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北角五洲大廈�房賓館週日發生三級火,mini storage造成廿五人受傷,當中七人命危,這宗意外揭露舊樓賓館住宿問題,部分近年主攻強國學生市場,就連理工大學亦睇準這些賓館有價有市,部署下學年承租作學生宿舍。佐敦街頭隨處可發現街招「豪華套房 學生宿舍」,又指環境「稀有通風」。記者以學生身份約睇樓,發現賓館原來無牌,而所謂豪華套房,其實是要�三層鐵碌架床的「三文治」籠屋,每個床位月租一千九百元。代理更加爆出理大即將租用這些「三文治」床位再轉租予學生,理大亦承認正在洽談。本刊更加進一步揭發,這間無牌賓館的業主大有來頭——澳門江湖猛人「街市偉」。 大陸學生近年大舉湧港逼爆八大校園,二○一三年截至十月就有一萬八千三百五十一名內地生來港,較十年前勁升十倍。強國大軍殺到加入搶宿位行列,據大學資助委員會數字,一三年八大合共欠六千個宿位,市區�房學生宿舍因而有價有市。 金磚鋪黑廁 理大正洽談作宿舍的�房,位於佐敦港鐵站附近彌敦道二百三十一號,樓齡五十四年的金陵大廈,九樓A、B及十樓A、B共四個單位,共有十八間房,可為理大提供最多六十多個宿位。兩層單位各自打通,目前正營運賓館但無正式牌照,有不少自由行旅客居住,但大廈外牆殘舊,�生欠佳。記者根據街招聯絡姓羅的�房代理,她先帶記者到九樓參觀,單位門外掛有四間公司名牌,包括「逸雅賓館」、「花旗投資移民有限公司」、「龍成香港企業有限公司」、「香港博弈研究協會有限公司」,羅見記者起疑,忙說:「都係我老闆[!8548]公司,掛個名。」打開單位木門,便是一個約四十方呎空間,有一張吧�和兩張高腳�,「呢度係廳,(指指窗戶)我老細打算掛部五十吋大電視,以後你�(學生)就可以�度吹水,同睇波。」羅大力推銷。單位內有雙門雪櫃及洗衣機,卻將另一個出口堵死。屋內有一條約一米闊的走廊,但擺滿木梯、天拿水及油漆等裝修工具,顯得更狹窄。記者輕敲剛髹過的牆壁,發現都是木板,而走廊兩邊各有四間套房,房間由一百至一百四十呎不等,屬�房內有書�的「頭等」單人房。羅逐一介紹:「細房五千八,張床特別設計,床腳特高,方便�大陸學生放篋,大�仲可以放兩張單人床,但就要六千八,再大�,開揚�就要七千八。」雖然每房有獨立廁所,並鋪上土豪至愛的金色瓷磚,但多數是沒有窗的「黑廁」,並非如街招所指「稀有通風」。羅又稱:「呢度係酒店式經營,床單有人同你洗,家電都有齊,水電都包埋。」 三層床撼爆頭 記者表示「頭等房」租金太貴難負擔,羅即帶記者到十樓單位看平價房,只見門外同樣擺滿裝修工具,內有兩名工人正在趕工。十樓和九樓單位面積相近都達千多呎,不過十樓卻被�多兩間共有十間房。羅說:「呢度有好多交換生都睇中�,你係租就要快手,不過十樓呢度只可以按月租,隨時要停租,因為理大���下個學年做宿舍。九樓都一樣唔可以簽咁耐,因為佢�(理大)可能會包埋,聽講佢都有萬幾個學生要位。」走到十樓單位盡頭,赫見約一百二十呎的平價房內,有一張裝嵌好的三層碌架床,記者疑惑之際,羅即解畫:「呢張床係理大要求,話要三層,我�俾�呢張床佢睇,已經pass�。」羅又說:「學生宿舍要有床位,呢�就最平,每個千九蚊,逐個床位計。理大就收學生二千五囉!」 所謂三層床,是一張兩呎半乘六呎,白色鐵骨架全新的三層碌架床,左右各有一條樓梯,右邊直上頂層,左邊就用於進入中格床。羅表示,床是新到的,剛剛才裝好,記者說只曾在電影《半斤八兩》見過相同的三層床,好奇希望試�這「三文治」,她即忙說:「你小心撼頭。」三層床未裝床褥,每層底部是鐵網,記者先爬入最低一層,要先蹲下身並彎腰,再逐隻腳伸進床內。�平之後,頭頂和中間那層相距不足六吋。再試�中層時,上床時更加困難,一隻腳要踏上樓梯,另一隻腳就要先伸入床內,再縮頭屈身進入,無論記者如何小心,完成動作已先後撼頭四次。羅更表示,百多呎的房內會安放兩件「三文治」、即合共六人同居,內有一間二十呎左右連淋浴間的廁所。記者質疑理大對「三文治」竟會收貨,羅反說:「尺寸理大定o架,梗係啦,如果唔係點會訂,一陣玩起我�,俾邊個住?」為證明與理大有合作,羅愈說愈多:「理大仲有一系列要求,每個學生除�要有床,仲要有衣櫃、書�,不過規格未定。同我�傾�叫Simon,係理大負責外地學生�職員。」 混賬醜聞不絕 理大急於擴充學生宿位,和校方近年進取的收生態度有關,目前理大共有逾三萬名學生,當中四千六百人、百分之十五是內地、台灣及澳門生,而他們大部分都是來港修讀大學自資的研究或專上課程。 目前,理大校園內四千六百多個獲公帑資助宿位(專門給攻讀大學教資會資助課程的學生)已爆滿,要滿足大批內地學生需求,理大唯有向市區住宅埋手,並藉此增加收入。理大校方由一○年起,以自負盈虧方式承租尖沙咀、深水�、旺角三幢舊樓,合共提供三百七十一個市區宿位,月租三千三至四千五百元。相對之下,校園內公帑資助宿位,每學期(即四個月)的宿費只收三千多元至五千多元。 職員以死控訴 居於理大尖沙咀山林道舊樓宿舍、來自中山的徐同學,與七人共住千呎單位,兩人一間房分用上下格碌架床,八張書桌則集中在大廳,格局如自修self storage。記者向徐表示即將有三層床宿位時,他激動地說:「嘩!俾我真係忍受唔到!我��讀書,宿位都係其次,但一開始知無得揀校內宿舍,一定要住街外�時候,都好似被迫發配邊疆咁,最重要係呢度好貴,三千三港幣一個月,好多同學都寧願夾份租樓住。」翻查過去五年理大財務報告,理大在學生宿舍的收入過去每年均有四千多萬元,但至二○一二一三年,突然暴升五成,達七千一百多萬元,宿舍成為另一開源渠道,都因一班強國大軍。理大近年被揭多項混賬,曾任教於理大多年的前會計及金融學院副教授林本利,日前撰文狂插理大曾經為興建教學酒店,向銀行貸款七億元,工程費用由最初估計五億元暴升至十三億元,令理大負上沉重的債務壓力,促成計劃的全是現任及前任校董。十二月初,傳訊及公共事務處主管黎明輝在校內跳樓輕生,遺書更叮囑學校高層重視員工的「work-life balance」(工作與生活平衡),再次引起外界關注這間年獲公帑資助廿八億元的大學管理問題。理大學生會會長黃俊瑯表示,不能接受學校安排同學入住環境惡劣的�房。對於學校推三層床給內地生,他極力反對:「冇可能接受到三層床,班內地生山長水遠�香港讀書,點衰都唔可以衰到咁,學校咁樣做係有�過分,背後會唔會有利益輸送?如果屬實,一定要追究。」 無領賓館牌 民政事務總署向本刊證實,被理大睇中的金陵大廈九樓及十樓都未領有效的旅館牌照。牌照處早前曾接獲有關地點,懷疑涉嫌經營無牌旅館的舉報,署方正跟進。無牌經營旅館,一經定罪最高罰款二十萬元及監禁兩年。二○一二年,本港錄得一千四百一十八宗無牌旅館投訴,數字是○八年的七倍。而與理大洽商的這間無牌賓館經營者,是過去數月被傳媒踢爆,以「電話賓館」集團主席名義,開講座招攬人投資賓館的自由黨成員施政樂。施政樂對外聲稱與前行政會議成員林奮強是「好朋友」,記者上週以學生身份,向他查問旗下賓館與理大是否正合作時,他稱:「我�有細牌,即係水電牌,係(理大)Simon要求,消防專家檢查晒,簽晒證書,因為Simon一定要求我�要有呢��。」施更拿出手機,展示他與理大職員往來的電郵,「理大都有好多要求,床要點整、房要點整,好鬼仔細,我�仲要慢慢搞,大約一月就可以落實。理大係想租俾大陸學生先。」惟記者問到和理大拆賬方式時,施卻不願透露。 施政樂背景騎呢,自稱是名不見經傳的美國天普大學財經碩士,其「電話賓館」集團多次舉辦投資講座,推銷三十九萬五千元的集團會籍,每月再交三萬四千元管理行政費,就可獲尖沙咀一個四百呎單位改建成的賓館共五年經營權,聲稱回報月入可高達八萬元。施推銷的簡報,有他和林奮強的合照。此外,施政樂任董事的「香港博弈研究協會」,曾涉及倫敦金騙案,協會的導師「挪用客戶資產」罪成判囚,而施政樂旗下公司目前正面對六項小額錢債入稟追討。施、郭兩人以往曾租用理大校舍舉辦投資講座。七月,他又帶頭和五名小股東,入稟高等法院指華潤電力(0836)在二○一○年一宗山西煤礦交易中違規,但上月他突然說案件令他身心俱疲,「有九成機會退出」。 理大認正洽談 記者根據施政樂手機電郵上的資料,發現與施接洽的職員Simon,是理大內地及國際學生服務處主管。記者以學生身份到該處找Simon,職員稱Simon事忙,沒有預約不接見,但承認正洽談租用金陵大廈九樓和十樓作宿舍,但細節未落實:「文件仲睇緊,性質都一樣,金陵要點申請,形式都要遲�落實,到最後份租約都係業主�,但我�都會有監管,都會involve。」但當記者表明身份,向另一名施政樂聲稱有電郵聯絡、理大內地及國際學生服務處項目經理梁麗芳查詢時,梁先大為驚訝指:「點解你�知道金陵�?」但她拒絕透露具體內容。理大公關回覆本刊查詢時則承認,職員曾與施政樂於金陵大廈會面一次,其後主要透過電話及電郵與施政樂聯繫,但沒有與施就租金進行任何討論。對於是否知悉上址為無牌賓館、營運者及業主等細節,理大卻沒正面回應,只強調未收到有關物業之具體資料,又稱從沒有提出設置三層碌架床。 街市偉物業 被理大睇中的金陵大廈四個單位業主,是澳門江湖猛人、綽號「街市偉」的吳文新,他在九四年以公司名義共斥近一千四百萬元購入,翌年交給友人葉旭棠經營賓館。至一二年七月,街市偉入稟要求林南等人交還四個單位,案件尚未開審。林南是澳門澳亞�視董事長,頻道○四年開台,以播放新聞、娛樂及劇集為主,覆蓋港、澳、台及東南亞;另外,林也涉足石油及礦業生意,他任董事的中國國際礦業,以及澳亞�視集團的住址就是今次理大睇中的�房——金陵大廈十樓A室。在澳門經營賭場的街市偉,早在九十年代和崩牙駒、水房賴齊名,三大江湖梟雄,曾在澳門街捲入江湖腥風血雨。回歸後,街市偉從商,現為上市公司奧瑪仕(959)的主席兼行政總裁。實力雄厚的他,九三年透過公司名義,以七億元一口氣購入上環信德中心百多個鋪位,現時仍持有九十一個。不過,去年街市偉與「紅顏知己」陳美歡在澳門報章分別刊登聲明,就新世紀酒店和賭場等股權糾紛互數不是,之後街市偉更被多名大漢毆至手腳骨折,更傳出街市偉財政出現問題。本刊透過奧瑪仕公關,向街市偉查詢理大欲用其物業搞宿舍之事,卻未獲回覆。迷你倉

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  • Jan 02 Thu 2014 09:10
  • 臺灣

根據科技網站報導,文件倉Sony今年可能推出一款Windows手機,以增加其行動裝置的多樣性,此舉不但助長微軟公司聲勢,也反映硬體公司可能有意避免未來由Android系統獨霸的局面。科技網站The Information引述匿名消息人士說,Sony正考慮「最快2014年中推出一款Windows手機」,即使微軟正積極以「降低軟體授權費」等誘因來吸引中興通訊(ZTE)等手機製造商。Verge網站1日也說,Sony無視於微軟收購諾基亞手機部門的計畫,對推出Windows手機的計畫興趣濃厚。對Sony來說,推出Windows手機將分散Sony行動產品的系統,避免集中在通常令人聯想到三星硬體的Android平台。諷刺的是,由於諾基亞實際上是Windows手機的準原廠委託製造(OEM)廠商,Sony推出Windows手機充其量只能扮演二線生產商。Sony若存倉入Windows陣營,最大贏家將是微軟,即使推出Vaio品牌的Windows手機可能拖累Lumia手機的銷售成長,微軟將可收取按支計算的費用,整體平台銷售也可望加速成長。以外,Windows手機和Xbox系列產品也有隱含的關聯,Sony生產Windows手機,對擁有類似平台的微軟Xbox有利,反而不利於Sony自家的PlayStation。根據最新資料,諾基亞現在占有Windows手機硬體的比率超過92%。對微軟來說,把行動平台押注在單一生產商具有高度風險(例如,只要一次硬體更換循環表現不佳,就可能拖累成長一年),這意味Sony加入Windows陣營可分散Windows 平台的風險。Windows手機平台剛推出時,對包括戴爾在內的多家OEM夥伴採取這種分散策略,但後來夥伴漸漸散去。如果微軟能扭轉這個趨勢,將可證明2013年來的進步並非僥倖。儲存

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Source: The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, IowaJan.迷你倉 01--It's hard to imagine that Cedar Rapids will look as different in 2014 as it came to look in 2013.After all, the year that ended last night was a landscape-changing one fueled by an infusion of public-sector flood-recovery dollars. Those dollars helped bring to life a new library, central fire station, convention center, riverfront amphitheater, public works building and animal shelter as well as a renovated hotel, arena and bus depot.All those facilities opened in 2013.Even so, Mayor Ron Corbett promises that Cedar Rapids is not about to jog in place.The city's private sector, he said, is continuing to step up and invest in the city as the city now largely has recovered from the flood of 2008."It was a jammed packed year," Corbett said of 2013. "The list of accomplishments is long, and many of them will have a long-lasting impact. Not just in Cedar Rapids, but for the region.""Momentum is hard to get, but it's easy to lose," he continued. "The momentum of 2013 will carry us well into 2014. It's an exciting time."The prospects for change in Cedar Rapids in 2014 have been fueled in significant ways by local voters, who