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  本該是好好學習的年紀,迷你倉家境不錯的他們卻動了搶劫的念頭  實在想不通 不缺錢的“乖乖仔”怎會去搶劫  3個親如手足的小伙伴,一個在學校里是班長,學習好表現佳,另外兩個家境殷實,都是老師和家長眼中的乖孩子。可就在剛剛踏進高三學年,準備向象牙塔衝擊時,這3個“乖孩子”卻導演了一起搶劫案。而他們進行搶劫的目的,竟只是為了幫助其中一人實現“iphone5S夢想”。9月23日,3名年輕人因涉嫌搶劫被南寧市西鄉塘警方刑事拘留。  事發:  兩名中學生 突遇劫案  小慶今年剛滿18歲,是南寧市某中學高三的學生,成績不錯表現也好,在學校還擔任班長一職。  不久前,小慶借了初中同學小正幾十元錢。雙方經過聯繫,小慶約小正在9月21日晚到北湖衡陽路口附近的一處人行道還錢。  當晚10時許,小正騎著電動車來到約定地點,小慶如約把錢還給了小正。還錢之後,小慶還拉著小正閑聊了好一會。  在小慶和小正聊天時,兩名戴著口罩的男子突然沖了過來將兩人圍住。那兩名男子一人拿著匕首,一人拿著電擊棍,要求小正和小慶交出身上財物。隨後,小慶交出了自己的手機和身上的零錢,小正也只好交出了手機和電動車。騎著小正的電動車,兩名戴著口罩的男子揚長而去。  隨後,小慶和小正向南寧市唐山派出所報警。  真相:  班長男孩 竟是“導演”  接到報警後,南寧市唐山派出所的民警展開了調查。在調查中,民警發現這起案件有些蹊蹺。小慶和小正兩家住得不遠,而小慶約定的還錢地點,離雙方的家都很遠,也比較偏僻。  於是,9月22日,民警來到學校,找到小慶繼續瞭解情況。隨後,民警意外發現,小慶的書包里竟然放著一把匕首。更讓人意外的是,小慶報案時說他的手機被搶走了。但他現在用的這部手機正是“被搶走”的手機。打開手機,有幾條短信引起了警方注意:“快點過來”“我儘量拖住他,你們見機行事”……  隨後,小慶被民警帶回派出所調查。在派出所里,小慶承認這次搶劫的事是他“導演”的,而其他兩名劫匪“演員”,是他初中同學兼好友小成和小明。其中小明與小慶同齡,而小成只有17歲,他們都是高三在校學生。  當天,小成和小明也被警方抓獲,他們搶得的贓物也一併被查獲。  緣由:  迷你倉劫只為 一部新手機  小慶、小成和小明參與搶劫一事讓家長、老師都大吃一驚。他們三個平時不論是在家還是在學校,都沒看到任何不良行為,完全一副“乖乖仔”的模樣。據辦案民警瞭解,小慶的家境也不差,小成和小明也算家境殷實。可他們三個為何打起了搶劫的主意呢?小成的父母來到派出所確認此事後,抱頭痛哭不已。  原來,自從iphone發佈新款手機後,小慶就特別想要一部iphone5S。但他又不願問父母要錢買手機,於是便想到了搶劫,而最好的兩位朋友,小成和小明成了他實施計劃的最佳人選。而這兩位朋友為了幫小慶,也不惜鋌而走險。  9月20日,小慶正在構思如何作案時,初中同學小正打電話來索要之前借的錢。於是,小慶便將小正選定為第一個作案對象。在實施作案前,小慶還交代小成和小明,千萬不要傷人。  記者從南寧市唐山派出所瞭解到,持刀搶劫屬於情節惡劣的犯罪形式。9月23日,小慶和他的兩個小伙伴被警方刑事拘留。  (文中涉案人物均為化名)  對話嫌疑人  小慶:  總問家里要錢很丟臉  9月23日上午,記者在派出所見到了小慶。小慶1.74米的個頭,看起來是個陽光男孩。如果不是因為戴著手銬,讓人很難把這位彬彬有禮的大男孩與搶劫嫌疑人聯繫起來。  記者:你家里條件不錯,為什麼不問家里要錢而是去搶劫呢?  小慶:作為一個男人總是問家里要錢不是很丟臉嗎?我之前也想過自己攢錢買,暑假里我去做服務生、發傳單,幹了一個月也只得了1000多元。而開學後就是高三,我想認真學習準備高考,沒有時間去打工了。  記者:這部手機對你就那麼重要嗎?  小慶:那種感覺不好說,也不是為了攀比和炫耀,就是自己非常想要得到,就像小孩非常喜歡一個玩具,為了得到它不惜在地上打滾。為此,我糾結了好幾天要不要做這事。  記者:現在後悔嗎?  小慶:當然後悔啦,雖然我之前也想到了這個結果(小慶同時伸出了戴手銬的雙手)。不過畢竟做錯事應該承擔責任,我最後悔的還是連累了自己最好的朋友,還傷害了自己的老同學小正。之前小成和小明還勸過我,但我就是著迷了。後來我決定要做,他們也就被拖下水了。(當代生活報記者 陳強 實習生 陳玥)標簽:小成 刑事拘留 搶劫 家境 南寧市儲存倉

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Source: Montgomery Advertiser, Ala.迷你倉Sept. 22--Nancy Sutton Bell is used to overcoming assumptions and generalities in the workplace after fighting them for most of her life as a woman in a male-dominated business world.That's part of the reason that the baby boomer isn't eager to put negative labels on each generation of employees in today's unique and rapidly changing workforce."I really hate stereotypes because they have been used to put hurdles and obstacles in people's way for years," said Bell, a management professor at the University of Montevallo. "I think you have a far more productive conversation if you just look for the best in each of your employees. If you look for faults, you're going to find faults."People are finding plenty of both in their coworkers, according to a new study by EY, a global network of financial firms that includes Ernst & Young.The study found that workers gave Generation Y, a group mostly in their 20s, high ratings in tech and media skills, but most also described them as "entitled" and poor at team building. Boomers were seen as the most hard-working but the slowest to adapt.In fact, some of the negative views about each group came from people talking about their own generation.Still, the comments don't surprise Taylor Williams, a 28-year-old who manages economic and community development for PowerSouth Energy. Williams is part of a massive surge in Gen Y managers across the nation, and their approaches sometimes can create misunderstandings.Williams said he has been embraced by coworkers at PowerSouth. But he also said it's easy to see how a lack of communication between workers can lead to the kinds of generalities and misperceptions that were found by the study, about every generation."From just observing the folks and working with them, I think people eventually see that those negative stereotypes are not necessarily true," Williams said.Carmen Douglas, the vice president of human resources at Alabama State University, said the tech-savvy approach that makes Gen Y appealing as managers also fuels some of those misconceptions."Sometimes people judge hours spent at the office as 'work' instead of the amount of output," Douglas said. "(Gen Y) can work from anywhere, and they use technology to be more productive in less time."Other generalities about the younger group, like the idea that they are poor team players, simply are not true, Bell said."They were raised with the Power Rangers," she said. "You look at the computer games they play -- you've got to work together. They work together all the time, they just don't do it with the same formality."At the same time, she said they crave feedback from older employees and see them as parental figures, in part because "they're the first generation who didn't 迷你倉最平ebel against their parents." Because of that, Bell said they are eager to learn from boomers.That mentor role is one of many reasons that experts say older workers are gaining value in the business world. While they often cost more to hire, they bring in more experience, more connections and require little training or supervision.They're also staying in the workforce for longer than some may have thought, thanks to the recession. Between 1977 and 2007, employment of workers 65 and older doubled, a trend that has stayed on track and is projected to continue as boomers move toward old age.For many boomers job goals have always been about stability and a measured approach. Steve Bucherati, chief diversity officer for the Coca-Cola Co., said for him that was the result of being raised by children of the Depression."They preached, 'Get an education. Get a good, secure job with a good, secure company,'" Bucherati said. "They raised you in this structured mentality."The way we've raised our kids is very different. We don't preach the same kinds of things, nor do they want us to, nor would they respond to it."Childhood also shaped Generation X in a unique way, Bell said. That may be why that group -- now mostly in their 30s and 40s -- have never dominated management roles in massive numbers even though the EY study found that it's the most highly-regarded generation in the workplace.Bell said Gen X was raised as latchkey kids, often with the television as a baby sitter, and became very independent adults. That led them down a path of entrepreneurship and niche job roles, with an emphasis on a work-life balance.It's an attitude reflected in the study, which shows that Gen X prefers job flexibility over all other perks."A lot of them are in specialty fields and have done very well where they are," Douglas said. "They're not in a position now where they would want to change their (area of work)."The experts agreed that businesses must encourage communication in order to take advantage of the unique skills that each group brings to the table."Each of the different generations has strengths and you have to respect their value and leverage the strengths," Bucherati said. "The more you understand about that, the easier it is to manage and value."Generation Z's just a decade away."