潛水 18.日本 沖繩石垣島 20.印尼 日惹 24.梵蒂岡 26.印度 清奈 28.泰國 喀比 32.中國 雲南西雙版納傣族自治州 36.希臘 雅典 資料來源:《紐約時報》迷你倉
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 18:38
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 18:26
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 18:20
曼谷明「封城」45國發旅警 兩度槍戰傷7人 英祿憂「第三方」點燃暴力
【本報訊】綜合路透社、《曼谷郵報》11日消息:泰國反對派將在13日對曼谷採取「封城」行動,mini storage泰國局勢逐漸升溫。曼谷11日凌晨至清晨時分有槍手在曼谷的示威者集會現場兩次開槍,造成7人受傷,其中1人傷勢嚴重,但軍方稱不會政變。英祿雖稱當局有能力在「封城」期間控制局勢,但也表示擔憂有「第三方」乘機點燃暴力。目前已有45個國家向泰國發出特別旅遊警示。香港特區政府提醒市民,泰國曼谷的紅色外遊警示仍然生效,泰國其他地方的外遊警示級別維持黃色。泰國皇家警察發言人他翁西里說,11日第一起攻擊發生在凌晨2點30分,造成2人受傷;數小時後發生第二起攻擊事件,有5名示威者受傷。監察曼谷各家醫院的愛侶灣緊急救助中心說,其中1名受傷示威者的情況仍然危殆。泰國國家警察局長阿敦說: 「11日凌晨時分,考山路遊客區附近1個交匯處兩度爆發槍戰。總共有7個人受傷,大部分傷者是反政府示威者。我們仍在調查槍手是誰。」在11日慶祝泰國兒童節的活動中,泰國陸軍司令巴育說,他擔心暴力事件會在下周升級。巴育說: 「我擔心保安,因為到時會有很多人。暴力事件正在增加……」巴育呼籲大家換個角度嘗試理解敵對方為什麼要這麼做,並希望大家不要訴諸武力。據悉,泰國警方已部署超過2萬警力,並與軍方聯手,從周五晚向37個關鍵據點部署軍警守護,包括政府大樓、曼谷國際機場、多家電視台總部、水利部門和供電部門。電視台出現軍隊的消息曾一度引起恐慌,不過巴育強烈否認軍隊將發動政變。但據當地媒體報道,很多泰國人還是相信軍方不久就會介入,打破政治僵局。特別是如果13日封城開始後出現暴力事件,這種可能性就更大。示威者擬癱瘓曼谷一個self storage抗議團體雖強調,13日的曼谷封城行動,不會像2008年黃衫軍一樣封鎖機場,也不會干預大眾運輸系統。但是發起封鎖曼谷行動的反對派領袖素貼聲言,假如看守總理英祿不辭職,示威者或會癱瘓曼谷長達一個月。他們準備佔領20個主要據點,包圍英祿及主要部長官員的辦公室,再次截水截電,務求令政府停擺。據指出,抗議團體預計封鎖曼谷市中心7大路段,包括政府聯合辦公大樓、叻拋(Ladprao)、侖披尼公園、天鐵(BTS)的暹羅(Siam)、奇隆(Chitlom)、勝利紀念碑及亞速(Asok)等站附近。抗議領袖宣稱將長期封鎖曼谷,美國駐泰大使館開始警惕,11日建議美僑民囤積2周的糧食和水,但泰國外交部長蘇拉朋卻說,這是杞人憂天。蘇拉朋說: 「也許他們擔心太多了……人們會繼續過平常的生活。不用害怕即將發生的事情,因為我們會試圖控制情勢。」潘基文籲各方克制英祿周五則表示,當局有能力在「封城」期間控制局勢,但憂心有「第三方」團體乘機點燃暴力。英祿強調大選將於2月2日如期舉行,但泰國選舉委員會11日卻建議看守政府推遲大選,擔心會引發新一輪衝突。聯合國秘書長潘基文11日呼籲各方保持克制,避免局勢惡化。潘基文說他在過去3天內分別跟英祿和泰國民主黨黨魁、前總理阿披實通電話,希望協助他們解決分歧。他非常關切泰國局勢未來數日可能升級,特別是13日的「封鎖曼谷」行動。據統計,現時已有45個國家向泰國發出特別旅遊警示,建議前往泰國的民眾注意安全。阿聯酋建議所有公民推遲訪問泰國,科威特要求在泰公民離開,阿曼則建議繞開曼谷。泰國外交部表示,此舉將衝擊泰國的醫療旅遊業,現時適逢中東民眾前往泰國醫院做體檢。迷你倉
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 18:11
York County Penn State fans hope for long James Franklin era
Source: York Daily Record, Pa.迷你倉旺角Jan. 12--For Penn State football fans, going through a head coaching search for the second time in 27 months is an unusual position to be in, at least by Nittany Lion standards.So as York County fans welcomed Saturday's news that Penn State hired James Franklin as its 16th head football coach, local reaction hung on the question of how long Franklin will stay in State College.Here's what some local residents had to say.----Raymond Smith, a 1983 Penn State graduate, said he wants to see Franklin continue the work that Bill O'Brien started.But he hopes Franklin is different in one very key way."I'd hate for him to be another 2-years-and out," said Smith, of Stewartstown. "I'd like to see him stay at least 10 years."Smith said he was disappointed when O'Brien left after only two years."He preached loyalty to all his players, and (coaching at Penn State) ended up being a stepping stone for him," Smith said.Franklin is going to improve the game at Penn State, Smith predicted."I think it will bring us back up to Ohio State level," he said.