Party official sacked in corruption probeA vice-chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee in Guangxi was sacked on Saturday, Xinhua reported.迷你倉新蒲崗 Li Daqiu , 59, had been under investigation for “serious disciplinary violations” – a party euphemism for corruption. Li became the third vice-ministerial-level official in as many weeks to become ensnared in the Communist Party’s anti-graft campaign.Mimi LauTax man suspended over shop ownershipsA tax official in Dongguan , Guangdong, has been suspended from his post amid reports that he owns 139 shop spaces estimated to be worth more than 30 million yuan (HK$37 million), the Guangzhou Daily reported. Luo Zhaoqiang, 50, was exposed by a business partner as a secret shareholder in a clothing wholesale centre. The State Administration of Taxation in Dongguan has appointed a task force to look into the allegations. Mimi LauChinese fleet spotted off northern JapanA Chinese naval fleet was yesterday spotted sailing for the first time through an international strait between northern Japan and Russia’s far east, the Japanese defence min迷你倉出租stry said. The two missile destroyers, two frigates and a supply ship passed through the Soya Strait from the Sea of Japan to the Sea of Okhotsk early yesterday, the ministry said. The channel, also known as La Perouse, separates the Russian island of Sakhalin and the northernmost Japanese island of Hokkaido. The five ships took part in joint naval exercises with Russia from July 5-12 off Vladivostok. Two other Chinese naval ships which also took part in the drills were seen moving into the East China Sea on Saturday. AFPEight killed as tourist bus plunges into valleyEight people were killed and 19 others injured after a tourist bus overturned and plunged into a valley in Yunnan province yesterday, Xinhua quoted local authorities as saying. Twenty-seven people were aboard the bus when it plummeted into a valley on Mengjing Road in the Dai autonomous prefecture of Xishuangbanna , the report said. Eight people were confirmed dead at the scene of the accident. An initial investigation indicated that the vehicle overturned due to a lack of traction caused by heavy rain, Xinhua said. Staff Reporter儲存倉
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- Jul 15 Mon 2013 12:20
- Jul 15 Mon 2013 12:18
湖北日報訊 通訊員熊國春 嚴靜 劉定旭近日,迷你倉沙田漢川市?汊湖養殖場計生辦工作人員來到荷塘月色旅遊度假村,宣傳計生政策,為40余名育齡婦女提供免費生殖健康檢查。活動結束後,3個女員工說起了“私房話”。“劉姐,你還能趕著生一個!”陳婭娜打趣道。40歲的劉秀姣丈夫家是兩代獨傳,按政策還可以生育一胎,“我早做通了長輩們的思想工作,不再生了。”“先致富,再把一個孩子培養成才,一個抵十個!對吧?”同事明芳芳湊過來說話。劉秀姣也逗她們:“你們年輕,又符合政策,要趕著生吶!”“我們兩人都商量好了,只要這個女娃就行了!迷你倉價錢們從外面回來就是方便她上學。”說話的是貴州遵義人陳婭娜,她與丈夫在廣東打工相識結婚,去年回到漢川,孩子在村小上一年級。明芳芳聽了,臉上有愁容。“我公爹公婆今年過年時說過,等女兒三歲時讓我們再生一胎,不論是男還是女,兩個孩子有個伴。我其實不想生,養兩個孩子負擔太重。”她是十堰武當山人,2010年嫁到漢川,女兒2011年出生。陳婭娜想了想,幫她出主意:“你先做通你老公的思想工作,兩人再做父母的工作。”“生與不生都不重要,重要的是讓孩子生活得更好!”劉秀姣說。“對,要讓我們後代生活得更幸福!”明芳芳回答。迷你倉庫
- Jul 15 Mon 2013 12:16
2013 MFE Comes to a Successful End
Source : Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute The three-day event, Macao Franchise Expo 2013 (2013MFE) came to a successful end.迷你倉新蒲崗 The overall turnout was significantly high, up to17,000. A total of 1,545 business matching sessions have been achieved, which resulted in the signing of 28 cooperation protocols.In his closing speech, Mr. Agostinho Vong, Senior Manager of Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute concluded that the scale and the level of the internationalisation of 2013 MFE have been gradually expanding and increasing which could be seen in the increase in the area of the venue and the first-time participation of European exhibitors. The participation of groups of media partners from Guangdong province and Hong Kong has strengthened the promotion on a regional basis. Also, by means of social networking website and other emerging media, the event attracted a substantial number of trade