-- The AP contributed to this storyAdditional FactsHow they're viewedGeneration YTech savvy, social media experts, entitled, not hardworkingGeneration XProductive, team player, relationship builder, problem solverBaby boomersHardworking, nurturing, slow to adapt, poor brand ambassadors--EYCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) Visit the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) at .montgomeryadvertiser.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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紀佳鵬ARM企圖蠶食英特爾具有霸主地位的服務器市場的目的早已昭然,儲存錯過了移動芯片先機的英特爾正在進行反擊。9月23日,英特爾在北京舉行凌動處理器C2000產品家族產品解析會。據英特爾中國產品平台事業部總經理Brent Young介紹,C2000產品家族產品及相關技術可為微型服務器、冷數據存儲及入門級網絡等對效率及靈活性要求苛刻的數據中心基礎設施提供支持。英特爾數據中心及互聯系統事業部副總裁、數據中心市場部總經理Shannon Poulin表示,作為重塑數據中心戰略的重要組成部分,英特爾專注基於“至強”以及“凌動”芯片提供的針對工作負載優化的平台解決方案。S凌動處理器C2000產品與九個月前推出的第一代基於凌動處理器的服務器系統芯片相比,性能提高了7倍。記者瞭解到,目前在服務器市場,對於很多企業而言,希望在搭建自己的數據中心的時候能夠降低成本,而成本很大部分來自于服務器初期的採購成本和運行時的能耗。許多企業的數據中心只是需要簡單的數據處理以及存儲數據,這種情況下單個服務器進行複雜運算能力的要求並不是特別高。換言之,“低功耗”漸漸成為部分企業選擇服務器的一個重要的標準。“隨著智能手機市場的發展,對於互聯網公司等企業的服務器需求也在增加,這部分市場未來是很大的。”IT分析師孫永傑接受《21世紀經濟報道》記者採訪時表示,ARM在智能手機上的低功耗塑造了其品牌優勢,這種服務器市場的趨勢對於ARM而言某種程度上也是機迷你倉。而在這樣的市場趨勢之下,ARM透過其招牌式的低功耗的處理器核心架構,也在積極地在服務器市場進行布局。據瞭解,目前採用ARM架構的服務器半導體廠商已有七家,其中有五家已推出ARM架構的服務器芯片,另外兩家的解決方案將于明年發佈;而OEM廠商也有包括惠普等12家廠商。ARM方面此前曾表示,預計將在2017年搶下這個市場10%到15%的佔有率。而從英特爾第二季度財報看來,英特爾的核心業務PC客戶端事業部收入81億美元,比上季度增長了1.4%,但與去年同期相比下降7.5%;而數據中心集團第二季度收入為27.43億美元,去年同期為27.34億美元,有少許增長。孫永傑對記者說,為了保證穩定的收入不被侵蝕,英特爾此番拿出基於低功耗設計的、主要在平板和手機上運用的芯片品牌“凌動”的目的,在於阻擋ARM在微型服務器市場的進攻。不過,英特爾X86架構已長期佔有服務器市場,ARM想要在短時間內切入並且占據一定的市場份額並不容易。這就好比目前英特爾進軍ARM聯盟幾乎壟斷的移動智能終端芯片領域同等困難。“目前雙方就是在揚長避短。作為切入市場方,ARM會指出在計算能力基本滿足客戶需求的情況下強調他們在功耗的優勢,英特爾則會強調計算力,同時表示功耗上他們在進行優化。”孫永傑對記者說,從數據中心實際的需求,如果只在前期的採購成本和功耗上來考慮,但是要保持數據中心的正常運行,性能還是非常關鍵。“服務器市場上對於ARM而言還有很長的路要走。”mini storage

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喬加偉互聯網巨頭集體將觸角伸向了金融領域。繼阿里巴巴、蘇寧之後,mini storage23日,記者從上海嘉定區金融辦一位人士處獲得證實,幾個星期前,華東區總部位於上海嘉定區的百度和京東,均已向當地金融辦提交設立小額貸款公司的申請,並已獲得通過。“兩個公司的名稱分別為上海百度小額貸款有限公司、京匯(音)小額貸款有限公司,兩家公司註冊資本均在2億-3億元,機構均設在上海嘉定新城,不過只是作為一個辦公場所,但不會像一般小額貸款公司實體經營,而是類似阿里小貸網上經營,可以跨區。”上述嘉定區金融辦人士稱。不過,記者查閱兩家公司工商資料發現,目前兩家公司還並未在上海工商局註冊。對此,京東集團相關人士回複記者稱,“目前京東集團擬在上海設立小貸公司,確已通過監管部門上海金融辦審批。不過,這僅僅是完成了前置的審批程序,後續還有註冊等很多程序要走,因此無法預期公司何時正式成立以及開展業務”。落戶嘉定金融硅穀記者從上述嘉定金融辦人士處獲悉,百度和京東的兩家小額貸款公司均設在嘉定新規劃的金融硅穀區域內,“嘉定金融硅穀主要是吸引一些新金融、金融服務外包機構”。記者獲取的上海嘉定區政府文件顯示,嘉定金融硅穀的目標是:近兩年,初步建成上海新型金融產業發展集聚區。“現在,對於以互聯網金融為代表的新型金融各個區都在爭,包括北京海澱、上海黃浦、深圳前海。”上海一位金融徵信人士對記者稱。兼具互聯網金融和小額貸款雙重身份,百度和京東小貸公司的設立自然成為嘉定區爭取的目標。根據上述文件,截至2016年,嘉定金融硅穀需設立包括小貸公司、融資擔保、融資租賃機構不少于10家。為此,據上述嘉定金融辦人士介紹,為了適應電商平台企業貸款具體情況,必須打破傳統小貸公司不能跨區經營的限制,上海金融辦專門對政策做了創新和拓展。京東將金融平台放到上海早有端倪,今年兩會期間,京東商城董事局主席劉強東作為上海新政協委員,就建言,互聯網金融業務是互聯網的最後一塊寶藏,今後哪個城市能儘快推出針對互聯網金融self storage策,就能吸引最優秀的互聯網金融企業。“過去中國的傳統金融業基於區域管理,而互聯網沒有時間和空間概念,只要國家沒有明確說不能做,上海市就應該先行去做。”劉強東在兩會提案中稱。作為一家主要電商企業,京東旗下小貸公司經營模式清晰,此前阿里“平台+金融+數據”模式優勢明顯。上述京東人士也對記者稱,小貸公司客戶主要針對集團供應商(自營)以及賣家(開放平台)。並表示,自從2012年,京東已與多家銀行合作供應鏈金融,提供了數十億元貸款,積累大量交易信息,“並且由於京東自建物流體系,因此交易數據完整性在整個電商行業有絕對優勢”。“對於百度涉足小額貸款,一方面,可通過搜索引擎搜集尋求貸款的客戶,推送自身小貸公司產品;另外,百度自己也在做電商平台,包括百度微購等。”上述金融徵信人士稱。支付、小貸、搜索組合拳據記者觀察,百度進軍金融今年已有多個動作,低調但穩步推進。除了小額貸款公司外,2013年7月,百度旗下的支付工具百付寶獲得了第三方支付牌照,百度將支付收入囊中。“雖然百付寶目前還未能如支付寶,將基金支付牌照和基金銷售牌照攬入懷中,但是百度已經與一些基金公司在溝通合作。”上述徵信人士表示。據悉,百度金融也于8月底低調上線,從目前可見的部分來看,百度金融已經可以支持車貸、房貸、消費貸款、經營貸款以及信用卡搜索。“在‘入口’上,百度相對於其他互聯網巨頭優勢明顯,這也是百度金融推出的考量。也是差別化阿里、蘇寧的地方。”上述徵信人士稱,貸款、理財產品以及利率市場化後的存款的垂直搜索,是一個很大市場。事實上,近幾年,包括融360、好貸網、融道網在內垂直貸款搜索產品陸續登台,整個領域已經逐步走向成熟,其中融360已獲得多輪融資,資本也開始湧入,或基於此,觀察良久,具備搜索無可比擬優勢的百度選擇了出手。上述徵信人士認為,若貸款產品試水成功,百度金融搜索肯定會逐步拓寬至理財、保險、基金等領域,“但一定是標準化的產品,太複雜金融產品短期內不是推動的重點”。迷你倉

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百視通聯手微軟發力娛樂百視通擬與微軟共同投資7900萬美元(約合4.83億元人民幣),self storage成立上海百家合信息技術發展有限公司。雙方將拿出各自與業務相關的核心資源,在新一代家庭遊戲娛樂技術、終端、內容、服務等領域展開全面的合作。根據協議,百視通擬以現金投入4029萬美元(約合2.46億元人民幣),持股51%;微軟公司擬以現金投入3871萬美元(約合2.37億元人民幣),持股49%。合資公司經營範圍包括設計、開發、製作遊戲、娛樂應用軟件及衍生產品;銷售、許可、市場營銷自產和第三方的遊戲、娛樂應用軟件等,公司擬註冊地位於上海自由貿易試驗區。百視通表示,在國家關於“中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區”等各方面政策框架內,此次合資合作旨在合作打造一流的“新一代家庭遊戲娛樂產品”和具備世界領先水平的“家庭娛樂中心服務”,將推動公司在中國及海外“一雲多屏”業務有關技術、平台、終端、內容、網絡、服務能力的全面提升,推進公司在遊戲產業領域的布局,實現公司新媒體“跨地域”、“跨行業”發展上一個新的台階。景時基金與地產公司合作上海沿海景榮股權投資基金管理有限公司日前正式更名為上海景時股權投資基金管理有限公司。公司表示,這是為了更好地建立“景時夾層”系列基金在地產投資領域的品牌辨識度,今後景時基金將作為景時夾層系列基金的專迷你倉普通合伙人。據悉,景時夾層系列基金是由景榮基金髮起並管理的旗艦型基金,以“股權+債權”的夾層基金投資方式,專注二線以上城市的具有剛性需求特徵的住宅房地產項目,投資的對手方及關聯交易方均為大型國有企業和上市公司,已投資信達地產(600657)的長春龍灣項目、金地集團(600383)的武漢格林東郡項目等,基金管理總規模接近50億元人民幣。此次更名不涉及經營業務範圍以及普通合伙人承擔無限責任方面調整,景時基金將繼續以較少的股權資金撬動較多的低成本債權資金進行投資,降低浮動收益類投資人的投資風險。福耀玻璃擬發H股國際化福耀玻璃(600660)公告,為滿足公司業務發展對資本金的需要,公司擬發行H股並申請在香港聯交所主板掛牌上市。在符合H股上市地監管要求的最低流通比例規定的前提下,此次發行的H股股數占發行後公司股份總數的比例不超過18%,公司並授予簿記管理人不超過此次發行的H股股數15%的超額配售選擇權。募集資金在扣除發行費用後,擬全部用于在俄羅斯、美國或歐洲、美洲等地區建設汽車玻璃及浮法玻璃生產基地、營銷與服務網絡,擴大企業生產能力,加大國際市場開拓力度,分散市場風險,加快推進公司國際化戰略的實施;在俄羅斯、美國或歐洲、美洲等地區建立國際化研發及設計平台;補充流動資金,償還銀行貸款,優化資本結構等。文件倉

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新聞鏈接9月16日,儲存倉中國電子商會消費電子產品調查辦公室、國家廣播電視產品質量監督檢驗中心攜手創維依據 《彩色電視機信息化指數評測通用規範》聯合發佈《智能電視操作系統評價細則》。細則包含四方面內容:1.獨立性:自主開發,除兼容安卓應用外,不依賴安卓。2.兼容性:專屬電視但可多平台、多終端兼容;支持自由開發者開發;用戶可自助刷機。3.完整性:擁有雲計算平台,通過雲聚合,實現跨界融合;並依此實現完整、統一的用戶UI和多任務操控體驗。4.持續性:不斷更新版本,持續升級。此前,是否具備安卓系統是衡量電視是否是智能電視的標誌。而Android操作系統最早是應用于智能手機類的移動終端平台上,其對於智能電視而言具有硬性的植入性。同時,電視與手機在尺寸、性能、使用習慣等方面大相徑庭,隨著4K、OLED顯示技術的不斷革新,大尺寸電視強勢來襲的現狀下,硬性植入的安卓系統無法繼續承載電視發展的使命。彩電廠商在軟件系統開發上並非沒有嘗試,迷你倉由於各企業之間的系統標準不統一,以及兼容性方面的不成熟,導致其難以取代安卓。而互聯網企業跨界打造的TV系統均源於他們對系統技術的領先想像,電視用戶行為習慣仍是他們系統開發理念的盲點。創維日前發佈的天賜系統在權威檢測中,這四大方面相對於 “移植”的安卓系統的表現有了大幅提升。在天賜專屬系統架構下,最體現運行速度的開機時間,由以往的近一分鐘縮短到如今的15秒,實現了由分到秒的跨越式發展。同時在界面設計方面,天賜系統電視加入半透明式懸浮UI,使界面更加簡潔直觀。另外,多任務處理的操作簡化使得智能操控更上一台階,智能節目分析、搜索篩選等功能也體現了專屬系統的人性化特徵,而“第二屏”的操控延展更是反映了創維基於天賜專屬TV系統對於家庭互聯網的構架。國家廣播電視產品質量監督檢驗中心副主任劉志剛稱,隨著智能電視操作系統熱潮的興起,智能電視市場亟須一個全面、統一的評價準則來界定TV專屬系統,從而規範智能電視行業,使其健康、穩定發展。迷你倉最平

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來源 : 旅遊局澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局將於27日推出題為《論區行賞》的首四條步行路線,mini storage鼓勵旅客到各區遊歷,希望起分流作用,紓緩旅遊旺區壓力,並帶動社區旅遊發展。現在藉著快將到來的十.一黃金週,首階段介紹四條步行旅遊路線,讓旅客邊行邊賞,慢步探索澳門各區特色,感受澳門的風土人情。四條步行旅遊路線包括:南灣大馬路至司打口的「歷史足跡之旅」;普濟禪院至望德聖母堂的「綠色文創之旅」;議事亭前地至海事博物館的「中葡交匯之旅」及漁人碼頭至媽閣廟的「藝文探索之旅」。本月27日起將推出步行路線地圖的中文版(繁體及簡體)、英文版及葡文版。旅遊局會利用多個宣傳途徑,介紹及推廣《論區行賞》的四條步行路線,包括透過微信、國內手機短訊、旅遊局網站、社交網站及印製刊物等。旅遊局亦為四條步行路線拍攝短片,讓旅客在旅遊局網站率先感受實景步行旅程,欣賞沿線風光及景點。旅遊局已陸續邀請外地旅行社self storage媒體來澳考察,鼓勵旅行社策劃旅遊行程時考慮加入步行路線。未來,旅遊局將推出步行路線手機應用程式。為豐富旅客的步行體驗,在各路線上舉行的主要活動將於旅遊局出版的免費月刊《旅遊快訊》十月號作出標示。此外,由旅遊局、民政總署、文化局、土地工務運輸局及交通事務局組成的跨部門工作小組,正優先處理旅遊路線覆蓋之範圍,改善現存標識系統,並爭取本年底於各路線的起點及終點逐步�立指示牌或步行路線地圖,為居民及旅客構建一個更休閒、更適合步行的城市漫遊環境。居民及旅客將可於旅遊局各諮詢處索取免費步行路線地圖,亦可於旅遊局網站.macautourism.gov.mo 下載步行路線地圖或欣賞實景拍攝的路線錄像。旅遊局在構思《論區行賞》計劃過程中,一直與有關社團保持溝通,並繼續關注民意,調整有關路線,同時亦透過跨部門合作完善配套設施。旅遊局仍在設計多條步行路線,當中包括離島線,於明年陸續推出。迷你倉