----Bryan Fink of York watched the Penn State news conference Saturday afternoon.Fink, a lifelong Penn State fan, said Franklin expressed his dedication during his introduction. That was good to hear, Fink said."The first thing he said ... he told the people how dedicated he was in the past," Fink said. "I think his past record speaks for what he's telling people."Vanderbilt won 16 of its last 20 games under Franklin, and he led the Commodores to three straight bowl games.If nothing else, the $4 million a year Penn State will pay Franklin should keep him around, Fink said."I think I could live off of that," Fink said,mini storagethen laughed.----Mike Mummert of Spring Garden Township said people who are cynical about how long Franklin will stay at Penn State need to consider the times."You're not gonna have people staying on for 20 years like Joe Paterno and (longtime Florida State coach) Bobby Bowden," Mummert said. "I think this is a sign of the times."Mummert said Franklin seems "energetic, he's young" and will do a good job at Penn State."The biggest thing is gonna be if the recruits are gonna stay," Mummert said.----Tyler Klinefelter of Red Lion said he's been a Penn State fan since he was a little boy.He gets out to a couple games every year, and he's looking forward to seeing the team under Franklin's leadership next season."I like it, I think it's a good choice," Klinefelter said of Penn State's choice to hire Franklin. "He's a Pennsylvania guy."Klinefelter said people need to "give him a couple years" and let him do some recruiting, and the program will be stronger.As for any doubt about Franklin's longevity at Penn State?"I don't think that's gonna be an issue from him," Klinefelter said. "He said this is his dream job."Klinefelter's uncle Keith Groves, also of Red Lion, said people can say and think what they want about Franklin, but only time will tell."This is one of those situations when you have to have faith," Groves said.Groves said people shouldn't make a comparison between Franklin and O'Brien in terms of their dedication to Penn State."O'Brien was more of an NFL coach from the start," he said. "I think (Franklin) will stick around."Copyright: ___ (c)2014 York Daily Record (York, Pa.) Visit York Daily Record (York, Pa.) at .ydr.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 12:37
感受台灣 “民宿生活”