visitors from different fields.A total of 1,545 on-site business matching were arranged, (1,346 sessions last year), a rise of nearly 15% year-on-year, of which 93% was specially arranged for SMEs and business beginners. A 12% increase year-on-year has contributed to the on-site signing of 28 cooperation protocols, (25 last year), including agreements on franchise catering, branded chain store, brand sales agency, branding promotion and collaborative agreements of business associations.In addition, Mr. Jong Pyo Park, Deputy Director General of Korea Trade –Investment Promotion Agency, Ms. Karen Kwan, Vice Chairman of Licensing & Franchising Association of Hong Kong, Mr. Iao Weng Lei, Vice Director General of Macau Chain Stores and Franchise Association, Mr. Benjamin Ee, Vice President of ASEAN Retail-Chains & Franchise Federation, Mr. Keyvin Bi, Director General of The Association of Advertising Agents of Macau, shared their insights and opinions on the development of chain and franchise business during the press briefing and appreciate the fruitful outcomes of the events.Three forums with different themes and a series of professional presentation sessions during the 3-day event has broadened a lot the horizon of all participants and encouraged them to learn more of how to seek business opportunities through chain and franchise. The business matching area created a lively ambience for entrepreneurs to explore the possibility of business cooperation and achieve mutual benefits. Moreover, the 2013 MFE Brand Re-packaging Consultancy Pavilion and One-stop Service provided information and advisory services to all business starters and SMEs interested to expand their business scopes through chain operation and franchising. This makes Macao as a business platform to attract international brands and chain store operators with 2013 MFE as an ideal occasion to showcase different brands and s迷你倉出租rvices both from home and abroad to strengthen exchange and collaboration and connect Macao with overseas markets.According to the figures and number of participants collected by the organiser, the event this year has achieved the desired outcomes, with a total of over 17,000 visitors. It is believed to be largely due to the weekend holiday and the intriguing activities held during the event this year, including a number of unique brand shows and free food and beverage tasting in some exhibitors.According to the preliminary data collected from a survey conducted during the three days event, visitors’ age ranged from 18 to 30 years-old (46.54 %) and from 31 to 45 years (36.87 %). This indicates that the MFE has met its objective of creating a platform for potential young entrepreneurs to start their own business. Most of the exhibitors were highly satisfied (61.11 %) and appreciate the Organisers for the arrangement. They also expressed their interest in returning for the event next year.The event has gradually served as an international business platform to foster interactive communications and collaborations for a broader spectrum of business opportunities and investments. This certainly helps to foster a desirable environment for local young talents and SMEs to establishing brand images and entrepreneur culture in Macao.Building on the fruitful results and previous experiences and in line with making Macao a new height towards “World-class tourism and leisure centre”, MFE continues to strengthen the trade service platform to promote local brand products on an international scale and attract more international brands to invest in Macao, in order to promote economic diversification.2013 MFE was jointly organised by Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM), Brazilian Franchise Association (ABF), Association of Chain and Franchise Promotion, Taiwan (ACFPT), Macao International Brand