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馬耕平 / 攝姜景余 / 攝盛佳鵬 / 攝姜景余 / 攝姜景余 / 攝姜景余 / 攝姜景余 / 攝盛佳鵬 / 攝豐台青龍湖畔,文件倉544名國內外運動員進行了一場力量和耐性的比拼。游泳,自行車,跑步,這是一場真正的“鐵人”較量,挑戰自我極限,盡顯運動之美。本月21日,2013北京國際鐵人三項賽在豐台青龍湖公園開賽,作為美國舊金山逃離惡魔島國際鐵人三項賽亞洲唯一分站賽,這項世界知名的國際賽事第二次登陸豐台。豐台再次以獨具魅力的賽道、頂級鐵三運動員及“傳奇”的鐵三愛好者雲集成為焦點。西班牙和瑞典選手分獲男女冠軍本次比賽吸引了35個國家和地區的544名運動員參加此次比賽,其中專業運動員15人。除專業組外,比賽還設有業餘年齡組、接力組、企業挑戰賽等多個組別。獲得前50名的運動員將獲得2014年在美國舊金山舉辦的逃離惡魔島國際鐵人三項賽參賽資格。選手們為贏取這一資格展開角逐。去年比賽中,共有11名(8名中國人)符合資質的優秀選手在今年3月3日奔赴美國,參加了逃離惡魔島鐵人三項賽總決賽,並全部完賽。本屆比賽中,來自西班牙的30歲選手哈維爾·戈麥斯·諾亞以1小時51分59秒獲得男子組第一名,瑞典的28歲選手麗薩·諾丹以2小時5分12秒獲得女子組第一名。頂級選手齊聚北京鐵三參加此次比賽的選手中不乏頂尖高手,包括曾在奧運會賽場上屢創佳績的名將及全球各類鐵人三項賽中屢建戰功的頂尖運動員。今年30歲的西班牙人哈維爾·戈麥斯·諾亞是首次參加北京國際鐵人三項賽。在此之前,他曾在其15年的鐵三生涯中將�多榮譽攬入囊中,最矚目的是以1小時46分36秒摘得2012年倫敦奧運會銀牌。和哈維爾的奧運佳績相比,美國運動員馬特·里德在全球各類鐵人三項運動上的成績則更值得一提,早在2006年時,馬特·里德便贏得舊金山逃離惡魔島國際鐵人三項賽的冠軍。2008年,馬特被授予美國鐵人三項協會精英運動員榮譽,成為一名鐵三賽場上的傳奇英雄。去年,這位30歲的運動員在北京獲得亞軍。今年,他再度回到2013北京國際鐵人三項賽賽場。在來自世界各地的頂尖運動員當中,也不乏中國人的身影,其中黨琦和張一作為參加2013北京國際鐵人三項賽的運動員,尤為引人注目。黨琦是北京國際鐵人三項賽國內的形象代言人,他曾在北京國際鐵人三項賽中獲得年齡組第一名的好成績。2013年3月3日,黨琦在舊金山取得歷史性突破,獲得35歲至39歲年齡組第三名,成為第一位登上“惡魔島”領獎台的中國人。鐵三運動走向大�鐵人三項賽不僅是高手之間的較量,存倉是業餘鐵三愛好者創造傳奇的舞台。參賽運動員中,除了15名專業運動員外,其餘均為業餘運動員,其中有不少2012北京國際鐵人三項賽上的老面孔,如參與比賽宣傳片拍攝工作的崔瑞來和楊慶琦。崔瑞來是中國運載火箭技術研究院工程師,在去年的比賽中,崔瑞來獲得男子50至54歲組冠軍,贏得去美國舊金山參加逃離惡魔島國際鐵人三項賽總決賽的資格,並且成功“逃離惡魔島”。紐約州註冊建築師楊慶琦也是一名資深的鐵三愛好者,他認為鐵三可以讓人從思想哲學到對人生意義的看法、從生活方式、生活重心到日常待人處事的細節全盤的改變。除了熟悉的老面孔,比賽也增添了不少新面孔,來自美國的張康教授就是其中之一,張康教授所在的美國聖地亞哥市是鐵三運動發源地之一。有著美國最佳眼科教授、遺傳學教授、北大長江學者等光環的張康教授和鐵人三項結緣。魅力賽道串起了京西美景此次比賽總距離51.5公里,採用奧運標準距離,包括1.5公里游泳,40公里自行車,以及10公里跑步。整個賽道環湖傍山,被公認為不可多得的經典賽道之一。其中,游泳賽道設在風景如畫的青龍湖上,極具挑戰的自行車路線由豐台青龍湖公園出發經城市道路及盤山公路至千靈山腳下後返回,之後的賽跑穿過青龍湖公園獨特的小徑。賽道串起了無數京西美景。除了青龍湖和千靈山之外,賽道沿途將掠過八一影視基地、南宮溫室公園以及匪夷所思的“怪坡”等一系列自然風光和人文景觀。除此之外,運動員還能欣賞到路邊的南宮新村一幢幢花園別墅和集觀光、採摘為一體的泉怡園農莊。這條經典賽道正受到更多世界級鐵三愛好者的關注,與去年相比,報名人數明顯增多。近年來豐台生態建設效果顯著,尤其是第九屆國際(北京)園林博覽會的舉辦,突破性地改善了區域生態環境。基礎設施與服務的完善,為鐵人三項賽提供了更豐富、更優質的配套服務。近期豐台區8條新建道路相繼開通,地鐵14號線途經園博園開至張郭莊站。加上青龍湖、千靈山等原有的風景,豐台獨有的自然環境和豐富的文化底蘊凸顯出來,“挑戰自我、融入自然、健康快樂”的理念,完美契合了鐵人三項賽的要求。賽事舉辦地打造“騎游小鎮”去年,北京國際鐵人三項賽的成功舉辦帶動了河西地區對鐵人三項賽的熱愛。賽後,為滿足北京市民體驗經典賽道的需求,賽事舉辦地王佐地區正在打造“騎游小鎮”。遊客可以在千靈山、青龍湖、世界地熱博覽園、旅遊大廈、南宮溫泉度假酒店租賃自行車騎游景區。按照規劃,“騎游小鎮”將在現有路段劃出騎游線路,使遊客能夠回歸自然體驗“慢生活”,綠色出行感受“心放鬆”。晨報記者 韓娜迷你倉

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強颱風影響航空交通,迷你倉全日超過400個航班取消或延誤,不少旅客滯留機場。另外,巴士和港內外渡輪服務晚上全面停頓,其中在南丫島航線因風浪太大,尾班船提早取消,20多名市民一度在碼頭鼓噪,需要警員調停。受風暴影響,機場於晚上6時起取消所有航班升降,要到今天才逐漸恢復服務,全日共有370班機要取消,67班機延誤,大批旅客被逼「佔領」機場。有人索性在座椅或行李手推車上睡覺,有人看書聊天,不過更多人利用機場的免費WiFi和充電服務,大玩手機等電子設備解悶。 有旅客不滿航空公司的熱線電話打不通,無法知道航班取消後的安排。亦有由外地來港渡假的旅客表示,航班被取消,她批評航空公司mini storage排混亂,沒有安排受影響的旅客盡快離開香港,取消航班也沒有通知,只是於網上公布消息。渡輪停頓 乘客鼓躁部份本港旅遊團亦都滯留在外未能回港。東瀛遊說,約有超過20個旅行團共約600人,因航機取消,滯留在南韓、日本、台灣及內地,暫時未知何時可返港。由於團友大部份都有購買旅遊保險,住食方面都可獲賠償。海上交通方面,所有港外內航線亦在8號風球懸掛後陸續停航,其中,在中環港外線碼頭,由中環往南丫島榕樹灣渡輪,因南丫島附近風浪太大,難以泊岸,晚上7時和7時半的兩班船都未能開出,渡輪公司再取消原定8時的尾班船。約廿名乘客滯留碼頭,部份乘客鼓躁,更有人報警,由警員到場調停。新報記者self storage

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楊柳�美聯儲的貨幣政策一向是影響國際黃金價格的重要因素之一,迷你倉任何來自美聯儲的消息都可能讓黃金市場產生波動。與市場預期相反,美聯儲公開市場委員會(FOMC)上周宣佈,維持每月購買850億美元資產的開放式量化寬鬆(QE)不變。在美聯儲作出這一決定之後,紐約黃金價格放量上漲近5%,而各大投行也紛紛改變了以往看空近期黃金市場的觀點,但是由於市場對於美聯儲將在今年年底或明年年中放緩量化寬鬆的預期依舊較強,目前黃金市場走勢依舊成謎。美聯儲報告指出,自一年以前開始實施資產購買計劃以來,經濟活動和就業市場狀況已經取得了改善。但是FOMC決定等待更多證據以便證明這種進展將是可以持續的,隨後才會對資產購買計劃的規模進行調整。為了判定何時開始放緩資產購買計劃的步伐,美聯儲表示,將在未來幾次會議上對收到的信息進行評估,以判定這些信息是否繼續對FOMC的預期形成支持,即就業市場狀況正在改善,且通脹正在朝著其長期目標運動。然而,在美聯儲報告發佈之後,聖路易斯聯儲主席布拉德表示,近期數據較為疲弱,不縮減的決定是勉強做出的,美聯儲可能在10月政策會議上做出開始放緩資產購買步伐的決定,不過這將取決于經濟數據。受此言論影響,紐約黃金價格上周五收盤下跌近3%,報1332.50美元,白銀重挫6.4%至21.80美元,貴金屬抹去了上周四的大部分漲幅。美聯儲報告之後,各大投行也相繼發佈了對於黃金市場的看法。與此前投行普遍看空黃金價格的情況不同,投行間觀點也出現很大的分歧。摩根大通認為,在過去五年裡,量化寬鬆政策是金價走勢的主要動力,繼2008年危機之後,央行資產負債達到空前的膨脹導致市場擔憂通脹會進一步上升,市場對黃金的需求十分強勁,有大量的需求來自ETF。考慮到美聯儲的180mini storage大轉變,日本央行也沒有停止QE的跡象,預計金價將不得不大幅上漲。匯豐銀行則表示,盡管上周三(美東時間)美聯儲公佈的利率決議結果令市場之前的預期落空,現貨黃金大受提振暴漲逾4%,但眼下實物金需求卻相對疲軟,短期黃金價格的上漲空間可能將受到限制。就黃金價格短期走勢而言,投資大佬吉姆·羅傑斯則較為悲觀,他公開表示,雖然黃金價格因為美聯儲決定暫時不縮減每個月850億美元的資產採購項目規模而大漲,但是這種金屬已經失去了作為避險資產的吸引力,會在未來一年到兩年間跌到每盎司900美元或者是每盎司1000美元的水平。不過,也有分析認為,由於目前黃金價格仍處於較低的水平,許多黃金礦企被迫不斷縮減運營成本,預計全球黃金產量在未來兩年將大幅減少,產量的減少也有望阻止黃金價格的進一步下跌。高盛大宗商品團隊認為,美聯儲意外地維持購債規模不變導致金價飆漲,近期金價還會上漲,但對2014年金價卻看空。通脹和失業率是影響美聯儲決策的重要考慮因素。美聯儲報告認為,最近幾個月以來,就業市場狀況的某些指標已經顯示出進一步的改善,但失業率則仍舊維持在較高水平,持續低於2%目標水平的通脹率可能給經濟表現帶來風險,但預計中期內通脹率將朝著這一目標的方向運動。今年6月,美聯儲主席伯南克曾表示,如果經濟預估符合預期,預計可能在今年減緩購債步伐,明年年中前將結束資產購買,資產購買結束時失業率可能在7%左右。此外,值得強調的是,世界主要黃金和白銀ETF仍在延續今年年初以來的減持計劃,尚未出現大規模增持跡象,而黃金、白銀ETF所代表的貴金屬投資需求一向是推漲貴金屬價格的關鍵力量,這也意味著除來自美聯儲寬鬆貨幣政策的推動之外,投資需求在近期難以推動貴金屬價格上漲。 攝影記者/吳軍 製圖/蔣皓明self storage

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在成都平原的西南面,迷你倉岷江中游,有一座古稱眉州的城市,中國古代大文豪蘇東坡曾在這裡吟詩作對……而如今,這片寶地更名為眉山,成為四川最年輕最富朝氣的地級市。眉山,一面以她的“古”被人熟知,一面卻又因她的“新”而備受矚目。歷史的積澱賦予了眉山加大馬力發展的動力和後勁,如今我們提起這座“千載詩書城”,洶湧而來的,是一連串現代的數字——連續5年招商引資全省第二,連續3年西博會簽約金額全省第二,連續4年實際利用外資突破1億美元;世界500強、中國500強落戶總量達32家,居全省第二位……數據讓人驚訝,驚訝于眉山的發展之快,發展之穩。1997年建立地區、2000年撤地建市,這座四川最“年輕”的城市,憑借的是什麼?帶著疑問,我們走進眉山,去一探究竟。採寫 劉芳君9月11日上午,初秋的涼意陣陣襲來,而在眉山市彭山縣經濟開發區的聯合利華全球(四川)生產基地奠基儀式的現場,氣氛卻是一片火熱。儀式現場,兩排鑼鼓整齊地排開,一紅一黃兩只歡喜活潑的獅子和著激昂的鼓點,圍著遠道而來的客人舞動,表示歡迎。聯合利華全球首席執行官波爾曼拿出手機,對著舞獅拍照留念,喜愛之情溢於言表。“眉山始終以企業的發展需要為目標,為企業提供優質的服務。”眉山市委書記李靜說。歷時六年,眉山最終與聯合利華牽手,除了眉山自身的區位優勢、成本優勢之外,像奠基儀式現場一樣用心的優質服務,無疑也是一個讓聯合利華選擇眉山的重要因素。在眉山,聯合利華並不是個例。落戶在眉山的企業,都享受著這裡的星級服務。區位優勢無可挑剔硬件就像一台電腦,不論是繪製一幅CAD的大圖,還是打一場酣暢淋漓的遊戲,硬件配置都是一切的基礎,對一座城市來說亦是如此。而地理區位,正是眉山最優質的硬件。翻開四川地圖,眉山的區位一目瞭然。北接省會成都,南連樂山,東鄰內江、資陽、自貢,西接雅安,地處全省經濟最發達的“黃金走廊”成綿樂沿線,位於天府新區核心區域,是成都平原經濟區的重要組成部分。如果用時間距離來丈量,眉山早已融入成都“半小時經濟圈”。緊鄰新津的彭山縣青龍鎮,距離成都市中心僅40公里路程;正在建設的成綿樂城際鐵路通車後,眉山中心城區與成都的時空距離將瞬間縮短到18分鐘,生活在成都的人中午到眉山吃頓東坡肘子,甚至比開車出門找個飯店所需的時間還短。然而,擁有高速和高鐵的眉山並不滿足于此。“高速和高鐵是加強成眉兩地民生往來的大動脈,而產業經濟的大動脈,是免費的快速通道。”如何進一步提升自身的硬件條件,眉山很清楚。企業講求成本,高速和高鐵固然快速,但成本偏高。於是,2012年底,眉山“四箭齊發”,全面開工建設工業大道、岷東大道、濱江大道、天府(仁壽)大道4條城市交通幹道,無縫對接成都,公路總里程達164公里。據眉山市綜合交通部門相關負責人介紹,今年眉山境內已開工或即將開工的重點交通項目中,連接成都的大通道多達10條。“從成都到眉山,比到成都市一些二三圈層的縣(市)區還要近。”這是在眉投資企業的共同感受。成都區位,眉山成本。交通與成都無縫對接、通信與成都共用“028”區號、規劃與成都同處天府新區核心區域……如果撇開行政區劃的限制,從某種意義上說,眉山與成都就是同一座城。在眉山投資運營的亞馬遜公司中國區負責人劉貴國表示,“在眉山投資就是在成都投資。”於是,有意投資西部的亞馬遜、聯合利華、美國通用、巴斯夫、林德氣體、海爾……32家世界500強企業不約而同地將目光投向了眉山。但是,難道僅有區位優勢這一硬件優勢,就足以對�多世界500強和國內的龍頭企業形成如此強大的吸引力?答案是未必。從全省範圍內來看,位於成都“半小時經濟圈”、與眉山硬件條件相當的地級市不只眉山一個,但為何獨獨只有眉山連續5年招商引資全省第二,成為企業爭相落戶的靶心?星級服務細緻周到軟件如果空有卓越的硬件條件而軟件跟不上,電腦一樣無法完成指令。9月11日上午,初秋的涼意陣陣襲來,而在眉山市彭山縣經濟開發區的聯合利華全球(四川)生產基地奠基儀式的現場,氣氛卻是一片火熱。儀式現場,兩排鑼鼓整齊地排開,一紅一黃兩只歡喜活潑的獅子和著激昂的鼓點,圍著遠道而來的客人舞動,表示歡迎。聯合利華全球首席執行官波爾曼拿出手機,對著舞獅拍照留念,喜愛之情溢於言表。隨後響起的陣陣鞭炮聲,更是讓波爾曼和聯合利華北亞區總裁喬安路驚喜不已。無論是舞獅表演還是聲聲爆竹,這一切極富中國傳統文化的喜慶開場,讓在場的每一個人感受到眉山的用心,更讓來自異國他鄉、對中國傳統文化興趣濃厚的波爾曼和喬安路感到驚儲存和溫暖。“我們和聯合利華是先交朋友再談項目。”眉山市委書記李靜說。歷時六年,眉山最終與聯合利華牽手,除了眉山自身的區位、成本優勢之外,像奠基儀式現場一樣用心的優質服務,無疑也是一個讓聯合利華選擇眉山的重要因素。“眉山始終以企業的發展需要為目標,為企業提供優質的服務。”李靜簡潔明瞭的話語透露出眉山構建服務型政府的信心與決心。3月29日,行政許可審批代辦服務中心、“一費制”繳費服務中心、金融服務中心“三中心”在眉山市政務行政中心掛牌,政府服務這一“軟件”再一次提檔升級。“三中心”意味著什麼?能為企業提供什麼服務?“在眉山市行政審批代辦服務中心工作人員的努力下,沃爾瑪眉山店得以按期開業。”8月21日,沃爾瑪眉山店開業前一天,沃爾瑪(四川)百貨有限公司事務經理付曉敏專程來到眉山市行政審批代辦服務中心致謝。原來,沃爾瑪眉山店計劃于8月中旬營業,卻因企業外資身份需省工商局批復,未能完成工商營業執照註冊,百余家供貨商的貨物不能上架。瞭解到情況後,行政審批代辦服務中心立即召集相關部門進行會商會審,一面安排專人到省工商局辦理批復文件,一面協助企業同步辦理註冊、稅務登記、印章刻制等工作。8月12日,開業所需手續全部辦理完成,此時距8月8日付曉敏提出代辦申請僅過去了4天。“如果我們自己辦理工商、地稅登記等手續,至少需要10個工作日。”付曉敏由衷感慨。“只要企業有需求,我們無償為其跑腿。代辦的項目在審批時限上最快可縮短50%。”眉山市政務服務中心副主任闞建軍說。行政許可審批代辦中心讓企業省心、省時、省事;“一費制”繳費服務中心收費公開透明,讓企業清清楚楚繳費,另一方面收費取下限,減輕企業負擔;金融服務中心協助有貸款意願的中小企業、個體工商戶辦理貸款,為企業與金融機構搭橋牽線……在眉山,享受如此星級服務的,不只聯合利華和沃爾瑪。“小到農村合作社,大到世界500強企業,只要企業有需求,我們都會盡心為他們服務。”代辦員肖進指著代辦記錄告訴筆者。運行5個月以來,代辦中心共幫助工業、房產、農業、旅遊、商務等多個領域的企業成功辦理了代辦申請24件。“五駕馬車”快馬揚鞭作為硬件和軟件的協調配備,是電腦運轉的前提,而用戶的操作和應用才是成功的關鍵。有了區位優勢和政務服務的眉山,離不開招商引資“五駕馬車”的主動作為。“眉山市確定了五個職能部門為招商引資的‘五駕馬車’,招大引強。”眉山市投促局相關負責人告訴筆者。眉山市投促局統籌協調眉山全市的招商引資工作,同時肩負工作考核,下設7個產業科室和一個中心,針對眉山的8大產業定位進行研判,為全市的招商引資服務;眉山市商務局重點負責境外世界500強企業的招商工作;外僑台辦主要負責港澳台地區企業以及境外非500強企業的招商引資;工商聯和國資委分別負責民營企業和央企的招商工作。“五駕馬車”分工明確,經常以活動為媒,讓眉山“走出去”。有的放矢地招商引資,取得了顯著成果。3月12日,眉山市在北京舉行了“天府眉山·產業新城——中央企業走進四川眉山投資說明會”和“全國民營企業走進四川眉山投資說明會”,共簽約項目36個,總金額234.3億元;4—6月,眉山市組團參加了“民企入川”、“央企入川”、“港澳企業四川行”三大活動,共簽約項目75個,合同金額638.2億元,榮獲全省“三大投資促進活動成果獎”……為了捕捉一手信息,眉山市在沿海設立了市政府駐外經合局。招商引資主動出擊、主動作為,每一個眉山招商引資相關部門領導和工作人員,都有著一股子韌勁。付出終將迎來回報。32家世界500強企業選擇牽手眉山,2012年全年到位資金500.3億元,被省投促局表彰為“全省招商引資工作先進單位”。截至今年6月底,眉山市實際到位資金319.92億元,完成確保目標任務575億元的55.64%,順利實現了時間過半、任務過半;到位省外資金212.8億元,完成目標任務的59%,總量居全省第二位;新引進世界500強項目2個、合同金額8.6億元。硬件+軟件+主動作為,眉山以其無可挑剔的區位優勢、細緻周到的政務服務和“五駕馬車”的主動出擊,在招商引資的“戰場”上連連告捷。到2017年,眉山市GDP超過1600億元、衝刺1800億元,固定資產投資超過1400億元,地方公共財政收入超過140億元,城鎮居民人均可支配收入達到3.95萬元,農民人均純收入達到1.65萬元,在全省率先實現次級突破、率先基本建成小康社會……如今,這座全省最年輕的城市,正在全速前進,把這一紙藍圖變得觸手可及。迷你倉