went to the polls in March 2013 to approve casino gaming and in November 2013 to OK the extension of the local-option sales tax to fix city streets.The coming year also promises to bring a start to two high-cost projects that seemed as if they never would come to be. One is the long-delayed the construction of the Highway 100 extension, the other the long-awaited rescue and transformation of the failing Westdale Mall.CONSTRUCTION STARTS ON $200-MILLION HIGHWAY 100 EXTENSIONCity and local business leaders have been pushing for the long-delayed construction of the Highway 100 extension project for well over a decade, and major construction on the $200-million project begins in 2014. Bids on the new bridge over the Cedar River, which is part of the 7.5-mile project, are slated to be opened in early 2014 on what will be a multi-year project.Clearing and grading to the Cedar River will be the first visible signs of the project's start. The extension will take Highway 100 from Edgewood Road NE west and south to Highway 30. The entire road should be open by 2020.WESTDALE MALL TRANSFORMATION BEGINSThe $90 million-plus transformation of Westdale Mall into a Westdale community with anchor stores Younkers and J.C. Penney and new retail storefronts, offices, housing and a hotel starts with much demolition, which is now slated to start in the early part of 2014.Developer John Frew had hoped to start the project last summer, but an entanglement with J.C. Penney's existing lease postponed and even threatened the project. Frew reported to the City Council in December that he's now ready to proceed.The council reworked its incentive package, which will allow the developer to forego property taxes on the new investment for 14 years, up from 12 years.FLOOD PROTECTION SYSTEM IS COMINGResidents will stop doubting in 2014 that the city will build a new flood protection system to bolster both sides of the river from a flood like the historic 2008 one.With $264 million in state funding support now in place and with Congress looking to provide additional federal help, the city will begin a first phase in 2014 of its multiphase construction plan. The city will use a $9 million federal grant already in hand for the first phase, which will raise Quaker Co.'s flood protection wall higher to the 2008 flood level.The city also is expected to look to invest to design west-side flood protection, which the Army Corps of Engineers already is doing for the river's east side.STREET WORK ACCELERATES WITH LOST FUNDSThe oft-heard lament about bad streets should start to subside in 2014.City officials already are revving up for 2014 street repair work, promising to do twice as much work as in recent years thanks to voter approval on Nov. 5 to extend the city's 1-percent local-option sales tax for 10 years with all the revenue -- about $18 million a year for now -- devoted to fixing streets.APRIL 17 IS BIG DATE FOR CASINO PROJECTLast year had some big dates. On March 5, voters approved casino gaming in Linn County. On Nov. 5, voters agreed to extend the local-option sales tax to fix streets. And on Dec. 4, the Iowa Flood Mitigation Board awards Cedar Rapids $264 million over 20 years to help build a flood protection system.This year has a big date, too: April 17, the day the Iowa Racing & Gaming Commission has said it will decide if will grant a group of largely local investors led by Steve Gray a state license to operate a casino in Cedar Rapids.Commission approval will prompt the immediate start of construction on the $130 million casino with a $25 million parking ramp on what now is a sprawling piece of vacant land across the Cedar River from downtown.NEW PARKING RAMP OPENSThe face of the city's downtown parking system has changed considerably since the 2008 flood. Two private parking ramps came down to make way for the city's new convention center and the city'smini storagerickety, flood-hit First Street Parkade was demolished, too.In 2013, a new 460-space parking ramp opened on First Avenue SE to support the DoubleTree by Hilton at the U.S. Cellular Center complex and, now, in the first quarter of 2014, a 600-space, $12 million ramp is slated to open on the south side of downtown at Seventh Avenue SE.City and downtown leaders say ample parking is essential to attract and keep employers downtown.Funding for the ramp project is coming from federal disaster dollars awarded to the city because of damage to the city's hydroelectric plant at the base of the 5-in-1 bridge. The city decided not to repair the plant but to use the money, as permitted by federal law, for an alternate project.The city secured the federal dollars only after it prevailed in a dispute about the funding within the Federal Emergency Management Agency.FULL SEASON OF AMPHITHEATER EVENTS ARRIVES WITH CLEANED-UP RIVERFRONTThe city hustled to open the newly named McGrath Amphitheatre at the end of the summer of 2013, holding two events that featured area bands.But 2014 will bring the promised full schedule of amphitheater events, including traveling musical acts in addition to events featuring local talent.In 2014, too, amphitheater-goers will enjoy the city's work to clean up the river's edge between a new park area along Diagonal Drive SW that now connects via a new riverside trail to the riverfront amphitheater. The park area, which will be named for slain Cedar Rapids Police Officer Bret Sunner, will provide parking and support for larger amphitheater events.The connection between the park and amphitheater in 2013 has transformed what had been a salvage yard scrapyard and gnarly thicket of trees into an attractive riverside experience.KINGSTON VILLAGE TAKES SHAPEKingston Village still might not mean much to you, but in 2014 it should start to.Developer Fred Timko will have residents living in his 17-unit Kingston Commons condominium tower overlooking First Street SW on the west side of the Cedar River, next to the Louis Sullivan-designed bank and former bank tower next door that Timko is in the process of renovating.Nearby, a handful of new owners will begin in 2014 to renovate historic, flood-damaged storefronts in the vicinity of the bank on Third Avenue SW.This is the heart of the newly named Kingston Village, which had been home to the town of Kingston before it was annexed into Cedar Rapids in 1870.The