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內地科網巨頭競爭進入白熱化。早前阿里巴巴推出「來往」社交工具,又開拓新的手游平台,直接挑戰騰訊(700)。而騰訊上周也入股華南城,推出網絡理財產品「微信理財通」。評論認為,騰訊入股華南城可整合物流資源,為拓展其較為弱勢的電子商務打下基礎。微信理財通則是挑戰阿里巴巴的「餘額寶」,微信用戶在連接自己持有的銀行卡後,便可以在微信內透過理財通購買基金,毋須付手續費及可即時贖回,與阿里巴巴的「餘額寶」看齊,試圖挑戰阿里巴巴在互聯網金融上的地位。移動互聯網爆發以來,騰訊依靠微信幾乎橫掃天下。微信現在可以提供的各種服務令人驚嘆;商家可以透過微信公眾平台直接進行顧客服務,民眾可透過微信辦理港澳通行證簽注,也有博物館在微信平台上推出遊覽講解服務,游客游覽時只要掃描展品旁邊的二維碼,手機即可收到相關語音導覽等,印證了曾經電訊商主導的形式一去不復返。新社交網絡崛起不過,雖然中國互聯網巨頭推出的各項服務似乎理念十分超前,但實際上在日本,類似的理念早已出現。日本市場分額最大的電訊運營商NTT docomo 的i-mode 模式也可被認為是蘋果Apps Store 模式的鼻祖。在十幾年前人們依然使用翻蓋手機的時候,用手機上網查看天氣、收發郵件、網上購物等等已經成為日本人的日常生活的一部分。作為移動互聯網發展先行者的日本,可以給中國帶來怎樣的經驗?日本電訊商如何進行轉型?就此,我們訪問了觸控科技戰略總監曾航。觸控科技擁有《捕魚達人》休閒遊戲系列產品,該產品在中國擁有2 億啟動用戶,是中國在全球迄今最成功的休閒遊戲產品之一,而曾航與野村證券調研日本移動互聯網市場後,寫作了《移動的帝國》一書,出版十幾天已經要再版。移動互聯網市場中,騰訊的地位目前似乎難以動搖。未來有什麼可能會挑戰騰訊的地位呢?對此,曾航認為,未來有可能阻擋騰訊腳步的是新社交網絡崛起。在他看來,社交網絡在互聯網的投資模型中處於頂端地位,通過社交網絡發展其他各項移動互聯網服務更加便利,因此社交網絡會比其他各種平台擁有更多優勢。日本乃手機上網鼻祖曾航說,前幾年新浪微博崛起的時候就對騰訊造成很大壓力,因為人們只要通過新浪微博就可以溝通,而不一定再需要QQ(騰訊的網絡即時通訊軟件)。後來,基於移動互聯網的社交工具微信的崛起成功應對了新浪微博衝擊。因此,未來如果有一款像當年新浪微博這樣的新型社交網絡產品出現,也可能是移動互聯網競爭格局變化的時候。人們往往奉美國移動互聯網市場為行業「大哥大」,而曾航認為對於中國而言,日本是非常值得研究的對象。首先,亞洲國家移動互聯網發展潛力更甚於歐美。亞洲人對手機的依賴程度遠遠超過歐美:日本、中國等東亞國家由於人口密度很高,大部分人乘坐公共交通上班;在美國,大多數人是開車上班的。曾航說,東京90%的人乘坐地鐵和電車上下班,平均每天上下班時間70 分鐘。在這個時間段�,人們往往是用手機玩遊戲、聽音樂和上網來打發時間。其次,日本移動互聯網發展很早,日本在2001 年就已經運營了全球第一個商用3G 網絡,而中國的3G 網絡是2009 年才出現的。如今日本3G覆蓋率已經達到100%,而中國只有30%。日本發展了很多成功的移動互聯網經營模式,可以為中國提供很多經驗,例如2005 年時日本已經普及手機錢包, 「拍」手機搭地鐵對日本人而言是習以為常的。第三,手機在亞洲國家是身份的象徵。亞洲人平均一年換一次手機,而在歐美國家,2 至3 年換一次手機是很正常的現象。種種都構成了亞洲移動互聯網黃金發展的機遇,而市場、文化的相似也令日本成為中國互聯網企業值得學習的對象。在很多人看來,移動互聯網時代自然是如騰訊這樣的互聯網公司最有發展前景,至於電訊運營商則缺少想像空間。然而,從日本的經驗來看,曾航認為,運營商在很多基礎業務方面依然有難以替代的優勢。首先,運營商直接掌握用戶的網絡流量數據,從而可以對用戶行為作出精準分析,開拓周邊產業。如日本最大電訊運營商NTT docomo 就與麥當勞合作,通過數據分析為顧客量身定制優惠券,大大提高了顧客到店率。而NTT docomo等電訊運營商也早已提出了「去電訊化」的口號,不再做純粹的電訊運營商,而是向綜合企業方向發展,依託通訊業務發展周邊產品,如手機金融支付、保險、移動醫療等等。中國4G網絡有待拓展除此之外,曾航說,運營商在收費、流量業務方面有天然的便利,從而可以發展相關業務。在日本,顧客在商店買東西直接通過手機電話費就可以支付。他所在公司的熱門遊戲「捕魚達人」曾經由於內地信用卡綁定手機的用戶較少,阻礙了遊戲的營收,在與中國三大運營商進行收費合作之後,通過運營商的收費系統,用戶可以通過扣除話費來購買遊戲道具,在破除了支付渠道限制之後,去年開始合作後, 「捕魚達人」的營業額便提升了10倍。除此之外,下載某些手機網絡遊戲需要大量流量,而中國則提供下載特定遊戲免計算流量的服務。中移動(941)已推出4G,下載速度加快,加之又不需要付流量費,很多用戶就願意去中移動的遊戲平台上下載遊戲,中移動從而可以獲得更多遊戲收入分成。曾航認為,這是互聯網公司如騰訊難以擁有的優勢。不過,中國移動互聯網的基礎設施健全程度與日本相差甚遠。在中國普及3G和4G 網絡還需要一段時間。如4G 網絡鋪開,全國至少需要200 萬個基站,按照中國移動每年建設30 萬個基站的速度,至少還需要6 年時間,在很多基礎業務還沒做好的前提下,中國的運營商電訊業務依然有相當大的發展空間, 「去電訊化」的壓力沒有非常嚴重。但曾航認為,運營商們依然可以學習日本為未來做好準備。作者為香港電台E線金融網主持文字整理:吳若琳yuwailau@gmail.com劉羽葳mini storage

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昨日,記者在岳麓山上的步虛樓前看到,原本用作高檔消費的豪華包廂,大門被貼上了封條。鄒麟 攝   本報訊(記者 李靜)市紀委近日下發通知嚴肅整治“會所中的歪風”,規定公園、歷史建築等公共資源內,一律不准建設和改造面向特定人群服務的私人會所,已經開設的必須予以取締。隨後兩周內,市紀委牽頭,與工商、規劃、園林、文物等部門組成聯合檢查組對長沙市內各大景區和公園展開檢查,發現各餐飲企業基本整改到位。據悉,此後聯合檢查組將通過不定時明察暗訪進一步落實整改情況。  現場明察  麓山景區8家違規餐飲單位在整改  本次聯合檢查摸排重點包括在城市公園和文物保護單位中開設的;佔用公園及文保單位內亭、台、樓、閣等公共資源封閉經營的;位置隱秘,裝修考究,只為少數人提供高檔餐飲、娛樂服務的。  1月10日上午9時30分,記者隨聯合檢查組來到位於橘子洲中部的竹園名居。“以前偶爾會提供一些餐飲服務,現在已經全面整改了。”竹園名居的員工說。工商執法人員現場查看了工商營業執照後確認,這裡經營範圍只是餐飲管理,提供餐飲服務屬於超範圍經營。  隨後,聯合檢查組走訪公園內多個餐飲單位發現,這些餐飲單位都符合相關規劃。“餐飲單位要改變經營模式,更好地面向普通遊客服務。”檢查組相關負責人強調。  1月14日上午9時,記者隨聯合檢查組來到麓山景區,對景區內的所有餐飲單位進行檢查。“景區內目前共有16家餐飲企業。根據規劃,只有8家符合相關規劃要求。目前,不符合規劃的8家已經全部開始整改。”市紀委黨風廉政室相關負責人介紹。  聯合檢查組首先來到萬景園。“按照規劃這裡只能用作文化展覽,但大廳卻被私自用來提供餐飲服務,現在已經全部撤了。”萬景園工作人員說。記者在這個此前曾用來吃飯的大廳看到,飯桌和椅子確實已經搬走。  “根據整改要求,我們已經勒令沒有餐飲經營資質的單位全部停止營業,對不符合相關要求的企業也在進行整改。”麓山景區相關負責人介紹。記者在響鼓嶺的步虛樓看到,原本用作高檔消費的豪華包廂已經被景區管理處貼上了封條,只保留了向公�提供餐飲服務的茶餐廳。  經常在麓山景區遊玩的市民透露,大部分餐飲企業開設在半山腰甚至山頂,此前為了方便客人消費,餐飲企業會違規使用自己的工作車輛接送顧客上山消費。“從現在起,景區將嚴格控制車輛的進出,工作車輛接送客人是不允許的。”麓山景區管理局辦公室主任陳海東說。  “為了防止檢查過後違規行為再次出現,我們將不定時對所有會所單位進行明察暗訪。”聯合檢查組相關負責人表示,歡迎市民一起進行監督。  【記者回訪】  高檔會所變身休憩去處  特色菜公�普遍吃得起  檢查過後,“會所歪風”會不會死灰複燃?前昨兩日,記者分別來到烈士公園和岳麓山風景區進行了回訪,發現不符合規定的會所單位仍在整改中,一些高檔會所已經面向大�消費。  18日18時左右,記者來到烈士公園一家名為“崇賢館”的“私人會所”,發現該會所地理位置非常隱蔽。但是夜幕下的崇賢館大門緊閉,周圍並沒有停靠任何豪車。“半個月前這裡被曝光了,隨後就關門停止營業了。”聽說記者是來“吃飯”的,一位在公園mini storage散步的老人說。  隨後記者電話聯繫了烈士公園管理處辦公室主任陳力爭,他告訴記者,崇賢館其實是2011年引進的一個有機果蔬栽培和推廣項目,但是投資方在項目尚未通過竣工驗收的情況下,私自提前開放體驗館,並在館內提供餐飲服務。“現在崇賢館已經停業整頓了。”  昨日13時20分,記者來到岳麓山風景區的步虛樓。在寫有“步虛樓”三個字的石屏後面,是原本用作高檔消費的豪華包廂,包廂的兩扇大門已經緊緊關閉。兩張印著“長沙岳麓山風景名勝區麓山景區管理處門店經營公司”公章的封條依舊貼在門上。  記者又來到步虛樓左側已經對公�開放的茶餐廳,看到不少遊客在裡面休憩。隨後記者發現步虛樓茶餐廳推出的冬季特色菜里有一道小炒羊肉,標價每份88元。記者隨機採訪了幾名遊客,“在市區一些中檔酒店也基本是這樣的價位”,大家表示對這樣的標價普遍可以接受。  “私人會所無形中就把人分了三六九等,讓人不舒服。而且公園本來就是大家共享的,公開對老百姓開放才更‘接地氣’。”在岳麓山遊玩的市民張德義說。  相關新聞  市紀委集中開展明察暗訪  違規出入私人會所將被查處  本報訊(記者 李靜)記者昨日從市紀委獲悉,長沙將針對“會所中的歪風”開展專項整治。專項整治工作方案指出,將採取綜合整治措施,堅決取締違法設立的“私人會所”,全面整頓違規經營的“私人會所”,嚴格禁止公款到“私人會所”消費,嚴肅查處黨員幹部出入“私人會所”的行為。  方案明確,“私人會所”及“帶有私人會所性質的場所”是指接待規模不大、消費檔次較高、有一定隱蔽性和私密性、接待的對象面向特定人群或客戶定位面向高檔消費人群的場所,名稱中不一定有“會所”、“會館”等字樣,不一定實行會員制,不一定從事經營活動。  本次整治工作由市紀委負責統籌協調和督促檢查,市住建委、市公安局、市財政局、市國土局、市林業局等相關部門單位按照職責具體負責相關工作。主要任務包括七個方面。  對全市“私人會所”及帶有“私人會所”性質的場所進行全面調查摸底,登記造冊。其中重點是公園、歷史建築、行政事業單位用房、公用設施等公共資源內設立的私人會所和帶有私人會所性質的場所。截至目前,長沙9個區縣(市)已向市紀委提交了摸排情況報告。  對利用公共資源開設的“私人會所”及帶有“私人會所”性質的場所進行清理整頓。違規開設的要一律予以取締;經批准設立的經營場所,帶有會所性質的,一律限期整改。  對全市“私人會所”及帶有“私人會所”性質的場所開展執法大檢查。對無證經營、超範圍經營和存在其他違法行為的,依法進行查處。  嚴格禁止公款到“私人會所”進行消費。財政部門不得將私人會所和高檔消費場所作為定點消費場所;凡私人會所和高檔消費場所消費的費用,一律不得公款報銷,也不得轉入攤派或變通處理;審計部門加強對公務接待的財務監督和審計監督,及時糾正、堅決制止違規行為。  市紀委牽頭對全市“私人會所”及帶有“私人會所”性質的場所進行明察暗訪。此項任務將在“兩節”期間集中開展,結合違規使用公車、公款大吃大喝等問題專項治理工作,重點查處違規出入私人會所和到私人會所吃喝玩樂等行為。儲存

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Source: Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Calif.迷你倉將軍澳Jan. 18--RANCHO CUCAMONGA -- Randall Lewis had more than an encouraging word to share with a packed room at the Goldy S. Lewis Community Center on Friday.Unlike the dark days of the economic downturn, early years of the new decade are filled with optimism about increasing housing demand and job growth that will fuel home and apartment sales, said Lewis, the principal of the Lewis Group of Cos., a major player in development in the region."This year, I'm like a doctor in a new baby delivery room. I'm here with good news," he said. "If 2013 was a good year, we think 2014 will be a better year, and 2015 will be better than 2014."Lewis, whose company is responsible for the Victoria Gardens shopping center, the Terra Vista planned community in Rancho Cucamonga, and the Preserve planned community in Chino, in addition to a host of other developments, assured the hundreds of real estate professionals in attendance that the Inland Empire job picture has turned around."There's good growth in construction jobs, real estate jobs, there's very good growth in logistics jobs and very good growth in health care," Lewis said. "We're nowhere near where we should be, but we're going in the right direction, and I think as