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強颱風「天兔」於22日19時40分在汕尾市沿海地區登陸,自存倉當地錄得最大陣風強達17級。「天兔」挾狂風暴雨而來,令民航大面積停飛、船舶停航、京廣及廣深高鐵動車部分停運,各地學校亦紛紛宣布停課。另據當地報道,廣東汕頭因強風坍屋倒樹致3死1傷,成為今次風災中最早報出的人命傷亡。【本報實習記者官文清、記者方俊明廣州二十二日電】據廣東省氣象台監測,強颱風「天兔」於22日19時40分在汕尾市沿海地區登陸。登陸時中心附近最大風力14級(45米╱秒)。預計「天兔」將以20公里左右的時速繼續向西北偏西方向移動,強度逐漸減弱;23日下午以熱帶風暴的級別移出廣東,進入廣西境內。17級陣風本世紀最強汕尾市政府於21時接受本報查詢,證實「天兔」在該市登陸。當地陸豐湖東鎮錄得最大陣風60.7米╱秒(17級),為本世紀以來最強,超過了2003年的「杜鵑」、2008年的「黑格比」和2013年的「尤特」。強颱風「天兔」給粵東西北、珠三角等地帶來大暴雨,相關災情仍在統計中。據本報記者蔡鍾龍、謝志君汕頭報道:從上午十點鐘起,汕頭就狂風大雨,倒樹、倒廣告牌及馬路積水現象續出。媽嶼潮水水位高達2.6米,萊蕪島更是巨浪如牆。市區迴欄橋處的高壓站爆炸,多處樹木和廣告牌被颳倒、颳飛。汕頭市政府應急辦公室主任莫開亮告訴本報,澄海區1人因房屋倒塌致死,濠江區因樹被颳壓死2人,壓傷迷你倉人。廣東省在「天兔」登陸前已啟動氣象災害(颱風)Ⅰ級應急響應。據預測,22日夜間到23日,粵東、珠三角將有暴雨到大暴雨。因應暴雨狂颱,廣東不少地方停課,在廣東的港企不少也於22日起暫時停工,部分港資工廠設立了防災專組,迎戰「天兔」。廣深線停運回港難受「天兔」影響,廣東22日起大面積民航停飛、車船停運,給不少中秋北上探親、準備歸港的港人帶來困擾。今日下午港人陳小姐欲購車票返港時被告知,22日14時起,廣九直通車廣州、常平、香港已停止售票。而22日晚間廣東多段鐵路封鎖,以確保安全,其中廣深城際動車組、廣深港高鐵22日21時起停運;無奈的陳小姐不得不向香港公司申請延長假期。她說: 「這是近幾年第一次遇到因颱風而回不了香港。」受線路封鎖及停運影響,廣深線停運動車組60列,京廣、廣深港高鐵22日停運動車組20列、23日停運動車組8列,京九、京廣線停運普速旅客列車38列。同時,經由京廣線、京九線的長途旅客列車將出現不同程度的晚點。粵港澳各大機場亦紛紛啟動防台預警,僅白雲機場便有逾百班次受影響,所有經港航班已停運。南航取消22日進出香港的全部航班,23日擬取消12時前在廣州出港的所有航班。而廣東省交通運輸廳透露,粵東往返珠三角的較多客運班線從22日起陸續停運,部分客運站相關方向的客票也已停售。東莞虎門碼頭、深圳蛇口口岸往來港澳客輪亦全線停航。迷你倉

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南都訊 記者肖陽 近日,位於北緯23.7°、北回歸線稍偏南的肇慶七星岩景區內的星湖國家濕地公園迎來了一年一度的觀賞落日奇觀的觀佛節。肇慶星湖風景名勝區管理局定于9月17日舉行觀佛節�動儀式,儀式地點設在星湖國家濕地公園仙女湖觀佛島。活動當天,�多攝影發燒友都聚集在星湖,等待夕陽落入臥佛之口。記者獲悉,9月16日-22日進入景區拍攝的攝影愛好者將拍攝到的作品發送到星湖景區官方郵箱:zqxh111@ 126.com,優秀作品將有機會成為“四季星湖”攝影大賽獲獎作品和作為新聞圖片被媒體刊登。迷你倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉Sept. 22--It's a yes or no question: should college athletes receive money beyond what their scholarship already pays?But the answer is infinitely more complex than yes or no."If you would have asked me that when I was at Nebraska, I'd say yeah. Sure," says University of Tulsa quarterback Cody Green, who spent his first two years in college as a Cornhusker before transferring to TU. "Just because those big schools have the money to be able to do it. They can find ways to do it. But here at Tulsa, the small schools, even intermediate schools, they're losing money every day."Clearly, some schools' athletic departments generate more money than others. Texas' 2011-12 revenue was $163 million, Ohio State's was $142 million. Tulsa's, on the other hand, was $31 million, according to the Department of Education's Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act. Many schools bring in far less.In 2012, the NCAA passed legislation for student-athletes on full scholarship to receive an additional $2,000 annual stipend, but the implementation of that legislation was tabled indefinitely until it can be studied further (see sidebar).The big issue on the stipend is how small schools will pay for it. At TU, for example, sources estimate it will cost an additional $500,000 to pay its 425 student-athletes, though if the NCAA determines that everyone on scholarship must get the full $2,000, that's $850,000.For an athletic department that returns every dollar of revenue back to its expenditures and operates with zero profit, that's a problem.How scholarships workCollege students who are on full athletic scholarship get a monthly payment from the university. It's what's left after tuition and fees are deducted -- typically the cost of books, room and board -- divided into scheduled monthly installments during the semester.But most college athletes get only partial scholarships. These "equivalency sports" divide a set number of scholarships among the athletes needed to field a team (see sidebar). Percentages are agreed upon between the coach and the student-athlete.Tuition rates vary from school to school, and equivalency sport scholarship agreements vary from athlete to athlete. So each athlete's remuneration is different. Some get a monthly check to cover food and rent, others simply get free books at the beginning of the semester.Football, basketball, women's tennis and women's gymnastics are full-scholarship sports. A few prized athletes in equivalency sports also get a full ride, but the rest are parsed out (no one gets less than 25 percent).The Tulsa World interviewed 16 student-athletes at the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University and the University of Tulsa, and found that experiences and opinions about money vary greatly.Some say student-athletes simply need more. Some say an additional stipend would be helpful toward making ends meet. Some say flat out that the stipend is not needed and actually might do more harm than good."I think we get paid pretty well," said Trevor Horstmann, a senior on the OSU tennis team. "We go to school, we get paid room and board and food, and if you choose not to take advantage of that, then that's just something you're giving up."Football versus everyone elseSome student-athletes say that after paying rent and buying food, they don't have enough money left at the end of each month for necessary living expenses like a cell phone bill, car insurance or transportation. Some even say they run out before buying food."You've got to ration and be smart with your money throughout the whole month," said Brennan Clay, a senior on the OU football team. "That first of the month, that's always the best."College students running low on funds is nothing new.But the topic of student-athletes' desire for more cash, which has long smoldered in newspaper headlines, has begun to boil over -- particularly in football.From allegations of illicit payments at Miami, to players selling jerseys, rings and other gear at Ohio State, to stars living large at USC, to Texas A&M's Johnny Manziel allegedly selling his autograph, to last week's scathing (if not entirely documented) Sports Illustrated report on Oklahoma State football, it's become chic to question the actual amateurism of college football and college sports in general.To clarify, these are two vastly different subjects.The first: should football players, who play the game that sells the tickets and the merchandise and the television rights that allow athletic departments to subsidize every other sport on campus and makes coaches and athletic directors rich, be paid a salary?That begets more questions. Who pays it? How much? Do starters get more than backups? Do stars get more than role players? Do seniors get more than sophomores?It becomes more philosophical than practical.A more relevant question: when can all Division I student-athletes, from football to cross country to golf, expect the NCAA to begin delivery that $2,000 miscellaneous expense allowance?Smart spending, smart savingCody Wilson is a graduate student on the TU football team. Now married, he said he cut corners -- buying off-brand groceries in bulk, for starters, "maybe lower-costing food that didn't taste as good," he said -- and lived off $175-200 a month."I was not going and getting an iTunes card, or 'Oh, I need a new pair of headphones,' " Wilson said. "Like, I could use it, but I don't really need it. Just cutting