Enterprise Commercial Association (MIBA), Macao Chain Stores and Franchise Association (MCFA) and Licensing and Franchising Association of Hong Kong (LFA), supported by Chinese Chain Store & Franchise Association (CCFA), International Franchise Association (IFA) and Japan Franchise Association (JFA), co-organised by the Franchising & Licensing Association (Singapore), Korea Franchise Association, Malaysia Retailers’ Chain Association and Thailand Franchise Association, and coordinated by the Association of Advertising Agents of Macao. The slogan this year was “Brand Expansion Continues, Business Opportunities to be seized”.“Macao Franchise Expo 2014” (20I4 MFE), is tentatively scheduled to be held on July 4 to 6 next year and will continue to actively promote the franchising business, working together with business communities both at home and abroad to create more prospective business opportunities.儲存倉
- Jul 15 Mon 2013 12:12
【專訪】澳門花卉業商會昨日舉行該會第九屆理監事就職典禮及十八周年會慶聯歡晚會,self storage該會會長周佩華致詞表示,澳門花卉業近年更趨多元發展,與婚紗、攝影、旅遊等項目結合展現商機。該會將發揚走出去請進來的方式,加強相互交流合作,努力提高會員的專業素質及技術水準,更好推動澳門花卉業的發展。 昨晚,上述活動在萬豪軒酒家舉行,澳門中華總商會理事長高開賢,立法議員高天賜等社會各界嘉賓出席,與該會全體會員商號共聚一堂,氣氛熱鬧。 該會於今年五月換屆,由周佩華以多票數連任會長一職,而理事長及監事長則由李少華、楊學慧擔任。 周佩華在致詞時表示,該會成立至今,在各界的關心和支持下得以順利發展,令澳門花卉業不斷邁向新的里程迷你倉大大提高了業界的創造力和生產力。 她說,近年隨著多間大型酒店的相繼落成,會展業的蓬勃發展,加上與內地緊密的經濟合作關係,為本澳各行業帶來無限商機。澳門花卉業除了傳統業務外,近年更趨向多元化發展,與與婚紗、攝影、旅遊等項目結合展現商機。 展望未來,她表示,該會將繼續發揚誠信、進取的商業精神,通過舉辦展覽、講座,邀請國內外的業界先進來澳交流,提高會員的專業素質和技術水準。同時,也將加強對外合作,組織會員參與國內外的展會,開拓視野,拓展商機,並向外界展現澳門花卉業的整體形象。 會上,由該會理事長李少華致謝詞。同時,在現場嘉賓的陪同下,該會全體理監事成員齊切生日蛋糕,共賀該會成立十八周年生日,場面熱鬧。◇文件倉
- Jul 15 Mon 2013 12:08
港大保良社區書院 科目涵蓋廣 迎合不同學生興趣
- Jul 15 Mon 2013 11:46
USS Requin at Carnegie Science Center faces major repairs
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteJuly 14--The USS Requin, a submarine set to sea in the waning days of World War II, has not moved from its spot in the Ohio River for more than two decades.新蒲崗迷你倉The boat settled into its home at the Carnegie Science Center in September 1991, following a 28-day journey from Tampa, in which it was cradled among four barges up the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.Before its trip north, the 1,500-ton submarine, which had been left rusting for years in the brackish Hillsborough River as a neglected tourist attraction, was moved to a dry dock in the Port of Tampa where repairs were made to its hull. That was the last time the Requin underwent such maintenance.Ron Baillie, co-director of the Carnegie Science Center who helped bring the Requin to Pittsburgh, said he was told then that the boat could not sit in the Ohio River forever."I distinctly remember them saying to me, 'You'll be good for 20 years,' " Mr. Baillie said.Now, with the 312-foot Requin facing corrosion on its outer hull, the science center is looking to remove the boat from the water again.That task, Mr. Baillie said, will likely cost "a couple" million dollars. It may take three or four years for the center, which is in the early stages of fundraising, to gather the necessary money and complete the project, he said.He estimates the boat may be dry-docked sometime in 2015."At this point, we've done a pretty full-scale inspection. We know what the needs are," Mr. Baillie said. "We want to put it in good stead for at least another 20 years, if not longer."The Requin, which never saw action in World War II and spent most of its career in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, was decommissioned in 1968 after 23 years on duty. In early 1991, then-Sen. John Heinz introduced a bill to transfer the submarine from Tampa to the Carnegie Institute, which was in search of a historic Navy vessel to be part of the science center it was building on the North Shore.Since then, about 150,000 people have passed through the submarine each year, Mr. Baillie said. It is one of only two Tench-class