proposed Cedar Crossing casino and the city's new riverfront amphitheater both sit in Kingston Village and both are expected to help bring shape to the emerging neighborhood.TWO TIRED DOWNTOWN BUILDINGS MAKE ROOM FOR LOFT HOUSINGDowntown advocates say today's vibrant downtowns need to have people living there.In 2014, look for more residential options in downtown Cedar Rapids.Developer Darryl High is converting the former Coventry Gardens commercial building at 211 First Ave. SE into 19 loft condominiums and two commercial spaces, while developer Joe Ahmann will turn the former Great Furniture Mart building at 600 and 616 First St. SE into two floors of office and commercial space with five residential lofts on the upper two floors.CEDAR RIVER TRAIL HEADS UNDER RAIL BRIDGEThe major paved trail through Cedar Rapids, the Cedar River Trail, runs from Hiawatha, along Interstate 380 and the McLoud Run trout stream, around Cedar Lake, through downtown and on to Czech Village, around the Mount Trashmore landfill, under Highway 30 and south toward Ely. In 2014, there's a new twist.By May, bicyclists will be able to make their way under the rail tracks instead of over them near Eighth Avenue SE. It's a $651,534 project, with federal and state funds paying about 70 percent of the cost.MORE TWO-WAYS, FEWER TRAFFIC SIGNALS DOWNTOWNThe city will continue its move to change one-way streets to two-way streets in the downtown and to experiment with a consultant's advice to remove some traffic signals in the downtown.In 2014, Fourth and Fifth avenues SE from First to Third streets SE, which includes the area around the Ground Transportation Center bus depot, will convert from one-way to two-way avenues.The city also is apt to take bids in 2014 to extend the conversion to Fifth Street SE, but the need to make changes at the Fourth Street SE rail crossing will slow the extended conversion beyond 2014.Two traffic signals on the edge of downtown -- at Third Street SE and Fifth Street SE on Fourth Avenue SE -- will continue to be covered up in 2014, with the intersections remaining four-way stops.However, traffic signals at more downtown intersections -- which also are candidates for conversion to four-way stops -- will remain in place until the city undertakes a major sanitary sewer reconstruction along the railroad tracks from First to Third avenues SE, through Greene Square Park and then down Fifth Street through New Bohemia starting in 2015.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Visit The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) at thegazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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橡子“如果說在哈佛有一種熬的感覺,儲存倉那麼在劍橋的感覺很滋潤,像夢幻一般。”萬科集團董事會主席王石自2013年10月到英國劍橋大學做訪問學者三個月之後,這樣告訴《第一財經日報》記者他的感受。日前在上海接受記者訪問時,王石介紹了他在劍橋的生活以及對萬科創辦30年的一些體會。融入劍橋:知識尊嚴與交流樂趣結束在哈佛的兩年訪問學者經歷後,王石“無縫”對接到劍橋大學的彭布魯克學院(Pembroke College),開始新一輪訪學。彭布魯克學院成立于1347年,是劍橋第三古老的學院。劍橋的“導師制”聞名遐邇。王石主要的訪學方向是猶太學,他的兩位導師一個是英國人,一個是日本人,日本教授來自東京藝術大學,也是彭布魯克的訪問學者,擅長希臘文和希伯來文化。兩位教授每周給王石開書單,他去圖書館借書,每周見面討論一次。王石同時還在做商業倫理方面的研究,和一位管理學教授合作,試圖從比較文化的角度研究企業的價值觀和倫理規範。在劍橋,王石租了一個91歲的老教授剛好空出的三室一廳公寓,公寓靠河邊,騎單車5分鐘就到學院。周邊美麗安靜,教堂尖塔、傳統斜屋頂的煙囪、林蔭樹、早晨的鳥鳴、被建築圍合成的互相連通的學院的院落、精心護理的草坪、自然主義的花園和植物園,令王石心情愉悅地融入其中。王石在微博上介紹過他某一天的經歷:清晨5:30起,一杯果汁,自行車8分鐘抵達CULRC(輕量級賽艇俱樂部),6:00開始一小時強度體能訓練。7:30返回公寓,吃早餐。在平時,和哈佛路徑的“公寓——課堂——圖書館——小餐館——全食品超市”相比,劍橋路徑是“公寓——指導教授——圖書館——學院食堂——就近超市”,環境更適合讀書、思考,更多一份思古幽情。談到在劍橋的生活,王石充滿興奮感,說原計劃訪學一年,現在看肯定要兩年,預計2015年結束。“到英國才知道,英語只有兩種,英國人說的英語和不正確的英語。”“最感到意外的是吃得豐富而正規,劍橋的學院有個任務,就是要管好伙食,而哈佛只管本科生,別的都是快餐。和劍橋比,美國快餐確實有點像垃圾食品。”中午是自助餐。晚餐則非常正式,老師要事先登記。晚上7:30,學生先在長條凳上坐好,敲一聲鑼,接著老師穿著袍子魚貫而入,坐在老師專屬的“高桌區”(比學生區高幾十厘米),有專人用拉丁文念一段聖經,然後“阿門”,開始進餐。先是餐前酒,接著是三道菜:前菜、主菜、甜食,一般吃1個小時多一點。然後端上專門的洗手盆,每個人沾沾水,擦好嘴。再響鑼,祈禱。之後是餐後酒,同時也是交流的階段。餐後酒的交流時間很長,往往到十點多,聖誕節前的一個晚上11:50才結束。王石非常享受這個過程,因為可以和不同的教授、學者交流,沒有學科界限,沒有明確主題,卻能碰撞出很多火花。一個彭布魯克學院的畢業生、當地的成功人士,是中國人,有一次來參加晚餐,他問王石:“怎麼你認識的人比我還多?”“我也沒有想到能這麼快融入劍橋,這麼忙。每天晚餐這麼嚴格的程序,看起來很繁瑣,但慢慢我就明白了,這也是知識的尊嚴。‘高桌區’誰坐主位,不是看職位,是看學術地位,而且仿佛有一種默契,今天如果誰沒有來,誰來遞補,都水到渠成。”劍橋學院的庭院草坪茵茵,異常平坦。修剪草坪的工具都很普通,不普通的是草坪已經打理了800年。王石感慨:“耐心、細心梳理,並懂得應用,知識積累就成了取之不盡的財富。在劍橋,這樣的草坪,不允許學生踩踏,只有資深的學問者有資格在草坪上散步,既表示對知識尊敬,也隱含學府等級。”訪學之外,王石也嘗試參加過清一色本科生的賽艇俱樂部訓練,訓練強度之大如同參加大賽,卻有一種血脈暢通後的輕飄感。如果要正規訓練,固定在周一到周五,每天兩次,早上6點開始。在劍橋,品學兼優的學生一定要擅長一項運動。王石也到倫敦參觀過英國開發商高富諾的老街區項目,180年前就開始開發,仍未結束,除部分住宅外,不動產租約可以長達20年,但只租不賣。他發現綠色是倫敦的亮點,市中心的高檔項目都有街心私家花園。回望30年:辭迷你倉最平總經理後曾想受聘別的大企業1984年,王石在深圳創辦深圳現代科教儀器展銷中心(萬科前身),1988年起任萬科企業股份有限公司董事長兼總經理,1999年48歲時就辭去總經理,交棒給如今的萬科總裁郁亮。1998年,萬科的銷售規模為22.69億元,淨利潤為2.02億元,2013年的銷售規模將突破1700億。“萬科轉眼就30年了,萬科已經成為住宅行業的領跑者,代表著綠色、健康、愛運動、受尊敬的企業,坦率說,過去30年的發展,我想不到。未來30年?不確定,但我充滿信心、進取心。”王石告訴記者,1999年辭去總經理後,他對自己的未來並沒有特別明確的規劃,“一方面想更親近自然,一方面也是向社會釋放一個信號,如果有哪個大企業要我去管理,我願意受聘。當時,深圳市政府要拯救幾家大國企,曾經考慮過我,我也有思想準備,但後來他們內部意見不統一,我就一直在萬科了。隨著萬科發展成越來越大的一個平台,就再沒有想過離開。”進入21世紀,當郁亮領導的職業經理人團隊帶領萬科隆隆向前時,王石在親近大自然和探險方面也“登峰造極”,從北坡和南坡兩次登上珠穆朗瑪峰。他曾設想70歲再登珠峰,然後進行“大航海”。想不到的是,58歲開始應邀在大學教書,接著開始訪學哈佛與劍橋。“從登山轉向求學,是個人修為方面的變化,但本質上都要攀登。如果要繼續為登珠峰做準備,那起碼每年要攀登7000米以上的山峰兩次,否則登珠峰就是去送死。而讀書,要過語言關,攻克選擇的課程,彌補過去很不系統的知識基礎,感覺也是遙遙無期,很痛苦。這也是選擇,我最後的選擇是60到70歲的時光在學校求學,梳理自己對於人生、企業、社會方面的思維和體會。”王石計劃2015年結束劍橋訪學後,轉到耶路撒冷繼續研究猶太史和基督教的起源等問題。王石已經給香港科技大學的EMBA授過三年課,之後又接受了北京大學光華管理學院邀請,給光華EMBA講授“商業倫理與企業可持續發展”,目前已經進入第四個學期。去年11月他還從劍橋請假兩個星期回國上課。盡管講義不斷調整、深化,從講演式授課變成啟發討論式授課,但他坦言並不輕鬆,他樂意教學,因為“中國希望在年輕一代、在教育、啟蒙。”萬科未來:新定位、新模式、國際化回望萬科30年,王石說,開心的是創業時就信奉的那些商業倫理,比如“陽光下的利潤”、“豐盛人生”、“尊重生命”、“不讓年輕人受委屈、必須十年媳婦熬成婆”等等,一直堅持下來。萬科為慶祝30年司慶,正在建企業博物館,“其中沒有一張我個人單獨的大頭像照片,因為萬科是職業經理人文化,是團隊文化。”新30年,萬科的定位也從主流的住宅開發商,向“城市配套服務商”轉變。萬科已經聘請麥肯錫做“萬科未來十年”的戰略咨詢。王石告訴記者,城市配套服務商就是城市需要什麼就提供什麼,城市需要下水道就提供下水道,需要垃圾焚燒廠就提供垃圾焚燒廠。深圳前海就有一個例子,有塊地幾個月前還是魚塘,萬科很快就建成了一個可以辦展覽、可以開會的地方,以至於政府領導說“怎麼比‘違建房’建得還快”。答案在於住宅產業化和“向製造業學習”的生產管理水平的提升。王石說:“現在每天有30萬人在萬科的工地上工作,我們的目標,一個是通過住宅產業化實現綠色建築和高品質,要做‘房地產業的蘋果公司’;一個是不斷提高工友的滿意度,比如工地的衛生間不臭,能提供直飲水,要讓工友們覺得在萬科工地上工作是一種自豪和競爭力。”預計2014年萬科的銷售收入將突破2000億元。王石認為,在城市化、工業化、商業化、金融化過程中,中國龐大市場中的很多細分行業都會產生“產量世界第一”的企業。產量第一有利於資源集中,投入研發,產品更新換代,領導市場未來。“萬科在轉型,轉型要的是質量。公司有大的體量,可以利用這個優勢做很多事情,比如研發,百分之幾的研發投入就是不小的數字。”“萬科和這個國家一樣,都是要從量的增長轉向質的提升。”“還有一個主題是國際化,萬科在舊金山和鐵獅門的合作很順利,已經開始第二個項目合作了。”迷你倉

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據華爾街日報周三報導,迷你倉旺角電腦龍頭惠普的5年重整計畫裁員人數將追加5,000人,使得總裁員人數上升至3.4萬人,約占員工總數的11%,裁員相關成本也將衝上創紀錄的41億美元。惠普於2012年5月開始執行重整計畫,最初預計2014年10月前的裁員人數為2.7萬人,之後再提升至2.9萬人。不過惠普在去年10月的分析師會議,以及去年11月底的法說會皆透露,精簡人事計畫可能影響3.3萬至3.4萬人。據惠普周一呈交給美國證管會(SEC)文件顯示,增加裁員人數係因為「持續承受市場和業務壓力」。截至去年10月底止,惠普的重整計畫已裁減2.46萬人,使員工總數降至31.75萬人。該文件顯示,惠mini storage原預估重整相關成本為36億美元,如今裁員人數增加,將讓重整成本上揚至41億美元。惠普執行長惠特曼(MEG WHITMAN)的5年重整計畫目前已進行一半,她表示,即便科技業逐漸被行動裝置主導,使得個人電腦市場步履蹣跚,惠普的表現仍算是不錯。惠普致力透過撙節支出、裁員,和專注於企業服務等有長期潛力的業務來提振成長。該公司去年第4季雖然營收失色,但卻能呈報獲利,表現超越華爾街預期。惠特曼在發布財報時表示,公司扭轉營運計畫會持續執行。另一方面,惠普亦在呈交證管會的文件中表示,公司已與證管會和美國司法部進一步協商,以解決前任和現任員工為贏得俄國政府資訊技術合約而涉嫌行賄數百萬美元的指控。迷你倉