本報記者 翟天雪隨著大陸赴台自由行的開放,迷你倉 被稱為台灣最美人文風景之一的民宿, 受到越來越多大陸遊客的喜愛。 台灣的民宿可分為兩種, 一種是純住宿型的, 多在景區或鬧市附近, 乾淨整潔, 價格低廉; 另一種則是以特色和服務聞名, 或強調田園鄉村主題, 或展現小鎮懷舊情結, 或主打太平洋海景牌……濃濃的人情味和多種人文服務是這類民宿的共同特點與經營理念。台灣民宿起源於上世紀80年代, 最初是為解決假期旅館住宿供應不足問題的。後來, 許多城市退休人士或是想創業的年輕一族投入民宿市場, 將許多生活美學、 情感連結、 多元營銷方式引入到經營中, 極大促進了這一行業的發展, 成為台灣旅遊產業中不可或缺的一部分。 自2011年大陸赴台自由行�動後, 大幅增長的遊客為民宿提供了巨大的商機。 據台灣民宿協會統計, 截至2013年10月, 全台旅館及民宿突破8000家大關, 相比自由行開放前的只有幾百家, 增長速度驚人。台灣的民宿因地域呈現出不同特點。像在花蓮、 墾丁, 民宿一般是和主人住家分開的小型旅館, 多是獨幢小樓或自有院子, 設施、 衛生條件不亞于星級飯店, 但比星級飯店有個性且溫馨。 主人像家里來了親戚一樣招待你, 聊天喝茶、 講講當地風土人情, 有時還會親自下廚燒一桌特色菜招待你, 或開車帶你去周邊景點兜風,令你身處異鄉有回家的暖意。 而在台北、高雄, 民宿多隱匿于樓群之中, 臨近鬧市、交通便利, 主人也多是上班族或家庭主婦, 鑰匙交給客人, 家中設施隨意使用, 一切自便。 雖然民宿風格各異, 但該有的服務一樣不少, 好的民宿主人往往是遊客和當地自然人文的媒介, 同時身自存倉廚師、 管家、 導遊、 司機等數職。 價格方面, 民宿根據位置、 裝修水平及假日時段等的不同,每晚從幾百元到幾千元新台幣不等, 而大多數民宿相對酒店要便宜近三成。王秋涼是花蓮 “美那多” 民宿的主人,一幢3層小樓共有6間客房, 主打東南亞休閒自然風情。“我們現在基本上以接待大陸自由行遊客為主。 旺季一般都要提前兩個月左右預訂, 像春節期間的房間, 早在去年10月就已經預訂出去了, 花蓮這 邊知名度高點的民宿基本上都已經沒有空房了。” 王秋涼說。作為花蓮民宿協會的理事, 王秋涼表示, 大陸遊客的不斷增多, 讓民宿嘗到好處, 業內在保證現有特色的基礎上, 更要整合當地旅遊資源不斷創新, 為持續增長的客源做好準備。“現在許多花蓮的民宿主人、 司機、 導遊都有微信、 微博和QQ, 網絡的普及為大家提供了方便快捷的溝通平台, 以往支付不暢等問題都不存在了。” 王秋涼說。經過多年發展,台灣民宿業已經達到比較專業化的水平,在對大陸及外國遊客的接待過程中,民宿業者幾乎已經取代了導遊,客人一落地就能享受到民宿的接送、租車、訂票、美食推介、旅遊線路設計等一站式服務。“民宿不是比豪華,而是要讓客人在這裡體驗文化美感、感受生活哲學。我們還在不斷挖掘好的創意,希望能與客人一起分享。”王秋涼說。左 圖 經過台旅會嚴格篩選出來的好客民宿是遊客最喜歡選擇的住宿地點。上圖 住民宿的樂趣在於與民宿主人的交流互動, 天南地北的海聊使你快 速 了 解 當 地 的 風 土人情。左 圖 經過台旅會嚴格篩選出來的好客民宿是遊客最喜歡選擇的住宿地點。右圖 民宿內的每一處裝飾都彰顯主人的個性與興趣。本報記者 翟天雪攝迷你倉出租
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 12:30
BRIEF: Teens: Be hackers, not slackers
Source: San Antonio Express-NewsJan.自存倉 10--SAN ANTONIO -- The Alamo City will be the site of the country's largest high school computer programming and coding gathering this summer, boosting the already-booming tech hub developing in the I-35 Corridor.Rackspace Hosting Inc. is organizing the so-called Hackathon, which is set for June 8-10. The event is free to attend and will provide basic to advanced workshops on computer programming, coding and software and graphic des迷你倉出租gn."A hackathon is just a way to get people together to make awesome programs," according to the website.College students interested in mentoring or companies interested in sponsoring the event can contact Rackspace.Mayor Julian Castro tweeted the news Thursday evening.kparker@express-news.netTwitter: @KoltenParkerCopyright: ___ (c)2014 the San Antonio Express-News Visit the San Antonio Express-News at .mysanantonio.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 12:05
Berita Harian launches all-in-one deal
SINGAPORE'S Malay-language daily Berita Harian (BH) yesterday unveiled its all-in-one subscription package for its print, online, smartphone and tablet platforms.mini storageFor $18.99 per month, the BH all-in-one package includes the print, online, iPad, smartphone and HTML5 versions of the Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) newspaper. Subscribers can access the BH app concurrently on up to four mobile devices, in addition to accessing BH online edition, BeritaHarian.sgThe various BH editions can also be purchased separately.The BH iPad, BH Smartphone and BH Online subscription plans are each available at $16.45 a month. The