out that nonessential stuff."The reward: Wilson saved enough money over a year-and-a-half for an engagement ring and a honeymoon to St. Lucia."Looking back on it, it was a really good opportunity to learn about money," Wilson said. "But, if I would have had a couple thousand dollars like they're talking about, like a stipend, that would have been awesome."When Tyler Neal, a senior on the OU basketball team, moved off campus, he chose an apartment complex within his budget."There could be an argument made that we need more, and there's definitely times that I felt that way," Neal said. "But those people that are running out, those are decisions that they've made -- spending $700 of your $800 or whatever you get on rent. That's not very smart."Will it really help?Abe' Matamoros is a senior on the TU soccer team. He's also a 4.0 student in economics, and he has a perspective that other student-athletes might consider radical: Yes, pay the football players, but not athletes in the non-revenue sports. Yes, pay the starting quarterback more than the left tackle. It's the simple American ideal of supply and demand, he said."You have this weird area of college football in athletics that doesn't abide by what other industries abide by, and it kind of throws people off," Matamoros said. "They don't know what to do."Matamoros isn't worried about his own future迷你倉 but is skeptical of the "priceless" value of a college education for student-athletes who don't carry a good GPA and expect to land a lucrative job when they graduate. And while he would be in favor of a stipend to help student-athletes with the necessities -- "Some of my teammates, for example, I see them wearing the same clothes all the time," he said -- he fears it would be grossly misused."How much of that is gonna go to alcohol and drugs and tattoos and partying?" he asks. "So how much is that gonna help?"Teach your children wellMany of the student-athletes interviewed share similar themes: the miscellaneous expense allowance (previously proposed as a cost-of-attendance stipend) will be welcome, but it isn't needed. In fact, most say, it would be more practical if schools made student-athletes take a course in basic money management.Think about it: very few college freshmen previously managed their own money and simply don't know how to do it. They suddenly have a check in their hands for $800. What are they expected to do with it if not spend it?"Their parents took care of most of it," said former OU shot putter Tia Brooks, a two-time national champion. "So it's a money management issue more than it is being underpaid."College athletes get their scholarship money at the beginning of the month (some may get a meal stipend or other allowance depending on their scholarship agreement) and have to stretch it 30 days. Most student-athletes said what they get is plenty, but also acknowledge they've too often seen poor spending habits.The biggest culprits for bad discretionary spending: video games, tattoos, shoes, mobile phones, headphones or other electronics."I know a couple good buddies, and they'd get behind on their rent check and they're $200-300 short, and they can't pay it and their power gets shut off," said Darnell Bortz, a junior on the OSU wrestling team. "This is the middle of winter. During the season. Power gets shut off and coach won't find out about it for a week."They'll wear sweaters indoors or hang out at a friend's house until they get the money to pay the electric company -- which, of course, includes a reconnect fee.A number of athletes decry having to eat too much ramen noodles (realistically, a staple for any college student of the last few decades), but said just giving people more money isn't going to solve the problem."Throwing money around without an education or maybe limits on exactly what you can spend it on," said TU volleyball junior Carly Boatright, "can be dangerous."Boatright is the rarest of student-athletes: she thrives on the court and also works offseason jobs (at the TU rec center and a promotions gig with the Tulsa Drillers). Bortz has worked previously as a tutor. But while the money is nice, it's a time-management nightmare -- an impossibility for most.Still, the real concern most college athletes face is not about saving. It's about spending."At the end of the day," said Brooks, "the people who have problems handling their money are still gonna have the same problems whether you increase their scholarship or not."Student-athletes speak outThe Tulsa World interviewed more than a dozen student-athletes from eight different sports at the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University and the University of Tulsa on the subject of pay-for-play, cost-of-attendance stipends and how far their current scholarship dollars go.TULSA -- Abe Matamoros -- Soccer, junior, from Houston, majoring in Economics"I don't think I should be getting paid. ... We live in the United States, it's a capitalist free market and the price is set by the demand and the supply. There's no demand to watch soccer."OKLAHOMA -- Tia Brooks -- Track and field, senior, from Grand Rapids, Mich., completed degree in sociology"Sometimes I had to go without stuff that I wanted in order to get stuff I needed."OSU -- Parker Graham, Football, senior, from Webb City, Mo., majoring in Business"Our scholarship covers our tuition, which at a university like this is very, very expensive. I wouldn't be able to attend here without that scholarship."TULSA -- Carly Boatright -- Volleyball, junior, Parker, Colo., Communications"Keeping the focus of college athletics on the fact that it's a college, that your academics are important, I think it's really important to keep college athletics an amateur thing."TULSA -- Cody Green -- Football, senior, Dayton, Texas, Business management"Everybody's the same. It's equality or nothing. Because rowers put in the same work that we put in."TULSA -- Cody Wilson -- Football, senior, Broken Arrow (Lincoln Christian), Degree in communications, pursuing graduate degree in education, Married"I lived, basically for everything, off my food stipend. It's a pretty generous stipend. It really is a blessing."OSU -- Darnell Bortz -- Wrestling, junior, Preston, Kan., Industrial engineering and agricultural economics"You figure in all the hours we put in as athletes and divide out by how much we're getting paid through scholarships, tuition, we're getting paid less than minimum wage."OSU -- Caileigh Glenn -- Cross country, junior, Ontario, Canada, Political science and economics"We just got a new track facility, and really nice new locker rooms and training rooms and ice baths -- and I feel really spoiled."OSU -- Trevor Horstmann -- Tennis, senior, Tulsa (Union), Degree in accounting, pursuing master's in accounting"We already have two jobs: We're students and we're athletes. And after college, I'm not gonna go on the tour, so I'll get a job."OSU -- Charlie Moore -- Football, senior, Bullard, Texas, General business"Do I think it's right that these guys sell their jerseys and don't see a penny of it? No, I think there should be some compensation."OSU -- Malika Rose -- Tennis, senior, Miami, Fla., General business"My check pays for my rent and gives me like $700 to spare. So if I'm complaining, there's clearly something I'm not doing right with my money."OKLAHOMA -- Brennan Clay -- Football, senior, San Diego, Communications"Hit up the family. Hopefully they'll send you a little care package. But you've got to find a way to make ends meet. Everybody's struggling. It's not just you."OKLAHOMA -- Gabe Lynn -- Football, senior, Jenks, Degree in human relations, pursuing master's"I think we've got a great opportunity as far as our scholarship and a chance to get a free education. I took advantage of that, so I graduated early and now I'm trying to get my master's."OKLAHOMA -- Tyler Neal -- Basketball, senior, Oklahoma City, Communications"I think just like anyone else that has a job and is making money, it's what you do with the money you do get."