○新報記者潘昕實習生夏夢夢文○新報記者朱良城攝“三個女人一台戲”,迷你倉當楊冪遇上阿嬌鐘欣潼和鄭爽,會碰撞出怎樣的火花?近日,記者前往仙俠魔幻偶像劇《古劍奇譚》劇組探班,恰巧趕上“正邪終極對決”。戲里三位女主角默契十足,戲外卻各懷“心事”零交流。楊冪忙著跟男演員們 聊天,更被搭檔李易峰調侃為“最毒舌”話癆;兩年沒來內地拍古裝戲的阿嬌略顯生疏,成為現場的NG王;而鄭爽傘不離身、不合影、不聊天,成為片場最耍大牌藝人。最話癆楊冪對於仙俠、魔幻題材的戲楊冪並不陌生,時隔很久後再次來到橫店拍攝古裝劇,楊冪坦言很愛到此拍戲,“工作方便又規律,還能遇上很多好友。”於是心情大好的她因當天的戲份輕鬆,不時與搭檔李易峰、喬振宇聊天,連其他藝人的助手也“不放過”!話不多的李易峰低頭玩手機冷淡回應都不能使之停下來,只能在接受採訪時向記者吐槽楊冪是個大話癆,“她說話很犀利又毒舌,我休息時自言自語天氣好熱,說好想呆在房間里吹空調,她就立即損我‘那你回去,別來拍戲了。’”一旁的楊冪急了,“你怎麼這麼記仇啊?”但當記者給其機會反駁時,她卻理屈詞窮,“不用了,他說的對。”在兩人合照時,記者要求李易峰佯裝受傷,楊冪又調侃起來:“我這樣扶著他,好像護士攙著個老大爺。”採訪中,楊冪侃侃而談,一旁的李易峰都沒機會插話,見狀,她又充當起記者,催逼李易峰談談對自己的感覺,李易峰直言:“和她拍戲感覺很好,一個字:爽!她從頭髮絲到腳趾間都吸引我。”彼時楊冪正笑得心滿意足,記者追問楊冪是否為他的理想型時,李易峰卻借機調侃起來,“反正肯定是劉愷威喜歡的類型。”引起一陣爆笑。當天適逢阿嬌與老搭檔喬振宇演繹臨死話別的感情戲,阿嬌一席白長裙飄飄欲仙,配上喬振宇的霸氣紅儲存倉,兩人半躺在撒滿枯葉的地上,畫面十分唯美。可是沒想到一坐不起,一場戲拍了一個多小時,原因竟是阿嬌一直被NG!兩年沒有來橫店拍攝古裝戲的她演技略顯生疏。一場戲下來NG不下5次,不是被指眼淚不夠、就是眼神太低,或者太投入時鼻水影響美感,連地上的石頭也和阿嬌過不去,磕得她“咬牙切齒”。又是下雨前的趕排,導演普通話、香港話夾擊講解,與之溝通細節,阿嬌也是急得一直擦汗,兩個化妝師輪番上前補妝,點眼藥水。對比下來,一旁的喬振宇就顯得淡定許多,撩撩飄逸的劉海、抽抽煙、喝口水,好不悠閑!不過阿嬌現場非常努力,拍攝間隙,當話癆楊冪忙著聊天,其他人玩手機時,鄰座的阿嬌低頭默默地看台本、背台詞。採訪現場,還被喬振宇稱讚感情豐富,是“淚神”,“她哭泣多,但很投入,馬上能流下眼淚。”前不久,阿嬌剛從“鐘欣桐”改名為“鐘欣潼”,讀音相同的一字之差卻引起了網友的廣泛關注,阿嬌近幾年工作、情路都並不平坦,這次改名是否難道為轉運?對此,她低調回應自己一直會相信愛情,“只是覺得‘潼’字特別生僻,也不太能組詞。”最耍大牌鄭爽片場,人氣最旺的當屬花旦楊冪,遊客粉絲紛紛喊其名字以示支持。但最讓記 者驚訝的是,本以為楊冪會是現場最耍大牌的,可發現另有其人。當日天氣雖然悶熱,但太陽不大,可鄭爽傘不離身,即使與馬天宇輪流拍照等待時也叫其助手幫忙撐傘,休息時,獨自坐在一旁,撐著一頂黑色大傘,將上半身完全擋住,避免被人拍照,與其他演員除了拍戲時的必要溝通,一直零交流。被求合影時,也是拒絕,冷面離開。不能不讓人猜測是不是因為整容風波而使其應對媒體時變得加倍謹慎小心,當天採訪前,其經紀人也是耳提面命�記者不能提問關於整容和其男友張翰的任何問題!最NG阿嬌鐘欣潼迷你倉價錢
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- Sep 10 Tue 2013 14:27
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 14:04
IC設計族群陸續公布8月營收,self storage其中,受惠於中國的中低價智慧手機市場進入十一銷售旺季帶動,相關驅動IC股表現最佳,其餘則為個股表現,法人機構並指出,展望未來業績成長力道,仍看好驅動IC、影像感測等族群的表現。日盛、統一等投顧指出,觀察IC設計族群陸續公布的8月業績,營收動能分歧,僅驅動IC族群的聯詠、旭曜因中國智慧型手機驅動IC庫存調節結束,開始因應十一長假與新機上市而拉貨,使得營收較具族群性的上升;其餘則為個股表現,比如影像感測的原相、專營遠端伺服器管理晶片的信驊,觸控IC族群的禾瑞亞因友達eTP觸控方案第3季量產,營收月增逾二成,反之義隆電營收僅小增0.8%。另外,IP設計服務的創意因XBOX One訂單而使營收月增17%;而聯發科因前期MT6589、MT6572迷你倉貨已高,使得8月營收反而小減3.5%;消費性晶片族群如新唐、松翰的傳統營收高峰期漸過而下滑,與LED看板驅動IC的聚積尚未見世足賽訂單加持,營收也呈月減的表現。日盛投顧並指出,驅動IC廠商聯詠與旭曜8月業績,符合預期,其中,預估聯詠第3季營收107億元,雖可能季減1.8%,但長期將持續受惠於中國智慧型手機解析度攀升,與4K2K TV滲透率提高帶動明年需求倍增,將對業績提升有幫助;另外,旭曜8月營收雖僅小增3.4%,不過傳統9月中國新機密集上市,因應後續十一長假與農曆年節,預計旭曜9月業績將持續成長。影像感測族群中,原相營收最大宗的光學滑鼠,雖因PC需求欠佳,業績下滑,不過遊戲機因傳統下半年為拉貨旺季,加上光學觸控因客戶廣達取得Win8認證,第3季占營收比重將上升至5%。文件倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 13:48
寧波: 搶抓試點商機
本報記者 郁進東近日,自存倉 寧波跨境貿易電子商務服務平台門戶網站的正式�用, 它標誌著作為5 個試點城市之一的寧波跨境貿易電子商務平台正式�動。為搶抓跨境貿易電子商務試點商機, 寧波市已成立了市跨境貿易電子商務服務試點領導小組, 並下發 《關於推進寧波市跨境貿易電子商務服務試點工作的通知》。寧波互聯創業電子商務有限公司總經理陳建旭分析認為, 成為跨境貿易電子商務試點城市對於寧波零售出口企業來說是個非常大的商機。一方面, 寧波是全國第5大出口城市, 擁有2萬多家外貿進出口企業, 開展電子商務貿易的土壤發達; 另一方面, 寧波的傳統出口市場歐美經濟衰退, 新興市場卻異軍突起, 這意味著寧波急需引進新的營銷模式, 打開新興市場。” 陳建旭認為, 外貿企業要大膽嘗試跨境貿易電子商務等新渠道, 把產品打進新興市場。根據寧波市政府下發的試點通知, 寧波市將在摸清現有跨境電子商務企業資源的基礎上, 選擇部分典型企業穩步開展試點工作。爭取通過兩年時間, 初步實現貨物進口分銷監管政策、 貨物出口貿易及通關方式的創新, 跨境貿易電子商務服務試點工作走在全國前列。此外, 寧波迷你倉新蒲崗關部門和相關區域將出台一系列實質性舉措, 扶持跨境電子商務發展, 主要包括: 爭取在寧波建立國際郵件互換局和國際郵件交換站, 實現寧波周邊郵件和快件在寧波關區進行通關; 積極與海關總署銜接, 力爭設立海關駐郵辦;在寧波保稅區打造電子商務進口商品分銷基地, 穩步推進進口食品、 消費品跨境貿易電子商務基地建設; 在海曙區打造跨境貿易電子商務出口基地, 實現電子商務企業辦公、 倉儲、 物流的集中運作; 建設跨境貿易電子商務服務平台; 培育3家至5家跨境貿易電子商務龍頭企業。寧波市口岸辦黨組書記張延表示, 跨境貿易電子商務的進口業務將以寧波保稅區為主, 允許保稅區企業經過核准後開展網絡零售業務, 企業以貨物方式申報進 口, 進入保稅區進行保稅倉儲, 待網絡訂 單生成後, 以個人物品方式申報出口, 由電子商務企業辦理申報並繳納行郵稅。寧波市跨境貿易電子商務服務試點領導小組組長、 寧波市副市長洪嘉祥說,“寧波要加快建設跨境電子商務 ‘特區’,整合推出各項服務措施、 優惠政策, 讓大量的跨境產品從寧波飛向全國各地的客戶手中, 讓寧波市民足不出戶逛遍 ‘全球市場’。”迷你倉出租
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 13:35
Great Divide keeps Pueblo pedaling
Source: The Pueblo Chieftain, Colo.self storageSept. 09--When Lee Newhard opened up a modest bike shop called Great Divide in the Mesa Junction in 1984, he never dreamed he'd still be doing what he loves today."I never imagined it would blossom like it has, never," Newhard said. "I didn't have any backup plans, either. I was a glass glazer before I moved into the bike business. When I started this, I wanted it to be my last job and I've worked really hard at it and it has worked out."Newhard grew up an avid cyclist and outdoorsman."My dad had a hardware store when I was a kid where he had bikes, and I gravitated toward them," Newhard said. "I just really had a liking for bikes and took my first ride to Beulah when I was 14 when I had a 10-speed. When I had the chance to open up my own shop, I did. It's been kind of a lifelong love affair."Newhard's Great Divide bike shop sits in a prime location at the corner of Santa Fe Avenue and Fourth Street, but it had humbler beginnings.The business originated in 1984 in a smaller building in the Mesa Junction."When we first started, I was basically working solo. I had a few partners that helped out when they could, but it was mainly just me," Newhard said. "I had about 45 bikes in stock back then compared to the 150 to 200 I now have today. The volume has gone up quite dramatically" After four years at its Mesa Junction location, Great Divide moved to a new, slightly bigger building on Union Avenue in 1988.It wasn't until 1991 that Great Divide finally relocated to its current site at the corner of Santa Fe and Fourth.With the move, business really picked up, according to Newhard."We got to the point where we needed more room and a bigger building and this building was available, so we bought it," Newhard said. "It's in a much better location than our previous buildings and has ample amounts of storage room for all of our products."The building features a spacious main level and basement totalling 12,000 square feet.Besides the prime location, Newhard credits the uptick in business to a number of different factors."For one thing, biking has gotten more popular lately and you're seeing more and more people getting into it," he said. "Also, over the years we've brought people in and they've done a great job and have really helped us out."One of the people who was brought in was Kevin Perri.Perri began working at Great Divide in 1995 and in recent years has bought in as part-owner of the business."I grew up in Pueblo just like Lee (Newhard) and loved bikes growing up," Perri said. "I wanted it to be something I did for a living."One thing Newhard said Great Divide pridesfrom page 5A ____________________________________________ itself on more than anything is quality customer service."We try and be knowledgeable about the products we sell," Newhard said. "Lots of people need help with what they need. And stuff like learning h迷你倉w to fix a flat tire is important and we offer that. Return of service and trying to get customers to come back and tell their friends about us is also important. Word of mouth is huge for us and is our best bet for attracting new customers."Great Divide offers a number of services to customers such as free adjustments and tuneups after 90 days following the purchase of their bike."We make sure they're happy and follow through," Newhard said.Newhard and Perri both agree that their favorite part of the job is getting to interact with customers, learning their stories and helping them out."We get people in here who weren't doing any riding and were a little overweight and got themselves very fit riding a bike," Newhard said."One customer we had was overweight, came in here and bought a bike, and he became a competitive racer over time.Cycling is a low-impact way to get exercise without ruining your knees."Perri enjoys meeting people doing the Trans-America Trail, a 3,000mile bike route that begins in Virginia and stops in Oregon. The midpoint and biggest city on the route is Pueblo and many stop in at Great Divide for repairs or to get new parts for their bikes."You meet a lot of interesting people from all over the world from that," Perri said. "They travel that route from east to west and it's a pretty far distance from here to the next stop, so you'll see some people limping in here and sometimes we save their day and that's awesome.It's hard to filter out one story in particular but there's been some interesting times."While the TransAmerica Trail brings in some business, local business makes up the vast majority of Great Divide's customer base.Newhard said it's been a joy dealing with the community over the years."It is fun to see people come in as they grow and graduate up to more and more advanced bikes," Newhard said. "This kid Tyler Banks used to come in with his dad to get bikes when he was 5 or 6 years old and he eventually became an employee here with us.He would come in with his dad at no more than 4-feet tall as a kid and he was buying bikes with us when he got to 6-feet, 6-inches tall."Newhard said his employees have been a big part of the shop's success.Great Divide employs 12 workers during peak season, which runs from March through September.During non-peak season, Great Divide staffs six employees."They are all great, hard-working and very helpful," Newhard said.During non-peak season, employees are hard at work fixing up bikes that have been donated to Great Divide so they can, in turn, donate them to charities.Last year Great Divide donated about 40 bikes to local charities, according to Newhard."It's just a good way to give back," Newhard said.ryans@chieftain.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Pueblo Chieftain (Pueblo, Colo.) Visit The Pueblo Chieftain (Pueblo, Colo.) at .chieftain.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 13:09
Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Market Size and Forecast to 2017
NEW YORK, Sept.迷你倉 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Market Size and Forecast to 2017 .reportlinker.com/p01610770/Global-Electrical-and-Electronics-Specialists-Market--Size-and-Forecast-to-2017.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Clothing_AccessoriesProduct Synopsis- Future forecasts and historic market data can improve market and strategic planning- Understand which products will be the major winners and losers in the coming years- Assess the impact of economic recession and recovery on market growthIntroduction and LandscapeWhy was the report written?"Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Market Size and Forecast to 2017" is based upon an extensive, cross-country, industry research program which brings together Canadean's research, modelling and analysis expertise in order to develop uniquely detailed market data. It provides detailed quantitative analysis of past and future trends, crucially providing retail sales data of products through Electrical and Electronics. Data sets are provided for 2007 through to 2017, with actuals being provided for 2012. All initial market sizing and analysis is conducted in local currency in order to ensure that local trends are reflected in the data before conversion into other currencies.What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?Consumers have been reacting to the effects of the global recession including the following recovery period on their discretionary spending and retail markets have been no exception. While the country by country market changes have varied, nowhere has been left totally untouched. This report quantitatively examines the components of change in the market by looking at historic and future growth patterns including how changes in consumers' behaviour have affected the retail sector for different product categories through Electrical and Electronics.What makes this report unique and essential to read?This report provides detailed data on the size and development of retail sales of individual product types through Electrical and Electronics Specialists globally. It provides a detailed and comprehensive quantitative analysis of the trends affecting market development through both historic and forecast data.Key Features and BenefitsDetailed category coverage is provided, covering 25 products, across eight product groups that include: Apparel, Accessories and Luxury Goods, Books, News and Stationery, Electricals and Electronics, Food and Grocery, Furniture and Floor Coverings, Home and Garden Products, Music, Video and Entertainment Software, and Sports and Leisure Equipment.Forecasts allow marketers to understand the future pattern of market trends, from winners and losers to category dynamics, and thereby quickly and easily identify the key areas in which they want to compete in the future.Key HighlightsThe top five EU nations: the UK, France, Germany, Russia, and Italy, accounted for more than half of European retail sales through the channel in 2012. Their combined share is expected to remain same by 2017.Japan and China together account for over 75% of total Asia-Pacific retail sales through the channel in 2012. It is expected to remain similar through 2017.1 Introduction1.1 What is this Report About?1.2 Definitions1.2.1 This report provides 2012 actual sales; while forecasts are provided for 2013 - 20171.2.2 Product and Channel Definitions1.2.3 Country Coverage1.3 Summary Methodology1.3.1 Overview1.3.2 The triangulated market sizing method1.3.3 Industry surveys in the creation of retail market data1.3.4 Quality control and standardized processes2 Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists - Overview2.1 Global Channel Growth Dynamics2.2 Global Channel Growth Dynamics2.3 Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Penetration by Region2.4 Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Product Category2.4.1 Product Group Growth Dynamics in Electrical and Electronics Specialists2.5 Sales Development by Product Group in Electrical and Electronics Specialists2.5.1 Sales Growth by Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists2.6 Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Leading Countries2.7 Global Per Capita Spending Analysis in Electrical and Electronics Specialists2.7.1 Regional Analysis2.7.2 Product Group Analysis2.7.3 Individual Product Category Analysis2.7.4 Top 20 Countries2.8 Channel Hotspots2.8.1 Fastest Growing Countries, by sales in Electrical and Electronics Specialists2.8.2 Fastest GrowingCountries, by Per Capita Spending Growth, in Electrical and Electronics Specialists2.8.3 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists3 Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists - Overview3.1 Asia -Pacific Channel Growth Dynamics3.2 Asia - Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Country3.3 Asia - Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Penetration by Country3.4 Asia - Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Product Group3.4.1 Sales Development by Product Group in Electrical and Electronics Specialists3.4.2 Sales Growth by Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists3.5 Asia - Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Leading Country3.6 Asia - Pacific Per Capita Spending Analysis in Electrical and Electronics Specialists3.6.1 Regional Analysis3.6.2 Product Group Analysis3.6.3 Individual Product Category Analysis3.7 Channel Hotspots3.7.1 Fastest Growing Countries, by sales in Electrical and Electronics Specialists3.7.2 Fastest Growing Countries, by Per Capita Spending Growth, in Electrical and Electronics Specialists3.7.3 Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists4 Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists - Overview4.1 Europe Channel Growth Dynamics4.2 Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Country4.3 Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Penetration by Country4.4 Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Product Group4.4.1 Sales Development by Product Group in Electrical and Electronics Specialists4.4.2 Sales Growth by Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists4.5 Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Leading Country4.6 Europe Per Capita Spending Analysis in Electrical and Electronics Specialists4.6.1 Regional Analysis4.6.2 Product Group Analysis4.6.3 Individual Product Category Analysis4.7 Channel Hotspots4.7.1 Fastest Growing Countries, by sales in Electrical and Electronics Specialists4.7.2 Fastest Growing Countries, by Per Capita Spending Growth, in Electrical and Electronics Specialists4.7.3 Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists5 Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists - Overview5.1 Latin America Channel Growth Dynamics5.2 Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Country5.3 Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Penetration by Country5.4 Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Product Group5.4.1 Sales Development by Product Group in Electrical and Electronics Specialists5.4.2 Sales Growth by Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists5.5 Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Leading Country5.6 Latin America Per Capita Spending Analysis in Electrical and Electronics Specialists5.6.1 Regional Analysis5.6.2 Product Group Analysis5.6.3 Individual Product Category Analysis5.7 Channel Hotspots5.7.1 Fastest Growing Countries, by sales in Electrical and Electronics Specialists5.7.2 Fastest Growing Countries, by Per Capita Spending Growth, in Electrical and Electronics Specialists5.7.3 Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists6 Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists - Overview6.1 Middle-East and Africa Channel Growth Dynamics6.2 Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Country6.3 Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Penetration by Country6.4 Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Product Group6.4.1 Sales Development by Product Group in Electrical and Electronics Specialists6.4.2 Sales Growth by Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists6.5 Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Leading Country6.6 Middle-East and Africa Spending Analysis in Electrical and Electronics Specialists6.6.1 Regional Analysis6.6.2 Product Group Analysis6.6.3 Individual Product Category Analysis6.7 Channel Hotspots6.7.1 Fastest Growing Countries, by sales in Electrical and Electronics Specialists6.7.2 Fastest Growing Countries, by Per Capita Spending Growth, in Electrical and Electronics Specialists6.7.3 Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists7 North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists - Overview7.1 North America Channel Growth Dynamics7.2 North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Country7.3 North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Penetration by Country7.4 North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Product Group7.4.1 Sales Development by Product