cost of the BH Print subscription plan is $14.45 per month plus a delivery fee of between $3 and $5, depending on type of residence.The BH smartphone app is available to users of both iPhones and Android smartphones, as well as smartphone br迷你倉wsers that are compatible with HTML5.The new tablet app is only available for iPad users. The smartphone and tablet editions offer BH in both native and PDF formats.Subscription begins on Tuesday, and BH is offering new subscribers and readers who subscribe through news vendors a gift with a one-year or a two-year subscription plan.Existing print subscribers who pay SPH directly and have no subscription contract can upgrade to the all-in-one package for one year and receive a Moga Pocket Controller. This promotion ends on Feb 28.Additionally, the first 500 subscribers who subscribe through .bhsub.sg from Jan 14 to 26 will receive a pair of tickets to watch a soccer match on Feb 8 and support the LionsXII at the Jalan Besar Stadium as they take on the team from Terengganu.Daily news summaries and realtime breaking news remain free for all to access.文件倉
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 11:55
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm has filed a Class Action Against Angie's List, Inc. and Certain Officers - ANGI
NEW YORK, Jan.文件倉 9, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Pomerantz LLP has filed a class action lawsuit against Angie's List, Inc. ("Angie's List" or the "Company") and certain of its officers. The class action, filed in United States District Court, Southern District of Indiana, and docketed under 14-cv 0023LJM-MJD, is on behalf of a class consisting of all persons or entities who purchased or otherwise acquired Angie's List securities between February 14, 2013 and October 23, 2013 both dates inclusive (the "Class Period"). This class action seeks to recover damages against Defendants for alleged violations of the federal securities laws pursuant to Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder.If you are a shareholder who purchased Angie's List securities during the Class Period, you have until February 24, 2014 to ask the Court to appoint you as Lead Plaintiff for the class. A copy of the Complaint can be obtained at .pomerantzlaw.com. To discuss this action, contact Robert S. Willoughby at rswilloughby@pomlaw.com or 888.476.6529 (or 888.4-POMLAW), toll free, x237. Those who inquire by e-mail are encouraged to include their mailing address, telephone number, and number of shares purchased.Angie's List, Inc. operates a consumer-driven solution for its members to research, hire, rate, and review local professionals for home, health care, and automotive service needs.The Complaint alleges that throughout the Class Period, Defendants made materially false