Gubei, which straddles the Minhang and Changning districts, is a popular residential area with Europeans, Japanese, Koreans and other expats.存倉 But amid this melting pot of people and culture, there’s another side to Gubei that few foreigners see.It’s that other side seduced the lens of French-born freelance photographer Robin Mas.Mas, 27, spent time over a two-year period photographing residents in a traditional old Gubei neighborhood destined for demolition. In its narrow alleyways and amid deteriorating buildings, he captured the faces of a lifestyle that will soon be lost to another urban renewal project.Mas called his two-year project “Adios, Green Village,” referring to the predominant color of the paint peeling off the old buildings there. In mid-September, he held a one-day exhibition of his work in the neighborhood.He initially studied in France intending to go into advertising work, then abandoned that plan and graduated instead from Coventry University in Britain in 2008 with a degree in cultural and media arts. From there, he went to Germany to start his career.“I was living in Berlin and starting off as a photographer in 2009,” he recalled. “Although the city is very arty and creative, I felt the scene was a bit too self-centered, people gazing at their own belly buttons a bit too much.”So he hit the road.Open-minded look“I was travelling in Asia and China and developed a crush on Shanghai because of its dynamism, its energy,” he said. “In Shanghai, I sought a more curious and open-minded look on life, society and the arts. And that’s what I found.”When Mas first came to Shanghai, he stayed at a friend’s house in a walled expat compound in Gubei. Wandering beyond its confines into traditional neighborhoods nearby, he was mesmerized by the look and feel of the streets and the people who lived there.“As a photographer, faced with this pool of faces and stories, and the uncertain nature of their tenure, I felt compelled to produce a memory of this peculiar human theater,” he told an interview with the online portal CreativeHunt.Viewing the world through a lens is a very specialized way of recording life, he said.“Photography is immediate. The photographer sees what he’ll get and gets what he sees. That allows me to select or ‘make’ memories. And the beauty of it is its subjectivity.“A photo is a lie. It pretends to show reality while actually hiding it,” he continued. “In my ‘Green Village’ series of staged documentary portraits, I am making the memory of a place with a very personal view. As I saw beauty in the place and the people there, I chose to show it in a very positive light, when really — most people would agree — it is a terribly dodgy place. Photog儲存aphy is a tool that helps us remember what we want to see and forget the rest.”Mas earns a living primarily from private commissions for portraits, corporate promotions and fashion work. “Adios, Green Village” was his first major personal, non-commercial undertaking in Shanghai.“Originally, the project was meant to be shot with a medium format film camera,” he said of his gear. “For reasons of convenience, I decided after the first day of shooting to use a DSLR instead. The images were then cropped to 4x5 ratio.”The neighborhood exhibition, held on September 15 in lanes along Hongzhong Road, comprised 27 photos, scattered throughout the “village.” That forced exhibition attendees to hunt for the photos through the places where they were taken.“So many locals came up to thank me,” Mas told Shanghai Daily. “That really made it worth the effort. It was a spontaneous, joyous sort of event.”He said of the project, “Taking the photos was quite a human experience. I think I got closer to these people and got a better understanding of their lives and what drives them.”Personal contactMaking personal contact, however, took some doing. Locals were initially suspicious of a foreign photographer walking around asking a lot of questions, he said. Older folks suggested he turn his lens to the Bund or some other usual iconic spot. Some people refused to be photographed.He said he overcame initial mistrust by carrying a smaller, less obvious camera and talking to people. He spent time with families, showing them photos he had already taken to try to explain his purpose. Eventually, his presence became less intimidating and he was welcomed by most locals.