Group in Electrical and Electronics Specialists7.4.2 Sales Growth by Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists7.5 North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists: Sales by Leading Country7.6 North America Per Capita Spending Analysis in Electrical and Electronics Specialists7.6.1 Regional Analysis7.6.2 Product Group Analysis7.6.3 Individual Product Category Analysis7.7 Channel Hotspots8 Appendix8.1 About Canadean8.2 DisclaimerLIST OF TABLESTable 1: Exchange Rate (Annual Average), 2007-2012 Table 2: Exchange Rate (Annual Average), 2013-2017 (Forecasts) Table 3: Canadean Retail Channel Definitions Table 4: Canadean Retail Category Definitions Table 5: Canadean Retail Country Coverage Table 6: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), by Region, 2007-2017 Table 7: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), by Region, 2007 - 2012 Table 8: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales Forecasts (USD billion), by Region, 2012 - 2017 Table 9: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (% Total Market), by Region, 2007 - 2012 Table 10: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists sales Forecasts (% Total Market), by Region, 2012 - 2017 Table 11: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Region), by Region, 2007 - 2012 Table 12: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Forecast Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Region), by Region, 2012 - 2017 Table 13: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), by Product Groups, 2007-2017 Table 14: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion) by Product Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 15: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales Forecasts (USD billion), by Product Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 16: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 17: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 18: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 19: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 20: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 21: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 22: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 23: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 24: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), Top 20 Countries, 2007 - 2012 Table 25: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD billion), Top 20 Countries, 2012 - 2017 Table 26: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (%), Top 20 Countries, 2007 - 2012 Table 27: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (%), Top 20 Countries, 2012 - 2017 Table 28: Global Per Capita Spending in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD), by Region, 2007 - 2012 Table 29: Global Forecast Per Capita Spending in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD), ), by Region,2012 - 2017 Table 30: Global Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Product Groups, 2007 - 2012 Table 31: Global Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Product Groups, 2012 - 2017 Table 32: Global Per Capita Spend (USD), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 33: Global Per Capita Spend (USD), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 34: Global Per Capita Spend (USD), by Book, News and Stationery Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 35: Global Per Capita Spend (USD), by Electricals and Electronics Category , 2007 - 2012 Table 36: Global Per Capita Spend (USD), by Electricals and Electronics Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 37: Global Per Capita Spend (USD), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 38: Global Per Capita Spend (USD), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 39: Global Per Capita Spend (USD), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 40: Global Per Capita Spend (USD), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 41: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 42: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 43: Fastest Growing Countries in Retail Sales (USD billion), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 44: Fastest Growing Countries in Retail Sales (USD billion), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 45: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 46: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 47: Fastest Growing Countries in Electrical and Electronics Specialists , by Sales, (USD billion) Table 48: Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD billion) by Sales Growth, 2007 - 2012 Table 49: Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD billion) by Sales Growth, 2012 - 2017 Table 50: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007-2017 Table 51: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 52: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 53: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (% Total Market), by Region, 2007 - 2012 Table 54: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (% Total Market), by Region, 2012 - 2017 Table 55: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Country), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 56: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Forecast Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Country), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 57: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Product Groups, 2007-2017 Table 58: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Product Group, 2007 - 2012 Table 59: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Product Group, 2012 - 2017 Table 60: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 61: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 62: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 63: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 64: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 65: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 66: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 67: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 68: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 69: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 70: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (%), by Leading Countries, 2007 - 2012 Table 71: Asia-Pacific Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (%), by Leading Countries, 2012 - 2017 Table 72: Asia-Pacific Per Capita Spending in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 73: Asia-Pacific Forecast Per Capita Spending in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 74: Asia-Pacific Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Product Groups, 2007 - 2012 Table 75: Asia-Pacific自存倉Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Product Groups, 2012 - 2017 Table 76: Asia-Pacific Per Capita Spend (USD), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 77: Asia-Pacific Per Capita Spend (USD), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 78: Asia-Pacific Per Capita Spend (USD), by Electricals and Electronics Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 79: Asia-Pacific Per Capita Spend (USD), by Electricals and Electronics Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 80: Asia-Pacific Per Capita Spend (USD), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 81: Asia-Pacific Per Capita Spend (USD), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 82: Asia-Pacific Per Capita Spend (USD), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 83: Asia-Pacific Per Capita Spend (USD), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 84: Fastest Growing Countries in Retail Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 85: Fastest Growing Countries in Retail Sales (USD million), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 86: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 87: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 88: Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD million) by Sales Growth, 2007 - 2012 Table 89: Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD million) by Sales Growth, 2012 - 2017 Table 90: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007-2017 Table 91: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 92: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 93: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (% Total Market), by Region, 2007 - 2012 Table 94: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (% Total Market), by Region, 2012 - 2017 Table 95: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Country), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 96: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Forecast Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Country), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 97: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Product Groups, 2007-2017 Table 98: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Product Group, 2007 - 2012 Table 99: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Product Group, 2012 - 2017 Table 