those people get new jobs or they get raises, they're going to be buying houses from a lot of you, so that is a very good thing."Because of demand, developers are expected to buy up more local land this year and next, Lewis said."One reason there weren't a lot of house sales in the last couple of years besides demand was because there was almost no inventory per lots," Lewis said. "Most of the developers and builders we know are investing pretty heavily in land so they can have product for later this year and in 2015. I think that's good for everybody in the room."Another trend that Lewis said real estate professionals should look for: a lot more reters in the market."A lot more people are going to make the choice to say I want to rent for financial reasons, lifestyle reasons, or where I am in this stage of my career," Lewis said. "People may not be able to buy a house because of financial issues. You're going to see a lot more renters. You're going to see a lot more high density. It's something that's been going on for a while, but it's really going to continue. But what you're going to see with the high density is even more high quality (housing).During a question and answer session, an audience member asked Lewis about reinventing older shopping centers that may be obsolete in the new marketplace.Lewis pointed to what is being called transit-oriented development such as the new Paseos at Montclair apartment development just across the street from the Montclair Plaza.He called it "a great apartment community that's going to revitalize the area."He added, "I think you need to energize some of those malls with residential."Bill Ruh, a Montclair councilman who is government affairs director for the Citrus Valley Associations of Realtors, said the Paseos is the first phase of a master plan to develop high-density residential housing near the shopping center. Such transit-oriented development has been done in areas along passenger rail lines from Pasadena and eastward toward the Inland Empire's foothill communities."What people are looking for is something close to shopping," Ruh said. "You can walk to Montclair Plaza, and walk to Target. It's very close to mass transit. I think the people who are renting these units are seeing the vision. You're able to have a very urban lifestyle in a suburban setting. You've got the best of both worlds."Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) Visit the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) at .dailybulletin.com Distributed by MCT Information Services24小時迷你倉

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Source: The Palm Beach Post, Fla.自存倉Jan. 18--While the weather may be cool, golf season is heating up in Florida.The unofficial kickoff arrives with the start of the 61st PGA Merchandise Show at the Orlando Convention Center this week. Tuesday is Demo Day at the Orange County National Golf Center, where manufacturers market, test and allow visitors to try out their new equipment.The show moves to the the floor of the Convention Center Wednesday through Friday, with equipment dominating one side of the massive structure and apparel the other.Donald Trump, whose 17 courses include two in Palm Beach County, will join PGA of America President Ted Bishop and other influential voices for a State of the Industry panel on Wednesday. Orlando-based Golf Channel will air several shows live from the event and PGA Tour players including Graeme McDowell will conduct clinics.The first tournament coming to South Florida is the Allianz Championship at the Old Course on Feb. 7-9 at Broken Sound in Boca Raton a Champions Tour event in which fan favorite Rocco Mediate will defend his title against an excellent over-50 field.After that comes two PGA Tour events: the Honda Classic Feb. 27-March 2 at PGA National Resort, where the focus will be on Rory McIlroy, who won two years ago and then walked off the course mid-round blaming a toothache last year. Masters champion Adam Scott, who missed the cut in 2011 in his only Honda appearance since 2003, is also expected.The following week brings the WGC-Cadillac Championship at Trump's Doral Resort, which will be unveiled following a major offseason makeover. Tiger Woods, who will begin his 2014 schedule this week at Torrey Pines, is expected to play both Honda and Doral.Koepka eyeing Honda: The next three weeks could determine whether Wellington native Brooks Koepka gets to live his lifelong dream of playing in the Honda this year.Koepka's agent, Blake Smith, said Koepka is playing this weekeend's European Tour event at Abu Dhabi and the next two weeks in Qatar and Dubai in hopes of raising his No. 88 world ranking enough to get in three upcoming PGA Tour events: WGC-Accenture Match Play Feb. 19-23 in Arizona, the Honda and Doral.Koepka has written Honda Classic Executive Director Ken Kennerly letters the past severa迷你倉出租 years asking for a sponsor's exemption, but his ranking hasn't been high enough to earn consideration. Last year's exemptions went to Italian Matteo Manassero and South African Branden Grace, both of whom were in the top 50 at the time. Kennerly typically announces his exemptions in mid-February.PBCGA annual dinner set: Old Palm resident Lee Westwood won't have to travel far when he appears as the guest of honor at the Palm Beach County Golf Association's annual awards dinner Tuesday, Feb. 4 at Old Palm.Westwood held the third-round lead in last year's British Open before a final-round 75 left him in third place, four shots behind winner Phil Mickelson. The Old Palm resident will discuss his quest for his first major among other topics in a Q&A with Golf Digest senior writer Tim Rosaforte. For more information call Tommy Balen at 561-625-0400.West Palm update: Since we wrote last summer about the negative reviews the remake Mark McCumber oversaw several years ago, Tom Roegner has joined the staff at West Palm Beach Golf Club and undertaken an aggressive fertilizer application throughout the course while adding Bahia grass where needed. The sandy areas have been decreasing steadily."We're getting a lot of positive feedback and our rounds are up over last year," Roegner reported. "The greens are in really good condition and the sand is not as prevalent."First Tee news: Both the First Tee of the Palm Beaches and First Tee of the Treasure Coast began nine-week programs Saturday for junior golfers.The new First Tee Learning Center at Dyer Park in West Palm Beach is hosting sessions for ages 4-6 from 9-10 a.m., followed by age 7 and up from 10:30-noon and 12:30-2 p.m. The package costs $125 and students are grouped by age, maturity and golfing ability. For more information call Connie Capanegra at 561-385-0183.First Tee of the Treasure Coast began 90-minute sessions for boys and girls ages 5-16 from noon-1:30 p.m. at the PGA Center for Golf Learning and Performance in Port St. Lucie. The cost is $149; for more information call Ryan Angarola at 772-486-7687.