“I learned a lot about the life in the ‘village’ and the residents,” he told CreativeHunt.“The buildings belong to old Shanghai, mostly, and some will be relocated when the place is torn down. People who lived there seemed to have a very fatalist approach to life. Not in a bad way. They’re not too concerned about what’s next; they improvise. They’re also very down to heart.”He recalled a conversation with one woman he met. When asked how she felt about the imminent demise of her neighborhood, she responded simply, “You foreigners are too sentimental. For us, those buildings are like clothes. When they’re too old, you change them.”About half of the photos in the exhibition were taken away by local residents at the end of the event. When Mas tried to return later with prints to give to some of the people he had photographed, he found many had already left the area.Mas is already contemplating a new project with considerable excitement. He wants to turn his lens to the lifestyle of fu er dai, or the second generation of wealthy in China.self storage
目前分類:未分類文章 (3248)
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 18:20
Capturing fragments of life before they disappear
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 18:07
�指昨日升82點,自存倉收報23207點,成交543億元,全周跌295點。本周熱話不少,包括阿里巴巴或不在港上市,港交所(388)行政總裁李小加隨即「發夢」,David Webb跟隨發夢,又質疑味千(538)新營運總監學歷。本周初有�豐9月份中國製造業PMI初值創六個月高位的利好消息,但無助大市。美國十年國庫債息仍企於2.65%水平,顯示儲局仍有可能於10月或12月開始退市;加上美國債務上限逼近,而伯南克退任後,耶倫是否下任聯儲局主席均是市場關注。入境處預計今年國慶假期間,約有603萬旅客人次進出香港,較去年同期增10.6%。翠華(1314)、大家樂(341)和大快活(052)好生意是必然的,莎莎(178)及卓悅(653)亦將成自由行客「掃貨」重點。莎莎主要於港澳從事多種名牌化妝品零售及批發,並提供美容和健美中心服務。受惠內地自由行消費,截至今年3月底止年度純利增長19.7%至8.26億元,末期息5仙,特別息9仙。內地業務繼續虧蝕3010萬元,將轉攻店鋪面積較小、暢銷貨品集中的精品概念店。期內港澳地區零mini storage銷售按年增長20.8%至59.66億元,同店銷售增長15%,而內地市場銷售增長22.6%至3.56億元,同店銷售持平。早前公布,截至6月底止首季經營數據,營業額按年增長20.1%至19.05億元。期內,港澳區銷售額按年升24.8%至15.3億元,同店銷售增長按年升17%。其他市場包括內地、新加坡、馬來西亞、台灣和sasa.com的營業額則按年增長4.2%。首季淨增4間店鋪及專櫃,截至6月底,零售網絡共有264間店鋪,包括8個專櫃或專門店。同店銷售料雙位增長 莎莎表示,由於受天氣欠佳及去年同期基數較高影響,估計至9月底止的第二季同店銷售增長將較首季放緩,惟相信次季同店銷售及整體銷售額仍有雙位數增長,並預期「十. 一」黃金周同店銷售,將錄雙位數增長。 另外,莎莎位於銅鑼灣禮頓中心的首間莎莎亞太區概念店本月正式開業,除了平時店鋪的零售業務外,還有美甲、化妝等美容服務和休閒咖啡廳。 瑞信將莎莎目標價升至10.5元,維持「跑贏大市」評級。老金認為,內地打貪無損女人愛美心態,莎莎此等化妝品股仍值博。金易得儲存
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 17:26
Ex-Philly priest charged in rape of former altar boy
Source: Philadelphia Daily NewsSept.文件倉 27--A FORMER Philadelphia Catholic priest has been arrested and charged with sexually assaulting an altar boy, the Philadelphia district attorney announced yesterday.The Rev. Robert L. Brennan, 75, was arrested Wednesday night in Maryland and charged with rape and related crimes for allegedly abusing the boy from 1998 to 2001, when he was 11 to 14 years old. Brennan, who was in his early 60s at the time of the alleged assault, was an assistant pastor at Resurrection of Our Lord Parish, in the Northeast.D.A. Seth Williams said the boy's abuse was facilitated by the inaction of Monsignor William Lynn, the disgraced former secretary of the clergy for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.Lynn, 62, who was convicted last year of child endangerment for failing to discipline predatory priests, is serving a three-to-six-year sentence in state prison. He has appealed.Lynn failed to remove Brennan from his job at Resurrection parish after the pastor told him that staff saw Brennan inappropriately touching and wrestling boys, Williams said. Two years later, Brennan met and began abusing the boy whose allegations led to his arrest, the D.A. said.The alleged abuse took place in the sacristy of the church, in Brennan's rectory bedroom, in a parish storage area and in a movie theater, Williams said.The alleged victim, now 26, reported the abuse to church officials in January, and