100: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 101: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 102: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 103: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 104: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 105: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 106: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 107: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 108: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 109: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 110: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (%), by Leading Countries, 2007 - 2012 Table 111: Europe Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (%), by Leading Countries, 2012 - 2017 Table 112: Europe Per Capita Spending in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 113: Europe Forecast Per Capita Spending in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 114: Europe Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Product Groups, 2007 - 2012 Table 115: Europe Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Product Groups, 2012 - 2017 Table 116: Europe Per Capita Spend (USD), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 117: Europe Per Capita Spend (USD), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 118: Europe Per Capita Spend (USD), by Electricals and Electronics Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 119: Europe Per Capita Spend (USD), by Electricals and Electronics Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 120: Europe Per Capita Spend (USD), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 121: Europe Per Capita Spend (USD), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 122: Europe Per Capita Spend (USD), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 123: Europe Per Capita Spend (USD), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 124: Fastest Growing Countries in Retail Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 125: Fastest Growing Countries in Retail Sales (USD million), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 126: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 127: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 128: Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD million) by Sales Growth, 2007 - 2012 Table 129: Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD million) by Sales Growth, 2012 - 2017 Table 130: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007-2017 Table 131: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 132: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 133: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (% Total Market), by Region, 2007 - 2012 Table 134: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (% Total Market), by Region, 2012 - 2017 Table 135: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Country), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 136: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Forecast Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Country), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 137: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Product Groups, 2007-2017 Table 138: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Product Group, 2007 - 2012 Table 139: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Product Group, 2012 - 2017 Table 140: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 141: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 142: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 143: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 144: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 145: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 146: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 147: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 148: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 149: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 150: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (%), by Leading Countries, 2007 - 2012 Table 151: Latin America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (%), by Leading Countries, 2012 - 2017 Table 152: Latin America Per Capita Spending in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 153: Latin America Forecast Per Capita Spending in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 154: Latin America Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Product Groups, 2007 - 2012 Table 155: Latin America Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Product Groups, 2012 - 2017 Table 156: Latin America Per Capita Spend (USD), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 157: Latin America Per Capita Spend (USD), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 158: Latin America Per Capita Spend (USD), by Electricals and Electronics Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 159: Latin America Per Capita Spend (USD), by Electricals and Electronics Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 160: Latin America Per Capita Spend (USD), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 161: Latin America Per Capita Spend (USD), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 162: Latin America Per Capita Spend (USD), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 163: Latin America Per Capita Spend (USD), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 164: Fastest Growing Countries in Retail Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 165: Fastest Growing Countries in Retail Sales (USD million), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 166: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 167: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 168: Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD million) by Sales Growth, 2007 - 2012 Table 169: Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD million) by Sales Growth, 2012 - 2017 Table 170: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007-2017 Table 171: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 172: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 173: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (% Total Market), by Region, 2007 - 2012 Table 174: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (% Total Market), by Region, 2012 - 2017 Table 175: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Country), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 176: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Forecast Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Country), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 177: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Product Groups, 2007-2017 Table 178: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Product Group, 2007 - 2012 Table 179: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Product Group, 2012 - 2017 Table 180: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 181: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 182: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 183: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 184: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 185: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 186: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 187: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 188: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 189: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 190: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (%), by Leading Countries, 2007 - 2012 Table 191: Middle-East and Africa Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (%), by Leading Countries, 2012 - 2017 Table 192: Middle-East and Africa Per Capita Spending in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 193: Middle-East and Africa Forecast Per Capita Spending in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 194: Middle-East and Africa Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Product Groups, 2007 - 2012 Table 195: Middle-East and Africa Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Product Groups, 2012 - 2017 Table 196: Middle-East and Africa Per Capita Spend (USD), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 197: Middle-East and Africa Per Capita Spend (USD), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 198: Middle-East and Africa Per Capita Spend (USD), by Electricals and Electronics Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 199: Middle-East and Africa Per Capita Spend (USD), by Electricals and Electronics Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 200: Middle-East and Africa Per Capita Spend (USD), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 201: Middle-East and Africa Per Capita Spend (USD), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 202: Middle-East and Africa Per Capita Spend (USD), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2007 - 2012 Table 203: Middle-East and Africa Per Capita Spend (USD), by Music and Video and Entertainment Software Category, 2012 - 2017 Table 204: Fastest Growing Countries in Retail Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 