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉M.Sept. 22--There's nothing new about scam artists using the Affordable Care Act as a ruse to con you into divulging sensitive personal or financial information.That's been going on ever since Congress passed the landmark health-care law in the spring of 2010.But consumer advocates are warning that it's only going to get worse now that millions of uninsured Americans and small businesses can begin enrolling Oct. 1 for health-care coverage through their federal-or state-run health insurance exchanges."We definitely do expect to see an increase ... I fully anticipate there will be scammers out there to take advantage of the situation," says Rebecca Branch, deputy director of the New Mexico Consumer Protection Division in the Attorney General's Office.Consider these reports from around the country:In Maryland, consumers are receiving phone calls claiming that they must verify their Medicare ID and Social Security numbers in conjunction with the new law. They don't have to do any such thing.In Florida and New York, scammers are going door to door in search of individuals who don't have health insurance, then pressuring them into signing up for insurance coverage under the threat of imprisonment. While the law does contain penalties for those who don't buy insurance, spending time behind bars isn't one of them.And fake health exchanges have sprung up in other states to lure unsuspecting individuals into buying bogus health insurance or divulging sensitive personal information.Unfortunately, scammers have two things on their side: the complexity of the law and the public's general lack of knowledge about it and its numerous provisions.To that second point, an August poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that roughly half of all Americans (51 percent) don't understand how the law will affect them and their families -- pretty much the same finding as when the law first was enacted three years ago.Perhaps more troubling, nearly the same percentage of those polled (44 percent) couldn't say with any certainty whether the law still was on the books. Thirty-one percent didn't know, 8 percent thought it had been repealed by Congress and 5 percent thought it had been overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.This lack of clarity gives scammers the upper hand when trying to trick you into divulging information so they can steal your identity, charge purchases to your credit cards, open bank accounts in your name and other assorted mischief.To combat that advantage, the New Mexico Health Insurance儲存Exchange recently entered into a $7 million contract with a Milwaukee-based public relations firm to educate the public on how the Affordable Care Act's health insurance exchanges are expected to work.The money was part of an $18.6 million federal grant that's intended to fund outreach, education and marketing efforts in collaboration with businesses, health-care providers, nonprofit organizations, schools and universities, and others.The hope is that the more people know about how the law will work, the less susceptible they will be to anyone trying to take advantage of them."The point is to get the information out there so people do know the answers to the questions," Branch says.In the meantime, here are some tips from the Better Business Bureau in case you find yourself on the receiving end of one of these health-care law scams:HANG UP : The more you talk, the better the odds of the caller convincing you to say something you will later regret.NEVER DISCLOSE PERSONAL INFORMATION : That includes your date of birth and your bank account, credit-card and Social Security numbers.DON'T DEPEND ON CALLER ID : Sophisticated scam operations are able to display a bogus company name or number on your caller ID screen.BE INFORMED : The more you know, the less likely you will be tricked into giving out sensitive information. The U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services' website -- HealthCare.gov -- is a good place to start.SEEK HELP : If you are conned into giving out personal information, immediately contact your bank, credit-card providers and the three major credit bureaus -- Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.WARN OTHERS : Older family members are prime targets for health care-related scams, so caution them to be on their guard against these fraudulent calls or emails.One final thing to keep in mind, courtesy of the Federal Trade Commission: If someone who claims to be with the government calls and says they need you to confirm or disclose personal information, it's no doubt a scam. The government already has that information.Nick Pappas is assistant business editor at the Albuquerque Journal. Contact him at npappas@abqjournal.com, 505-823-3847 or on Twitter at @nickpapp if you are aware of what sounds like a scam. To report a scam to law enforcement, contact the New Mexico Consumer Protection Division toll-free at 1-800-678-1508.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: The Miami HeraldSept.存倉 22--Open interactive map in new window >>A boom interrupted history class and sent sixth-graders screaming and scrambling for the door. D'Angelo Marte tried to run, too, but his left leg wouldn't budge, rendered useless by a .380-caliber bullet that tore through his knee while he sat at his desk.As he limped to the front of the classroom, police say an 11-year-old student fled with a loaded gun and water bottle filled with alcohol in his book bag. Another removed his blue Redland Middle School uniform shirt, which a third classmate applied to the wound to stop blood from pooling onto D'Angelo's Nike Air Force sneakers."At first, I thought I was dreaming," D'Angelo, now 13 and recovered from the May 24 shooting, said in an interview. "I didn't think I'd ever get shot."While jarring, the chaotic scene in Room M211 is the exception, not the rule. School shootings remain uncommon, and local schools officials insist the campus is the safest place for any student.But the incident -- followed one week later by the discovery of a special needs fifth-grader with a loaded Smith & Wesson at a K-8 center in Doral -- brought a close to a South Florida school year marred