they contacted the D.A.'s office the same day, said Williams, who praised the church for its "sea change over previous protocol and practices."He blasted Lynn for this case and for many more that cannot be prosecuted because they fall 存倉utside the statute of limitations. (Lynn is not charged in this case because the accuser's age puts his allegations three months beyond the criminal statute of limitations for endangering the welfare of a child.)"The case of Robert Brennan is another example of how Monsignor William Lynn shielded predator priests from exposure and prosecution, which led to the victimization of countless Philadelphia-area children," Williams said.Brennan sexually or inappropriately touched more than 20 boys at the various parishes where he worked, according to a 2005 grand-jury report, yet Lynn never reported any of those allegations to law enforcement, Williams said.Brennan was removed from active ministry in September 2005 after the report and is in a canonical process aimed at his laicization, the Archdiocese said in a statement."Since arriving in Philadelphia, Archbishop [Charles J.] Chaput has reinforced the Archdiocese's strong commitment to work with law enforcement in ensuring justice for victims of sexual assault," the statement said.Brennan, living in Maryland, was arrested late Wednesday by Perryville, Md., police and was being held in Cecil County, Md. He is to be extradited.He was ordained in 1964 and worked at 11 Archdiocesan parishes between then and 2005.Those who have information about Brennan to report to the D.A. are asked to call 215-686-8000.To report an allegation of sexual abuse, call police or the Archdiocesan Office of Investigations at 1-888-930-9010.On Twitter: @MensahDeanCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Philadelphia Daily News Visit the Philadelphia Daily News at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 17:13
【本報訊】由中國法學會、澳門法務局及香港法律論壇主辦的「第五屆內地與港澳台地區法律研討會」昨在本澳舉行。來自兩岸四地法律專家學者分享區際合作法律研究成果。其中,儲存廣東外語外貿大學法學院院長蔡鎮順指出,粵港澳經貿合作缺乏法律依據,包括CEPA協議缺乏法律依據、粵港澳合作聯席會議缺乏憲法依據,影響了三地深度合作。他建議盡快在《憲法》和《地方組織法》中明確相關合作協議的權力,同時在《立法法》中明確該類合作協定的法律地位。「第五屆內地與港澳台地區法律研討會」昨上午在旅遊塔會展中心揭幕,法務局局長張永春、中國法學會對外聯絡部主任谷照民、香港法律論壇召集人廖長城、遼寧省法學會會長陳素芝等主持開幕儀式。促明確締造合作協議權力是次研討會主題為「法治建設與區際經驗合作」,來自內地、香港、澳門及台灣的8位專家學者,分別就兩岸四地法律援助及前海、橫琴的特區建設法律問題作出闡述及分享其研究成果。其中,廣東外語外貿大學法學院院長蔡鎮順指出,粵港澳合作法律基礎存缺陷,CEPA協議缺乏國內法意義上的法律依據,內地立法中沒有對該類合作協定的法律性質和地位的規定。因此,CEPA協議在國內法律上的性質、地位和效力self storage法律上處於不確定狀態。此外,《泛珠三角區域合作框架協議》亦缺乏法律明確授權,致其法律效力不確定。蔡鎮順續稱,粵港澳合作聯席會議缺乏憲法依據,中國憲法和地方組織法只有授權各級政府管理其轄區範圍內的事務,並沒有授權地方政府之間、內地地方政府與香港、澳門特區之間建立跨行政區域的合作機制;《澳門基本法》、《香港基本法》也沒有授權兩特區政府與內地各地方政府之間建立合作機制,粵港澳合作聯席會議制度雖經國務院批准,但在《憲法》、《立法法》上並沒有明確的依據,只是粵港澳三地政府在中央政府許可下,為減少兩地合作過程中體制障礙而制訂的工作細則或建立的聯絡機制,就性質而言僅僅是一種政策行為,是號召性措施。粵港澳合作能否順利進行,完全取決於三方是否能自覺遵守合作協議,即如果任何一方不遵守協議也不用承擔法律責任。他指出,粵港澳經貿合作在法律上缺乏明確的依據已成為粵港澳深度合作面臨的重要問題,若相關問題不能妥善解決,粵港澳未來長期的全方位經貿合作的法律基礎就不會穩固。他建議必須盡快在《憲法》和《地方組織法》中明確地方政府包括港澳特區政府締結地方政府間合作協議的權力,同時在《立法法》中明確合作協定的法律地位。迷你倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 16:37
廬山等1400家景區國慶平均打八折本報訊(記者 關慶豐 劉一)昨日,國家發改委發佈消息,國慶節期間全國約1400家景區實行門票價格優惠,平均優惠幅度約20%。 國家發...迷你倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 16:31
OPEN小將賣手機 統一超、鴻海三緘其口
統一超(2912)與鴻海(2317)今年跨界合作推出OPEN小將國民大電視,存倉成功帶動換機潮,3個月就熱銷逾1.5萬台,市場傳言,雙方第二波的合作將聯手推出OPEN小將手機,由於鴻海及統一超對於預定在10月1日召開的記者會細節都三緘其口,也更增添了新款產品推出的想像空間。統一超日前對外發出「全新智慧概念生活」記者會邀請函,暗示10月1日統一超和鴻海將會攜手再度出擊─對外發表合作方案,由於6月7-ELEVEN才剛與鴻海跨界合作推出OPEN小將國民大電視,3個月就交出銷售逾1萬5千台的佳績;市場推測,這次7-ELEVEN與鴻海的策略聯盟,有可能會順勢推出O儲存EN小將手機。外傳由於雙方考量到在超商賣手機,在台灣史無前例,基於保守起見,將先推出功能性手機來測水溫,等到抓住市場脈動之後,就會緊跟著推出智慧型手機。針對市場的臆測,鴻海指出,基於尊重客戶,不方便透露發表會的產品細節,但強調雙方是「強強結合」,且先前大電視的銷售屢創佳績,也讓雙方對此一合作模式更具信心,未來一定持續合作下去。據悉鴻海和統一超相準聖誕節旺季銷售商機,已擬具一系列的銷售強打計畫,且擬以「每個月至少推出一項新品」的速率,來持續加強消費者的印象,至於接下來鴻海和統一超的強強合作,還會續推什麼新產品?10月1日記者會中就會一口氣說清楚、講明白。self storage
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 16:17
美國有�電視新聞網(CNN)旅遊網站周四選出全球最佳連鎖店,mini storage排名第一的是源自美國起的7-Eleven便利商店,台灣的鼎泰豐名列第二,麥當勞排名第三。 排名榜首的7-Eleven便利店,目前在全美已有超過七千七百間,在日本更超過一萬五千間。來自於台灣、以小籠包著稱的鼎泰豐高居第二,在全球有超過七十間餐廳,而在香港的兩家鼎泰豐更是米芝蓮一星餐館。鼎泰豐排第二 賣油起家的鼎泰豐,迷你倉一九七二年開始以一半的店面販售小籠包,從此大受歡迎,食客往往要輪候一個小時才有座位。 僅次於鼎泰豐的是快餐店代表麥當勞,連鎖咖啡店星巴克緊追在後,五到十名分別是四季飯店、摩斯漢堡、無印良品、肯德基炸雞、宜家家居與墨西哥的兒童遊樂場KidZania。 CNN旅遊網站指出,跨國性連鎖企業在世界上的影響力無遠弗屆,例如麥當勞在以色列的尼格夫沙漠中有分店,在古巴關達那摩灣監獄旁也有。中央社文件倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 14:31