205: Fastest Growing Countries in Retail Sales (USD million), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 206: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 207: Per Capita Retail Spending (USD), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 208: Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD million) by Sales Growth, 2007 - 2012 Table 209: Top 5 Fastest Growing Product Categories in Electrical and Electronics Specialists (USD million) by Sales Growth, 2012 - 2017 Table 210: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007-2017 Table 211: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 212: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 213: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (% Total Market), by Region, 2007 - 2012 Table 214: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (% Total Market), by Region, 2012 - 2017 Table 215: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Country), by Country, 2007 - 2012 Table 216: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Forecast Share Of Retail Sales (% of Total Retail sales Within A Country), by Country, 2012 - 2017 Table 217: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Product Groups, 2007-2017 Table 218: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Product Group, 2007 - 2012 Table 219: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million) by Product Group, 2012 - 2017 Table 220: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 221: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 222: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2007 - 2012 Table 223: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Electricals and Electronics Categories, 2012 - 2017 Table 224: North America Electrical and Electronics Specialists Sales (USD million), by Home and Garden Products Category, 2007 - 2012 TTo order this report: Global Electrical and Electronics Specialists Market Size and Forecast to 2017 .reportlinker.com/p01610770/Global-Electrical-and-Electronics-Specialists-Market--Size-and-Forecast-to-2017.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Clothing_AccessoriesContact Clare: clare@reportlinker.comUS: (339)-368-6001Intl: +1 339-368-6001ReportlinkerWeb site: .reportlinker.com/迷你倉新蒲崗
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 12:54
Politicized labels leave no room for reason
Do we have a precise word or phrase to describe those who were born after the year 1990? Is it possible to have a label that can cover the general characteristics of a generation? I have been obsessed with both questions since a week-long trip I had with a group of university students in July.新蒲崗迷你倉 Most of them were born in 1990 and some even later. My knowledge about them by seeing what they have done, reading what they have written and talking with them has changed my preconceptions about this emerging generation. Most of them are hardworking, thoughtful and considerate, very different from the impression I had of their generation from descriptions both online and in the print media. The post-90 generation is usually epitomized as being egoistical, oversensitive, rebellious, weak psychologically and pretentious. Such preconceptions can blind us to the diversified character of a person or essence of a thing. It is dangerous to judge an individual person simply by believing what a general label may suggest about a group of people. What has alerted me even more is the rising trend I can sense from some stories, which tend to label people with what they have said or written as belonging to liberalism or conservatism or a school with certain ideas. Many people of my age may still remember that political labels such as landlords, capitalists, rightists, counter-revolutionaries or even historical counter-revolutionaries were stigmas, which put the people who bore these labels in an inferior social position. Political persecution and political bias reduced these people and even their family members to a miserable state in the years before 1978. Of course, those days have long gone. But the residue of labeling people can still find expression in the way some people always tend to ascribe a kind of trait to a particular group of people. The labels those who were born after 1980 and after 1990 get are a case in point. The most noteworthy instance is the label henanren, which turns out to be a stigma of dishonesty or shrewdness for people from Central China’s Henan province. It is definitely unfair and unjustifiable to stick such an insulting label on people from a particular locality simply because of a number of fraudulent cases involving people from that place. Itmini storageis far too common for people to have preconceptions about a group of people just because of the labels on them, and there are indeed instances of people form Henan being denied the chance of doing business or landing a job because of people’s preconceived ideas about them. It is far too natural for good people and bad people to exist in every locality and so it is for able people and good-for-nothings to come from every generation and everywhere. Even with scholars who are usually labeled as conservative or liberal-minded, it is not necessarily accurate when it comes to how he or she thinks on a particular problem. The most dangerous thing about labeling people and certain kinds of matter is to politicize or inject ideological bias into some otherwise neutral labels as we did in the 1960s or 1970s. The post-1990 generation should just refer to people born after 1990 and the label of the post-1980 generation should just refer to people born after 1980. A landlord is just a person in possession of some land and a capitalist in possession of an enterprise and it should have nothing to do with the question of whether they are good or bad. Some people may still have to change the habit of making assumptions about people and things just on the neutral labels they wear because of the inertia of political movements in the past. But it is really problematic when some make similar assumptions in their articles from the premise that a particular neutral label may have ideological connotations according to them. By doing so, they leave no room for reasoning. Which is the sole prerequisite for fair public discourse about anything. It is not only a matter for academia. The more people are accustomed to making assumptions through labels or preconceptions, the more difficult it is for things to be done in a reasonable manner. The most absurd example of such an assumption was the slogan: “We would rather keep weeds that are proletarian in nature than seedlings that are capitalist in nature.” Serious discussion about something in a reasonable manner is the prerequisite to do a good job about it. That was the very basis, on which the opening-up and reforms were initiated at the end of the 1970s. The author is a senior writer with China Daily. zhuyuan@chinadaily.com.cnself storage
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 12:46
YOU On Demand to Present at SeeThruEquity Fall Investor Conference on September 12, 2013
NEW YORK, Sept.儲存倉 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- YOU On Demand Holdings, Inc. ("YOU On Demand" or the "Company"), the first national Video On Demand (VOD) platform in China, announced today that members of its senior management will present at the SeeThruEquity Fall Investor Conference on Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 11:30 am ET at the Penn Club in New York City.Those wishing to schedule a meeting with management should contact YOU On Demand's Investor Relations firm, JCIR, at (212) 835-8500 or YOD@jcir.com.About YOU On Demand Holdings, Inc. (.yod.com)YOU On Demand is the first national Video On Demand platform in China. The Company offers premium content, including leading Hollywood and China-produced movie titles, to customers across China through its Transactional Video On Demand (TVOD), Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) and Near Video On Demand (NVOD) services. YOU On Demand has secured alliances with leading global media operators and content developers. The Company has a comprehensive end-to-end secure 迷你倉價錢elivery system, governmental partnerships and approvals and offers additional value-added services. YOU On Demand has strategic partnerships with the largest media entities in China, a highly experienced management team with international background and expertise in Cable, Television, Film, Digital Media, Internet and Telecom. YOU On Demand is headquartered in New York, NY with its China headquarters in Beijing.YOU On Demand currently has content deals in place with many of Hollywood's top studios including Disney Media Distribution, Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, Warner Bros., Miramax Films, Lionsgate and Magnolia Pictures, as well as a broad selection of the best content from Chinese filmmakers.CONTACT:Jason Finkelstein Robert Rinderman or Norberto AjaYOU On Demand JCIR -Investor Relations/Corporate Communications212-206-1216 212-835-8500jason.finkelstein@yod.com YOD@jcir.com@youondemandYOU On Demand Holdings, Inc.Web site: .yod.com/迷你倉最平