by the fatal November shooting of a 13-year-old girl aboard a private school bus in South Dade. It raised questions about local gun prevention measures and added to calls for increased campus security heard around the nation in the wake of a gunman's rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn."One gun is too many," said Cindy Eveld, D'Angelo's grandmother and guardian. "They need to do something more."But how much of a threat do guns really pose to South Florida schools?For three months, the Miami Herald collected and reviewed -- for the first time -- hundreds of police reports compiled by the school districts' police departments that documented the presence and investigation of guns over the past four years, beginning with the 2009 school year. Among the findings:--In all, more than 70 firearms were confiscated by police from inside Miami-Dade and Broward schools, on campuses and in school safe zones during school hours or functions. Close to two dozen weapons were snared in Broward; the rest in Miami-Dade, including three that police say were quietly intercepted during the first week of the current school year. Most were brought by students.--A majority of the 600-plus schools in Miami-Dade and Broward reported no problems at all with firearms either during or after school hours. In Miami-Dade, which also responded to 33 gun incidents that didn't result in confiscations, only one in four schools reported a weapons incident to police.--Two dozen guns, about 40 percent of the guns found in Miami-Dade, were reported at two middle schools -- Charles R. Drew and Carol City -- and four high schools -- Miami Carol City, Miami Central, Miami Northwestern and Norland. These six schools were the only in the county to have at least four incidents in which authorities took firearms into custody. But none experienced a school-related shooting.--In Broward, police reports available showed that only Plantation Middle, JP Taravella High and the Hallandale Adult Community Center dealt with more than one gun confiscation. Reports, however, weren't nearly as comprehensive as Miami-Dade, which district Police Chief David Golt attributed to the fact that Broward polices its schools by subsidizing school resource officers at other departments, which don't always forward reports to his office. Only about half the gun incidents reported by the district were available through the district's police office, and the reports available documented only incidents that ended in confiscations.The issue is frustrating for Miami-Dade Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, who has made youth safety a pillar of his administration and called a news conference Friday -- 10 days after sitting down with the Herald for this report -- to talk about violent crime and efforts the district is taking to keep schools safe.After last year's Newtown tragedy, the Miami-Dade school district announced it would begin training teachers to spot signs of mental illness among students. Carvalho also joined with county Mayor Carlos Gimenez to encourage collaboration between all local police departments and other community organizations, both in reaction to school emergencies and elsewhere in the community.This year, the Miami-Dade School Board, like Broward, agreed to pay for more officers to bolster police presence at schools. Police are also launching a gun education forum in elementary schools, and annouced Friday that they're doubling up on random metal detector searches. Carvalho said he's also pursuing legislation in Tallahassee to place more penalties on parents who don't properly secure their guns, because he believes many students are getting their firearms at home -- though police reports show guns are also sometimes stolen or found on the way to school."One gun in schools is too many," Carvalho said.But he also says media and political fixation on fail-safe ways to ward off hypothetical gunmen or prevent the encroachment of guns ignores that students are safer in class than out, evidence that current prevention measures are working."Last year was a violent year in Miami-Dade, but not particularly in our schools," he said. "It's outside of our schools."In Broward, which spends $6 million to staff schools with municipal police officers and sheriff's deputies, Chief Golt said they are always reviewing security measures, though never in a reactive way."I don't have a problem with it being kept in the limelight. School safety is that critical," he said. "But people need to understand children are very safe in our schools each day."In fact, South Florida students are less likely to carry a weapon on school grounds than their peers across the country, according to a bi-annual study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2011, the latest study available, students in Miami-Dade and Broward reported carrying guns and bringing weapons to school at a lower rate than the national average. Data provided to the Florida Department of Education by school districts, which are required by law to document gun-related incidents, also show that Miami-Dade and Broward counties reported fewer guns between 2009 and 2012 than Palm Beach and Hillsborough counties.Dade schools police chief Ian Moffett credits mentorship, active policing, counseling and other prevention methods. One of the most important deterrents, he said, is gun education and relationships with students, who often don't adhere to the no-snitching code that frustrates so many police investigations."There's far more information coming out of schools than coming out of the community because of the code of silence," Moffett said. "When I was a school resource officer, the vast majority of the time I got my tips from students and prevented that stuff from getting to campus. It's the things outside school that cause a person to bring that gun or knife to campus."Reports show that schools police go out to homes and into communities in response to tips from parents, other agencies and social media to try and catch guns before they get to campus. But guns do still make it into classrooms and schoolyards, sometim迷你倉s randomly in restrooms or, in one case, a donated golf bag. And when that happens, principals, teachers and students become responsible for finding and reporting the weapons.Latoya Thomas, for instance, was teaching seventh-grade science at Madison Middle in 2009 when she noticed her students were passing around a backpack. She thought someone had a pet, because students had been sneaking rabbits and snakes into class."I had a really good rapport with that class. I was like another mother. And the kids in my class warned me, "Don't look in the book bag,' " said Thomas, 34. "After, I thought what could have happened? The kids were like, "We knew about it, all along.' "About one year later, American Senior High teacher Bello Jean-Baptiste overheard two seniors talking about bringing a gun to school, so he wrote a referral to administration. Police found a loaded .22-caliber, double-action H&R Sportsman revolver on the student, who told them he was trying to sell the gun for money. He also had 109 