submarines, commissioned between 1944 and 1951, on display in the United States.Carnegie staff has worked hard to maintain the interior and exterior of the submarine as best as they could through regular upkeep.Patty Rogers, the center's curator for historic exhibits, said framing under the boat's decking has been repaired, its railings have been fixed and its mooring lines replaced.The part of the hull visible above the water also has been repainted since she arrived at the center roughly a decade ago.And professional divers have inspected the underside of the boat every two or three years, Ms. Rogers said.Last August, the center hired a New York-based marine surveyor, who spent 12 days inspecting every inch of the ship, Ms. Rogers said.While the conservation survey concluded that the submarine is in good condition overall, Ms. Rogers said, the thin external steel hull at the bow needs extensive work. Dry-docking the vessel would allow the center to repair the bow as well as complete other maintenance and clean and repaint the vessel.Because the Requin is no longer operable, Mr. Baillie said it would have to be lifted by bargemini storage and carried to a dry-dock. He said the center has contacted several marine contractors about the project, noting that there are dry docks in the area large enough for the vessel.Peter Stephaich, chairman and CEO of the Houston, Pa.-based marine service company Campbell Transportation, said the company has been talking with the science center for more than a year about possibilities.Although Campbell Transportation has never worked on a submarine, Mr. Stephaich said the company is capable of handling the science center's project."There's no need to take this thing to New Orleans or 2,000 miles down the river," he said."The science center is very concerned, and so are we, about making sure that whoever does this does this very carefully," he said.While seawater is generally more corrosive than fresh water, Jeffrey Nilsson, executive director of the Historic Naval Ships Association, said continued water exposure will damage a boat."If you leave anything in the water for over 20 years, something's going to happen," Mr. Nilsson said. "None of these ships, I don't care which one you're talking about, none of them were built to last forever."Although the Navy inspects historic vessels annually, it plays no role in their upkeep, Ms. Rogers said.Fundraising for the project has been limited to key board members committed to the submarine's maintenance so far, Mr. Baillie said. Going forward, the center will talk to local corporations as well as state and federal government sources. He noted that the economic downturn has made it difficult to raise money for this sort of project.Since the Requin arrived in Pittsburgh, veterans who served on the boat have organized a reunion at it every two or three years, although not all are happy with how the submarine has been maintained.Bob "Dex" Armstrong, 72, of Alexandria, Va., who was on the Requin from 1959 to 1965, said he thinks the science center has done a poor job of taking care of it. He said he visited last winter and got the impression that staff was more concerned about the cosmetics of the boat than maintaining its overall structure.But other Requin veterans said they are glad the boat is on display and appreciate the opportunity to visit their old home, noting both its personal and historical value."This submarine was the first radar picket submarine that the United States Navy had," said John Stewart, 73, of Bellwood, Blair County, who served on the Requin from 1961 to 1963.Dick Brakenwagen, 70, of Narragansett, R.I., a sonar technician on the boat in the mid-1960s, said he happened to be visiting Pittsburgh with his wife the first week that the Requin was open to visitors in 1991. They decided to take a tour, and he said he quickly realized that the young man acting as their guide did not know anything about the submarine. Mr. Brakenwagen jumped in and led the tour, explaining he had spent a lot of time on board.He said it is important to continue maintaining the Requin as a museum."It's a part of our history," he said.Gavan Gideon: or 412-263-4910.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage
- Jul 15 Mon 2013 11:40
洪水橋新發展區規劃及工程研究今日進入第二階段,存倉區內有十座法定古蹟及歷史建築,其中古蹟楊侯宮在五月「黑雨」後被倒塌大樹插穿屋頂,事隔近兩個月,古物古蹟辦事處仍遲遲未動工復修,任由損毀的古蹟風吹雨打。立法會議員批評古蹟辦「辦事不力,令古蹟變危樓!」黑雨後大樹倒塌,樹枝插穿楊侯宮屋頂。(羅錦鴻攝圖片)發展局今日公布洪水橋新發展區初步發展大綱圖,據悉,擬建六萬個住宅單位,容納廿萬人口。佔地七百九十公頃的洪水橋新發展區有兩座古蹟,分別為廈村鄧氏宗祠、楊侯宮,另有八座歷史建築。五月黑雨 倒樹穿瓦頂今年五月廿二日天文台發出黑色暴雨警告,翌日位於廈村有二百多年歷史的楊侯宮被發現遭倒塌大樹插穿屋頂。記者日前所見,屋頂有多處破洞,其中一處還插�樹枝,雖有帆布覆蓋屋頂,但大風一吹,即有磚頭和瓦片跌下,若有人走近,不幸「中頭獎」,恐怕頭破血流。工聯會立法會議員麥美娟說,她三月巡視楊侯宮已發現屋頂漏水,估不到五月又遭自存倉厄運,但古蹟辦至今未維修,任由損毀的古蹟風吹雨打,擔心進一步受到破壞,慘變危樓。楊侯宮暫時關閉。古蹟辦回應指,五月廿三日巡查附近的鄧氏宗祠時知道楊侯宮受損,隨即與楊侯宮司理商討,翌日上午與司理視察。因倒塌的樹木頗大,移走後才能清楚檢視楊侯宮的損毀情況,以便確定修繕工程,會密切監察情況。稍後進行工程期間,會於屋頂設置雨水棚,防止滲水。而結構勘察預計七月底前完成,修繕工程預計八月底展開。附近的三級歷史建築士宏書室狀況亦欠佳,並擺滿卡式石油氣爐、摺�、膠�,作盆菜宴之用。議員促推廣修葺資助麥美娟表示,發展局有維修資助計劃,讓歷史建築的業主申請最多一百萬元進行修葺,當局應主動聯絡業主介紹計劃,讓歷史建築不致日久失修。麥美娟又說,洪水橋發展時要妥善保存區內文化遺產,新發展區才有生氣和文化根源,建議新區加入墟市元素,打造成「本土文化城」,延續圍村趁墟傳統,例如售賣本地農產品,發展地區經濟創造就業。記者甘銘添迷你倉新蒲崗
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 15:02
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 13:27
BRIEF: Bus fire closes Schuylkill
Source: The Philadelphia InquirerJuly 13--An empty tour bus caught fire on the Schuylkill Expressway, shutting down traffic in both directions for about an hour early Saturday morning.儲存The first call came in at 7:49 a.m., said Corporal Gerard McShea, a spokesman for the Pennsylvania State Police. According to aerial photographs the bus appeared to be traveling eastbound. It experienced mechan新蒲崗迷你倉cal issues, McShea said, which led to the fire.All lanes were closed in response, he said; the bus was towed and traffic in both directions was open again by 9 a.m.Contact Jonathan Lai at 856-779-3220,, or on Twitter @elaijuh.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 13:24
A week for comic artists, animators and martial arts fans (with photos
A week for comic artists, animators and martial arts fans (with photos)**********************************************************Die-hard fans of comics and animation will enjoy a busy week from July 15 with three of the eight core programmes for Hong Kong Ani-Com Summer 2013 open for free admission.文件倉Hong Kong Ani-Com Summer 2013 is a signature event of the "Hong Kong: Our Home" Campaign.The three core programmes are the Opening Events of Comix Home Base (CHB), the roving exhibition "The Greatest Animated Commercials from Hong Kong", and the International Animation Festival 2013.CHB, set to open on the auspicious date of July 18, is the first arts and cultural centre dedicated to the promotion of comic and animation culture in Hong Kong. The facilities are managed by the Hong Kong Arts Centre.Located in Wan Chai, CHB will serve as a hub by curating and organising comic- and animation-related programmes. Its other mission is to promote both local and overseas comic and animation creations through education, exhibitions and documentation.In its first month, CHB will present a showcase entitled "Desires of Comics Artists", featuring a collection of creative works by local comic artists and animators, as well as the history and development of local comics since the 1960s.CHB has a collection of several thousand popular comic books by prominent local artists. It has also collected comic books from around the world.Details on talks, workshops and exhibitions at CHB, as well as profiles of local comic artists, are available on the newly launched website at*****The Hong Kong Animation Filmmaker Society has organised a roving exhibition entitled "The Greatest Animated Commercials from Hong Kong", and the second stage of the exhibition will be held in the Exhibition Gallery at Sha Tin Town Hall from July 18 to 23.About 100 commercials produced in Hong Kong in the 1960s will be showcased at the exhibition alongside 80 print advertisements.The iconic animated commercials on display at the exhibition are both entertaining and educational, and will bring back fond memories for many of the visitors.The schedule of the roving exhibition is available on the website Admission is free.