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) Visit The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) at .palmbeachpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: The Seattle TimesJan.迷你倉旺角 18--In a decision affecting everyday street encounters, a federal judge Friday approved new policies aimed at curbing biased policing by Seattle officers and setting rules for how and when they stop and frisk people.The policies, effective Jan. 31, represent another major step in the court-ordered reform effort for the Seattle Police Department, setting new standards that will be felt throughout the city.Combined with a detailed new policy on use of force adopted Jan. 1, the new policies address the key remaining issues outlined in a 2012 settlement agreement between the city and the Department of Justice (DOJ). The settlement followed an investigation that found Seattle police officers routinely used excessive force, most often against people of color and the psychologically or chemically impaired."These new policies will set the national standard and are a huge step forward," U.S. Attorney Jenny A. Durkan said in a statement.The policies, approved by U.S. District Judge James Robart, were crafted by the city and Justice Department, along with the Police Department, police and civil-rights experts and the Community Police Commission created under the settlement agreement.Mayor Ed Murray welcomed the changes."The perception of racial bias in policing doesn't just corrode the community's trust in the police force, it erodes the morale of our officers," Murray said in a statement that noted the timing of the judge's order with the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend."Addressing this very real issue is among the most serious and urgent reforms the Police Department must undertake in the consent-decree process," Murray said.City Attorney Pete Holmes, in a statement, called the steps "real progress" toward reform, and Interim Police Chief Harry Bailey pledged to provide training and, along with his command staff, "modeling" of what they expect from officers.Robart earlier approved the sweeping new weapon-specific, use-of-force policy and reporting system now being used by the department's roughly 1,300 sworn officers.Robart's court-appointed monitor, Merrick Bobb, wrote in a memorandum that the bias and stop policies "will guard against the risk of discriminatory policing, as well as stops and searches, without the requisite suspicion or probable cause."Importantly, Bobb wrote, the policies for the first time require the SPD to collect data on police interaction with citizens, "from which assessments can be made as to the existence of discriminatory policing or disparate impact."The policies stem from a December 2011 Justice Department report on its civil-rights investigation into the SPD, which in addition to the level of unconstitutional use of force, found disturbing but inconclusive evidence that Seattle officers engaged in biased policing.Despite the ambiguity, the DOJ insisted the settlement agreement require the city to address the issue. Federal civil-rights attorneys have said the collection of detailed data on every citizen stop and search was the only sure way to do it.At issue are so-called "Terry stops," named after a landmark 1968 U.S. Supreme Courmini storage case, Terry v. Ohio., that gives police the right to briefly detain a person, without arresting them, if they reasonably suspect the person is involved in criminal activity.The Justice Department, in its findings, said the Police Department's old policy and practices "blur the line between a social contact or casual encounter, and a temporary investigatory detention" under Terry.Bobb wrote that the new policy requires that officers must be able to document their suspicion "using specific articulable facts." Officers are required to limit the stop, and must be able to justify every action they take that impacts an individual's freedom, such as taking someone's driver's license away, ordering a motorist to get out of their car, putting someone up against a wall or patrol car or frisking them.The policy specifically states that "merely because a Terry stop occurs in a high-crime area is not by itself sufficient to justify a frisk." It also specifically bans pretext stops -- when an officer finds a reason to investigate unrelated crimes for which the officer doesn't have cause to look into otherwise.In another provision, the policy says not every reasonable suspicion of a crime may legitimately lead to a stop. "For example, a reasonable suspicion of misdemeanors may not give rise to a stop unless the suspect's conduct itself poses a public-safety risk or has the potential to escalate."The new policy requires a sergeant or supervisor to approve the documentation of a Terry stop at the end of a shift "to determine if they were supported by reasonable suspicion" and consistent with the law.Officers who hear a complaint of discriminatory policing must call a supervisor to the scene to conduct a review and determine the appropriate action.The new blueprint to address biased policing replaces a short policy that was adopted in 2012.Bobb, in his memo to the judge, said the policy defines "expansively on persons and characteristics, which may not be discriminated against." They include: age, disability, economic status, familial state, gender, gender identity, homelessness, mental illness, national origin, political ideology, race, ethnicity or color, religion, sexual orientation and status as a veteran.Jennifer Shaw, deputy director of ACLU of Washington, which pushed for the DOJ investigation, called the bias and stop policies a "positive move" toward ensuring constitutional policing in Seattle."The next important step will be to train every officer on the new policies," she said in a statement.Training is being developed and is to begin by the end of the summer."The Monitor and the Monitoring Team considered at length whether these new policies dealing with stop and frisk and discriminatory policing will increase community trust and public confidence in the police," Bobb wrote. "We determined they would."Mike Carter: 206-464-3706 or mcarter@seattletimes.com On Twitter @stimesmcarterSteve Miletich: 206-464-3302 or smiletich@seattletimes.com On Twitter @stevemiletichCopyright: ___ (c)2014 The Seattle Times Visit The Seattle Times at .seattletimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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南方日報訊 (見習記者/郭家軒 通訊員/陳香君 付薇 印海濤)記者昨天從廣鐵集團獲悉,繼昨日廣東迎來第一波客流小高峰後,今日廣鐵發送旅客量將繼續攀升,預計發送旅客97萬人,日客流量逼近百萬大關。