(柬埔寨 金邊27日訊)由新加坡淡馬錫銀行入股的柬埔寨郵政銀行26日在首都金邊正式開業,儲存倉該銀行旨在為柬埔寨中小型企業、微型企業提供金融服務。出任柬埔寨郵政銀行理事長的方僑生同時也是加華銀行總裁,他表示,柬埔寨郵政銀行是由加華投資控股有限公司(CIH)持股50%、富登金融控股私人有限公司(Fullerton Financial Holdings Pte Ltd“FFH”)持股45%,以及柬埔寨郵政局持股5%聯合投資成立迷你倉最平,初步投資為3800萬美元。據方僑生介紹,柬埔寨郵政銀行將進一步加大向柬埔寨實體經濟,尤其是向中小型企業和微型企業的廣大客戶提供更便捷的金融服務支持。新成立的柬埔寨郵政銀行兩大股東之一加華集團旗下的加華銀行在柬埔寨享有較高的社會公信力,富登金融控股私人有限公司則是新加坡淡馬錫控股公司(Temasek Holdings)的子公司。柬埔寨郵政銀行共開設有11家分行,其中5家分行位於金邊市,另6家分行則在其它省份。(新華社);儲存
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 14:19
Senior officials sweat over self-criticisms
Senior officials revising their self-criticisms nearly 30 times, sweating and “almost in tears”, confessing their mistakes and accusing others.儲存倉Such meetings used to be closed-door sessions. But this time they were held in front of state TV cameras, and with president and party chairman Xi Jinping sitting next to them.The “democratic life meetings” were spread over four half-days in Shijiazhuang , capital of Hebei this week.The concept was introduced by the communists in Yanan in the early 1940s and hailed by the party as a tool to bring democracy to the party by allowing people to voice their opinions about one another.However, they have become better known as platforms for power struggles. Late party chief Hu Yaobang was sacked at a “democratic life meeting” in January 1987.According to People’s Daily, Hebei’s senior officials started preparing for the meetings in mid-July. Coached by a central supervisory team, senior provincial officials collected 171,200 suggestions and grass-roots complaints from 8,000 villages via 24,000 village officials.After that, they held one-to-one exchanges, then were required to write self-criticism reports. Most of them had to revise their articles several times, and in one case 29 times.“I sweated and several times almost broke into tears [in soul searching],” an unnamed official was quoted by Xinhua as saying.Propagan迷你倉最平a head Ai Wenli admitted they had spent 3.3 million yuan (HK$4.2 million) in inviting pop stars to a spring festival gala. Executive deputy governor Yang Congyong said the Hebei government had overspent its budget by over two times last year, according to CCTV.“After being posted to Hebei, I was too eager to change and cared too much about economic growth. I didn’t pay enough attention to normal people’s concerns,” People’s Daily quoted Zhou Benshun as saying. Zhou was previously secretary general of the party’s Political and Legal Affairs Commission.The officials were also made to point fingers at each other. Zhou was criticised for not being democratic; in turn he criticised the party chief of Qinhuangdao for being too eager to win the praise of supervisors.“More [provincial heads] will follow. They need to show their loyalty to Xi in this form,” commented Zhang Lifan , a political affairs analyst in Beijing.“Xi wants to further strengthen his authority before the third plenary meeting [of the party’s Central Committee in November, when some observers expect major reforms to be discussed]. Such campaigns create an atmosphere that senior officials would worry about their safety. However, it’s not possible for Xi to get the kind of authority Mao Zedong had,” said Zhang. “This is outdated. In the current information era, its impact will be short-lived.”儲存
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 14:06
Bras for a Cause Taps Firefighters to Raise Breast Cancer Support
