Source: The Star, Shelby, N.self storageC.Nov. 14--Don't see your event listed? Email jbridges@shelbystar.comNov. 14- BUFFALO CREEK GALLERY CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE: 5:30-7:30 p.m., Buffalo Creek Gallery, 104 E. Warren St.; Buffalo Creek Gallery is a cooperative gallery featuring fine art and handcrafted works by local artists; 704-487-0256Nov. 16- "TOYS, GAMES & TRAINS" exhibit through Jan. 4, annual model train display by the Piedmont "S" Gaugers returns. The Kings Mountain Historical Museum, 100 East Mountain St. Back by popular demand, this exhibit fills the museum with model train displays, railroad memorabilia, and antique toys and games. An extensive interactive model train track provides hands-on fun for all ages. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sunday 1-4 p.m. The Museum will also be closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Admission is free. For information, call 704-739-1019 or visit .kingsmountainmuseum.Nov. 21- ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SALE: Nov. 21-23, 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Gardner Webb University Tucker Center- A TASTE OF CHRISTMAS: 12:15-12:45 p.m., Through the Garden Gate program, Cleveland County Library meeting room; a selection of Christmas songs with Georgiana Wright, Sean Whitworth, and Frank Lattimore; enter through the garden gate; bring a bagged lunch, iced tea and water will be servedNov. 23- BREAKFAST WITH SANTA: 7:30-10:30 a.m., hosted by Kings Mountain Woman's Club at the clubhouse, 108 E. Mountain St., Kings Mountain; breakfast buffet is $5 for adults and $3 for children; children may shop in the Elf Closet, eat breakfast and have their picture taken with Santa. (Picture packages provided by a professional photographer.) For more information, like the group on Facebook, GFWC NC Kings Mountain Woman's Club.- CLIFFORDS ARMY SANTA PET PICTURES/BAKE SALE: Noon-4 p.m., Tractor Supply Company, 1655 East Dixon Blvd., Shelby; bring your four legged family member out to have their picture made with Santa, printed for you while you wait; 5x7 picture for $5; Clifford will also be there; wide selection of homemade desserts and breads; all proceeds go to the needs of the homeless animals of Cleveland County. Donation of baked goods appreciated for the holiday bake sale; pick up provided or drop off at Tractor Supply; for more information, contact or call 704-460-9030. Visit the Facebook page at .facebook/Cliffords.Army- DARIN AND BROOKE ALDRIDGE Fourth Annual Holiday Concert, 8 p.m., Joy Performance Center. Advance tickets are $18 and are available by phone at 704-472-7762 or on-line at Copies of the couple's newest release "Flying" will be available for sale.Nov. 21- THIRD ANNUAL THANKSGIVING FEAST: 6 p.m., sponsored by Kingstown Community Developmental Corp. in the life center at Palmer Grove Baptist Church in Kingstown. Free sit-down meal (no carry-outs) for Kingstown citizens, the public, homeless, church groups and politicians. Information: Eunice Mintz at 704-481-9280; Sharon McCullough at 704-600-6385; or Jackie Hopper at 704-830-8576.Nov. 24- ART FOR CHRISTMAS: 1-4 p.m., The Southern Arts Society at the old Southern Railway Station, more than 75 artists sell their fine arts and crafts.Nov. 25- CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING: 7 p.m.; Children and their families will gather at Mauney Memorial Library for Christmas activities and stories prior to the tree lighting and the arrival of Santa Claus in a fire truck. Sponsored by the City of Kings Mountain, 704-734-0333, 29- HORSE DRAWN CARRIAGE RIDES: Nov. 29-Dec. 20, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Uptown Shelby; adults $10, kids $5; enjoy a carriage ride through town and see the Christmas tree lit on the Court Square; sponsored by Uptown Shelby Association, 704-484-3100, .uptownshelby.orgNov. 30- CLIFFORDS CHRISTMAS TREE LOT GRAND OPENING: Noon-4 p.m., Puppy Luv Grooming, 1623 S. Post Road, Shelby; join Clifford the Rescue Dog and his Army for a fun day of marshmallow roasts, hot chocolate and much more; pick out any size mountain grown tree for $25; Tree lot officially opens Thanksgiving, Nov. 28. For more information, contact or call 704-460-9030. Visit the Facebook page at .facebook/Cliffords.ArmyDec. 1- BOILING SPRINGS CHRISTMAS PARADE: 3 p.m., Entry forms are available online at After the parade, attendees will have an opportunity to visit with Santa until 5 p.m. at the Boiling Springs Museum, 109 S. Main St. For more information, call the Boiling Springs Town Hall at 704-434-2357.- EARL CHRISTMAS PARADE: 3 p.m., Theme: The Sounds of Christmas, information available from, or call 704-709-9627, participants line up on south Bettis Road at 1 p.m., judging begins at 2 p.m.Dec. 5- TREE OF HOPE LIGHTING: 4 p.m., Cleveland Regional Medical Center, hosted by the Auxiliary, 31st annual celebration; Public invited; a $10 donation places an angel on the tree in honor or memory of someone. Funds raised go to support Auxiliary projects. Donations should be sent to CRMC Auxiliary, 201 E. Grover St., Shelby. For more information, call Ginger Norman at 980-487-3889.Dec. 6- CHRISTMAS AT THE FAIR: Dec. 6-8, Cleveland County Fair Grounds, 1751 E. Marion Street, Shelby; 704-487-0651, A BOSTIC CHRISTMAS: 5:30 p.m., Bostic Lincoln Center, 112 Depot St., Bostic, museum open house,迷利倉presentation of the comedy, "A Christmas Chaos," by the Rutherford Community Theatre; music by the choirs of First Baptist Church of Bostic and the True Grace Trio of Mount Lebanon Baptist Church, prizes, free refreshments and a visit from Santa. Information: Lydia Clontz, or the Bostic Lincoln Center, 828-245-9800.Dec. 7- JINGLE BELL ROCKIN' RUN: 9:30 a.m., sponsored by the Kings Mountain Family YMCA, a 10k run along the tree-lined streets of the West End Historic District. The start and finish of this exciting race is at Patriots Park.