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epaper.gmw.cn/gmrb/images/2014-01/02/07/2014010207_pdf.pdf...2013年“劍網行動”十大案件公佈李苑 《 光明日報 》( 2014年01月02日 07 版)本報訊(記者李苑)2013年12月30日,國家版權局、國家互聯網信息...迷你倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/今年元旦適逢周三,迷你倉只有一天假期,與2008年到去年實行3天小長假相比,人們的休假方式有所改變公路 新南門沒發加班車昨日,新南門成都旅遊集散中心旅客大約在1.2萬人次,比周末還少3000人次左右。“一輛加班車都沒有發,旅客太少了”高速路 車流量與平時一致全市客運站昨日客流均未出現增長,與平時大體相當。高速公路方面,以前假期最火的成雅高速昨日車流量也與平時一致鐵路 不自存倉客流較好周末成都站、成都東站、成灌線昨日共發送旅客9.5萬人次。一般客流較好的周末,成都車站發送客流也在10萬左右景區 遊客人數下降不少相比往年元旦,今年峨眉山景區接待遊客量下降50%以上。九寨溝景區相關負責人介紹,今年客流同比下降了60%市內近郊仍火熱成都市區昨日下午3∼5時出現一波明顯的車流高峰。選擇近郊景區的人相對較多,比如都江堰、青城山以及西嶺雪山等。據西嶺雪山相關負責人介紹,該景區昨日接待了9000人,與往年同期基本持平生活08迷你倉出租

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  中新社北京1月1日電 題:中國“資深定制族”的2014年:拒絕“標簽” 追求個性    中新社記者 魏晞  2013年年末,迷你倉將軍澳中國知名導演馮小剛的賀歲片《私人訂制》票房大賣。而在中國人的現實生活,“量身定制”、“私人定制”也不再僅僅是幻想話題或電影主題,而正逐漸變為許多人的一種生活方式,而且,其中很大一部分並無奢華的標簽。  “除了運氣、學歷和工資,現在什麼都能定制了”,對來自南京、31歲的李琦子來說,至少2014年最開始的三天,她已經“定制”好了。  李琦子新年的第一個計劃是帶著父母到北京“跨年”。來過北京多次的琦子希望既能“遠離長城故宮頤和園連軸轉”的旅行團,又不用過多麻煩北京的親戚朋友。她找到了一家叫“假日陽光環球”的定制旅遊網站,為一家三口兒定制了“完全個人口味”的北京新年三日游:第一天晚上,在國家大劇院觀看台北新劇團的京劇《弄臣》,票價只要80元人民幣一張;第二天,包車直奔北京郊區的南山滑雪場,感受南方少有的大雪場,晚上準備去鼓樓的“嘻哈包袱鋪”聽相聲;第三天,全家上“格格府”品嘗官府菜,然後心滿意足地�程回南京。  這只是李琦子新年的第一個“定制”項目,“今年年中,還計劃定制一次新加坡醫療旅遊。新加坡醫療水平在亞洲排名第一,在度假村一樣的醫院里做一次全面體檢,還能順道購物和享受當地美食,何樂而不為”。  盡管很難有準確的定義,但像李琦子這樣的“資深定制族”,已經成為中國一個頗成規模的群體,也促使更多提供傳統服務的公司加速向“網絡定制”轉型。  “定制旅遊在中國還是個新興概念,但已經進入快發展階段”,凱撒旅遊副總裁魏靈表示,極地游、熱帶雨林游,甚至以療養健身、修身養性為主的避世靜修、醫療之旅等,成為當前熱門的定制旅遊項目,而且發展速度頗有點讓人“猝不及防”。  擔任過首屆北京國際私人定制文化暨設計博覽會組委會秘書長的曹學文認為,消費、服務領域的“私人定制”可被視為“所有製造業的前沿技術”,對中國未來高附加值產業發展會有促進作用。  美國喬治華盛頓大學2000年發佈的一份新興科技預測報告中,就把“通過網絡的大量定制”列為改變未來生活的十大科技之一。在中國,將個性定制與互聯網聯繫起來的網上個性定制業務,近幾年才較為頻繁地出現,並隨著定制族的不斷壯大延伸到各種領域。  “很多中國人的定制,是從一本印著自己和家人照片的日曆開始的。”北京一所大學導演專業的研究生李洲對記者表示,他自己也是從定制一本日曆逐漸變成了“資深定制族”。  李洲正在使用的手機就是定制的。在一家叫“青橙定制手機”的網站,李洲為手機前後的黑色外殼挑選配色,再加上五英寸的顯示屏和前後攝像頭,還在後蓋上用鐳射刻了個繁複的王冠圖案和自己的簽名,全部費用不到2000元。  “現在沒必要去買流水線生產出來的標準化東西”,李洲說,拒絕“標簽化”、追求個性是他身邊很多人共同的想法。2014年,從T恤衫、筆記本、書包到送給朋友的小禮物,他都準備在網上定制。  李洲還向記者推薦網絡劇《宅男星球》,一部有好萊塢制片人“主持”打造的“中國定制”電視劇。“誰能忽略中國這個龐大的‘私人定制’市場呢”,李洲說,“我們不希望和誰攀比,只希望與別人不同。”(完)24小時迷你倉

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Source: Chicago TribuneDec.儲存 31--State officials said Monday they expect the online system for submitting applications for concealed carry permits to be fully operational when it opens to gun owners Sunday.The website was in beta testing in the days leading up to the launch, said Illinois State Police Col. Marc Maton, who oversaw the project.State police also are working on a paper application process that they hope to have completed by July.The permitting program was "built from the ground up under a six-month time frame," Maton said at a news conference previewing the online application system. "Our task has been monumental, but our primary goal was to meet the requirements of the statute by having an online application process in place."Gun owners who want to apply for a concealed carry permit online will find the application portal on the State Police website.Applicants who are Illinois residents must have a firearm owner's identification card, 16 hours of concealed carry training, electronic copies of training certificates, a driver's license or state identification card, a recent photo, fingerprints and 10 years worth of address history handy to complete the application. The process will requ迷你倉re applicants to obtain an Illinois digital ID -- which will allow them to sign the application electronically -- and pay a fee of at least $150.Officials already are processing applications from about 900 firearms instructors who were allowed to apply early as part of the testing process.The application -- portions of which require use of the software platform Java -- can be completed in less than 10 minutes, "if all the technical requirements have been met," Illinois State Police Lt. Matt Davis said. "The application has been purposely designed to be simple and intuitive."Once an application has been submitted, local law enforcement officials will have the opportunity to object, Maton said.State police anticipate receiving about 300,000 to 400,000 applications, based on the experiences of other states and the number of FOID cardholders in Illinois.As of Monday there were about 2,200 applications in stages of near completion and 10,000 people had obtained the digital ID that is required as part of the application process.kgeiger@tribune.comTwitter @kimgeigerCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Chicago Tribune Visit the Chicago Tribune at .chicagotribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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iOS Jailbreak被混入了一個可玩盜版,mini storage甚至可綁架手機系統的「太極助手」,使本來應該會引人注目的Jailbreak新聞更令人關注。踏入聖誕新年假期,外國及甚至本地的科技新聞按例會一遍冷清,所以Jailbreak這個話題理應會成為2013年底最矚目的「收爐之作」。「未到結局總不要太早下定論」,話剛說完就即刻應驗,網上「evleaks」消息傳來,Nokia會推出Android手機系列,即時的反應是,究竟是M記收購了N記的「M&N」出Android手機,還是被人買去了M部門的N記會出Android Phone?一時間,真的搞不清楚,但隱隱約約還是覺得兩種可能的機會率都很微。不過,無論單料有幾流,這段新聞在網上都已經被人Like爆!更Like爆的,好戲在後頭,國內文化部發通告,嚴厲指出BattleField 4(內地稱戰地4)的遊戲含有危害國家安全的內容,是文化侵略,下令網上所有伺服器都要於24小時內刪除所有有關這遊戲的下載、攻略、更新及任何關於它的新聞訊息。這個Like爆的消息是本文截稿時《PCM》網頁上近日得到最多Like的一段新聞,至於Like是否真的等於Like,廣大的讀者應該最清楚了。《PCM》高級編輯黃冠朝kenneth.wong@singtaonewscorp.comHow we test?在單項產品測試中,有關產品整體平均分達8分或以上,而「表現」及「價值」均達到 9迷你倉或以上,將可獲「Editor's Choice」評級。在單項產品測試中,有關產品整體平均分達8分或以上,而「表現」一項達到 9分或以上,將可獲「Best Performance」評級。在單項產品測試中,有關產品整體平均分達8分或以上,而「價值」一項達到 9分或以上,將可獲「Best Value」評級。免責聲明除特別標註外,本刊所刊載的產品及 / 或服務之測試報告,乃基於商戶送測產品樣本及 / 或服務在該測試的表現,僅供參考,並不代表在市場上的該款產品及 / 或服務有同樣表現。亦不構成或不得詮釋為對該產品及 / 或服務之推薦或保證。出版:電腦廣場出版有限公司主編:電腦廣場編輯委員會編輯部電話:2798 2545傳真:2750 9278電郵:pcmarket@singtaonewscorp.com版權所有.翻印必究 廣告部客戶服務熱�:3181 3888 / 3181 3838傳真:2795 1541電郵:pcm_ad@singtaonewscorp.com地址:香港筲箕灣東旺道3號星島新聞集團大廈3樓承印:凸版印刷(香港)有限公司地址:香港新界元朗工業�福宏街一號凸版印刷中心星島新聞集團刊物PCM Online.pcmarket.com.hkfacebook.facebook.com/pcmarkettwittertwitter.com/pcmarketweibo.com/pcmarket文件倉