DALLAS, Sept.迷你倉 27, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Promises of Tomorrow, a Texas-based nonprofit organization, has announced a fall event aimed at raising awareness and financial support for people battling breast cancer. The event, called 'Bras for a Cause', raises money by auctioning custom designed bras which are modeled by Dallas-Ft. Worth area firefighters. The event is being supported by BioTE Medical, a nationwide leader in natural hormone replacement therapy.(Photo: Glass Cactus at The Gaylord Texan Resort will be the location for the 5(th) Annual 'Bras for a Cause' Fundraising Event, Tuesday October 1 from 6-10PM. The event features firefighters modeling custom 'Bras for a Cause'. The 'Bras for a Cause' will be auctioned off during the evening as participants are encouraged to outbid others in order to raise money for breast cancer awareness and support.Promises of Tomorrow and the 'Bras for a Cause' events were co-founded by DeDe Galindo and Emily Weathers. Both women's lives have been touched by breast cancer. Ms. Weathers commented, "My mother and grandmother were both diagnosed with breast cancer in the same year. Having gone through that as a young girl has motivated me to help others." Ms. Galindo added, "Even though we have lots of fun at our 'Bras for a Cause' events, this is very serious. We want to be there for people when they or their family are fighting breast cancer."Galindo and Weathers said that money raised goes to a number of areas of support. Weathers 自存倉aid, "One of our primary goals is to provide genetic testing for those at risk who cannot pay for it themselves." Using financial gifts efficiently is a key operational goal. According to Galindo, "We run lean and mean. Other than one part-time paid administrative person, all of our staff are volunteers. This means that a very high percentage of every dollar donated goes to help people and families living with the challenge of breast cancer."Both Galindo and Weathers acknowledged the support of corporate sponsors. They include BioTE Medical, Hormonal Health, Wellness and Skin Center, Texas Breast Specialists and The Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders.Dr. Gary Donovitz, President & CEO of BioTE Medical, commented on Promises of Tomorrow and 'Bras for a Cause'. "We are excited to be working with Promises of Tomorrow. Their focus on helping to provide screenings and other services is essential to early detection of breast cancer." Dan DeNeui, COO of BioTE Medical, added, "At BioTE we believe deeply in the mission of 'Bras for a Cause'. At BioTE we share a common mission of bringing support and new hope to people who are fighting breast cancer."For more information on Promise of Tomorrow and the 'Bras for a Cause' event go to or call 682-231-BRAS (2727). For more information on BioTE Medical, go to Media214-257-8484Photo: Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comPromises of TomorrowWeb site: storage
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 14:00
本報訊9月15日至16日,阿克塞哈薩克族自治縣舉辦首屆哈薩克美食文化節,阿克塞縣為美食節專門製作的一口大鍋亮相並烹製了一鍋50只羊羔的美食,供現場數千人和參會嘉賓集體品嘗。據悉,此鍋號稱“亞洲第一鍋”。據瞭解,這口大鍋外口直徑4.24米、內口直徑4.15米、內徑3.47米、鍋底直徑3.5米、重量2.5噸(不含鍋蓋),一次能烹製50只羊羔,此鍋還申請了“大世界基尼斯”認證,以此全方位展示哈薩克民族特色風味小吃、奶製品和肉製品等美食。(董開煒)mini storage
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 13:47
'Rush': The story of two competitors, driven to win
Source: The Philadelphia InquirerSept.self storage 27--'The grudge match of the decade!" a sportscaster roars, as rivals James Hunt and Niki Lauda, a swaggering playboy Brit and a rigorously fussy Austrian, rev their Formula One machines and get ready to fly. It's the 1976 Japanese Grand Prix, the circuit dangerously slick with rain, the climactic race of the year.Everything in Ron Howard's epic and exhilarating Rush builds to this point. Two guys hopscotching the globe from one Grand Prix to the next, going impossibly fast. Sometimes Hunt (Chris Hemsworth) would win. Other times, Lauda (Daniel Br?l). Who will take the World Championship?Rush toggles seamlessly back and forth between the two men and their backstories, their voice-over narrations, their love lives (Hunt's is a Hugh Hefner fantasy gone wild). In between, they jump into cars -- Ferraris, Heskeths, McLarens -- and zoom down the blacktop, spinning, careening, rocketing on.Rush, which marks a return to form (and more so) for Howard after plodding through adultery buddy movie comedies (The Dilemma) and Dan Brown sequeldom (Angels & Demons), is almost primal."The closer you are to death, the more alive you feel," Hemsworth's Hunt announces, offering a Psych 101 thumbnail of his motivations, the meaning in his life. A party-till-you-drop daredevil with shaggy blond locks (just shy of Thor-length) and a hunky charm that nurses and airline stewardesses find irresistible (yes, hospital room and in-flight liaisons ensue), Hunt has a sixth sense when it comes to racing: He visualizes the course, anticipates maneuvers, turns corners, and guns through the slimmest of openings. To say he is fearless would be wrong -- he hunches over and vomits before every race -- but Hunt has a reckless nerve, and verve. Hemsworth radiates that energy, that craziness. He's great.Lauda, played with a clinical cool by Br?l (soon to be seen in The Fifth Estate), is the opposite. He's a pragmatist, urging team engineers to make his car lighter, faster. He calculates risk factors like an accountant going over the books. He's ferrety, with squinting eyes and a cruel smile -- but he does smile, he can be funny. And whil迷你倉 Hunt goes off and weds an English model (played with a '70s swing and an all-right-Jack accent by Olivia Wilde), Lauda finds love with Marlene (Alexandra Maria Lara), a woman he meets at a party. They run off together, and their It Happened One Night hitchhiking scene in the Italian countryside takes an amusing turn.Rush looks like it was shot by a microbiologist, not a cinematographer -- it's full of close-ups of the actors' pupils dilating, of valves and cylinders pumping, of crash-helmet visors catching reflections, supersized. Anthony Dod Mantle, Danny Boyle's go-to director of photography (Slumdog Millionaire, 127 Hours), creates a color-splashed, magnified, sliced-and-diced world. There's an overhead shot of Hunt's and Lauda's cars, captured in the light and the rain, that turns these "bombs with wheels" into rare exotic tropical fish. They even have fins.Howard must have watched Senna while prepping Rush. The 2010 documentary about Brazilian Formula One driver Ayrton Senna, himself a racer for the McLaren team (a decade after Hunt), makes great use of a camera mounted over the late, legendary driver's head. The effect is wild and vertiginous, and Howard gets that same effect here.Rush, like it says in the opening credits, is based on a true story, and anyone with an interest in the sport already knows what happens to Hunt and Lauda on the 1976 Grand Prix circuit. If you don't, and don't want to, stop reading now.But it should be noted that the toughest scenes in Rush aren't on the track -- they're in a German hospital room, where Lauda is taken with severe burns after being trapped in his Ferrari in a fiery spinout at the N�burgring Grand Prix. His lungs are vacuumed. His skin tissue scarred, scorched, dermabraded.Rush has an elemental simplicity about it. Two men in competition, driven (so to speak) to win. They are enemies. But they need each other, too, and as they roll around at 170 m.p.h., they come to understand ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 13:34
In 'Soft Click of a Switch,' stranger danger is real
Source: The Seattle TimesSept.迷你倉 27--Ever hear the one about the guy who walks into a bar, gets badgered by a weirdly aggressive, trash-talking stranger, and the two wind up building bombs together?Maybe not in a play. But during the intense drama "Soft Click of a Switch" at West of Lenin theater, images of real-life domestic terrorism -- in Boston, Oklahoma City, Atlanta -- do flash through your mind.The gripping MAP Theatre version of this obscure yet prescient 1998 one-act by Carter W. Lewis suggests a "Twilight Zone" episode penned by Edward Albee.As in Albee's "The Zoo Story," two loners -- here, boozy office drudge Earl (Mark Fullerton) and sinister, unemployed Ed (Brandon Ryan) -- have more in common than you'd think. They strike up an odd alliance over gin and beers in a dreary joint with a berating bartender and muffled oldies booming in the background.They play head games, edge