*****The International Animation Festival 2013 to be held at the Hong Kong Arts Centre from July 20 to 31 will delight film buffs of all ages.The festival's diverse array of films will range from the Japanese "Galaxy Express 999" sci-fi trilogy about the adventures of two teenagers on a train called Galaxy Express to the popular classics "Alice in Wonderland" and "Peter Pan" and the Hong Kong favourite "Mcdull, Prince de la Bun".A total of 25 screenings have been scheduled to feature films including German animated titles, ifva award-winning films and selected works from members of the Hong Kong Animation Filmmaker Society.Film titles and showtimes are available on the website Fo存倉 free admission, please register online at*****Another long-awaited event for the week is the opening ceremony for the "Bruce Lee: Kung Fu?Art?Life" exhibition at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum in Sha Tin on July 19.The exhibition will open its doors to the public on July 20 and will continue for five years.The exhibition commemorates the 40th anniversary of Bruce Lee's death. Lee, an internationally acclaimed kung fu master and movie star, left behind a legacy with his contributions to martial arts, movies, TV series and comics.More than 600 precious relics and memorabilia items related to Bruce Lee will be on display, among which is his iconic yellow track suit.As the exhibition is expected to attract a large number of visitors during the summer, the museum has launched an online reservation website at for those booking tickets from mid-July to mid-September. Admission is free on Wednesdays.More details about the exhibition are available at the museum's website at*****Parents and children are welcome to visit "Civic Education Exhibition 2013" at the Hong Kong Book Fair (booth 3B to C38 at Children's Paradise) where they can take part in games together as a family.The exhibition will run from July 17 to 23 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.Co-organised by the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education and the Home Affairs Bureau, the exhibition aims to promote the civic values of respect and inclusiveness, responsibility and love.On July 19, a ceremony will be held at 1pm at the Children's Paradise zone. In addition to including songs and dances, the ceremony will feature TV artiste Corinna Chamberlain sharing her thoughts and views on civic values. For details of the exhibition, visit the website at or call 3509 7027.*****An action-filled event suitable for the whole family will be held on July 21 at the New Territories East Footdrill, Grand Howl, Para-balloon and Flag Raising Competitions cum Fight Crime Carnival 2013 at the Hong Kong Police Tactical Unit Base in Fanling.Admission tickets can be obtained at the New Territories East Regional Headquarters of Scout Association of Hong Kong, Law Ting Pong Scout Centre, in Tai Po. For more details, call 2667 9100.*****All these events support the "Hong Kong: Our Home" public participation campaign, which aims to inject positive energy into society, foster social cohesion and promote care, mutual help and solidarity in the community.More than 220 Partner Organisations have so far pledged their support for the Campaign.Altogether, the Government and Partner Organisations are organising more than 900 events/activities under the four supporting themes of the Campaign from the end of April to the end of December this year.Full details of the Campaign can be found on the website, July 14, 2013Issued at HKT 11:00NNNN自存倉