自16日正式進入春運以來,廣東地區各大車站客流量不斷攀升,春運頭三天,廣鐵集團已發送旅客266萬人,同比增長8.24小時迷你倉8%。廣鐵集團表示,為應對客流高峰,廣鐵集團今日將增開93列普速臨時列車,約增加運力21.6萬人次。其中,廣州站開行臨客列車29列,主要開往四川、湖南、湖北等方向;廣州東站開行臨客列車19列,主要開往重慶、湖南、湖北等方向;深圳站開行臨客列車11列,主要開往湖北、江西等方向。■提醒6趟列車旅客請提前到琶洲展館候車鐵路部門特別提醒,請持有1月19日-28日的K9286次(廣州至常德)、K9228次(廣州至邵陽)、L862次(廣州至達州)、K9272次(廣州至婁底)、K9236次(廣州至永州)、K9174次6趟列車車票的旅客,務必于當日開車前4小時到達廣交會(琶洲)展館A區展館(具體地址:廣州市海珠區新港東路),按照展館內的候車指引到所乘列車車次候車區候車。屆時將有工作人員組織引導,從廣交會(琶洲)展館免費乘地鐵專列直接進入廣州火車站上車。具體的候車時間、地點等詳情可登錄12306網站或微信“廣州鐵路”查詢。汕揭高速泰山段昨通車南方日報訊 (記者/黃學佳)備受汕頭市民關注的汕揭高速泰山段昨日10時起正式通行。泰山段主線長約3公里,全線高架,自昨日10時起,機動車輛可由泰山北路轉海河路泰山收費站進入汕揭高速公路往返潮汕機場、廈深鐵路潮汕站及梅州、揭陽和潮州等地,為市民提供便捷的通車環境。武警廣東總隊官兵連續20年放棄休假堅守春運一線一小時不到 “您好”說千遍●南方日報記者 洪奕宜 通訊員 許木泉 張傑 謝章勇紅紅火火的春運大潮之中,帶著大包小包的返途人群歸心似箭。在廣州火車站等33個省內各主要鐵路車站點中,總有一道橄欖綠的閃亮風景守護在旅客身邊,讓旅客心裡更加踏實,臉上的笑容更加燦爛。連續20年,武警廣東總隊官兵放棄休假,堅守在廣東春運一線執勤保障,認真履行職責、耐心疏導旅客、熱心幫助群�,危難時刻勇上一線,特別是2008年因遭受特大雨雪冰凍災害天氣而滯留了20萬旅客的廣州火車站,正是因為有了數千名武警官兵的忠誠守候,才守住了最後的平安,讓20萬滯留旅客平安踏上返鄉的路途。一天執勤12個小時1月17日12時30分,武警廣東總隊二支隊士官佘夏偉匆匆扒了幾口飯,又忍不住抬頭看時鐘,半個小時後,他要上崗執勤。中午到下午時段是春運期間一天中火車站客流高峰期,上崗後有很多事情等著他。而他的上一班崗,是凌晨1點到早晨6點。也就是說,除了洗漱、吃飯,他才休息了不到5個小時。春運執勤的辛苦,外人難以體會。執勤官兵實行兩班倒,一班6小時,一天就是12小時,除去往返、用餐、洗漱消耗的時間迷你倉旺角一天總共睡不到7小時。這還不包括緊急任務時的緊急出動。對春運執勤官兵而言,執勤就是戰鬥,哨位就是戰場。佘夏偉整整衣裝,走向他的崗哨——火車站廣場。平日里看上去空曠無比的火車站廣場,已經臨時搭建了8個候車大棚,被越來越多的歸家旅客所擠佔。每當看到這一幕,這個入伍8年、春運執勤8年的潮州小伙子,心底裡就會不禁湧動著一股難以言說的複雜的思緒。當兵8年,8年都沒有回過家與家人一起過年了……思緒還沒飄得太遠,就有群�走上前來求助,是一位近60歲的阿伯:“同志,我的火車票是晚上6時的,現在才1點鐘,我來早了,想到外面去等著。人這麼多,我從哪裡走出去呀?”佘夏偉熟練地揮揮手:“這邊,我帶您出去吧!”阿伯十分感激,連連道謝。在廣州火車站,像佘夏偉這樣一天12個小時站崗執勤的武警官兵有600多位。如果加上火車東站、廣州南站,深圳站、高鐵廣珠城際江門站等33個省內各主要鐵路車站點,擔負執勤任務的官兵達到2000名。這一道橄欖綠點綴在紅紅火火的春運大潮之中,成為歸家人群中一道閃亮的風景線。人手一冊“口袋書”武警二支隊官兵擔負執勤區域包括售票廳、候車室、進站通道、站台和進出站口的秩序,以及車站廣場的武裝巡邏。“執勤官兵形成點、線、面相結合的社會治安綜合治理的網絡,確保能及時發現和處置各種影響旅客安全的情況,並協助公安幹警嚴厲打擊各種違法犯罪行為。”二支隊支隊長劉錦泉告訴記者。在廣州火車站站台入口處,執勤官兵們一遍遍地提醒旅客:“請按秩序排隊,不要擁擠。”二支隊排長曠永建告訴記者:“一小時不到,光說‘您好’就不下一千遍,戰士們早已喊得口幹舌燥了。”記者在採訪中發現,每名官兵手中都有一冊小小的“口袋書”——《春運執勤手冊》。對於執勤中可能遇到的突發情況,書中都有相應的規範指引,比如,執勤中遇到有人鬧事怎麼辦、有群�報案怎麼辦、旅客生病怎麼辦、客流過大有旅客摔倒怎麼辦、遇到暴力襲擊怎麼辦……對於多年在春運一線執勤的官兵而言,這些規範早已爛熟于心。今年剛剛入伍參加執勤的新兵也努力在執勤中熟悉操作規範。官兵們在實踐中發現,這本“口袋書”非常實用。“在部隊上哨之前,我們便精心組織,對執勤技能、情況處置、文明用語等進行專勤專訓,要求每名官兵對哨位周邊道路都要做到‘一口清’、‘問不倒’。”連續17年堅守春運執勤一線的二支隊副政委方志國告訴記者。經歷了2008年的那一場風雨考驗,官兵們更加體會到春運執勤的重要意義。舍小家顧大家,主動放棄寒假探親休假的機會,每名官兵都作出了巨大的犧牲和奉獻。“旅客平安就是我們每名執勤官兵最大的心願,所以,再苦、再累,我們的付出也是值得的。”武警廣東總隊副司令員吳庭富說。圖片說明:昨日,廣州市“文明交通月”主題實踐活動在越秀區英雄廣場正式�動。活動現場,35名志願驛站站長接受“文明交通”宣傳員聘書。此外,萬名市民簽名承諾文明出行,為春運保駕護航。高笑 張譯丹 黃少宏 尹立源 攝mini storage

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The destruction of Ho Tung Gardens was extremely regrettable, solely for the profit of one person.迷利倉Every time there has been a significant failure by the government to preserve Hong Kong’s heritage, a “consultation” or “policy review” is announced.Hardly anything changes except an increase in bureaucracy.Not only did the government fail but also the community at large. Exco seems to have taken the cowardly line of least resistance in reversing the chief secretary’s declared intention to preserve Ho Tung Gardens and redevelop the West Wing office block.The Antiquities Advisory Board also failed. It sat by while this site with the highest possible rating was demolished.I wrote to every board member, urging them to hold a special meeting to consider a viable method that would preserve the gardens with no cost to public coffers.No member replied, the chairman did not call a special meeting, and the board did not lift a finger to avert disaster. Nor did any political party.I wrote to every lawmaker of the Civic Party and Liberal Party, asking them to raise the issue in Legco, but not one replied.The Central and Western District Council subcommittee did discuss the issue,迷你倉but the comments of some of the council members were absurd, for example, “resumption would be snatching away someone’s private property” and “it would cost billions of dollars that would be better spent on the underprivileged”.In an amazing display of rubber-stamping, a simple motion to urge the government to preserve the gardens failed by 14 to four. Only the pan-democrats on the council voted in favour.Finally, several experts in the community had written that Ho Tung Gardens should be preserved, and they ranked it higher than King Yin Lei Mansion. But none of these experts came out to criticise the Exco decision or agreed to meet with the district council.By contrast, the only time that the community and Antiquities Advisory Board members really did fight for a heritage site, the Ohel Leah Synagogue on Robinson Road was preserved. This was achieved despite an alignment of government and the board chairman in favour of demolition.Even privately-owned heritage sites can be preserved, but only if people who care take vigorous action.By their passivity, Ho Tung Gardens was lost not only for the present community, but all future generations.William Meacham, Yau Ma Tei自存倉

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小城路窄車多,交通承受能力已不堪人車流的不斷增長,社會期望輕軌系統早日建成,化解交通困局。惜當局再三辜負居民的深切期望,超支連連、工期又拖延、澳門段走線更懸而未決,近期再要諮詢石排灣段的可行性,就連最接近旺區的南灣站亦面臨被撤厄運。一波未平,一波又起,輕軌問題多籮籮、亂糟糟,居民要問:究竟想點? 受制於地理環境,輕軌澳門段難走入市中心、舊城區,成敗因素在於澳�的連接,駁通關閘口岸、外港碼頭、蓮花口岸、機場、�仔客運碼頭等各出入境口岸,緩解居民、旅客的出行之苦。但成也蕭何、敗也蕭何,澳門段走向諸多阻撓,當爭議較小的�仔段要率先上馬,工程如火如荼,料一六年運作;澳門段卻面臨“墮馬”危機,走線至今未定,一拖再拖,開工無期。 澳門段與�仔段“割蓆”,注定輕軌列車將駛向荊棘滿途的月台。要數輕軌麻煩事,十隻手指都不夠。好不容易�仔段開工,但去年幾場大雨,暴露渠網等配套及管理跟不上,又要花精力解決;先通�仔段雖然折衷,但未來與澳門段的迴路銜接等技術問題如何解決?率先運作的�仔段若不通澳門媽閣站,客流不過海,作用肯定大打折扣,亦恐變“雞肋”。政府早已規劃建造石排灣公屋群,卻後知後覺,至今方諮詢是否要延伸至石排灣;受制澳門段走線要再迷你倉新規劃,相信改動將增加造價,追加費用幾成事實。走線一日未定,計劃在地底的媽閣站施工無期,拖垮媽閣交通樞紐設計。輕軌新口岸區若走外圍,技術上不能再經原定的南灣站,即最接近市中心、最多旅客和居民的旺區竟冇輕軌站點,有冇搞錯?澳門段一拖再拖,如何架接粵澳新通道,實現廣珠城軌珠海站與澳門輕軌青洲站銜接?如何配合港珠澳大橋,於人工島落車的大量旅客難道要乘發財巴進入澳門市區? 一子錯,滿盤皆落索。輕軌工程絕非“玩泥沙”,需要仔細的周詳規劃,但當局的表現卻似見步行步、見招拆招。輕軌走向朝令夕改,前路茫茫,最令居民不滿的是相關官員回應問題“擠牙膏”般,吞吞吐吐,一時一樣,今日話經內街,明日又話走外圍;原定有南灣站,後來又話要撤銷,居民一頭霧水。重大城建規劃必須問�,但如果主事部門議而不決、決而不行,心中冇底,把延建、亂建的責任推卸給無了期的諮詢、“社會冇共識”的話,絕非負責任的表現。 雖說輕軌的建造工程史無前例,不可能一帆風順,碰壁撞板難以避免。但當問題一而再、再而三出現,就似是試探社會的容忍底線,居民由期待到等待、由等待變忍耐、由忍耐成無奈!不知何年何月才能搭上輕軌列車,從關閘暢通無阻直達機場、從路�準點到澳門上班和上學? 夏 耘 儲存倉