in closer and pull back, reveal little (and unreliable) information about themselves.Noir-style, their chance meeting is the gateway to an existential vortex.With slanted dialogue and an absurdist streak, pretentiousness could be off the charts here. But Lewis' lean, sardonic script, and director Peggy Gannon's incisive dire文件倉tion of two razor-sharp actors, keep you off-balance and invested.One may appreciate Ed's rant against the giant Mall of America outside Minneapolis as a bastion of soulless consumerism. Then you think of the recent bloody attack on a Kenyan mall.The men's voyeuristic obsession with a housebound pair of neighbors is creepy, but also sad.And what triggers the drastic action Ed and Earl eventually take? Surely not religious or political fanaticism. Maybe just a desperate need "to do something" -- something that gives meaning to their marginal existence? Discuss."Soft Click of a Switch" cops out a bit at the end, with a Rod Serling-ish touch of sci-fi. But it gets under your skin as a study in American alienation, and a quick plunge into that festering swamp of loneliness and rage that can breed random acts of destruction.Fullerton's disaffected Earl and Ryan's immature, mercurial Ed are perfectly partnered in the play's tightrope dance of codependency. And hats off to Shane Regan, for an eerie soundscape that shreds and swells throughout.Misha Berson: mberson@seattletimes.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Seattle Times Visit The Seattle Times at Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 13:26
【本報訊】為慶祝「世界旅遊日」,mini storage旅遊局昨舉辦連串慶祝活動。局長文綺華稱,在發展旅遊及享受旅遊的過程中,有責任鼓勵業界及提醒旅客珍惜水資源,共同保護未來。昨日上午,旅遊局局長文綺華,副局長白文浩,謝慶茜向昨日抵澳的幸運旅客致贈紀念品,昨日獲禮品的幸運旅客來自澳洲,彼等是首次來澳,目的是遊覽澳世遺,旅遊局亦向昨日到訪的旅客送紀念品。旅遊日的傳統托盤比賽於下午進行,超過兩百名的參賽者分男女子組比賽,彼等分別代表本澳廿四間酒店及餐飲店,參加者托著盤由大三巴牌坊起至議事亭前地,比賽結果男子組由威尼斯人度假村的劉延松奪得冠軍,女子組則由迷你倉河酒店的梁美鳳取得,比賽氣氛熱烈,吸引眾多旅客和市民沿途觀賞,增添節日色彩。旅遊局並於昨晚假美高梅舉行「旅遊日」慶祝晚宴,局長文綺華在宴會上致詞稱,今年是世界旅遊日卅四周年,主題為「旅遊與水:保護我們共同的未來」,水是人類賴以存活的泉源,亦是旅遊業的重要資產,相信今年的主題,有助擴大宣珍惜食水的良好訊息。此外,澳門定位為世界旅遊休閒中心,要緊隨著此戰略定位和發展方向。著重推動建設優質旅遊城市,提高旅遊產品與服務素質,朝向多元化發展,「旅遊法」將於十月一日起實施,澳門業界亦需作出相應準備,共同努力,向建設世界旅遊休閒中心目標邁進。文件倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 13:10
中小型本地銀行併購潮再有新進展。據昨日杜瓊斯透露,mini storage新加坡的大華銀行(UOB)及澳洲的澳盛銀行(ANZ),表示有意收購本港的永亨銀行(302),永亨又聘請了野村銀行作銷售顧問。分析相信,全購永亨作價約為390億元,永亨下周一股價有機會再創新高。永亨昨收報117.9元,升0.2元。全購作價料達390億 今次傳言中新出現的大華銀行,為新加坡的主要銀行之一,資產總額達7000億港元;然而,該行目前在港的零售業務不多,只有5間分行及200多名員工。大華香港行政總裁葉楊詩明曾表示,若合乎該行發展策略,不排除併購本地銀行的可能。 另外,澳盛銀行同樣於本港沒有太多零售銀行業務。該行現時致力發展海外業務,希望於2017年迷你倉有25%至30%收入來自澳紐以外地區,現時該比率約為20%。 有分析指出,以永亨目前股價計算,市帳率約為1.78倍,較過往本港銀行業併購平均的1.9倍為低。若永亨以1.9倍出售,全購售價約為390億元。分析:股價直指130元 敦沛證券副總裁黃志陽預期,今次消息可以刺激永亨股價再升至130元的新高,但投資者要小心周一開市時股價已被搶高。他個人則認為,賣盤價將介乎140至160元,並建議投資者轉買大新(2356),因估價較低。 銀河證券業務部發展董事羅尚沛則認為,永亨下周一上升的機會很大,但可能只得3%至4%的升幅,因未知大華銀行實際的出價;他又建議,現時手持本地家族銀行股票的投資者不妨可以繼續「等多陣」。文件倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 12:55
【香港商報訊】記者孫剛報道:26日,mini storage在「2013年中國•雙桂旅遊盛典暨禪宗文化節招商推介簽約儀式」上,重慶梁平縣與來自全國各地的22家企業集中簽約,總投資近130.16億元。 記者從梁平縣投資促進局獲悉,節會期間,梁平縣邀請了福建重慶商會、重慶港澳商會、深圳重慶商會等單位。與羅普特(廈門)科技集團、廈門歐頓電子有限公司等22家企業簽約,總投資近130.16億元。項目涉及電子信息、機械製造、建築建材、旅遊開發、商貿、生態養殖等行業。 這是梁平縣招商引資快速發展的一個縮影。近年來,梁平縣始終堅持把招商引資作為全縣工作的重要突破點。通過儲存斷優化投資環境,創新招商方式,堅持「一事一議、一企一策」的原則,點對點地進行「秘書式」、「保姆式」服務,突出重點對象,重點產業。重點加強對世界500強,著名上市公司、行業龍頭企業等「大塊頭」的招商引資。通過連續三年招商引資主題年活動,成功引進中石化集團、安徽海螺水泥等一大批優質企業落戶梁平。2011年至今,共引進規模以上企業100餘戶,總投資超200億元,利用內資增速連續兩年位列重慶市第一。 據悉,「十二五」期間,梁平縣將重點發展電子信息、機械製造、農副產品新加工、通用航空、能源化工、新型建材為主的六大支柱產業,加快培育五個百億級產業集群。迷你倉
- Sep 27 Fri 2013 10:24
(吉隆坡25日讯)Visa 2013年全球旅游意向调查显示,mini storage手机是马来西亚游客首选的假日必备品,89%大马人出游必带手机,73%是携带智能手机。调查指出,大马人出游会携带的其他科技产品是相机(76%),手提电脑(54%)和娱乐设备(21%)。电子产品能搜寻重要资料,也能轻易与家人和朋友分享旅游体验。“较富裕的旅客因为放不下工作而携带电子产品,多达71%较富裕的旅客在外地时仍定期检查电子邮件。”此外,80%大马旅客会在旅程结束后,在网上分享他们的旅游体验。根据self storage查,互联网的功能在决定携带哪一种电子产品出游中扮演相当重要的角色,电子产品的大小和重量也成为大马人带去旅游主要的考虑因素(55%)。调查显示,大马游客在度假时的首五项线上活动包括检查电子邮件(56%),传递及时消息(50%),与家人朋友分享照片(38%),浏览互联网消磨时间(38%)和更新状态(36%)。83%大马游客参考网上来源如旅游评论,服务供应商和官方旅游网站来策划他们的旅程,77%浏览这些网页以进行自由行的各项预订,以及75%在旅游期间上网查询资料。;mini storage
- Sep 27 Fri 2013 10:17