and misleading statements regarding the Company's business, operational and compliance policies. Specifically, defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (i) Angie's List had increased its reliance on providing free memberships in order to artificially boost its subscriber figures; (ii) that contrary to Angie's List's repeated Class Period statements that the online reviews were unbiased because Angie's List did not permit service providers to buy ratings on its website, the Company was consistently deriving more than half of its revenues from the service provider side of its business - where it relied heavily on collecting fees for listing paid service providers more prominently; (iii) that because Angie's List sometimes charged service providers hundreds of dollars for "hot leads," those costs were being passed along to Angie's List subscribers, increasing the prices consumers were paying and decreasing the benefit to them of u存倉ing the website; (iv) that the legitimacy of the service provider side of Angie's List's business model was called into question by Angie's List's practice of forcing service providers to pay high fees to be listed as highly rated service providers, knowing that if they did not, they would not get customer referrals from Angie's List; (v) that because Angie's List did not vet the service providers listed and recommended on its website, either for qualifications or for safety, many consumers were questioning the value of its recommendations, making them unwilling to continue paying outsized membership fees; and (vi) as a result of the foregoing, defendants lacked a reasonable basis for their positive statements about the strength of Angie's List's business model.The complaint alleges that through a series of disclosures between September 30, 2013 and October 24, 2013, investors learned that: (i) Angie's List's Chief Technology Officer had been terminated - without explanation or naming a replacement; (ii) Angie's List had slashed membership prices by roughly 75% in several key markets, in a bid to attract new members; (iii) the Company's third quarter 2013 financial results were much weaker than defendants had led the market to expect, and the same declining business metrics had forced Angie's List to issue weaker fourth quarter 2013 financial guidance; and (iv) certain analysts were questioning the Company's ability to meet its future financial obligations.On this news, the price of Angie's List common stock declined $20.99 on October 2, 2013 to close at $14.64 on October 24, 2013, a decline of over 30.25%, on unusually high trading volume.The Pomerantz Firm, with offices in New York, Chicago, Florida, and San Diego, is acknowledged as one of the premier firms in the areas of corporate, securities, and antitrust