- GROVER CHRISTMAS PARADE: 11 a.m., line up is at 10 a.m. No charge to enter the parade. Entry deadline is Nov. 22. Contact Anna Hughes at 704-730-9221 or Jackie Bennett at 704-937-7932- CHRISTMAS IN KINGS MOUNTAIN: 10 a.m.-3 p.m., tour the historic Cornwell and Barber Houses decorated for the holidays, Kings Mountain Historical Museum, 100 East Mountain St., Learn about the history of Christmas celebrations, and see traditional craft demonstrations such as Scherenschnitte, the historic German art of paper-cutting, presented by Linda Bell; 3-5 p.m., City of Kings Mountain's annual Christmas Parade (Museum closed); 5-7 p.m.: Extended evening hours of "Toys, Games & Trains" exhibit, candlelight tours of the historic Barber House, and hot apple cider by the firelight. The Museum will also be closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Admission is free. For information, call 704-739-1019 or visit .kingsmountainmuseum.- KINGS MOUNTAIN CHRISTMAS PARADE: 3 p.m., applications available online at or can be picked up from Lynda Mattox at City Hall. 704-473-8727- ANNUAL POLKVILLE CHRISTMAS PARADE: 3 p.m., to place an entry, call Kim B. Swink at 704-538-3668; leave a message and phone number- HOLIDAY HOME TOUR: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., hosted by The Cleveland County Arts Council, features six homes each decorated for the holiday season; tickets are $15 at the Arts Center, 111 S. Washington St., Shelby, by phone in advance or at the homes on the day of the tour. A hand decorated artisan wreath will be raffled off to a lucky tour attendee. Arts Center "Handmade for the Holidays" Gift Gallery also open. Lunch available for $5 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Arts Center during the tour.- SANTA ON THE CHIMNEY: 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Dec, 7 and 14, Chimney Rock State Park; how does Santa climb down millions of chimneys around the world in a single night? He practices, of course. Witness Santa's daring stunt as he practices on one of the world's largest chimneys! Mmeet Santa & Mrs. Claus, enjoy live holiday music, hot cocoa and cookies, guided family hikes and kids' activities; no additional cost with paid park admission; learn more at or 800-277-9611; watch this sneak peak of Santa practicing: "CHRISTMAS WITH THE KING" A TRIBUTE TO ELVIS PRESLEY: at The Performing Arts Foundation, Isothermal Community College in Spindale; fundraiser for the Cleveland-Rutherford Kidney Association; concert features Travis Powell of Shelby; tickets are $25 for house seats, $35 for meet and greet seats, and $50 for box seats; group rates are $20 each for 10 or more; tickets call 704-481-9535 or email; information also available on the website: CLEVELAND COUNTY CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT: 7 p.m., Dec. 7; and 3 p.m. Dec. 8, Aldersgate United Methodist Church; 704-487-0773Dec. 8- SANTA AT PHIFER CABIN: 2-4 p.m., Broad River Greenway, 126 Broad River Drive, Boiling Springs; bring the kids for a relaxing afternoon in the woods; refreshments and a child-friendly craft Christmas memory; bring your camera for a good picture with Santa., 704-434-0040, .broadrivergreenway.comDec. 14- SANTA CLAUS AND MRS. CLAUS: 11 a.m., The Kings Mountain Historical Museum, 100 East Mountain St., Mrs. Claus will read the classic 1823 children's story, "The Night Before Christmas"; 1-3 p.m., Santa will visit; bring a camera for photos. The Museum will also be closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Admission is free. For information, call 704-739-1019 or visit .kingsmountainmuseum.- TOWN OF KINGSTOWN CHRISTMAS PARADE: 1 p.m., Eighth annual parade sponsored by Kingstown Community for Concerned Citizens, line up begins at noon at Palmer Grove Baptist Church, all entries welcome -- $10 for small single unit and $20 for large units; no charge for non-profit and government officials, deadline to enter is Dec. 6; Ramona Gash, Parade Coordinator, 704-480-1042 or 704-484-9776Dec. 15- SHELBY CHRISTMAS PARADE: 3 p.m.,Lafayette Street in Uptown Shelby, 704-484-3100, .UptownShelby.orgDec. 17- NEAL SENIOR CENTER CHRISTMAS FEAST: 11:30 a.m., Neal Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby, $7.50 per person, takeouts available, includes turkey and dressing, cranberry sauce, coleslaw, green beans, yams, bread, dessert and beverage; speaker, the Rev. Lamont Littlejohn of Mount Calvary Baptist Church; music by Harmony of Hope from New Hope Baptist Church in Earl; purchase tickets by 5 p.m. Dec. 9, information: Mary, 704-482-3488Dec. 24- MOUNTAIN REST LUMINARIES: 5:30 p.m.-midnight, luminaries will glow throughout Mountain Rest CemeteryCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Star (Shelby, N.C.) Visit The Star (Shelby, N.C.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 10:49
Holiday happenings usher in the season