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(泰國 曼谷17日訊)泰國外交部長素拉蓬週五說,“是時候”奪回曼谷控制權了,顯示政府開始對“封城”行動失去耐心。一組官員代表團週五在軍警護送下前往政府簽發護照的辦公樓,試圖說服示威者離開,讓政府工作繼續進行。素拉蓬說:“成功的話,其他政府部門可以效仿。”問及政府是否將採取行動終止示威者封鎖政府部門和重要路口,他說:“差不多是時候了。我們得開始做點甚麼。”不少政府部門和國家機構本週被迫關閉,以避開封鎖行動,職員在家裡或臨時辦公室工作。示威者致力於圍堵政府部門大樓,每日都由佔領的7個路口開始遊行。他們週四針對了稅收部。4天1萬6千護照延遲簽發素拉蓬本週說,由於主要政府大樓內的領事部關閉,本週首4日就有1萬6千張護照延遲簽發。在週五,泰國國家安全委員會秘書長巴拉多恩告訴路透社,當天有數百人騎摩哆車或開車闖到護照管理局所在政府行政區,和示威者對峙。他說:“他們聲稱,生氣反政府群眾阻礙交通、阻止他們得到政府服務,尤其進入護照管理局。”封城3日The Mall Group店迷你倉損失2千萬示威持續,令很多遊客卻步,嚴重打擊曼谷商戶生意,化妝品和時裝等高檔零售商更成為重災區。營運Siam Paragon等購物中心的The Mall Group週四表示,3日封城行動已令旗下店舖合共損失逾2億泰銖(約2千365萬令吉)生意額。拉差巴頌和Siam Square等購物熱點人流明顯減少,零售商生意慘淡,市中心的時裝店和百貨店生意額更急跌超過一半。H&M Central World店助理經理指,封城後,每日生意額由300萬泰銖急跌至20萬泰銖。有時裝店東稱會再觀察多一會兒,並計劃把存貨運往曼谷市郊分店出售。泰國旅遊業界人士指,曼谷示威未有對整體旅遊構成太大影響,只是很多遊客計劃行程時都會避開曼谷。酒店減房價吸客曼谷酒店入住率亦急跌。多間酒店近日改變策略,推出多項針對示威者的折扣和優惠,希望吸引示威人士入住,彌補遊客流失的損失。報導指,Centara Hotel旗下4間主要酒店房價已由每晚5千泰銖,減至約3100泰銖。【相關新聞請點大事件:泰國局勢緊張】;mini storage

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A STAMPEDE killed at least 18 people in India's financial hub Mumbai yesterday when a large crowd gathered to pay their last respects to a Muslim spiritual leader, police said.迷你倉More than 40 people were injured in the chaos that erupted shortly after midnight local time when the gates were shut to the residence of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, who died aged 102 on Friday."Organizers had closed the gates. The crowd was so huge that people started suffocating. Some fainted and then people began running and falling on each other in panic," Mumbai police chief Satyapal Singh said.Singh confirmed that 18 people died and admitted there was a lapse in crowd control as police and organizers had failed to anticipate the huge turnout of devotees. Singh added that he had ordered a thorough investigation into what led to the pre-dawn disorder.Burhanuddin, who was due to celebrate his 103rd birthday in a few weeks, died of a heart attack at his home, a spokesman said.He was a leader of the Dawoodi Bohra community, a sect of Shiite Islam.Stampedes at public events in India are common as large numbers of people pack into congested areas.Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde told reporters: "I feel very sorry about the tragic incident," and expressed his文件倉condolences for the 18 deaths.Thousands adorned in white scarves and skullcaps had gathered yesterday on the streets of Mumbai for the funeral procession of Burhanuddin, TV footage showed.Narendra Modi, leader of the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party who has been vilified for deadly anti-Muslim riots in his Gujarat state in 2002, called the incident "unfortunate" on Twitter."Stampede near Syedna Sahib's residence is very unfortunate. Condolences to families of those who lost their lives and prayers with the injured," Modi tweeted.The spiritual leader, succeeded by his 70-year-old son Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, led the Dawoodi Bohra community for nearly five decades.Burhanuddin had succeeded his father Syedna Taher Saifuddin in 1965.He was honored with civilian titles such as the Star of Jordan and Order of the Nile by the governments of Jordan and Egypt.The latest disaster comes just months after some 115 devotees were crushed to death or drowned on a bridge near a Hindu temple in October, when crowds panicked after rumors that the bridge was going to collapse in the central state of Madhya Pradesh.In 2006, another stampede outside the same temple killed 50 people as they crossed a river, prompting authorities to build the bridge.存倉

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digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2014-01/19/content_243461.htm?div=-1...ヾ“羅塞塔”號將探訪彗星67P ゝ重型獵鷹運載火箭 ゞ科學家計劃解碼100萬年前的基因組 々南極洲下的沃斯托克湖 ぁ無論氣候變化有何影響...儲存

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Source: St.迷你倉 Louis Post-DispatchJan. 16--Los Angles Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw earned a seven-year, $215 million contract extension at the age of 25.That is the biggest contract, by far, ever given a pitcher. That is also the highest average annual salary ($30.7 million) given to any pitcher.This deal gives the outstanding young Cardinals some food for thought.If Michael Wacha can stay healthy, how much might he earn some day? What sort of contracts are Shelby Miller and Carlos Martinez headed toward?Kershaw is an exceptional case, of course, since he has the nastiest stuff we've seen from a lefty since Randy Johnson's heyday. He became the National League's shutdown pitcher as he edged closer to free agency.He became the top asset for a powerful franchise that is building an amazing revenue base. Given these factors, that contract is fair.But Kershaw couldn't measure up to Wacha in postseason play last autumn, so it's not like he is operating on a competitive plane beyond the reach of the young Cardinals.And that staggering salary average raises the bar for every top-of-the-rotation starting pitcher coming down the line. Many, many owners winced then they saw the number.The deal raises many points for the Cardinals:-- Management will need to dig deep in a few years and lock in as many of their top young pitchers as possible, offering them long-term deals that extend into their early years of free agency.-- The team must keep stacking up pitching prospects behind the current group, because it won't be able to keep all of these guys forever.