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 13:19
犧牲于中國的前蘇聯空軍少校中共中央總書記習近平于2013年3月訪問俄羅斯的時候,迷你倉價錢在莫斯科演講中提到一名犧牲在中國的蘇聯空軍少校——庫里申科。他是為何而犧牲的?在中國又有過怎樣的故事呢?蘇聯空軍援華抗日始末舊中國的空軍一直很薄弱,全國抗戰爆發前,能投入戰鬥的飛機不到250架,其中戰鬥機不到100架,全部能參戰的飛行員只有300人左右。而且當時中國工業落後,沒有國產飛機,就連汽油和其他空軍軍用物資,也大都需要依賴進口。全國抗戰爆發後,弱小的中國空軍頑強地投入戰鬥,在南京、杭州、上海一帶奮力抗擊日軍,但因寡不敵�,淞滬會戰後,中國空軍只剩下了十來架飛機,日軍奪取了制空權,肆意轟炸殘殺我中國軍民。1937年8月,《中蘇互不侵犯條約》簽訂。11月,蘇聯快速殲擊機、轟炸機運抵甘肅的肅州、蘭州,一直到1941年蘇德戰爭爆發前夕,蘇聯共派出了2000多名空軍官兵到中國,其中有211名血灑中國長空。據不完全統計,從1937年8月到1941年,中國方面先後擊落和炸毀日本飛機1049架。蘇聯空軍志願隊參加了南京保衛戰、武漢保衛戰,襲擊了台灣,遠征了日本,保衛了蘭州、重慶、成都、西安等大城市。同時還尋機對日軍後方進行襲擊。蘇聯空軍志願隊不僅直接參加對日空戰,而且還擔負起了訓練中國空軍人員的任務。據不完全統計,到1939年夏,經蘇聯教練員訓練出的中國飛行員已有1045人,領航員81人,射手兼無線電員198人,其他航空技術人員8354人。在共同的訓練和戰鬥中,中蘇兩國飛行員結下了真誠、牢固的友誼。庫里申科駕乘“達莎”來華抗日庫里申科是一名優秀的蘇聯共產黨員,空軍少校。1903年生于基輔州科爾蘇恩斯基區切列平村,1929年應徵入伍。他有著方方的、質樸的臉龐,結實的體格,頭髮微帶黑色,瞳仁的顏色和中國人差不多。他眉毛濃黑,高個頭,但脊背很少有挺直的時候,因而顯得是中等身材。他憨厚壯實,有些像中國的山東大漢。快40歲的人了,笑起來卻像一個七八歲的孩子。他第一次學著用筷子的時候,兩根筷子在手里分不開,他看看別人,又看看自己,大笑起來。庫里申科給妻子的家書中這樣寫道:“我調到東方的一個地區工作,這裡的人對我很友好,我就像生活在家鄉一樣。”他為人剛直不阿,作戰勇敢頑強,被人稱之為“老虎”,又稱之為“張飛”。1939年夏,日軍像發瘋一樣轟炸全國各大城市。重慶、成都、西安等地市民每天都在警報聲中惶惶度日。在重慶白石夷、宜賓鳳凰山、成都太平寺機場里,停放著的國民黨軍隊的飛機卻都是破爛不堪、不能作戰的法國戰鬥機和英國教練機。6月,蘇聯空軍援華大隊大隊長庫里申科和戰友們駕乘24架“達莎”重型遠程轟炸機來到了中國,駐紮在四川成都市雙流縣太平寺機場。蘇聯的“天兵天將”來了,飛行員、轟炸員、射擊手、地面工程師、技師等全班人馬都來了。中國空軍愁眉苦臉的狀態一掃而光,開始了緊張的學習和訓練。培訓中國飛行員每天清晨,英武的“達莎”戰機挺立在雙流縣南郊的太平寺機場上,加油車四處奔跑,飛機的發動機開始吼叫,划破了寂靜的晴空。庫里申科一天的教練日程就正式開始了。他對中國飛行員的要求十分嚴格,一絲不苟;講解“達莎”的性能、特點、操作方法,深入淺出,通俗易懂;每次起飛前,他總是要對戰機認真檢查完畢後,才最後一個進入機艙;落地後又會立即進行講評,肯定成績,指出缺點,提出糾正方法。有時候,為了糾正學員的降落速度或進入機艙角度的偏差,他往往會連續帶飛三到四次,直到學員掌握要領。他以其模範的行動和卓越的技能培訓中國飛行員。他教會中國飛行員從4500米高空向下滑行至500米後準確向日軍目標投擲炸彈,教會他們進行延期拉傘並用張開的傘滑行降落。中國空軍沒有與地面聯絡的無線電通訊設備,他就建議採用加大機場信號目標等簡單的辦法進行聯絡。他對中國飛行員要求很嚴格,對不規範的動作,毫不含糊地指出,反複訓練,直到滿意為止。就是這種嚴格的態度,使中國飛行員迅速掌握了蘇聯援華飛機,如E-15,E-16,CB、BB-3的性能、飛行技巧和空中作戰技能。庫里申科的奉獻是無私的。在連續一個月的夜間飛行教練後,別人見他面容憔悴、眼窩下陷而勸他休息時,他說:“說實話,我像體驗著我的祖國的災難一樣,體驗著中國勞動人民正在遭受的災難。我每當看到遭日本飛機炸毀的建築物和逃難的人群就難過。日本人為什麼要來轟炸在大路兩旁的田里安詳恬靜地勞作著的中國農民呢?我們要讓敵人付出多倍的代價,要讓敵人在我們的打擊下倉皇逃命。”他還積極對學員做思想政治工作。由於英、美、德教練員的誤導,中國飛行員有個不好的習慣迷你倉庫即不愛護飛機和不講求作戰需要,只圖在空中玩花樣。他經常對中國飛行員說,飛機是國家的財產,中國在抗戰,從蘇聯運飛機到中國是不容易的事情,壞了一架就少了一架,損壞了一條鋼絲都要到萬里以外去補充。他還說:“蘇聯人民是真誠地支持中國人民抗戰的。對資本主義國家的教官來說,你們多損失一架飛機,他本國的資本家就能多賣一架飛機,多賺中國人民一筆錢;而蘇聯沒有資本家,我們蘇聯飛行員來華培養中國飛行員,不是為了賺錢,而是為了支援中國人民打擊侵略者。”戰果輝煌在成都太平寺軍用機場,庫里申科和他的大隊,用兩個月的時間對中國飛行員進行了強化訓練。訓練結束後,他們立即擔負起遠程轟炸日軍在華佔領區的任務。庫里申科把嚴守軍事秘密的精神(這也是蘇聯紅軍的特點之一)貫徹到每個人和每個動作的細節中。出發的前一天,絲毫也看不出第二天他們會出動的徵兆。凌晨兩三點鐘,全體飛行員來到機場,庫里申科大隊的隊員們一起動手,抬炸彈,掛炸彈,開來汽油車,給飛機加足油。東方的太陽變紅時,庫里申科和戰友們的鐵翼已高翔著在百里之外了。上午照例是興奮而緊張的,下午過了三點以後,太平寺機場的地勤人員都仰望天空,盼望著英雄們的凱旋。1架、2架……9架,庫里申科轟炸機群安然降落了,人們蜂擁上前看著他們的大隊長和戰友,看他們心愛的“達莎”。但當看到彈痕累累的油箱和被子彈穿透的機翼時,大家都為英雄們捏一把汗。這一天是1939年9月29日,庫里申科帶領大隊飛行員,駕駛“達莎”重型遠程轟炸機從成都出發,襲擊入侵廣州的日軍,初戰告捷。10月3日,庫里申科大隊轟炸武漢日軍,大獲全勝。中國通訊社向全世界播送捷報:“10月3日,我空軍襲擊武漢,日寇損失慘重,計炸毀日機60余架,炸死炸傷敵飛行員400余人。”10月14日,庫里申科大隊又一次轟炸武漢日軍,再傳捷報:“計炸毀敵人轟炸機66架,戰鬥機37架,汽油庫1座,內存汽油5萬加侖,彈藥庫4所,共計彈藥3萬余箱,救火車3輛,汽車40多輛。並斃敵空軍少佐2名,機械師60余名,及陸海官兵300余名。至少擊落敵驅逐機6架。”這次襲擊的勝利,迫使日軍的飛機場從原來離戰場不超過50公里的地方,一下子撤到離戰場500至600公里的所謂“安全地帶”。長江紅砂磧段灑熱血10月14日,庫里申科帶領大隊襲擊武漢日軍機場取得勝利的同時,日軍緊急調出3個飛行大隊,駕駛26架米式戰鬥機,對庫里申科大隊的11架“達莎”飛機進行狙擊。在空戰中,當庫里申科大隊飛行員擊落第6架日軍米式戰鬥機後,3架日機就撲向庫里申科所駕駛的領航機,蘇聯射手瞄準其中的一架敵機猛烈掃射,黑煙翻滾,敵機被擊落。但庫里申科的領航機卻遭到另一架敵機的襲擊,他的胸部和左肩中彈負傷,稍後,他駕駛的“達莎”左翼發動機又被敵機擊中。臨危不懼的庫里申科憑著高超的駕駛技術,用單發動機駕駛“達莎”,沿著長江向川西成都返航。飛機飛過三峽,飛臨四川萬縣上空時,機身完全失去平衡,開始下墜。為了不損壞飛機,庫里申科將戰機迫降在長江流經萬縣近郊的紅砂磧江水中。在落入長江向下漂流的千鈞一發之際,庫里申科鼓起最後一點力氣,命令領航員和無線電通訊員爬出機艙泅水逃生。而他自己卻因空戰中過度疲勞,加上胸部和左肩負傷,雖然爬出了機艙,但沉溺江底。庫里申科犧牲時他的妻子塔瑪拉才23歲,抱在懷里的女兒英娜剛滿3歲。英雄身後事1939年11月9日,萬縣各界數千人士按照中國的習俗,為庫里申科舉行了隆重的追悼會和葬禮,並將他的遺體安葬在城郊太白岩下。新中國成立後,每逢清明節和庫里申科的祭日,萬縣人民都會按照中國習俗,敲鑼打鼓,吹奏嗩吶,燃放鞭炮,抬著花圈,成群結隊來到他的墓前,祭奠這位為中華民族自由解放而犧牲的國際主義英雄。從1956年開始,譚忠慧、魏映祥母子一直為庫里申科守墓。1958年7月7日,萬縣人民為了紀念抗戰爆發21周年,特地在風光如畫的西山公園內,專門為庫里申科修建了一座烈士陵園,遷葬了他的遺體,並在墓地前樹起一塊高大的墓碑。碑文用中俄兩國文字書寫:格里戈里·庫里申科之墓。墓地四周種滿萬年青,撫慰著烈士思念故鄉的心。1958年國慶節前夕,中國政府邀請庫里申科的妻子塔瑪拉和女兒英娜從蘇聯來中國祭掃親人陵墓。她們先到北京參加國慶觀禮,受到了毛澤東主席和周恩來總理的親切接見。10月8日,塔瑪拉母女來到萬縣,祭奠了19年前犧牲在這裡的親人庫里申科。1989年4月10日,英娜又帶著自己的女兒別列謝多娃,再次來到萬縣,參加了萬縣政府為庫里申科烈士犧牲50周年組織的掃墓活動。摘自《黨史文匯》2013年第6期 作者:賴晨儲存