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 12:45
Guangzhou to end controversial labor camps by the end of year
By ZHENG CAIXIONG in Guangzhou zhengcaixiong@ chinadaily.迷你倉出租com.cn But now China has established legal pro- cedures and facilities for prosecuting and punishing petty crimi- nals, rendering laojiao obsolete.”WANG DA PROFESSOR AT GUANGZHOU UNIVERSITY All detainees in Guangzhou labor camps will have com- pleted their sentences and be released by the end of the year, a senior judge has said.Authorities in the Guang- dong provincial capital stopped approving applica- tions for laojiao — a contro- versial system of re-education through labor — in March.“The police and many legal experts have realized the drawbacks of laojiao and called to abolish the system, which has become outdated,”Yu Mingyong, deputy presi- dent of Guangzhou Inter- mediate People’s Court, was quoted as saying by local media.“Many of those released from laojiao find many dif- i culties returning to society, families and work at er ... their personal freedom has been restricted in labor camps for several years.”Guangzhou still has about 100 people in labor camps, he said.Police with Guangzhou’spublic security bureau declined to comment when contacted by China Daily.Last year, Yu’s court over- turned a district court’s ruling that police had the right to sentence a man to laojiao for visiting a sex worker.The man, whose iden- tity was not released, was detained at er visiting a pros- titute in the city’s Yuexiu dis- trict in the early hours of Dec 10, 2011. He was fined and detained in a labor camp for six months.The 23-year-old took the police to court, arguing that the punishment was too severe.h e Yuexiu district court origi- nally ruled in favor of the police in January.However, that verdict was later overturned迷你倉on appeal by Yu’s court.The man was released and given 22,000 yuan ($3,600) compensation after serving less than six months of his sen- tence.h e laojiao system was estab- lished in the early 1950s and legalized in 1957 by China’s top legislature. It allows authori- ties to detain people for minor crimes for up to four years without trial.h e system was imposed at a time when the nation was attempting to create social order at er the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.Wang Da, a professor at Guangzhou University, said laojiao played an active role in ensuring social order and managing society when the country had yet to establish an advanced legal system.“But now China has estab- lished legal procedures and facilities for prosecuting and punishing petty criminals, ren- dering laojiao obsolete,” Wang told China Daily.Public opposition to the practice has grown stronger in recent years, particularly among legal professionals. In response, in one of his first speeches after taking office, Premier Li Keqiang promised reforms to laojiao.“The system should come to an end, as it runs counter to legal procedures and infringes on the rights of a citizen,” Wang said, adding that it also creates opportunities for police cor- ruption and abuse of power, as officers can put people in labor camps without any court ruling.“Abolishing laojiao is signii - cant in promoting the rule by law, protecting human rights and standardizing legal proce- dures,” he added.Peng Peng, a senior research- er from the Guangzhou Acad- emy of Social Sciences, agreed that laojiao jeopardizes legal rights.“Guangzhou can be a role model in gradually abolishing the decades-old system,” Peng said.儲存倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 12:27
Talking points
Our editors will be looking ahead today to these developing stories .存倉..Launch of interactive map service in HKGoogle Maps is launching a new service that invites members of the public to help and contribute to an authentic “Hong Kong” mapping service. Google will present a series of out-of-the-box map functions that will help tourists and locals navigate the streets and alleys of Hong Kong. Stella Cheung, Hong Kong head of sales with Google, will talk about how the upgrades will benefit users and businesses, while Ben Luk will demonstrate the new functions.Apple set to brighten our daySome 200 people – most of them from the news media – will gather in an auditorium in Cupertino, California, to watch Timothy Cook, Apple’s chief executive, unveil bright new iPhones. The Guardian reports that the launch will be shown via satellite link to Europe and, for the first time, to a select group in China. Seasoned observers say an iPhone 5S in black, white and “champagne” will headline alongside the iPhone 5C, with a tough plastic back and in multiple colours – strawberry red, blue, lime green, yellow and white.Buoyant statistics expected on ChinaThe central government releases a raft of figures on China’s retail sales, industrial output and fixed-asset investment. A Reuters surveys shows that factory output is expected to have grown 9.9 per cent year on year, matching the January/February figure as the迷你倉biggest increase this year. Fixed-asset investment probably grew 20.2 per cent in the first eight months from a year earlier, after a 20.1 per cent rise in the first seven months, said Mark Williams, chief Asia economist at Capital Economics.Civil disobedience forumHo Lok-sang (left), a core member of the Silent Majority for Hong Kong, and Chan Kin-man, a core organiser of the Occupy Central movement, will attend a forum on the civil disobedience movement at Lingnan University. Silent Majority wants to win the backing of at least 100,000 people for a peaceful campaign to protect what it says are the city’s interests, while Occupy Central is campaigning for civil disobedience in pursuit of universal suffrage in 2017.Writers fret over Man Booker shortlistThirteen authors will be waiting nervously for the shortlist to be announced in London for Britain’s most prestigious literary award – the Man Booker Prize. Judges pared down the 13 from 151 books. Established authors, such as Colm Toibin and Jim Crace, who were previously shortlisted, are up against first-timers like Donal Ryan.Ex-head of transport bureau on trialZhang Shuguang , a former senior engineer and transport bureau chief of the railways ministry, faces Beijing No2 Intermediate People’s Court. Zhang, a close associate of disgraced railways minister Liu Zhijun , faces 13 graft charges involving 47 million yuan (HK$59 million) in bribes.自存倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 12:08
XMH buys generator maker for $17.4m
Shares gain 5% on purchase of Mech-Power GeneratorSHARES in XMH Holdings rose 2 cents, or 4.新蒲崗迷你倉9 per cent, to 43 cents yesterday after the diesel engine provider announced an acquisition over the weekend.In its first major acquisition since a Koh Boon Hwee-related private equity fund invested in the firm, XMH Holdings is planning to buy a power generator manufacturer for about $17.4 million.Mech-Power Generator (MPG) Group, whose generator sets are used in shipyards and ports, hospitals, data centres and airports, will complement XMH, whose strength lies in marine-sector applications, said XMH chairman and CEO Elvin Tan."There will be opportunities in terms of obtaining better engine prices, exchanging capabilities and therefore reducing our manpower costs," said Mr Tan. "There will also be opportunities to market to mutual customers."MPG Group, owned by Loke Choon Hoe and Madam Tham Sow Lin, started business 30 years ago. It supplies a wide range of generator sets ranging from power capacity of 20 kilovolt-ampere (KVA) to 2,500 KVA.These are made using engines from brands such as MTU, Mitsubishi, Man, Perkins and Volvo Penta.MPG Group owns a 1.4 hectare plant in Iskandar, Malaysia, which it says gives it a lower cost of production compared to its competitors. Half of its 120 staff amini storagee based there."Every major project - MRT, airport, hospital - needs power generating sets, which we are providing," said Mr Loke.The consideration of $17.4 million will be paid in two equal tranches of about $8.7 million each.Half of the consideration will come from internal resources, and half through the issuance of new XMH shares.The sales and purchase agreement also provides for a profit and net tangible asset warranty."The aggregate audited consolidated net profit after tax excluding extraordinary gains of the MPG Group for both FY2014 and FY2015 shall not be less than $6.9 million and the audited consolidated NTA of the MPG Group shall not be less than $4.5 million as at balance sheet date as shown in the FY2013 accounts of the MPG Group," said XMH.OSK-DMG analyst Lee Yue Jer yesterday upgraded the stock from "neutral" to "buy"."The deal is strong earnings per share-accretive, reduces business risk through diversification into adjacent sectors and immediately removes constraints on its growth," he said."Post deal, XMH remains in a net-cash position and is still on the lookout for more acquisitions."XMH had surged 30 per cent in May, when it was announced that private equity fund - Credence Capital Fund II (Cayman) - linked to businessman Koh Boon Hwee had invested in the firm.self storage
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 11:56