-- Given the runaway price inflation, it's safe to saw the Cardinals will never bid on a high-end free agent starting pitcher while this ownership group is in place. This risk/dynamic dynamic is unfavorable, to say the least. The Cardinals are well-versed on pitching injuries.MYSTERIES OF THE UNIVERSEQuestions to ponder while wondering if the Illinois basketball team can regain its traction in the Big Ten:Why is Ryan Tannehill's wife armed for warfare? [.sportsgrid.com/nfl/ryan-tannehills-wife-leaves-ar-15-assault-rifle-behind-in-rental-car/]Is time for our court system to make youth baseball players pay a heavy price for their careless celebrations? [network.yardbarker.com/all_sports/article_external/worlds_worst_coach_sues_little_leaguer_for_celebrating_walk_off_victory/15549854?linksrc=story_home_module_head_15549854]So how do Jim Harbaugh and Pete Carroll really stack up? [espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/2013/story/_/id/10293011/rick-reilly-comparing-jim-harbaugh-pete-carroll]At some point, will Harbaugh's wife force him into a wardrobe makeover? [thebiglead.com/2014/01/15/jim-harbaughs-wife-hates-his-pleated-8-khakis-from-walmart/]QUIPS 'R USHere is what some of America's leading sports pundits have been writing:Don Banks, SI.com: "If the NFL playoffs were like one big family reunion every January, the New England Patriots would be those somewhat tiresome relatives who show up too often and tend to stay too long. Another deep postseason run by the Men of Belichick and Brady? Really? Already? Didn't we just see them here, not too long ago? How can we ever start to miss them if these people won't leave? Ah, but here's a novel idea: Let's take a deep breath and try appreciating their very familiar presence for a change. The unsinkable Patriots. They're always here. They're always a threat to win it all. If there's one thing about this weekend's glamor-filled final four that I think we can all agree upon it's that New England has absolutely no business being back in the AFC Championship Game for the eighth time in the past 13 seasons. Not this year. Not again. Not with everything it has endured in the way of injuries, defections and unimagined complications."John Feinstein. CBSSports.com: "Sunday afternoon in the AFC championship game. The Broncos are playing at home, they NEED to win -- or, more accurately Peyton Manning NEEDS to win -- and they are probably the better team. If that happens much of the football world will point out that the Patriots have not won a Super Bowl in nine ye儲存倉rs and that they are one year closer to the end of The Tom Brady era, which might also mark the end of the Bill Belichick era. The losses will be analyzed and a conclusion, that may very well be accurate, will be reached: the best days of Brady and Belichick are behind them. All of which will entirely miss the point. Belichick has many detractors because of his public persona: dour, humorless, unwilling to share very many real insights, paranoid. To be fair, there isn't a NFL coach who isn't the latter two. Most -- if not all -- act as if they are protecting national security secrets when they talk about their team. If there is one circle the NSA probably can't crack it is the secret society that is the NFL. Belichick takes it to another level. He is so famous for his lack of humor that The Wall Street Journal actually counted the number of times he smiled during press conferences this season: seven. And that's with a team that is 13-4."Jeffri Chadihi, ESPN.com: "San Francisco 49ers head coach Jim Harbaugh has been so successful so quickly that it's time to start putting his brief career into perspective. He's the first coach in NFL history to take his team to three straight conference championship games in his first three seasons. He put Stanford on a path to dominance that hasn't been seen at the school since Pop Warner was running the program. Throw in Harbaugh's three-year run at the University of San Diego -- where he won 22 of his last 24 games -- and you should get the picture. We're looking at a man well on his way to being the greatest coach of the next generation. Harbaugh's hot head-coaching career is all the more amazing because nobody saw him being this good this fast. If he can lead his 49ers past the Seattle Seahawks in this Sunday's NFC Championship Game, the buzz around him will only intensify."Eric Adelson, Yahoo! Sports: "Welcome to the golden age of quarterback debates. The nation's obsession with unending arguments and its obsession with those who throw a football for a living have merged, creating a perfect storm of intrigue and bickering. This weekend, both conference championship games in the NFL offer quarterback matchups in which it's easy to like both passers but impossible to like them both equally. You're either a Peyton Manning backer or a Tom Brady fan; not both. The next Manning-Brady divide has spawned in the NFC, where Colin Kaepernick and Russell Wilson are already deep into their rivalry despite having only three full regular-seasons between them. Their styles and personalities are as different as the cities they represent. Here too, it's hard to shrug and say you like them both the same."Mike Tanier, Sports on Earth: "The only criticisms we can lob at the Brady-Manning rivalry are the ones we toss at our mp3 players and fuel-efficient cars. It's sterile, professionalized and lacks romance. It is overhyped and over-engineered and tries a little too hard to get us to love it. It is so user-friendly you don't need people like me to gild it with context and mythmaking. You just turn it on and watch it. It's a steak so delicious the chef barely has to cook it and we have gorged on it for so long it is only natural to crave something else. But we're the spoiled ones, not the steak. You will be reading about this rivalry for the rest of your life, but there is nothing really left to write. Brady-Manning now speaks for itself."MEGAPHONE"There's no love lost and there's no love found. I don't know if there's going to be handshakes after this one. It's going to be intense and it's going to be physical . . . I don't hate anyone. But passion, definitely. There'll be dislike, strong dislike. It's playoff football, so there'll be a lot of intensity, anyway, even if we weren't two teams very familiar with each other. But there's going to be a lot of chippiness in a hard-fought game."Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman, on the rivalry with the 49ers.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Visit the St. Louis Post-Dispatch at .stltoday.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平