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【香港商報訊】台灣中央流行疫情指揮中心昨晚確認第二例H7N9流感病例,迷你倉一名赴台旅遊的大陸江蘇省常州市86歲男性,確診感染H7N9,目前仍在加護病房急救中。與其同行、同住一房的兩名女兒在台灣照顧病患,均未出現症狀。 環島趴趴走接觸者眾 疾管署署長張峰義表示,這名陸客是在12月17日入境台灣旅遊,19日開始出現食慾不振,23日胸悶,24日上午到醫院急診就醫,當天就因兩側肺炎使用呼吸器入住加護病房,經醫師投予克流感,並通報疾管署採檢送驗,檢驗結果昨日確定。 值得注意的是,這名陸客在台灣旅遊mini storage間,幾乎環島趴趴走,曾到過桃園縣、台北市、新北市、台中市、嘉義市、高雄市、台東縣、花蓮縣等地著名景點,包括南投、太魯閣等,旅途中並無發燒或咳嗽症狀。 傳染性小已報 WHO 疾管署副署長周志浩強調,目前分析病毒的傳染力不高,傳染的可能性很小,接觸者不必過度恐慌。但他兩名女兒仍需持續追蹤觀察14天。 周志浩強調,指揮中心已通報世界衛生組織及通知大陸與港澳聯繫窗口,且即日起,除廣東省及浙江省外,也將江蘇省的旅遊疫情提升為第二級:警示,提醒計劃前往疫區的民眾,務必保持良好衛生習慣,避免接觸禽鳥。儲存

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不少人出街會以手機或平板睇片,迷你倉返到屋企則轉用大電視欣賞,但要將接線駁來駁去始終麻煩。Philips最新6000系列3D iDTV引進SimplyShare技術,能簡單透過Wi-Fi將流動裝置的影片、相片及音樂,無線傳送至電視;還可因應個人喜好調校3D影像深度,令用家欣賞到最富立體感的影像,配合Ambilight Spectra 2幻變環迴燈光技術,令畫面睇得舒服自然。售價:$9,990(42吋42PFL6007D)、$12,990(47吋47PFL6007D)SimplyShare過片雖然近年日韓品牌雄霸了電視市場,但歐洲代表Philips,無論在畫質、兼容性及外形上都絕不遜色,好像最新6000系列加入SimplyShare技術,只需於Android手機或平板下載《Philips SimplyShare》App,便能透過Wi-Fi將影片、相片及音樂傳送至電視欣賞。若嫌電視喇叭仔未夠靚聲,更可預先經HDMI接上AV擴音機及喇叭,用家便能欣賞到包圍感全面的環繞聲。此外,機身設有4個USB插口,只需接駁USB手指或外置硬碟,便能直播多媒體檔案,兼容性極強。3D深度調節層次一家大細透過3D iDTV欣賞電影固然開心,但每個人對3D影像的接受能力都有所不同,甲覺得層次分明,乙卻睇到頭暈眼花。故新機引進3D深度調節技術,能透過提升3D深度來強化立體感。小記試播《波西傑克森:妖魔之海》時,魔龍好像要飛出屏幕似的;反觀小朋友睇3D卡通片時,便可將3D深度調低,咁就mini storage怕睇壞眼。此外,新機支援2D轉3D功能,睇電視劇、玩遊戲時均可將畫面立體化,配合被動式偏光3D眼鏡,令動態影像更流暢自然,殘影問題一掃而空。幻變燈光減刺眼大部分人都忽略了室內燈光對電視畫質的影響,環境太暗會令畫面刺眼,太光又會令色彩淡化。新機引進Ambilight Spectra 2幻變環迴燈光技術,於機身兩側裝置一排LED燈,能因應畫面的色彩及亮度而�燈,滲出與畫面相同的色彩,睇落便不會覺得刺眼;加上Pixel Plus HD影像處理晶片及400Hz動態補償技術,無論細緻感及流暢度都有飛躍性提升。畫質測試試播《波西傑克森:妖魔之海》,無論角色的衣服質感及頭髮層次感都極細緻,Pixel Plus HD影像處理晶片應記一功;而且畫質對比分明,就算是暗位都極具層次,不會黑埋一舊。售價:$249(3D藍光雙碟版)(b)同場推介:Oppo BDP-103D畫質優化Oppo BDP-103D引進DARBEE超解像處理技術,能分析輸入視訊,優化畫質後與原視訊比較,從而得到最清晰銳利的影像,配合Silicon Image Sil9616影像處理晶片,有效減少不必要的雜訊,難怪畫面如此乾淨。同時支援4K增線功能,能將視訊提升至3,840×2,160解像度,亦可經HDMI輸入插口,將外來視訊全面4K化。撰文:周仲明 攝影:郭凱敏 模特兒:Yumi(Reborn Production)查詢電話:(a)3128 4601、(b)2787 0678、(c)3188 1720self storage

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Source: Quay County Sun, Tucumcari, N.self storageM.Dec. 30--The top story of 2013 began with a surprise vote on Sept. 26 to fire a city manager and has escalated into a recall election scheduled for Thursday against two of the three city commissioners who voted to oust the city's chief executive.A proposed racetrack-casino, the wreckage of the Sands Dorsey Building and the Ute Lake project continue to develop without resolution. The introduction of a major entertainment event, Rockabilly on the Route, took advantage of new nostalgia for Tucumcari's well-preserved memories of Route 66 and the 1950s.On again, off again: On Sept. 26, Tucumcari City Commissioners Jimmy Sandoval, Ernie Dominguez and Dora Salinas-McTigue voted to dismiss City Manager Doug Powers. Commissioners Robert Lumpkin and Mayor Amiel Curnutt voted against the move.At a meeting two weeks later, however, the commission voted to reinstate Powers, with Dominguez as the swing vote.After the vote, recall petitions circulated against Sandoval and Salinas-McTigue. The petitions soon gathered enough valid signatures to warrant a recall election.Petitions were circulated to recall all five of Tucumcari's city commissioners. Petitions against Curnutt and Lumpkin, however, were not turned in for evaluation, but the petition to recall Dominguez did receive enough signatures to require a recall.Sandoval and Salinas McTigue's recall petitions were approved in time to call an election that would not be held within 60 days of a general election, but Dominguez's petition was not qualified in time to allow a special election, according to City Clerk Angelica Gray.Issues that led to the vote to fire Powers continued to surface. Salinas McTigue said she based her vote on inaction involving the city's sewage treatment plant and early closure of the first cell of the city's new garbage landfill facility.Sandoval's vote, he said, was based on the city's failure to act quickly as the Tucumcari Memorial Park Cemetery fell into disrepair, lack of growth in the city and the city's apparent refusal to award bids to local businesses on some projects. Sandoval also cited a lack of action for improvements at the city's public library and lack of action on the Sands Dorsey building.In recent weeks, the city has hired a new manager for the sewage treatment plant and has prepared a new cell for the landfill. Salinas-McTigue said that allowing other cities to use the landfill was a mistake. Powers and other commissioners believe revenue from other cities is helping to fund the landfill's expansion and will continue to defray the cost of operating the facility.The city's top priority in capital outlay requests is a new garbage compactor that will reduce the volume of trash deposited into the landfill.Two alternative plans for the Sands Dorsey building's disposal, at an estimated cost of about $500,000, have been presented as well. City officials continue to comply with requirements of the state environmental department's solid waste division.The new plans involve making disposal of the building part of larger projects. One would be a private-sector project; the other, a public use development, such as a central Fire Department facility.Powers has also reported progress on cleaning up the cemetery.Betting on it: City officials and residents have renewed hopes the city will host a racetrack-casino after litigation came to an unsuccessful close mid-year for a failed Raton racino. This hope, however, has hit another snag.The New Mexico Racing Commission has raised a question about whether the state should license a sixth racetrack-casino at all. While horse owners and trainers advocate a sixth license, the racing commission has yet to conduct public sessions involving racetrack and casino owners, who are expected to opposed a sixth license.The New Mexico Supreme Court denied Raton's La Mesa racetrack-casino's final appeal on May 19. The appeal disputed the state Court of Appeals' decision in March upholding the racing commission's nullification of La Mesa's racing license in 2010.The commission had awarded La Mesa the license in June 2009 over other competitors, including Quay County, but the La Mesa facility was never completed.With La Mesa now out of the way, many competitors for the sixth license, if it is authorized, have surfaced.Potential competitors in Clovis, Lordsburg and Hobbs have expressed interest in the sixth license, along with a second investor based in Raton.The Tucumcari racino would be built by Coronado Partners, Inc., headed by Albuquerque auto dealer Don Chalmers.Drowning in controversy: Competing