Diageo Announces Winners of 10th Annual Golden Bar Awards
NORWALK, Conn.迷你倉價錢, Sept. 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Diageo, the world's leading premium drinks business, honored spirits, wine and beer distributors at the Tenth Annual Golden Bar Awards which took place at a number of awards events and presentation ceremonies across the country. The Golden Bar Awards are presented for excellence in sales, marketing and promoting responsible drinking.Larry Schwartz, President and CEO of Diageo North America said, "The Golden Bar Awards recognize Diageo's distributors for their dedication and hard work over the past year and honor the best in the industry. Diageo's strong relationships with our distributors and our joint commitment to the business help drive the success of our companies."The Golden Bar Awards, held at multiple locations across the United States, celebrate distributors and brokers for their excellence in the marketplace and the important role they play in their communities. The gold awards recognize distributors and brokers for performance across Smirnoff, Johnnie Walker, Baileys, Captain Morgan, Tanqueray, Crown Royal, Ketel One, Ciroc, Sterling Vineyards, Beaulieau Vineyard, Chalone Vineyard, Acacia Vineyard, Rosenblum Cellars, Guinness, Smithwick's, Red Stripe and PABs. Gold awards are also given for innovation, consistency and quality. The three platinum awards are given for advancing responsible drinking. The grand prizes go to the distributors of the year.In total 32 statuettes, 29 made of 24 carat gold, and 3 made of platinum, were awarded to distributors. Each Golden Bar statuette weighs eight pounds, stands more than a foot tall, and is produced by R.S. Owens, the company that created the Oscar(R), presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.Below are the categories and winners for the 2013 Golden Bar Awards.DISTRIBUTOR OF THE YEAR AWARDS ------------------------------Distributor of the Year - Spirits Coastal Wine and Spirits of IndianaDistributor of the Year - Wine Reliable Churchill of MarylandTRANSFORMATIONAL PRIORITY AWARDS --------------------------------Multicultural Excellence - Spirits Coastal Wine and Spirits of FloridaOn Premise Excellence - Spirits Wirtz Beverage IllinoisThree Year Consistency - Spirits and Wine Coastal Wine and Spirits of IndianaThree Year Consistency - Beer Paradise BeveragesSPIRITS AWARDS --------------Spirits Excellence - Smirnoff United Liquors, A Division of Martignetti Companies of MassachusettsSpirits Excellence - Johnnie Walker Atlantic Wine & Spirits, a Division of Empire Merchants, LLC, Metro New YorkSpirits Excellence - Baileys Standard Beverage of KansasSpirits Excellence - Captain Morgan Horizon Wine and Spirits of TennesseeSpirits Excellence - Tanqueray North American Spirits and Wine Brokers of New Hampshire迷你倉最平pirits Excellence - Crown Royal Johnson Brothers of MinnesotaSpirits Excellence - Ketel One Glazer's of TexasSpirits Excellence - Ciroc Pacific Wine and Spirits of CaliforniaControl State Excellence Award North American Spirits and Wine Brokers of OhioWINE AWARDS -----------Wines Excellence - Sterling Vineyards Glazer's of OklahomaWines Excellence - Beaulieu Vineyard Ben Arnold Beverage Company of South CarolinaWines Excellence - Chalone Vineyard Tryon Distributing CompanyWines Excellence - Acacia Vineyard Atlantic Wine & Spirits, a Division of Empire Merchants, LLC, Metro New YorkWines Excellence - Rosenblum Cellars Pacific Wine and Spirits of CaliforniaControl State Excellence Award North American Spirits and Wine Brokers of MississippiBEER AWARDS -----------Beer Excellence - Guinness Florida Distributing CompanyBeer Excellence - Smithwick's DET DistributingBeer Excellence - Red Stripe Alliance BeverageBeer Excellence - PABs Phoenix BeverageQuality Cup C&C DistributingINNOVATION ----------Innovation Launch - Spirits Beverage Distributors Company of ColoradoInnovation Launch - Wine Wirtz Beverage IllinoisInnovation Launch - Beer & PABs United DistributingSOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ---------------------Advancing Responsible Drinking - Wine & Spirits Reliable Churchill of MarylandAdvancing Responsible Drinking in Control States - Wine and Spirits North American Spirits and Wine Brokerage of MichiganAdvancing Responsible Drinking - Beer Keg 1 Central TexasAbout DiageoDiageo (Dee-AH-Gee-O) is the world's leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands across spirits, wines and beer categories. These brands include Johnnie Walker, Crown Royal, J&B, Buchanan's, Windsor and Bushmills whiskies, Smirnoff, Ciroc and Ketel One vodkas, Baileys, Captain Morgan, Tanqueray and Guinness.Diageo is a global company, with its products sold in more than 180 countries around the world. The company is listed on both the New York Stock Exchange (DEO) and the London Stock Exchange (DGE). For more information about Diageo, its people and its brands, visit .diageo.com. For Diageo's global resource that promotes responsible drinking through the sharing of best practice tools, information and initiatives, visit .DRINKiQ.com.Celebrating life, every day, everywhere.DiageoCONTACT: Alix Dunn, Diageo, 203-229-4744; Rachel Rosenblatt, FTI,212-850-5697Web site: .diageo.com/迷你倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 11:47
The great bank-switch revolution
Source: Financial Mail on Sunday, LondonSept.迷你倉 08--New rules this month will mean that dissatisfied bank customers can move current accounts more easily. Switching should be smooth and completed within seven working days.So if you're fed up with your bank and think it's time to try someone else, read The Mail on Sunday's guide to the best providers, using research conducted by respected financial research company MoneyComms.It trawled through details of 14 of the most popular current accounts on the market. Those with the cheapest overdrafts, best interest and most cost-effective debit cards for using on holiday abroad received top scores.MoneyComms' Andrew Hagger says: 'Although customers often wish to switch banks it's far from easy to pick which is the most suitable _ there's not one account that's best for everyone. The different tariffs make comparisons difficult.'The Payments Council, which is overseeing the new rules, says only 6 per cent of those with bank accounts have switched in the past two years compared with 37 per cent who moved to another car insurer.Richard Lloyd, executive director of consumer group Which?, says: 'Making the process of changing banks easier means that people can quickly vote with their feet.'THE bank with the best overall current account is Metro Bank, which three years ago became the first new bank to open on Britain's high streets in more than a century.The account is free to use abroad. Typically banks and building societies charge 2.75 per cent for card transactions made overseas.It also charges a relatively low interest rate for going overdrawn if it's authorised _ 15 per cent. The annual cost of being pounds sterling 500 in the red for seven days every month is pounds sterling 16. The typical interest rate on a bank overdraft is about 19 per cent per year with additional fees of 50p to pounds sterling 3 a day.Metro Bank is open seven days a week, including evenings. The bank's chief executive Craig Donaldson says: 'People come to us because we offer something different; we put our customers first and offer services that fit their needs.'Other accounts that come out well from MoneyComms' research are First Direct's 1st Account and the Post Office's Standard Account. Both rank highly because of low overdraft charges.At the other end of the spectrum, Lloyds TSB Classic with Vantage and Halifax Reward score badly. This is because both charge high fees for overdrafts and overseas transactions.Hagger says: 'The Lloyds and Halifax accounts are good if you always stay in credit _ but if not, I would avoid them.'Halifax says the bank's overdraft charging structure is 'clear and simple' while its overseas charges are 'transparent'.Lloyds TSB says its Classic account allows customers to go overdrawn by pounds sterling 35 without incurring charges.Self-employed builder Ian Senior, 54, of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, is a big fan of Metro Bank. Three months ago he switched his business account from Barclays to the new bank.He says: 'I'd been banking with Barclays for more than 30 years but I was fed up with the poor service.'Ian and his 47-year-old wife Paula later decided to transfer their joint account with Barclays to Metro.Ian says: 'The accounts we now have are straightforward and easy to use. Metro's customer service is good. Every time I walk into the branch in High Wycombe they know who I am and offer me a cup of coffee.'Metro Bank is opening five more branches before the end of the year in London (Cheapside and Edgware), Middlesex (Staines), Surrey (Kingston-upon-Thames) and Berkshire (Windsor). More branches are planned next year in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire; Epsom, Surrey; and Brighton, East Sussex.But it has no plans to go nationwide, preferring to open branches in the South East.Many customers find that having an overdraft facility can be a financial lifesaver, but it can be expensive. Most current accounts charge a daily fee even for authorised overdrafts.MoneyComms puts First Direct's account at the top of the table for overdrafts. Which? also says it is the best.The account comes with a pounds sterling 250 interest-free buffer. Any authorised overdraft above that limit is charged at 15.9 per cent. Someone who is pounds sterling 500 overdrawn for seven days every month would pay pounds sterling 9 a year.The Post Office has recently tested three current accounts in East Anglia before a nationwide roll-out next year.