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【記者廖士鋒報道】走進尖沙咀廣東道,人潮中大多數也是內地旅客,而《香港承受及接待旅客能力評估報告》預期訪港旅客人數會繼續上升,旅遊界立法會議員姚思榮則提議,可以發展香港版的「羅湖商業城」,集中旅客以減少對港人的影響;旅遊業議會主席胡兆英亦同意將旅客集中在東鐵沿線,又表示不擔心本港與內地居民的矛盾會加劇。姚思榮接受《成報》訪問時認為,只要政府妥善處理,旅客不會對港人日常生活造成重大影響。他解釋,透過「一簽多行」來港的旅客每年約有1,000萬人次,他們主要是來港購物消費,政府可以在邊境口岸如落馬洲發展購物中心,定位有如深圳的「羅湖商業城」,方便旅客消費後立即離港self storage對於約1,000萬名來自珠三角的旅客,姚思榮認為他們大部分已來港多次,不喜重複去一些傳統的旅遊地區如尖沙咀廣東道和銅鑼灣等,建議政府可向這些旅客推廣另類旅遊產品以分散人流,例如是離島遊和單車徑等。胡兆英:東鐵線設購物城胡兆英則表示,過夜旅客主要都是到旅遊景點觀光,對港人生活沒太大接觸,影響相對輕微;相反不過夜旅客較常到旺區購物,又經常乘搭公共交通工具,與港人有較多接觸,同意在東鐵沿線發展購物中心,方便內地旅客消費。不過夜旅客人數雖每年上升,但他亦不擔心內地旅客和港人矛盾會加劇,指出近年內地旅客已較以往自律,只要市民和旅客互相體諒,本港與內地民眾的矛盾會有改善。迷利倉

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Source: Independent Record, Helena, Mont.迷你倉Jan. 17--The state will allow a Canadian company to tunnel down into the ground to explore for copper near a tributary of the famed Smith River north of White Sulphur Springs.In a notice released Thursday, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality wrote that after reviewing the proposal by Tintina Alaska Exploration Company for the Black Butte Copper Project, the state believes the company can mitigate any negative impacts from the exploration work. That mitigation would be through "design, or enforceable controls or stipulations or both" imposed by DEQ or other governmental agencies."We took great care to respond to the public's input on this proposal," said DEQ Director Tracy Stone-Manning. "A lot of what we heard during the public comment process led to further protections for the land and water near the proposed exploration site."Some of those requirements include containing soil and rocks that may hold metals that contribute to acid mine runoff; having an archaeologist present to protect a prehistoric site that was identified; and weekly surface water and groundwater monitoring, with the results to be submitted monthly to DEQ.Tintina employees Jerry Zieg and Nancy Schlepp said the company agrees with all of the mitigation measures required by the state, adding that they're thrilled to have reached this "milestone."The exploration permit under the Final Mitigated Environmental Assessment doesn't permit the actual mine; it only allows Tintina to build a "decline," which will give people and equipment underground access to get a better look at whether it's economically feasible to mine for copper there."Obviously, we are pretty happy to have this process reach this point," said Zieg, who noted that they've been drilling and pulling out core samples of ore for the past few years to try to learn if it's worth taking the next step with the decline. "We're happy with the job DEQ did; they certainly did a more rigorous analysis of what our proposal is than we have seen in the past in Montana. That said, we think it is appropriate because our philosophy is to do everything we can to make sure there are no issues on our project in the future."Basically, the decline is a 5,200-foot-long ramp that goes underground. It will be 18 feet high and 18 feet wide on about 12,000 acres of public and private lands along Highway 89. The decline is large enough for trucks that will haul ore to the surface after it's been blasted with dynamite or otherwise dug out. The ore will be hauled for processing to an as-yet undetermined location.Before the exploration permit is issued, however, Tintina will have to post a reclamation bond with the state that will ensure compliance with various environmental laws. The amount of that bond hasn't been decided, according to Warren McCullough, head of the DEQ permitting and compliance division."We expect to have that ready in the near future," McCullough said.Under the permit, Tintina will be allowed to pull out 10,000 tons of rock for bulk sampling for metallurgical testing.The proposed surface disturbance would be 46.5 acres, all on private land, according to DEQ. If the company eventually applies for an operating permit for an underground mine, DEQ will prepare a more in-depth Environmental Impact Statement.Tintina anticipates putting the underground materials it hauls out of the decline into two piles lined with a thick, non-permeable barrier. The "PAG" pile is of Potential Acid Generating materials and is estimated to include about 30 percent of the rock. The remaining materials go into the "NAG" pile, which is the Non-Acid Generating rock.Water that falls on the rocks will be collected and treated if necessary. The PAG pond would have the capacity to store 1.9 million gallons of water, while the NAG pond would have a 4.1-million-gallon capacity.If Tintina decides that it's not feasible to develop the copper mine, the company will put the PAG rocks back into the decline, cover them with a concrete barrier, then put the other rocks on top of that and reclaim the site. DEQ believes that by burying the PAG, it no longer will create acid runoff.About 4,500 people submitted comments on the mine, including Jim Jensen with the Montana Environmental Information Center. The statewide group is opposed to the mine, saying potential acid mine runoff from the disturbance could harm both the environment and the Smith River. MEIC, the Alliance for the Wild Rockies, Trout Unlimited, the Upper Missouri Waterkeeper and numerous 文件倉rivate parties fear that the exploration work will drop water levels in Sheep Creek, which flows into the storied Smith River, and possibly send acid mine runoff into the popular fishery."I'm disappointed that the agency is either politically incapable or unwilling to say that there are some places that the risk is too high," Jensen said. "DEQ says, 'Trust us; we have new special protective measures.' But they say that every time for every mine and the agency has failed every time."Bonnie Gestring with Earthworks in Missoula called for more rigorous review of the project, given the potential for acid mine drainage."A mile-long tunnel into acid-generating rock isn't a typical exploration project. It poses a significant risk to the headwaters of the Smith River," Gestring said. "DEQ should take a more cautious approach with this project and conduct an Environmental Impact Statement to safeguard the Smith River watershed and its valuable fishery."DEQ officials, however, said they believe the required measures will protect the streams and groundwater. They added that it's not a given that the rock will generate acid mine drainage."There would be a reverse osmosis treatment system on site," said Herb Rolfe with DEQ. "We don't think it will need to be used, but it's a precautionary measure to have it on site to treat the water if needed."McCullough