interests are also at the heart of controversies centered on Ute Reservoir.Quay County interests benefit from recreation on Ute Lake, while Curry and Roosevelt county cities, ranches and farms see Ute Lake as a source of much-needed water as their groundwater sources shrink.While the northern and southern regions debate Ute Lake water use, the first phase of a 20-year, $550-million pipeline project designed to transport Ute Lake water to the Curry and Roosevelt counties is under construction. This is a 50-foot-wide, 90-foot-deep intake structure designed eventually to draw Ute Lake water into the southbound pipeline. As the vertical shaft of the intake structure nears completion, construction focuses on a horizontal pipeline that will direct water from the lake into the vertical shaft.Quay County interests are still trying to stop the project before it can begin siphoning water from Ute Lake to boost dwindling supplies to communities such as Clovis and Portales, acting through the Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority.The Village of Logan has lost bids for injunctions to stop the project in both state and federal courts. The village has appealed a federal district court February denial of an injunction to the 10th Court of Appeals in Denver and is still awaiting the result of that appeal.The village has also asked the appellate court to halt construction while the appeal is processed, but the court has not ruled on that issue, either.Thomas Hnasko, lead attorney for Logan in the appeal, said the village has been talking about conditions for negotiating a settlement with the authority even though the case is pending in the court of appeals.The village's request for injunction alleges the authority violated the National Environmental Protection Act by not completing an Environmental Impact Study (EIS), Hnasko said.Hnasko said the authority submitted only an Environmental Assessment that does not analyze the full impact should the intake structure pump out the entire 24,000 acre feet of water it is capable of removing from the lake. He said regulations from the Bureau of Reclamation also require an EIS for any major water project in the state.Quay interests fear removing that water could reduce the lake level below the level required to maintain boating and fishing activity on the lake.The pipeline project would eventually pump water from the Ute Reservoir to ENMWUA member communities of Clovis, Portales, Elida, Texico, Grady, Melrose and Curry and Roosevelt counties.The construction in 2013 has included several controlled blasts, all but one of which occurred onshore in the vertical shaft. An offshore blast on Aug. 16, however, apparently killed about 900 fish. In November, the New Mexico Dept.of Game and Fish said that the underwater blast had no permanent impact on fish populations in the reservoir, but lake visitors reported dead catfish floating on the lake's surface about two weeks after the underwater explosion.The offshore blast created a shelf on which an intake screen and controls will be mounted for the intake's horizontal pipeline.Besides the court appeals, another Ute Lake question that remains open is whether another study of the lake's capacity to meet both water and recreational needs should be conducted.The last study, called the Whipple Report after its author John J. Whipple, completed in 1994, concluded the lake could support both uses. Quay County interests claim the study does not include the effects of the region's 13-year drought, which some claim is the longest, most damaging drought in the region's history.The Ute Reservoir Water Commission, which ultimately makes such decisions, has decided against another study, saying the 1994 covers contingencies like the current drought.Quay County interests, however, are seeking a way to finance another study on their own.Lingering droughts: The debate over Ute Reservoir has been intensified by the region's 13th year of drought.A three-day drenching of the area in September provided some relief.The deluge swelled tiny Pajarito Creek into a major river-size torrent and added several feet, representing thousands of acre feet to the elevation levels of both Conchas and Ute lakes.The level of Conchas Lake rose nine feet in a little less than a week, from 4,164 feet above sea level to 4,173 feet, according to Valerie Mavis, chief natural resources specialist for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. From July to mid-September, the lake level increased almost 20 feet, Mavis said.At Ute Lake State Park, the water level on Sept. 9 was 3,773 feet above sea level. The level on Monday was 3,777 feet, a rise of almost 4 feet, according to Beth Wojahn of the New Mexico State Parks Department.The raised elevation of Conchas Lake prompted the Arch Hurley Conservancy District to authorize its first allocation of water to irrigation customers in three years, but not until next year, provided the lake's level remains above the level needed to allow the allocations.Increased rain during the year also replenished grass at area ranches and halted reductions in cattle herds on county ranches.In early September, The cattle population in Quay County was 31,244, up a little from the first quarter of the year bu迷利倉 substantially lower than it was last year.In June, the last time the assessor's office recorded cattle herd sizes, there were about 24 percent fewer cows than at the same time two years ago, according to Quay County Assessor Janie Hoffman.The cattle count in the first quarter of this year was 31,123. That is 21 head lower than the current number, assessor's information shows.Between 2009 and the first quarter of 2013, Quay County ranches reduced their cattle herds by more than one third, according to assessor's data. Hoffman said the drought had caused steep drops in the size of local ranch herds.From the 2009 level of 46,844 head, the first-quarter 2013 cattle count shrunk by 33.5 percent. About two-thirds of that reduction occurred between the first quarter of 2012 and the first quarter of 2013.Legal maneuvering: The case of 15-year-old accused murderer Tony Day lingered because of legal maneuvering in 2013.The trial was delayed twice in 2013 and a new trial date has not been set.Day is accused of the double murder of his adoptive mother Sue Day and her