bullets.Jean-Baptiste said the discovery was disconcerting. But he said worries about students with guns are overblown."It was just an unfortunate incident," said Jean-Baptiste, 57. "It's not like there's a culture that kids bring guns to classes."But as last year's shootings show, one undiscovered or unreported gun can have frightening consequences. And sometimes, the safety net breaks down when guns go unreported or tips aren't followed up properly.That's what Amanda Collette's parents alleged in a lawsuit settled by the Broward School Board after their daughter was shot dead at age 15 in Fort Lauderdale's Dillard High by another student in 2008. And last year, police say the students who shot D'Angelo Marte and Lourdes "Jina" Guzman-DeJesus had both shown their guns to classmates before the firearms went off. Criminal charges were filed in both cases.Lourdes' mother, Ady DeJesus, says her daughter's shooting is proof that schools need better security measures. Jina, a Palm Glades Preparatory Academy student, was fatally shot in the neck by another student while riding to their charter schools aboard a private school bus that was also transporting her younger sister to school. Witnesses told police in depositions that the shooter, Jordyn Howe, 15, brought his stepfather's gun to Somerset Academy Silver Palms for as long as two months. Some said he let other students see or play with the gun on the bus, including Jina, though her mother doubts that's true.After Jordyn's most recent court hearing last month on a manslaughter charge, a trembling DeJesus said Silver Palms, which as a charter isn't policed or operated by the school district, failed her family, which she is struggling to hold together. She takes Jina's younger sister to therapy each week in Broward County and drives her to school because she can't bear to put her back on a bus."My daughter wasn't supposed to die that day," she said. "I'm not going to stop until I know the schools have metal detectors. I think they should even have see-through book bags."The issue of school safety continues to hold traction among some state lawmakers, including Sen. Dwight Bullard, a Coral Reef Senior High teacher and Democrat who wants to tax gun sales to establish a gun safety fund that he'd like to see further preventative measures, like counseling. His Senate colleague, Eleanor Sobel, D-Hollywood, believes voters should be allowed to establish special taxing districts to fund additional school resource officers at elementary schools, where gun reports are rare but fears of intruders run high.In the House, Rep. Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, intends to resurrect a bill to allow for trained and armed employees at elementary schools in order to ward off attackers while waiting for police to respond."My goal is just to ensure our kids are safe, and right now, in my opinion, they're not," Steube said.But the school boards in Miami-Dade and Broward haven't been receptive to most legislative proposals, the sum of which led only to a $1 million boost to school safety funding this past session to pay for a security survey. Carvalho called ideas like Steube's "experimental." The Broward School Board objected to Sobel's proposal, which Superintendent Robert Runcie likened to "killing a fly with a sledgehammer."Schools officials believe they're better off making their own decisions about gun prevention.For instance, the random wand searches that Miami-Dade brought back in January of 2012 have proven to cut down on the percentage of students toting weapons to schools, according to a recent Georgia State University study that focused on Miami-Dade and Broward schools. On the other hand, some research has found inadequate evidence to support daily weapons searches and entryway metal detectors. And the National Association of School Psychologists this year questioned whether schools are harming learning environments by increasing security regardless of need."If you walk into a place that looks like a prison then I would argue students are likely to behave in accordance with the culture that's been created," said, Shaun Harper, an associate professor at the Penn Graduate School of Education.Harper is publishing a study this month on factors of success among high-achieving African-American and Hispanic students in high-minority high schools. He said most of the 325 students interviewed talked about the importance of feeling safe and trusted in their schools -- most of which lacked metal detectors in a city where the New York Civil Liberties Union says 100,000 students are searched for weapons before entering class.It's one reason Carvalho says he won't endorse metal detectors in schools like Miami Central, Miami Northwestern and Miami Carol City, where the number of gun incidents were highest. He said he'd rather expand access and hours at schools in rough neighborhoods, like Overtown's Booker T. Washington Senior High, which students have repeatedly called a safe haven.There's also an issue with the configuration of Florida's schools, which in some cases have dozens of access points. Both districts say they're working to create single entry points to schools.Carvalho, however, doesn't argue that schools can't be safer. Rather, he says efforts are better focused on cutting down community violence, securing firearms in the home, and shielding kids from the gunplay that resulted in 81 homicides of kids 18 and younger in Miami-Dade between 2009 and 2012 -- all but two of them outside school settings."I am reasonably frustrated over the fact that schools compared to the rest of the community are far safer places," he said. "But when something traumatic happens, it's often seen as a failure of the school rather than a failure of the community that allows for this pervasive violence to occur. To task teachers and principals and even school board police with this absolute responsibility of prevention while at the same time having the community back away from its share of responsibility is not a fair position."He added: "The question I ask is, what are we as a community doing to reduce the levels of community violence so that it doesn't invade our schools?"Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Miami Herald Visit The Miami Herald at .miamiherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

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【本報訊】全城矚目的年度盛事「美高梅澳門德國啤酒節」(下圖)連續第五年聯同澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局、德國駐香港總領事館及澳門德國商會於10月17至26日盛大舉行。澳門市民及旅客將一連10日盡享傳統啤酒節盛會,迷你倉品嚐特色地道德國美食、暢飲德國啤酒,更有由慕尼黑遠道而來的著名樂隊The Hogl Fun Band現場表演,盡享日耳曼風情。本年度啤酒節將繼續於美高梅維天閣舉行,偌大的露天草坪上將架起25米長的巨型帳篷,場內佈置以地道特色德國啤酒節傳統風貌為主幹,令人感覺繽紛歡愉,加上傳統長木桌椅,以及身穿傳統服飾由德國遠道而來的啤酒女郎,處處洋溢�別具風味的節日派對氣氛,令賓客盡情歡慶德國啤酒節之傳統風味。美高梅澳門mini storage國啤酒節舉辦至今,被譽為德國慕尼黑以外、本澳最大型且最傳統正宗的德國啤酒節。歷屆參與人數累計共超越35,000人,共消耗盧雲堡啤酒30,552公升、德國豬手7082公斤及烤肉腸1024公尺。自1810年起已成為傳統德國啤酒節的指定啤酒之一的盧雲堡是傳統慕尼黑風格啤酒,在當地享譽盛名。「美高梅澳門德國啤酒節」由10月17至26日每天晚上6時於維天閣舉行,入場券及餐飲代用券由即日起於酒店天幕咖啡廳預售,入場費為每位澳門幣100元包括飲品一杯(不包括香檳);另有團體票(16位或以上)出售,每位澳門幣300元,每張團票包括價值澳門幣300元之餐飲代用券及入場券一張。金獅會會員可以積分兌換入場券,詳情請向金獅會專櫃查詢。self storage

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