class litigation. Founded by the late Abraham L. Pomerantz, known as the dean of the class action bar, the Pomerantz Firm pioneered the field of securities class actions. Today, more than 70 years later, the Pomerantz Firm continues in the tradition he established, fighting for the rights of the victims of securities fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty, and corporate misconduct. The Firm has recovered numerous multimillion-dollar damages awards on behalf of class members. See .pomerantzlaw.com.Pomerantz Grossman Hufford Dahlstrom & Gross LLPCONTACT: Robert Willoughby, Pomerantz LLP, 212-661-1100 ext. 237,rswilloughby@pomlaw.comWeb site: .pomerantzlaw.com/儲存
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 11:44
【特訊】由澳門貿易投資促進局與廣州市對外貿易經濟合作局共同主辦的「2014澳門•廣州名品展」於昨日在中國廣州保利世貿博覽館一號館隆重開幕。廣州市政府周靈副秘書長、澳門貿易投資促進局張祖榮主席、中央駐澳聯絡辦經濟部寇明副部長、廣東省外經貿廳馬樺副廳長、廣州市外經貿局高耀宗副局長、澳門中華總商會黃國勝副理事長等領導主持了展會開幕式。本屆「澳門•廣州名品展」展覽面積11,300平方米。澳門及廣州約有一百八十家企業參展,self storage共二百二十個展位,當中澳門展區有一百一十個展位、廣州市參展企業則有一百一十個展位。其中,九十四家澳門企業各有一個展位及葡萄牙十個展位。「澳門展區」劃分為六大類,包括:手信(十七個展位)、MinM(八個展位)、葡語國家產品(十個展位)、食品及酒類(三十七個展位)、文創產品及消費品(十七個展位)及服裝(五個展位)。另,七十家廣州企業銷售食品、日用品、電子消費品、紡織服裝、箱包等產品供參會市民採購。此外,葡萄牙及中國青年企業家協會繼續組織葡萄牙當地企業家組成葡萄牙產品展區,吸引十家葡萄牙企業專程由葡萄牙赴穗參展,展示之產品多樣,包括迷利倉萄酒、橄欖油、朱古力及奶類製品等葡萄牙特式產品,除現場展銷產品外,葡萄牙及中國青年企業家協會更希望藉此將葡萄牙文化展示給廣州市民認識。澳門貿促局於一月九至十日組織了澳門企業家代表團一行六十多人參展。同時,為加強穗澳企業的商務交流,於一月九日,澳門貿促局和廣州市外經貿局共同主辦「2014深化穗澳經貿合作洽談會」。張祖榮於洽談會天致辭,表示隨著粵澳深入實施CEPA先行先試,加緊落實《粵澳合作框架協議》,穗澳合作得到了進一步的深化和擴展,兩地經貿合作不斷取得新進展、新成果。此外,洽談會也達到預期效果,涉及行業廣泛,包括︰食品、酒類、手信、會展、旅遊、物流、地產、服裝、飾品、電子商務等,促成了近四百場商業配對。同時,澳門企業家代表團亦赴黃埔區考察參觀,黃埔區政府王錦雄, 陸小榮, 肖南龍等領導熱情接待代表團,並向代表團詳細介紹黃埔區的經商投資環境及投資項目。代表團一行與黃埔區各代表深入討論投資項目,並參觀考察黃埔區政府展示中心,狀元谷電子商務基地等項目。企業家代表團成員來自食品、酒類、手信、會展、旅遊、物流、地產、服裝、飾品、電子商務等多個行業。迷你倉
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 11:36
重溫留聲歲月/Philips OTT2000
———「懷舊」元素在數碼產品界可謂歷久不衰,迷你倉將軍澳除近年在數碼相機、耳機以至智能裝置插座喇叭常見經典復刻外形設計之外,微型音響組合亦是「懷舊」常客。 Philips 新推出的一體化微型音響組合 OTT2000 則更為徹底,除擁有往時十分流行的湖水藍機身、左右操作旋鈕之外,機頂更設有唱盤,真正支援播放黑膠唱片!除可播放 7 吋及 12 吋黑膠唱片,以及提供 33 轉及 45 轉播放轉速外,OTT2000 還可以更換唱針,令閣下的珍藏黑膠碟及靚聲唱針,皆可重見天日。 懷舊之餘,Philips 亦為 OTT2000 注入各式各樣主流功能,確保它能夠與時並進。它內置一對 3 吋全音域單元、提供 4W 總輸出功率的此機設有 CD 碟盤,支援播放 CD、CD-R/RW,並可將黑膠唱片、CD 以至收音機節目,擷取成 MP3 檔案並儲存於 USB 裝置。另外,OTT2000 亦內置藍牙 2.1 接收,能夠連接各種智能裝置,無�串流輸出歌曲,以至電影及遊戲聲效。 支援播放 7 吋及 12 吋黑膠唱片,並設有自動停止播放功能。 除黑膠唱片之外,OTT2000 亦設有 CD 盤,支援播放 CD 及 CD-R/倉W。 機身左方設有訊源轉換旋鈕、輕觸式開關、USB 直錄及進碟/退碟操控鍵,而 3.5mm mini jack 輸入及輸出及 USB 輸入端子亦設於此處。 至於右方則設有音量旋鈕、播放/暫停、上一曲、下一曲、停止播放及轉換收音機頻道。 first trial_ e評語:稍缺味道 試聽藤田惠美《Camomile Classics》黑膠專輯內的〈Melody Fair〉一曲,感覺 Philips OTT2000 的聲音人聲輸出清晰,但高音不夠圓潤,聽感舒適度平平,未能營造出黑膠唱片常有的溫暖甜美聲音,稍欠味道。 $2,199(隨機附送 $250 黑膠換領券,直至另行通知)☉對應播放格式:LP(7 吋、12 吋)、CD、CD-R/RW、MP3、MP3-CD︱☉單元:3 吋全音域 x 2︱☉輸入端子:USB、3.5mm mini jack Audio ☉輸出端子:3.5mm mini jack Headphone︱☉體積:311 x 169 x 335mm︱☉重量:3.5kg WOOX Innovations 6542 8765 TEXT&PHOTO 艾域∣EDIT 萊爾∣ART Tsun 24小時迷你倉