信用卡 优惠详情 优惠期CitibankCitibank信用卡客户每逢星期二早上9时至下午6时,mini storage首20名于网上成功登记,并由即日起至年底任何一个月内,累积认可签帐满$5,000,即可以每位原价$1,730起享受Club Med桂林或黑龙江亚布力度假村买1送1住宿优惠(须成为Club Med会员)。(即日至10月29日查询:2860 0333中银凭中银信用卡惠顾安达旅运,可享海洋公园哈啰喂门票八四折,一般门票优惠价成人$266/小童$133,优越门优惠价成人$521/小童$261:另可享其他旅游套票折扣高达$600,及全年精选旅游优惠。(即日至10月31日查询:2108 3288恒生凭恒生信用卡到卫讯电讯购物,可享精选手机及IT产品低至五折;签帐满$100,即可自动参加大抽奖赢取80x Cash Dollars。另凭恒生万事达白金儲存签帐(包括全新手机型号),即享高达20x Cash Dollars。(即日至10月31日查询:2998 6868东亚凭东亚信用卡惠顾红蚂蚁、一品蚂蚁及天府人家,可享精选美食低至五折。凡于红蚂蚁或一品蚂蚁惠顾主餐牌食品及饮品满$300(星期一至五晚市),可享$50即时折扣;于天府人家惠顾满$400(全日),则可享$100即时折扣。(即日至11月30日查询:3608 6628渣打凭渣打信用卡于「惠康为您送」购物网站(、Market Place by Jasons网上品味超市(单一签帐净值满$500,即减$60兼享免费送货服务;单一签帐满$1,000,更即减$150。(即日至11月30日查询:2886 4111迷你倉
- Sep 27 Fri 2013 10:11
Station to Station stop in Barstow deemed a success
Source: Desert Dispatch, Barstow, Calif.文件倉Sept. 26--BARSTOW -- Skyline Drive-In owner Gene Harvey said that Wednesday night meant back to business for his outdoor theater, one day after it had been transformed into a sprawling, carnival-like atmosphere of art and music."I think everything went off pretty well," Harvey said of Tuesday's Station to Station tour stop, featuring musical performances from the likes of Beck and Cat Power, and art from Olaf Breuning, Peter Coffin and others.Harvey said the 800 or so concert-goers in attendance, by show officials' estimation, was on par with the drive-in's busiest summer nights.A maximum-alotted 1,000 tickets were sold for the event. More than 1,000 people were inside the grounds -- including staff, media and artists -- according to Molly Logan, Station to Station's executive producer.But five times as many could have easily filled the outdoor theater, which instead provided a wide-openness for attendees to walk and converse, an unusual liberty for any event of similar magnitude."We intentionally kept those numbers," Logan said. "(Or else) you don't have that sense of intimacy."Logan said that artist Doug Aitken, the brainchild behind the tour, put Barstow in his sights about a year ago at the planning stages."Barstow was the one stop that was non-negotiable," she said. That may be hard to believe when the list of other stops on the tour include New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago and Los Angeles.However, Aitken had done creative projects in the area before, she said, and grew "obsessed" with the drive-in.Asked if there were any chance of Station to Station returning next year, Logan said it was possible."We always said if demand was t存倉ere," she said. "I think the response at every stop has confirmed our idea that people are into in art, music and film."Most of the 800-plus people who bought tickets to Tuesday's show weren't local, coming from places as close as Los Angeles to as far away as New York.Some fit the night into broader travel plans, including one couple from the Czech Republic. Others had began to follow the tour in stops like Winslow, Ariz., or Santa Fe, N.M., and were hoping to see it through until at least Los Angeles.One group of six said they were from Hinkley."It's very unexpected," local 19-year-old Tannesa Tinley said."It's legit," Tinley's friend, Hunter Mauldin said. "It gives us something to do."Area authorities were on hand just in case, but reported no problems.Local businesses had a part in the act as well. Los Domingos restaurant in Barstow was contracted for alcohol concessions. Logan said many of the show's staff dined at the Main Street restaurant Monday night. And staff and artists stayed in area hotels, she said."It's good to be here in Barstow on this beautiful desert evening," the last performer of the night, Beck, told the crowd that had gathered near the front of the stage.It seemed to be a consensus feeling."People have said, 'can you stage something in Barstow and have the numbers you want?'," said Harvey, who confirmed he would be receptive of hosting the event again. "Well, the answer is a resounding 'yes.'"Shea Johnson may be reached at (760) 256-4126 or at ___ (c)2013 the Desert Dispatch (Barstow, Calif.) Visit the Desert Dispatch (Barstow, Calif.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存