儲存倉Its Standard Account is another option for anyone looking for an account with an overdraft facility, charging 14.9 per cent on authorised borrowing.Customers relying on an overdraft should be wary that switching accounts could result in their authorised overdraft being reduced. Hagger says: 'Always check what overdraft limit will be permitted with your new bank before deciding whether to transfer. Unauthorised bank charges can be onerous.'According to MoneyComms, the top two current account deals for earning interest are Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB's Classic accounts if they come with Vantage _ an option for account holders who pay in at least pounds sterling 1,000 each month.Hagger says: 'Both accounts pay tiered interest of 1.5 per cent from pounds sterling 1 to pounds sterling 1,000, 2 per cent from pounds sterling 1,000 to pounds sterling 3,000 and 3 per cent from pounds sterling 3,000 to pounds sterling 5,000.' Someone who keeps pounds sterling 5,000 of savings in one of these accounts for 12 months would earn pounds sterling 150 before tax. There is no monthly fee.Balances above pounds sterling 5,000 don't earn any interest so customers with bigger sums may be better off with Santander's 123 account. That pays 3 per cent on balances between pounds sterling 3,000 and pounds sterling 20,000.Which? also ranks Lloyds TSB with Vantage and Santander's 123 accounts as two of the best deals if you keep your account in credit.Meanwhile, a report by market research firm Consumer Intelligence lists Halifax Reward as a contender for people with smaller balances. The account pays a pounds sterling 5 monthly reward for those who pay in a minimum of pounds sterling 750 each month.Matt Sanders, card expert at comparison website Gocompare, says: 'Current accounts that pay interest if you are in credit are great for those who are determined not to overdraw. But this benefit can soon be wiped out if you dip into the red as fees and interest charges are ferocious.'Spending on your debit card overseas can be expensive. This is where Metro's account excels. It does not charge anything for paying with the card or withdrawing money from a cash machine when abroad.Norwich & Peterborough Building Society's Gold Classic account is also free to use abroad.Nationwide's FlexAccount used to be the best card for overseas spending until it stopped its fee-free offer three years ago. It's now charging a 2 per cent fee.While disappointing for many of its card holders, it is still below the typical fee of 2.75 per cent. It also charges 2 per cent on overseas use of cash machines, but this is waived for its FlexPlus customers.Good customer service is essential. But consumer champion website MoneySavingExpert says several big names still fail to deliver adequate service. Its recent research indicates that First Direct _ an offshoot of HSBC and a branchless bank operating via post, phone and the internet _ has the most satisfied customers.In contrast, Bank of Scotland has the worst record.Santander, which has been criticised in the past, is making a comeback with cashback on household bills and in-credit interest for its 123 account. Santander has pledged to back the account with 'stellar' customer service.Steve Pateman, head of UK banking at Santander, says: 'Improving the service we offer is essential for us. We have more to do and continue to focus on improving the levels of service.'Guy Anker of MoneySavingExpert says: 'Santander wasn't just the worst for service a few years ago, it was off the scale. But it's clawed its way back, largely thanks to its 123 account.'Last week, figures from the Financial Ombudsman Service showed that in the first half of this year, Santander received the fourth largest number of banking complaints. Only Barclays, Lloyds and NatWest received more.Occupational therapist Hannah Long, 24, from Leeds, switched her current account to First Direct earlier this year.She says: 'I'd switched bank accounts a couple of times. My first account was with Yorkshire Bank before I switched to Halifax and then last year I moved to Santander. But I wasn't happy with the monthly fee. My mum recommended First Direct so I decided to move again.'Hannah adds: 'You can speak to anyone 24/7 so it feels like a local branch.'Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Daily Mail (London, ) Visit the Daily Mail (London, ) at .dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢
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- Sep 09 Mon 2013 13:47
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 13:46
全國社會撫養費收了多少?審計署表示“不知道”;針對律師發出的公開申請,self storage14個省份不知道;廣州市財政局確認,僅今年上半年,廣州社會撫養費徵收總額就達到3億元,但用在哪裡,還是不知道。 一筆收的爽快、用的糊塗、標準混亂、審計放空的費用,也到了該反思和整改的時候。 一筆亂賬: 誰收誰用 “社會撫養費”由原“超生罰款”規範而來。國務院2002年出台的《社會撫養費徵收管理辦法》規定社會撫養費的徵收、繳納由各省決定。 這筆費用到底收了多少?記者致電廣東省人口計生委,無人接聽。廣州市人口計生局要求記者發採訪函,但發出採訪函後,再打電話,線路通暢卻一直無人接聽。 一省收多少,暫不可知,但廣州市財政局上報人大常委會審議的報告中提到,2013年上半年廣州市共徵收3億元。 3億元去向如何,記者向廣州市財政局求證,該局負責人說,數據是各縣各區匯總上報的,具體每個縣區用了多少,得問各個縣區。 記者繼續追問,越秀區人口計生局辦公室一位姓曹的工作人員表示,徵收的社會撫養費都已經上繳國庫,由財政支配。 記者向越秀區財政局發去採訪函,但截至記者發稿,仍未得到回複。兜了一大圈,這筆錢誰收誰用,還是不得而知。 裁量混亂: 執行鑽空子 社會撫養費的徵收初衷,是對不符合法定條件生育子女佔用公共資源的補償。但在操作中,因為徵收裁量權下放,各地多重標準、彈性巨大、自由裁量,從而在執行中多了許多鑽空子的機會。 廣東省人口計生委相關負責人表示,轟動全國的“廣州代孕八胞胎”事件中,除了當事母親生的3個孩子之外,其他兩個代孕媽媽所生的5個孩子都算超生,但由八胞胎父母戶籍所在地肇慶市計生部門按照肇慶市標準徵收。 八胞胎父母屬於高收入人群,超生5個孩子,影響惡劣。以不同地區的社會撫養費標準運作,存在很大的差別。如果按廣州標準,超生1個徵收超過20萬元,而如果是肇慶標準,只要數萬元。即使根據相關辦法,在此基礎上再考慮徵收八胞胎父母的實際收入水平與當地居民平均收入水平的差額,其實際收入仍是取證困難,糊塗賬一筆。 記者採訪中瞭解到,各地徵收社會撫養費的標準,城鎮居民和農村區別很大。經濟發達地區高、經濟落後地區低。即使是同一個城市裡,城鄉之間、不同區縣之間也不相同。 一些專家質疑,由於徵收既迷你倉按所在地又能按戶籍地,一些富裕階層,在大城市超生,到戶籍地受罰。這使得部分人群可以利用制度漏洞,製造新的生育不公平,也扭曲了社會撫養費的初衷,應該從頂層設計中加以糾正。 放水養魚: 一個撫養費,養了多少人 計生部門的工作人員告訴記者,不少地方,社會撫養費徵收款的一定比例用于獎勵鄉鎮、村一級計生專員,“得罪人的活,沒有動力幹”。 一個在鎮計生辦工作的幹部告訴記者,基層的計生部門不僅要完成計劃生育人口控制的任務,還有社會撫養費徵繳創收的要求,但這兩個任務本身就有矛盾。 正因此,為收社會撫養費“放水養魚”,就有了不少地方“超生”漠視、“罰款”熱衷的現象,以至於有“社會撫養費撫養了計生委”的戲言。 深圳大學管理學院教授肖俊表示,社會撫養費名義上繳財政,實則審計放空。全國收了十幾年,如今成了一筆糊塗賬,審計部門有必要將其納入監管,到了給社會撫養費算筆明白賬的時候了。除了社會撫養費,還有多少“收費糊塗賬” 像這種收費“理由多多”,管理“黑燈瞎火”、監管“無影無蹤”的“收費糊塗賬”,並不止社會撫養費一種。 開始收費時,有關部門言之鑿鑿:經費短缺,完善公共服務,但收費以後公�想要知道錢花在哪裡,服務了誰?就不那麼容易了。 為籌集機場建設經費而設立的機場建設費,收了20多年。總共收了多少,用在哪個機場建設?盡管有律師申請公開,但卻遭到有關部門的拒絕。 更令人費解的是,根據2002年有關部門下發的文件,應于2005年年底停止收取。然而隨後,在沒有向公�說清楚為什麼要續徵的情況下,一再被續徵。 公�不免質疑,如今機場遍地,還要再收?2012年,機場建設費是取消了,馬上又來了民航發展基金。機場建設費換個名字、“穿個馬甲”,繼續收取。 公�對於交通罰款創收的質疑一直不斷。而記者從廣州交警獲悉,光白雲機場公安,今年上半年就開出罰單1.8萬張,罰款近400萬元。一年罰了多少錢?用往何處?幾十年下來累計罰了多少,有關部門多年來一直不予回應,成了一筆沒數的“糊塗賬”。 因為缺少監管,很多費用成了有人用、無人管的“唐僧肉”。燃油附加費,從出租車到民航,原本是針對油價浮動的臨時性價格指導措施,可許多地方卻把“臨時”變成了“常態”。還有公交卡押金費,到底“押”在哪裡? 據新華社文件倉
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 11:55
West Nile Virus hits Phelan, kills burro
Source: Daily Press, Victorville, Calif.存倉Sept. 08--BARSTOW -- The West Nile Virus continues to spread throughout San Bernardino County, with the latest casualty a burro from Phelan.On Friday, Ron Lenhert from Apple Valley Equine Hospital said the burro died sometime last week and the virus is believed to be the cause of death.A horse from Barstow also is believed to have been struck with WNV, but the horse named Cleatus-Lee was more fortunate than the burro."Neither one of the animals were vaccinated," Lenhert said. "The burro didn't get to us very soon and died about a week ago. The lab is still working on tests, but WNV is at the top of the list."Lenhert said a second blood test will determine if Cleatus-Lee has WNV. According to Lenhert the horse is not stable enough to travel, and he is pushing the family to get the test done next week.Lenhert said WNV is at the top of the list, but by no means is it the only possible disease on the list.There have not been any other reports迷你倉in the area of West Nile Virus that Lenhert is aware of, but he strongly suggests that animals get vaccinated against it."The vaccinations are huge," Lenhert said. "If you don't get a flu shot you may get diarrhea, headache and snotty nose, but you don't die. But when you get West Nile in the horse world, big-time problem."Lenhert said about half of the horses that get the virus die, and about 20 percent of those that survive may not fully recover. Those that never fully recover can become a bit uncoordinated because WNV attacks the spinal cord.Mal Wessel said his granddaughter's horse was given a fair chance to survive by Lenhert."Cleatus-Lee is doing wonderfully well," Wessel said. "He's still very unstable. He's tough but he's going to make it. He's walking more and the problem he has is his back legs."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Daily Press (Victorville, Calif.) Visit the Daily Press (Victorville, Calif.) at .vvdailypress.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