daughter Sherry Folts on Nov. 26, 2012,In August, the court granted a joint motion from Defense Attorney Jeffrey Buckels and 10th Judicial District Attorney Tim Rose to hold a hearing to determine how well Day would respond to behavioral health treatment before the murder trial, contrary to the order of proceedings in New Mexico statute.Day's adoptive father Mike Day wants Tony tried as an adult and to face adult consequences. The elder Day said he and other family members would like to know before the trial whether Tony will be subject to adult sentencing.Buckels said knowing in advance how Day would be sentenced would have a great effect on how the defense would proceed.In October, however, the state Children, Youth and Families filed a motion to intervene in the case in hopes of changing the order of proceedings back to trial first, amenability to treatment proceeding later. CYFD's lawyers contend that to do otherwise would violate the law.CYFD's request was rejected by the court in December.Closing up shop: TeamBuilders Counseling Services, founded in Tucumcari, announced in late July it was shutting its doors after being named among 15 behavioral health providers in the state accused of overcharging state Medicaid programs for behavioral health services.In a controversial move, the New Mexico Human Services Department abruptly froze Medicaid payments to the 15 providers in early July after an audit apparently found millions of dollars in overcharges and inconsistencies in billing by these agencies. HSD did not divulge details, saying the matter was under investigation, and turned the findings immediately over to the state Attorney General's office for further investigation.The state contracted with five Arizona behavioral health providers to replace the in-state behavioral health services. Since Aug. 19, Teambuilders' former operations have been run by Turquoise Life and Wellness, a subsidiary of Lifewell Behavioral Health, based in the Phoenix, Ariz., area.In fiscal year 2013, Teambuilders served 147 clients in Quay County, 849 individuals (children and adults) from Curry County, and 253 from Roosevelt County, according to TeamBuilders CEO Shannon Freedle.Children at risk: Quay County was ranked worst in the state for risks to child well-being in a study done by Kids Count, a national child welfare research program sponsored by the Anna E. Casey Foundation.Compounding this bad news, Quay County Health Council Coordinator Alida Brown said, is New Mexico's rating of last among the 50 states in measures of child well-being.Among the statistics Brown cited are these:-- 25 percent of Quay County residents live below the federal poverty level.-- 31 percent of Quay County children under age 18 -- nearly one in three -- live in poverty.-- 49 percent of Quay County's children under age 5 live in poverty (compared with 33 percent in New Mexico and 26 percent in the U.S.).-- 11.4 percent of births are low birth weight.-- Infant deaths before 1 year are 9.2 per 1,000 in Quay County compared with 5.5 per 1,000 in New mexico and 6.75 per thousand nationwide.-- Births to girls age 15-17: 58 per 1,000 compared with 33 per 1,000 in New Mexico and 20 per 1,000 in the U.S.-- Little or no pre-natal care: average 46.7 percent (2005-2011), compared with 36.5 percent in New Mexico.Quay's teen birth rate ranked the county third in the state. Quay County ranked fifth in the state in babies born pre-term with 14.5 percent of babies from 2008-2010.The county's low birth weight rate placed it fourth in state. Its infant mortality rate from 2002 to 2011, 11.2 per 1,000 live births, ranked it second among the state's counties. Its 2010 child abuse victim rate of 45.2 per 1,000 ranked the county second in the state.Quay's standing qualified the county to be a target zone for a CYFD initiative to bring home visitation programs to areas where child well-being risks are high and available services are low.In July, a home visitation program was established at the Presbyterian Medical Services clinic in Tucumcari. In early September, the home visitation program, aimed at expecting parents and caregivers of children up to age 3, was working with 13 families and had 17 families referred in its first month of operation, Lola McVey, program director and parent educator, said.New man in town: After a search that started in January, Mesalands Community College hired a new president, Thomas Newsom,in July, to take the college's helm in August.Newsom's salary for a two-year contract is $156,00 per year.Newsom was director of the Art Institute of Dallas. He replaced Mildred Lovato who was fired as the college's president in 2012. The college's board of directors has never stated a cause for Lovato's dismissal.Newsom said he is seeking opportunities for new dual-enrollment opportunities by which high school students earn both college and high school credit for classes taken while students are in high school.He said he was also looking for new opportunities in wind energy, using the North American Wind Energy Training and Resource Center on campus.In addition, Newsom said the college is also looking into possible partnerships with numerous universities across the state in order to provide local high school graduates more cost-effective opportunities to complete their general education courses at Mesalands before they enroll at four-year colleges.Kicks on Route 66: For two days in June it was the '50s all over again in Tucumcari for 600 out-of-towners who joined locals for Rockabilly on the Route.The nostalgia-saturated event featured rockabilly music, new and old, and events like tire burnouts, a 1950's fashion and beauty contest, and a vintage car show, among other events. The main attraction was Wanda Jackson, who achieved rockabilly music fame even before Elvis Presley gained stardom. Jackson, now in her 70s, matched the high energy of the other rockabilly acts featuring a new generation of musicians riding a wave of rockabilly nostalgia, combined with a 1950s revival, among young adults.Despite the event's success, a recommendation from the city's Lodger's Tax Advisory Board to provide $5,950 in lodger's tax funds to promoting a Rockabilly on the Route event in 2014 was stranded for nearly two months as the Tucumcari City Commission wrangled over this and other funding requests recommended by the lodger's tax board.In the end, however, the commission granted $10,000 to promote next year's Rockabilly event.It was a very good year:-- The Logan High School Lady Longhorns basketball team won the State Championship among Class 1-A schools with a 58-51 victory over the Melrose Lady Buffaloes on March 19.