added that this is a "relatively small" underground operation at this point and that after fairly extensive testing the DEQ believes the potential for acid mine drainage is "pretty limited."Still, Jensen said the decline permit violates the Montana Constitution because it could contaminate water, even if it's later treated."The agency should be preventing pollution -- that's what the Constitution requires," Jensen said. "Acid mine drainage is a fact of science and nature. This is a massive, undertaking -- a 30-foot-diameter hole that's a mile long. If acid mine drainage is easy to stop once it's started, we wouldn't have these poisoned sites around the state."McCullough has heard those comments before, and said previous copper mines like Zortman Landusky and the Berkeley Pit operated under regulations that no longer exist and outdated technology. They also were open pit mines. Acid mine drainage at those sites means the water there must be treated "in perpetuity" -- or forever."The Berkeley Pit and Zortman Landusky have no bearing on this," McCullough said.Still, MEIC will explore "every possible legal avenue" to prevent the mine from going forward, Jensen said.Zieg noted that people in White Sulphur Springs overwhelmingly support development of the copper mine. The community took an economic hit when a local lumber mill shut down years back, and is still trying to recover.So far, Tintina has spent at least $18 million in exploration costs. Based on their core samples, Tintina forecast that what it calls the "Johnny Lee deposit" could produce a single copper concentrate containing an average of 47 million pounds of payable copper metal per year during a 14-year mine life. That translates to 658 million pounds of copper, which at $3 per pound, would have a value of $1.97 billion."This mine creates good-paying jobs for friends and neighbors," said Zieg, who grew up in White Sulphur Springs. "This community has been in pretty rough shape for a while, and this is one way we might be able to turn that around."Tintina wants to start building the decline this year, Zieg said, and projects that work will take about a year and a half to complete. Moving forward continues to hinge on investors, however, and Zieg noted that in his experience, people have been reluctant to support mining projects in Montana due to opposition from environmental and conservation groups during the past 30 years.But Zieg senses that hesitancy is lifting."I would still say there's a lot of reluctance to invest in Montana from those who don't take the time to look at what we are doing," Zieg said. "But when people sit down, talk to us and understand the project better, they're more interested to get involved."Copies of the Final EA can be obtained on this DEQ Web page: .deq.mt.gov/ea.mcpx.; by writing DEQ, by calling Kristi Ponozzo at 444-2813; or by sending an email addressed to DEQTintinaBlackButteCopperProject@mt.gov.Reporter Eve Byron: 447-4076 or eve.byron@helenair.com Follow Eve on Twitter @IR_EveByronCopyright: ___ (c)2014 Independent Record (Helena, Mont.) Visit the Independent Record (Helena, Mont.) at .helenair.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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香港文匯報訊(記者 郭兆東)本港入境旅客人次穩步上升,為�手提升接待能力,香港兩大旅遊景點-香港迪士尼樂園及海洋公園,將進行大型擴建計劃。其中,迪士尼樂園正研究擴建現有第一期用地,屆時即使面對每年1,100萬總入場人次,經擴建後樂園的接待能力仍足以應付。海洋公園方面,亦已獲港府貸款22.迷你倉9億元在大樹灣發展全新綜合景區,料配合港鐵南港島線(東段)投入服務,新項目每日最多可額外容納1.05萬入場人次。迪園每日迎客增至3萬港府發表香港承受及接待旅客能力評估報告,指2017年將有逾7千萬旅客訪港,為進一步提升旅客接待能力,本港多個主要旅遊設施將進行擴建工程。其中,香港迪士尼樂園現時面積已透過早期擴建,由開幕時的22.4公頃,增加約23%至27.5公頃,其「場地可容納最高人數」及「機動遊戲每小時容載量理論數值」,則分別為4.2萬人及逾3萬人次。報告指,即使樂園容量足以應付目前訪客數目,但為接待預料持續增加的旅客,迪士尼正研究在現有第一期用地上,即餘下的15.2公頃主題公園、零售、餐飲及娛樂設施用地,作擴建具迷你倉將軍澳方案。據早前估計,樂園於未來5年至8年完成擴建後,可接待能力會相應提高,屆時即使每年接待總人次上升至1,100萬,即每日平均逾3萬人次入場,經擴建後樂園的接待能力仍足以應付。海園拓展全新綜合景區至於另一主題樂園海洋公園,近5年入場人次每年平均增長約12.6%,其中2012/2013年度的總入場人次有逾770萬,平均每日逾2.1萬人次入場。報告指,園方預計2020年的入場人次會增至約850萬,雖然其「機動遊戲每小時容載量理論數值」,已由2005年重新發展計劃前的2.8萬人,大幅上升至2012年計劃完成後的6.9萬人,但為進一步提高整體吸引力,海洋公園將會於大樹灣發展全新綜合景區。報告續指,全新綜合景區的重點為結合戶內及戶外的全天候水上樂園,料項目可同時容納最多7,000人,而每日入場人次上限約1.05萬人次。報告引述據海洋公園工作計劃指出,立法會財務委員會已於去年中批准政府貸款22.9億元予海洋公園擴建,料項目可於2017年下半年完工,屆時港鐵南港島線(東段)已投入服務,有助紓緩公園附近的道路擠塞情況。

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self storage

——記李克強總理主持召開專家學者和企業界人士座談會聽取對政府工作報告意見和建議本報記者 陳學慧 姜 範“國務院高度重視專家學者以及企業家對政府工作的意見。你們有宏觀思考,也直接從事企業領導工作,對政府工作有著更寬的視野和更深的思考。”李克強總理的開場白簡短有力。1月17日上午,國務院總理李克強在中南海主持召開座談會,聽取經濟、社會等方面專家學者和企業界人士對《政府工作報告(徵求意見稿)》的意見和建議。代表們坦率直言、各抒己見,李克強總理一邊做筆記,一邊結合代表意見給參加會議的部委負責同志“佈置工作”。豐富的內容、融洽的互動,讓這場座談會成為了一個務實高效的現場辦公會。“照直說,哪些不合適,不用委婉表達”“報告強調了一些核心思想,但具體的任務表述不夠充分,可以再強化一點。”國家發展改革委宏觀經濟研究院副院長王一鳴說出了對《政府工作報告(徵求意見稿)》的意見。“沒關係,你照直說,哪些不合適,不用委婉表達。”李克強總理插話鼓勵王一鳴,引起會場一片會心的笑聲。“結構調整和創新驅動不是兩件事、不是‘兩張皮’,要融合起來。”王一鳴講得更加直接。總理的鼓勵讓代表們頓時輕鬆下來。“報告中關於產能過剩的形勢判斷有些過於悲觀。”德意志銀行大中華區首席經濟學家馬駿直截了當亮出觀點。“你說點具體數據。”李克強總理立刻關注地詢問。化解產能過剩,是新一屆中央政府產業結構調整的重點。根據馬駿及其團隊的分析,2013年光伏、造船、水泥等行業化解產能過剩都取得了實質性進展,表現為一些行業訂單明顯增多,一些行業的產能出現了明顯下降。打斷、討論;插話、交流;列數據、舉例子;說苦衷、講難題,現場氣氛越來越活躍。“要解決官本位思想,規範地方政府的權力。”“還有點時間,我再提一個建議。”……沒有空話套話,只講實在“幹貨”,兩小時的時間讓不少代表意猶未盡。“新的業態出來了,我們的管理手段也要跟上去。不要拍腦袋”對新經濟的重視,從邀請的代表名單可見一斑。發言的4位企業家中,來自互聯網的占了一半。騰訊公司董事會主席馬化騰和小米科技公司董事長雷軍不約而同地強調互聯網在轉型升級中的作用。目前發展迅猛的移動互聯網,更是兩人推介的重點所在。“移動互聯網已經是人體的一個電子器官了。”馬化騰比喻說。被李克強總理笑稱“小米變成了大米”的雷軍則建議,將互聯網的發展運用上升為國家戰略,使移動互聯成為中國難得的趕超機遇。日新月異的互聯網行業,不斷地探索著技術的邊界,也不斷挑戰著政府的管理。“現在互聯網上的違法成本迷你倉低了,政府對一些違法行為只罰幾十萬元了事,比起一些不法企業和個人的違法收益來說,這點罰款實在太少了。”作為行業領軍企業,馬化騰希望政府對互聯網的監管能夠更加有力。一個是4億元,一個是6%,這兩個數字讓兩位企業家煩惱。“按照現在的規定,並購金額在4億元以上的項目,必須經商務部審批,這給公司的發展帶來了不小的麻煩。”馬化騰說。“要享受國家對軟件企業的優惠政策,研發投入占銷售額的比例必須達到6%以上。”雷軍認為,在這個比例之下也可以有成功的研發。在馬化騰和雷軍看來,4億元和6%的規定有點“一刀切”的意味。“新的業態出來了,我們的管理手段也要跟上去。不要拍腦袋。要反思一下:我們給人家的政策合適不合適?”李克強總理囑咐參加會議的政府部門負責人。“措施要硬,要讓企業感到公平”給《政府工作報告(徵求意見稿)》提意見,更要給政府工作提意見。這是李克強總理對這次座談會的要求。與會代表也不“客氣”,提得最多的是關於政府職能的行使。什麼該管?什麼不該管?“一些地方政府,不顧產業發展規律,也不顧當地發展條件,一味要求企業加大投資延長產業鏈,如果企業不這樣做,就設置障礙。”中國五礦集團總裁周中樞坦率地舉出實際工作中遇到的問題。異軍突起的小米,因為山寨手機感到“很痛苦”。雷軍介紹,市場賣的小米手機一半是假的,有些地方還認為山寨手機創造了GDP,導致跨區域打擊難度很大。他認為,應加強市場監管,構築誠實守信的經濟社會環境,嚴厲打擊假冒偽劣商品。中國南車董事長鄭昌泓也提出,要打擊網絡電信欺詐。清華大學公共管理學院院長薛瀾認為,“要想為企業營造公平競爭的環境,必須把假冒偽劣的、違反知識產權的、排放汙染的、給社會造成巨大危害的行為管起來。現在政府逐漸放開經濟性監管,給了企業更大的活力,下一步還應該加強社會性監管,把市場失靈的地方堅決地管起來。加強社會性市場監管體系的建設,是國家治理能力和治理體系建設的重要部分。”對於這些直接提給政府的尖銳意見,李克強總理的回答很堅決:“政府既有錯位的地方,也有缺位的地方,要堅決放開那些不該管的事情,同時也要堅決管住該管的。政府當前必須加強監管,營造公平競爭的市場環境。措施要硬,要讓企業感到公平。”“今天的發言含金量很高,可以說是‘句句中的’。提的建議都很好,很值得思考。”李克強總理的結束語同樣簡短。“春節前可能沒有和大家面對面交流的機會了,提前祝願你們和你們的企業員工春節好。”起身準備離開會議室的時候,李克強總理笑著與代表們一一握手,並給大家拜早年。迷你倉將軍澳

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