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 13:17
【本報訊】據中新社廈門十三日消息︰受「蘇力」影響,儲存廈金航線以及廈門到福州的動車暫時停運。12日夜間,廈門海事部門採取措施,要求廈金航線上午的航班全線停航,包括5艘金門籍船舶在內的10艘廈金航線客輪,已全部進入錨地避風。到13日中午,廈門國際郵輪碼頭和五通碼頭所有廈金直航航班全部取消,23艘運營於廈金海域的旅遊船舶也全部停航,並將於14日上午復航。13日上午,記者在廈金直航國際郵輪碼頭看到,雖然上午的航班已全部取消,仍有數十名台胞在大廳候船,希望航班能在下午復航。台胞林女士表示,她周一還要趕回台灣上班,現在廈金航線停航, 「心裡蠻�急的」。林女士表示,平時都是到了碼新蒲崗迷你倉再購票出發;一旦停航,對往返兩岸的台灣民眾影響很大。廈門航空公司表示,廈航13日取消福州相關航班23班,調整航班時刻近30班。到13日下午5時左右,廈門當日到台北及武夷山的往返航班也被取消。另一方面,浙江台州航運部門表示,現時為颱風多發季節,為確保遊客安全,對台直航客輪已由6月8日起停運,並將於7月20日復航。作為浙江省首條、大陸第二條對台客運直航常態化航線, 「台台直航」在過去4年裡安全運營238個航次,輸送了逾十萬人次的旅客,該航線為浙台經濟文化交流發揮了重要促進作用。據介紹,該航線每周六晚上從玉環大麥嶼港出發,次日早晨到達台灣基隆港,下一周周五晚再從基隆返回。mini storage
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 13:08
消費者主導 賠償料加碼
《商品說明條例》生效後,迷你倉出租有航空公司明言會繼續超賣機票。有立法會議員相信,當條例生效後,航空公司在估算「不登機乘客數目」時將更審慎,預料「超賣」情況將會減少,並認為條例已能保障消費者;另有議員認為,航空公司為避免被消費者投訴,日後當遇上超賣,賠償勢必「做足�」。更審慎估算乘客立法會旅遊界議員姚思榮表示,超賣機票是航空業普遍做法。由於有乘客臨時不上機,為了不浪費機位,航空公司會按經驗,估算「不登機乘客」數目,再按該數超額賣出機票。他認為《商品說明條例》生效後,航空公司估算時將更審慎, 「如果以前超賣5%,將來一定會小於5%」。因此,他預計因超賣而致旅客不便的情況將會減少。賠償「做足�」立法會旅遊界議員謝偉俊也認同,航空公司儲存倉後在估算臨時「不登機乘客」數目時將更謹慎,這將有助減少超賣情況。他又認為,因《條例》是由消費者作主導,所以,市民若遇上超賣而延誤行程,或因此被迫「降grade」,航空公司在賠償方面亦會「做足�」。他承認消費者仍有一定風險遇上超賣機票,但他認為《條例》可在保障航空公司及消費者之間取平衡,因此歡迎實施《條例》。蓄意欺詐機會微大律師梁永鏗指出,超賣機票本身不算觸犯《條例》。不過,若航空公司賣出機票時,已明知不可能提供服務,即屬違法。他相信,航空公司注重聲譽,很少機會蓄意欺詐,加上大型航空公司有能力將旅客升級或安排到另一班航機,相信《條例》生效後對航空公司的影響不大,他又指「好少會有上唔到機�情況出現,我搭咁多年飛機都未試過」。迷你倉沙田
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 13:07
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 13:06
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 13:05
本報訊(記者李曉萌)日本大分市友好訪問團來漢訪問。日前,self storage省委常委、市委書記阮成發和市長唐良智會見了率團來訪的大分市長釘宮磐、議會議長板倉永紀一行。作為我市最早締結友好城市關係的國際友城,大分市被全國友協授予“對華友好合作獎”,阮成發向釘宮磐轉交了獎牌和證書。阮成發感謝釘宮磐等日本友人長期致力于推進兩市友好交流合作,歡迎訪問團一行來訪。他愉快回憶了兩市多年來的友好交流往來歷程,表示武漢非常珍惜兩市結好34年來的深厚友情,相信兩市人民的友誼必將長久流傳。阮成發介紹,武漢近幾年快速發展、前景廣闊,正致力于建設國家中心城市和國際化大都市,日資企業在漢發展也很迅猛,希望以訪問團此次來訪為契機,繼續推進兩市在經濟、科技、文化、旅遊、環境保護等各方迷你倉的深入交流合作。唐良智說,武漢與大分的友城交往歷久彌堅,交流合作碩果累累,已成為中日友城交流的典範。正處於加快發展黃金期的武漢,蘊藏著巨大發展潛力和活力,希望雙方進一步加強友好往來,拓寬合作領域,豐富合作內容,提升合作層次,共同譜寫兩市友城關係的新篇章。大分友好訪問團一行參觀了張公堤綠道、市民之家、武漢國際博覽中心等。曾多次來漢的釘宮磐表示,每次來到武漢都能發現新變化、感受到新發展,綠道建設等生態環保工作已與世界先進城市接軌,市民之家建設體現了以民為本的執政方針。他表示,兩友城多年來開展了廣泛而富有成效的交流合作,建立了相互理解、彼此信賴的親密互惠關係,希望兩市進一步深化交流合作,友誼更上一層樓。副市長邵為民,市政府秘書長郭勝偉參加會見。文件倉
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 13:04
遊寶島遇颱風 8港人一夜驚魂
香港文匯報訊 據台灣中央社報道,self storage「蘇力」颱風帶來狂風暴雨,南投仁愛鄉主要聯外道路受阻,有香港遊客家族一夜驚魂,幸賴地方協助安置,度過難忘台灣之旅。 來自香港的黃姓家族,一家8口包括5名大人、3名小孩,開心到台灣旅遊,12日搭乘兩輛車子,連同駕駛2人,一行10人原本想前往清境農場玩,但當日深夜抵仁愛鄉後,因颱風侵襲又不諳當地環境,而遍尋不著預訂的旅館。幸獲當地業者鄉長解困 香港遊客半夜焦急萬分,停留在迷你倉社與廬山溫泉間的春陽別館前,業者好心提供住宿一晚。香港遊客昨天清晨又因道路中斷無法下山,不知如何是好,只好向仁愛警消單位及鄉應變中心求助。 仁愛鄉長張子孝得知後,特別前往關心,春陽別館以麵食提供他們充饑,張子孝向遊客表示會盡力協助,確保一行人安全,希望他們放心。 黃姓香港遊客家族對地方人士及張子孝的關心與照顧,表達感謝之意,在午後道路可通行後即下山轉往台中繼續旅遊,在南投度過了一趟驚險卻又溫馨的難忘旅程。文件倉
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 13:02
統一規劃 營造人文氛圍
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 13:01
多地媒體報道動物遭襲擾事件,本地做得又怎樣? 有亂扔亂擲沒有亂砸死動物
記者 羅劍華晨報訊 這幾天,新蒲崗迷你倉媒體接連出現不文明遊客在動物園內投擲異物襲擾動物的事件。而在上海動物園,記者昨天下午的實地探訪發現,向圈養動物丟擲異物的不文明現象在本市也偶有發生,所幸後果並不嚴重。最近兩天內,浙江、武漢媒體先後報道了在當地動物園內,有遊客向正在休息的獅子、鱷魚投擲異物的現象。特別是在武漢九峰森林動物園內,因為被遊客投擲的石子擊傷、受到感染,該園原有的8條鱷魚已被“虐死”了一半。這種不文明的游園行為,在上海有沒有呢?昨天下午,記者來到上海動物園,對該園內以開放式展出、可能會被遊客丟擲異物的多個動物區域進行了觀察。在俗稱“獅虎山”的猛獸遊覽區,記者也看到了不該存在的景象。下午2點,一群非洲獅正在半環形的“獅山”內休息。記者很容易就能看到“獅山”內散落著不少空的飲料瓶,其中一個甚至就mini storage酣睡中的雄獅身邊。考慮到這個空瓶距離遊客至少有30米遠,若不是獅子們自行“收集”,那麼幾乎可以肯定,它是被人故意丟擲進去的。幾乎是同時,有人正在“熊山”與調皮的馬來熊“互動”。記者親眼看到,一名年輕男子伸出剛剛喝完的酸奶瓶,瓶口向下,想用剩餘滴漏的酸奶液來吸引馬來熊的注意力。而憨憨的馬來熊不知是計,果然爬到年輕男子的近處,抬頭擺出拜客的姿勢討取食物。稍後,該男子又拿著酸奶瓶,到旁邊的亞洲棕熊館故伎重演,怎奈棕熊遠離圍牆只顧酣睡,根本沒搭理他。最終,年輕男子有點失望地將酸奶瓶直接丟進“熊山”,離開時還不忘跟身邊女伴抱怨:“它不肯動,真沒勁。”經記者向正在園內巡邏的保安證實,雖然上海動物園內也有遊客不文明餵食、向飼養區丟擲雜物的不文明現象,但總量並不多,近期沒有發生過因遊客丟擲異物至動物意外的事件。self storage
- Jul 14 Sun 2013 12:59
房署升高地台方便使用輪椅 癱漢獲基金助裝鋁窗