-- More than 400 Tucumcari High School graduates returned for Tucumcari High School's class reunion in early August. The Class of 1983 was in charge of the event.-- Dewayne Juarez, manager of the Love's Travel Stop in Tucumcari, made good on his vow to kiss a pig after employees doubled their donations to the Children's Miracle Network.-- State Rep. Dennis Roch (R-Logan) was named superintendent of Logan Schools, replacing Johnnie Cain, who became superintendent of Portales Schools. Roch took his new job on Aug. 19.-- Tim Abbott of Midland, Texas, became the interim intercollegiate rodeo coach at Mesalands Community College for the 2013 season in August. Staci Stanbrough of Capitan was named Abbott's assistant and serves on Mesalands' Animal Science faculty.-- Tom Dominguez, who had been Quay County's agricultural extension agent for New Mexico State University for the past six years, left his post on Aug. 30. His replacement has not been hired. Dominguez now holds a comparable position in Alamogordo.-- A group of about 30 forward-looking individuals gathered for Empowering the Land, an event that encouraged exploring new ways of thinking about farming, manufacturing and doing business to benefit local economies. One of the key words in the weekend event was "sustainability," the idea that production should be designed to sustain itself by making minimal use of resources and by recycling as much as possible. The Greater Tucumcari Economic Development Corporation hosted the event, which was organized by local citizens, including Hockaday and Marie Nava, a Tucumcari area farmer.-- A small kitten got more than it bargained for in October when its dash for shelter led to a death-defying, 90-foot plunge down the vertical shaft for the Ute Lake Intake Structure. The kitten survived the tumble apparently unharmed and found a new owner, who named her Petty, after the composer of the rock tune "Free Fallin'."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Quay County Sun (Tucumcari, N.M.) Visit the Quay County Sun (Tucumcari, N.M.) at .qcsunonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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本報訊 據新浪科技2013年12月31日消息,mini storage德國《明鏡》周刊曝光的一份文檔顯示,美國國家安全局(以下簡稱“NSA”)的間諜軟件已成功攻破了蘋果公司的所有產品。The Daily Dot網站最先報道稱:“NSA一個名為DROPOUTJEEP的項目幫助該機構攔截短消息,獲取聯繫人列表,使用基站數據定位手機,甚至激活手機的麥克風和攝像頭。儲存據被曝光的文檔,NSA表示,在向iOS設備植入間諜軟件的操作中,成功率為100%。文檔顯示,NSA需要實際獲得設備,隨後才能安裝間諜軟件。通過將在線購買的設備首先發貨至某個特定地點,NSA能做到這一點。不過,一個遠程安裝的版本也在開發中。”在一段視頻中,爆料這條新聞的記者譴責蘋果公司與NSA合作,允許NSA針對iPhone展開間諜活動。迷你倉

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電訊盈科(0008)旗下香港電訊(6823)早前宣布,迷你倉將軍澳將收購CSLNW的全部已發行股本,共涉資約188.67億元。為增加獲批准的機會,公司同時承諾,若政府擬收回2×10MHz 3G頻譜,可於2016年頻譜牌照期滿後按要求交還政府外,還會額外將2×5MHz 3G頻譜交還政府,且不參與重拍3G頻譜。此次收購有利市場整合,減少競爭,對數碼通(0315)、和電(0215)等電訊亦有利。收購在成本及資本支出方面均有顯著協同效應,亦利好香港電訊。電訊行業前景變明朗收購消息消除行業的不明朗因素。香港電訊的舉動意味�市場競爭減少,更符合市場效益,其他電訊商購得頻譜的機會增加,電訊行業的前景變得明朗。通訊事務管理局為引入新競爭者,上月中決定把4大電訊商持有,並於2016年到期的3G頻譜的三分一作公開重新拍賣。市場普遍認為拍賣勢令電訊市場出現「洗牌效應」,若有新競爭者加入,電訊商便不敢輕言加價。若香港電訊成功收購CSL,流動網絡商的數目將由現時的5家減至4家,市場競爭因而減少,甚至產生市場協調行為。收購成本料較競投低對香港電訊而言,收購CSL比競投頻譜更加明朗,收購有數可計,成本應比競投低。在競投出現的不明朗因素下,例如市場普遍預期中移動(0941)旗下的中移動香港將極力在2016年競投3G頻譜,競投者數目及出價難以估計。此外,收購最大的得益是,電盈系在流動電訊市場的佔有率將升至31%,收益亦將提升至佔市場的29%,亦可補足香港電訊本身3G頻譜較弱的弱點。合併後市佔率增加有利營運協同效益。因此,此次收購對香港電訊來說亦有利。■太平金控•太平証券(香港)研究部主管 陳羨明24小時迷你倉

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Source: The Daily News, Jacksonville, N.迷你倉C.Dec. 31--EMERALD ISLE -- After a year of transition, the Town of Emerald Isle is moving forward with plans to facilitate the construction of a new ocean fishing pier in the town.The Emerald Isle Board of Commissioners heard an update on the pier project at its December meeting and authorized a grant agreement for the transfer of $726,000 of N.C. Waterfront Access and Marine Industry Fund grant money to the town for site improvements at the Eastern Ocean Regional Access, which will be the site of the new pier.The transfer of the grant money was part of the formal termination of the town's partnership with N.C. Aquariums in a process that began in January 2013 after the N.C. Aquariums announced it would have to dissolve the partnership in light of changes in the state budget.The town agreed at that time to pursue a new ocean fishing pier as a town-only project.With the transfer of the WAMI grant funds to the town, it is moving forward with the site improvements as initially planned.The funds will be used to construct the 160-vehicle parking lot and make improvements for stormwater management at the site. The grant agreement gives a deadline for completion by May 31, 2015. Town Manager Frank Rush said his goal is to have a recommendation on a comini storagestruction contract to the board by August or September so that construction work can follow during the off-season for tourism.Bogue Inlet Pier in Emerald Isle is one of only two remaining ocean fishing piers along Bogue Banks, which once had seven such piers."The town has previously asserted that an ocean fishing pier is important to Emerald Isle's heritage, the tourism industry and our property owners' quality of life over the long term," Rush said at the December meeting.The plan for the town-owned pier is for one with concrete pilings to withstand storm damage.With the WAMI funds now in place and site improvements moving forward, Rush said he will be working on developing a specific financing plan for the construction of the pier structure, which comes with an estimated $10 million cost.Rush said the construction of a pier house will follow but won't likely be on the same scale as the one envisioned during the partnership with the N.C. Aquariums. He said the town is anticipating one that would be about 1,000 to 2,000 square feet.Contact Daily News reporter Jannette Pippin at 910-382-2557 or jannette.pippin@jdnews.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Daily News (Jacksonville, N.C.) Visit The Daily News (Jacksonville, N.C.) at .jdnews.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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